Utopia (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Episode #1.2 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it - foodval.com
Have you ever been cheated on?

My fiancé and I are staying

at the penthouse,
right, well...

he fucked some girl up there.

He's lying about it to my face.


I was wondering if I could
look at the security cam

from, like, 15 minutes ago?

I need to know.

Oh, man.

That's really not my place.

You'd literally be changing
the course of my life.


Is that him?


I'm sorry.

You're my hero.

You know where to find me.


-Oh, are you okay?

-Ow, ow, ooh, ow.

Uh, these are my friends.

-Nice... Hi.

I really have
to use the bathroom.

Oh, yeah, down that way
to the left.

It was nice to meet you!

You had fun, then?

- Definitely.
- Wilson!


we'll be out back.

Wilson's first sleepover.

Wilson, I've seen her before.

Wilson, your dad
looks exactly like you.

-Yeah, he's my dad.
-Wilson's dad looks--

He does, he looks
so much like you!

Of course you have a bunker.

Wilson, you have a giant brain!

This is fucking amazing!


-Holy shit.
-What do you think?

It's very... serious.

Well, these...

are very serious times.

- Bunker serious?
- Absolutely, I mean,

do you not read the news?
Do you not have any idea what's

-going on with the world?
-Oh, God, I'm starved.

-Can we open some of these?
-No! No! Never touch your store!

When the food crisis hits,

I can last two years down here.

Just one can of peaches, man.

- So, uh...
- Thank you.

...you built this yourself,

Yeah, it was...
me-me and my dad.

And you really think
you'll use it?

Absolutely, he will.

I mean, we've disrupted

the entire cycle of life.

You know, the bees
are disappearing

at rates that no one could have

-ever predicted before.
-Ah, not the bees!

Einstein said, "Bees disappear,

we disappear within four years."

Every generation thinks
they're the last.

Remember Y2K?

And the Mayan thing, 2011?

- Twelve.
- End of the world

is always around the corner--
what makes you think

we're so special?

Everything I've seen
in Dystopia.

Check this out.

I think I found something
new in Dystopia.

Wait, what's that symbol
in Mr. Rabbit's eye?

Yeah, it's, uh...

it-it's taken me a long time to

put it together, but it's--

The Diels virus.

Causes a degenerative syndrome

in the nervous system.

Predicted in Dystopia two years

before the first case
in the real world.

- Mm-hmm.
- Fuck...

Do we really know that
Dystopia predicted it?

Ian, you do believe
in Dystopia, don't you?

Of course.

I'm in a bunker, surrounded--

Uh, I got a, uh...

a-a photo of my panel.

-Wait, you have a photo?

- A picture of Utopia?
You buried the lede, dude!

Here, g-give me that!

All right, all right.
What we need to do is find

the similarities
to what we know.

No Jessica Hyde, no Mr. Rabbit.

Rain and the shadow
of a cross over a child.

You can't figure it out
from just one page.

You could be looking forever.

We need all of Utopia.

Wait, wait!

What's with this,
this drop of rain?

Which one?

This one.

- What...?
- Here, wait.

That's a virus.

-It's a new virus!

Oh, my God,
it's another fucking virus!

Whoa, whoa, wait, wait...

Give me that.
Give me, give me, give me.

Oh, shit. "This...

is our... undoing."

"This is our undoing."

Right there.

"This is our undoing."

I knew it.

I knew Utopia was the key.

New virus coming our way.

But when, where?

-That's up to us to figure out.

-To Utopia!
-Ah, hmm.

To saving the fucking world.

-Hear, hear!


Good morning, Dr. Christie.



What time is the much-ballyhooed
Simpro interview?

Noon, Hailey Alvez.

-Is she okay?
-Oh, yeah, we vetted her.

She did a really nice segment
on your measles vacs

-in Niger last year.
-And you told her

not to call it "man-made flesh"?

-And we told her
Simpro's introduction

into the food supply
is blameless.

Simpro is safe, it's clean.

Normal, safe, inevitable.

Yeah, but just don't
say "inevitable,"

-'cause that sounds scary.
-Don't want to sound scary.

And don't go all climate crisis,
because that's political.

Don't want to be political
about the end of the world.

I got you-- how about we found
a way to feed all of humanity?

- Right?
- Dr. Christie,

tell us about your meat.

Simpro is the future of food.

That's a lab-grown protein that
provides people with more iron

and vitamins than meat
without the need

for precious land, sun or water.

Wow, so... Christie Labs,

you're famed
for pharmaceuticals, right?

-Vaccines, and now,

suddenly... miracle meat.

Well, we call it "Simpro"
for "simple protein."

And we think it's
a huge breakthrough.

Because unlike
plant-based protein,

you don't have to worry
about water or land use.

Well, here you are,
unrolling the mass production

of this cheap...
lab-made flesh...

a decade ahead
of all predictions.

A lot of your detractors
are claiming shortcuts.

Just hard work.

I mean, I'm an extraordinary
dedicated scientist.

You have no commercial
buyers lined up, correct?

No, not yet, but we are
very proud to introduce

Simpro to dozens of grade
schools across the country.

To play devil's advocate here,

are we, in a way,
testing this on children?

-I mean, poor children?
-No, we're not testing.

It's been tested,
and it's not poor children.

Kids at St. Louis Austen Academy
ate Simpro today.

I feed it to my family.

Thomas, you eat Simpro,
don't you?

We have Simpro Saturdays.

That's my, uh, my oldest.

Daniel Lee Elementary,
Moody, Alabama.

Grace Hawkins Elementary,

Kellans, Mississippi--
sound familiar?

Do you know those schools,
Dr. Christie?

Those towns were all hit with
the recent viral epidemic.

They were served Simpro hours
before their children got sick.

In fact, there are more
than 40 children dead.

Does that concern you?

That should concern
us all, Hailey,

but, um...

flu doesn't travel through meat.

But this isn't meat--
you-you said so yourself.

Listen, can you guarantee Simpro
did not kill these kids?


Dr. Christie?

Don't you think parents
deserve to know

if they should be
worried about this flu?

Flu doesn't travel through meat.

We can, we can take five.

He just made sure this
leads every broadcast.

Harold Washington

Van Buren Station.

Please exit the doors
on the right.

We can't wait
for Grant any longer.

Becky, text Olivia.


Tell her we have the money.

We need Utopia.


She wants to know
if Grant's here.

Well, how does she even
know we know--?

Uh, just, uh, text here
that he's here!

Olivia's bringing
the manuscript.

-She's coming here?
-Yes, and...

Wait, and she's
bringing Utopia?!

-I mean, I assume so.
-She's coming

and bringing Utopia!
Holy fuck!

- Absolutely fucking
I know,

it's amazing!

No, Becky!

I have no bank accounts,

no credit cards,
no driver's license.

And you just told
a complete stranger

where I live.

Wilson, you met her.

She's nice.

And you're naive, Becky.

Well, you're being paranoid.

Can't we just put
some coffee on?

-Oh, yes, please.
-Please? We're dying.

No! No coffee!

Guys, caffeine is
a CIA interrogation tool.

-It's used to make you
more responsive under torture.

Yeah, I'm sure you're a prime
candidate for black ops torture.

Any freethinker
who opposes authority

is a candidate
for black ops torture.

You don't really believe that.

I not only believe that, but
I'm properly prepared for it.

You've prepared for it?


I can hold my breath
for 180 seconds

to combat waterboarding,

I can live off my own urine
for an entire week

should they withhold water,
and I can dislocate

both of my thumbs
and my shoulder

should I ever need to escape
handcuffs and/or binding.

There's a...

Dunkin' Donuts one block west.

We'll get you a bear claw.

Yeah. Not a pawn of Big Sugar,

but... thanks.

-The peaches got me.
-Oh, man. What is that?

What are you...?


Hey, wait! Guys, wait up!

This is it.

We got our ping.

Becky Todd.




They're friends.

People do make patterns.

Gas company?


Hello, miss.

We have a report of
a toxic gas leak in your area.

A what?

If you'll just breathe
this fresh oxygen?

Catch your breath...

Excuse me, can I help you?

Well, hello, sir.

Gas leak.

Gas company.

Toxic leak.
Will you breathe

this fresh oxygen
and then step outside?

Sorry to disturb you, sir.

A Wilson Wilson reported
a gas leak.

-Is he in the building?
-A leak?

This is
an emergency situation, sir.

Would you mind breathing in
this oxygen

and then heading outside?

I'm not putting any of that
corporate air in my lungs.

Is this about my research?

Mm-hmm. You know too much.

I knew you'd come.

His research?

Well, think about
how many hours he spent.

No harm in a happy death.

Wilson Wilson?

We need to speak with you.

S-Stay back.

I have...

What the fuck... Ow!

Where is Utopia?

I-I-I don't know.

Where is...


She-she... she p...
we partied and she left.

Where's the boy?

I got no idea
what you're talking about, man.

Where is Jessica Hyde?

On my wall.



Hey, guys, can you just tell me
what's going on?

J-Just tell me what you need,
and I'll give it to you.

Do you understand?


You get three tries.

If you don't help,
I start with the salt.

Then we try again.

If you don't help
on the second try,

we use the bleach.

One last chance,

and then we use the spoon.

Uh, hey, man, I, uh...

I'm-I'm just a fanboy.

Okay? I-I-I don't have Utopia.

What's this?

I have that one page only.

I promise.


No. No.


No. No. No.

Please. Wait.

Oh! No! Stop!

Where is Utopia?

I don't know. I don't know.

Where's the boy?

I don't know any boy.

Where is Jessica Hyde?

I don't know what the fuck
you're talking about!

Please... please don't.

Come on, please...

Please, please.

Please. I don't know...



One last chance.

-I'm gonna ask you
to pick an eye.

please don't.

Where is Utopia?

I don't... I don't know.

-Where's the boy?

I don't...



is Jessica... Hyde?

Please, I'm just a fanboy.

I'm just a fanboy.


-Let's do the left.


No! Please... please...


I think he's just a fanboy.

I think so, too.

You clean up.

I'll call Home.


Can I help you?

You preppers are all so...

fucking unimaginative.

You have no idea what the end
of the world's going to bring.

I can tell you one thing,

French-cut string beans

aren't gonna save anybody.

Are you one of Wilson's
sleepover friends?

We're very good buddies, uh...


we just had a very good time.


-It's all right, I got it.

All this time and energy

to save yourself

from the big kaboom.

And we walk in one morning...

Oh-ho! Pudding.




who's there?

Who's there!?

Where is Utopia?

I... I will show you.

Where is the boy?

Who are you?

I'm Jessica Hyde.


Jessica Hyde.

Yes. Yes.

Jessica Hyde. Okay.

Well, there's...

there's this pudgy,
asthmatic sadist...

up-up-up there looking for you.

Did you get his fucking message?

Oh! Wait. My research.


Brought you pudding.

Where is Jessica Hyde?

- Blastoff.
- No, no, no!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

-Oh, my gosh! Ian.
-Jesus, don't water
the sidewalk.

Oh. Sam, such a Good Samaritan.

-You all right? Sorry.

I don't know how this is
actually socially acceptable

- to--
- Guys! Guys!

You guys!


Get in! Utopia is real!

This is Jessica fucking Hyde!

Get in!

-Okay. Get in.

Ian! Come on!

-Wilson, what's going on?
-What is going on?

-What happened?
-What is going on?
-Look out!

They kept asking me
where Utopia was!

- They took out my eye...
- Oh, my God.

...with a spoon!

-Jessica Hyde saved me!
-Shut the fuck up.

- Look, you need to shut him up.
- She killed him.

- In the head!
You need
to shut him up.

-With an ax!
-You need to shut him up!

-Jessica Hyde.
-How? He's in shock.

Stay alive, Jessica Hyde.

- Yeah, yeah.
- Wil.

Wilson. Wilson.

It's real. Oh!

-Give him this.
-What is that?

Quiet juice. Take the wheel.

-Oh! I got it!

-No! No!
-No! No, no, no, no!

-Ow! She bit me!
-Oh, my God!

-Take the wheel.
-She bit me!

You cannot-- What are you doing?

What are you doing?
What are you doing?

Okay. Okay.

What the fuck?!

Look, look, look,
look, look, look, look!

He's right.

I'm Jessica Hyde. I'm real.

So are the people after you.

They've killed
every single person

who's seen Utopia.

Now they'll dedicate themselves
to killing you, too.

You'll never go home.

You'll need
to become new people.

I'm the only one
who can help you,

so shut up and do as I say.

I'm only willing to help you
if you are useful to me.

If you cry, if you whine,
if you complain,

if you challenge me,

-I will cut you loose
and let you die.
-Come on.



- Okay.
- Go. Goes down here.

-Phones, wallets, everything.

Lose them
if you want to stay alive.

What if...

- Oh, no, no!
- No!



Where are you going?

The Goodwill.

What the fuck just happened?

And we hope
you don't like apples

or, for that matter,

corn, plums or soy.

A record warm winter
in the Midwest,

followed by unprecedented rain.

It destroyed
most of the crop yield

in this normally fruitful
farm belt.

With apples and plums
nearly wiped out

and corn and soy planting
delayed in the floods,

you'll feel the result
in your pocketbook

as food prices soar.

In other news,
the flu has hit St. Louis.

More than nine children
at the private Austen Academy

-have succumbed so far.
-Brian. Brian?

Hey, Brian.

So, uh, I'm filling out
these rec orders. Again.

Any words on my sequencer? Huh?

I'm... My research is
extremely limited without it.

I don't know what to do here.

I mean, I feel like I'm being
systematically prevented

-from doing...
-There is no vast,
calculated plot

against you, Michael.

What is that supposed to mean?

It means the dean
doesn't think about you.

At all.

There is nothing
in the budget for you.

Why not?

-Lot of viruses out there.
-Yeah, exactly. And I discovered

-one of them.
-And your research
was worthwhile

when we thought
your flu was a threat.

That was seven years ago.

Michael, be grateful
she's forgotten you.

We should just...

-We should go.
-What? And, what, leave Wilson?

Let's call
the fucking police, then.

No, just... Hold on.

If she is Jessica Hyde,

then that means
that Utopia is real.

That means
that Mr. Rabbit's real,

and that makes our "undoing"

something that is actually
going to fucking happen.

It's about to stop...

She doesn't look
like Jessica Hyde.

If she's real, where's Artemis?

Artemis is always with her.

-You guys! Hush up.

-A flu.
The death toll now
has climbed to 50

in St. Louis, Missouri,
all of the children

exhibiting aches, fevers
and a T-shaped rash.

This could all really be real.

50 dead is too small.

That's not the undoing.

Outside of Chicago, tragedy

at Whooping Crane Lodge.

A weekend of fun and fantasy
at a suburban Comics Fest

-turned violent yesterday.

Eight fans shot dead,
and five more succumbed

- to a mass heroin overdose.
- Heroin.

She had a syringe of heroin.

Fringecon is an annual event

that brings together fans

of all types of comics
and shows.

The alleged shooter,

42-year-old Jimmy Raffetto,

had a history of depression
and mental illness.

-He turned the gun
on himself after...

did you have
something to do with this?

Of course not. They did.

They kill, they cover.

His family was at home,

so they'll make it look like
gas poisoning or a house fire.

-Wait, Wilson's family is...

Take your pick.

Cut your hair. Dye it.
No do-overs.

Are we staying here?

- Only if we want to.
If you want
to stay alive.

I mean, the owners...

-On vacation.
-How do you know?

8:12 every night.

What happens at 8:12?





Hey. What's going on?

Sorry, I-I couldn't
hear you. I, uh...

Look. Look.

- ...died so far
- of the flu.
-Oh, yeah.

-No, no, no, no. Wait.

-Wait. There.
-The Center for Disease Control

is telling parents...

Look at the rash.
What's that look like?

...chills, coughing,
sore throat,

- aches...
- A "T."

What does that
make you think of?

How many flus come with a rash

in the shape of a "T"?

...specific symptoms,
parents should...

No. I mean, the-the chances

-of my...
-Well, you said your flu
could spread someday.

-Mutate, maybe? And if it did...

Yeah, the key words being
"someday," "maybe" and "if."

If it did, it'd be as lethal
as the Spanish flu,

a world killer.

So, you're saying kids
from three different states

went to the Andes Mountains

and, what, played around
with fruit bats?

Michael, it's a T-shaped rash.

- Ask for a sample.
- Yeah.

untenured basement scientist

inserts himself
into national pandemic.

Uh, excuse me.

an award-winning scientist.

Honey, it's a 2013

Midwestern Veterinary
Virologist of the Year award.

And more kids are dying
by the hour.

Just ask for a sample.

...in communities like this...


what if you have the answer?

...are filling up.
We see flowers left

and even toys and gifts

in memory of the children lost
to this insidious disease.

From our world headquarters
in Chicago,

you're watching
BSN Nightly News.

Now we move on
to our main story,

a lethal and fast-moving flu
that has now shockingly

hit a third state,

with 12 children
from the Austen school

in St. Louis succumbing
in the past four hours

and the other 14
in critical condition.

That brings the death toll
to 62 children dead.

The alleged
shocking connection?


Dad, can you help me
write a book report?

Yeah. What's the book?

Sorry, Dad.

-Watch it, Jonas.

can you help me pick a book,
then write a book report?

...biotech genius
Dr. Kevin Christie

in this exclusive interview.

Flu doesn't travel
through meat.

But this isn't meat.

You-you said so yourself.

-Listen, can you guarantee...

Dad's on TV.

-All right.
-Like a massacre, Jesus.

-Let's go.
-Flu doesn't travel
through meat.

Enough TV Dad. Real Dad's here.

- Let's sit.
- Ready?

- Mm-hmm. Yeah. Whee!
- Let's go.

Here, my love.

What did you do today

to earn your place
in this crowded world?


Um, I shared my lunch.

We usually have more
than we need. Jonas?

What'd you do today

to earn your place
in this crowded world?

I tried something new
and difficult. The unicycle.

Well, everything worthwhile
starts out

as something new
and difficult, right?

Paulanne, what'd you do today

to earn your place
in this crowded world?

I biked everywhere today.
No cars.

Place in this crowded world,

Um, I nailed
my chemistry homework.

This world's got
a lot of problems.

We need great problem-solvers.

Cell phone, Thomas.

-Place in this world?

Uh, I work for you.

Following in Dad's footsteps.

You're blazing your own trail.


I took care of this insane


I did my work.

Every day,
no matter how difficult

or frustrating
or sometimes frightening,

I do my work.

-Now let's eat.


-Oh, that looks so good.
-Let's eat it.

Where's the other?


You got that at Goodwill?

Sit down.

We need some answers from you.


Just because
she can case a house...



It's okay, Jessica.

You have our full attention.


-Aah. Aah, aah, aah.



You're still real?

My family.

Your family's fine.
I made sure they were safe.

My eye.

Get used to 2D.

Oh, absolutely fucking not.
Big Pharma wants...

You need antibiotics.
Trust me.

I think you should take it.

Now... who has Utopia?

He does.

He's "Grant."

You have a Grant.

But our Grant's a man,
not a little boy.

Well, we don't actually
know that, do we?

He does use a lot
of exclamation points.

I mean, he could be
a little boy. I never got

-to do a background check.
-Well, but even

if you had gotten
to do a background check...

-No, but that...
-No, if I did

-a background check...
-He did such a good job...

-Just one of the...

How do you contact him?

We have an old-fashioned BBS
that Wilson set up.

Uh, a computer message thingy.

What else did they say?
The eye scoopers?

Um, "Where's the boy?

"Where is Utopia?
Where is the boy?

Where is Jessica Hyde?"

Why do they want you?

I grew up like Dystopia says.

My dad was
a brilliant scientist,

a genius in his field.

Bad people held him hostage.

They used me for leverage.

Made him do terrible things.

Viruses, biowarfare,
man-made disease.

He tried to resist, but...

he loved me very much.

I need Utopia to find my dad,
save him.

Click, click.


This is private property!

That's mine! Give it here!

You ate my blackberries.


You hungry?

You have family?

You in the system?

Hold on, slow down.

There's no shame being in
the system if it works for you.

That's how Alice
and I found each other.

No shame leaving it
if it fails you.

It's failed lots of kids.

You got any more blackberries?

I told you, they're mine.


They're mine.

Come on in.

I don't bite.

I got simple rules.

No drugs, no alcohol,

a good attitude,


Pray 'em if you got 'em.

You know that's mine, right?

That's mine.

Alice, give him back his comic.

-We need to use...
-I tried to look...
-No computer

unless I'm watching.

Three hours from now, we check.

If there's no message,
he's probably dead,

which means Harvest has Utopia.

- But until then...
- This is insane.

There is no Jessica Hyde.


Utopia, Dystopia--
they're comics.

I am Jessica Hyde.

You see Jessica?

She has this mark on her.
All over Dystopia.

- What is it?
- My starburst.

I've had it since I was little.

Wait. Wait.

If you're real...

maybe... maybe you can help us
figure out this new virus

that Utopia's predicting.

I mean...

why the cross?

Hmm? That's Christianity?

It's Father, Son, Holy...


Shit. It's not a cross.

It's the T-shaped rash.

The flu!

Oh. I know I said
50 was too small, but...

but maybe that's not it.
It's just the beginning.

This is our undoing.

Now we know what we're fighting!

The end of the fucking world.

Knew it. I knew it! Aah!

Don't be so gleeful.
It's not a good thing.

- It is if we can stop it.
- I don't care

about the end of the world.
I care about finding Dad.

This is fucking ridiculous.

For all we know,
she's some cosplay nut.

-Ian, this is real.
-And she,

she could have given herself
that scar. I'm going

to the police.
Becky? Becky? Come on. Becky.

Wil... Wilson?

In for an eyeball.

Guys, I-I know...
I know you want this

to be real, but this is
something to be sorted

-by the pol...
-Sit down.

I'd rather not waste a bullet.

She's not gonna kill me.

Ian, please?

She's not Jessica Hyde.

That gun probably isn't...

Ian, listen to me.

Just think. Okay,
you've changed your clothes,

you've traded in your phone.
On some level,

-you must believe...
-Sit... down.

If you don't listen to me,
there will be consequences.

Don't point
that fucking gun at me.

Ian, just give us 24 hours
to sort this out, okay?

Trust and verify.
Ian, listen to me.

We finally have a chance
to solve this thing.

-To undo the undoing!
-Stop listening to her

and listen to me.

Do you understand?

I understand what you're saying.

So now understand
what I'm saying.

-I'm going to go now. Go.
-You don't understand.

Pull the fucking trigger
if you want.

- Ian, Ian, Ian, stop.
- No, no, no, no, no, no.

Please, please.

I promise, this will be okay.

Please... stay.



Okay. Okay, okay.


Oh! Holy fuck!

You murdered her.

I subtracted her.

One group can't have
two leaders.

I can do math.

So... you all listen to me.

You're in a new world now.
