Walker, Texas Ranger (1993–2001): Season 5, Episode 26 - Rookie - full transcript

Joey Prado, the professional kickboxer whom Walker trained and helped when he was in trouble, has just graduated from the police academy. And he gets an assignment which has him going undercover to get a guy he knew who is now a drug dealer, who has plans to give drugs away. And the guilt of deceiving the guy gets to Joey.

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( light rock action
theme playing)

( suspenseful theme playing)



MAN 1: Yeah! MAN
2: Man, that was great.

MAN 3: Great.

MAN 4: All right, good
work. MAN 5: All right.

It's tough being
a bad guy, isn't it?


Is your jaw okay?

Yeah. Cadet Prado,

your unarmed and
armed combat scores

are just short of fantastic.

Only a few points below
the man who holds the record.

That'd be Cordell Walker, sir.

You know Walker, cadet?

Oh, yeah.

If it wasn't for him,
I wouldn't be here.

Well, he can be proud of you.

Thank you, sir.

You're a credit to
this police academy.

Congratulations. (all
speaking indistinctly)

Cadet Georgina Williams.

Cadet Roger Yager.

And Cadet Maurice Zimmer.

Now a special congratulations
to Cadet Joseph Prado

who earned the highest scores
in today's graduating class

and is therefore named
Platoon Honor Man.

MAN: Joey!

Good job, Joey.

Congratulations, son.

Thank you, sir.


WOMAN: All right.

Class 1197, dismissed.

Congratulations, you guys.

Joey. Thanks, Walker.

For the first time in my life

I feel like I'm gonna
make a difference.

Well, I'm really proud of you.


( funky rock theme playing)

This is good stuff.

Sure it's good stuff.

What'd you expect?

Oh, nothing but the
best from you, Benny.

That's right. So
you got the money?

Well, Since Mr. Brown's gonna
be giving these drugs away

to kids in school, I...

I kind of figured
you wouldn't mind

if I didn't pay you this time.

Yeah, I mind.

Well, you know, that...
That... That's too bad.


No hard feelings,
Benny, it's just business.

(tires screech)

MAN (over police
radio): 2-3, go.

WOMAN (over police radio):
2-3, are you holding a call

from the desk?

Who did this, Benny?



Victor Solano?



Gonna give out free samples.

Give it to the kids,
can you believe it?

MEDIC: He's gone.
MAN: Get this out of here.

You know this Solano guy?

Yeah, I know him.

SOLANO: Hey, Mr. Brown.

BROWN: It's about
time. Any problems?

No, no problems.

I decided you should save
your money, Mr. Brown,

but still keep the
merchandise you asked for.

I suppose Benny had
nothing to say about this.

Oh, no, not anymore he doesn't.

What about those
two boys of his?

Oh, I wouldn't worry about them.

They're a couple
of cold statistics

in tomorrow's morning news.

Very, very cold.

Why take the risk, Vic?

What's on your mind?

You know, I been thinking
about that, you know?

You remember that idea you
had, uh, a couple of months ago

about, uh, some
free heroin samples?

You know, local high
schools, colleges.

Give them a free taste and
reel in the new customers.

It's instant supply and
demand, you know?

Heroin's popularity with the
kids has never been higher.

Oh, I remember that idea.

I also remember
the problem with it.

Right, right. You didn't
wanna waste your own supply

to hook up those
fresh customers.

Well, now you don't have to.

Benny and his boys
were kind enough

to donate all the free
smack that we need.

You got guts and
initiative, Victor.

You'll go far

if you can just
manage to stay alive.


TRIVETTE: All right, there's
what we know for sure.

The late Benny Knox
was the main supplier

for the big-time drug
dealer, Mr. Brown.

Which means Vic Solano
is connected to Brown.

You were right on the
money about that one.

Knox said that the drugs taken

were going to be given
away as free samples.

That means only one thing.

Brown's getting ready
to distribute the heroin

into the schools.


Thanks for giving me this
chance to help out, Walker.

Well, there's something
I didn't tell you, Joey.

What's that?

Victor Solano
works for this Brown.

Vic Solano?

Are you sure?

Yeah, I'm sure.

PRADO: Vic Solano?

Solano were pals?

More than pals.

Vic was like a brother.

Well, Vic made his choice
and you made yours, Joey.

So you want me to
use Vic to get to Brown.

That's right.

But I'll understand
if you decide

to turn down the assignment.

No. No, I can't turn it down.


( light rock action
theme playing)

♪ In the eyes of a Ranger ♪

♪ The unsuspecting stranger ♪

♪ Had better know the truth ♪

♪ Of wrong from right ♪

♪ 'Cause the eyes
Of the Ranger ♪

♪ Are upon you ♪

♪ Any wrong you
do He's gonna see ♪

♪ When you're in
Texas Look behind you ♪

♪ 'Cause that's where
The Ranger's gonna be ♪

( funky jazz theme playing)

Officer Joey Prado,
reporting for duty.

Reporting for duty but
not in those clothes, Joey.

What? You... You
said civvies. I...

Joey, I'm afraid for this
particular assignment

we're gonna have to, um...

Well, Joey, that wasn't
exactly what we had in mind.

Don't worry about it. Walker
and I will take you shopping.

I have a better idea.

Alex, would you
do me a big favor?

You're better at it than I am.



I would be happy
to take you shopping.

You owe me.

Good. I hate shopping.

I'll pay you back, I promise.

( jazzy rock theme playing)

So how do I look?

You did a great job, Alex.

Just a mere change from a lump
of coal to a polished diamond.

(both laugh)

Here's your rap sheet.


I've been a bad boy
for the last four years.

That's petty stuff
compared to Solano.

And Vic's gonna check you
out. You can count on that, Joey.

Oh, I know.

So, what's next?

The merchandise.

China White, pure as it comes.

When Brown's people test that
heroin they're gonna want more.

You can step all over it
and still charge top dollar.

Joey Prado's gonna
become a very popular guy.

Yeah, lucky me.

Well, show it around.
Vic will hear about it.

now let's set you up

at the Savoy Hotel.

You can set the bags down there.

Thank you.

Thank you, sir.
Thank you very much.

Look, anything you
need... I'll let you know.

All right, sir.

Uh, full cable and
tape capabilities, sir.

Four telephones
and a, uh, Jacuzzi.

Let me show you the Jacuzzi.

Yeah, let me show
you the door. Thanks.

Oh, my God.


(knocks) It's all clear.

Okay, Joey, come here.

I want you to go see
this guy, Amos Dugan.

He owns a place
called the Table Stakes.

It's a strip joint.

It's a cover for
his drug dealings,

but we can't prove it yet.
And Dugan will get me to Vic?

No, he's a rung on the ladder
that'll get you to Mr. Brown.

And Mr. Brown's
how I get to Vic?

You got it.

So make a good impression.

Yeah, all right.

( rock theme playing)

MAN: Come on, girl.

♪ Ain't that a piece of work? ♪

♪ Ain't that a piece of work? ♪

♪ So lean and so long ♪

♪ I don't see nothin' wrong ♪

♪ Ain't that a piece of work? ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Ooh, work it, baby ♪

♪ That works for me ♪

Whoa, whoa, buddy,
you've had enough. Let's go.

♪ Oh, your sexy ways, baby ♪

♪ For days and days ♪

Anything special, good looking?

Just make it sexy.

(men cheer and laugh)

♪ When you do like you do ♪

♪ When you do like you do... ♪

I wanna talk to Dugan.

♪ You play that game, baby ♪

♪ And I forget my name ♪

♪ When you do like you do... ♪

Uh, somebody wants
to talk to you, Mr. Dugan.


Excuse me.

Hey, my name's Joey Prado.

I just want a
second of your time.

If you don't mind.

DUGAN: I mind.

Beat it, punk.

Where's your manners,
Dugan? I'm here to do you a favor.

Yeah, right. Get this guy
out of here, Bruno, now.

PRADO: There's a
whole lot more of this

at a very fair price.

Hey, my name's Joey Prado.

I'm staying at the Savoy.

You got that, mud for brains?

All right, the kid's a natural.

Amos Dugan was easy.

Vic Solano's another story.

( funky theme playing)

(phone rings)

PRADO: Yeah?

MAN: Yeah, who am I talking to?

Joey Prado. Who's this?

Joey Prado?

The same Joey Prado who did
time at Mesquite Boys Ranch?

Yeah, if you call junior high
at a state school doing time.

Well, it was for me, Butch.

I don't believe it.

Victor Solano. Oh, I...

SOLANO: The one and only.

Wait a minute. How...?
How'd you find me?

How'd you know I was here?

Well, you left a sample
with an associate of mine

and that sample
tested so righteous

your name shot
straight to the top.

Oh, I didn't know you
were in the business, Vic.

You don't sound a bit surprised.

PRADO: No, I'm not surprised.

It's where you said you
were always headed.

To be honest with you, Joey,
I'm the one who's surprised.

I mean, hearing your name
connected to this enterprise.

So I checked your record
and I find out the last four years

old straight-arrow
Joey's got a little bent.

Yeah, well, that's
a long story, bro.

Well, we'll have to meet and
you can tell me all about it.

Okay. Name the place.

St. Dismas Cemetery, where
we used to meet as kids, 2:00.

Two p.m., all right,
bro. See you there.


Oh, and, Joey,

make sure that
you're alone, okay?

Of course.

I'm meeting Vic.

So it was him, your old pal?

Yeah, it was him.

What's your plan?

I listen, and if I believe
him, we do business.

And if he's a ringer
somebody tossed into the mix?

I kill him.

( dramatic theme playing)

I think it's better if I
don't wear this thing.

That could be dangerous, Joey.

Yeah, we gotta get in too
close to cover you then.

Then don't cover me.

I just think it's better if I
go to this first meeting clean

and unarmed.

You're a drug dealer. He's
gonna expect you to wear a gun.

Then I'll do the
unexpected out of trust.

It'll impress him.

Well, you know Vic
better than we do.

It's your call.

Yeah, I'll be okay.

SOLANO (as a child): No, Joey.

The best movie ever
was The Godfather,

not all that Star Wars junk.

PRADO (as a child):
But there was no hero

in The Godfather.

SOLANO: What are
you talking about?

Michael Corleone's the hero.

Well, Michael may start out
that way but he turns into a rat.

I mean, he has his
own brother killed.

Sure, because Fredo
betrayed the family.

He was... He was a traitor, man.

Yeah, but would you do something
like that to your own brother?

I don't have a brother.

You got me.

We're blood brothers, right?

Yeah, sure, we're
blood brothers.

SOLANO: To the death,
right? PRADO: To the death.

SOLANO: Lots of
memories, huh, Joey?


How you doing?

Not too bad, not too bad.

No wire, that's good.

No gun.

Good. Yeah, well,

I might be dumb,
but I'm not stupid.

So lay it on me, Joey,
the whole sad tale.

Last I heard you were a,
uh, kickboxing champion.

Yeah, but, uh, that
kickboxing barely paid the rent.

When my knee blew out, so
did my ideas of right and wrong.

Especially after I got
busted for possession.

So when I got out I tried
my had at dealing the stuff.

So where did you get the
merchandise you gave Dugan?

A connection I made in Caracas.

Spent some time down there.

But now I'm back in town

and I'm looking for customers
who will, uh, pay the big bucks,

like this cat named
Brown, Mr. Brown.

You ever heard of him?

Well, first things first, Joey.

You know, it's not that hard to
get your name on a rap sheet,

especially if you're
working with the cops.

Yeah, what if I said I wasn't?

Well, unfortunately
it's not that simple.

You're gonna have
to pass a little test first.


How'd it go?

He wants me to pass a test,

see if I'm for real.

What kind of test?

He wants me to kill a guy.

TRIVETTE: Harry Morrison Fitch,

a.k.a. Harry Fields,

Morris Fenner, so on, and so on.

Yeah, he's a small-time operator

who has a penchant
for informing.

He's a snitch.

To date, he's made three
deals to turn associates

for state's evidence.

Word is he works for Vic.

Lower echelon stuff though.
Drug mule, that kind of thing.

Yeah, looks like Vic found
out that he's informed before.

So why didn't Vic just
take him out himself?

He probably would, but this way

he gets to kill two birds
with one stone, so to speak.

You prove yourself
by taking Fitch out

and Vic gets rid of an informer.

So, what are we gonna do?


I guess you're gonna
have to kill Fitch.

( funky theme playing)

♪ It's like I'm seeing
Double vision ♪

♪ And the day Feels like night ♪

♪ Got a life-and-death
Decision ♪

♪ But it isn't Black and white ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ I won't be anywhere But here ♪

♪ Anyone but me ♪

♪ 'Cause even if
I'm right this time ♪

♪ I'm wrong ♪

♪ I wanna be Anywhere but here ♪

♪ Anyone but me ♪

♪ Somehow, someway ♪

♪ I wish I could be gone ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ I wanna be Anywhere but here ♪

♪ Anyone but me ♪

♪ 'Cause even if
I'm right this time ♪

♪ I'm wrong ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ Anywhere but here... ♪

No, no.

No, no, no.


♪ 'Cause even if I'm right... ♪


Oh, man.

Get out of there, Joey. Move.

♪ ...I'm wrong ♪

♪ Anywhere but here ♪

♪ Anyone but me ♪

MAN (over police radio):
Gonna need a guard in the area.

WOMAN (over police radio):
Suspects are down the alley

of the apartment.

(indistinct chatter)

WOMAN 1: What happened?

WOMAN 2: And then it
freaked me right out. It was wild.

(sirens blare)

FITCH: Yeah, I'll
tell you what, though.

Them things kind of hurt
when they go off, you know?

Pow. And they, like, sting right
there where you taped them on.

(chuckles): When that
thing went off, man...


Oh, what?

You're going south.

Oh, right.

Mexico, just like you said.

Right, police escort, yeah.

FITCH: Hey, no problem.

You fellas saved my bacon
for sure, so no complaints.

Disappearing is just, uh,
hunky-dory with old Harry Fitch.

( dramatic theme playing)

(knocking on door)

Who is it? Vic.

Hey, what's up? Hey.


Come here.


on a job well done.

Well done? I stood
there like a jerk, frozen.

No, no, you did fine.

You came out of
it, you did great.

To be honest with you, I really
didn't think you had it in you.

I guess I was
hoping that you didn't.

Why is that?

Oh, I don't know.

I guess Joey Prado
being a bad guy

sort of turns my whole world
upside down, you know?

I mean, all those
times I was in the joint,

pulling something,
being a criminal,

I could always look at this
stinking world and think,

"Hey, I know at
least one honest guy."

But honesty's
for suckers, right?

I mean, the upside
of this situation

is that you and me
get to work together.

That's right.


Friends to the death, huh?

To the death.

PRADO: So now we
gotta talk about me

moving some merchandise.

I gotta make my bones
with my boys in Caracas,

and soon.

You mean you'd like
to meet that Mr. Brown.

It'd be a nice start.
You bet it would.

All right, you got it.

PRADO: Cool.
SOLANO: He's out of town,

but as soon as he gets back

we'll set up a meet,
we'll set up a sale.

Yeah. We'll go
from there, all right?

Now, what kind of
merchandise you got?

Anything you want,
bro, I can get it.

Anything. (whistles)

Check us out, huh?

Vic Solano and Joey
Prado, gangsters.

Hey, Butch and Sundance.

Butch and Sundance, I like that.


Well, Butch, let's go, uh,
do a little partying, huh?

What do you say?
All right? Yeah, man.

After that test you
put me through,

I could definitely
use a little...

No, no, no. He
was nothing, okay?

I mean, all you did
was rid the world

of a ratfink little
snitch, all right?

Now, come on. Let's
go have some fun, okay?

All right, bro.

( door closes)

He's in.

Yeah, he's in.

Worried about him?

Yeah, a little.

He's new at this.


ALEX: Hey.

WALKER: You're
working late tonight.

You're a fine one to talk.

I'm just doing a
little paperwork.


Walker. Yeah, Trivette.

Well, they're gonna have
to wind down sometime.

Okay. Call me if you need me.



He and Vic Solano have
been partying for three days.

And we're still waiting for
Mr. Brown to return from his trip?

Yeah. There's nothing we
can do until he gets back.

I'll be glad when this is over.

You really care about this kid.

Joey's a good kid,

and he's gonna make a great cop.

( funky theme playing)

Anybody here? Hello?

What's up with your hair?

What, is he your
shadow now, Vic?

That's good. Don't get
smart with me, Dugan,

or I'll have to wash
your mouth out with soap.

What do you want, Vic?

Mr. Brown's monthly
cut of his drug sales.

Sure. No problem.

And a couple of your
best girls, maybe.

It's a joke, Dugan. Relax.

We're just having
a little fun, okay?

Where's your sense of humor?


A little too early, I guess.

I'll get that
package right away.

Hello? Out to lunch.

The guy's a lox.

He's dumber than spit.

Dumber than dirt.

Dumber than an honest job.


The old days, huh?

I mean, a couple of dumb
kids who didn't have a clue.

Yeah, but when things got
tough, we knew who to depend on.

That's right.

Old Butch and Sundance
were pretty tight, huh?

We were.


Just keep your hands
where I can see them,

and we're gonna have a little
talk about my sense of humor.

Looks like Mr. Dugan here
is making a career move.

Hey, you got it.

When Mr. Brown gets back,

he's gonna find out there's
been a few changes made.

And you're first.

Uh, Amos, um, you're gonna
be running the business,

you're gonna be needing
merchandise, right?

Maybe we could talk a deal?

Joey, you no-good traitor.

(Dugan laughs)

Yeah, you're right, Prado.

I am gonna be needing
some merchandise.

This is some good
friend you got here, Vic.


That'll work.

You okay, bro?

I'm sure glad you
know that karate stuff.

Look out, Joey.


(breathing heavily)

Come on. Let's go.

I owe you one.

He would've got me.

PRADO: I don't wanna
let you down, Walker,

but Vic saved my life today

and I'm gonna pay him back
by sending him to prison?

Joey, you can't let yourself
get emotionally tied about this.

Vic's a criminal, and it's
our job to take him down.

I just don't know if I can.


If you wanna quit
the assignment,

then I strongly suggest
that you turn in your badge.

You can't walk the fence,
Joey. You got to be strong,

just like you had to be
when Gino was killed.

PRADO: Gino. Gino!

If I ever get my hands on
who killed him, I swear...

You let me worry
about that, Joey.

You've gotta
concentrate on the fight.

I don't even care.

Now that he's gone,
it doesn't even matter.

Gino wouldn't wanna hear that.

He wouldn't want you to give up.

Now that he's gone,
who's gonna train me?

I will.

WALKER: What is it, Joey?

You're not concentrating.

I keep seeing Gino dead
there, lying on the floor.

Look, Joey.

Gino's death was
a terrible tragedy.

But Gino would be
the first one to tell you

that you've got to
focus on the future,

not the past.

If you're gonna lose this fight
because your heart's not in it,

then all of Gino's training
has gone for naught.

Are you gonna let that happen?


Well, good. Let's get
to it then. Come on.

Yes, sir.

All right, go.

That's it. There you go.

( crowds cheering)

( bell rings)

For you, Gino.




Nine, ten.

(bell rings)
REFEREE: You're out.

CROWD: Joey! Joey! Joey!

Mr. Brown's coming
back in town tomorrow.

He's going straight to the meet.

I'll be there to sell
him the merchandise.

Are you sure?

Yeah, I'm sure.

Thanks for straightening
me out again.


( funky theme playing)

Thanks for dinner, Vic.

I'm gonna miss you.


Whoa. Hold it, Vic. Hold it.

What are you gonna do, man?

Whack old Harry again?

♪ Anyone but me ♪

( funky rock theme playing)



You got a location and time?

Yeah. Longhorn Stockyards
in Fort Worth. 1500 hours.

Old main building.

You up for it?

Oh, yeah.

I know what I gotta do,
and I know how to do it.

Okay. Good luck.


( urban rock theme playing)

Big day, huh?

Meeting with el jefe.

Sale of a lifetime.

Yeah, right. The big day.

What's up? You get in a fight
with your old lady or something?

Come on, Sundance, you
can tell old Butch about it.

Look, I don't wanna talk
about it. Is that all right?

What's up, Vic? What's wrong?

You got the smack?
Is...? Is it here?

Yeah, 20 keys of the
best China White around.

China White, huh?
Tested to the max, I'm sure.

Of course.

What, you think I'd
sell you anything less?

Oh, no, no, no,
because we're friends.

To the death, right?

Of course.

What's going on, Vic?

Turn right here and then
go west on the highway.

Yeah, I thought we were
going up to Fort Worth.

A little change of
plans, my friend.

Oh, but I wouldn't
worry about it, Butch.

I talked to Mr. Brown last night

and he said he didn't like
the smell of stockyards,

so the location got changed.

That gonna be a problem?

No, it's no problem.

What is it?

Check the scanner.

See where Joey is.


Hey, we got a problem.

Where is he?

TRIVETTE: Clear across town.

(tires squeal)

This where we're
meeting Mr. Brown?

Yeah, for old
times' sakes, Joey.

Now, let's move.

Looks like they're
running a little behind.

What's this, some
kind of joke, Vic?

Put it down.

Put it down.

A dead man by the
name of Harry Fitch

paid me a little
visit last night, Joey.

He was looking for
a little getaway cash,

but all he got was a bullet.

And this time, it was for real.

You're a cop, aren't you, Joey?

I knew it.

I mean, but I was
stupid, you know?

I mean, it was right
in front of my face.

I mean, you're the only
real friend I ever had, Joey.

Man, I... I guess there
was a... A part inside of me

that really wanted that bad.

You know, Butch and Sundance.

You know, everything.

What did I ever do to you

to stab me in the
back like this, huh?

It's not what you to do me, Vic.

It's what you do to others.

Hey, I don't force
anybody to buy anything.

They're kids, Vic.

You're selling smack to kids.

What are you thinking?
Why don't you shut up.

The friend that I had, the Vic
Solano that I knew growing up,

he never would have
sold that poison to kids.

He never would have done that.

Shut up.

( dramatic theme playing)

(scanner beeping)

How far?

Five minutes.

So, what are you
gonna do now, Vic?

You're gonna die a cop.

You do what you
gotta do, just like I did.

So who's your contact, huh?

It's not important.

It was Walker, wasn't it?

That's what I thought.
Old home week.

Turn state's evidence on Brown,
and I will do everything I can

to help you, Vic. I swear.

Are you gonna play this
for the rest of your life?

Making money on misery and pain?

You're hurting people, Vic.

Help us. Help us and yourself.


Well, Vic, answer Officer Prado.

What the hell are you doing
here? I told you to stay away.

I came to protect
my investments.

You sounded a little
shaky on the phone,

so I decided to make sure
you picked up the smack

and took care of your old buddy

just exactly like
you said you would.

You don't trust me?

Oh, I trust you.

Kill him.

Turn around, Joey.

If you're gonna do it, you
have to do it looking at me.

Kill him.

Kill him, Vic.

I can't.

Well, I can.


(tires squealing)





Hey, Butch.



I'm here, man.

Victor Solano, good guy.

Who would've ever guessed, huh?

( melancholy theme playing)

♪ Oh ♪

To the death, right?

To the death.

♪ Anyone but me ♪

( upbeat theme playing)

♪ 'Cause the eyes
Of the Ranger ♪

♪ Are upon you ♪

♪ Any wrong you
do He's gonna see ♪

♪ When you're in
Texas Look behind you ♪

♪ 'Cause that's where
The Ranger's gonna be ♪