Utopia (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Tuesday's Child - full transcript

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We have a funeral to go to.

Different funeral.



Douches don't gossip.


She has a brooch.

In my experience,

mature women with brooches
are chatty.


Why, again, are we paying
our respects to Olivia?

She's the last person
who's had Utopia.

Since we haven't heard
from Grant.

Becky, you and I go in.

Everyone else stays.


All right.

Cuff yourself to that door.

You don't have to...

-My napkin's soaked through.

Can you change it?

Women bleed through napkins
all the time.

Do what we do
when we aren't prepared.

What's that?

Suck it up and bleed.

Becky's very nice.

I'll kill her if you leave.

I'm sorry... for your loss.


Sorry for your loss.

It's not easy losing a friend.

You think Jessica
sees us as people?

Or just appendages,

Eyes, ears...

hands for her use.



Come on, there's got
to be a napkin.

Wilson, think!


Think. Think.


You know, she was only
at the damn hotel

because she got that damn comic
from her grandpa.


How'd he get it?

Oh, he worked
at the asylum for years.

You know, that book was

a gift from a patient?

Art therapy.

Wait, wait, I'm sorry.

A mental patient?

Drew that comic book.


Do you know the patient's name?

Oh, I don't know.

So many over the years.

Well, where's the asylum?

Oh... well, River Park.

But... it burnt to the ground
several years back.

Every last patient dead.

Who doesn't have a napkin
in the car?

-Where is Utopia?
-I don't know!

-Where is Jessica Hyde?

Where's Jessica Hyde?!

Don't make us

scoop the other.

Uh, and her grandpa's house?

May I have the address?


I left some flowers for Olivia
at the hotel where she passed.


I wanted to leave them
where she lived.


I'm Dutch.

It's our tradition.


Well, uh...

how lovely.

You're Dutch?


Of course not.

Shit! Shit! Shit! Fuck!

Oh, please! Oh, fuck!

Be nice!

Please, God!


Get in.

Let me in! Please let me in!
Please let me...


Close the door.

What are we looking for,


Olivia's grandfather
could have another copy.

Or a clue who drew
the fucking thing.


Find me something.

Do we run?

Hey, hard truth.

Harvest is after us.

We need her.

Oh, shoot.

- Becky?
- My bad.

I want to live.

So we run.


I want to find Utopia.

I'm staying.

After what she did?!

She is Jessica Hyde.

She's gonna play
by different rules.

I have to accept that.

Even if it means dying?

I'm already dying.

I have Diels.


I'm sorry.

That's why you want
Utopia so badly.

You think the cure's in there?

H-Have you seen
the best... doctors?

-Tried experimental drugs?

I'm staying.

You really think the answer--

you, the kindest person I know--
is to align yourself

with that creature
who killed your friend?

I am not kind.

I'm willing
to overlook Sam's murder

for my own personal interest.

Turns out I'm a selfish bitch

when put to the test.

Yeah, and I'm a fucking coward--
who cares?

Too-too afraid to take any...
real risks in life.


I am dying.

I'm thus nonviable.

-Hold up...


There's no reason
for you to stay.

Fuck! Fuck!

I found art from the asylum!


I'm here to stay, okay?

We don't have to be
boyfriend and girlfriend,

but you make me want
to be brave, so let me.

-Can I see?
-Yeah, yeah, yeah, look, look.

Look, this has to be

-the same artist.
-Is this...?

It looks just
like Utopia, right?

Here he is, the artist!

He's holding the drawing.

The man behind Utopia.

That's my dad.


I remember this.

"All 58 patients accounted for.

No survivors."

Jessica's dad is dead.

He's not being held hostage
by Mr. Rabbit.

He went to a nuthouse,
and he died.

"The bodies, in most cases,
were reduced to ash.

An accelerant of an intensity
never before seen."


He got torched.


Let's see if Grant wrote back.

So... Jessica's the good guy?

She's my favorite.

She's the hero?

Maybe. She got no mom,

and they took her dad.

Finally, the fat lady,

Artemis, taught her how to kill.

Jessica's my girl.

All right... what does
this look like to you?

I know that building.

It's downtown.

Owls instead of rabbits,
but still, damn,

this is very cool.

Alice, get moving!

Hey, uh, can I use your laptop?

I got to reach some friends.


No dirty stuff.

...everywhere are panicked.

...rapidly spreading to
a third state, officials are...

The FBI has raided
Christie Labs after

being flooded with phone calls
by concerned parents nationwide.

Is Dr. Christie's miracle meat
actually murder?

Christie Labs calls the claim a
"right-wing conspiracy theory"

and has continued producing
Simpro even after the deaths

of 18 children yesterday
in St. Louis.

-Stop right there!
-FBI! Stand down! Stand down!

Jesus. "Stand down"? Fuck.

They're just doing their jobs.

It's what they do.

Ooh. There's my old buddy
Toni Tambler from the FDA.

-This is gonna be bad.
-What-what? Why?

-Never had kind words for Toni.
-What words?

I called her a bureaucratic,
timid little bitch-weasel.

-All right,
we play this aggressive.
-We pacify.

- No.
- Toni,

- this is a mistake.
- I agree.

- You gonna help me fix it?
- Yeah,

I'd like to see your paperwork
for this government overreach.


I am happy to have you test it
for the flu.

I want you to test it,
for Christ's sake.

Yeah, he just doesn't want
to be treated like a criminal.

- Stop it.
you're not being treated

like a criminal, you're being
treated like a regular person.

I know that's jarring
for The Great Doctor.

Stop the assembly, please.

Wait, wait, whoa, wait, wait!

Wait, wait. Toni?

All we're asking is you allow us

to continue production
while you test.

I mean, we're shipping it
to 23 different high schools.

Yeah, this government overreach
is benching 100 employees.

We're-we're going to provide
a sample, a-a reasonable...

- 18 struggling schools.
- We need more bags!

-You haven't proven
there's anything wrong with it!

Let's stop killing kids, maybe,
while we figure it out.

Shut it down.

-All right.
-Need a sample bag
over here, please.

Are you sure you don't want to
go to school with Alice today?

He's gonna say no.

I got to meet some friends.

But you'll come back?

Well, I have to go to work.

And Alice has to go to school.

You're very welcome
to stay here, Grant,

as long as you promise
we can trust you.

So you can come and go.

Why are you so nice?

What do you want?

Have you heard
of Nelson Mandela?


Mandela said,
"There is no keener revelation

of a society's soul..."

"...than in the way
it treats its children."

The world is a very ugly place
these days, Grant.

We spend so much time saying
we care about our children

and so little time
actually caring for them.

Okay. Just because
someone needs help

doesn't mean
they're worth helping.


There I disagree.

Have a good day.

Come on, sweetie.

"There I disagree."

You little beauty.


Yeah! Fuck yeah!


Honey? Colleen?

Hey! Baby.

Hey. Hey. It's mine.

-Uh, Ms. Mlynarcyk, can you hold
for just a second?
-It's mine.

-I ju... Michael!
-No. Can... The flu is mine.

-Oh, my God! Michael!
-Yeah. Right?

- You did it, that's great news.
- I know.

I mean, n-not that... You know,
everything that's happened,

-that's-that's awful.
-Oh, that's tragic. It's awful.

-You did great.
-Thank you.

- Oh, my God.
Are you proud of me?

I am so unbelievably proud
of you. I want you to...

A couple things
bother me, though.

I mean, the-the outbreak pattern
is so unusual.

I mean,
it's almost unbelievable.

For it to make the leap
that quickly

from Alabama to Mississippi
to St. Louis...

So someone took a plane.

-Okay, first, I need
to focus on compiling
-No. Michael.

-all of the previous data
and putting it in...
-Michael. Michael.

Three breaths, two words.
-What? Yeah.

Have confidence. Hmm?

-Talk to Dean Richards.
-Have confidence.

-She has connections.

-FDA, CDC...
-I mean, hell,

she's even old buddies
with Kevin Christie himself.

No, I really should go
to St. Louis

and just conduct some tests
in the field.

-You know, make sure.
-Michael, you did it.

Because-- think--
if this mutation in St. Louis

-responds like your flu...

...that means
we have the vaccine.

And the vaccine is the cure.

You are gonna go see the dean
and then we...

are gonna drink loads...
of champagne.

I'm here in St. Louis,

where the National Guard
and CDC are working desperately

to try and contain
this deadly flu.

The FBI and FDA
raided Christie Labs

in connection
with the production of Simpro,

or simple protein.

Parents have a right
to see their own kids!

They can't keep 'em from us,
all right?

Jesus Christ. I can't even help.

They want me to watch.

Dean Richards for you, Doc.



Yeah, send him over right now.

We found the flu!

-Well done.

Come on!

I should really e-mail
my family.

No. Not safe.

-Yeah, uh, definitely not safe.
-Yeah, no, I don't think

-it's a good idea.
-Come on, Grant.

Come on, Grant.

Holy shit.

"Check out Mr. Rabbit's hideout.

"It's hot. No lie.

"Meet there at 8:00 p.m.

for it."

Grant has Utopia.

12 exclamation points?

He is a kid.

He's just a very smart kid.

Yeah, smart enough
to use code words, but...

what does he mean by...

Help me. Help me...

Burn. Burn, yes...

Stay. And then...

You stayed.

My dad isn't dead.

Did the pipes whisper that?

What day is it?

Um, Tuesday the 14th.

"Monday's child is fair of face,

"Tuesday's child
is full of grace,

Wednesday's child
is full of woe..."

She's unhinged.

Do we really want her
to lead us?

I suggest we go easy.

She just found out
the map to her world was drawn

by an insane person,

and that insane person
is her dad.

Okay. I'm going to find Artemis.

Who the hell is Artemis?

Um, goddess of the hunt,
protector of children.

The woman
who saved Jessica Hyde.

Right. But in real life,
who the hell is Artemis?

The only person in this world
that I trust.

She'll know what really happened
to my dad.

Becky, you're okay.

-Come with me.

I'll go.

Like competitive Risk.



If you leave, I'll shoot Ian.

Stack him like cordwood.

Shove my knife down his throat.

Come back, okay?



-Good to see you, sweetheart.

And this must be
Dr. Michael Stearns.

Dr. Christie, I have been
a big fan of yours for ages.

-Thank you. Thank you so much.
-Truly. It's such an honor, sir.

No, no, you stole my line.

I want to thank you
for your work on this.

You found the flu.

And it wasn't in Simpro.

I think of the past 36 hours,
all the time we wasted.

We might've lost the next
Kevin Christie, for all we know.

Honestly, it's the next
Dr. Michael Stearns

we can't afford to lose.

That's why I think
it's so crucial, so important,

that we have
the world's foremost--

hell, the only-- expert

on this flu
on board for production.


We're gonna need
an Emergency Use Authorization

for the nervous suits
at the FDA.

I know how they think.

They want to put
an honest face on this.

Well, what's more honest

than the guy
who discovered the flu,

then cured it?

I couldn't agree more.

But we don't even
know that-that my vaccine...

I'm sorry. I'm just so excited.

I can't wait to tell the world
we have the flu.

We have a vaccine,
and we can cure our kids.

My original vaccine was
only approved for limited use

for the Peruvian military.

Yeah, I know that, Mike.

Christie Labs owns the vaccine.

I've reviewed
your original study.

So then you know
it's a therapeutic vaccine.

It's treatment and prevention
in one.

Those are
two very serious jumper cables

that we're hooking up
to children's immune systems.

I mean, the risk
of complications is...


Children dying by the hour.

If you ask the parents
of any of those dying kids

whether they'd take
the outside risk

-of a sick kid
over a dead one...

I'm sorry, I don't mean
to offend anybody here,

but let's just cut the bullshit,

Is this about credit?

No, this has nothing to do
with that.

Because you haven't gotten
the recognition you deserve.

-I... Okay. I just think that...

given what happened to you...

I would think
that you'd be feeling...

extremely cautious.




No, I don't feel that way
at all.

I feel...

I feel desperate.

I feel responsible for this.

I antagonized the FDA.

They came at me,
and that wasted time,

which means I wasted lives,

Kids' lives.



I can't sign off on the EUA.

- Michael. Michael.
- Wow.

I feel like the guy
I need right now to be the face

of this vaccine,
our savior, no less...

If you could just let me
run another round of tests...

...a fellow scientist,
is refusing to help sick kids

'cause there might be risks...

Not insignificant risks.

-...to his reputation.

This has nothing to do
with my reputation!

I'm sorry. That was rude.

No. No, it's okay.

I apologize.

We'll get the EUA either way.

-What? No.
-I want to thank you
for your vigilance with this,

and, I guarantee you,

we are doing
the right thing here.

Patty, I'll be in touch.

Mike, I wish you the best.

The meeting
was a total disaster.

What? Why?

The dean took me
to Christie Labs

to meet Kevin fucking Christie.

But-but that's amazing.

He ran roughshod over me.

Totally discounted me.

Discounted all protocol.

Do you really care
about protocol

if it saves
hundreds of children?

Everyone agrees

that I am the expert
on this flu.

And the only thing
that this expert was asking for

was a chance to make sure
that this vaccine was safe.

Well, just let them move ahead,

-Christie knows what he's doing.
-No. No!

I spent eight years
in the basement.

I am not going back there!

Uh-uh. I...

am gonna be a part of this.

Michael, you are acting crazy.

That was a low blow.

I know. I-I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. You are right.

You are playing a crucial role.

-I'm going to St. Louis.
-I just...

I just still think
that you're overreacting.

They all think that I'm some
mushroomy underground lab nerd?

You know what? Fuck them!

I'm going right into the middle
of the hot zone.

Michael, calm down!

I know, I know.
Three breaths, two words.

"Be confident."

- Wilson!
- Mm.

I can't figure out
Grant's puzzle by myself.


can I say something to you?

I think so.

We've spent a year

talking about
the Utopia conspiracy.

Now we're
in the Utopia conspiracy.

It's kind of cool.

Yellow vesper bats.




Dang it.

Wilson, do you like the drapes
in the living room?

Should we cover her all the way?

She's too pretty.

Should we say some words?



you were the smartest of us all.

The bravest.

You got us here,
and that got you killed.

But you were the most alive

when you were alive.

Sorry. Got a t... Uh...

So, where are we going?

It's Tuesday the 14th.

Monday's child is fair of face.

Tuesday's child
is full of grace.

"Grace" starts

with a "G." 14.


All right.

So, Artemis is...

What's the deal there?

When I was, like, 12, I think,

my dad and I were finally broken
out of where we were kept.


Home. That's...

That's real, too. Okay.

She saved us.

She trained me like a soldier.

You can barely use a phone.

Survival was more important
than texting.

"Check out
Mr. Rabbit's hideout."

One hour till we're
supposed to meet Grant.

All right, all right,
all right, all right.

Goddamn it, Porsche Boy.

Where do rabbits hide?

Where's it at?
Where's it at? Where's it at?

Rabbits, rabbits, rabbits.


Rabbits. Rabbits.

Group of rabbits
is called a colony.

Is there
an old colonial Chicago?

Also a kindle.

So, fire? Firehouse?

Also a fluffle.

Oh, come on.

An adorable, little fluffle.


It's hot.

Fire. Fire!

Wait, I...

I-I've seen that building.

-Was I there?

I don't know.
Uh, read me his clue again?

"Check out Mr. Rabbit's hideout.
It's hot. No lie.

-See, I keep coming back
to "lie."

Who doesn't lie? Famously.

And keep in mind
we need to think...

-Think like a kid.

- George Washington!
- George Washington!

Okay. Fire. Washington. Rabbits.


No, I lost it.


will you get me more coffee?

I need caffeine.


The guy with one eye
fetches the coffee.

Thank you.

I'm fucking brilliant.

"Check out."

Where would a kid
check something out?

-A library?

Harold Washington Library

in Chicago.

Let's go. Come on.

We got a...

An hour for a 90-minute drive.

Driving what?


Let's check the barn.

You never know. Let's go.

Let's go find Utopia!

Dad was always with you?

Working on mad scientist shit?

We watched a lot of TV.

Oh, good.

Full House marathons.
It's all coming together.

-Sam would be so happy
for her sacrifice.
-Stand near me.

-I have to take a piss.
-Then piss near me.

That's not a workable scenario.

I said

-stay near me.
-You killed my friend!

Wilson is a conspiracy nut.

And-and Becky's on a mission,
and I'm here for her,

but bitch, I am not yours.

So I'm going to take my dick out
in private,

because I'm fucking sick
of your guns and your stories

and your fucking
"Tuesday's child

has far to go" shitty rhyming,

lying, murdering...

I'm talking to this guy,
and, uh...

- Why are we not moving?
- This is insane.

I-I don't understand traffic.

Like, logically,
I don't understand traffic.

Go. Go. Yes, go. Ooh!

-Oh, you want to sit and honk?

-Here's some sit
and honk for you.
-No, Wilson, Wilson!

- Stop.
What are you doing?

- What the fuck?
- Jesus Christ!

- You almost caused an accident!
- Honking's

gonna make us go faster, dude.

-I'm gonna meet you there.

- Here, take the wheel.
- What do you...

-Take that.
-I-I can't. I don't...

Becky, hey.

I'm visually impaired!


Hey, buddy.

You lost?


I'm waiting on some friends.

You've been out here
a long time, you know.

Where's your mom?

I'm fine.

Come on. We'll talk.

Hey. Hey!

What's in the backpack?

None of your business.


You're under 14.

It's illegal
for you to be left alone.

Come on. Come on.

Take that off.
Look like a hoodlum.

Seem awfully nervous.

You okay?


-Oh, thank you, Officer.

I was worried sick.

Don't ever run off
like that again.

I-I told you.
Thank you! Have a good night!


Porsche get a flat,
there, buddy?

Artemis, stop.

Artemis? Artemis.


Tuesday's child
is full of grace.

G-14. Wanderland.

Every night, I hoped.

I got a lead, finally.

About my dad.

You do?

The Harvest faked his death.

-They burnt down
an entire asy...

You knew?

You should've told me.


He was there.

We just have to figure out
where we got to go next.

There's nowhere to go.

He's dead.

That's what the Harvest
wants us to think.

To get me to stop looking.

Your father

created many viruses to save you

when you were Home.

And then he created a virus
so very,

very bad,

so powerful, it destroyed him.

You remember how he was.

He cracked.

He was a wonderful father.

He loved me.

He watched TV with you.

I'm the one
who taught you how to fight

while he ranted about death

and cried in his sleep.

Finally, he snapped,

and I put him in an asylum

for your safety.

You took him from me?

To protect you, dear heart.

-To protect you.
-You lied to me.

When Dystopia surfaced,

I knew it was your dad.

It couldn't have been anyone
but him.

And if I knew it was him,

Mr. Rabbit did, too.

You knew he was in danger.

I knew he was dangerous.

I let Mr. Rabbit kill him.

I wanted his brain gone.

That's my girl.

We walk.


The CDC is implementing

its pandemic preparedness
and response plans,

working on multiple fronts

including providing
special guidance

on measures
to prepare communities.

This is a rapidly evolving...

This is a quarantined area.

Authorized personnel only.

Anyone crossing the perimeter
is subject to arrest.

Look, look, look,
my family is in there.

Look, I sympathize,
but no one goes in.

Look, I don't care if I get
sick! I'll sign a waiver.

I said no one goes in.

Uh, coming through.

Excuse me. I got to get through.

I got to get through.

Uh, excuse me.

Dr. Michael Stearns, virology,
Chicago City College.

No one gets in without personal
approval from Dr. Dearborn, CDC.

Uh, she's the one
who asked me to come herself.

I'm the foremost expert
on this virus, and, uh...

- Your name's not on the list.
- So, now you can

shut down an entire neighborhood
without warning.

All right, then,
go ahead and call her.

It's your job, but, uh, if you
want to call the head of the CDC

in the middle
of the most fatal flu epidemic

in American history
and pester her with paperwork

while children die,
well, be my guest.

Great. I'll do just that.

PFC Ruskin for Dr. Dearborn,

No problem. I'll hold. Just tell
her it's Betsy at the hot zone.

Be just a minute, Doc...

You killed my dad!

Not me.

Mr. Rabbit.

Oh, shit.

Where is Mr. Rabbit?


Where is Home?


Not where it used to be.

And how do I find it?



You broke easy.

What can I say?

I think I'm done.

I'm tired of this world.

I can't keep running.

They're gonna find me
soon enough.

And what then?

Like you said...

...I broke easy.

That's dangerous to me.

I know.

It's fine.

You seem ready.

I love you, dear heart.

I-I might struggle
when we begin.

It's just...

...old reflexes, hmm?

It's fine.

Jessica, no. Jess.



Jessica. Jessica.

When you find Home...

...burn it
to the fucking ground.


What the fuck are you doing?


Of what?

Don't know.

It's code.

Seven, seven, three, one,

five, three, seven, oh,

seven, one.

I know what you're brooding on.

Listen to me.

There was nothing you could do

about those kids.


Come in, come in.

Things haven't been going as
well for you as they usually do.

I was sorry about Rod.

Where is Utopia?

Who is the boy?

Little ones are unpredictable.

No credit cards,
no bank accounts, no jobs.

I'll find him.

Something else.

From Utopia.

If the wrong people see this...

It would be... bad?

Oh, we really need Utopia, Arby.

Something else.

Is that... Jessica Hyde?

Feels like her.

We're running out of time, Arby.

Can you get me Utopia?

And Jessica Hyde?

I need her, too.

I have faith in you, Arby.

What have you done to earn your
place in this crowded world?

Five in the seller's room,
two in the buyer's room,

12 who saw Utopia,
one security guard,

five in a gas leak makes...


So far.

25 and one eye.

We all have our reasons
for being in this world.

We all have our purpose.

This is yours.

I'm really proud.


I know it's hard on you.


It's not.