X-Men: The Animated Series (1992–1997): Season 4, Episode 9 - Beyond Good and Evil: Part 2 - full transcript

The next phase of Apocalypse's plan begins: he targets and abducts the most powerful psychics in the universe.

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Previously onX-Men...

He's in the pyramid,

forcing life through
those decaying veins of his.

Your attack was foreseen.

I allowed you to get this far

so I might gain
the one great power I lack,

a passport
to the dimension of time.

Forge, what is it?

[Forge] There is
a massive impediment

in the time stream.


Call me Bender, so few do.

But that's because you're
the only other one here.

But how did I get here?

Through the Axis, how else?

All time travelers
pass through there.

[chuckles mockingly]
Anyone knows that.


[Jubilee] The Nasty Boys
got Jean and Cyclops!

That means...


I missed the wedding.

I'm hurt.

Get away from him!

Who dares defy me?

A friend of Charles Xavier's.

Drop him!

No chance.

[Beast] Despite his newfound
time travel abilities,

I believe Mr. Sinister
is caught between

the proverbial rock
and a hard place.

What have you done
with my wife?

Mrs. Summers

is just another
broken blossom

floating through
the winds of time.

Oh, no, you don't!

They've taken Jean to the
one place you can't get to.

Another time.

[theme music playing]


Renegade ships!

Warn the Empress!
We're under attack!

The wall is breached!

The palace will soon be mine!

I know already, Oracle.

We must prepare
for the worst.

Sister, has your jealous
ambition so blinded you?

The throne should
have been mine!

Now it shall be.

You'll have to deal
with me first, Princess.

Keep Gladiator busy!

I'll deal with Lilandra.


As leader of
the Praetorian Guard,

I cannot allow you
to harm the Empress!

Then I give you my solemn vow,
I will not.

But I do not speak for him.

What manner of being
is this?

Get rid of her, Apocalypse,
as you promised!

[Lilandra grunting]

Prepare to serve
your new Empress, Gladiator!

Let her go,
if you wish to live!

What are you waiting for?
Eliminate her!

In time.

Are you all right,
my Empress?

Stop him! If he
did not come for me...

Not her! The Empress!

You promised
to destroy Lilandra!

I lied.

Farewell, Empress.

[evil laughter]

I shall not be denied!

It is useless to continue
your treachery, Princess.

You have failed.

Traitors! Ingrates!

You cannot deny me my crown!

You should choose your allies
more carefully, my sister.

I can't stop thinking
about it, Professor.

Jean and I were both in the car
when the blast hit.

Sinister's always wanted
both of us.

Why was she taken
and I left behind?

I have been wondering
the same thing, Scott.

I don't need
my psychic abilities

to know that
you wish it had been you.


Professor! What is it?


I bring you a warning,
Charles Xavier.

An earth creature,

has taken one of
my psychics named Oracle.

I do not know
why he has appeared here.

But I knew
I must contact you.

-Be warned.
-What did she say?

Assemble the X-Men.


Why are you
helping Apocalypse?

He can give me
what I've always wanted.

The chance to create
a new breed of human beings,

ones that I will
personally select

and genetically engineer.

But that would take generations.

Apocalypse may be immortal,
but you're not.

From here, I can exist
in all times!

Even as I begin
the experiment,

I can leap through a portal
and see its result.

And where is here?

Allow me to answer
your question.

Here is the Axis of Time,

where all times cross,

and where you
will always remain,

Jean Grey.

When I first attempted
time travel,

fate, in its infinite wisdom,

threw me off course
into this,

the temporal control center
of existence.

It has taken me centuries
of searching

to discover its many powers.

But working here,
outside of time,

those centuries,
in your time,

have been merely
the blink of an eye.

If you have become so powerful,
why do you need us?

All in due time.

[evil laughter]

[Xavier] A communication
from Lilandra

has given me a clue
as to why Jean was taken.

Mr. Sinister tried
to capture both of us.

Luckily for me, he encountered
some unexpected resistance.

Now Apocalypse has taken

the Shi'ar courtier
known as Oracle.

Sound like Sinister
and Apocalypse working

the same side of the street.

Each of us possess
intense psychic power.

I am certain
they will strike again.

We'll use Cerebro
to track down

other mutants
with psychic powers.

And we'll be there when
Apocalypse or Sinister strikes.

You are not suggesting
using them as bait.

We have to.

Warning them
could reveal our plan.

Hey, if they be psychic,
they already know, right?

That is not funny, Gambit.

You cannot endanger
innocent people

just to save Jean!

This isn't about Jean!

Cyclops is right.

If Apocalypse and Sinister
have joined forces,

and are able
to instantaneously travel

in time and space,

all existence is in danger.

You got that right.

I don't know how,
but I believe

my brother's life
is at stake in all this.



Nice doggie.

-Nap time.
-[dog whining]

I should have brought
a shopping cart.

Oh, well.

A discus from
the first Olympic games.

Should be worth
a few pennies.

A ninja sports fan.

I keep my baseball cards
in my...


Okay, that was two mistakes.

Mine and yours!

You're not a common thief.
What are you really after?

I owe no explanations
to the likes of you, traitor!


I wonder what she looks like
under that mask.

Nowhere to hide?
What a shame.



-Are you all right?
-Yes, I think.

Thanks to you.

Watch that first step.


Pleasant dreams,
Warren Worthington.

I knew you wouldn't
let me die.


-[Wolverine] Anything?

I think your computer got
its zip codes scrambled.

If Bishop told you
anything about us,

you'd know Cerebro
don't make mistakes.

If you happen
to see a beautiful,

black-haired mutant psychic,

wake me up.

Don't get too comfortable.


That's the last time
I save a falling ninja.

What's this?

Looks like my raven-haired
sneak thief

has decided to extend
her shopping spree.

Let's see where
the night takes us.

[tires squealing]

Hey, go easy
on those tires.

Heard it coming.
I'll take a closer look.

When something blows up,
come running.

Not bad,

for a hairy old man.

I know him. Archangel.

Destined to join the X-Men.

But whose side
is he on now?

Professor, this is Shard.
Something's up.

Why is he there?

I'm putting Gambit
and Storm on alert.

If there is trouble,
I will pull them

off their stakeout to help.

You've been
a busy little ninja.


Careful, I have a fondness
for the 17th century.

I could've called the police,

but I wanted to give
a fellow mutant the chance

to explain herself.

What do you care about
your fellow mutants?

You use your wealth
to deny your mutant heritage.

You had a scientist
try to cure you,

and you waste your life
hunting a creature

who can never die.

My money is none
of your concern.

You brood over
your own troubles

when you could be using
your wealth and power

for so much more.

Noble sentiments
coming from a thief.

Or is all this
for a charity bazaar?

It's for my brother

who fights for the good
of mutants, all mutants!

A thief with a cause
is still a thief!


No knife in the back
this time!



Guess again!

You get the woman, Sabretooth.

I'll deal with
the winged wonder.

You get all the fun, Mystique!

Think again, honey!

Oh, man!

Was that ever
the wrong thing to do!

Looks like
the kidnappers union

will let anything in.

I'm collecting dues.

Thought you'd have learned
to watch your back.

Yeah, I keep underestimating
the fairer sex.

Sure hope this stuff
is insured.


Okay, I'm through
playing around!

Ooh! What're you gonna do?

Eat your spinach?

Let's see what you had
for breakfast.

Get off him!

Watch your own back, dearie.


Goodbye, runt!


Oh, man.
Brush sometimes, will ya?


Now, where's my favorite
new psychic?

Hurry! It's you they're after!

[Shard] Get back!
Mystique is a shape-shifter!

She's taken on my shape
to fool you!

Nice trick,
but it's wasted

on a psychic.

And on this nose.

Blasted bloodhound!

I don't know how
any of you know me

or what you want,

but I'm out of here!

So just back off!

May I help?


How about a lift?

What is this,
a science fiction convention?

I see I must persuade you.


What do you want
with me?

Don't worry.

No harm will come to you...


[Wolverine yelling]

[Psylocke grunts]



A memento for my friends,
the X-Men.

Don't think
I've forgotten you.

-The portal!
-[Magneto] Grab on!

Wolverine! Wolverine!

[Gambit] Look like
we arrive too late, chere.

What happened?
Where are the others?

We messed up.
Psylocke's gone.

Wolverine's inside.

Whirlwind, heed my command!

How nice to see you, Logan.

All tied up
and nowhere to go.

Just get me out of here.

Every mutant on earth seems
to be in on this thing!


-[Shard] Is he...
-He is unhurt.

I bet this clown knows
what's going on.

Maybe if I give
the chain a squeeze.

[Mystique] It's fortunate
you came along

when you did, Magneto.

We weren't expecting
interference from the X-Men.

Apocalypse was monitoring
your mission.

It was he who summoned me.

Too bad we lost Sabretooth.

Sabretooth is
an unthinking animal.

Such refuse
is easily expendable.

[APOCALYPSE] Your lack
of sentimentality is refreshing.

You make
a worthy partner, Magneto.

You know my price.

are delicate procedures.

When all the psychics
are in place,

you shall see
your beloved wife.

You had no trouble
obtaining this one?

He was being watched
by the X-Men Storm and Gambit.

But they inexplicably
abandoned their posts.

It seems that Charles Xavier
has deduced

the pattern of my plan.

All the better

as he will be my final prize.

I wanted to nail Apocalypse

by destroying
his Lazarus Chamber.

But now that that scum has
my time travel band,

it's gonna be
a whole lot tougher.

He can just go back
to the past

before we blasted the chamber

and rejuvenate himself again.

Our only hope
is to go so far back

that we get rid of the chamber
at its point of origin.

But, Dad,
that's impossible.

You know time travel devices
were judged too dangerous.

They destroyed them all.

And they would have nailed you
if they'd known you had one.

Remember your
history lessons, Tyler.

Nuclear disarmament,
back in the 21st century.

Every government kept
one bomb...

just in case.

The government still has
a time machine?

Yeah, but they aren't
letting anybody get near it.

It's in there.

And we're gonna borrow it.

[theme music playing]