Wanitokagegisu (2017): Season 1, Episode 5 - Episode #1.5 - full transcript

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At today's joint party the girls were talking about cool relaxed faces.

Like... Sloths have no facial muscles so it looks like they're always smiling.

They don't have facial muscles? Aren't they vulnerable on the ground?

It seems like they do eat but their digestive system is so slow they can easily get killed.

- They're stupid.
- Well, that may be so but it seems like they're happy.

When sloths are getting attacked they drain all the strength out of their body to try to get away.

For real, for real. They want to try to lessen their pain even if it's just a little bit. It's a struggle.

I can really understand that.

This is my view on the world.

It was just my imagination.

Subbed, translated and timed by Rjgman56. Enjoy!

It's all good! All good!

He's at the store right now.

He's going to go out drinking this evening.


Okay. I understand. Okay. It's the room that's the farthest in.

Okay. It's all good.

Thanks for the 150 million!

Shut up! Hurry up and get changed!

Isn't this a little overboard? Also... is this rabbit even properly ironed on?

I'm sorry if we die.

I'm trying to lower the possibility of failure as much as possible.

Hey. Stay just like that. I'm gonna take a good picture.

Don't post that online! Geez!

Huh? No posting?


Why though?

Ahh... I went and bought this...

The manager is in the office right now?

He went back to grab something he forgot. After that he's gonna go drinking.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

He has a lot of brand name suits! He's super rich!

Don't scare me! Hurry up and get over here! And put that back!

Hey Hanabayashi. I found it!

Rolex... Rolex!

- Hey this watch is a Rolex!
- Shut up!

- Don't touch it! Don't get distracted!
- But what are we gonna do about this?

We're not going to do anything. Come on! Help me carry the safe!

Now all that's left is to take it out of the apartment.

Alright! Let's go!

Ready! Go!

What are you doing!?

I got a stomach ache...

- Can we take a break?
- No, don't piss me off!

E-xcuse us!

Ah! Let's go from the back.


Yeah, yeah.


I bought your Rolex, that's why I went out of my way to get it from you! You piece of shit...

I said that all in one breath... that bastard!

He's gotta be shitting me! I'm gonna get a stroke this early in the damn morning!

- Do you wanna go drinking?
- You want me to punch you?

Punch me? I asked if you want to go drinking.

- Ahh, Kyo-chan. Let's go.
- Yes!

Alright, we're good! Let's get this in there.

Ready! Go!

First, let's go to the meeting place.


I wonder if those two are on the highway by now?

If they get the safe then they can save the girls.

But I...

Umm... what are you doing?

Umm... What do you mean?

What do I mean? You're putting something on my spokes.

I've seen these before way back...

This is no good! It's all colorful and crap...

This is embarrassing

What are you doing?

Alright! Answer me this!

Why are you avoiding me?

No, I...

I'm not avoiding you though...

You're erasing me from your life, aren't you!?

Did I do something really bad to make you hate me?

No, no! I wouldn't say I hate you or anything like that!

Then what is it?

Sorry... Right now it's a little...



overlooked something.

What was it?

For better or for worse...

I just lived my life not really paying attention to anything.

I was scared of change.

It's fine now though.

You can tell that you're changing, right?

Even though it's something minor.
You're still worrying about something, aren't you?

I don't really understand though!

You're paying attention to things, aren't you?

You've listened to me talk about my past, haven't you?

The next time something happens please let me know.

Hey, hey, hey! What's up with that woman? We've been waiting for 30 minutes already!

I'm sure there's a good reason!

We should just let it go! We've been waiting 2 hours now!

It's fine.

She's coming! She'll definitely come!

This is the first time I've gotten notifications like this! I even gotten a comment that said "Nice!"

This is a crazy good feeling!

I hope you didn't post anything weird.

She's here!

She's running! She's running!

Man... geez! My hairdresser was hitting on me!

When he was cutting my hair do you know what he said to me?

He told me I look like a model with this haircut.

- Hey, Amekawa
- Yeah?

This girl is no good.

Well... she's really girly if anything.

So? What are we going to do with this?

We're going to take it with us to the mountains.

What are you saying? We need to open this! Inside of it is our freedom!

I'm also gonna say "What!?"

Hey, Amekawa, this is different than what you promised me!

No... well... I mean... I was going to put it some place where it couldn't be found...

What if the safe gets found in the mountains? What are we going to do then?

The TV people could come and find us, then what?

I've seen something like that on YouTube!

It's kinda lonely!

All of this can't just be a hallucination, right?

They've been caught! No doubt about it!

This isn't just a hallucination!

Excuse me. This isn't yours by any chance is it?

Yes? This is Hada!

Hada-chan? It's me. Haino!

It's been a while Hada-chan.

Who gave you this phone number?

I called around, someone gave it to me on the phone.

So? What do you want?

The moment you hang up this phone I'm going to change my number.

So what are you going to do?

I just wanted to apologize.

I'm sorry that I did something like that to you.

But you know what? I liked you a lot.

I wanted to make you mine.

I don't even know what I'm doing anymore!

Is that right?


I'm really sorry.

I was an idiot!

So I thought about patching things up with you.

I understand.


Yep! I really get it!

Now then, time to change this number!

There's someone that I really really like right now!

That's why! Later! Die!

Ah! He gives me the creeps!


Is this how it's gonna be?

Amekawa and Hanabayashi employee emergency contact numbers.

I wonder if they'll answer if I call them.

What's that Amekawa doing?

There's probably 300000 yen inside.

Okay, got it.

I'm probably going to come back.

Just a little more!

It's fine. I'll take it from here.

Hey. There's... something that I need to tell you.

I saw your dream girl.


I'm pretty sure she was right in front of me and Tomioka.

Are you for real?

Was she a real life beauty?

Well... she wasn't my type.

Hey! Hey! Hey! I think you got it!

Pry it open!

If you didn't say anything then nobody would've known.

- You're a real idiot!
- Shut up!

I'll take it from here. You can go back to the car.

You're just going to steal what's inside!

I'm not! You idiot!

You haven't banged that girl yet have you?

There's a 100% chance she's going to run away after we leave the mountains.

I'm not trying to have sex with her!

I don't care either way!

You don't want your mom to be your first real kiss, right?

Hurry up and go! Hurry!


He knows that they've stolen the safe!

Man, they're making me worry!

They're here!

They saw me after all!

Are they going to come in?

Hold on...

The next time something happens let me know!

No! I can't do that! I can't do that!

The boss is a no go too!

Well, if I called her...

I'd just drag her into this...

Once we throw out everything that's in the safe, what are you going to do?

You can't go back home to that man and he might chase after you.


Are you stupid?

Inside of that safe there's probably 500,000 yen.

But then again it might only be 300,000 yen...

I'm going to take that money and leave Japan.

There never were any porno DVD's in there.

My passport is in there.

He stole my passport and kept it in there.

I'm Chinese.

I'm a Chinese illegal.

Then... it's okay.

What is?

You have a place to go... no that's not it.

You have a place to go home to.


What are you saying?

Why aren't you mad?

You should be mad! I deceived you!

No... why would I be mad?

When someone lies they get hit and punished, right?

That's not right.

It was my pleasure!

Nobody has ever asked for my help or relied on me before.

Anyways, when we get that safe open I can take you wherever you need to go.

The airport, the harbor, wherever.

I'll tell Hanabayashi.

Hey! It's almost open!

I wish I could've talked to you a little bit more.

That's not the right thing to say.

When everything is over I'll do whatever you want me to.

If there is 500,000 yen in there do you want to come to China with me?

Please let me do it!

There's a lot of porno stuff in there of me and other girls.

You know what? The other girls I get, but you should at least let Amekawa sneak a peek at you! You bitch.

There you go!

You finally opened it huh?

Who the hell are you?

That's pretty awesome.

Real awesome.

Give me half.

I don't know who the hell you are but don't get in my way!

You gotta be shitting me! Geez!

Go away!

I said half, didn't I?

I'm negotiating with you right now.

You assface bastard!

This money right here is from a Japanese man like you who abused me, day after day.

You dumbass!

Huh? I missed?

It always makes such a loud sound...

The number you are trying to call is out of reach.

She told me to call her if something happened ... .


The number you are trying to call is out of reach

Hello? Hada-san? Can you hear me?

Hada-san! This is the number you gave me last time. Are you getting this message?

I'm developing weird symptoms.

I'm hearing Tomioka-san's voice from Tomioka-san's room...

And he's calling my name...

I can actually hear him!

Can you hear me from your room?

Something happened... are you at home?

If you can hear me then give me a call!

Please! Hada-san!

Hey, hey! There's a ton of them!

Hello? Hada-san?

Tomioka-san? What happened?

You told me that if something happens then I should let you know!

Hada-san... right now... I'm... really scared for my life!