101 Ways to Leave a Game Show (2011–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Get Him Away from Me! - full transcript
Wild eliminations await this week's players, with $50,000 dollars at stake. Contestants will be eliminated one by one in spectacular fashion by either being towed across a lake by a speeding powerboat, crushed beneath a huge monster truck, sunk by cannon fire or yanked thousands of feet into the air by a helicopter. The final four contestants will face off against each other -- atop a ten-story drop from The Tower -- for a chance to take home $50,000 dollars in cash.
The stunts performed on
this show, are supervised
by highly trained professionals.
Do not attempt them at home,
or anywhere else,
for that matter.
Tonight eight contestants
compete in a game show
like no other.
The question is...
- bl don't know.
- Uh-oh.
Choosing the correct answer
can win you $50,000...
But choose just one
wrong answer...
The wrong answer is...
Oh, my God.
And you're gone...
See you later!
On "101 ways to
leave a game show."
You've got to be
kidding me right now.
Welcome to the most
insane game show
in the history of television.
Only one of you,
who we're gonna call the winner,
is gonna walk away with $50,000.
And, guys, we couldn't have
made the game more simple.
All you got to do is answer
a question correctly,
and you stay in the game.
However, if you get just one
question wrong, you're not only
gonna walk away from the
show a penniless failure,
'cause there's absolutely
no fun in that for me.
No, we are going
to eject you from the show a
penniless failure, and we've
got 101 different
ways to do that.
All right, you guys ready?
All right, let's do it. I'm
gonna divide you guys up
into two groups. This
front row right here...
You guys are gonna be one
group, whereas the back row...
You guys are gonna go second,
so why don't you guys
step off to the side and
hang out for a second?
Have fun.
To stay in the game and compete
for $50,000, all you got to do
is get this question correct.
If you don't,
you are off the show for
good, and here's how.
When is it gonna stop?
You guys are each
gonna be standing
at the edge of that dock,
attached to a rope.
The other end of that rope
happens to be attached to
that very fast, angry powerboat.
Get the question wrong...
And one of you will, I
promise you that...
You get yanked and dragged
across this lake very fast.
Oh, no.
I call this one, the
powerboat yank.
Oh, my gosh.
Before I ask you guys the first
question, I got a little game
to determine the order in which
you guys will answer it.
Whoever gets closest
to the correct number
will answer first,
second-closest answer second,
and so on. According to
guinness, a Russian woman
holds the world record for most
children born to one mother.
Write down how many
total children she had.
Looking for the total number of
children according to guinness.
All right. Let's see what
everyone's got as an answer.
Flip 'em around.
22 children for Matt, 25
for Doug, 24 for Morgan,
and A.J. 27.
All your answers are actually
very close to each other.
However, you're not very
close to our Russian woman,
who actually had 16
pairs of twins...
Seven sets of triplets, and
four sets of quadruplets.
The Russian woman actually
had 69 children...
That's crazy.
Which means, A.J., you go
first, Doug, you're second,
Morgan, you're third, and, Matt,
you are fourth. Follow me.
Kind of feel bad. All right,
you guys are all harnessed in
and strapped to that powerboat.
I'm gonna ask you a question, but
first, here are the answers.
Paul Newman,
Dr. Seuss,
Albert Einstein,
and George Steinbrenner.
And the question is...
In 2010, which 3 of these
made the top 10 in
the Forbes list
of highest-earning
dead celebrities?
A.J., you get to go first.
A.J.... what's that short for?
Amanda Jill.
How'd you end up
on the show here?
I work at a bank.
Banking gets boring.
I needed a little spice in
my life, so ended up here.
All right. Three of those are right.
One is wrong.
Avoid the one wrong answer.
You know what? I'm gonna
go with Paul Newman,
'cause he has a salad
dressing and stuff.
All right. You are locked and
loaded with Paul Newman.
Doug, over to you. You
get to pick second.
Well, Jeff, let's see. Let's run
this down a little bit. Uh...
Let's br... break it
down for me, Doug.
Okay, uh, Dr. Seuss,
"green eggs and ham,"
read that kind of stuff.
And you have kids, right?
I do.
And so you maybe read some Dr.
Seuss to them?
I have, in the past, yeah.
All right.
George Steinbrenner,
very controversial
guy for the Yankees,
owner and stuff like that, so I'm gonna...
think I'm gonna
narrow it down, and I'm gonna
go with George Steinbrenner.
Previous owner of the Yankees. Okay.
Morgan, on down to you.
Dr. Seuss and Albert Einstein
are your two choices left.
I'm so scared right now.
Now, Morgan, you are the
youngest contestant here.
You think being young
gives you an advantage?
Maybe. I mean, like,
I don't even know...
I don't know who George Stein...
brenner is, so...
Well, you don't have to know,
'cause Doug already picked it, so...
I know, but I was gonna pick that,
just 'cause I didn't
know who it was.
"I don't know who that guy
is, so I'm going with him."
I don't know if that's a
strategy you want to use here,
I'm just saying. You only
have two answers left anyway.
Well, yeah.
I'm gonna go with
Albert Einstein.
You're gonna go with Albert Einstein.
Why are you going with Albert
Einstein over Dr. Seuss?
I'm assuming you just finished
reading the Dr. Seuss series.
I'm sorry. It was there.
Does it have anything to do with
the powerboat attached to you?
Maybe. Maybe. Okay.
Yeah. Well, Matt, that
leaves one answer for you.
Not much choice, but let me ask you this.
Rumor has it that
you're doing this show because
your fiancée wanted you to?
To pay for the wedding.
Do you think this is any way
to start off your marriage...
Being attached to a boat because
your future wife said that this
would be a good idea?
I might not make it,
so it may be all good.
And these guys have more or
less picked the answer for you.
Yes. I wonder what I'm-a pick.
You're gonna go with Dr. Seuss.
He's great.
It's a good answer?
Yeah, Dr. Seuss.
You guys want to hear a really funny story?
What's that?
That boat goes over 100 miles an hour.
Sweet. Oh, God.
All right. You know, I'm
just gonna... yeah.
Just take these just in case,
because there's really not gonna
be too much to see anyway.
Now it's time to find
out who's leaving
"101 ways to leave a game show."
Start the engine!
Oh, my God.
Closer up.
My God.
A.J., you went with Paul Newman,
Doug, you picked
George Steinbrenner,
Morgan, you picked
Albert Einstein,
and, Matt, you ended up with Dr.
You know what? You guys
picked the answer for him.
Dr. Seuss was correct.
Unplug me, yeah.
We'll save the hugs for later.
I'm just gonna unhook you.
Yeah. All right.
There you go. Get over there.
I'm out of here. Sorry.
All right. Two of you are right.
One of you is wrong.
No. You know what?
I just want to see one of you
guys end up in the drink.
The wrong answer is...
Not George Steinbrenner!
Paul Newman!
Oh, my God! Aah!
Oh, my gosh.
Nice job, guys. Congratulations.
You are joining Matt. You guys
are moving on to the next round.
You're still in it
for the $50,000.
Do you guys realize how many
fish pee in this lake a day?
Ugh! That is just
absolutely disgusting.
All right, follow me. Let's see
what the others got in store.
Great, thanks.
All right, the three of
you guys, wait here.
The rest of you, follow me.
Be careful.
All right.
You guys know the deal.
You know how this works.
To stay in the game and
compete for the $50,000,
all you got to do is get
the question right.
If you're wrong, however, you're
off the show, and here's how.
All right. You guys
know the deal.
To stay in the game and
compete for the $50,000,
all you got to do is get
the question right.
If you're wrong, however, you're
off the show and here's how.
You'll each be sitting inside
one of those cars over there.
If you're wrong, you're gonna
meet my good 5-ton friend,
truck Norris.
Oh, my gosh.
I like to call this one
the monster truck squash.
Whoo! All right, before
I ask you the question,
let's play a little game
to determine the order in
which you'll answer it.
I want you to write down
how many gallons of water
the Shamu stadium pool complex
in seaworld San Diego can hold.
I'm looking for the
gallons of water
the Shamu stadium pool
complex can hold.
All right, let's see
what we got for answers.
20,000, 22...
Is that 3,978 gallons?
And 2,000 gallons!
I panicked. Okay, hold on.
You guys are really close,
and by really close,
I mean not at all...
Okay. Because the average
swimming pool...
Yeah. Holds 20,000
gallons of water.
Ohh. The actual answer is 6.7
million gallons of water.
Oops. The entire complex.
Which makes Ray first... Yeah!
Daniel second, Nicshelle
third, and Jaime fourth.
I was so close.
All right. Give a reshuffle.
Don't tell me where to go!
Ray, you get the honors of going
first, so before we do, I got
to check out this necklace.
It's an eyeball and a "1."
Yes, sir. Please explain that.
Well, for the layman's term, that
means "I'm number one." Ok..
Ooh. And, uh, tell me, you
were a cheerleader...
There's got to be a story
how that happened.
Well, it all began with a girl.
As most stories do.
She said, "you know, why don't
you join the cheer leading team?
We'll spend more time together."
And how'd that work out?
Never dated her. You
were a cheerleader, too.
I wasn't a man cheerleader.
I know
all right, let's get started.
I'm gonna give you guys
a question, but first the
answers, and here they are.
Breastfeeding for dummies,
mind reading for dummies,
acne for dummies, and
identity theft for dummies.
And the question is,
which three of these
are actual books in the
"for dummies" series?
Ray, you have first choice.
Lot of pregnant women out there,
so I'd figure there should be
a "breastfeeding for dummies" book.
Time out.
Are you calling
pregnant women dumb?
No, no, not at all. It's the
name of the book. Okay.
I just want to clarify, 'cause
there are two women here.
Nothing to you, mama.
So you believe
there is a book called
"breastfeeding for dummies"?
Yes, Jeff, I believe there's a book.
Very good. All right.
Why don't you go get in
your breastfeeding car?
Oh, ho ho ho, wow.
Bye. All right, Daniel.
As you know,
three of those answers are right...
One is wrong.
However, before we get your answer...
hairstylist... yes. Yes.
Right? How'd that happen?
Is there a girl... no...
Chance you could hang out more?
'Cause I've heard that story.
Multiple. Multiple.
Okay. All right, anyways,
mind reading for dummies...
I could see there being a book
for that, for some reason.
Identity theft for dummies...
I could also see that
one being possible,
because there's a lot of people
that get identity theft. Sure.
So I'm gonna go... with...
Identity theft.
Identity theft for dummies.
I'm gonna go with it. All right.
Why don't you go jump in your car?
All right.
Hi. Uh, single mom, yeah?
Yes. And two kids?
Yes. Whew. And... here's...
This is impressive... phd.
Working on it. Okay, and what
will you be able to do with that?
Teach at a university, become
a motivational speaker...
Win game shows. Exactly. Holla!
All right, we are looking for
the actual book... okay.
In the "for dummies" series.
I would say mind reading for
dummies, due to the fact that...
Due to the fact that you're
reading my mind right now.
I can tell with your eyes.
Okay. Exactly.
But I really think so, because
there are people that
are, you know, mind readers, and
they have television shows...
Okay. Radio shows, talk
shows, and so forth,
so maybe that would work for them.
Go get in your car!
Holla! All right, Jaime. You're
from a small town, yeah?
Yes. Wenatchee, Washington.
I've never even heard of that.
Nobody ever has. How big
is the town, numbers-wise?
Numbers-wise? Um, I think...
More than 2,000?
It would hold shamu.
Okay. Very good.
You really don't have much
of a choice here. Exactly.
You're left with acne for dummies.
Acne for dummies.
If you had your free pick, what would
you have gone with? Identity theft.
Identity theft. Okay. I almost
feel like I've seen that before,
so yeah, that would have
been my first choice.
Which do you think
is the wrong one?
You think... you
think you're wrong?
I don't... I've never seen...
I mean... acne for dummies?
All right. Let's go get in your car.
Come on.
I don't know. All right.
Let's do it.
Well, I'm not gonna get in your car.
That would be foolish.
Oh, my gosh.
It's time to find out who's safe
and who's leaving "101 ways
to leave a game show."
Truck Norris, start your engine.
Oh, my gosh. Just so you
guys know, I don't have to
tell anyone they're safe
with the correct answer.
Why am I doing this?
I can signal truck
Norris whenever I want.
I asked you guys
to name one book
in the "for dummies" series.
Three of you are right,
and one of you is wrong.
Ray, first choice,
breastfeeding for dummies...
Correct. Yeah!
Congratulations. You are
safe and moving on...
One step closer to $50,000.
Get me out of this thing.
All right. Over here...
The guy who has said "please."
Let me ask you this.
Do you own any of the
"for dummies" books?
Besides "awesome facial
hair for dummies."
Yes. Uh, no.
"Identity theft for dummies"
helps you prevent your
identity from being stolen.
You are safe.
Congratulations, my friend.
The guys happen to
be safe, ladies.
Oh, look.
A conveniently placed
remote control.
This probably controls that
giant monster truck...
Which, upon my command,
will come over at top speed
and crush your car,
with you in it.
Oh, lord...
You went with...
Mind reading for dummies.
Mind reading for dummies.
And you went with...
Acne for dummies.
One of you's gonna continue
to play for $50,000,
and one of you is going to
meet my friend, truck Norris.
- Let's see this.
- Oh, boy.
Mind reading for dummies, come
on, mind reading for dummies...
Here we go.
Mind reading for dummies,
mind reading for dummies...
I can now tell you this.
The wrong answer is...
I asked you guys,
which are actual books in
the "for dummies" series?
You went with... Mind
reading for dummies.
And you went with...
Acne for dummies.
One of you is right, and
one of you is wrong.
Mind reading for dummies, come on, mind
reading for dummies... here we go.
Mind reading for dummies,
mind reading for dummies...
I can now tell you this.
The wrong answer is...
Mind reading for dummies! Aah!
Oh, wow!
Get him away from me!
Congratulations. The six of you
are moving on to the next level.
Wow. Definitely.
You guys ready for the
next elimination?
All right. Why don't you
head on over to the docks,
and I'll meet you there?
Hey, fantastic.
Whoo! Let's go!
Get me out!
Oh, yeah. Look at this...
Jeff, yeah, whoo!
That's talent... talent.
I like that.
Hey! There he is!
Way to go, bud!
I got this, guys,
though, seriously.
- All right.
- Careful.
- Hold on.
- Welcome to land.
All right! Yeah.
Now here we are... you
guys back on the water.
We saw A.J.
Get yanked from the powerboat,
and Nicshelle get crushed
by the monster truck. Now that
you guys have gotten to know
each other a little bit better,
sizing up the competition,
who do you think's
the biggest threat?
I'm gonna say my man right here.
He's knowledgeable...
You're knowledgeable... aw, what?
Hey. Gimme some love.
Hey, we got a cheerleader,
we got a man cheerleader,
we got a man hairdresser. I'm
taking this one. It's all me.
All right, you guys all know
how the game is played, right?
To stay in the game and
compete for the $50,000,
all you got to do is get
the question right.
If you are wrong, you're off
the show, and here's how.
Each one of you dinghies are
gonna be operating one of those
dinghies out there. If you get
the question right, you're safe.
Paddle yourself to shore.
However, if you're wrong,
I'm gonna fire that Cannon,
and I'm gonna sink
your battleship.
Oh, man! Oh, my God.
I call this one...
Down with the ship.
All right. Now before I ask you
the question, I want to play
a little game to determine
the order in which you're
gonna answer, and everyone
grab their pad behind them.
Oh, yeah.
I want you to write down
how many feet of wire are
in an original slinky.
How many feet of wire are
in an original slinky?
Let's see what we
got for answers.
Everyone turn 'em around.
Matt 18... 18.
Morgan 10, Doug 30. The slinky
actually didn't start off
as a toy. It was discovered
by a naval engineer
who dropped a coil of wire,
and then they saw it move,
and they decided, "hey, let's
make a toy out of this."
An original slinky was
actually 80 feet long...
Oh, gosh. Uncoiled...
Wow. Which means
Doug is first...
Whoo-hoo! Matt is second...
No! No. And Morgan is third.
Yeah! Oh! Sorry for
you, sorry for you.
All right, now that we
all have your answers
and we know the order,
let's get in your ships.
Whoo! Let's do it!
It's time to win.
All right, now that you're
all out in your dinghies...
Doug, you actually make
that hat look good.
You bet, man. I'm sharp.
I'm gonna give you a question,
but first, here are the answers.
Tennis legend Arthur Ashe,
Chinese leader Mao Tse-Tung,
and cartoon superhero
Mighty Mouse.
Which two of these images are
tattooed on Mike Tyson's body?
Two are right, one is wrong.
Avoid the wrong one.
Doug, over to you. Do
you have any tattoos?
You want to see? I can show you.
You know what?
Let's keep that really
nice-looking shirt on. Keep it on.
All right. Very good.
What do you think?
Okay. Well, starting
with Arthur Ashe...
Fellow athlete, that
could be a possibility
going on to Mao Tse-Tung...
Political figure...
Eh, not so sure Mike might have
an affinity for that or not,
but, um, Mighty Mouse...
You know, seeing that
pose of Mighty Mouse,
I think that Tyson's got to be,
uh, inclined to have that
as a tattoo on his body,
so I'm thinking Mighty
Mouse is my answer.
Matt, over to you. Yes.
You are one step
closer to that $50,000
that's gonna help pay for that wedding.
Oh, yes.
Planning the wedding... is that
primarily on your shoulders,
or your, uh, future bride?
Well, I do everything
she tells me to do.
That's... that's the first rule I know.
That's... that's good man.
So he's whipped. Yep.
What do you think?
Arthur Ashe... he was a
great tennis player,
but you know what?
Mao... You know what?
He was... he was a great political figure.
For him to have
that tatted would be
definitely, uh, special.
My... my final answer,
I'm-a have to go with Mao.
I hope you drown.
Never been talked to by a
cheerleader like this.
I'm proud of it.
That's a damn shame.
"That's a damn shame."
Spirit fingers.
Spirit fingers, yeah.
All right. Moving on to Morgan.
What are you gonna do
with that $50,000?
Buy a car. Are you
old enough to drive?
I got my permit, um, last month, so...
working on it, okay?
What color car you gonna get?
Streets of L.A., beware.
Oh, my God.
All right. So, Morgan, of
course, you are going with...
Arthur Ashe.
Arthur Ashe, tennis legend.
Did you ever watch
Arthur Ashe play tennis?
Yeah, right.
Did you even know that Arthur
Ashe was a tennis player?
No idea. If you had your
choice of any answer,
what would you have gone with?
I would have gone
with Mighty Mouse.
I can make that happen. I
can switch that for you.
Oh, yeah?
Wait no. I stand corrected.
I cannot do that.
No? Oh, thanks. Thanks.
It's against the rules.
Don't mess with me like that.
Well, you guys have all given
me your answers. Two of you
are right, one of you is wrong,
and it's time to find out
which one of you is leaving "101
ways to leave a game show."
I can now tell you this...
While Mike Tyson was in jail,
he did a lot of reading.
One of the authors he read
inspired him greatly...
So greatly,
he decided to get a tattoo
of that person, on himself.
That person...
Arthur Ashe.
Captain Morgan, why don't you
paddle yourself into safety?
Oh, my gosh!
Told you. Who's gonna
be dancing now?
Uh-oh! I'd take off
the shoes now, buddy!
I'm good. I'm still good.
Hey, Morgan. Just a heads up...
If you win the $50,000,
I wouldn't buy a boat.
Get there already.
Tickets, please.
Morgan, congratulations.
You are moving on
to the final round.
Thank you!
That one worked out for ya. I
say we sink one of these guys.
Yes. Whoo! Let's do it.
I asked you guys,
which two of these images are
tattooed on Mike Tyson's body?
Doug, you went
with Mighty Mouse.
Matt, you went
with Mao Tse-Tung.
I'm comfortable.
All right, well, actually...
My aim's never been very good.
Doug, does that look
like it's on you?
Uh, yeah, it's straight on me,
but, uh, that way, please.
How about now? Wrong aim.
You're cross-eyed, clearly.
Check the lighter.
Yep, that worked.
Let's do this, Jeff!
Come on, now!
The wrong answer is...
Mighty Mouse! Ohh, no!
Oh, yeah! Doug, you
had the first choice,
and you bought it, hook,
line, and sinker.
Oh, my gosh!
So long, Doug.
I'm on a boat! I'm
still on a boat!
Congratulations, my friend.
Both of you...
Nicely done. Have a
chance at $50,000.
Ready to see how we're gonna
eliminate the next player?
Follow me. Oh, get them outta here.
Get 'em outta here.
Matt and Morgan, you guys
can watch from here.
The rest of you, follow me.
Welcome to the next level.
Ray, the male cheerleader.
You got to appreciate the
restraint I have right now.
Now only two of you will be able
to move on to the final round
and compete for $50,000.
Answer the question correctly,
that could be you.
You get it wrong,
and you're off the show
for good, and here's how.
That's a huge antenna.
Good lord.
Panther, release the condor.
No way.
Only two of you will be able
to move on to the final round
and compete for $50,000.
Answer the question correctly,
that could be you.
You get it wrong,
and you're off the show
for good, and here's how.
That's a huge antenna.
Panther, release the condor.
No way.
No way!
You guys will each be
attached to that helicopter.
Answer correctly, you're
safe and stay grounded.
If you are incorrect, however,
you will be taken
far, far away from us
and $50,000...
Oh, my God.
At a nice, easy cruising
altitude of over 3,000 feet.
Oh, my God. What?
I like to call this one...
- Oh, man.
- Oh, no.
And of course, I'd
like to find out
in which order you
guys get to answer in,
so I want you to write down how
many calories are in a big Mac.
All right, we all have our answers.
Flip 'em around.
650, 1,600, 1,100.
The correct answer is...
540. A big Mac has
540 calories...
What? No! Really?
Which means... Daniel first, Ray second...
You're gone. Yes!
Really? Jaime... unfortunately,
you're going third again.
Snap! I went over the limit this time.
Oh, my God.
All right. Let's go get
you guys flight-ready.
All right. Let's do it.
Daniel, you're first.
You got honors.
Oh, man. Uh...
You nervous about it, at all?
Little bit. Little bit, yeah.
Want 50 grand.
But look at the other side
of that coin... okay.
Potentially $50,000.
That's what I'm here for.
What are you gonna
do with that money?
Tanning bed... that's
what you'd say, right?
Okay. Oh, of course. 'Course...
No, seriously... vacation, spend it,
and open up a really big bar tab.
There you go. All right.
Sounds good. Somewhere.
All right, guys. To advance to
the final round for $50,000,
All right. I'm gonna ask you a question,
but first here are your answers.
Cow face, baby gorilla,
and Lord of the Dance.
According to "yoga journal,"
which two of these are
actual yoga poses?
Daniel, let's get
to your answer.
Two are right, one is wrong.
The only thing that really
rings to me, that I would, uh,
feel comfortable going with...
I'm not entirely sure, out of
the three of 'em, but
I'm gonna say the.....
Lord of the dance.
If you had to do a
lord of the dance,
could you show me
what that might be?
Okay. All right. Ray liked it.
Ray liked it, so...
'- Course he did.
- He's a cheerleader.
So you're going with
lord of the dance? I am.
I'm gonna go with
lord of the dance.
Okay. Ray, we're on over to you.
Yes, sir.
All right. Lord of the
dance is off the table.
Two of those answers are
right, one is wrong.
Yoga... that's got to be
in your wheelhouse. No.
Now come on. No, seriously, Ray. No.
I personally don't do yoga.
I think you've done yoga. No.
Liar! What do you think? I'm
going with... cow face.
We're gonna go with cow face.
Why cow face?
Baby gorilla seems a little too simple.
I might be wrong.
All right. Finally, we're over
to you, Jaime. Yeah, so...
I'm seeing a trend here...
always last to pick. Yeah. Yeah.
All right, if you had to do
the baby gorilla yoga pose,
what do you got? Love
your smile right now.
We're waiting for this patiently all day.
I want to see this.
Okay. Just for the record,
I've not been to many
yoga classes in my life,
but it generally does not tail
actually making noises, so...
I've been to one class.
It doesn't show.
That was phenomenal.
All right. It's time to
find out who's leaving
"101 ways to leave a game
show." Bring in the chopper!
It's getting slightly too loud
for me, so if you don't mind,
I'm gonna put these on.
Get 'em out of here!
And finally...
Daniel, you had first choice,
and you went with
lord of the dance.
Ray, you went with cow face.
Give me a double dream hands
if you're happy with that answer, buddy.
There it is.
Oh, Jaime, an all-too
familiar position.
No choice, you got stuck
with baby gorilla.
But you dodged the
bullet last time.
Ray. Yeah!
I want you to give me
the pose right here.
Do it. Superman. Aah...
You know what that pose is, Ray?
That pose is called,
"lord of the dance,"
which means you are safe.
Oh. Unnecessary man
hug, but I'll take it.
Oh, my God, oh, my
God, oh, my God.
I was so wrong.
Let's just take in the show...
Take in the show.
All right, guys.
One of you is right and is
moving on to the final round
for a chance at $50,000.
Please be right, please be
right, please be right.
The other one...
Please, please, please, please.
The wrong answer is...
Oh, my God. Somebody's going.
Baby gorilla! Aah!
Oh, my God! Yeah! Yeah, baby!
Oh, my God, oh, my God,
oh, my God, oh, my gosh!
She's so high. She's flying.
Oh, my God, put me down.
Oh, my God, put me down.
Oh, my gosh. Look at
how insane that is.
Oh, my God. I'm gonna miss her.
Ohh! Oh, my God. Oh, my God, oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
You're joining Matt and
Morgan in the final round
for a chance at $50,000.
Let's make our way...
To the tower.
All right. Let's go.
Oh, my God!
Anyone here afraid of heights?
It's okay.
I'm only climbing to the
top to win this, so...
- Oh, my God.
- Yeah!
Welcome to the final round!
Holy shish kebab!
- Okay...
- That's right.
Now that we have the dramatic
shot of all of us walking up,
and you all being astounded at
how high in the air we are,
let me tell you about
what's happening.
In a few short minutes... And
if I do my job correctly,
it'll seem like an eternity for you...
one of you will be walking
away from us... that's right,
walking away... $50,000 richer.
However, the other three of
you are gonna be testing
the laws of gravity, but I'm
gonna get to that in a second.
Before I give you the final
question here in the final round
that's worth $50,000, I want to
tell you about a little change.
I'm still gonna give
you a question,
I'm still gonna give you
the answers in advance.
However, this time around, three
of those answers will be wrong...
What? And only one
will be right.
Find that right answer,
and you are leaving
here $50,000 richer.
Whoo. Yeah, all right.
All right? Let me tell you guys
a little something about what's
gonna happen to you if you pick
one of the wrong answers. Ohh.
Oh, gosh.
Let me tell you guys a little
something about what's gonna
happen to you if you pick
one of the wrong answers.
Imagine you are standing on one
of those platforms over there,
a mere ten stories
above the water,
when all of a sudden, you
are blasted in the back
with an industrial-strength
air Cannon...
What? Knocking you
100 feet below.
- Ohh.
- Oh, my gosh.
Well, for three of you, you're
not gonna have to imagine that,
because it's gonna be a reality.
I call this one, blast chance.
Ohh. Oh, gosh.
Before I ask you the main
and final $50,000 question,
we're gonna play a little
game to determine the order
in which you're gonna answer.
Three of you are about to
take a mighty big fall,
so in reference to that,
according to the national
floor safety institute,
write down what percentage
of emergency room visits
are a result of people falling.
Closest to that correct number
gets to go first, second,
third, and finally, fourth.
All right, let's flip 'em
around, see what you got.
Morgan went with 48%,
Ray 85%, Matt 60%...
And Daniel 50%.
Well, falls are the
number one reason
people visit the emergency room.
The correct answer is...
21.3%, which means Morgan,
with 48%, gets to go first...
Whoo-hoo! Ha ha!
Daniel, with 50%,
gets to go second...
Second! Aah! Third, of
course, with 60%, is Matt...
Ohh. No, that's good.
And Ray, with 85%... It's okay.
You're going fourth. All right,
let's go get you into positions.
- Never. Never.
- Whoo!
All right, everyone. To the
edge of the platform, please...
I'll be nice... Please.
Ohh. Ohh. Yeah.
- Oh, my God.
- Yeah.
Keep it coming, keep it coming.
Don't be shy. Ohh.
Whoo. Let's get right out
there, right out there.
Kind of scared. I
want to go home now.
It's a whole different
game from there, isn't it?
Morgan, how you feeling now?
I can't...
She can't even talk.
Okay. I'm gonna say,
we should just get to
the $50,000 question.
- Yeah.
- Yes, please.
Get to it.
For r $50,000,
here are the answers
to the final question.
"Star Wars,"
and "Gone with the wind."
Your question is,
according to the web
site box office mojo,
which one of these movies
sold the most tickets
in U.S. box office history?
Remember, three of
those are wrong.
One of 'em is right. You
want the right one.
Morgan, you are up first.
I can't even, like, look even
remotely down right now,
'cause I'm freaking out, but...
I'm stuck between "Star Wars"...
Okay. And... "Gone
with the wind."
I have a feeling that
probably has a good chance.
Have you seen any of those movies? I've
seen all but "Gone with the wind."
Okay. So...
I'm gonna have to go
with "Star Wars."
You're gonna go
with "Star Wars."
You think "Star Wars"
is going to win you
the $50,000 to buy that
pink car that you wanted.
I'm as certain as I'm gonna get.
Morgan has taken "Star Wars"
off the table, gentlemen.
Whoo. We're over to Daniel.
All right. I know
"Avatar" was a huge hit,
and I know that that
sold a lot of tickets,
and I know "gone with the wind" was...
a huge success...
But something about "Titanic"
just makes me think
that that would be it.
Does it have to do with
the water beneath you?
I would have to go with probably
that, and right now I'm having
a very hard time concentrating,
but I'm gonna go with "Titanic."
Matt, we're over to you.
Left, you have "Avatar"
and "Gone with the wind."
Yeah. That's... that's harsh,
you know, uh, "Avatar"
seems pretty good, but I'm torn.
You know, I'm feeling like, uh,
I don't know, but I'm
gonna go with "Avatar."
You know who's been awful quiet?
Ray. Is Ray.
Oh, yeah. How you
hanging in there, Ray?
I'm doing pretty good.
For a cheerleader.
Ohh! The trash
talking continues.
Yeah. It's all good.
You are getting stuck with
"Gone with the wind."
You have no say on whether
you're getting $50,0,0
or you're going over the edge.
You've been taking a beating
for being a male cheerleader, and
you're saying it's all good.
I can't help it. I'm good with it.
Let's go. Oh!
Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
What's this? A trigger!
Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Yeah!
This is gonna be fun. For
the last time today,
we're gonna find
out who's leaving
"101 ways to leave a game show."
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. Oh, lord.
I don't know if want to
play this game anymore.
Oh, my God.
The question was, which one of
these sold the most tickets
in U.S. box office history?
Morgan, you went
with "Star Wars."
Daniel, "Titanic." Yeah.
Matt, you're putting the
money on the blue people
with "Avatar"... Go with 'em.
And Ray is getting stuck
with "Gone with the wind."
Watch this. Oh, my God.
Safety's off.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
You know what we call this?
Ejection mode.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Oh. One of the wrong
answers is...
"Avatar." Oh, no!
So long, Matt! See ya later.
Oh, man! Ohh! Ohh!
Morgan, did you see him go?!
I didn't watch it.
I can't watch it!
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. Oh, man!
There are three of you left,
and I would just love to
press this trigger again!
Ohh. One of the
wrong answers is...
Oh, gosh. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
One of you is about to
plummet 100 feet down...
Oh, my God. Oh, my...
And off the show.
The question was, which one of
these sold the most tickets
in U.S. box office history?
Morgan, you went
with "Star Wars."
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Daniel, you went with "Titanic"...
And Ray is getting stuck
with "Gone with the wind."
There are three of you left,
and I would just love to
press this trigger again!
Ohh. One of the
wrong answers is...
Oh, gosh. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my gosh!
Wow. Morgan, you had
to have seen that one.
That was right next to you.
I-I didn't see it.
Two of you left!
One of you is right and is
going home $50,000 richer!
Come on. I see absolutely zero
excitement out of you guys!
What is the problem?
I'm scared to death right now.
I was looking for a
movie that sold... Ohh.
The most tickets in U.S.
box office history. Whoo.
Morgan went with "Star Wars."
Ray got stuck with
"Gone with the wind."
Let's find out who's right
and going home with $50,000
and who's dropping 100 feet.
The wrong answer in...
Do I need to remind you guys...
Don't say it.
The wrong answer is...
"Star Wars." So long, Morgan!
Aah! No!
Yeah, baby! Yeah!
Aah! Aah!
Yeah! "Gone with the
wind" is correct!
Yeah, baby! Whoo! "Gone
with the wind," man!
Congratulations, Ray! You
are $50,000 richer...
50 grand! Yeah, baby! What now? And
that is the way to leave a game show.
See, I already beat you guys!
Where are you now? Yeah!
I own this!
"101 ways to Ray"! Whoo, yeah!
Morgan, just so you know, this
is only an hour-long show.
But look, I'm almost there.
Almost, as in not really.
this show, are supervised
by highly trained professionals.
Do not attempt them at home,
or anywhere else,
for that matter.
Tonight eight contestants
compete in a game show
like no other.
The question is...
- bl don't know.
- Uh-oh.
Choosing the correct answer
can win you $50,000...
But choose just one
wrong answer...
The wrong answer is...
Oh, my God.
And you're gone...
See you later!
On "101 ways to
leave a game show."
You've got to be
kidding me right now.
Welcome to the most
insane game show
in the history of television.
Only one of you,
who we're gonna call the winner,
is gonna walk away with $50,000.
And, guys, we couldn't have
made the game more simple.
All you got to do is answer
a question correctly,
and you stay in the game.
However, if you get just one
question wrong, you're not only
gonna walk away from the
show a penniless failure,
'cause there's absolutely
no fun in that for me.
No, we are going
to eject you from the show a
penniless failure, and we've
got 101 different
ways to do that.
All right, you guys ready?
All right, let's do it. I'm
gonna divide you guys up
into two groups. This
front row right here...
You guys are gonna be one
group, whereas the back row...
You guys are gonna go second,
so why don't you guys
step off to the side and
hang out for a second?
Have fun.
To stay in the game and compete
for $50,000, all you got to do
is get this question correct.
If you don't,
you are off the show for
good, and here's how.
When is it gonna stop?
You guys are each
gonna be standing
at the edge of that dock,
attached to a rope.
The other end of that rope
happens to be attached to
that very fast, angry powerboat.
Get the question wrong...
And one of you will, I
promise you that...
You get yanked and dragged
across this lake very fast.
Oh, no.
I call this one, the
powerboat yank.
Oh, my gosh.
Before I ask you guys the first
question, I got a little game
to determine the order in which
you guys will answer it.
Whoever gets closest
to the correct number
will answer first,
second-closest answer second,
and so on. According to
guinness, a Russian woman
holds the world record for most
children born to one mother.
Write down how many
total children she had.
Looking for the total number of
children according to guinness.
All right. Let's see what
everyone's got as an answer.
Flip 'em around.
22 children for Matt, 25
for Doug, 24 for Morgan,
and A.J. 27.
All your answers are actually
very close to each other.
However, you're not very
close to our Russian woman,
who actually had 16
pairs of twins...
Seven sets of triplets, and
four sets of quadruplets.
The Russian woman actually
had 69 children...
That's crazy.
Which means, A.J., you go
first, Doug, you're second,
Morgan, you're third, and, Matt,
you are fourth. Follow me.
Kind of feel bad. All right,
you guys are all harnessed in
and strapped to that powerboat.
I'm gonna ask you a question, but
first, here are the answers.
Paul Newman,
Dr. Seuss,
Albert Einstein,
and George Steinbrenner.
And the question is...
In 2010, which 3 of these
made the top 10 in
the Forbes list
of highest-earning
dead celebrities?
A.J., you get to go first.
A.J.... what's that short for?
Amanda Jill.
How'd you end up
on the show here?
I work at a bank.
Banking gets boring.
I needed a little spice in
my life, so ended up here.
All right. Three of those are right.
One is wrong.
Avoid the one wrong answer.
You know what? I'm gonna
go with Paul Newman,
'cause he has a salad
dressing and stuff.
All right. You are locked and
loaded with Paul Newman.
Doug, over to you. You
get to pick second.
Well, Jeff, let's see. Let's run
this down a little bit. Uh...
Let's br... break it
down for me, Doug.
Okay, uh, Dr. Seuss,
"green eggs and ham,"
read that kind of stuff.
And you have kids, right?
I do.
And so you maybe read some Dr.
Seuss to them?
I have, in the past, yeah.
All right.
George Steinbrenner,
very controversial
guy for the Yankees,
owner and stuff like that, so I'm gonna...
think I'm gonna
narrow it down, and I'm gonna
go with George Steinbrenner.
Previous owner of the Yankees. Okay.
Morgan, on down to you.
Dr. Seuss and Albert Einstein
are your two choices left.
I'm so scared right now.
Now, Morgan, you are the
youngest contestant here.
You think being young
gives you an advantage?
Maybe. I mean, like,
I don't even know...
I don't know who George Stein...
brenner is, so...
Well, you don't have to know,
'cause Doug already picked it, so...
I know, but I was gonna pick that,
just 'cause I didn't
know who it was.
"I don't know who that guy
is, so I'm going with him."
I don't know if that's a
strategy you want to use here,
I'm just saying. You only
have two answers left anyway.
Well, yeah.
I'm gonna go with
Albert Einstein.
You're gonna go with Albert Einstein.
Why are you going with Albert
Einstein over Dr. Seuss?
I'm assuming you just finished
reading the Dr. Seuss series.
I'm sorry. It was there.
Does it have anything to do with
the powerboat attached to you?
Maybe. Maybe. Okay.
Yeah. Well, Matt, that
leaves one answer for you.
Not much choice, but let me ask you this.
Rumor has it that
you're doing this show because
your fiancée wanted you to?
To pay for the wedding.
Do you think this is any way
to start off your marriage...
Being attached to a boat because
your future wife said that this
would be a good idea?
I might not make it,
so it may be all good.
And these guys have more or
less picked the answer for you.
Yes. I wonder what I'm-a pick.
You're gonna go with Dr. Seuss.
He's great.
It's a good answer?
Yeah, Dr. Seuss.
You guys want to hear a really funny story?
What's that?
That boat goes over 100 miles an hour.
Sweet. Oh, God.
All right. You know, I'm
just gonna... yeah.
Just take these just in case,
because there's really not gonna
be too much to see anyway.
Now it's time to find
out who's leaving
"101 ways to leave a game show."
Start the engine!
Oh, my God.
Closer up.
My God.
A.J., you went with Paul Newman,
Doug, you picked
George Steinbrenner,
Morgan, you picked
Albert Einstein,
and, Matt, you ended up with Dr.
You know what? You guys
picked the answer for him.
Dr. Seuss was correct.
Unplug me, yeah.
We'll save the hugs for later.
I'm just gonna unhook you.
Yeah. All right.
There you go. Get over there.
I'm out of here. Sorry.
All right. Two of you are right.
One of you is wrong.
No. You know what?
I just want to see one of you
guys end up in the drink.
The wrong answer is...
Not George Steinbrenner!
Paul Newman!
Oh, my God! Aah!
Oh, my gosh.
Nice job, guys. Congratulations.
You are joining Matt. You guys
are moving on to the next round.
You're still in it
for the $50,000.
Do you guys realize how many
fish pee in this lake a day?
Ugh! That is just
absolutely disgusting.
All right, follow me. Let's see
what the others got in store.
Great, thanks.
All right, the three of
you guys, wait here.
The rest of you, follow me.
Be careful.
All right.
You guys know the deal.
You know how this works.
To stay in the game and
compete for the $50,000,
all you got to do is get
the question right.
If you're wrong, however, you're
off the show, and here's how.
All right. You guys
know the deal.
To stay in the game and
compete for the $50,000,
all you got to do is get
the question right.
If you're wrong, however, you're
off the show and here's how.
You'll each be sitting inside
one of those cars over there.
If you're wrong, you're gonna
meet my good 5-ton friend,
truck Norris.
Oh, my gosh.
I like to call this one
the monster truck squash.
Whoo! All right, before
I ask you the question,
let's play a little game
to determine the order in
which you'll answer it.
I want you to write down
how many gallons of water
the Shamu stadium pool complex
in seaworld San Diego can hold.
I'm looking for the
gallons of water
the Shamu stadium pool
complex can hold.
All right, let's see
what we got for answers.
20,000, 22...
Is that 3,978 gallons?
And 2,000 gallons!
I panicked. Okay, hold on.
You guys are really close,
and by really close,
I mean not at all...
Okay. Because the average
swimming pool...
Yeah. Holds 20,000
gallons of water.
Ohh. The actual answer is 6.7
million gallons of water.
Oops. The entire complex.
Which makes Ray first... Yeah!
Daniel second, Nicshelle
third, and Jaime fourth.
I was so close.
All right. Give a reshuffle.
Don't tell me where to go!
Ray, you get the honors of going
first, so before we do, I got
to check out this necklace.
It's an eyeball and a "1."
Yes, sir. Please explain that.
Well, for the layman's term, that
means "I'm number one." Ok..
Ooh. And, uh, tell me, you
were a cheerleader...
There's got to be a story
how that happened.
Well, it all began with a girl.
As most stories do.
She said, "you know, why don't
you join the cheer leading team?
We'll spend more time together."
And how'd that work out?
Never dated her. You
were a cheerleader, too.
I wasn't a man cheerleader.
I know
all right, let's get started.
I'm gonna give you guys
a question, but first the
answers, and here they are.
Breastfeeding for dummies,
mind reading for dummies,
acne for dummies, and
identity theft for dummies.
And the question is,
which three of these
are actual books in the
"for dummies" series?
Ray, you have first choice.
Lot of pregnant women out there,
so I'd figure there should be
a "breastfeeding for dummies" book.
Time out.
Are you calling
pregnant women dumb?
No, no, not at all. It's the
name of the book. Okay.
I just want to clarify, 'cause
there are two women here.
Nothing to you, mama.
So you believe
there is a book called
"breastfeeding for dummies"?
Yes, Jeff, I believe there's a book.
Very good. All right.
Why don't you go get in
your breastfeeding car?
Oh, ho ho ho, wow.
Bye. All right, Daniel.
As you know,
three of those answers are right...
One is wrong.
However, before we get your answer...
hairstylist... yes. Yes.
Right? How'd that happen?
Is there a girl... no...
Chance you could hang out more?
'Cause I've heard that story.
Multiple. Multiple.
Okay. All right, anyways,
mind reading for dummies...
I could see there being a book
for that, for some reason.
Identity theft for dummies...
I could also see that
one being possible,
because there's a lot of people
that get identity theft. Sure.
So I'm gonna go... with...
Identity theft.
Identity theft for dummies.
I'm gonna go with it. All right.
Why don't you go jump in your car?
All right.
Hi. Uh, single mom, yeah?
Yes. And two kids?
Yes. Whew. And... here's...
This is impressive... phd.
Working on it. Okay, and what
will you be able to do with that?
Teach at a university, become
a motivational speaker...
Win game shows. Exactly. Holla!
All right, we are looking for
the actual book... okay.
In the "for dummies" series.
I would say mind reading for
dummies, due to the fact that...
Due to the fact that you're
reading my mind right now.
I can tell with your eyes.
Okay. Exactly.
But I really think so, because
there are people that
are, you know, mind readers, and
they have television shows...
Okay. Radio shows, talk
shows, and so forth,
so maybe that would work for them.
Go get in your car!
Holla! All right, Jaime. You're
from a small town, yeah?
Yes. Wenatchee, Washington.
I've never even heard of that.
Nobody ever has. How big
is the town, numbers-wise?
Numbers-wise? Um, I think...
More than 2,000?
It would hold shamu.
Okay. Very good.
You really don't have much
of a choice here. Exactly.
You're left with acne for dummies.
Acne for dummies.
If you had your free pick, what would
you have gone with? Identity theft.
Identity theft. Okay. I almost
feel like I've seen that before,
so yeah, that would have
been my first choice.
Which do you think
is the wrong one?
You think... you
think you're wrong?
I don't... I've never seen...
I mean... acne for dummies?
All right. Let's go get in your car.
Come on.
I don't know. All right.
Let's do it.
Well, I'm not gonna get in your car.
That would be foolish.
Oh, my gosh.
It's time to find out who's safe
and who's leaving "101 ways
to leave a game show."
Truck Norris, start your engine.
Oh, my gosh. Just so you
guys know, I don't have to
tell anyone they're safe
with the correct answer.
Why am I doing this?
I can signal truck
Norris whenever I want.
I asked you guys
to name one book
in the "for dummies" series.
Three of you are right,
and one of you is wrong.
Ray, first choice,
breastfeeding for dummies...
Correct. Yeah!
Congratulations. You are
safe and moving on...
One step closer to $50,000.
Get me out of this thing.
All right. Over here...
The guy who has said "please."
Let me ask you this.
Do you own any of the
"for dummies" books?
Besides "awesome facial
hair for dummies."
Yes. Uh, no.
"Identity theft for dummies"
helps you prevent your
identity from being stolen.
You are safe.
Congratulations, my friend.
The guys happen to
be safe, ladies.
Oh, look.
A conveniently placed
remote control.
This probably controls that
giant monster truck...
Which, upon my command,
will come over at top speed
and crush your car,
with you in it.
Oh, lord...
You went with...
Mind reading for dummies.
Mind reading for dummies.
And you went with...
Acne for dummies.
One of you's gonna continue
to play for $50,000,
and one of you is going to
meet my friend, truck Norris.
- Let's see this.
- Oh, boy.
Mind reading for dummies, come
on, mind reading for dummies...
Here we go.
Mind reading for dummies,
mind reading for dummies...
I can now tell you this.
The wrong answer is...
I asked you guys,
which are actual books in
the "for dummies" series?
You went with... Mind
reading for dummies.
And you went with...
Acne for dummies.
One of you is right, and
one of you is wrong.
Mind reading for dummies, come on, mind
reading for dummies... here we go.
Mind reading for dummies,
mind reading for dummies...
I can now tell you this.
The wrong answer is...
Mind reading for dummies! Aah!
Oh, wow!
Get him away from me!
Congratulations. The six of you
are moving on to the next level.
Wow. Definitely.
You guys ready for the
next elimination?
All right. Why don't you
head on over to the docks,
and I'll meet you there?
Hey, fantastic.
Whoo! Let's go!
Get me out!
Oh, yeah. Look at this...
Jeff, yeah, whoo!
That's talent... talent.
I like that.
Hey! There he is!
Way to go, bud!
I got this, guys,
though, seriously.
- All right.
- Careful.
- Hold on.
- Welcome to land.
All right! Yeah.
Now here we are... you
guys back on the water.
We saw A.J.
Get yanked from the powerboat,
and Nicshelle get crushed
by the monster truck. Now that
you guys have gotten to know
each other a little bit better,
sizing up the competition,
who do you think's
the biggest threat?
I'm gonna say my man right here.
He's knowledgeable...
You're knowledgeable... aw, what?
Hey. Gimme some love.
Hey, we got a cheerleader,
we got a man cheerleader,
we got a man hairdresser. I'm
taking this one. It's all me.
All right, you guys all know
how the game is played, right?
To stay in the game and
compete for the $50,000,
all you got to do is get
the question right.
If you are wrong, you're off
the show, and here's how.
Each one of you dinghies are
gonna be operating one of those
dinghies out there. If you get
the question right, you're safe.
Paddle yourself to shore.
However, if you're wrong,
I'm gonna fire that Cannon,
and I'm gonna sink
your battleship.
Oh, man! Oh, my God.
I call this one...
Down with the ship.
All right. Now before I ask you
the question, I want to play
a little game to determine
the order in which you're
gonna answer, and everyone
grab their pad behind them.
Oh, yeah.
I want you to write down
how many feet of wire are
in an original slinky.
How many feet of wire are
in an original slinky?
Let's see what we
got for answers.
Everyone turn 'em around.
Matt 18... 18.
Morgan 10, Doug 30. The slinky
actually didn't start off
as a toy. It was discovered
by a naval engineer
who dropped a coil of wire,
and then they saw it move,
and they decided, "hey, let's
make a toy out of this."
An original slinky was
actually 80 feet long...
Oh, gosh. Uncoiled...
Wow. Which means
Doug is first...
Whoo-hoo! Matt is second...
No! No. And Morgan is third.
Yeah! Oh! Sorry for
you, sorry for you.
All right, now that we
all have your answers
and we know the order,
let's get in your ships.
Whoo! Let's do it!
It's time to win.
All right, now that you're
all out in your dinghies...
Doug, you actually make
that hat look good.
You bet, man. I'm sharp.
I'm gonna give you a question,
but first, here are the answers.
Tennis legend Arthur Ashe,
Chinese leader Mao Tse-Tung,
and cartoon superhero
Mighty Mouse.
Which two of these images are
tattooed on Mike Tyson's body?
Two are right, one is wrong.
Avoid the wrong one.
Doug, over to you. Do
you have any tattoos?
You want to see? I can show you.
You know what?
Let's keep that really
nice-looking shirt on. Keep it on.
All right. Very good.
What do you think?
Okay. Well, starting
with Arthur Ashe...
Fellow athlete, that
could be a possibility
going on to Mao Tse-Tung...
Political figure...
Eh, not so sure Mike might have
an affinity for that or not,
but, um, Mighty Mouse...
You know, seeing that
pose of Mighty Mouse,
I think that Tyson's got to be,
uh, inclined to have that
as a tattoo on his body,
so I'm thinking Mighty
Mouse is my answer.
Matt, over to you. Yes.
You are one step
closer to that $50,000
that's gonna help pay for that wedding.
Oh, yes.
Planning the wedding... is that
primarily on your shoulders,
or your, uh, future bride?
Well, I do everything
she tells me to do.
That's... that's the first rule I know.
That's... that's good man.
So he's whipped. Yep.
What do you think?
Arthur Ashe... he was a
great tennis player,
but you know what?
Mao... You know what?
He was... he was a great political figure.
For him to have
that tatted would be
definitely, uh, special.
My... my final answer,
I'm-a have to go with Mao.
I hope you drown.
Never been talked to by a
cheerleader like this.
I'm proud of it.
That's a damn shame.
"That's a damn shame."
Spirit fingers.
Spirit fingers, yeah.
All right. Moving on to Morgan.
What are you gonna do
with that $50,000?
Buy a car. Are you
old enough to drive?
I got my permit, um, last month, so...
working on it, okay?
What color car you gonna get?
Streets of L.A., beware.
Oh, my God.
All right. So, Morgan, of
course, you are going with...
Arthur Ashe.
Arthur Ashe, tennis legend.
Did you ever watch
Arthur Ashe play tennis?
Yeah, right.
Did you even know that Arthur
Ashe was a tennis player?
No idea. If you had your
choice of any answer,
what would you have gone with?
I would have gone
with Mighty Mouse.
I can make that happen. I
can switch that for you.
Oh, yeah?
Wait no. I stand corrected.
I cannot do that.
No? Oh, thanks. Thanks.
It's against the rules.
Don't mess with me like that.
Well, you guys have all given
me your answers. Two of you
are right, one of you is wrong,
and it's time to find out
which one of you is leaving "101
ways to leave a game show."
I can now tell you this...
While Mike Tyson was in jail,
he did a lot of reading.
One of the authors he read
inspired him greatly...
So greatly,
he decided to get a tattoo
of that person, on himself.
That person...
Arthur Ashe.
Captain Morgan, why don't you
paddle yourself into safety?
Oh, my gosh!
Told you. Who's gonna
be dancing now?
Uh-oh! I'd take off
the shoes now, buddy!
I'm good. I'm still good.
Hey, Morgan. Just a heads up...
If you win the $50,000,
I wouldn't buy a boat.
Get there already.
Tickets, please.
Morgan, congratulations.
You are moving on
to the final round.
Thank you!
That one worked out for ya. I
say we sink one of these guys.
Yes. Whoo! Let's do it.
I asked you guys,
which two of these images are
tattooed on Mike Tyson's body?
Doug, you went
with Mighty Mouse.
Matt, you went
with Mao Tse-Tung.
I'm comfortable.
All right, well, actually...
My aim's never been very good.
Doug, does that look
like it's on you?
Uh, yeah, it's straight on me,
but, uh, that way, please.
How about now? Wrong aim.
You're cross-eyed, clearly.
Check the lighter.
Yep, that worked.
Let's do this, Jeff!
Come on, now!
The wrong answer is...
Mighty Mouse! Ohh, no!
Oh, yeah! Doug, you
had the first choice,
and you bought it, hook,
line, and sinker.
Oh, my gosh!
So long, Doug.
I'm on a boat! I'm
still on a boat!
Congratulations, my friend.
Both of you...
Nicely done. Have a
chance at $50,000.
Ready to see how we're gonna
eliminate the next player?
Follow me. Oh, get them outta here.
Get 'em outta here.
Matt and Morgan, you guys
can watch from here.
The rest of you, follow me.
Welcome to the next level.
Ray, the male cheerleader.
You got to appreciate the
restraint I have right now.
Now only two of you will be able
to move on to the final round
and compete for $50,000.
Answer the question correctly,
that could be you.
You get it wrong,
and you're off the show
for good, and here's how.
That's a huge antenna.
Good lord.
Panther, release the condor.
No way.
Only two of you will be able
to move on to the final round
and compete for $50,000.
Answer the question correctly,
that could be you.
You get it wrong,
and you're off the show
for good, and here's how.
That's a huge antenna.
Panther, release the condor.
No way.
No way!
You guys will each be
attached to that helicopter.
Answer correctly, you're
safe and stay grounded.
If you are incorrect, however,
you will be taken
far, far away from us
and $50,000...
Oh, my God.
At a nice, easy cruising
altitude of over 3,000 feet.
Oh, my God. What?
I like to call this one...
- Oh, man.
- Oh, no.
And of course, I'd
like to find out
in which order you
guys get to answer in,
so I want you to write down how
many calories are in a big Mac.
All right, we all have our answers.
Flip 'em around.
650, 1,600, 1,100.
The correct answer is...
540. A big Mac has
540 calories...
What? No! Really?
Which means... Daniel first, Ray second...
You're gone. Yes!
Really? Jaime... unfortunately,
you're going third again.
Snap! I went over the limit this time.
Oh, my God.
All right. Let's go get
you guys flight-ready.
All right. Let's do it.
Daniel, you're first.
You got honors.
Oh, man. Uh...
You nervous about it, at all?
Little bit. Little bit, yeah.
Want 50 grand.
But look at the other side
of that coin... okay.
Potentially $50,000.
That's what I'm here for.
What are you gonna
do with that money?
Tanning bed... that's
what you'd say, right?
Okay. Oh, of course. 'Course...
No, seriously... vacation, spend it,
and open up a really big bar tab.
There you go. All right.
Sounds good. Somewhere.
All right, guys. To advance to
the final round for $50,000,
All right. I'm gonna ask you a question,
but first here are your answers.
Cow face, baby gorilla,
and Lord of the Dance.
According to "yoga journal,"
which two of these are
actual yoga poses?
Daniel, let's get
to your answer.
Two are right, one is wrong.
The only thing that really
rings to me, that I would, uh,
feel comfortable going with...
I'm not entirely sure, out of
the three of 'em, but
I'm gonna say the.....
Lord of the dance.
If you had to do a
lord of the dance,
could you show me
what that might be?
Okay. All right. Ray liked it.
Ray liked it, so...
'- Course he did.
- He's a cheerleader.
So you're going with
lord of the dance? I am.
I'm gonna go with
lord of the dance.
Okay. Ray, we're on over to you.
Yes, sir.
All right. Lord of the
dance is off the table.
Two of those answers are
right, one is wrong.
Yoga... that's got to be
in your wheelhouse. No.
Now come on. No, seriously, Ray. No.
I personally don't do yoga.
I think you've done yoga. No.
Liar! What do you think? I'm
going with... cow face.
We're gonna go with cow face.
Why cow face?
Baby gorilla seems a little too simple.
I might be wrong.
All right. Finally, we're over
to you, Jaime. Yeah, so...
I'm seeing a trend here...
always last to pick. Yeah. Yeah.
All right, if you had to do
the baby gorilla yoga pose,
what do you got? Love
your smile right now.
We're waiting for this patiently all day.
I want to see this.
Okay. Just for the record,
I've not been to many
yoga classes in my life,
but it generally does not tail
actually making noises, so...
I've been to one class.
It doesn't show.
That was phenomenal.
All right. It's time to
find out who's leaving
"101 ways to leave a game
show." Bring in the chopper!
It's getting slightly too loud
for me, so if you don't mind,
I'm gonna put these on.
Get 'em out of here!
And finally...
Daniel, you had first choice,
and you went with
lord of the dance.
Ray, you went with cow face.
Give me a double dream hands
if you're happy with that answer, buddy.
There it is.
Oh, Jaime, an all-too
familiar position.
No choice, you got stuck
with baby gorilla.
But you dodged the
bullet last time.
Ray. Yeah!
I want you to give me
the pose right here.
Do it. Superman. Aah...
You know what that pose is, Ray?
That pose is called,
"lord of the dance,"
which means you are safe.
Oh. Unnecessary man
hug, but I'll take it.
Oh, my God, oh, my
God, oh, my God.
I was so wrong.
Let's just take in the show...
Take in the show.
All right, guys.
One of you is right and is
moving on to the final round
for a chance at $50,000.
Please be right, please be
right, please be right.
The other one...
Please, please, please, please.
The wrong answer is...
Oh, my God. Somebody's going.
Baby gorilla! Aah!
Oh, my God! Yeah! Yeah, baby!
Oh, my God, oh, my God,
oh, my God, oh, my gosh!
She's so high. She's flying.
Oh, my God, put me down.
Oh, my God, put me down.
Oh, my gosh. Look at
how insane that is.
Oh, my God. I'm gonna miss her.
Ohh! Oh, my God. Oh, my God, oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
You're joining Matt and
Morgan in the final round
for a chance at $50,000.
Let's make our way...
To the tower.
All right. Let's go.
Oh, my God!
Anyone here afraid of heights?
It's okay.
I'm only climbing to the
top to win this, so...
- Oh, my God.
- Yeah!
Welcome to the final round!
Holy shish kebab!
- Okay...
- That's right.
Now that we have the dramatic
shot of all of us walking up,
and you all being astounded at
how high in the air we are,
let me tell you about
what's happening.
In a few short minutes... And
if I do my job correctly,
it'll seem like an eternity for you...
one of you will be walking
away from us... that's right,
walking away... $50,000 richer.
However, the other three of
you are gonna be testing
the laws of gravity, but I'm
gonna get to that in a second.
Before I give you the final
question here in the final round
that's worth $50,000, I want to
tell you about a little change.
I'm still gonna give
you a question,
I'm still gonna give you
the answers in advance.
However, this time around, three
of those answers will be wrong...
What? And only one
will be right.
Find that right answer,
and you are leaving
here $50,000 richer.
Whoo. Yeah, all right.
All right? Let me tell you guys
a little something about what's
gonna happen to you if you pick
one of the wrong answers. Ohh.
Oh, gosh.
Let me tell you guys a little
something about what's gonna
happen to you if you pick
one of the wrong answers.
Imagine you are standing on one
of those platforms over there,
a mere ten stories
above the water,
when all of a sudden, you
are blasted in the back
with an industrial-strength
air Cannon...
What? Knocking you
100 feet below.
- Ohh.
- Oh, my gosh.
Well, for three of you, you're
not gonna have to imagine that,
because it's gonna be a reality.
I call this one, blast chance.
Ohh. Oh, gosh.
Before I ask you the main
and final $50,000 question,
we're gonna play a little
game to determine the order
in which you're gonna answer.
Three of you are about to
take a mighty big fall,
so in reference to that,
according to the national
floor safety institute,
write down what percentage
of emergency room visits
are a result of people falling.
Closest to that correct number
gets to go first, second,
third, and finally, fourth.
All right, let's flip 'em
around, see what you got.
Morgan went with 48%,
Ray 85%, Matt 60%...
And Daniel 50%.
Well, falls are the
number one reason
people visit the emergency room.
The correct answer is...
21.3%, which means Morgan,
with 48%, gets to go first...
Whoo-hoo! Ha ha!
Daniel, with 50%,
gets to go second...
Second! Aah! Third, of
course, with 60%, is Matt...
Ohh. No, that's good.
And Ray, with 85%... It's okay.
You're going fourth. All right,
let's go get you into positions.
- Never. Never.
- Whoo!
All right, everyone. To the
edge of the platform, please...
I'll be nice... Please.
Ohh. Ohh. Yeah.
- Oh, my God.
- Yeah.
Keep it coming, keep it coming.
Don't be shy. Ohh.
Whoo. Let's get right out
there, right out there.
Kind of scared. I
want to go home now.
It's a whole different
game from there, isn't it?
Morgan, how you feeling now?
I can't...
She can't even talk.
Okay. I'm gonna say,
we should just get to
the $50,000 question.
- Yeah.
- Yes, please.
Get to it.
For r $50,000,
here are the answers
to the final question.
"Star Wars,"
and "Gone with the wind."
Your question is,
according to the web
site box office mojo,
which one of these movies
sold the most tickets
in U.S. box office history?
Remember, three of
those are wrong.
One of 'em is right. You
want the right one.
Morgan, you are up first.
I can't even, like, look even
remotely down right now,
'cause I'm freaking out, but...
I'm stuck between "Star Wars"...
Okay. And... "Gone
with the wind."
I have a feeling that
probably has a good chance.
Have you seen any of those movies? I've
seen all but "Gone with the wind."
Okay. So...
I'm gonna have to go
with "Star Wars."
You're gonna go
with "Star Wars."
You think "Star Wars"
is going to win you
the $50,000 to buy that
pink car that you wanted.
I'm as certain as I'm gonna get.
Morgan has taken "Star Wars"
off the table, gentlemen.
Whoo. We're over to Daniel.
All right. I know
"Avatar" was a huge hit,
and I know that that
sold a lot of tickets,
and I know "gone with the wind" was...
a huge success...
But something about "Titanic"
just makes me think
that that would be it.
Does it have to do with
the water beneath you?
I would have to go with probably
that, and right now I'm having
a very hard time concentrating,
but I'm gonna go with "Titanic."
Matt, we're over to you.
Left, you have "Avatar"
and "Gone with the wind."
Yeah. That's... that's harsh,
you know, uh, "Avatar"
seems pretty good, but I'm torn.
You know, I'm feeling like, uh,
I don't know, but I'm
gonna go with "Avatar."
You know who's been awful quiet?
Ray. Is Ray.
Oh, yeah. How you
hanging in there, Ray?
I'm doing pretty good.
For a cheerleader.
Ohh! The trash
talking continues.
Yeah. It's all good.
You are getting stuck with
"Gone with the wind."
You have no say on whether
you're getting $50,0,0
or you're going over the edge.
You've been taking a beating
for being a male cheerleader, and
you're saying it's all good.
I can't help it. I'm good with it.
Let's go. Oh!
Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
What's this? A trigger!
Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Yeah!
This is gonna be fun. For
the last time today,
we're gonna find
out who's leaving
"101 ways to leave a game show."
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. Oh, lord.
I don't know if want to
play this game anymore.
Oh, my God.
The question was, which one of
these sold the most tickets
in U.S. box office history?
Morgan, you went
with "Star Wars."
Daniel, "Titanic." Yeah.
Matt, you're putting the
money on the blue people
with "Avatar"... Go with 'em.
And Ray is getting stuck
with "Gone with the wind."
Watch this. Oh, my God.
Safety's off.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
You know what we call this?
Ejection mode.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Oh. One of the wrong
answers is...
"Avatar." Oh, no!
So long, Matt! See ya later.
Oh, man! Ohh! Ohh!
Morgan, did you see him go?!
I didn't watch it.
I can't watch it!
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. Oh, man!
There are three of you left,
and I would just love to
press this trigger again!
Ohh. One of the
wrong answers is...
Oh, gosh. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
One of you is about to
plummet 100 feet down...
Oh, my God. Oh, my...
And off the show.
The question was, which one of
these sold the most tickets
in U.S. box office history?
Morgan, you went
with "Star Wars."
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Daniel, you went with "Titanic"...
And Ray is getting stuck
with "Gone with the wind."
There are three of you left,
and I would just love to
press this trigger again!
Ohh. One of the
wrong answers is...
Oh, gosh. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my gosh!
Wow. Morgan, you had
to have seen that one.
That was right next to you.
I-I didn't see it.
Two of you left!
One of you is right and is
going home $50,000 richer!
Come on. I see absolutely zero
excitement out of you guys!
What is the problem?
I'm scared to death right now.
I was looking for a
movie that sold... Ohh.
The most tickets in U.S.
box office history. Whoo.
Morgan went with "Star Wars."
Ray got stuck with
"Gone with the wind."
Let's find out who's right
and going home with $50,000
and who's dropping 100 feet.
The wrong answer in...
Do I need to remind you guys...
Don't say it.
The wrong answer is...
"Star Wars." So long, Morgan!
Aah! No!
Yeah, baby! Yeah!
Aah! Aah!
Yeah! "Gone with the
wind" is correct!
Yeah, baby! Whoo! "Gone
with the wind," man!
Congratulations, Ray! You
are $50,000 richer...
50 grand! Yeah, baby! What now? And
that is the way to leave a game show.
See, I already beat you guys!
Where are you now? Yeah!
I own this!
"101 ways to Ray"! Whoo, yeah!
Morgan, just so you know, this
is only an hour-long show.
But look, I'm almost there.
Almost, as in not really.