Movies with titles beginning with letter - "M"
- Mutant Hunt (1987)
- Mutant Python (2021)
- Mutant Species (1995)
- Mutant Swinger from Mars (2003)
- Mutant Vampire Zombies from the 'Hood! (2008)
- Mutant Vampires from the Planet Neptune (2021)
- Mutant War (1988)
- Mute (2018)
- Mute Date (2019)
- Mute Witness (1995)
- Muthu (1995)
- Mutiny (1999)
- Mutiny (1952)
- Mutiny of the Worker Bees (2020)
- Mutiny on the Elsinore (1937)
- Mutters Maske (1988)
- Mutts to You (1938)
- Mutzmag (1993)
- Muxmäuschenstill (2004)
- Muzhiki! (1981)
- Muzzikanti (2017)
- MVP 2: Most Vertical Primate (2001)
- MVP: Most Valuable Primate (2000)
- MW (2009)
- My 11th Mother (2007)
- My 13 (2008)
- My 2 Mommies (2018)
- My 3 Boys (2018)
- My Adventures with Santa (2019)
- My Afternoons with Margueritte (2010)