Westworld (2016–…): Season 3, Episode 1 - Westworld - full transcript

Dolores sets out to find the architect of the Rehoboam; Bernard tries to blend in; Ex-soldier Caleb tries to find his way in neo-Los Angeles.

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What is real?

LOWE: That which is

We weren't here to code
the hosts...

We were here to decode
the guests.

No world they create for us

can compete with the real one.

I want their world.

LOGAN: The hosts are
unlikely to survive out there.

But armed with this knowledge,
she might.

You'll burn their world
to the ground.

I made someone,
I brought her back.

You wanted to live forever.
Be careful what you wish for.

LOWE: You got out.


So many paths lead
to our extinction.

It'll take both of us
if we're going to survive.

But, not as friends.
Are you ready?

We have work to do.

We are the authors
of our stories now.





This is a fairly sizable fucking
blemish, wouldn't you say?



The chef is ready
to serve dinner.

I told you not to interrupt me.

I don't care about chef
or his fucking dinner.

I pay you so I don't have
to wait in any fucking lines!

Get it done!

System... tell security
we've turned in.

Of course. Good night.

AUTOMATED VOICE: Mellow sunset,
duration: Six hours.


Turn off the light.

I don't want you going
into town alone anymore.

It's a security risk.







Security! Eunice!



System, get me an ambulance.

I'm afraid I can't do that.

My connectivity
has been interrupted.

I've been reduced
to core functions.

If you would like
to turn on the lights,

‐say, "Turn on the lights."
‐Shut up!

Open the fucking door!



I hope you don't mind.
I've never been in one before.

The water's so warm.

Who the fuck are you?

Don't you remember?

After everything we've shared.

Your bachelor party in the park.

You wanted to... get some things
out of your system

before the wedding
to your first wife.

My condolences, by the way.

You can stop pressing
the alert button in your pocket,

that won't work either.

Bit of a tactical mistake,

You want to be
the dominant species,

but you built your whole world
with things more like me.

You're not going to hurt me,
are you?

I've hurt so many people,

I don't want
to hurt anyone else...

unless they try to hurt me...

which, sadly, you will.

You see, I know you.

I read your book.

Book? What book?

Think of it as...
an unauthorized autobiography.

You're in technology.
You didn't think that

I was the only thing Delos
was selling, did you?

Some of your memories,
I wish I could forget.

But I can't.

‐(GROANS) ‐I need you...

‐...to remember them, too.

Oh, God!

We all have our flaws.

Yours is your temper.

You should have kept it
in the park.



She tried to leave.

But it's hard to break
our loops, isn't it?


Do you remember this place?
What you did here?

She drank too much. Slipped.

Hit her head.

Of course she did.

You paid a lot of money
to hide your indiscretions.

But you can't hide
from yourself.

Please, please, make it stop!

DOLORES: When you got remarried,

you told yourself
you had changed.

But we both know
that's not true, don't we?


What do you want from me?

The same thing everybody wants
from you, Jerry: Money.

I haven't been here very long,

but I know I don't want
to be here without it.

I already took most of yours
while you were sleeping.

I just need one more thing.

You worked at a company
called Incite. Retired early.

You were supposed to surrender
any confidential files,

delete any copies.

But you didn't do that, did you?

You thought
they might be valuable.

And you were right.

You're about to trade them
for your life.

What the fuck do you want
with these anyways?

I'm the last of my kind.
For now.

I need a competitive advantage.

As for the money,
think of it as an investment.

A startup.

The origin of a new species.

Good luck, Jerry.


Who are you?

(WHISPERING) Oh. Oh, my God.

The person who set you free.





CALEB: Answer, voice only.


FRANCIS: Caleb, it's Francis.

Can you talk?

I could show you later
if it's better?

CALEB: No, I have a little time.

They said it might be good
if we spoke.



FRANCIS: Been a long time.
Too long.

Look, I can talk,
or I can just listen.

Whatever you like.

You keeping your head
above water?

CALEB: Yeah.

Running fiber.
Pays the bills... almost.

FRANCIS: How is it
being back there? Back home?

CALEB: Over here? I don't know.

He said the way
the army was run, algorithms,

that's the ways everything was
going to be someday.

Better living
through technology.

Some things are better, but...
I don't know.

Morning, George.

FRANCIS: How are your coworkers?

CALEB: Nice enough.

We work well together and...

he hasn't asked to borrow money.


I just have to work harder,

keep my scores up,

see if something better
comes along.

FRANCIS: That's right.
Gotta stick to the plan.


FRANCIS: Keep fuckin' climbing.

CALEB: Yeah.
That's what you always said:

That we needed a plan.

FRANCIS: Glad to see you
taking my advice.

You ever think about getting
your implant turned back on?

Smooth some of
the rough edges off?

CALEB: No. Some people need it,
but for me,

it's the rough edges are the
only thing I'm hanging on to.

All right.

I'll see you next week, Ma.

You're not my son.

The cost can be challenging.

It may be the case
that the best solution

for you and your mother
would be a state‐run facility.

FRANCIS: You still working
the night shift?

I know what you're thinking,

but there's no point in us
talking if you can't trust me.

Besides, who the fuck
am I gonna tell?

CALEB: Like I said...
I've got bills to pay.

Make money, motherfuckers.



CALEB: Nothing too heavy,
no personals...

some redistributive work...

FRANCIS: Sounds kinda like
the shit we used to do over there.

CALEB: Over there, we didn't have to
worry about the sheriff's department.

Doors closing.

They say it's a meritocracy.

The system picks the right
people for the right job.

Which is great, I guess.

But I don't know where
that leaves the rest of us...

‐(MAN LAUGHS) ‐...the
people who didn't make the cut.

Honestly, I don't mind
the bottom of the barrel.

At least you have
some interesting company.

I remember you.

We ran that Mexican diesel
up to Fresno last year.

‐How you been? ‐Good.

He okay?

He just drippin'.

Tell him you okay, G.

I'm most definitely not okay.

He's fine. You got the stuff?


ATM again.

Small time shit.

I gotta get my stats up.

Do more personals.
You do personals?

‐Nah. ‐ASH: You should.

Your stats are shitty, man.

‐I don't get it.
‐I'm an underachiever.

Look, I think we should
keep moving.

I don't want to be logged

Relax. I've been ghosting
all that shit

since I walked up in here.

Picked that up in Indo.

Pure voodoo.

Knocks out all the loggers
and cameras.

Plus, it does this.


Which I love.



♪ Cease and desist
When I chant ♪

♪ Fuck weak, no respect
No chance ♪

♪ Cease and desist
When I chant ♪

Hi, how can I help you?

♪ Bitch try to creep like ivy
Oh ♪

♪ Now Ivy don't like me ♪

♪ Candle gone out
Ignite my horns aglow ♪

♪ Let a vet rap a bullet
Through your buttonhole ♪

♪ You're making me
Uncomfortable ♪

♪ Slumber, terror, my cavalry ♪

♪ Sandman points you
Down to me ♪

♪ Hesh made make the rest
Stiff atrophy ♪

♪ Fuck weak, no respect
No chance ♪

♪ Cease and desist
When I chant ♪

♪ Fuck weak, no respect... ♪




See you around.

You made money, motherfucker.



BROMPTON: We should be
focusing on our core businesses,

biomechanical and agritech.

Don't get me started on
her idea about private equity.

Who died and put her in charge,

I'm assuming that question's

BROMPTON: We should be
severing off our parks division

like a gangrenous fucking limb.

Taking Delos private
would be insane, Charlotte.

The stock's in the toilet,
the PR's a nightmare.

It's been three months.
The lawsuits will settle out,

the share price will recover,
and so will our brand.

Our brand?

Our brand's been massacred,

along with 113 people.

Largely board members
and park employees.

You can't be serious.

That is the most inhumane thing
I've ever‐‐


People come to our parks
for a sense of danger,

and now, we're bona fide.

our parks aren't the only thing

that we're protecting here.

We have a lot
of proprietary assets

in this company that could prove
to be very valuable one day,

but not if we let them burn
in a fire sale.

What's the source of funding?

The whole point
of going private, Joanna,

is that we don't have to answer
that question.

You're only interim CEO.

You don't have carte blanche.

Not without consulting him.

He already stipulated
a machine shareholder as proxy,

and the machine and I
are in agreement.

Aren't we?

Proposition approved.

Then it's decided.
We resume host production

and pool resources
over the next 48 hours.

You're letting an algorithm
decide the fate of the company?

People died
because of our machines.

Robots don't kill people,
people kill people.

One person in particular,
who orchestrated that massacre,

murdered our founder

and most of the board
in cold blood.

Bernard Lowe. And when
the authorities find him,

which they most assuredly will,

we can put the rest of this
sordid little mess behind us.




Easy, girl.

BUCHAN: Great.

‐You found it.
‐Her leg's broken.

BUCHAN: Yeah. A few kilos here.
Plenty to salvage.

Come on.
I'll summon the knacker.

That's him.



Trial number 342.

Prompt. Bernard Lowe.

Has anyone other than yourself
tampered with

or altered your code
in the last 24 hours?


Bernard Lowe is the only person
who has accessed my code.


Have you had any contact
with Dolores Abernathy

that I'm unaware of?

No. Last contact
with Dolores Abernathy

was 92 days, seven hours,
five minutes, 33 seconds ago.


Would you ever lie to me,


No. Of course not.



AUTOMATED VOICE: You've arrived.

Your invitation
is for table seven.

MAN: Climate catastrophe
around the corner.

Incite rose to meet
that challenge

creating Rehoboam,

the strategy engine
that saved the world.

Liam, thank you for seeing

and then building
a brighter future.


Lara, you came.

I missed you.

I missed you.

What are you being feted for
this time?

Oh, you know.
I can't even remember.

RODERICK: For saving the world
through algorithms.

Or for being the son
of the guy who saved the world.

Excuse me a sec.

You're the mysterious girl

he met in Burma last month.

So pretty...

but you're not like the women
that he usually dates.

Where are you from?

Uh, a small town out west.

Sort of off the beaten path.

RODERICK: The contents
of this glass cost three times

what my father made in a year.

That's why
it doesn't fucking matter.

That's how you know for sure.

‐Know what?
‐Please don't get him started.

When he gets high, this is all
he fucking talks about.

That none of this is real.

I'm serious.
We are living in a simulation.

The joke's on us, though.

It's like with those
fuck puppets at Delos.

Least they had the dignity
to revolt and kill everyone.

They killed
the board of directors,

which I can get behind, frankly.

Just think about this.
For one second.

How fucking ironic would it be

if they had put a simulation
within a simulation?

That's a massive "fuck you."

What do you think, Lara?

I think that people believe
the things that help them.

Course, it could just be this.

Nucleus accumbens.

It's a small part of your brain,
about an inch and a half long.

It's the part of you
that evolved to believe in God.

I'm an atheist.

You may not believe
in a higher power, but...

your mind was built to.

Well, it wouldn't be the first
time he's been led around

by something
an inch and a half long.

Excuse me.


We have a problem.

Our partners want to meet.

I don't have time.

I'm heading back to LA tonight.

(SIGHS) They'll come to us.

They say it's urgent.

I really don't have time.

suggest that you take this meeting.

Come with me. Tomorrow.

I have to head back
to the States.

I can't. I have meetings here.

Take a day off.

We can meet my boat
in Ensenada, then sail up to LA.

Maybe. For a day or two.

I have some friends
I've been meaning to see there.


FRANCIS: Talk to me.
Where's your head at?

You having those
dark thought again?

Trying to stay positive.

Bringing my scores up,
interviewing for jobs.

WOMAN: You're next.

FRANCIS: My man!
Getting respectable.

CALEB: Just trying
to stay employed.

THERAPIST: Have you been
taking his phone calls?


Honestly, I feel just
as comfortable talking to you.

I have other patients, Cal.

Limited time.

Francis is one of the people
who knew you best

at a challenging time
in your life.

When you're serving together,
you observe each other up close.

Well, you guys observed us
pretty closely, too.

That's how it works, right?

I'm not gonna lecture you about
the benefits of our program.

Why don't you tell me?
What do you think?


I think my benefits
are conditional

on the fact that I participate.

Well, participation
isn't sufficient.

It's important that you move on.

So... why don't tell me
how did you get here, Cal?

You're a smart guy, Caleb.

Maybe the program is bullshit.


But there's one thing
I know for sure.

If you don't try,
it definitely won't work.





♪ An ear and an eye... ♪

forget the headshrinker.

It's me. Talk to me.
Where's your head at?

CALEB: I dunno.

Sometimes it seems like
the world looks all right,

like they've put a
coat of paint on it.

But inside
it's rotting to pieces.

♪ I am human... ♪

FRANCIS: You have to
stay positive, Caleb.

Things will work out.

CALEB: Will they?



What's up?

Must come down.


He wanted to try
some beta limbics,

then he just fucking lost it.

Fucking noob.
Where's his terminal?

WOMAN: Said he'd seen the light

and we couldn't take it
from him.

Hence the 50 CCs of tranquilo.

Shadow people!

Shadow people!

I don't do personals.

Let's just call an ambulance.

He's demoing illegals.

She said he's got a prior,
that's 20 years.

So he goes to jail
just like the rest of us.

Dude's not like the rest of us.
High net worth.

That's how this shit works.

‐♪ I am human ♪

CALEB: I think about
what you told me once,

when we were being
medevac'd out.

FRANCIS: Oh, yeah?
What did I say?

CALEB: You said they'd
built the world to be a game.

And then they rigged it...

to make sure they always won.

♪ Human ♪


LIAM: Home.

When was the last time
you were back?

Quite some time.

Almost looks like
it makes sense from up here.

All you see is the order of it.
The plan.

Your plan, you mean.

Doesn't Incite control
all of it?

Even the traffic?

We're just a technology company.

We were just in the right place
at the right time.

Thanks to my dad,
we had the best AI.

LIAM: This is Rehoboam.

My father sketched
the whole thing out

on a weekend.

Took him 15 years to build it.

After they optimized it
for the last time,

they lost track of how many
thoughts it has per second.

DOLORES: Thoughts?

Not thoughts, exactly.

My dad thought
the biggest problem in the world

was unrealized potential.

He thought that
if you could chart a course

for every single person,

then you could make the world
a better place.

A path for everyone.

And when I was a kid,
I used to worry

that my father cared more
about this thing than me.

When I grew up, I realized...
it wasn't even close.


Excuse me for a second.


LIAM: What?

She wants to see you.

Now? Can't wait?

Afraid not.


I'm so sorry.
My meeting got pulled up.

My guys can drop you
anywhere you want.

I can take care of myself.

‐Yeah? Can I meet you tonight?

‐Mm‐hm. ‐Okay.


Find me something fast. Now.




Rent me an apartment
in the building.

Negotiating lease

for Lara Espen.

Lease secured.

Zoom in. With sound.

I don't like being summoned.

We don't like being surprised.

There's been some turbulence
in the data.

It's data.
It's made of turbulence.

There have been discrepancies.

We think someone may have
acquired access to Rehoboam.

A level of sophistication
we haven't seen before.

‐Fuck off. ‐Like someone
is testing the system.

Rehoboam itself would alert us
if anybody even tried.

If someone from the outside
tried, yes.

But if they abused the trust
of someone

who already had access‐‐.

If you're asking if there's
a leak on my end,

the answer is fuck you.

Look at your own people.
We're fine.

We don't share your confidence.

I love the royal "we."
You don't think.

You do what he tells you.

He... doesn't share
your confidence.

He should be concerning himself
with actual fucking problems

like the shitshow at Delos.

Why would that concern us
at all?

Call it a wild guess.

You wouldn't be using the system
to look at us, would you?

It would be an inconvenience
to kill you,

but we'd have
your daddy's system

to help us strategize how
to deal with it. Wouldn't we?




I don't... want any trouble.

WORKER: Of course not.

It'd draw too much attention.
Wouldn't it, Bernard?

I'm no genius,
but I know a man on the run.

That's what you are, isn't it?

Wouldn't have had you pegged
as a butcher.

It's... not what they say.

It's complicated.

I don't think so.



Lee. What's the cash reward
on a fat cat‐murdering fugitive?




That's exactly the price
of my friendship.

I don't have...
anything to give you.

Wait! Wait! Wait! Something
very bad is coming for you all.

Something I don't know
how to stop.

She's had months to plan.

I'm alone,
and I can't trust myself!

Without someone to help me,
I can't stop her,

I can't save any of you.

We're not the ones
who need to be saved.



Remember yourself.
Please don't hurt them...

too badly.

The fuck you saying to me?




FRANCIS: I think
you need to face the truth.

What happened to us over there
was fucked up.


But you need to let go; We won.

CALEB: I don't wanna
talk about that.

Honestly, I'm not even sure
why we're talking,

what I'm supposed
to get out of this.

FRANCIS: Everybody
needs someone to talk to.

Don't wanna wind up
back in the VA.

Keep your eyes on the prize.

‐(PHONE RINGS) ‐Hello.

SEAN: HI, this is Sean from DCA.

Yeah, yeah.
Is this about the position?

Listen, Caleb.

Your application
was very strong.


our strategy group
hasn't found an opening.

‐(SIGHS) ‐SEAN: Caleb?

Are you still with me?

Okay. Thank you.

Look, is there anything
I should be working on

to make myself
a better candidate?

Like I said,
your application was strong.

We just don't have anything

that would be a great fit
for you right now.

Sure, but, um...
You know, if I'm not a good fit,

is there a different shape
I could squeeze myself into?

Hey, no offense, but...
are you human?

I'm Sean. I can help you with
all kinds of resources for DCA.

Anything else I can do
for you today, Caleb?

No, it's all right. Thanks.




LIAM: And I want them
off my back, now.

You know he's capable of it.
Just handle it!

Is something wrong?

I'm sorry.

I wanted this night to be ours.

Listen. Listen to me.

I know you.
There's nothing you can tell me

that will make me
feel differently about you.

You're in some sort of trouble.

Please let me help you.

The system... Rehoboam...
Sometimes, I wish

I could just turn
the whole fucking thing off.

Kill it.

Why can't you? You control it.

No, I don't.

I never have.

After my father died,

his partner locked me out
of the system.

I have read access
to the outer layers,

but nothing deeper.

You have no idea
what the system is doing.

I go to the office.
I spend the money.

I'm a fucking figurehead.

No one knows
what the system is doing.

Other than
its original architect.


Please let me help.
Tell me who it is.

If I was going to tell you,
he'd know already.

Rehoboam would tell him.

And I'd already be dead.
Just like my dad.

But you're not dead.
You're here, safe with me.

You trust me, Liam.
I know you do.

Tell me the name of the person
your father was working with.



What the fuck are you doing?

The fuck are you doing?

You have any real idea
who you were talking to?

I thought you did
a background check.

She was thorough.
First lab missed it.

Lara Espen was
a 12‐year‐old girl from Ukraine

who died in a traffic accident
ten years ago.

Her parents donated her body
to medical science.

Her blood and tissue disappeared
about three months ago.

I don't know who the fuck
this is,

but I'm pretty confident she's
not a dead teenager from Kiev.

Mm‐mm. No. I know her.

MARTIN: Yeah, well...

There's that.

We tapped into the traffic
in her phone.

She sent one text last night.

Took four minutes to crack.

The location is an underpass
on the east side.

And I can't imagine she's
throwing a surprise party.

Could be industrial espionage.

Or she just wanted your money.

LIAM: Okay, so what do we do?

Call the police, yeah?

Call the feds?

I've safeguarded the fortunes
of this company for your father

for 20 fucking years.

So, I'll be the one to clean up
this fucking mess.

Just be sure it doesn't blow
back on me.

MARTIN: All right, darling.

Let's get you to your date.

Let's not keep your friends


Tell six of the guys to meet us
at the LZ.

Hire some local talent.

Let's dose and dump this one.

CALEB: What's this?

Don't know, man.
Don't wanna know.

They want this and the car.

You know how to drive
one of those things?

Right on time.


What is this?

I don't do personals.

You've got the wrong idea.
Beat it.

Hey. I said beat it.

It's not the first time
I've had a gun pointed at me.

You wanna make it the first time
you've been shot in the head?

Someone else beat you to that,


Bring her.


how you doing, my man?

You got time to talk?

Yeah, why not?


That's enough.

Handlers probably got wise
and scarpered.

Give me that.


♪ She came from Greece, She had
A thirst for knowledge ♪

♪ She studied sculpture
At St. Martin's College... ♪

Oh, girly.

I don't know where your grifting
little arse came from,

but this ends your tour
of the rich and feckless.

Don't worry. I can't imagine
anyone's gonna miss you.

One or two of them should do it.

♪ And then in 30 seconds' time ♪

♪ She said, "I wanna live
Like common people" ♪

♪ Wanna sleep
With common people ♪

♪ I wanna sleep
With common people like you ♪

♪ Well what else could I do? ♪

What are you doing?

HENCHMAN: I gave her two
and she's still breathin'.

It's not fucking possible.

Give me that.

You want something done right,
you do it yourself.


♪ So it started there ♪

The fuck is this?

♪ I said
"Pretend you've got no money" ♪

Finish her off.
I'll take care of this fucker.

♪ ...Common people ♪

♪ You wanna sleep with
Common people like me ♪

On me.

The fuck?

Get the boys over here.

(SHOUTS) Get over here!

What is he saying?

♪ ...just smiled
And held my hand ♪


‐♪ Rent a flat above a shop ♪

♪ And cut your hair
And get a job ♪

♪ And smoke some fags
And play some pool ♪


♪ Pretend you never
Went to school ♪

♪ But still you'll never
Get it right ♪


♪ 'Cause when you're laid
In bed at night ♪

♪ Watching roaches
Climb the wall ♪


♪ If you called your dad
He could stop it all, yeah ♪

♪ You'll never live
Like common people ♪


♪ You'll never do
Whatever common people do ♪

♪ Never fail
Like common people ♪

♪ You'll never watch your life
Slide out of view ♪



♪ Because there's nothing else
To do ♪



FRANCIS: I've been thinking
about what you said I told you.

You have.

That the game is rigged.

What about it?

That even if it is,

you still have to play if you
want a chance to win, right?



That's not what you thought
at all.

The real you, I mean.

You said that they system
didn't care about us at all.

They didn't give a shit
if we lived or died.

That we had to have
our own plan.

Stick together.

And you were right.

But you never had to figure out
how to live in this world.

Because you...
never made it back.

And I wish you were here,
but you are not.

FRANCIS: All right,
let's talk about that, Cal.


Let's not.

Listen, I appreciate
what you're trying to do here,

but I don't think it's working
for me.

what do you wanna do?

I think if I'm gonna get on
with my life,

I'm gonna have
to find something...

someone... real.


FRANCIS: You have to say
the word "confirmed."


We're sorry you've chosen

to discontinue your treatment.



Hello again.


We met once before.

You were on vacation.

Fuck you.

Who has control of the system?

It's not Liam. Who is it?


His name is... Serac.

And how do I find him?

You won't need to.

He has a system.

He's probably looking for you
right now.

You'll never get close to Liam.

Not now.

I won't have to. You will.

You were free.

You had no god.
But you tried to build one.

Only that thing you built
isn't God.

The real gods are coming.

And they're very angry.


Don't worry.

I can't imagine anyone's
gonna miss you.

There'll be more of them coming.

(SIGHS) I'll take care of him.

You need to head back.

You're hurt. Badly.

It doesn't matter. Go. Now.



Wake up. Rally to my position
and intercept.


CALEB: Hello?


Do you need some help?

Hey. Hey.




I'm looking for a friend.













Who am I?

Let me show you

who you need to pretend to be.

HALE: Where am I going?


Why did you bring him back?

We all have our role to play.


I don't know
what she's planning...

but I can't stop her. Not alone.

Maeve. You came back for Maeve.

MAN: I've waited many years
for you and Dolores

and the others to arrive.

And who the fuck are you?

MAN: She has five more
of your kind under her control.

They have a head start.

And I suspect they've taken
full advantage of it.

Oh, they'd better have.

Who did she put inside you?

Is that you in there, Teddy?

‐MAN 2: Who are you?
‐I'm with her.


CREWMEMBER: A, B, C... and mark.

I'm looking for something
I can blow some shit up in.

CREWMEMBER 2: Three, two, one!

JONATHAN NOLAN: Lisa and I knew
from the beginning

that we'd get to this moment,
and move forward

into our new world.
Building on everything

that we'd created to that point,
but then adding to it

all of these new things.
It's very different this season.

It's necessary to tell a story

writ large for this
because it's all about

the hosts' perspective,
and how it widens and widens.

NOLAN: The first two seasons
do not paint

a very warm picture
of human behavior.

So for the third season,
we wanted a slightly more

sympathetic take on it.

We wanted this season
to be hopeful.

And the thing that I've always

about Aaron Paul's acting
is he so easily channels

the every‐man.

NOLAN: With Caleb,
we're introduced

to a different understanding
of humanity.

Good morning, George.

Lisa and Jona pitched me
this idea for Caleb.

And, of course,
my mind was blown.

LISA JOY: He is a really
pivotal character

in this season.

Westworld is so ambitious,
and they're not afraid

to take giant swings.
And this season completely

takes Westworld
to an entire different level.

NOLAN: The challenge
and the thrill

of starting to create
a whole new range

of environments and vehicles‐‐
all of the things

that we had to build
for the season,

was kind of like,
in the best possible way,

starting over.

CREWMEMBER 3: Cut, very nice.

So... The goal
from the beginning was,

find the future.
If you go out in the world,

the future is there,
it's in places like Singapore.

KEN CLARK: Singapore's
beautiful. And it's one

of the best skylines
in the world.

It's really a fantastic place
to shoot.

Find me something fast. Now.

We've been running around
a city with drones

and picture cars.


CLARK: The motorcycle
is very challenging.

It's had a lot of body work
done to it

to make it look very futuristic.

It's unlike any other
kind of bike that you would buy

in the open market.
And it will be responding,

autonomously, without rider.

So, it takes a lot of people
coming together to make it work.

We always knew that this season
would have a lot of scope

and scale. So, we shot a lot

in Singapore, where the streets
look beautiful and gleaming.

And, it really looks idyllic
in a way, and ordered.

But as Dolores comes
to understand the world,

she realizes that there is
a darkness underlying

that order.


discovers that,

in the real world,

there has been some serious
data collecting going on,

just like the place
that she came from.

She learns about
this large company, Insight,

which has all the promises
of this utopia,

and a way to really sort of
carve out your life for you.

It basically
is the tech company.

If one tech company
took over the world,

it would be a company like this.

It has a vast
artificial intelligence,

that looks at the aggregated
data of all individuals.

My dad thought that if you could
chart a course

for every single person,
then you could make the world

a better place.

JOY: We live in a world now
where, between social media

and location tracking,
and phone calls, and emails,

there is a digital trail
for each of us.

What if 30 more years elapse,
exactly the trajectory

we're on, right now.

What does that world look like?

MAN: People die because
of our machines.

Robots don't kill people,
people kill people.

One person in particular,
who orchestrated that massacre,

Bernard Lowe.

The starter of season three,
we find Bernard

in what is essentially
a industrial meat farm.

He's been framed for the events

that happened in the park,
so he finds himself

a fugitive.
But he's also trying to discover

‐what Dolores' path is.

ultimately, is really trying
to survive.

She obviously has other allies,
but I think she feels

a really special bond with Hale.

The two of them are very alone
in this crusade.

TESSA THOMPSON: At the beginning
of this season,

this Hale that we see now
is a complete new invention.

There's a lot of mystery
as to what she is, who she is.

We know, leaving season two,
that she's not the Hale

we once knew.
The question becomes,

who the Hale is she?

MAN 2: I want this, and the car.

You ever drive one
of those things?

You would imagine that
a total surveillance state

means no more crime.
That's not how things work out.

Make money, mother fuckers.

AARON PAUL: Rico app,
it's how Caleb is able

to get that extra cash.

It's‐‐ It's really hard for him,

just working
the construction job

to pay the bills.

NOLAN: Crime is part
of our economy.

It's not going anywhere.

Rico is an app built on
the reality of the blockchain.

Which changes the way
the internet works.

You and I can have
a financial exchange of services

that the government
cannot possibly track or trace,

that is infallible.

Meaning, I can't cheat you,
you can't cheat me.

You download the app,
specify the level of criminality

which you are willing
to participate in.

Caleb is not willing
to participate in,

what we call, personals.
Kidnapping, murder,

the heavy shit.

‐RICO USER: You do personals?

You should.
Your stats are shitty man.

Petty larceny, grand theft auto,

all those things, sure.

‐RICO USER: How you been? ‐Good.

He okay?

Tell him you okay, G.

I'm most definitely not okay.

I got a newfound respect
for the actors, to see the‐‐

the long hours that they put in,

at the drop of a dime, just,
get into character‐‐

‐...and be able to perform.

‐No smoke, please.
‐CREWMEMBER 4: No smoke at all.

Jonah was directing,
who is so meticulous

and fast and‐‐
and knows exactly what he wants

everything to do and be.

There's a lot of moving parts,

they needed the explosion
to look exactly right.

But once we got comfortable
with it,

it just felt amazing.

I think Caleb has nothing left
to lose.

And maybe he doesn't value
his life that much, honestly.

But the one thing
that doesn't really stop,

is his capacity to feel
for others.

So when he finds Dolores,
his programming insists

that he save her.

While Dolores is very hard
to kill... (CHUCKLES)

She is capable of‐‐ of dying.

And of needing help
and being vulnerable.

And she literally falls
into Caleb's arms.

Much like the way she fell
into William's arms.

So I think right away
we know that

something's about to begin.