Then You Run (2023–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - Then You Run - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
The following programme
contains strong language
and scenes of drug use.

She just found out
that her mum is still alive.

Do you know where she is?
The Nordmann Fir Beach Hotel.

Take the big car
and drive to Norway.

We were meant to go travelling
all summer.

I got her tickets
for Eisenschtompschtomp.

The Dagmar deal means
we can't go into Germany.

My Dad was specific about not doing
anything to draw attention.

Davey, stop!

I see deadly drugs in large
quantities, I flush them.

Where is the sample?
Those girls stole it.

I'm gonna have to go and deal
- with them.
- He's gonna kill us.

There was never any line.


I'm Dagmar.

What, you came back to save us?

We should go.

All right.

Which fucking idiot has he sent
this time?


I should have known it was you.

You love a grand entrance.

Better than slipping in,
hoping no one notices.

Where's my guy? Hm?
Julius was last seen with you.

Now his phone's disconnected.

Keeping track of your man
is not my job.

Delivering on time is.

I think you're forgetting whose
plan it is that you're following.

It's my gear and my connections.
No me,

no nothing.

I need that sample today.
If not, we'll find a new supplier.

What's the problem?

There isn't one.
But you're in Germany.

And you're here because?

Just passing through.
I've got business in Poland.


It's funny, your son
never mentioned any of this.

Get off me!

I would have never guessed
you were related.

He's so vocal.

How about your niece, Tara?
She sounds fun.

She's passing through, too.

With my sample.

Let's just get to Norway
and we'll be fine.

What if we get there and your mum
doesn't even let us stay?

She will.
How do you know?

We should call the hotel and check.

Tara owns the fucking gas.
She does need to call and ask.

And how are we getting there? Can't
use our phones cos they'll track us.

We're not exactly prepared
to fund a whole trip to Norway.

There's real-world shit to pay for
like tolls and shit.

And Stink spunked all our Euros
on a CD player full of 1800s.

I thought you said your dad
would pay for all of this.

The drugs. We need to sell them.

Absolutely fucking not.
Please! No!

We have no other way
of making money.

And the next logical step
is to take on drug dealers.

We need cash.

Who pays in cash? Junkies.

And unless you have a better idea
to pitch, I suggest you...

shut the fuck up, Ruth.

Well, I'm not selling anything.

- So don't.
- I won't.
- Good.
- Great.

Oh, my God! Eisenschtompschtomp!

- Sorry, what?
- The festival
Marten's band are playing out.

We can sell the drugs there.
It's in Germany.

Yeah, Germany is a pretty
fucking big place, Stink.


Let's go.

I came to clean up.

I've got Tara's number plate.

And you've got the means
to track it down.


Don't ever step foot in my house
without calling ahead.

- Of course.
- And if I'm missing
even so much as a 0.01...

I'll bring the scales.

Get in the back!

♪ All eyes on me in the club

♪ See them all looking at me

♪ Top dollar lady

♪ Money, money, money ♪

- Why are we mixing it?
- Because
we don't want to kill anyone.


Oh, how cute and kind of you.

Guys, I'm scared.

All you have to do is bring it in.
Or sell it.

So you're making Nessi a mule now?

No. A piggy bank.
Whoever you sell this to could die.

Then we'll sell to the hardest,
druggiest-looking people.

Yeah. Who will know that you're
selling recast cut to shit heroin.

If they're so weak and cut to shit,
how is it going to hurt anyone?

OK. But how you druglords
planning to get this past security?

Can't search nature's pocket.


♪ One for the money,
two for the show

♪ Three of us girls, four of us go

♪ One for the money,
two for the show

♪ Three of us girls, four of us go ♪

Hurry up, Nessi.

Sorry. I'm not an exhibitionist.

- What if they find it?
- Just leg it
and meet back at the car.

What if we get arrested?
It won't be for this.

It's just crisps. There's no rules
on bringing food in.

It's poking me.

Do you think it's
because I'm a virgin?

Who under the age of 50
uses the word virgin?

- Shut up.
- Your body count
shouldn't define you, babe.

Or lack of.

Where did you put it, Nessi?

Beneath your shelf?

Stink said pocket.
Potato, Patato.

Did you?


What? Oh, my God!

How am I the only one... Told
you they were making you a mule.

All you have to do is chill
until we need a top up.

It's the easiest job. No one...

We're just four BFFs
living our best lives.

Oh, so the original plan for summer?

Oh, where's Marten?

I wasn't even...
- Mm-hm.
- Shut up.

So many dickheads.

That's it.
We only sell to dickheads.

Natural selection at its finest.

How can you tell who is a dickhead,
though? Everyone just looks fashuun.

White girls who wear bindis.

There's enough people in this
world trying to kill them already.

We're not killing them.

Yeah, no more death. I've seen more
dead guys than hot guys this week.

Can we stop talking about death?

No one is dying today. OK?

Come on.

Look, Dad. I know you said not to.

You know? But, like...

And I'm not saying
it wasn't my fault or anything,

but I mean, Davey,
talk about trigger-happy!

Yeah. Yeah, no.

Too soon. Too soon.

And I only said Tara had drugs.

Nothing else.

Baby-sit your kid.
This is no surprise to me.

I'll tell you what.

It's really suiting Maggie. She's...

She's not showing or anything yet,
but she's got this glow off her.

You know? You should come by.

She'd love to see you. No.

She would.


Nothing. Busy.

I know what's wrong with you.

You're worried about the pact.

You and me versus the world.

Don't worry. The pact still stands.

Binding for all time.

Jesus Christ, Orin.
Open your fucking eyes.

I would never
betray the family, Dad.

It means everything.

Gotcha, Tara.

Check it out.

How the fuck did you do that?

Because I've got skills.

Dealing is in your DNA.

I said it was coke.



Mm! Mm!

Don't know why Nessi
pretends to be vegan.

Are you OK?


I'm fine.


What do you think she'll say?
- Who?
- Your mum?

Do you reckon
it'll be like love at first sight

in a non-creepy mum type of way?

I hope so.

She's got my eyes.

Well, I've got hers.


They're all right.

Everyone knows we'd be dead
without you.

None of you would be in this shit
if it wasn't for me.

True. We'd be in Zante
catching chlamydia.

Stink! We just saw Marten!

He went that way.

Nice top.

Yeah. Erm... My band.

Nice... face.

No, but actually.

Dankeshun, babes.

Erm... Yeah. They need to chill.

I actually might have something

that could help.


Oh, my God! So much cash. How?
I got skills, innit?

Yeah, I don't wanna know.
But that was really fast.

They had a sound check.

Right, we got our cash. Let's go.

Ruth, we're at a fest-i-val!

Let's enjoy ourselves.
Small smoke. Come on.

No one knows we're here.

We have got extra cash.

For emergencies!

Ruth, please,
you're not a boring human.

You're so much more than that, man.

I'm calling an intervention

to get the real Ruth back.

Where are you going?

I need some weed.
I don't need weed.

When You Were Mine
by Joy Crookes

♪ In the summer of '16

♪ Was it love or nicotine

♪ That made us mellow on the 35?

♪ It was penny paradise

♪ Just a pretty lickle lie

♪ And it hit me when I saw you

♪ Hand in hand Coldharbour Lane

♪ Never take it easy on the PDA

♪ I don't miss you,
least not that way

♪ But someone better want me
like that some day

♪ Shoulder to shoulder

♪ Smile with a Brixton shine

♪ But you weren't that kind
when you were... ♪

Looks like the girls
are having a jolly.

Do you want us
to wait out here for them? Lay low?


What's the plan?

Get the gear. Get the girls.

And get the fuck out.



Piss anyone? Anyone piss? Piss? No?

All right, I'll see you in a bit.

Right. Stay here.

Yeah."Dad, the security guard
says this place is massive.

How are we going to find them?"

Keep looking.
I'm going to get up high.

Take this cash and get rid of it.

Book her in at a clinic, give her
that and tell her not to come back.

What are you doing?

Saving you. Like I always do.

Listen to me.

Crazy bitches,
you're supposed to fuck.

And you get them out of your system.

You're not supposed to settle down
and have a kid with them.

Can you stop?

What are you trying to prove? What?

That you have it in you to be a dad?

To handle a woman like her?

Be your own man, cos you don't.

Can you shut up
talking to me like that?

You don't know.
You and me for all time.

Cos I always have to look after you.

Cos you're a fuck up.

No. Before, maybe.

You're weak.
I'm not like that now.

Do you know why?
Because of love?

How is love
going to make you strong?

She doesn't love you.

How do you know?

Did Stink go to be sick?

Who knows?

Or do you think
she's actually pregnant?

She said she used a condom.
From the 98p store.

They split all the time.

I've got one of her condoms in me.

Oh, my God! I can't find it!

Just breathe.
It can't have gone anywhere.

Ow! My fucking nails!

Stupid cheap Stink!

Told you Tara
was making you a drug mule.

Ruth, don't!
- She can probably hear you.
- I know.

I think we need to go to a hospital.
It won't come out.

Fuck it, I'll do it!

It's only a vagina.

Well, vulva and vagina.

OK. Don't look at me.

It's not like it turns me on.

Literally, does a dick pic
make you wet?

Ooh! No.

Yeah. A fanny flapping in the wind
doesn't me either.

No, it's not that, it's just...

I've never had someone's finger
in me before.

You've got a kilo of heroin
up there, babe. You're good.

Who was that?
You know who it was.




Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.

Excuse me. Desperate. Yeah. Thanks.

Thank you.

Excuse me.

I'm about to piss myself here.
So can I...


I need to know if I am with child.



Don't care.

Fine. I'll piss
on your fucking little head.

What's taking so long?
Are you doing a shit?

Fucking Brexit bitch.



What the fuck does that mean?

Well, it's not nein schwanger,
is it?

Hey! Hey!

Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop.

Tara? Tara?

Wait, I'm schwanger. I'm schwanger.
I'm fucking schwanger.

Your cousin's here.

Meet me at the...

At the what?

- Oh, my God!
- At the where?
Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

Nessi, chill. Chill.

Erm... OK.

Erm... The car.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Stop.

That's my girlfriend.
We just found out she's pregnant.

Can I please just go get her?

Look, she's a bit...

Please? We'll be in and out.

Get off me!

I need to find my friends, please!
Just fucking get off!


Fuck you very much!
Yeah, OK, Stink.

It's OK.


That was a surprise.


Are you OK?

Yeah. Just dodgy weed.

You mean coke.

Well, thanks for turning my band
into zombies.

They probably just drank too much.
Look, I've got to go.

Go where? You're in VIP.


I mean, it is more dangerous
for me to be out there right now.

Stay for five minutes.

Like, technically...

I did tell the girls
what was going on. So...

Come on. That's the least you can do
for almost killing my band.

Is that a yes?

Fuck me, I'm a terrible person.
Yes. Yes.

Yes! Great!

You've got to see this.

Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

Shit! Shit! I've lost it all!

Your zombie coke?
Oh, my God!

Ha-ha! Fuck you!

Oh! Wow!

Yeah. Girls burp.

And fart. What are you going to do?

Well, you're amazing.

Shut up.

What, I liked it?
Mm. Tell me.


You OK?


Uh-oh. I haven't showered in like...
a week. Wet wipes only.

I don't care.
No! No! No!

No, no, no! Wait.
What's wrong?

I mean, if you don't wanna...

It's totally... That's fine.

No, no, just cos like, it's gross.

I don't even like when guys do it.

Has anyone ever been down on you?


It's not gross, it's...

the most, well, natural, intimate...

No. I'm fine. I'm fine.

Well, most of my girl mates
say it's the best part.

What's your real name?


Cos I'm pretty sure it's illegal
to name a child Stink.

Your chat's shit.

Go back to kissing.

If you tell me your name.
Oh, I'll let you go down on me.

Wow! All right. I was only going to
do it cos I thought you'd like it.

It was not about me
or what I want.

I want you to...

You know?

Are you sure?




Oh, shit!

"Reagan?"I've got them.

That was...

next level.

When it's with somebody you
actually like, it usually is.

Well, I really like...


Fucking prick!

What can I do with this?
Stash it!

- What?
- We've literally
a million's-worth in the car.

I meant in a bin!

I just felt liberated as fuck!



Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

'God, you look like your mum.'

Get in!


I just fucking killed someone!

Oh, my God!
No, you saved Tara's life.

Are you good?

Where's Stink? Stink?

Right. Go back.
- She must still be there.
- OK.

Stop! Stop, stop, stop!
There's Marten.


Where's Stink?

Hey, Stink's friend. She's gone. I...

I was with her,
and then I blacked out,

then she disappeared.

We need to get the fuck away from
this car. They know it's my dad's.

We'll give it back to you in like
- a minute or something.
- Yeah.


Fucking idiot!





What the fuck? Are you OK?

Let's get you to hospital, yeah?
No, get after them!

I forgot how to change the gears!

That's them.

Shit, speed up, Nessi!

Hurry! Why did we swap?

Cos we don't want to be in that one.

Ram them!

Do it!

Come on, again!


Come on, again!

The Beginning Of The End
By Marsheaux

♪ The time of wiping all the tears

♪ I have to

♪ Breathe

♪ And see the light

♪ It's the beginning of the end

♪ No matter what, I won't forget

♪ Sadness

♪ I'm here

♪ No more

♪ Oh, I have gone

♪ Too far

♪ In this hour

♪ Hero I am ♪