Walker, Texas Ranger (1993–2001): Season 5, Episode 25 - Walker, Texas Ranger - full transcript

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The state has 30
days to re-file charges.

Court is adjourned.

A hung jury.

It's getting so that if
you're wealthy enough

to hire an expensive
attorney and a team of experts,

the jury doesn't have
a snowball's chance

of coming to a verdict.

Good try, counsel.

Almost like the old days.

Save it, Tony.

Yeah, just not good enough.

It's not over yet, Tillman.

You may have gotten
a break on this one,

but count on it, I
will take you down.

Come on, Tony.

Let's go out and celebrate.

I will re-file charges
in the morning.

We'll discuss that tomorrow.

I'm sorry, counselors.

Oh, it was not your fault,

Detective Jackson. You
brought us a solid case.

It's too bad the
jury didn't think so.

Yep, it sure is.

Were you surprised
by the deadlock?

Was I surprised
that five of the jurors

had the intelligence

to see through the
prosecution's rush to judgment

and to realize that the
case against Mr. Tillman

was riddled with inconsistency,

procedural error, and
police misconduct?

No, not in the least.

Do you think the
district attorney's office

will re-file charges
in the case?

Well, you'll have
to ask them that.

Oh, there they are. Miss Cahill?

District Attorney Clark,

were you surprised
at the verdict?

We're disappointed.

But our belief in Mr. Tillman's
guilt remains unshaken.

So you do plan to re-file
charges in the case?


No more questions. Thank you.

You wanted it,

you got it. And you
better bring me back

a conviction on this.

And, Alex, I don't
care how good you are.

If you ever jam me up
in public like that again,

I promise you, you're gonna

spend the rest of your career

on hooker duty down in
night court. Is that clear?

As crystal.

Thank you.

Four hundred bucks

for each of those things.

Can you believe that?

It's art.


Art schmart.

Well, what do you think of this?

You don't wanna know.

I like it.

You would.



You don't like it?

It's not that I don't like it.

I just don't get it.

You don't get it?

Oh, please.

Anyone can see that
it's a meditation on life

in the inner city.

An austere study
of the alienation

and despair of living
in faceless oblivion.

What was he thinking?

Oh, now I get it.

Ranger Walker, you
have a phone call.

Okay, thanks.

I'll be right back. Okay.

Hello, blue eyes.

Tony, what are you doing here?

Alex, I have to talk to you.

We have nothing to talk about.

Please, I mean,

just leave me
alone. Alex, please.


I really have to talk to you.

Tony, we... I'll see you, okay?

Who was that?

Nobody important.

Would you take me home?

I have a huge day tomorrow

preparing for trial
and I'm really tired.


Uh, excuse me.

Would you hold these? Thank you.

♪ In the eyes of a Ranger ♪

♪ The unsuspecting stranger ♪

♪ Had better know the truth ♪

♪ Of wrong from right ♪

♪ 'Cause the eyes
Of the Ranger ♪

♪ Are upon you ♪

♪ Any wrong you
do He's gonna see ♪

♪ When you're in
Texas Look behind you ♪

♪ 'Cause that's where
The Ranger's gonna be ♪

After you left, there
was a knock at the door.

I thought it was you.


I told you, we have
nothing to talk about.

Alex, wait, please.
Listen to me.

I know we have history.

I have some information
about Lane Tillman

that I think you should know.

The D.A.'s office is gonna
re-file charges against Tillman.

You know I can't
discuss the case with you.

You're Tillman's attorney.

No, no, it's not
about that case.

Believe me, what I have to
say is gonna make that case

look like small potatoes.

This time I guarantee you're
gonna take Tillman down.

Come in.

I invited him in.

I mean, maybe that was wrong,

but I just wanted to
nail Tillman so bad.

Then what happened?

I made some tea.

And Tony asked for some milk.

Do you have some
milk? I'm sorry.

Oh, no problem.

I came back, we talked,

and then everything goes black.

Where are the tea cups?

I don't know.

I don't know.

Oh, God, Walker.

Everything will
be all right, Alex.

How can you say that? He's dead

and I don't remember a thing.

Well, one thing I do know.

You didn't kill him.

How do you know that?

I mean, I don't know that.

I just can't remember.

I can't.

I can't remember.

Excuse me, Miss Cahill?

You're gonna have to come
downtown for questioning.

Why can't you talk
to her here, Doug?

Walker, you know I
don't wanna do this.

But it's best for everybody
if we go by the book.

No, he's right.

I'm gonna have to get changed.


I told you, I don't remember.

Maybe you just don't
wanna remember, huh?

Clark, it's me, Alex.

You know me better than this.

Which is exactly why I can't
show you any favoritism.

Look, Alex,

I don't think you did this.

But I'm gonna have to
go after you as if I do.

That way when
this thing is over,

it is gonna be over,

there's gonna be no clouds
hanging over your head.




Now, let's just
take it from the top

one more time, all right?

You met Tony Seville
at the art gallery.

Yes... No. I didn't
meet him there.

He came over to me.

While Walker was
on the telephone?

Yes. And you told Tony

that you would see him later.

No. That's not what happened.

He didn't end up
at your apartment?



He said he needed to talk to me.

About what?

Lane Tillman.

Don't say another word, Alex.

Dad, what are you doing here?

It's difficult to believe

that the daughter
of Gordon Cahill

would even consider

answering any more questions
without benefit of an attorney.

Are you representing
your daughter?

That's correct, counselor.

And unless you plan on
charging her in this matter,

the interview's over, isn't it?

Okay, fine. Fine, counselor.
We can do it your way.

Detective Jackson,

please read Miss
Cahill her rights.

Oh, now, wait a minute.

Now, detective.

Alexandra Cahill,

I'm placing you under arrest

for the murder of
Anthony Seville.

You have the right
to remain silent.

If you choose to
give up that right,

anything you say can and
will be used against you

in a court of law.

Turn to the left, please.

Turn to the right.

Hey, Genevieve, look who's here.



How's it going?


Hello there, Walker.

Hey, Gordon.

What are you doing here?

My daughter's in
trouble. I got on a plane.

You gonna represent her?

Yep. Good.

She couldn't get
a better lawyer.

Yeah. Listen, Walker,

those visits you
paid to me in rehab,

it meant an awful lot to me.

I just wanted you to know
how much I appreciate it, okay?

Don't mention it.


Well, I guess we'd better see
what we can find here, huh?


Oh, hey.

Alex's mother.

Yeah, a beautiful lady.

Lovely, huh?


Heh. You can see where
Alex gets her good looks.

Like I told you, I'll
never forgive myself

for letting booze steal
that part of my life.

Let's hope to God
I'm well enough

to do what has to be done.

I'm sure you are.

How can you be so sure, son?

Because you have to be.

You've got a
cellmate, Miss Cahill.

And she's not the sociable type.

She had a few
problems in C Block.

We'll see how she
does over here.

Good luck.

You're in my bunk.

No, I'm not.

I said, you're in my bunk.

Is there a problem here?

No, ma'am.

Ain't no problem.

It's cool.

What about you, Miss Cahill?

You got a problem?

No. No, ma'am.

Is there some reason
you need the top bunk?

What do you care?

Look, I'm claustrophobic

and this cell doesn't help.


It's yours.

Got the lab results.

Alex came up positive
on the paraffin test.

So she definitely fired a weapon

during the time frame
that Tony Seville was killed.

What about blood tests?

Positive on the
chloral hydrate too.

Your hunch was right.

He probably slipped
it into her cup of tea.

We don't have the cup,
we don't have the tea

and if I was prosecuting,

I would make a
very compelling case.

She slipped herself
the chloral hydrate

after she shot Seville

to make it look like
she was framed.


Yeah? WALKER: Seville told Alex

that he wanted to talk to
her about Lane Tillman.

All right, I'll see what I can
dig up on the both of them.

Okay, thanks.

Oh, Walker,
somebody's constructed

a very tight little
scenario here.


Well, we'll just
have to untighten it.


I didn't catch your name.

I didn't throw it.


It's, um...

It's Alfre.

Alfre Grimes.

Alex Cahill.

You, um... You're that D.A.


Yeah, I heard you
killed somebody.

It's recess time, ladies.

Let's go.

Oh, yeah.

Hey, counselor.

Remember me?

Good. Because I
definitely remember you.

We got some unfinished business.

Later, counselor.


Catch you later.

Your Honor, believe me.

We are all aware
of the seriousness

of the charges
before this court.

But given the
presumption of innocence

and my client's
unblemished record

and deep ties to this community,

we request that she be released

on her own recognizance.

Or in lieu of that,

that a reasonable
bail be granted.

Thank you.

Miss Cahill, the court
cannot but take note

of your long and
distinguished record

of service to this community.

And given your position

with the district
attorney's office,

we are also well
aware of the hardship

that incarceration
places upon you.

However, as the
prosecution pointed out,

this is still a capital case.

So I'm sorry, Miss Cahill.

Mr. Cahill, bail is denied.

Your Honor, I
really must protest.

Then do so in writing, sir.

Escort Miss Cahill
back to her cell.

I'm sorry, darling.

It's okay, Dad.

I'll be okay.

Well, Tony Seville
started out right.

Graduated law
school with honors,

landed himself a
good job downtown.

So, what happened?


Developed himself quite a habit.

Rumor was it may have
cost him a few cases.

It definitely cost him his job.

He was censured by
the Bar Association.

Then, after that, working
for slime like Lane Tillman

was the best he could do.

Does Seville have
any family around here?

He's got a sister named Mollie.

Lives in Richardson.

Now, the way I see it,

they've got means
and opportunity,

but they're gonna
have one hell of a time

establishing motive.

Maybe not.

What? What do you mean?

I've never told anybody this.

I mean, not even my
abused women's group.

It happened 12 years ago.

I was straight
out of law school.

I was working for legal aid.

I was really struggling

and barely making ends meet.

And then I met Tony.

He was handsome and charming

and he treated
me like a princess.

And our first few
months together were...

It was like a fairy tale.

He was my Prince Charming.

And then he changed.

I mean...

One night I came home late

and he was in my apartment.

I could see right away

he was high on
something, you know, drugs.

I asked him to leave.

We argued.

Then he hit me.

Hit me and he slapped me.

I was so shocked.

I couldn't even fight back.

I ran into the bedroom
and I called 911.

Tony ran when
he heard the sirens

and they picked him
up later on that night.

Did you press charges?


I wanted to.

I know I should have
but I just couldn't.

Well, gentlemen,

now it looks like we're
in for quite a battle.

Opportunity, means, and
motive. The prosecution's got it all.

Except one thing.

What's that?

The truth.

Where you going? To
talk to Seville's sister.


Who is it?

Texas Ranger
Cordell Walker, ma'am.


I'd like to talk to you
about your brother.

Do you know of anyone
who would want to kill Tony?

Well, what do you mean?

They already caught
the person who did it.

It was that D.A.
She's already in jail.

No, ma'am, I don't think
Alex Cahill's the one

that did kill your brother.

Well, of course you don't.

Johnny, what are you doing here?

Boy, you guys sure do
stick together, don't you?

Hell, I'm surprised your
little friend there is still in jail.

If you don't mind, I'm
having a private conversation

with Miss Seville. I do mind.

Tony was a friend of mine.

I don't appreciate
you poking around,

trying to get the one who
killed him off scot-free.

So I'll tell you
what I wanna do.

I'm gonna give you
about three seconds

to get your sorry Ranger
butt on out of here.

It's okay... Shut
up, you fat pig!

You okay?


Well, I think my
three seconds are up.

Let's go.

Get out of here.

Her name's Keisha.

My little girl.

Can I ask you something?


Why would you do something,

I mean, anything that would
take you away from her?

You got it all figured
out, don't you?

You think you know me.

You don't know nothing about me.

I didn't do nothing
to get in this place.

My crackhead cousin,

he left a half ounce
under my car seat.

I'm just out driving
with my baby.

Next thing I know,
I'm getting pulled over

for a busted taillight.

Here I am, sitting up in here,

doing seven to ten.

Seven to ten?

That can't be right.

Yeah, well, I guess
maybe the public defender

had better things to do.

Look, Alex,

don't try playing this
game with me, all right?

What game? Like you care.

You don't care about me.

You don't know nothing about me.

To you, and to people like you,

all I am is another
con with another story.


So Tillman manages to
put Alex out of commission

but what's to stop the
D.A. from simply assigning

somebody else to the case?



You know, I've been
thinking about that.

And that brings
up another issue.

If Tillman's new attorneys

can show that the
first trial was the result

of prosecutorial misconduct...

You follow me?

Such as the lead
prosecutor having an affair

with the defense attorney,

and then the defense
attorney winding up dead.


Which means double
jeopardy goes into effect,

which means there
will be no second trial,

which means that
this snake, Tillman,

walks away a free man.

You may have hit
on something here.

Ranger Walker's here.

Send him in.

What have you decided

to do about the
retrial of Lane Tillman?

Nice to see you
again too, Walker.

We're not re-filing.

I scheduled a press
conference for tomorrow. Why?

I believe Tillman
had something to do

with Tony Seville's murder.

Okay, Walker, I'll bite.
Why would Tillman

kill his own attorney?

Seville's sister said that
there was a lot of tension

between the two of them.


What kind of tension?

Well, she thought it had
something to do with her brother

knowing too much
about Tillman's operation.


In Tillman's line of work,
knowledge is definitely power.


So if he murders
Seville, implicates Alex,

he kills two birds
with one stone.

He gets rid of a
troublesome employee,

and he provides
himself with solid grounds

to assert double jeopardy

in the event of a new trial.

You got it.

Okay. What do you want?

I need more time to prove it.

Okay, I'll give you a week.


Party time, princess.

Hold her.

Yeah, hit her
again. Hit her again.

Now, you ain't so tough now,

are you, counselor?



Get her.

You all right?


It's okay. Come on.

You know, I've handled
a lot of capital cases,

but this is getting to be...

Oh, no. Look at this.

Ranger, counselor.

What are you
doing here, Tillman?

We just had a little meeting

with the district attorney.

Seems he may be considering

retrying my case after all.

By the way, counselor,

I'd like to express
my condolences

as daughter's state
of incarceration.

I'm sure that must be

most difficult on both of you.

Save it, Tillman.

No, it's all right, Walker.

Listen, punk,

I've been defending gutter
trash like you for 25 years,

and you know something?

You all make the same mistake.

Oh, really? Really.

You all firmly believe

you're a lot smarter
than you really are.

You know, Cahill. I
actually do feel rather bad

about your daughter's situation.

It's always sad to see
someone with such talents

unable to put them to good use.

On the other hand,

locked up in a woman's jail,

maybe she'll
discover new talents.

Let's go, Gordon.

Never ever talk about my
daughter like that again.


Not so bad yourself.

Oh, my God.

It's all right, Dad.

I mean, it looks a
lot worse than it is.

Who did this?
It's all right, really.

Oh, come on. Who do
you think you're talking to?

It's Dad, remember? Oh, baby.

Oh, Dad, I was so scared.

I thought they
were gonna kill me.

Oh, baby, baby, baby.


I'm trying to be
strong, I really am,

but you gotta get
me out of here.

Pretrial is tomorrow.

I'm gonna have you
moved to isolation until then.

Huh? Okay?



Lawyer to lawyer. Uh-huh?

What are my chances?

Are you kidding?

With me at your side,

Walker in your corner,

how could we possibly lose?

Hold it. Huh?

Whatever you're
looking for, Gordon,

you're not gonna
find it in there.

Won't I?

Look, Walk... Oh,
my God, Walker.

I don't think I can
continue to represent Alex.

The stakes are too high.

What if I'm not good
enough anymore?

I mean, this is my daughter.

What in the hell
if I lose, Walker?

The only way you're
gonna lose, Gordon,

is if you drop back
into that bottle.

Oh, no, no. Look,
you don't understand.

More than once this
has gotten me through.

Gotten me through the biggies.

Just a nip.

Take the edge off.

Give me some focus.

It almost destroyed
you, remember?

Yeah, well, I've got...

Look, why do you think I
carry this around unopened?

You know, it's to remind me.

Tonight, it's not reminding me.

It's getting to me, Walker.

I cannot face tomorrow

without this to back me up.

Look, you owe it to yourself

and you owe it to Alex

to go into that courtroom
and do your very best.

No matter how you feel tonight,

your very best is
not in that bottle.

Think about it.



Thank you.

Got you.

Want a cup of coffee?

Sounds good to me.

Let's go.

Oh, Tony.

You ready?

Your old dad was born ready.

This D.A. is not gonna
know what hit him.

Do you recognize
this, detective?


It's the gun recovered
from the scene of the crime.

By recovered, I take it you mean
that this was the murder weapon?

That's correct.

Was it checked for fingerprints?

Yes, it was.

And whose fingerprints

were found on the murder weapon?

The defendant's,
Miss Alexandra Cahill.

Thank you, detective.

Nothing further, Your Honor.

Your witness, counselor.

Thank you, Your Honor.

Morning, detective.


How is it the police were called

to Miss Cahill's apartment
on the morning of the murder?

A call was placed to 911.

911. Who placed the call?

Miss Cahill.

Well, let's clarify that.

The woman you arrested
for the murder of Tony Seville

is the one who
reported the crime?


Now, in all your
experience, detective,

is it common practice

for a cold-blooded murderer
to pick up the phone,

call the police,
wait for their arrival,

while leaving all of the
evidence untouched?

No. No.

Of course not.

Thank you, detective.
Nothing further, Your Honor.

You may step down, detective.

Walker. Yes, Ranger Walker?

Tony left a tape I
think we need to see,

and I think someone's
following me.

Okay, Mollie.
We'll be right there.

Come on.

And, Mr. Collins, did you
see the defendant, Miss Cahill,

at the art gallery that evening?


Did you also see the
deceased, Mr. Anthony Seville,

at the art gallery that evening?


Were they together?

Objection. Calls for speculation

on the part of the witness.


Rephrase the
question, Mr. Clark.

Mr. Collins,
please tell the court

what you saw that evening.

They were kissing.

Give me the tape, now.

What tape? From
Alex Cahill's apartment.


It's not a game, Mollie.
Give me the tape now.

Ranger Walker,

oh, you're not
gonna believe this.

The State calls Alexandra
Cahill to the witness stand.

You do not have to do this.

Yes, I do.

How would you characterize

your relationship
with the deceased,

Anthony Seville?

We were involved
for a short time,

a little over 12 years ago.

And you... You broke
off the relationship?


Please tell the court why.

Excuse me?

Please tell the court why
you broke off the relationship

with Anthony Seville.

He hit me.

That's right, he hit you,

and you called the police. Yes.

Your Honor,

the State would like to
enter the 911 recording

into evidence.

So ordered. Bailiff?

Emergency services.

My name is Alexandra Cahill.

There's a man in my
apartment. He's going crazy.

He's on drugs or
something. He hit me!

All right, ma'am, stay calm.

No, I'm trapped!

Please, send someone, please.

He hit me. He's
gonna kill me. Please.

"He hit me and he's
going to kill me, Please."

And 12 years later,

Anthony Seville
comes back into your life

and you're not gonna let
that happen again, are you?

That's why you killed him.

No. I did not kill him.

He was found in your bed,
killed with a gun you fired.

If you didn't do it, who did?

I don't know.

Nothing further, Your Honor.

Mr. Cahill?

Nothing at this
time, Your Honor.

Miss Cahill, you may step down.

The State rests, Your Honor.

Very well.

Mr. Cahill,

is the defense prepared
to call its first witness?

Your Honor, um...

Excuse me, Your Honor.

Tony Seville's murder on tape.

The defense calls
Anthony Seville.

Your Honor. Mr. Cahill?

I know this is
unusual, Your Honor,

but due to the evidentiary
nature of these proceedings,

I do request some latitude.

This is outrageous, Your Honor.

We're trying to get to
the truth here, Mr. Clark.

I'll allow it.


All right, Tillman,

I did what you asked me to do.

Now, take the picture
and get the hell out.

Anything you say, Tony.


you didn't say anything
about shooting her.

You're right.

I didn't.

This case is dismissed.

Bailiff, issue a bench warrant
for the arrest of Lane Tillman.

Texas Rangers.

I wanna see Tillman.

He don't wanna see you.

I'll do my fighting in court.

Good choice.

Help, help, help.

Put your hands behind
your back. Just stand up.


Come on, move.

Let's go.

Move, gentlemen.

Okay. That's it now.

This car right over here.

Right over here.

Watch your head.

All right, secure.

I'd say the Cahills
work very well together.

We took him down,
just like you said.

To justice.

Here, here.

And I still haven't heard
where that tape came from.

Tony Seville.

Between the time he
slipped you the mickey

and the time that
he called Tillman,

he set up a small video camera
in one of those heating vents.

Mailed his sister a
key to Alex's apartment.


He figured the tape would
provide him with insurance.

Boy, was he wrong.

He included a
letter with the key,

and in the letter he told Mollie

if anything should
happen to him,

she should get over to
Alex's and get the tape.

That's it.

And I for one am
awful glad it's over.

It's not over yet.




I'd like you to meet
your new attorney.


Gordon Cahill.

At your service, ma'am.

♪ 'Cause the eyes
Of the Ranger ♪

♪ Are upon you ♪

♪ Any wrong you
do He's gonna see ♪

♪ When you're in
Texas Look behind you ♪

♪ 'Cause that's where
The Ranger's gonna be ♪