X-Men: The Animated Series (1992–1997): Season 4, Episode 10 - Beyond Good and Evil: Part 3 - full transcript

Cable appears in the past to stop Apocalypse, but is not concerned about saving the psychics much to the mutants' chagrin.

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Previously on X-Men...

What have you done
with my wife?

Mrs. Summers is just another
broken blossom,

floating through
the winds of time.

They've taken Jean
to the one place
you can't get to.

And where is here?

Here is the Axis of Time,
where all times cross.

[Xavier] Mr. Sinister tried
to capture both of us.

Now Apocalypse has taken
the Shi'ar courtier
known as Oracle.

If Apocalypse and Sinister
have joined forces,

all existence is in danger.

We'll use Cerebro
to track down other mutants
with psychic powers.

And we'll be there
when Apocalypse
or Sinister strikes.

Guess again!

May I help?


What do you want with me?

Don't worry.

No harm will come
to you yet.

What happened?
Where are the others?

We messed up.
Psylocke's gone.

I bet this clown knows
what's going on.

It seems that Charles Xavier
has deduced the pattern
of my plan.

All the better
as he will be
my final prize.

[Cable] I wanted to nail
Apocalypse by destroying
his Lazarus Chamber.

Our only hope
is to go so far back

that we get rid of the chamber
at its point of origin.

The government
still has a time machine?

It's in there.
And we're gonna borrow it.

[theme music playing]

-[Bender stuttering] Guess who?
-Not again!

And again, and again, and again
and again and again.


Look, clown, I've had
a long day, or week,
or however long it's been.

All walk and no play
makes Bishop a dull boy.

[both gasping]

What was that?

[Bender] A great being
threatens time itself.


Knowledge is power.

[Bender] Let's watch
these guys. [giggles]

[Bishop] That's Cable.

It will be. It would be.

It can be, it could be,
and maybe it should be.

[laughing] Can we be?

Ready, Dad?

Yeah, kid. Start the ball.

Okay, guys.

Give us 30 seconds,
then let's lose
one power station.

I wish you'd let me
go with you.

I know, Tyler.
But if I don't make it,
I need you to carry on here.

I know you'll make me proud.

Remember, Dad,
the energy dome will only
be down for a minute.


Tyler, the dome is still up.

They've run into
heavy resistance!


What's happening?

I'm not getting
any word from them.

Tyler, the power station
must be destroyed.

It's the only chance we have.

Tyler? Are you all right?



Dad! Get going!

I'll be back for you.

Take your time.
I'll be gone in a minute.

[engine revving]


Graymalkin.I hope
they kept your battery charged.



What's happening?

[Apocalypse] You yearn
to destroy my resting place
at its inception.

A wise strategy.

But first, you have
a service to perform.

[engine whirring]

What am I doing here?

I was about to ask you
the very same thing.

I don't care about
missing psychics
and time jolts.

I'm after Apocalypse.

Look. Apocalypse was involved
in at least one
of the kidnappings.

My guess
is that our interests coincide.

You're boring me.

If you want
to help me nail him,
get your team together,

and let's get started.

[Beast] It is conceivable
that a powerful force
traveling through time

creates a backwash,
a kind of wake,

that disrupts the paths
of normal time travelers.

It's just a theory.
You have no evidence
this happened to my brother.

Bishop's disappearance in time
fits the computer model

Note the effect
of the more powerful
time traveler on the first.

You're too stupid
to plan this on your own.

Who are you working for?

Suck rocks, pretty boy.


The Professor wants you
in the War Room.

Why not?
I'm just wasting my time here.



Okay, hairball. Let's talk.


[Cable] It's called
the Lazarus Chamber.

I discovered it,
will discover it,
2,000 years from now.

It's the secret
to Apocalypse's longevity.

He goes into hibernation there
every 100 years.

[Archangel] So that's it!

All my research pointed to
periodic dormant times
for Apocalypse.

But I could never discover
why or where.

I destroyed the chamber
in my time, in 3999.

But before I did,
Apocalypse grabbed
my time travel device.

Now he can just return
to any time

before the chamber
was destroyed
to rejuvenate himself.

I'm going back to when
the pyramid was first built
and get rid of it then.

-Let's do it.
-Wait a minute.

What about Sinister
and the missing psychics?

Find someone who cares.

I left my son back there
so I could get at Apocalypse.

I may never see Tyler again.

There's more to this
than just him.

[Wolverine] No, there isn't.

Sabretooth's working
for the guy.
Everybody might be.

I understood
that he had refused to talk.

He changed his mind.


What else did he say?
Pieces to the puzzle
don't fit.

Why on earth would Magneto
be involved with Apocalypse?

It took an hour to get that
out of him.

You want more,
you know how to get it.

I have chosen not to invade
the minds of others
without their consent.

If it's important,
get it out of him.
Or I will.

Very well.

Cable is right.
We must stop him at all costs.

What did you see?

Portals. Clocks.
Time-related images.

Apocalypse seems bent
on mastering time itself,

and has persuaded some
of the most powerful mutants
on Earth to help him.

If we take out
his life-support system,

then none of this
will ever take place.

[Xavier] I agree, Cable.

Shard, you, Rogue
and Jubilee stay here,

in case Cable's theory
proves wrong.

Why can't I go?
Don't you think
I can handle it?

It's not that, Shard.
If we fail,

your ability to travel
through time may be
your brother's last hope.

I want to go with you.

There's no room
on this mission for vengeance.

I don't know.
Revenge can sure
help you focus.

Not for me anymore.
I know what's at stake now.

Tiny, meddling insects.

They don't realize
that he who controls time,

controls every eventuality.

Apocalypse. You summoned me?

Yes. The endgame has begun.

Whoa. Good thing they don't
serve lunch on this flight.

Hey! Watch it!

Billions of miles of space
and people still can't drive.

[Cable] The pyramid's over
the rise, down river.

Storm, take Archangel
and scout ahead to see if
the pyramid is guarded.

We will follow on the ground.

[Storm] Beautiful, is it not?
My parents loved this land.

And though my life was hard
after they were gone,
I loved it, too.

The pyramid appears
to be unguarded.

Bring the others up
while I make sure.

[Beast] Your timing is perfect,

Those stone blocks at the base
suggest that construction
has recently been completed.

We will need a diversion
to cover our approach.

You shall have it, Professor.

Wind, howl and raise the sands
of the desert.

Before we go in,
I just wanted to say
I'm sorry about your son.

I know what it's like
to lose someone you love.

I haven't lost him yet.

Professor, do you know
anything more about

why Apocalypse
is kidnapping psychics?

Who cares?

He's pure evil,
and that's why he's got to go.

If Apocalypse is indeed
the personification of evil,

it may be impossible
to destroy him.


The conflict
between good and evil

is part of
the fabric of existence.

Perhaps the world
cannot exist without evil.

If Apocalypse is destroyed,
evil may only take
another form.

I'll worry about that later.

The entrance is there,
behind that stone!

Allow me.


Shall we see
who is at home? Whoa!

The Four Horsemen.

Cable was right.
Apocalypse has protected




There's no use
fighting me.
I had your job once.

Go get Apocalypse.
We can hold these guys here.

Just be careful!

Cable, Wolverine, Beast,
come with me.

[Wolverine] Don't move.

-What is it?

Fresh tree sap?

I know where all
the booby traps are.


[Xavier] Beast!

Maybe next time
you'll trust my nose.

Thanks. I don't know
how I missed that one before.

[Beast] Apparently, Apocalypse
will make a few alterations

in the next 5,000 years.

They're going back in
to save the chamber.
Inside! Now!

Well, you'll be here
in 5,000 years.
Which way do we go?



Hey. Where you going?

I told you I knew where
the booby traps were.


It appears fighting metal
with flesh is poor tactics.

That is more like it.

[Wolverine] Cable, look out!


Hey, pal, leave a few
of them for us.

The Lazarus Chamber.
It's in there.

What's the verdict, Doc?

Nothing broken.
However, I would not count on

him helping much
in the next few minutes.

We'll pick up Cable
on our way back.

Now, let's find Apocalypse
and do what we came to do.

[energy pulsating]


The pyramid acts
as a huge energy collector

to regenerate Apocalypse
as he sleeps.

Wait! [sniffing]

I smell two rats
in this barn.

Something is wrong. It's...


Now, Apocalypse!

[all screaming]




What happened?

What was that?

The most important move
of all.

The capture of the king.

Professor Charles Xavier!

[theme music playing]