Vampire Knight (2008): Season 1, Episode 4 - Trigger of Conviction - full transcript

Seeing the state Yuki is in, Kaname takes her from Zero, who is left speechless when he realizes what he has done. Yuki cries in frustration, unaware of Zero's secret, even though they've known each other for a long time.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Huh, uhh, uhh, [gasps]

Zero is a vampire.


-What's wrong, Kaname?

-I smell blood.


[door slams]


[theme music]

-Yuki, I-- I'm so sorry.




Uh, is that you, Kaname?

-You have been reduced to a
bloodthirsty beast, Zero Kiryu.

Disgrace to all vampires.

He'll kill Zero.

-No, Kaname!

Please don't.

Uh, uh.



-You devoured her
mercilessly, didn't you, Zero?

So much that she
can't even stand up.

How was Yuki's blood?

Was it delicious?


-Yes, I know.

KANAME: The bleeding
has finally stopped.

But he bit into
you rather deeply.

Yuki, does it hurt?


Oh, well.

-Are you afraid of vampires now?



[knocks on door]

-Kaname, would you mind
heading back to class?

The smell of blood seems
to have gotten the Night

Class into quite a stir.

-Yes, of course.

-I took Zero to his dorm
room and got him settled.

He seems to have
calmed down a bit.

Yuki, finding this out
after all these years

must be quite a shock for you.

This isn't how I had
hoped to tell you.

I'm sorry, Yuki.


But how?

I never once thought Zero
could possibly be a vampire.

he was a human.

-Uh, before?

So then--

the Kiryu family

was attacked by that
vampire four years ago,

his parents and his twin
brother were all killed.

Only Zero managed to
survive that attack.

But he didn't come out
entirely unscathed.

When he was found, they
discovered deep fang marks

on his neck.


Zero was bitten by a vampire?

-So then he changed from
a human into a vampire

because he was bitten?

-Yuki, I know you think
vampire bites don't really

transform humans.

To you, it must sound
a bit like folklore.

However, it does happen.

There are vampires out
there who can turn humans

into their own kind.

But just a handful can.

And they're known as Purebloods.


-You don't have to worry, Yuki.

Zero is obviously
not a Pureblood.

His bite doesn't have the power
to turn you into a vampire.

-So Zero drank my blood.

-The smell of blood
earlier, what was the cause?

We weren't even given an
explanation for it at all.


To be honest, I don't care.

-That blood was the
smell of Yuki's blood.

YUKI (VOICEOVER): I never knew.

I never knew anything.

For four years, Zero had been
suffering all by himself.

What was he thinking?

He had to feel so alone.


KANAME: So how
long do you intend

to keep him in the Day Class?


-Well, never before in
the history of this school

has a student been
transferred from the Day Class

to the Night Class.

-I don't see why that
is even relevant.

In this instance, Zero must
be transferred to our class.

You have no choice.

YUKI (VOICEOVER): They want to
put Zero in the Night Class.


[footsteps running]

I understand what
Kaname is saying.

Now that Zero has
become a vampire,

it makes perfect sense for
him to join the Night Class.

But how would Zero handle that?

He hates vampires
so much, he wants

to kill them every
time he sees them!

Zero had to have hated himself
for what he was becoming.

And I never once-- it was more.

It was like a beast
in human form.

I can't believe I said that.

That was terrible.

TEACHER: All right,
here's the next equation.

Uh, find the square
of 6x plus 7x minus 1.

[bell rings]

-Where is Zero?

He's not here.

-Yeah, I know.

Last night, he didn't feel well.

-Did something happen?


-I was just noticing,
you look pale yourself.

I have been worried about you.

You have a bandage on your neck.

-Oh, this thing?

I wasn't paying attention
while doing patrols last night.

And I got scratched
by a tree branch.

It's no big deal at all.

I'm totally fine.

-Well, that's good.

-[door opens]

TEACHER: All right, class.

Time to begin.

Everyone take your seats.


I wonder if I--


Hey, Yuki!

Where are you going?




-Um, hey there.

Disciplinary Committee
members can pass, right?

-You're the second
one here today.

You must be quite
curious about something

to come so early in the morning.

Go on.

You're cleared to go.


-You see, we
strongly believe only

you are capable
of handling this.

After all, they don't call
you "boy genius" for nothing.

-It would mean a
great deal to us

if you would agree to help
our research facility.

That thesis you
wrote would make you

a wonderful asset to our team.


But I don't have an
interest in day work.

Now, if you don't mind,
I'm rather sleepy.

Show yourselves out.

Uh, it's Yuki.


-Uh, oh, Idol.

Uh, I mean, hello, Aido.

-Yeah, time for
you guys to leave.

-But I--

please hear us out!

Oh, whoa!

-Aah, it's so bright.

And now, I'm tired and cranky.

And it's their fault.

-I'm sorry to
barge in like this.


I'm not annoyed
with you, just them.

But why are you here?

Everyone is still asleep.

Ah, I know!

You want me to drink your blood.

-Um, no thanks.

I came because I
wanted to see Kaname.

-Oh, well, follow me.

-So then, you're going
to take me to him?

-You're the only one that
Lord Kaname is nice to.

The rest of us are just
following his lead.

So, Yuki, whose bite
marks are those?



Last night, out of the
blue, the smell of blood

wafted into our classroom.

It was a bit shocking
to all of us.

Only I knew whose blood it was.

The blood I smelled
was your blood, Yuki.

Lord Kaname told us all to
ignore it, which we did.

And the excitement died down.

-That's what Kaname said?


I didn't realize.

He obviously wants

Zero transferred
to the Night Class

because he asked the
Headmaster to do it.

But he's keeping the
secret to himself.

He's not letting anyone
else know about it.



-Do you know how
annoying this is, Yuki?

Just what are you
to Lord Kaname?

is frozen to the floor.

This is one of
the special powers

only vampire aristocrats have.

-Come on, tell me, Yuki.

He likes you, but why?

-I wouldn't be here today
if it weren't for Kaname.

10 years ago, I was
about to be murdered

by a bloodthirsty vampire.

And he saved my life.

-Well, now, I knew
nothing about that.

So then, if Lord Kaname
is your savior, then

the best way for you to
show your gratitude would

be to let him drink
every drop of blood

your body has to offer.

-Do what?

-Now, I understand.

Your blood belongs
to Lord Kaname.

But what doesn't make
sense is that bite

mark because it's not his.

Don't give your blood
to anyone else, Yuki,

and that includes me,
because one day, your neck

we'll be graced by the lips
of Lord Kaname himself.

He's fangs will slowly
pierce your flesh.

And when the sound of
him drinking your blood

finds its way into
your ears, your body

will tremble with ecstasy.


-You know, why not offer
yourself to him now?

You should plead with
him to drink your blood.


That's enough, OK?


Did I embarrass you?


-Aido, stop it!

That's enough!



-Please stop, Yuki.

-Kaname, how did you?

-Uh, Lord Kaname.


-Did someone ask you to do this?

-No, I was out of line.

I apologize.

Will you please forgive
me, Lord Kaname?



-That was entirely uncalled for.

I'm sorry, Yuki.

-No, no, no.

It's fine.


Uh, uhh.

-It's all right, Yuki.

All that I ask is that
you just be yourself.

You're so different from
all the other people

I have surrounding me.


-Yuki, you're a
warm-hearted girl.

And that is
something I treasure.

I don't know why,

but he seems so
lonely right now.

-Now then, you should go.

I believe that you
have class right now.

In the future, don't
come here alone.

This place is far too dangerous.

However, if you do wish
to come here again,

I suggest you have
Zero accompany you.

Considering what
he took from you,

he owes you at least that much.

-That isn't fair to him.

Why are you saying
things like that?

KANAME: You really
want to know why?

The answer is quite simple.

He bit someone I hold dear.

And I'm sorry, but
I just can't ignore

that you got bitten
by someone else.



Kaname, I came here
today for a reason.

I have a request.


-Please don't put Zero
in the Night Class!

-And why not?

-Zero has been fighting
this battle all by himself.

And for four years, I didn't
know anything about it.

I was so close to
him the whole time.

And yet I didn't even
see it happening.

-You have a kind heart.

But, Yuki, with
this, there's no use

beating yourself up over it.

-I should have known!


-When I found out Zero was a
vampire, I was totally shocked.

But then, well, yesterday,
I-- I-- I really hurt Zero.

-Yuki, I'm sorry.

If I could, I'd do what you ask.

But I'm afraid I can't.

Any human who becomes a
vampire will eventually

fall to a Level E.


-Yuki, Zero cares about you.

And it's obvious,
he wouldn't want

you to see him in that state.

-So that's-- [sobs]

-Listen, I have no
idea why you are

so attached to that
girl, Lord Kaname.

As it is, you're the
only remaining member

of the Kuran family.

And that girl you care for
lives under the same roof

as that vampire hunter
Zero Kiryu does.

We're all a little
confused by it.

-You want to know why?

That girl is the only thing
that I truly care about.

Any human who

becomes a vampire will
eventually evolve to a Level E.

YUKI (VOICEOVER): So is that
what's going to happen to Zero?

Seems like Zero is still awake.

I haven't seen him all day.

I wonder how he's feeling?




-As a member of the
Disciplinary Committee,

I would like you have this.

But use it only when necessary.

This gun will have absolutely
no effect on normal humans.

But it will do serious
harm to vampires.



What are you doing?

-Shoot me before I turn into
a Level E. I want to die.

And I want you to kill me.

You heard it, too.

I know you did-- the sound
of me drinking your blood.

You can't pretend
like everything's OK.

But after going through
something as awful as that--

-Zero, listen.

-I tried, but I can no
longer control the part of me

that wanted your blood.

I'm afraid this is
going to happen again.

And when it does, I'll end
up killing that person.

So shoot me!

Admit it, you're afraid of
me right now, aren't you?

-I can't do it.

I just can't.


Then leave me alone.





Look, it's going to be OK.


It's going to be OK.


-For the past four years,
I've stayed by your side.

And I had absolutely no idea
what you were going through.

I am not afraid of you.

No matter what, I'm still
going to stay by your side.


-Kaname might never
forgive me for this,

but I won't leave you, Zero.

-To be honest, I
didn't think you

would accept my invitation,
Headmaster Cross.

How is the Kiryu boy these days?

I have to think, by know,
he's becoming quite a handful.

-Actually, no.

Kiryu has remained quite stable.

The Hunter Association has
nothing at all to worry about.

I'm disappointed
you assumed there

would be a disturbance
at Cross Academy.

-I think I'll wait for
someone else's report

to determine whether
or not that's true.

I've sent him to
check on things.

If he senses any
danger at all, he

will show no mercy
towards the person

responsible for
creating such peril.

[music playing]