Then You Run (2023–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Episode #1.3 - full transcript

Tara debates whether the gang would be safer without her but it soon becomes clear that danger has followed them to Germany - Reagan wants his drugs.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
'The following programme
contains violence

and scenes of drug use from the

I've just had
the best idea ever.

Why did you tell Mirko that
we had five kilos of cocaine?

Because we do.

This here, is 80% pure heroin.

With a market value of
half-a-million euros per kilo.

She just found out
her mum's still alive.

Do you know where she is?

The Nordmann
Fir Beach Hotel.

Take the big car,
and drive to Norway.

We leave the drugs here.

I killed him.

Track that number and hit the road.

They should all be dead
by lunchtime.

♪ I'll beat them all
at their at own game

♪ Bite the hands
and the fingers that feed

♪ I'll beat them all
at their at own game

♪ Swallowing it down,
taking my time

♪ The belly of the beast

♪ I'm stuck
in the belly of the beast

♪ In the belly of the beast...

♪ I'll take it
like milk from a baby ♪

What the fuck...


What the fuck...

Fuck it!

- Yeah?
- Reagan, these girls
aren't going to the airport.

If I had to guess, I'd say
they were going to Germany.

The Dagmar deal means
we can't go into Germany.

So you better catch up with them

and get my sample back,
before they get to the border.

That's gonna be hard,
they're almost there.

Actually, you know what?

They've stopped.



Come back!

I told you not to show her.

Why did they do that?

Why did they shoot him?
He was nice!

He was really nice.
Can we please just keep moving?

They just shot him in the head!

I know they shouldn't
have done that.

He liked me.

We haven't got time for this.

He was the first one ever...
Seriously, Nessi, car!

And now he's dead.

He was nice!

Completely get that, but, Nessi,

maybe that's a "later" problem?

Right "now" problem
is Tara's uncle and his friends.

They killed him!

Yes, who killed him,

they're probably
coming after us, so maybe...

What is this even about?

I mean, what's going on?

What are we even doing here?

It's getting really... general.

You do it, then.
Fine, I will.

She's more my friend anyway.

Do you think Stink is more
Nessi's friend than I am?

Remember history?

Yeah? Like, wars and that?

Yeah? People'd be getting killed
all over when they'd have a war.

Some evil bastard
will come along, bang...

...kills your gran,

or your friend.

Or the guy you liked

and he liked you.

But those history people,
they didn't just stop.

They kept going.

You know what kept them going?


Are those Tara's uncle's drugs?

What did you do?
Took his drugs.

Why did you take his drugs?

Because... he took
something precious from YOU.

You took them BEFORE
he killed Mirko!

Forget the small details.

Because my brain, possibly from
being pregnant, is a bit woo-woo.

He's going to hunt us down!

He's going to kill us!

Stink! What the fuck!

Hey, I know things
about you, you know.


Get back in the car!



'Sorry to call, boss.

'There's someone
who wants to see you.

Says his name is Julius.;

He's early.

Listen, I wanted to say,
sorry for your loss.

Shut the fuck up.

'First of all,
it wasn't my fault.

The girls are in Germany.'

Turn around. Get back to the house.
Clean it up.

'Reagan, I could just pop over.
No one'd know.'

Turn around!

What are you doing in Rotterdam,

Pick-up's not due
till next week.

I thought someone
should be here.

To see everything goes smoothly.

Dagmar agreed.

Don't be worrying about "smooth".
We've everything arranged.

You've taken delivery?

Correct. All on schedule. Good.

So we'll go over some -
No, we won't.

Not the day for it.

Death in the family.


Excuse me.

Dagmar extends her condolences.


She has some concerns
about her investment.

Tell her I'm fine.

I don't let personal matters
get in the way of business.

Fuck this. I've arrangements
to get on with.

Get him a girl while he's waiting...

Not necessary.

Dagmar is pleased
that you are fine.

We've decided to move up
the pick-up date.

To when?


Ohh, Erdbeerhof looks nice.

Who wants to go to Erdbeerhof?

We're not stopping.
We're going to Norway.

Are you sure your mum's OK
with us just showing up, Tara?


Of course she is.
Why wouldn't she be?

Just cos, like, she didn't get
in touch or anything.

So, she owes her.

Eighteen years' worth of mum-stuff.

Who else wants to go
to Erdbeerhof? Grab some snacks?


That's what happens
if they catch us.

Jesus, you don't have to share it!
I don't want that on my phone.

Take a look at it the next time

you think stopping for snacks
is a good idea.

No-one is coming!

Even if they were,
how would they find us?

Turn your phones off.

I thought you wanted us
to look at the picture?

They can trace the signals.
Turn them off.

They turned their phones off.

The girls.
You'd have to wonder, like,

how long it'll be before
they figure out the rest of it.

Is that what
you'd have to wonder?

If we don't get Dagmar's sample

back off them girls in time,
the deal is fucked.

But if Dagmar finds out
we had someone in Germany,

then the deal is fucked
the other way. So, I can't...

Reagan, just tell me
what to do, will ya?

What's the plan here?

The plan is buy time.
Tell Julius I want another meet.

"Deal is fucked if Dagmar finds
we had somebody in Germany,"

send a "nobody".

Come on, he's waiting for you. Here.

I've already strongly advised
Mr O'Rourke

against being present
for this part of the process.

Mind how you go with him,
do you hear me?

He's in a mood.
Punishing himself.

Come on. Open.

What's he punishing himself for?

Good man. On you go.

Did I say to stop?

Did everything
go alright after with Mirko?

Cos he really didn't know anything.

Yeah, he said.
While he was pissing himself.

That's those girls.

That bag has my drugs in it.

Do you want me
to get them back for you?

Just follow them for me.

Even you should be able
to manage that.


No, definitely.

Keep a low profile.

Smaller roads
as much as you can.

Stay under the speed limit.
Use cash.

Can you just...

Can you stop disappointing me?

I'm gonna get him
his drugs back.

Show him.

Cos that's what he said to do.

And he said for me to come?

Yeah, two-man job, he said.

I knew he'd change his mind

about not letting ME go on jobs.

I'm not saying

it's an unblemished record
as regards incidents.

We all have our demons, like.

Still, a lifetime ban was harsh.


I mean, from
your dad's point of view,

he'd be like,

"Don't shoot anyone
until I tell you to."

And I'd say,
"Yeah, OK, no problem."

But then I'd end up
shooting people.

I just like it.

What's that called?

When you can't stop picturing
bullets ripping through human flesh?

Davey, we're not killing
these girls.

I just want
to get the drugs back.

I don't wanna kill anyone.

I do.

Well, we are not! OK?


OK... Yeah.

No problem.

Look at the suave prick.

I'll show him "suave".

You after your sample?

It's in there.

Like I said,
it's just not to hand.

So, I am supposed to wait?

Look around you,
you fucking idiot.

Once this thing
is up and running,

you can forget the Balkan routes

or crossing your fingers
coming through Schiphol.

I'm gonna have container loads
coming in every month,

source to market,
like that.

If Dagmar doesn't want to be
a part of this,

you can piss off
back to Hamburg.

Otherwise shut the fuck up...

and wait.

Why the secrecy
around your brother's death?

None of that's secret.

It's private.

I'd guessed suicide.

I heard he was psychologically
a bit fucked up.

Or maybe an OD.

Probably he knew
where to find a fix.

And now the sample
is not "to hand".

And I worry that
all these things are connected.

They're not.

Maybe Reagan's business
and personal life

are not so separate after all.

On this occasion,
I can give you 24 hours.

Oh, I'm so sick.

Oh, my God,
try being next to you.

Sit up front, if you feel sick.
I would love that.

It's not car sick.
It's more pregnant sick.

May be if we stopped for snacks...

You're probably not even pregnant,
your period stopped cos of stress.

Stressed being stuck next to you.

Tara, what the fuck?

Tara, what are you doing?

A tracker, there's a tracker.
What tracker? There's no tracker.

This isn't James Bond, Tara.

They can see where we are.


What is the matter with you?

I'm keeping us alive.

Davey, my dad was very specific
about not drawimg attention.

Hang on.

No... No!

Where have the signs
to Denmark gone?

I don't want to go to Denmark.
I want to go to Erdbeerhof.

Oh, my God, could you be
any more self-centred?

It's actually dangerous

for pregnant people
to not have snacks in cars.

You two just stop
and help me find Denmark.

Why are we going to Leipzig?
I don't know, Tara.

Someone threw the SatNav
out of the window.

What a stupid choice! We're
going completely the wrong way.

You know what, Tara?
You know what?

I didn't get us into this.

You are the one

with a family
of murdering drug dealers.

You are the reason that we are
running for our lives right now!

You are!

If it wasn't for you,
we'd be fine.

I'm just letting you know

there is no way
I'm getting all the way

to Norway with no tunes.

Stink, just shut up!
I'm just saying...

No-one wants to hear you.


Papa, Znappi.

Who the fuck is Znappi?

Er, where's
the none-strawberry section?

Why would anyone buy salt

when they can get salt and vinegar
at the same price?

I don't like salt and vinegar.

Look, we haven't got time for this.

You can't just...
Oh, that's rank!

Mayonnaise crisps, that's the worst
thing a German's ever done.

Tampons, nice. Rub my nose in it.

God, Tara, what was that for?

I was gonna ask
what crisps you wanted.

Hi, Mum.

You're not gonna believe this.


OK, I did not ruin
the entire holiday.

Miss you, too.

Excuse me...

Not discussing it.

I got you something.

It's probably best
you find out either way.


Yeah, I should...

I should probably go do it now,
shouldn't I?Mm.

We could come with you.


Ew. No.

Where's Tara?

So, just the drugs back, yeah?

Not killing them.

I thought today was a good day!

Davey, are you listening?

My da' was really specific
about not killing them.

Your da' is not here, Darian.

Just saying.

When the cat's away,
the mice can kill girls.

I'm saying it, OK?

Forget my da'.

He doesn't even know
we're doing this.

- What?
- He never said
to get the drugs back.

That was my idea.

What about saying
I was to come with you?


No way did she just...

No, you did not just...

Where's the bag?

We can't find Tara.


Where's your bag?

Oh, no, shit!


Oh, shit!

It's fine.

Stink, what's going on?

What are we gonna do?

A kid, a girl. Just, just find her.

Oh, my God!

OK, but what did she look like?

I don't know. Small?

What is going on?

Yes, nothing.

Don't tell her.
I won't. I'm not going to.

She stole the drugs.
She what?

Nessi had a sex dream

about your little brother.
About James?


Can I just say, he was
well over the age of consent.

Why would anyone steal
a million-and-half euros of heroin?

So they'd have
a million-and-half euros.

Where did she go?

And it wasn't necessarily James.

You know what? Excuse me
for taking an opportunity

when I saw one.

Split up.

He had a fully adult body.

Normal people find money
quite useful actually, Ruth.

It was more like dream-James.

We can't all be rich kids like you.
People don't just give us things.

Hair, it was mainly his hair.






Alright, then.


"Ruth, have a house with a garden."

It's not my home,
other people live there, too.

"Here, Ruth, have an iPhone 11."

That was my dad's phone that he gave
me cos he had the automatic upgrade.

Yeah, well, no-one's
ever given me shit.

She wouldn't swap.

Jesus Christ!

Just think of her
as a small woman.

There he is!

Looking everywhere,
trying to find you. Weren't we?

Ich want that bag.

How did they find us?

Um... We'll never know.
It doesn't matter.

Just go.

Stink, come on.

Nein, Papa. Nein!

Give me the bag.

Papa! Oh!

Run! Run!

Davey, stop.
Please, Davey! Davey, stop!

We're supposed
to be keeping a low profile!

Listen, just...

Just give us the drugs back.

Then you can go.
I mean, we shouldn't be fighting.

You and me are cousins.

That's like... related.

Where's the exit?

that's German for "exit"!

Is it?
What else is it gonna mean?

Clothes, get clothes.

No, no, wait! Wait! Wait!


take it.

Oh, God...

Hi, Tara.

We thought you left.
I did.

But you came back?

- To save us?
- Yeah.

Cheers for that.
- Yeah, thanks.
- Thanks, Tara.

Sorry I said that we'd be fine
if it wasn't for you.

We wouldn't be fine at all.

It wasn't just you
that put our lives in danger.

Stink did with the drugs,

and... I mean,
I did on the motorway.

We all did.

Except Ruth.
We should go.

You shouldn't be here,
- it's a bad time.
How come?

You should have some respect.

Did you come here?

Dagmar is extremely unhappy.

A shooting incident
in a German shopping mall?

A public place.
Police looking for four females.

Last time seen in a car
registered to Orin O'Rourke.

Yeah. No.

Reagan! Don't! Listen...

- Get the car ready.
- Reagan,
we should go to the graveside.

Nah, I've guessed the end.

Come on, with me.
Let's go get your stuff.

Reagan, please.
Relax, would you?

He thinks I'm angry with you.

I'm not at all.


Where is the sample?

It's not in the port, is it?
Oh, God, no.

Those girls stole it.

Same ones who killed Orin.

I'm gonna have to deal with them.

Reagan... Dagmar was...

Dagmar'll call off the deal
if I go to Germany.

She'll call it off
if I don't get the sample back.

The big dilemma.

OK, look, I was angry.

I mean, my brother's dead.

I can't get two seconds without

gobshites coming
and bothering me.

Then you, Jesus Christ,
YOU show up.

And then you come here.
No, look, I was raging.

"He's crossed the line now!"

The "line".

The "line".

In the church,
picturing all the ways

I was gonna hurt you.

And then it hit me.

It was making me feel better.

I used to have a terrible appetite
for destruction on me.

Handy, coming up.

You get on a bit.
You tell yourself

it's something you use,
a business tool.

It's not, though. It's me.

I destroy things.

We both know I destroyed Orin
a while back.

Don't we, Mr Enquiries?

There was never any "line".

You helped me to see that.

No, listen, no, it's good.

It's good.
I've an appetite, fine.

I'm hungry, I'll eat.

There is no dilemma.

It's one thing.
It always has been.

All in.

Honestly, Julius,

I can feel the stress
floating off me.


I'm Dagmar.

What do you guys think?

Do you think we're safe?



♪ I got myself together

♪ I got myself in check

♪ I made myself a member

♪ Got myself out the red

♪ I upgraded my upgrade

♪ Give us our daily bread

♪ I got paid on the payday

♪ Now I dress well-fed

♪ I clearly won the friendly

♪ Left my opponent dead

♪ I got the keys to the Lambo

♪ I took a walk instead

♪ I am the prophecy

♪ I did not come from nothing

♪ And nothing came from me

♪ I took your name in vain

♪ I burnt your effigy

♪ I chewed up your story

♪ Some tush between my teeth