Vampire Knight (2008): Season 1, Episode 3 - Fangs of Repentance - full transcript

As a duty of the Disciplinary Committee, Yuki and Zero must conduct a surprise inspection of the students' belongings at both the Sun and the Moon Dormitories. Just as they are about to enter the Moon Dormitory, Zero suddenly leaves the school grounds. Yuki goes after him in a panic but can't find him. As she roams the streets by herself, Yuki is haunted by her memories from ten years ago, when suddenly a mysterious mother and child appear before her.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
my own Tuna Carpaccio

with marinated tomatoes
and a pinch of parsley.

I've also made my Beef
Fillet and vegetables

in a lovely cream sauce.

These are all dishes
of my own creation.

My very own!

-Are you telling me he called
us here at the crack of dawn

for this?


Yeah, calling it his
very own is a bit much.

-That isn't what I
was talking about.


What do you mean?

HEADMASTER: Say cheese!


-What's with you today?

-Commemorative photo.

Today is special.

You'll perform your
duties not as Guardians

but as full-fledged members
of the Disciplinary Committee,

making it a day to commemorate.


[theme music]

AIDO: Surprise dorm inspection?

-Very well, then.

Thank you so much, Seiren.

-What a pain!

There's no predicting what the
headmaster is going to do next.

-I don't mind.

It's not like I've
got something here

that I don't want them to see.


But when it's spur
of the moment,

you can see what the norm
for a place is really like.

-Do you mean like the pair of
briefs you haven't picked up

and are still lying
on the floor, Takuma?


Those are fine.

They're made from the finest
silk you can buy and sewn

by the best tailor around.

Those briefs could
be left anywhere,

and I still wouldn't
be embarrassed.

-That's not the point.

-Hey, Hanabusa.


What is it Akatsuki?

I'm really tired and
over this already.

-Hanabusa, I won't tell
anyone, but they go.

-What goes?

AKATSUKI: Even junk
can look menacing

when it's all
lined up like this.


What are you calling junk?

Those are my most
precious collection

of items that were sacrificed
when our brilliant dorm

president reveals
his amazing powers!

-You even got a
fork that he used.

Hanabusa, if the dorm
president finds these things--


My collection only mirrors the
respect that I have for him.

Wait, you want it for
yourself, don't you?

Forget it!


-I don't want your crap. [gasps]

-Dorm President Kuran.

-Aido, I'd like to speak
to you now about our dorm's


It seems that you need
to be reminded of them.


It's not what it looks
like, Dorm President.

These are just--

[glass shatters]

I can add these to
my collection, too.


-Uhh, uh, ow!

-These are confiscated.

GIRL: Haah?

What's wrong with those?

They're just photos!

-I'm guessing they're
taken without permission.

And that's not allowed!

-You don't understand, Yuki!

BOY: She's right, Yuki.

It's you who needs
to understand.

-Uh, what-- the class rep?

-You're abusing your position
as a Disciplinary Committee


Walking around these halls
with your nose in the air,

acting all cozy with
the Night Class!


-Do you have any idea how
that makes us feel, do you?





-Have a nice day.

-(SHOUTS) Why are you so mean?

YUKI: Confiscated.


YUKI: Not allowed.

GIRL: Why?

YUKI: And confiscated.

GIRL: What's that?

-What a haul!

I understand why they would
want to snap secret photos

of the Night Class
whenever they can.

It's obvious.

They're beautiful.

All the vampires are.

Uh, back to work!


Jeez, Zero is
skipping duties again.

-[breathes heavily]

YUKI: Zero!

Are you skipping
out on work again?


-I'm already finished with it.


We've never been inside
the Moon Dorm before.

I'm a little nervous.

Are you?


-Um, hi there.

We just--

-You're from the
Disciplinary Committee.

Go ahead.

-Get rid of it all.

-If I develop muscles from this,
my agency will be very upset.

-Modeling is hard
work, isn't it?

-[sobs] Oh, my poor collection.

-Don't hold this
against me, Hanabusa.

-Oh, hold on.


-Before we go
inside, I want to see

what it is you shoved
in your pocket earlier.



-You're hiding
something, aren't you?

As part of the
Disciplinary Committee,

there's a moral code that, uh!





Guess I have got it now.

What is this?


-It's none of your business, OK?


Hold on!

Don't leave!


Are you sick or something?

-Looks like the Disciplinary
Committee is leaving.

The surprise inspection
must be canceled.


You mean, my little
slice of happiness

was destroyed for nothing?




-Wait, Zero!

Come on, you can't just leave
here without telling anybody!


YUKI (VOICEOVER): What do I do?

Do I tell the headmaster?




I've lost sight of him.




I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Why am I so hopeless?

I thought I had
grown past all this.

But now, that I'm
alone-- [gasps]

--I remember that fang.







It's OK.

Little boy!

MAN: Here you go.


-You look a little down and out.

So I threw in a boiled egg.

On the house.





Hold on!

Why are you running?

Little boy?



There you are.

Hey, look.

You left this.

It's your red balloon.

Here, this is yours, isn't it?

Take it.



What are you doing?


YUKI: [screams]

-Here's some rice.


Where are you going?



[child's sinister laughter]






What was that thing?

Was it a vampire?



A vampire.

It can't be.

All the vampires I know are
so beautiful that everyone

admires them.



I'm scared.

I admire them, too.

vampire is going to eat me.







-I see.

You've already lost your link
to humanity, haven't you?



You one of us.


-One of us.

-Uhh, shut up!




[girl shrieks]







[bell rings]






-You poor creature,
ending up like this.




-Kaname, how did you--

---the person you've chosen
to hurt is someone very dear

to me.

-Ah, haah!


-Kaname, my chest.

-It's over now.

-That boy, he was--

-Level E.

-Level E?

So does that mean he
wasn't a vampire then?


They are vampires as well.

-Yeah, but he--

-You're a bad girl.

What were you thinking coming
to a dangerous place like this

all by yourself?


I came here because I
was trying to find Zero.

-Well, I'm afraid he isn't here.

He's back at the dorm.

I'll walk you back.

With the scent of your
blood, it's too risky for you

to be out alone.

YUKI: All right,
preparations complete!

I, Yuki Cross, am
going out on patrol.

-It's late at night, yet
you're bright and cheery, Yuki,

You were even injured
earlier today, too.

-Hm, it's just a scratch.

It happens all the time to me.

See you!

[door opens]

[door shuts]

-She seems a little bit
too cheerful tonight.

HEADMASTER: I couldn't
hide it from you, Kaname.

But after all, you really
are in a class of your own.

Without a drop of
human blood coursing

through you or your
ancestors veins,

your lineage is rare
among vampires now.

You're the vampire of
vampires-- a Pureblood vampire.

The powers of your ancestors
have been passed on to you.

And it is for that reason
your existence strikes fear

in the heart of other vampires.

-Headmaster Cross, it
is because I trust you

that I have avoided bringing
up this issue in the past.

Regardless, the steps you have
taken are only minimal at best.

Why do you continue to treat
Zero like an ordinary student?

Stay this course, and Zero will
destroy the pacifist ideology

you've worked so hard for.


-Hey, Zero.

I'm going to come in, OK?

YUKI (VOICEOVER): I wonder if
he started patrols without me.

-Kiryu's parents were
killed by a vampire.

And somehow, in that bloodbath,
only he miraculously survived.

How can I be more cruel to him?

-But I must tell you,
no ordinary vampire

killed his family.

It was a Pureblood
vampire, like me.





thing was a vampire?






-You, of all
people, should know.

In your day, you saw
many a human life end

in a miserable wretched way
back when you, Kaien Cross,

were a vampire hunter.


YUKI: You know, I
think I'm finally

beginning to
understand what you've

been telling me all along.

There definitely are some
bad vampires out there.

I mean, that thing
wasn't even a vampire.

It was like-- it was like
a beast in human form.

-It will happen.

Zero's fate is truly horrible.

But it's something
he can't avoid.

-Get back!


But-- but why?


I want to keep talking to you.

I want you to open up and
share your thoughts with me.

After all, we are both
exactly the same--


We aren't.

-I'm sorry.

Maybe I've been a bit
self-absorbed lately,

thinking you and
I were struggling

with the same pain and
the same fears, too.

I guess I was only
seeing myself.



-Any human who's bitten
by a Pureblood's fangs

and survives--



---becomes a vampire.

What's happening?

-Zero, stop.




a blood-colored luster.

Fangs protruding
obscenely from his lips.

A beast in human form.

This his true self.

A human who is

bitten by a Pureblood will
suffer one of two fates--

die from the loss of blood
or unfavorably surviving

and suffering the pain, slowly
transforming into a vampire.

Other vampires don't
possess this dark power

that Purebloods have.

He was only a human, yet he
resisted the powerful vampire

instincts for four years.

I respect the strength of will.


-Why did you--


Yuki, I-- I'm sorry.


Zero is a vampire!

[music playing]