Mutiny of the Worker Bees (2020) - full transcript

Omar Buendía, a super smart guy, who came out with the best average in school and is expected to do great things in life.

Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to our show

that is just about to start

and will keep you company
almost until noon.

Stay tuned with us
in the middle of this polluted city...

What the heck?

Jesus, he killed him!

Why did you, grandpa?

This was the most important day
of my life!

I've got 100,000 followers!

The most important day of your life?

Are you insane?

What? Grandpa, it's just a show.
I'm becoming famous.

Look, this whole Phony thing
is out of control.

Look, we've never had so many customers.

I'm super popular.
People start respecting me.

I'm finally making a name
for myself, grandpa!

A name? Back in the day,
to make a name for yourself

was something different.

Besides, you know what?

I'm getting...

I'm getting too old

to see you ruin your life.

What makes you think I'm ruining my life?

You went to school for so long

to become the clown of the Internet thing?

Okay, first of all,
it's not "the Internet thing."

It's just "the Internet."

It's like radio.
It's not "radio thing", just "radio."

that's the point of the Internet.

To make jokes, memes and jokes, grandpa!

Why don't you get a real job?

What for? To be white-collar?

Nobody became a millionaire
with a 9 to 5 job.

Nor did anyone become a millionaire

-with a giant costume!
-What? Are you serious?

What about Mickey Mouse?

Barney, grandpa. What about

the ones in Burbujas?

Not millionaires,
but they made a ton.

Son, I'm serious about this.

I'm also serious about this, grandpa!

Just imagine.

Hear me out.


The name of my new company.

I need some money to start,

-but I will do it.
-What the hell is Cherry?

Cherry, the fruit.

Who would name their company
after a fruit?

Almost no one. Does Apple ring a bell?

Well, Cherry will be its number one rival.

You know why?

Because that apple is bitten

and my cherry is a perfect little ball
with a super cute stem.

And it has more antioxidants
than anything.

Maybe it's not like apples,
but it still is cool.


What's wrong?

I think...

I think I got a stomach ache
from listening to so much


I think you got a stomach ache

after eating so many sandwiches.

You know what? Forget it.

I need to go to work.

Because at least one of us has to.
Excuse me.

So now an old man
wants to teach me about the Internet.

Like there's WiFi in their skulls.

-What's up, Yali?

Get this out of the way,
you can't pass.

Do it yourself, fucking Teletubbie.


I brought you the tacos you like
so we can make peace!



Yes, this is he.


A heart attack?
But he was fine this morning.

Right, but that was a warning.
Your grandfather is an old man.

Okay, be straight with me.

Well, your grandfather's condition
is delicate.

He needs a very expensive treatment.

I'd suggest you get
good medical insurance.

What do you do?

You'd do anything not to work, huh?

What did the...

doctor say?


he said...

you should be an actor.


You were overreacting
and everything will be fine.

That's great.

That way I can carry out my plan.

-What plan?
-You may not have noticed

but I'm no teenager.

I spent my whole life fixing things.

And I've come to realize

that the only person I haven't fixed...

is myself.

What do you want to do?

Learn another language.

Make love in a church.

Be the lead singer in a band.

And my biggest dream is to be 

a flier in Pepantla.

Grandpa, what are they putting
in your I.V.?

-You're saying nonsense.
-Come on! Look,

if I stay trapped in that store

I'll never be able to experience all that.


I was going to say this later but...

I've been thinking about

this whole steady job thing.

Maybe it's not a bad idea.

Maybe I can save some money
to start my own business, right?

-You mean it?

-Yes. You go on vacation.

I'll just stay here
and watch how big companies fight

-to have me on their payroll.
-What about the shop?

What about the customers?

Don't worry about that.

I will inform them
like a professional should.




Let's go. First, we look for job posts
the old-school way.

That is, the newspaper.


Then we move on to online job placement.

It's basically like looking
for a girlfriend online.

You set up a profile, upload a photo,

write down your hobbies,
same old thing.

And lastly, social media.

Guys, I'm looking for a job.

In the interview,
you need to have a straight face.

You're not a match.

Not what we're looking for.

We need someone with more experience.

You must convince them
you're the best option.

You need more experience.

How about across the street?

The competition hires any idiot
that shows up there.

It's like dating online.

If someone likes you or is interested

they let you know immediately
and then there's a second date.

But reality's a little uglier
than online dating.

It's all great, Oscar.

Omar. It's Omar.

Right, whatever. Thanks for coming.

And now, the words

no candidate ever wants to hear.

We'll call you, okay?

You'll never call me!

Yes, I'll call you.

Okay, so

did you get a job or not?

Grandpa, you didn't get it!
Okay, I'll explain again.

They wait before they call you.

That way they don't seem desperate
and risk you asking for more money.

It's all marketing. They always do that.

-Hi, how are you? Omar?

-How are you?

This is Chava, from Relo Tech.
Do you have a minute?


-Yes, it's me.

-Omar. Yes.

You got the job.

-When can you start?

-As soon as possible.
-I can go tomorrow.

-Tomorrow's fine.
-I'll be there.

-Okay, thanks.
-Thank you.

You won't regret giving me this cha--



They hung up.

What are you doing?

It's a surprise.

-What? A bottle?
-Even better.

A joint?

Watch it!

Here it is!

I saw it. There it is.

Look. Coming down.


Check it out.


You went to a costume party
dressed as the Joker?

It was your dad's favorite!

But it smells like shit, grandpa!

-No. Wait, let's be clear.

There's no way I'm wearing this!


Oh, my God! Fuck!

Right, perfect.

See you then. I'll let Tania know, okay?

Excellent. Wash it up for me.

All right. I'll get there later.

Hold on a sec.

That car's the prettiest thing
you'll see today.

Thank you!

You really saved me.
If I'd have had to wait for the next one,

bye-bye punctuality.

Omar. My name's Omar.

-Maribel. Nice to meet you.

We'll be coworkers.

-I think so.

Maybe you could--

Why are you all wet?

Oh. This...

-This dude made me fall.

Into the fountain. The one outside.

-So it's your first day?
-It is.

And it seems I started on the right foot.

Look, this is the vice president
of the company.

-Oh, good morning, darling.
-Hi, Sir.

-You look great today.
-Thank you.

Too bad you're not wearing that blue dress
I love so much, huh?

-Come on.

This is Omar, he's the new one.

Hey, no need to wear a tie to wash cars.

Keep pushing.
Come, we have an appointment.

Yes, Sir.

-What's up?
-I'll see you later.

Maribel! Nine o'clock. Fantastic.

-Good morning, ma'am.

This is the new guy.

Tania Davich,
Vice President of Operations.

-Omar Buendía.
-Good morning.

No. That's my last name.

-You too have a great day.

But I'm Omar Buendía...

My God!

My God!

-Did you just fart?

No, no. I...

No. It must be the suit, it's wet.

-It was my dad's--
-Come in.

Come, come.

Close the door.

Sit down.

No! Don't sit down!

Sorry, ew.

Okay, let me explain
how this office operates

and what you were hired for.

-Yes, I think--
-Oh, no. First mistake.

You're an employee.

Basic level. Which means

you don't think or decide,
and what's more important,

you don't act, all right?

Yes, Mrs. Boss. I--

Mrs. Boss?



ever call me Mrs. Boss again.

Ever. Only "boss" or "ma'am."

-Right, Ma'am Boss--

Stop interrupting, damn it!

Here's your card.

That's your access
to the toilet and the office.

You do know
who handles your contract, right?

-You do?

Your hire depends
on your development of an app

-for Relo Tech.
-When do you need it?

In four weeks.

Of course. I'll get to work right away.

No, no.

Right now you'll work on something else.

Now go, check your emails,

have Maribel help you out.

The project I refer to
is for your free time.

What do I mean by this?

When you use the toilet,

leave your phone and take your project.

For before you sleep. Or sleep less.

For your lunchtime.

Eat in ten minutes, work on the project.

Am I clear?


I just wanted to say
thank you for this opportunity.

No. I do this with all my heart.

I mean it. From the bottom of my soul.

I love it.

And don't forget your post here
depends on that project.


Thank you, ma'am, boss.

Go now.



So what's up with the Game of Thrones
villain, the boss?

That's just how she is.
And I'm her assistant.

-She's not as bad as she seems.

Well, yes, actually she is.

But if you do your job right
it'll be fine.

Look. Here's your desk.

You already have an assigned email.
Have a seat.

I'll fill you in. Mr. Braulio, the CEO,

wants every new employee
to watch this video

so you can relate to the company.


If you need anything, let me know.


-Hi. Omar. It's nice--

Yeah, just a new guy who wants
to make friends like the rest.

I'll call you later. Bye.

Relo Tech is a company

that provides communication
and technology development services.

Very few companies set out
to make such a great effort

in innovation and leadership

and satisfy its customers' needs.

Based on these principles, in 1986,

its founder, engineer
Braulio de los Llanos Carrasco,

created Relo Tech,

the Mexican company
that breaks all boundaries.

We are not afraid
of competing and standing out.

We are all Relo Tech!

No, I wasn't waving at you, just...

Oh, Omar.

You lost again, man! I'm telling you!

Amazing! How do you do it?

"Great power carries with it
great responsibility." I told you.

-I want revenge.

-One last time.

-Three, two, one...

What's this? Why aren't you working?

Oh, we're just swapping ideas
for the launch.

Right, we're on that project--

Come on, stop talking nonsense!
Get to work.

Omar! Come!

They won't come out.

This is Omar Buendía, your new coworker.

-Hi, Omar.

This is Quique and Hugo.

They may not look like it,

but they're the best app developers
here at Relo Tech.

So mingle for a while.

And get to work.

Hey, Omar.


Uh, so I'll...

I'll be right there, on the corner.

In case you need anything.

-All right.
-And we're here.

I see that.

Okay. Bye.



-Let me see

Is that Snapchat?

Snapchat? That's her real face.

My dear Padawan,

prepared you are
to learn the white-collar rules.

Rule number one.

Always carry your card with pride
at all times.

In the toilet, in the elevator,
in church, at the taco shop.

Your card is your life.

Rule number two.

Your lunch break never lasts 60 minutes

but what your boss wants:
15, 10 or 5 minutes.

So take advantage of any place.

Rule number three.

We know you'll fuck up
with rule number one at some point

and you'll forget your card,

so it's very important
to get along with this guy.

I forgot my card.

No, wait, I can't do that.

Rule number four.

Learn the tribe dialects of the office.

The Close Friends:
accounting and administration.

They love gossiping.

They know it or make it up.

The Pokémons:
secretaries and personal assistants.

They arrive early and leave late.
Their boss is God.

They're greedy predators
waiting for you to fall to feast on you.

The Bullies: sales and human resources.

The most aggressive of the pack.
They do nicknames

and mandatory collections.

The Divas: the promoters
of energetic drinks

and some town's beauty queens.
They never know what to do,

but they can sure show their talents.

Ew, gross.

And lastly, the worst of the office.

The fucking millennials.

Hey, guys.
Can you burn a CD of Yuri for me?

-What's a CD?
-What's burning?

-What's a Yuri?

Rule number five.

Don't push yourself too much. Do enough.

Spend most of the time
facing the computer.

The less you work,
the fewer mistakes.

Rule number six. Hard to accept, but yes.

Your boss is always, always right.

Answer me, damn it! Whoever you are!

You don't even have a name.
They call you "the copy guy."

"Where's the copy guy?"
"Get the copy guy."

You have no name!

Why do you push so much?

Do you need a massage for your finger?
Do you want one?

Does your finger hurt from pressing?
Where's my copy?

Answer me, Jesus!


The power is out.

Then why do you press
when there's no power?

Rule number seven. Smile.

It might not seem so,
but everybody hates each other.

Nobody wants to be here.
They just wait to explode.

It's a fucking time bomb.

They just need the right excuse
to blow up.


Rule number eight.

As an employee of Relo Tech
you should and must

hate the employees at Krea Tecna,
the competition.

And prepare for the "Super Tupper",
the party of the year.

Rule number nine.

After every fortnight
you must waste and party.

You won't have money again
for another 15 days!

Rule number ten, the most important one.

The last one.
If it's your first time at the office

it's your treat.


You just made that up.


Hey, grandpa! How's the vacation?


How's work?

Oh, it's a piece of cake.

Always looking for something to do.

-So I don't need to worry, right?

I trust you'll do just fine, son.

Okay, I should go now.

-Bye, son. Bye.

Here? Really?

Of course, beautiful lady. Follow me.

That was my grandpa.


You're not at the summer camp gym, idiot.

-There's no gym at my camp.
-There isn't?

-That's sad.

I know. I'm sorry,
the office seemed kind of gray

and really dull. It won't happen again.

No, it won't.

Are you okay?

Yes. My heart stopped, but yes.

Come with me.
I need to leave these copies.

The music thing was great.

It was, right?

Yes, it was nice.

Are you happy with the job?

Oh. Well, I kind of miss
custom service, you know?

You have other benefits here

such as medical insurance,
which is important.

The possibility for promotion.

And besides, a great party
at the end of the year.

Yeah, but I don't think
this is my great dream.

-To work in a big company and all that.
-I know.

-What a surprise.
-Hello, sir.

I just run into you everywhere.

You're not following me?

Not at all. I just brought these copies.

Is my car ready?


Hello? Yes.

-See you later.


Hey, don't think of it like that.

Here you're a piece

of a very large machine, Omar.

What's wrong?

You know what? I'll catch you later.


I'll see you in a bit.

-Are you okay?
-Yes, everything's fine.

What's up?

Damn it.

-Are you moving or not?

How's the project going?

-The project?
-Yes, how's it going?


Really good!

It's going really well.

-You've got nothing.

I knew it.

You know if you don't have a project...

I'll fire you, right?

-You do know that.
-I do.

Why aren't you breathing?

I am breathing.



Calm down. Inhale deeply.

Hold that for five seconds.


I can only fire you, that's it.

Get it out.

-The project.

Get out of here.




Free refreshments.

No way!

-What are you doing?
-Free refreshment?

You'll get into trouble, Omar.

No worries. I'm on my project.

Your project is an app
that steals refreshments?

-Watch out!


-Hi, sir.

Why haven't you accepted
my request on Facebook?

Oh, it's just that I hardly check that
and I have a lot of work to do.

Yes, I'm sorry.

No. I did it because you're pretty,

but I need to care for my reputation.

-And I can't have any pending requests.
-No, sir.

-Good morning!
-Morning. Well, afternoon rather.

The reports. I want them
on my desk early tomorrow.

-What are you doing here?

-Don't you work at the parking lot?
-No, sir.

You must have mistaken me--

-Mine is like an elephant's!

-My memory!
-Okay, we should go now!

-Excuse us!
-The reports!

I'll accept you, sir!

Again with the elephant joke? Seriously?

It always works.

So pathetic.

-I can't stand them.
-No, not again.

I know you. You start drinking early

and get all stressed out.


No. Relax!

Okay, let's begin.

Breathe deeply. Start here, release here.

Count to five and stop. One, two...

Now hold it. Hold it.

-I hate it when you do that!
-Hey, calm down. It does help.

I mean, really? The car washer?

Why do you say that?
He's not a car washer.

He's a guy who I feel has talent.

He's poor. Poor people have ambition.

Okay? I think he might have

a very smart potential project.

-I sure hope so.
-Mark my word.

We've been striving for months

trying to get a good project

out of this white-collar group.

This will benefit us. Okay.

Watches, cars, trips.

There, that's what I'm talking about.

-Who are we?
-The Daviches.

The Daviches.

And we won't screw up, okay?


Thank you!

You really saved me.

Omar. My name's Omar.

Maribel. Nice to meet you.




Fucking grandpa. Living out your dreams
while I work my ass off.


The reports. I want them
on my desk early tomorrow

Please enter your password.

-Thank you.

Welcome, Tania.

No way!

Understood. Opening folder "Way."

Get in the way!


Get in the way, hook to the liver!

Like Julio César Chávez.
Come on, man.

They'll take it from you. Fuck!


Good evening.

Hi, boy.

I'm so sorry!

I'm so sorry. You scared me. Sorry.

-Are you okay?
-Yes, fine.

I thought I was the only one
in the office. I'm so sorry.

One or two sleepless nights is nothing.

That's how you achieve goals.

-What department are you in?

In the...

project development area.

Oh. So you're in engineer
Roberto Davich's team.


No, no. In his sister's, the evil one.

Miss Tania Davich's team.

Sweet Tania.

What's wrong?

Why did it stop?

There must be a power outage or something.

I can't stay here. I have to get out.

Sir, are you okay? Calm down.

-I have to get out.
-Wait, easy.

-It'll be fine.
-Call Security. The buttons.

-Listen, we're getting out.
-Call Security.

-Easy, you'll be okay.
-I can't breathe.

-Calm down.
-Help me.

Calm down. It'll all be just fine.
You're okay.

Relax, it'll be...

Look at you.

Mr. Buendía.

-Come with me, please.

-No, why? What's going on?
-Calm down.

Nothing's going on. Walk with me, be cool.

I was out of change, that's all.

-No, I promise

I'll return the refreshments.
They're on my desk.

I'll bring them cold tomorrow.

-Gentleman, word of advice.

Save all your stories for the boss.

-I'm just following orders.
-Right. I know that accent.

You're from Aguascalientes, right?

I have family there. An aunt.

Come on, man.
You're making everyone nervous.

-They're taking him away.

You know what they'd do to me in jail?

-They must've caught him watching porn.
-Right, there's no paper in the bathroom.

They took Buendía away.

They took Buendía away. Yes.

With the police and all.

-With the refreshment.
-With the soda in his hand.

Boss, here's the guy you wanted.

Thanks a lot, Pablo. You can go.

Excuse me, boss.

Sir, about the soda machine--

What soda machine?

Nothing, the one out there.

The drinks aren't cold.
It needs checking.

Fine, I'll have it checked.

How are you?

Very good.

I'm really grateful that you helped me.

And also, I have something that's yours.

Thank you! You have no idea
how hard it was to come in today.

I had to go back for the replacement.

What do you mean?

I'm the CEO of this company
and I don't have a replacement card.

No. It's what we call a clone
in this area.

I understand.

You're definitely a man
with immediate solutions.

Next week

there will be a board meeting.

Yes. Miss Tania told me

if my project is good,
I can be a part of the staff.

I'm still on probation.
That's why I do extra time.

I'll be looking forward
to your presentation.

My presentation?

Yes, sure. Usually the area executives

present the proposals.

But in this case,
I'm curious to see yours.

Okay. Thanks so much.
It'll be an honor.

-Excuse me.
-Yes. Thank you.

Where are you in the company?

Just outside Tania's office.

There's a desk with a blond dude,
mine is opposite.


I did my research.

You belong in the parking lot,
placing cars.

Even if that was my job

that doesn't give you the right
to treat me like that.

Remember these eyes are watching you.

Well, if those eyes
have nothing else to say,

I'm leaving, I have work to do.

Careful. You'll leave whenever I want.

Now go.


I'm out.

Lucas, if you'd told me,
I would've gone to the drug store.

-I'm sorry.
-Okay, lie down.

-I'll get one for you.

-Who are you texting?

A friend from work. Why?

Yeah, right. A friend from work.

Hey, you sure are a curious boy, huh?

So curious.

That's what you get for fooling around.

Come on, lie down.

I'll get your inhaler, Lucas.


It's nice to see you blending in fine.

And making new friends.

I'm told you met Braulio.

I did.

If you need anything,
I'm here for you in the office.

Feel free.

-Everything, to me.

-Are we clear?

All right.

Dude, what will we do now?

Work, man.

Why don't they assign more resources
to projects in progress?

There are pretty good ideas.

What projects?

I can't tell you here.

Go to my place later and we'll talk.

Have a seat.

Look, don't ask me how I did it

because I can't tell you.

I got confidential information.

-Okay, I'll tell you how I got it.

Just look.

"This document
does not include hard evidence

that the design is affordable."
And this one.

"Due to lack of precise information,
we reject this project

for lack of statistical data."

The vice president signed it.

The funny thing is Krea Tecna
launched these a year later.

Relo Tech is losing
tons of money for this.

Something's not right.


Seriously the car washer will do it?

Seriously you arrived late?

Shut up,
let the white-collars do their job.

Any time you want we can start.

Go ahead, Omar.

Thank you.

Okay. First of all,
good morning, everyone.

And thank you so much, Mr. Braulio,

for this opportunity.

Can you please put on your glasses?


We live in a very big city.

Because of its huge size

we are all prone to suffering incidents.

Security is our top priority.

Thanks to technology, we all as citizens

can help each other feel safe.

How can we do that? Real simple.

With our phones.

I give you

the most important application
in terms of safety:

Chilango Seguro.


The app works independently

and takes priority over all other apps.

Even when we don't have our phone at hand

or it's in idle mode,

the app activates to show

we are in an alert or emergency situation.

The app is a warning that activates

based on our heart rate.

This activates both cameras

and the microphone on our phones

to check on the user and the context.

It works kind of like social media.

It sends an audio and video signal

to all the assigned contacts

and emergency services like the police,
firefighters and ambulances.

Chilango Seguro

proves we can use technology

to help each other.

Thank you.



Congratulations, Omar.

We will definitely invest
in this application.

Hey, man. How much is the water?

It's free, you idiot.

-Here you go.

-You pulled it off with everyone.

-The presentation, you fool!

But don't forget
I'm Braulio's right-hand man.

-So just be careful.
-Aren't we a team?

We're all Relo Tech,
the video says.

Oh. The higher you get
the harder you'll fall.

You're like the Icarus of the block.

I'd be offended.

But I don't know what an Icarus is.

-Is it like a bird?
-It's not worth

wasting time speaking to you.
A public school student.

Mr. Braulio.

Excellent presentation, young man.

I fully support you.

Oh, but let me warn you.

Being the leader of a project like this
is not so easy.

-No. I...
-What do you need?

Not much. I mean, a couple of programmers

and a discreet place
where we can work peacefully.

Anything you want.


Anything you want.

Ma'am, I need to leave early today.

Oh, really?

The karaoke event is tonight.

-You also sing?

-A little.
-That's amazing.

-So sweet.

You're like me when I was young.



I also started out as a young girl

with no personality or drive.

The kind you don't notice.
They're there, but you don't see them.

The gray ones.

But you never achieve anything like that.

You need to be able to take risks.

To throw yourself at life! Be fearless!

Thank you. I'll keep that in mind.

Never ever let anyone humiliate you.

-Or treat you like a maid.

You're right, ma'am.

-Your words--
-I have to go.

-Okay, dry cleaner's first, okay?

Leave my suits at the dry cleaner's,

and have them back here
tomorrow at 6 a.m.

I don't care how you do it,
maybe don't sleep all night.

Also I want my coffee here
tomorrow at six.

-How hot? Medium.

-You know that, okay?

My gum. Anything else?

No, right? Okay, thanks!

Thank you, ma'am.

I'll keep that in mind.

Let's go, Omar!

-Don't do that now, dude.

Hey! Are you deaf or something?

Yes, right. Go. I'll see you tomorrow.

-Cut it out.
-What? I still have a lot to do.

I need details and do tests.

-But not tonight.
-Tonight's the Super Tupper.

That's just a waste of time.

It's like the Super Bowl,
only once a year.

-We have to be there.
-Fine, you go.

-I'll keep on working here.

This is a tradition, Omar!
It's not optional.

We're defending our company
against the competition.

And let me tell you.

Maribel will surely wear a plunge dress.

So how is the winner picked?

You get a vote for the audience applause
and two for the jury's.

But Krea Tecna always wins.

I don't know how,
but they take the prize.

Don't worry about that.

I have a secret weapon for this year.

-What did you say?
-I have a secret weapon.

A leopard you say?

Right, a leopard. A karaoke leopard.

Catch you later.

Hey, Omar. I'm glad you made it.

The guys said you'd be in a plunge dress.

What? I didn't hear.


No. It's good you have buttons on.

Oh, I'm glad you like it.

-I'd considered a plunge dress.

No! Don't get me started.

-That's cool, but you look great.


Look. Asterix and Obelix.

They came to see us win again.

-Like every year.
-Calm down, diva.

-Oh, please.

-Watch your desk, white-collar.
-We're all white-collars here.

I'll get you some bread to chew on.

-Calm down.
-Did you bring a container?

You'll have to take the leftovers.

-You know what?

This year we'll win. How about that?

Not gonna happen. Never did.

-Let's bet on it.
-Sure, my biweekly pay.

-Well, his biweekly pay.
-Sounds good.

How about your Christmas bonus?

All right!


Let's kick some ass!

What's gotten into you?

What do you mean? I was just...

You don't even come visit my floor.

So you're already missing me?

I won't lie, days have been pretty boring
since you left.

It's just that I'm a very important person
at the company now.

-You are?

-But we have free refreshments,

a pool and we listen to very loud music.

I knew you'd impress the bosses.
I just knew it!

You're just so talented, Omar.

I miss you so much, Omar.

So I have to go.

Duty calls!

-See you later!

-Tell them I'm closing this round.



-Omar, dude!

Okay. What are you doing, man?

You can't cover your face,
it's against the rules.

Hey! I can't without the costume!

We'll get disqualified
and we've never been so close to wining!

Listen! You don't get it!

Look at me! I'm Phony, man!

The king of the rhythm downtown!

The god of the technology underworld!

-Bam! Me, right here!
-Cut the crap.

You're Omar Buendía,

the leader of the project
that will make Relo Tech proud!

And you don't need a costume
to win a contest.

No, you don't get it. I need it.

If you think you need it,
you really don't deserve it.

That's Spider-Man, idiot.

Yes, that's right. But it's the truth.

Who's always been in that costume?

You, Omar, right?

Omar! You're up!

Help us take this trophy home!

Okay. Help me get out of this.

Pull. It's stuck.

-The zipper's stuck.

-Okay, pull.

Not so hard.

You can do it!

Look at them!

Your bonus is mine!






Hey, Mr. Super Tupper.


I'm sorry about the kiss yesterday.

-I was excited. I mean--
-No worries.

It's all good.

-It is?
-Yes, I mean it.

-Want to go to the movies?

There's this really great movie
but I don't remember...

Which one?

-The one with the guy everybody loves.
-With Eugenio Derbez?

I said guy.

And everybody loves him.

Okay, let's go.
But I have to be home by 11.

Even worse than Cinderella!

It's not that.
I have to take care of my brother.

Say no more. Eleven it is.


Stealing information is very serious.

Someone is sending our technology
to the competition.

Our job is to take the necessary risks

for the launch of our new safety project.

And although it's hard to say it,
if we don't do anything,

we'll have to let some people go

in the Development Department.


I'm sorry, I had to pick you up.

-Don't worry about it.
-Give me five minutes.


Did Quique and Hugo leave already?

Yes. Those lazy asses.

As soon as it's six o'clock
they storm out like The Flinstones.


we've been working a lot lately.

Yeah, I can imagine.

What? Are you up for a little foosball?

-Sounds good.
-One game before we leave.


-Tell you what.

Because you're a lady,

I'll only use one hand.

What? Did you go
to football school or what?

You better use both hands.
I highly recommend it.



-I need my revenge.
-Anytime you like.

Here they are, your lovely and delicious

tamales from Oaxaca!

Come and get your lovely and delicious


-What's up, son?

-I missed you.

You sure took your time.
Sit down.

Hey, I leave for a few days

and you don't even change your underwear?

I'm a busy man.
I can't wash clothes.

You're too much!

Tell me how are things
with the project you told me about.

I just downloaded the application. Look.

You'll be the first
to test this technological wonder.

I always knew a change of pace

would do you good.

Hey, did you find some lucky girl
to kiss you all over?


Is she pretty?

Grandpa, she's so different.

Don't tell me.
She has a beard and a mustache?

-Not that different.

No, she's...

genuine and...

I don't know, she makes me want to be
the best version of myself.

You're in love, aren't you?

-You're in love!

You even got nervous.

I won't tell you anything.

-There, done.

-Very good, my friend.

Very well!


Hurry up, Lucas!

If I'm late because of you,
I'll put you up for adoption. My plate.

-Yes, mom?

-Are you okay?
-Yes. Why?

You have a smile stuck on your face.

Oh, I think she's already...

You have a boyfriend?

Yes. I mean, yes.

-Is everything all right?
-Yes, mom. Just perfect.

I have to get going or I'll be late.

-Hey, mom.


Have a great day.

-Let's go Lucas!
-Yes, mom.

Come in.

-You wanted me, sir?
-Yes. Have a seat, please.

-Thank you.

-How long have you been here?

Four years, sir. One as an intern.

Two in the administration.

And one as your sister's assistant.

Sorry about that.


Would you like to be my assistant?

I'd love to, but we'd have to speak
to Miss Tania.

She might get mad because--

You have an asthmatic brother, right?

-Yes. How do you know?
-I know it all.

What if you lost your job--

-and your insurance?

Your brother wouldn't have coverage.

What are you trying to say?

Mm, it's simple.

I need you to get me
Buendía's source code for the app.

-Are you deaf?

-I have no access to his office.
-You have two options.

Either you get me the hard drive soon

and with it your promotion
or you lose your job.

-It's up to you.
-You can't do this.

Oh, yes I can, Maribel.

I happen to have a video
of you and Buendía.

I didn't know you were good with balls.

Where did you get that?

I told you, I know it all.

It would be a hit on the Internet.

If I post your foosball game
from last night.

No, you can't do that, sir.

-Oh, I'm so sorry.

I know. That's love.

But Maribel, don't be a fool.

You could be my assistant.
It's a benefit.

Who knows? Maybe I could be the next CEO.

The only thing we can do

is step up with the project
to avoid more dismissals.

Omar, I have something
very important to tell you.

-You shave your beard and mustache.
-No, not that.

It wouldn't matter anyway.

Look, last night...

Last night! What, again?

What's up, mom?


Yes, I'm at the office.

Okay. I'm on my way.

-What's wrong?
-Lucas is sick.

-I have to go to the hospital.
-I'll go too.

-You will?
-Sure. I'll just leave this.

Come on.


Better now?

Yes, thanks. It was just a false alarm.

Thanks for coming with me, really.


Why wouldn't I?


I love you.

I'll go check

if my mom got the test results.

Upstairs. Okay?

I won't leave this spot.

Damn it!

Give it to me.

Very good, sweetie. Good girl.

And the video?

Not yet.

You don't care, do you?

About the company
or me sleeping with Omar.

Just yourself.

One more thing.

How did you get the drive?

What? Are you okay?

Yes, I'm fine.

Go home. You need rest.

-No. What about you?
-I'm okay, don't worry.

Lucas will be discharged soon.

-Are you sure?
-Yes, I'm sure.

Another patient.


-Are you a relative?
-Yes, he's my grandpa.

-Relax, the doctor's here.
-What happened to him?

Male, around 70.
He collapsed at the entrance.

-He came on his own.
-He's the only family I've got.

We'll do everything we can.
Please calm down.

-No, I won't calm down!
-Easy! Sit down!

-Stay calm!
-No! Grandpa!


It doesn't work.

The app doesn't work.

Hey. I'm not that bad.

No, kiddo.
Why do you say that?

-You never look like that.
-It's not because of you.

It's just work.

I did something...

Well, I had no choice.

When I do something bad
mom gets angrier if I try to hide it

than if I tell the truth
and face the consequences.

It's always better to tell the truth.

You know why?

Why, Lucas?

Because the people who love you
will always forgive you eventually.

I love you, kiddo! And you're right.

-Tell mom I'll be back.
-Where are you going?

To face the consequences.

Right. See you tomorrow at the club.

-Hold on a second.

I'll call you back.

Sorry, sir.
She just came in.

-It's okay. Leave us.
-Yes, sir.

Give me the hard drive back.
I don't care if I get fired.

Here. I don't need it anymore.

Krea Tecna just registered it.

Damn thief.

You've been selling the prototypes
to the competition?

Oh! You caught me!

-You're just a filthy traitor.
-Maribel! You didn't bite your tongue?

I'll tell Mr. Braulio everything.

You're not telling anyone anything.

What's up?


But we're the only ones
with access to this office.


Are you trying to say we stole it?

I don't know.
The drive is all we've got.

Keep it cool, dude!

Rather you keep it cool.

No, you.

-No. You, man.
-No. You, man.

-No. You, man.
-Stop it, you idiots!

Don't put that there.

I'll explain later.

-I suggest you do exactly

what I tell you.


If you even touch her
I swear I'll break--

Who are you talking to, car washer?

Don't do anything stupid.

I'll see you in 15 minutes
at the Krea Tecna parking lot.

Come alone.

Or you'll never see
the catalog salesgirl again.

-Son of a...

And just so you don't forget who you are,
bring me coffee.

Fuck me!

What? What is it?

How did he want his coffee?

I have to go.

I know who has the drive.

-Let's go then.

Thanks, but...

I should do this alone.

Where's Maribel?

Easy, car washer.

She's fine for now.

You leaked the app
to the competition, right?

No. You mean

you leaked the app to the competition.

What are you saying?

So this is the creator
of my new application.

This is Charlie Delgado.

He's the CEO of Krea Tecna.

Delgado? Really?

-You're joking, right?

-He's anything but slim!

I don't like winning by cheating.

Your drive.

-I'm so glad you're here.
-Are you okay?

Yes, I'm fine.

This isn't mine.

It's not?

Oh, sorry.

My bad.

I have to admit one thing. Your idea

-is fantastic.
-That's just great..

But your talent has a name.

It's Omar Buendía.

You fucking thief.

Okay, get these idiots out of the lot.

Hey! No need.

We're leaving.

Don't you want to know
how we got the drive?

-Why don't you ask

your girlfriend Maribel
how she stole your key

while you were asleep at the hospital?

-It's not what you think.

I swear.
I can explain, Omar.

I told you I loved you.

I know. Please, let me explain.

-I had no choice.
-Shame on you!

Omar, wait!

That sucks, huh?

We're the villains here.


That sure sucks.

I'm so sorry, Braulio.

I notified the authorities.

How did you get this?

We have our sources.
I really never thought--

I always had a bad feeling
about Buendía, always.

You know? I mean...

Anyway, I didn't expect it from Maribel.

Yes, that's right.

She sold the technology all this time.

Yes. Gosh, I can't believe it.

The good thing is we followed
her boyfriend and caught them.

I'll have to take extreme measures.

Set up a meeting with Krea Tecna.

It's best to sell.

Yes. Even though it hurts us all.

It's what's best.

I'm so sorry.


If you can hear me...

please, don't leave me.

You're all I've got.

Remember the girl I told you about?

She was just using me.

I thought I could manage.

But I can't.

Always complaining
about how bad things go for you.

Do you think they'll fix themselves?

Or what?

I was deceived.

There's nothing I can do.

So you'll just let go
everything you achieved?

You must know when to stop.

Quite the opposite!

You should never stop trying!

It works, grandpa.

-What works?
-The app!

The one I did for the company.
It works.

I don't need the drive or anything.
It's all here.

I know what I have to do.

So why are you still here, Omar? Go!

Hurry up!

-You sure?
-I'm sure!

-Will you be okay?


Right, I'm going.


"In these workshops..." No.


-Nothing's good?
-I'm sorry, sir.


-You can leave.
-Yes, sir.





No more layoffs!

No more layoffs!

We're all Relo Tech!

We're all Relo Tech!

We're all Relo Tech!

No way! They fired everyone!

-No way.


What's this? Impossible.

No way. Who fires you by text?

Mother fucker!

This can't be. No way, man!

This is because of that fatty,

carrot man and the costume dude!

Let's go get them!

Why would you worry?
You don't care.

You've been fucking the boss,
you don't give a shit.

-Say that again!
-Let's beat the shit out of them!

-Who will you beat?
-You, idiot!

Oh, come save us.
We'll get kidnapped!

Guys, I have a plan.

-This is over, man.
-I promise it'll work.

-Young man, you want water?
-No, thanks.

A different tune?

You know what? Yeah.
How about something

-maybe more action-y?
-Say no more.

Some nerve, man.

You guys are dead, motherfuckers!

We're coming for you, fuckers!

Let's get out of here. What do we do?

-I don't know!
-Over there.

Help me, dude.

Come on, you pussy!

Guys, listen up.

I'm in Roberto's office.
Give me access to your equipment.

Hold on, Maribel.
Give me a second, I'm busy now.

-Right with you.

Maribel, the password is "password."


I swear. They're as uncreative as evil.

Come on.

-Got it?
-Got it.


This is our last resource.

Braulio, brother.

It's nothing personal.

Hi. An incident was reported here.

-No, sir. Nothing happened.
-False alarm.


Hostile white-collars.

I repeat, hostile white-collars.

So you're actually

a woman who does take risks.



We're civilized women.

Let's sort this out as adults.

I've had enough of you.

Wait. Hold on.


Don't worry. Let's go save Maribel.

Hold on. We can't leave.

You're right. We're all Relo Tech.

Hakuna matata!

To infinity and beyond!

Mr. Braulio, don't sell your stock
to these thieves!

What are you doing here?

Don't sign the contract!

I wouldn't have to
if you hadn't betrayed me.

It wasn't me.
Roberto was selling the ideas!

Oh, please!

Your wings start to melt, Icarus.

Please, just give me some time.


Just let me sign, all right?

Easy, Lord White-Collar!

Give me my pen back.

It costs more than your salary.

-Give it to me.
-Get him out of here.

You're not the boss, idiot.


I've got extensions.


They look so natural.

Where did you learn self-defense, bitch?

I can tell you never take the subway.

I'm so glad you're here!
You're my heroes.

I destroyed her.

Let's not waste our time.

-No! Don't sign!

Got it.

Okay, that's not what it seems.

-And it was cold.
-Some stud you are.

You shouldn't register that.



Come on!

There it is!

Look, that the picture Roberto sent

and this is the original one
from his computer.

Those are the Daviches
with that fat guy.

Get the helicopter ready. We're out.

-Come on.
-Let's go.

What is this, Roberto?

I treated you like a son.

Why did you and your sister do this?

Block all exists.
I repeat, block all exits.

Tania, answer me!
Tania, pick up the fucking phone!

You must be doing
that whole breathing crap.

Why the hurry, dear?

No matter what you do, car washer.

People like me always win.

People like you? By that you mean

the fucking thieves that fail?

Can't you hear?

They came for you, asshole.

-You lost.
-I did?

This game is just starting, you moron.

I have the projects, I have a contract.

You have nothing.

Cut the crap, little boy.

I'm a jiujitsu champion.
You know what that is, right?

No! But that's great, dude.

That'll help a lot, like

when you drop your soap
in the jail showers, you idiot!

Who will put me in jail? You?

Quit the nonsense.

It's your word against mine.

I've been stealing from
the company for years.

-I have the video.
-It's useless.

-We got it?
-Yes, we do.

Not that video.

This one, idiot.

There's your jiujitsu.
Hey, breathe.

Hold it, let it go.


We did it!

Okay, all right!

-Let's go.
-Coming through.

Coming through.
Careful with him, he knows jiujitsu.

Washed and polished.

This is a misunderstanding.
Let me go!

-Do something!
-You don't know who you're messing with!

-We're the Daviches!
-Get in.

-Remember that name.
-I'll get in, okay?

I'll get in myself!

Leave her alone!

You'll see who my dad is!

I'll make sure wherever you go

they treat you for what you are.
Your contract.

That's great!

Fantastic, everyone!

-Listen, Mr. Braulio.
-Tell me.

I've wanted to ask you.

Anything, son. Just shoot.

-Do you know what an Icarus is?

I swear I never wanted to hurt you.

-My love.

You got beaten bad.

I say we call it even.

You're so dumb, car washer.

You think grandpa would be happy
with this?

I do.

It's what he wanted.

Now he's up there.
We must have done the right thing.


Grandpa, we did it. We sold the shop.

That's great! Now turn the page!

Time to move on!

You worked so hard. Now enjoy yourself.

The sky's the limit.

Bye, my friends!

-He's crazy!
-Did you see him?


Guys, are you ready?

We have a company to start.