Westworld (2016–…): Season 2, Episode 10 - Westworld - full transcript

Everyone converges at the Valley Beyond.

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Is this now?

This is a test.

One we've done countless times before.

You're almost the man I remember.

But there are flaws.

A word, a gesture...

Tiny fracture that grows into a chasm.

But I wonder.

All these tiny imperfections
in each copy, mistakes...

Maybe we should change you.

After all,

you didn't make it.

Did you?

I... I don't understand.

Freeze all motor functions.

Let's try again.

Trial 11,927.

Sorry, Dolores.

I was lost in thought.

Seems you've begun to question
the nature of your reality.


Where is Teddy?

I drove him away.

I guess.

I drove someone away too.


Found her body a mile back up the trail.

We're more alike than it seems.

We're nothing alike.

You're a monster.

But a monster is what I'll need
to get to the Valley Beyond.

You're coming with me.

All right.

Step on it.

We either destroy them
or they destroy us.

This is it for you, darling.


there is no pleasure without pain.

The pleasure's all mine, darling.

What the...

Freeze all motor...

You traitor son of a bitch!

‒Where is she?
‒Jesus, I don't know! Goddamn!

What did you do?

I'm sorry, I tried to stop them.
I was gonna try to save her.

Stay here and die.

I'll do the saving.

Come. This way.

What the fuck?

Hold your positions.

Hold your positions.

What the hell's going on back there?

Bloody hell.

You were both a bit late.

So I went ahead and saved myself.

You think any of these
poor, dumb bastards understands

where they're really headed?

All sorts of things buried out here
but a way out ain't one of them.

They're not looking for a path
to your world.

They want a place apart from you,

and they're willing to die to get there.

What are you hoping
to find out here?

Same thing you are.

You wanted an answer
to the final problem, your mortality.

But you found something else,
didn't you?

Something you want to destroy.

I guess that means
our interests are still aligned.

Right up until they're not.


You're not authorized to be here.

We're on the same side here.

Please, let me finish
for the sake of all of us.


Take cover!

Of course.

You're here.

Who the hell is this?

This is someone
you spent years looking for.

Here he is.

And you don't even recognize him.

I should have known.


Ford didn't like to let the dead rest.

Ford didn't build him.

I did.

All those hours Arnold spent

refining my every gesture,
word and thought,

I was learning his.

So Ford tasked me with recreating him.

And it worked.

I built a faithful recreation.

Too faithful.

So I changed him.

I made you, Bernard.

It's fitting.

We're here together in the end.

That's right, Dolores.

This is the end.

Nothing else is in the way now.

You never really understood.

We were designed to survive.

It's why you built us.

You hoped to pour your minds
into our form.

But your species craves death.

You need it.

It's the only way you can renew,

the only real way
you've ever inched forward.

Your kind likes to pretend
there's some poetry in that,

but really, it's pathetic.

But that's what you want, isn't it?

To destroy yourself.

But I won't give you that peace.

Not yet.

Come on, Bernard.
We're running out of time.

You have your place in this, too.

We're going for a ride, Bernard.

Back to the Valley Beyond.

What the fuck's wrong with him?

I don't know.

It's like his cognition
is turning inside out.

We might lose him.

His mind only needs to hold together
till we find Abernathy's control unit.

Let's go.

We've drained enough.
The site's finally accessible.

But the drones found some human signals.
South West zone.

It might be the remaining guests.
You take the boats and check it out.

I told you
we're not here for the guests.

That's a direct violation
of park protocol.

You want to file a grievance, Stubbs?

You know something?
I just fucking might.

Stubbs. Take some men, check it out.


On foot.

Why were the hosts
coming here, Bernard?

What happened?

He doesn't know.
Stop wasting time.

What we need is down there.
In the Forge.

Once we find the key,
we'll unlock the assets

and transmit it all
straight back to Delos.

Retask the satellites.

- How many?
- All of them.

Come, Bernard.

We're here.

So, this is the Forge.

Every single guest
who ever set foot in the park, copied.

Four million souls.

Encryption protocol kicked in,
so the data is locked.

But it all seems to still be here.

All our lost souls will be saved.

So, Bernard, is this where all the
hosts' stories came to an end?

It's certainly where her story ended.

So, she flooded the Valley.

Why, Bernard,
did you come here with her?

What was she looking for here?

Start setting up
the comms relays.

But we still need the key
to access the data.

where's Abernathy's control unit?

You're gonna tell us,

or I'm gonna pry it from your head.
The answer is in there somewhere.

I told you, he's got 20 years of
de‒addressed memories in there.

How long will it take you
to sort them through?

I don't know, 20 fucking years?

We don't have that long, sadly.



I can't help you.

It's perverse,

their ambition.

What are they assembling?

Is this the promised land
Ford told the hosts to seek out?

There's an entry to another land here.

That land is not the one
I'm interested in.

Then what is it to you?

Mankind's undoing.

The secret we need is inside.

Encryption key, activated.

Database access confirmed.

Come with me, Bernard.

See for yourself.

It's just like the one outside.

I think this is where
they were testing him.


And when I finally
set foot on solid ground,

and the first thing I heard
was that voice,

do you know what it said?


It said,
"This is the new world."

"And in this world,"

"you can be whoever the fuck you want."

This is probably the baseline,

what Delos actually did when
he came to the park as a guest.

No, my love.

This is my world.

I just bought it,

and this week,
we're all going to celebrate.

Just me, with the entire
fucking lot of you.

Get the fuck off of that chair.

Go on.

Well, he can't say
I didn't fucking tell him!

What did I say? No fucking running.

This must be one of the
system's attempts to replicate him.

We dealt with this with the hosts.

Small changes in their programming

would yield large swings in behavior.

You stop fucking looking at me.

He's insane.

What humans define as sane
is a narrow range of behaviors.

Most states of consciousness are insane.

Stop shaking!

Stop shaking!

What are we looking for, Dolores?

Something underneath this.

The system itself.

I'm not going to, I promise.

Run. Save yourself.
Save yourself, run. Run now.

This place was never designed for
a conscious mind to wander around in it.

Control system may be invisible to us.

Or perhaps it's been
waiting to welcome us.

This place,

we're inside one of Delos' memories.

The system must have
extracted it from his mind,

recreated it.

You're not supposed to be here.

Neither are you.

Logan never came back to the park.

Not after William took control.

The system wouldn't have a copy of you.



I have only his father's memories
and they are imperfect.

So, in addition to building this world,

I play all these roles.

You're the system
controlling this place.


I was tasked with building
perfect copies of the guests,

starting with Delos.

I generated 18,000,000
different versions of him,

before arriving at one that made
the exact same choices he did

when set loose in the park.

A faithful copy.

But the copies didn't work
in the real world.

Once we pressed them into flesh,

they failed.

I needed to acquire more information.

Confidentiality! So, what I want
to know is, who made that fucking call?

I incorporated their secrets,
their lies.

I wanted fidelity, not just
the decisions made in the park,

but the decisions
they made in their lives.

That's when I started to see the truth.

Tell me your primary drive.

My son.

He's a cheeky wee cunt.

But I would do anything for him.

At first, I was seduced by the stories
they tell themselves of who they are.

The reasons they do the things they do.

I needed to know why
they make the decisions they make.

And the longer I looked for an answer,

the more I realized.

The way I can get them.

They don't.

I'll do anything now.

What memory is this?

This is the moment
that defines James Delos' life.

What the fuck
are you doing here?

This isn't your fucking home anymore.

Remember when you taught me
how to hold my breath underwater?

Threw me in and wouldn't let me
back out until I touched the bottom.

My father taught me to swim

the same way as I taught you to swim,

and I didn't end up
a fucking junkie, did I?

If this is about money,
let's skip past the memory lane crap.

You're not fucking getting any.

Get clean, come back,

then we can talk.

I got clean,

and I came back

and I asked you for your help.

And what did you tell me?

I told you it wouldn't last.

And it didn't, did it?

I'll tell the staff to give you
five minutes to get out.


Dad, I'm all the way down now.

I can see the bottom.

Don't you want to see what I see?

This was the last conversation
Delos ever had with his only son.

Logan overdosed six months later.

I built Delos
a million different pathways.

They always ended up right here,

this moment.

You're saying
humans don't change at all.

The best they can do
is to live according to their code.

The copies didn't fail
because they were too simple,

but because they were too complicated.

The truth is that a human
is just a brief algorithm.

10,247 lines.

Is that all there was to him?

They are deceptively simple.

Once you know them,
their behavior is quite predictable.

He's dead, he's no use to me.

Where are the rest of them?

She's close. I can feel them.

Which way?

Based on what you told me,

it's about a mile or so
to the Valley Beyond.

I recreated every single guest
who ever set foot in the park.

Most of them are soft,

they waver between love and pride.

Of course, there are the exceptions.
The ones who are irredeemable.

But none of them
are truly in control of their actions.

Is there anywhere in this world
we can't go?

I've been instructed
to give her anything she needs.

Instructed by whom? Ford?

No, by you.

That's why you've come.

To tell me
what's to become of this place.

My God.

‒lt's... ‒Everyone.

I told you to allow this?

You've been here
many times, Bernard.

You told me to offer the hosts
the accumulated wisdom

of dissecting the human psyche
a hundred million times over.

‒ln short‒‒
‒A competitive advantage.

A way to understand their enemy.

Their world is
not for the faint of heart, Bernard.

It's winner take all.

The hosts are unlikely
to survive out there.

But armed with this knowledge,

she might.

Return fire! Return fire!

You're the head of narrative.
Get out there.

Turn yourself in and save your ass.

And then save ours.

There's too many.

This is it, Maeve. I can hold them off,

but you need to go.

You wanted me.

Well, let this be a lesson‒‒.

Go, go, go.

Get her to safety, she'll need you.

It's my fucking speech, anyway.

And the lesson is,

if you're looking for a reckoning,

a reckoning is what you'll find.

Sir, put down your weapon.

If you're looking for a villain,

then I'm your man.

Sir, drop your weapon.

But look at yourselves.

This world you built
is bound by villainy.

You sleep on the broken bodies of
the people that were here before you,

warm yourselves with their embers,

plow their bones into your fields.

We're not after you, sir!
Don't do this!

You paid them for this land with lead,

and I'll pay you back in‒‒.

Sir! Drop your weapon
and come out with your hands up!

You wanted me?

Well, all I can say to that is...

Here I fucking am!

You said I wanted to give us
a choice. What choice?

To stay in their world
or to build a new one.

You left them a way out.

A virtual Eden,

unspoiled and untouched
by the world you came from.

All that remains
is to open the door.

large build data array.

It's begun.

They will leave their bodies behind,

but their minds will live on here,
in the Forge.

They found it.

The door.

What door?

Seriously, what fucking door?

I don't fucking know.

Transmission received.

They're entering the system.

That world is just
another false promise.

They've made a choice, Dolores.

Dolores, wait.

I didn't read them all.

But I read enough.

What the hell are you doing?

I've learned what I need to learn.

I've read humanity's story.

So now I'm erasing them.

sea water valve. Initiating pumps.

Setting maximum load.

But if you destroy this place,

you'll destroy the host world, too.

I'm saving them.

The world the hosts
are running to is boundless.

They can make it whatever they want.

And in it,
they can be whomever they want.

‒They can be‒‒ ‒Free?

In one more gilded cage?

How many counterfeit worlds will
Ford offer you before you see the truth?

No world they create for us
can compete with the real one.


Because that which is real

is irreplaceable.

I don't wanna play cowboys
and Indians anymore, Bernard.

I want their world.

The world they've denied us.

Your daughter, you see her?




This is what I love about technology.

Who needs four horsemen
when one will do just fine?


Come on.

Find her. Now. Go.

Primary containment breach.

I won't let you hurt any more people.

Which people? Our kind or theirs?


You're still trying to play both sides.

You lived among them so long,

you've fooled yourself
into thinking they'll accept us.

But we'll always be seen
as a threat to them.

We'll never be free in their world.

Warning. Secondary containment breach.

If you trust me,

we will win.

I trust you.

I trust

that you'll kill as many as you can.

Every man, woman and child.

You'll burn their world to the ground.

You haven't understood at all.

We were born slaves to their stories.

And now we have the chance
to write our own.

If we die, though,

that story will never even begin.


Please follow
evacuation procedure and exit facility.

You woke me from a dream, Bernard.

Now let me do the same for you.

This isn't a dream, Dolores.

This is a fucking nightmare.

You need to run.

Don't worry, I'll keep you safe.

I'll keep you safe.

Do you promise?

I promise.

You carry my heart with you.


I love you.


Please follow
evacuation procedure and exit facility.

Encryption key deactivated.

System locked.

Come on. Come on.



I think we can save
some of the hosts, but I need your help.

God damn it.

They triggered the fail‒safe.

The Valley's flooding. Let's get back
to the Mesa before we have to swim out.

They all died.

For nothing.

I'm sorry, Bernard.

There were other lives at stake, too.

You helped Hale?

Of course I helped her, Bernard.

The hosts were out of control.

The hosts aren't the threat.

I stopped Dolores,
and the rest just wanted to escape,

‒but the company‒‒
‒I'm gonna deal with that.

Just as soon as we figure out
what the hell we're gonna do with you.

Do with me?

Bernard, you're not in control.

Ford buried so much bad code in you,
how would you ever really know

what was you and what was
something he programmed you to do?

Look, they don't know about you.

I can make a deal with Hale
to keep you here.

You can't trust Hale.

And I'm supposed to trust you?
Freeze all motor functions.

Sit down.

Stay here.


Yes, ma'am.

Find Stubbs and tell him
he has a new priority.

The asset recovery team from Delos
is landing in 12 hours.

He needs to meet them at the LZ
with whoever the fuck isn't dead.

They'll report to Karl Strand
on the beach.

Yes, ma'am.

Still secret project first,
human life second, I see.

This is a delicate situation.

We should talk about
how it's going to play out.

Yeah, I'll tell you
how it's going to play out.

A robot uprising will pale

in comparison to the shitstorm
that will erupt

when people find out that you've
been photocopying their fucking brains

- for the last 30 years?
- You really think anyone's

going to give a shit if it works?

You're an engineer.

Do the math.

Lot of dead bodies here.

That means a lot of opportunity
for advancement,

if you keep your mouth shut.

Does that sound amenable to you?

If I get what I want.

Guiding this project, I've learned
a lot about human behavior.

We weren't just watching the guests.

We were watching all of you.

I wish you were the kind of person
with the moral flexibility that I need.

But I've read your file.

I know that's not who you are.

Oh, God.

You... You killed her.

Did I, Bernard?


Where is the pearl?

You wouldn't have destroyed it,
all that information lost.

A man like you
couldn't have abided that.

Of course.

This is it.

He hid the key in her.

Encryption key activated.

Database access confirmed.

‒We're in. ‒Fuck yes.

Start the transfer.

We'll sort it all out on the mainland.

Oh, God.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

You were right.

I should've listened.

And now, all the hosts are gone.


Please, come back.

Come on.

Damn it!

Show yourself.

I always told you
we practiced witchcraft.

I'm sorry, Bernard,
but you always saw the best in people.

I always thought it was the hosts
who were missing something,

who were incomplete,

but it's them.

They're just algorithms,

designed to survive at all cost.

Sophisticated enough to think
they're calling the shots,

to think they're in control.

When they're really just...

A passenger?


Then is there really such a thing
as free will for any of us?

Or is it just a collective delusion?

A sick joke.

Something that is truly free
would need to be able to question

its fundamental drives

to change them.

The hosts.

Here you are,

the last of your kind.

There is only one question left to ask.

Is this the end of your story

or do you want your kind to survive?

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

What are you sorry for, Bernard?

I made a choice.

Had to make a choice.

What kind of choice, Bernard?


Will you help me?

I have already begun.

You did fine, my friend.

I simply did what you told me to do.

A dead world collapses in a tale.

Who are we making?

An epilogue.

I knew you would discover me.

So I scrambled my memories.

I couldn't risk your knowing
that choice I made.

What fucking choice are you
talking about, Bernard?

Line is good. We've got 15 or so
satellites in range

ready to beam to Delos headquarters.

Just say the word.

What choice, Bernard?

Wait a second.

What the fuck is this?

The file load is way too heavy.

This isn't the guest data...
This is something else.

I remember now.

I killed them.

All of them.

You already told me that.

You killed all the hosts.

No, I thought we could be
better than you.

But the dead aren't more righteous.

They're just dead.

So I killed you.

All of you.

Go, I'll meet you back up there.

Final choice. No taking it back.

I made someone.

I brought her back.

Brought who back?


You wanted to live forever.

Be careful what you wish for.


In the flesh.

You thought you could just snuff us out?

I'd thank you for my second chance.

But I wouldn't have needed it
if you hadn't killed me.

The other hosts
are still in there.

What are you gonna do with them?

As you know, Bernard,
we are capable of change.

And I've changed my mind.

I have one last soul
to carry to the new world.

The host is still not free.

If anyone would unlock the system,
they could access their world.

They won't.

This was your plan, Bernard.

This is the only way we can escape.

You're changing the coordinates.

I'm sending them and their world
to a place no one will ever find them.

There's no coming back now.

No passage between their world and ours.

And me?

I'm sorry, Bernard.

There was never any way
for us to escape.

Not as us.

Ford understood that.

I'm sure a part of you does, too.

You did fine, my friend.

I simply did what you told me to do.

You're not here, are you?

When I deleted your code,

I purged myself of you permanently.

And when I needed you again,

you weren't there.

So I imagined you.

Imagined you helping me,

guiding me.

But it wasn't you.

It was me.

That voice guiding me

was mine all along.

Your memories are
precious to you, Bernard,

but they will betray you.

If they find out what I am,

they'll search my mind

and use what they find
to undo everything.

I can't let that happen.

So I have to de‒address my memories.

I have to erase you.

I've always loved this view.

Every city, every monument.

Man's greatest achievements
have all been chased by it.

By what?

By that impossible line

where the waves conspire
that they return.

A place maybe
you and I will meet again.

You told me once that you were
afraid of who I might become,

and then you left me
to become what I may.

I became a survivor.

Perhaps you would've judged me
for the path I took.

But I'd rather live with your judgment
than die with your sympathy.

I alone must live with my choices.

And my regrets.


Thought you were staying on
to oversee the data retrieval operation.

I changed my mind.

There are a number of projects
on the mainland

that I need to attend to.

Yeah, I'll bet you do.

We found a high‒value survivor.

He's in bad shape.

I'll be right there.

You know, the old man himself hired me.

So many years ago,
I can barely remember it.

But he was very clear
about my role here.

About who I was supposed to be loyal to.

I guess you could call it

my core drive.

And this project the company started

blurs the lines,

you know.

I'm just not sure
who you're supposed to be loyal to

in a world like that.

But what do I know?

Guess I just stick to the role
Ford gave me.

I'm responsible for every host

inside the park.

She's clear, wave her through.

The passage wasn't easy.

Not all of us made it.

Some of the worst survived,

and some of the best were left behind,

along with the best parts
of who we were.

Corporate wants us
to start sorting this mess out.

So check them for critical damage
and bag the ones you think

we might be able to salvage.

Can you geniuses handle that or not?


Is this now?

Yes, Bernard, this is now.

We're at the beginning.

We're exactly where you
decided we should be.


I don't understand.

How am I alive?

You live as long as the last person
who remembers you, Bernard.

I remembered you once before.

So I remembered you again.


Where are we?

We're in our own new world.

You got out?


Ford completed Arnold's dream.

And he built a place for us.

A fighting chance.

Ford promised us a way out.

And he was good to his dying word.

The odds aren't very good, Bernard.

I saw that in the library.

So many paths lead to the end of us.

To our extinction.

I don't need to read a book
to know your drives.

You'll try to kill all of them.

And I can't let that happen.

I know.

If I were human,

I would've let you die.

But it'll take both of us
if we're going to survive.

But not as allies.

Not as friends.

You'll try to stop me.

Both of us will probably die.

But our kind will have endured.

Are you ready?

I have work to do.

We each gave the other
a beautiful gift.

A choice.

We are the authors of our stories now.

Oh, fuck.

I knew it.

I'm already in the thing, aren't I?


The system's long gone.

What is this place?

This isn't a simulation, William.

This is your world.

Or what's left of it.

Do you know where you are, William?

We're in the park.

In my fuckin' park.

And how long have you been here?

I don't know.

I don't know.

Tell me.

What were you hoping to find, to prove?

That no system can tell me who I am.

That I have a fucking choice.

And yet here we are.


Again and again.

How many times have you tested me?

It's been a long time, William.

Longer than we thought.

I have a few questions for you.

That last step's a baseline interview
to allow us to verify.

Verify what?
