The Six Million Dollar Man (1974–1978): Season 5, Episode 6 - Killer Wind - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
It looks good at NASA One.

B-52 >PILOT:

BCS Arm switch is on.

Okay, Victor.

B-52 PILOT: Landing Rocket Arm switch
is on. Here comes the throttle.

Circuit breakers in.

We have separation.

Inboard and outboards are on.

I'm comin' forward with the side stick.

Looks good.

Ah, Roger.

I've got a blowout in damper three.

Get your pitch to zero.

Pitch is out. I can't hold altitude!

B-52 PILOT: Correction. Alpha Hold is oil“.
Threat selector is emergency.

STEVE: Flight Com. I can't hold it!
She's breaking up! She's breaking...

Steve Austin. Astronaut.

A man barely alive.

Gentlemen, we can rebuild him.

We have the technology.

We have the capability
to make the world's first bionic man.

Steve Austin will be that man.

Better than he was before.

Better, stronger, faster.


And as of a few moments ago, the twister,
a rarity in this part of the country...

passed through the town,
uprooting trees, over-turning cars...

and ripping the roofs off houses.

And there is no let up in sight.

Latest meteorological reports indicate
the twister is veering east...

and if it stays on course, it will hit Bridgeton
with full force sometime today.

Any chance we can outrun it?

We have to get on the ground fast.

Closest airport's
just outside of Bridgeton.

That could take us right
into the eye of the twister.

That's our only chance.
It's gonna be tight.

This plane can't handle
this much turbulence any longer.

Are you ready?

Let's go!

Look at that!

Look at that stream.



Move it! Come on, move it!

Gary, Anna Lee, Tony, Andrew.

Hey, gang!
Come here!

Listen, I don't think
we should go any further.

But you promised we'd
have the picnic at the waterfall.

And I counted on getting some pictures of it
for my dad's fire and rescue newsletter.

I know, but I didn't count
on this weather.

I didn't count enough calories.

Let's have the picnic right here.

I don't know it's getting pretty windy.

Aw, c'mon, Miss Corrigan...

there are some big rocks up there
that'll keep us out of the wind.

All right, okay.
Lead the way.

This way, you guys.
Come on!


You know,
you got a head, Nash...

figuring to knock off that bank
while the citizens are up to their ears...

waiting for this twister to hit.

You're gonna put us all in a cemetery
before we spend a quarter. Take it easy!

Lam, it's the wind.
Maybe we ought to pull over.

Forget it! The twister
keeps the smokies busy...

while we get as far away
from here as we can.

Got it?


Hang on!

You all right, Conway?

How about you, Falco?

I'm okay as long
as the money's okay.

Looks like that cowboy's got
more problems than we have.

We worry about us.

Let's get this van back on the road.

There's no way
we're gonna make it!


We better find a place to set
her down before she breaks up.


You sprained it?

We flew over a diner
back there a little ways.

Maybe we can get some help.
Think you can make it?

Gimme a hand.
I'm sure I can.

Ahh! Ow!

This won't work.

Get a car.

Get a car?

Oh, sure, the parking lot's full,
take your pick!

No jokes.

Go look!

Buy one, steal one
or borrow one, but get one.

There's a couple of hundred
thousand bucks ridin' on it.

Now I saw a diner sign
down the road.

Make it fast and check it out.

I'll hang in here with the money.
Go on!

Slinger? Slinger?
Come in, Slinger.

Pop, you got your ears on out there?

It's Burger Queen looking.

Pop? Pop?



My name is Rhonda.
Can I help you in any way?

Yeah, you got a car we can use?

A couple of guys just
in here looking for one.

Beat us to it, huh?

No, my father did.

As soon as he heard the twister
was coming for this area...

he scooted over to the tramway.

You know, he's head of fire and rescue.

And besides, my brother Gary
and his friends are on a picnic.

How far is the hospital?

We don't have one...

but word on the air is that Dr. Jenny is
setting up an emergency first aid clinic...

in her home in Bridgeton.

Eight maybe ten miles though.

Could you get us some ice
wrapped in a towel?

Keep the swelling down.


That van we almost clipped
when it came down, can't be too far away.

It was off the road.

Oh, maybe I could do
something about that.

You take it easy.
I'll hurry.



Come on, hey, you guys!

Oh, no, we have to go this way.

This is where the
picnic grounds are.

Now what's that, Anna Lee?

Cody, come on!

That's nice.
Go ahead.

Aw, Tony, it's not that bad.

The picnic grounds are just ahead.

And it won't be
too much longer, right?

We're almost there.


Surprised me,
didn't hear you with the wind.

You okay?

Just fine.
What can I do for you?

I was on the plane
that just flew over.

My friend's back at the diner.
I think he's got a broken ankle.

I thought maybe we get your van back
on the road and get him to a hospital.

No way.

The drive wheels
are a foot in the ground.

You know, if you don't mind, I'd like to try,
he's in an awful amount of pain.

Look, even if we got it out of here,
I couldn't let you have it.

I got a list of emergency repairs
I gotta get cracking on.

Well, this is an emergency,
too, we'll just put it at the top.

I gotta couple of my men out
looking for help. I can’t just leave.

I gotta an idea.
The two of us could get it out of here...

if you just get on the other side
and give me some help.

NASH: Okay, I'll help push,
but it's no use. You'll see.



STEVE: Okay, push!

I think we can drive it out now.
Let's go.

I dropped one of my
tools around there.

Forget it, if that twister hits,
we'll never get my friend to the doctor.

We have to account for these tools.

You know what a good
wire stripper costs?

Look, you either drive this van or I will.

Burger Queen calling the Slinger.

Come on, Pop,
crank it up out there.

Come in. Come in.

Come on, Pop, come in.

Go ahead, hon,
I've got a copy on you.

Hey, Pop, I've been trying
to break through for an hour.

What's happening?

The Wind's been
tearing things apart up here.

RHONDA: What about Gary
and the kids, are they okay?

Well, we haven't found 'em yet.

Can't find them?

Easy, easy!

I didn't say that we can't.
I said we haven't found him.

Listen, we've been pulling people
out of these mountains all morning long...

and you can bet we'll be pulling
those kids out of here, too.

I'll get to the tramway somehow, Pop!

No, I want you
to stay put and take it easy.

I gotta tram car coming,
I'll see you later.

Take care, Pop, you hear?


Here, take a couple of these.
It might help.


How're you doing?

I'll do better when it's set
and put in a cast.

I'm putting Rhonda up for the
Florence Nightingale Award.

Well, in time of need,
you come to the aid of the troops.

I'll get you some more ice.

Thank you.

I got the telephone truck
back on the road.

We better get out of here
while we still can.


Can I get something for you?

No, I got it. Wind sure
dries you out, doesn't it?


Tell me how to get
to the doctor's house?

It's hard to find.

You take me with you
so I can get to the tramway.

I'll show you where it is.

Sure, let's go.

Now wait a minute.

The repair van's no taxi.

What about my crew?

Listen, my brother and his friends
are lost in the mountains...

and my father's trying to find 'em
before that twister hits.

I have to be there.

But my crew will be looking for me.

Look, stay here.
It's the only road past this place.

STEVE: They'll find you and I'll get
your truck back as soon as I can.

I don't buy that.

Well, leave them a note.

Let's go.

We get a lot of first aid
training on this job.

Why don't you drive,
and I'll sit back there with your friend.

All right.


Once these kids are in the car,
I'll bring them down in 14 minutes.

Can't you move
those cars any faster?

I've got them going
full speed now!



That car is not going back up.
That's for sure.

Well, it has to.

Or else how are we gonna get
up there to find those kids!

All right, Garth, take it easy,
I'll get it fixed.

I'll get a crew working
on it right away!

With this wind,
that may be too late!

It's from Nash.

He get trapped by some guy
who insisted his buddy...

take him in the truck
to see a doctor.

Pull over here to the left.

We'll take a short cut
through that gate.

I'll get the gate.

All right, run it through.

Garth, what do you
think you're doing?

Not think, I'm going
to find those kids.

Climb that mountain
in these winds?

You heard right.

Come on, give us more time.

Time is running out
too fast to wait.

Burger Queen to the Slinger.

Burger Q...

Burger Queen to the Slinger.

Come in.

trying to regain communications...

with our mobile news truck
which is on its way to Crater...

where we understand the tornado has
caused widespread destruction.

As soon as we make contact, we will
bring you an on the scene news report...

Be with you in a minute,

While there can be up to several minutes
of calm between these gusts...

Okay, now what do we have here?

This is not a sign
the twister has died.

I think it's a break
in the lateral malleolus.

It's just to the side of the tarsal.

I think I'll make the diagnosis,
after we take the x-rays.


I don't have time
for your advice.

If this tornado hits, I'm gonna have my
hands full with a lot of other patients!

Now, if you don't mind,
we'll get ready for the x-rays.

Yes, ma'am.

I mean, doctor.


I'm at Dr. Jenny's place, Pop.

Now what's going on?

I told you, we're heading up
to find those kids.

There's more to it, Pop,
I can hear it in your voice.

Well, the tram car's not running.

Then how are you...

You're gonna climb that mountain?

Well, I've got to.

With that twister coming this way...

we can't lose any time.

If you get him in there,
I can take an x-ray.

REPORTER: We have been
informed that during the peak of the...


Well, that puts us out of business.

I'll never be able to set
that leg without x-rays.

There's no electricity.

Yeah, I'm getting a ride from here,
Pop, be on my way soon.

Hey, what are you doing?

Give me those keys!

I'll drive, we're going
to the tramway, remember?

We're all going to the tramway, but first
we got a little problem to solve here first.

Break out some of that equipment.

We don't have anything
to do with that kind of stuff.

Let's get her to the tramway,
like you said.

Get inside before that
thing hurts somebody.

I said inside.




REPORTER: And there is still no let up.

We've just received word that the twister...


Through the town of Crater, leaving
widespread destruction in its wake.

Hundreds of men, women, and children
have been left homeless...

and are being evacuated as quickly
as possible to safer areas.

Meanwhile, the twister is gaining speed
and is on a collision course...

with the town of Bridgeton...

where the townspeople
of Bridgeton are now...

getting ready for that moment when the
full fury of the twister will strike at them.

There's Nash's marker.

The doc's place can't be too far ahead.


Come on, will you?

I got that broken chain
out of those gears.


Garth, where are you going?

I'm going to find them.

You didn't let me finish.


We just contacted them.

They made it
to the loading area.

Maybe one of 'em's hurt.

No, they're all okay.

Look, the two cars on this
tramway operate in tandem.

When this car goes up
the other one comes down.

The kids'll be down here
when you're arriving up there.

There's nothing you can do.

Well, what about this twister?

The longer we talk,
the closer it's getting.

If that twister hits that tram car
on the way down here...

All right, we're gonna
make that wind work for us.

We're gonna sneak 'em
down between gusts.

Now the minute that wind subsides...

that's when you start
the tram cars moving.

Not one second before...

not one second after.

We gotta steal as much
time as possible.

Come on, let's get moving.

Everything's gonna be just fine,
isn't it, Gary?

Oh yeah, this is nothing.
Come on.

C'mon, sweetie, hurry up.
Everything's gonna be fine.



REPORTER: We've just gotten word from
the tramway that the missing children...

are now inside a tramcar making
the trip down from the mountain.

Operations is running
the car at full speed...

to take advantage
of a lull in the heavy winds.

While there can be up to several minutes
of calm between these gusts...

the U. S. Weather Bureau warns that
this is not a sign the twister has died...

and cautions everyone to stay
under cover and not go into open areas.

Moving on to some other news
that is still related to the twister.

Three men posing as...

a telephone repair crew took over
$200,000 from the Bridgeton bank...

this morning and fled
in a telephone repair van.

It has been reported that the van
was blown off the road by the high winds.

And it is possible that one or more of the
robbers was hurt in that accident.

This is an emergency,
get me the police.

That you, Walt?
This is Dr. Jenny.

These men who robbed
the bank this morning...

I have one of them right here.

Wait a minute.
Yeah, right away!

You don't understand!

Oh yes, I do and don't you
try to smart talk me!

You should be ashamed!


What are you doing!

What are you doing!

What are you crazy or something?
Let me go!

Shut up!
What are you doing?

RHONDA: What are doing?
NASH: Shut up!

It's about time!

You stay quiet and you
stay healthy! You got that?

What are you doing?
What do you want with her?

She's insurance.

She's also noisy.
Tie her up and gag her.

I've been waiting to get him.

Dump him here.

Look, the van's easy to spot.

Let's transfer the money and the girl
to the car and let's get out of here.

No time for that.
Get the key.

Come on!

Come on, let's go!




GARTH: Sweetheart,
sweetheart, this is the Slinger...

come on and crank the
phone up will you please?

What's that all about?

Her daddy.
Couple of CB crazies.

Only two things I want to know about,
the twister and the cops.

Come on, crank it up, babe,
this is the Slinger tryin' to get you.

Come on, will you?




Let's get a cable
and haul it out.

Hey, give you fellas a hand?





They hurt you?

No, I'm all right.

What's going on around here,
do you know?

Well, they must have
robbed a bank.

We gotta get to the tramway.

Maybe I ought to drive.

Relax, I was born in a truck.




What happened?

That lightning bolt must've hit
those high tension wires up on top!

Come on!

Power's off!

Emergency generator's blown.

What are we gonna do now?

I'm thinking of a little praying.

Looks like they're trying to catch
themselves a couple of bank robbers.

Hey, Elton, this is Rhonda.

Rhonda, what're you doing up there?

RHONDA: Those bank robbers,
you'll find them...

hooked up to a telephone pole
along Lobos Hills.

Rhonda, you putting me on?

Elton, turn it off, or I'm putting
sawdust in your next burger.

Now we got to get to the tramway
before that twister slams in.

Ten four, Elton.

That's a ten four, Rhonda.

I've got an idea.

Let's sing a song.

What kind of a song?

Well, how about Old McDonald?

J‘ Old McDonald had a farm J‘

: E-I-E-I-O:

J‘ And on this farm he had a cow
E-l-E-l-O J‘

J‘ With a moo moo there
And a moo moo there J‘


J‘ E-l-E-l-O J‘

J‘ And on this farm he had a duck
E-l-E-l-O J‘



Miss Corrigan, this is Al,
we just got this phone working.

I'm glad of that, at least.

Well, we had a power failure
when the lightning struck...

but we will get you down.

Of course, you will.

Let me speak to Gary.

Ah, hold on, Miss Corrigan.

Hi, Mrs. Corrigan,
Garth Allen.

Kids okay?

Oh, loving every minute.

Well, you're a brave lady.
May I speak to Gary, please?

Yeah, of course.
Your father, Gary.

Pop, it's terrific up here.

How come you never
took me on a trip like this?

It's okay, son,
it's no shame to be afraid.

You better believe it, Pop.

Okay, you're the oldest, so I want
you to keep those kids cool, okay?

Cool it is, Pop.
See you.

I was really saving
this card trick for the picnic...

but as long as we're here.

What're you doing?



Hi, sweetheart.

Pop, you all right?


Listen, we had
a power black-out...

but I spoke to Gary
and the kids are all okay.

Thanks for bringing
her here, Mister.

Hey, what do you think
you're gonna do?

I don't know until I get up there.



Look at that.

Who is he?
How can he?

RHONDA: Just pray that he gets
to the children before the twister does.


There's Gary, he's safe!

Yeah, are you all right?

Back in everybody!
Back in! Hit the deck!

What's wrong?

It's dying down,
I think it's passed.

Okay, kids, get your stuff.

J‘ Old McDonald had a farm
E-l-E-l-O J‘

J‘ And on this farm he had... J‘

You bet.

Now you stay off that foot
for at least eight weeks.

Even with the cast on?

You heard what I said, Mister!

You heard what she said, Mister.

Thanks, Doc.

I have a lot of thanks to say.

I don't even know your name.

My name's Steve.

Thanks, Steve.

No need.

Well, I suppose it's 10-7.

Well you never know, I might
stop by here again some other day...

have one of your burgers...

cooked rare, no sawdust.