The Six Million Dollar Man (1974–1978): Season 5, Episode 5 - The Six Million Dollar Man - full transcript

Bigfoot has been left behind by his alien creators and is being adapted to life on Earth. But he is awoken prematurely by tests conducted by Hope Langston and goes on a rampage.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
It looks good at NASA One.

B- 52 >PILOT:

BCS Arm switch is on.

Okay, Victor.

Landing Rocket Arm switch is on.
Here comes the throttle.

Circuit breakers in.

We have separation.

Inboard and outboards are on.

I'm comin' forward with the side stick.

Looks good.

Ah, Roger.

I've got a blowout in damper three.

Get your pitch to zero.

Pitch is out. I can't hold altitude!

B-52 PILOT: Correction. Alpha Hold is oil“.
Threat selector is emergency.

STEVE: Flight Com. I can't hold it!
She's breaking up! She's breaking...

Steve Austin. Astronaut.

A man barely alive.

Gentlemen, we can rebuild him.

We have the technology.

We have the capability
to make the world's first bionic man.

Steve Austin will be that man.

Better than he was before.

Better, stronger, faster.


This will do just fine, Mr. O'Neal.

Terrain, climate, vegetation.

Right on the money.

I'd say Bigfoot country for sure.

You play the Bigfoot Hunter role very well,
but don't waste your words on me.

Well, I'm not just sure
what you mean.

I mean that I'm a genuine
anthropologist, Mr. O'Neal...

not some unsuspecting victim
who saw your ad in a hunting magazine.

I know what I'm looking for.

So please forget about your
Bigfoot "sightings"...

and don't try to lead me to what you claim
are genuine Sasquatch footprints.

Well, I'm still
the best guide around.

And uh, nobody knows
this country better than I do.

That's the only reason
I hired you and your partner.

Yes, ma'am.







Something moving up there.

Has to be bigger than a man.

Hmm. Probably
a hibernating grizzly.

Or the Sasquatch!







STEVE: Could be a
boulder or a bear or...

Almost anything.
It's out of focus.

Our lab tried to blow up the details
as much as possible, Steve...

but that Langston girl
insisted that he's Bigfoot.

Well, she might swear she saw anything if
she thought it might change your mind...

about funding that anthropology
research grant of hers.

She didn't have to call us, Steve.
She didn't have to send the photo.

If Bigfoot ever saw this,
he'd turn over in his cave.

RUDY: What makes you
so sure it isn't Bigfoot?

Well, I said goodbye to him before
he travelled back into space...

with the aliens who created him.

OSCAR: Well, maybe he
didn't go back with them.

Maybe he stayed here behind on earth.

Where did the girl say
she took that picture?

All I know is where she was encamped
in the San Angelo Mountains.

She said he acted
violent, crazed...

and he just came down the
mountain like a... like a bulldozer.

Sounds more like the legendary Earth
Bigfoot, not the Sasquatch I know.

Earth Bigfoot or not,
you've gotta get up and find out, Pal.

And I want you to find out
before anybody else does.

Oscar, if this is the Space Sasquatch...

he's non-human...

his bionics were developed by
a superior intelligence.

Do you realize what it would mean
if I could make some tests on him?

Go ahead and get the mobile lab ready.
The two of you can leave tomorrow.

And if it is the earth species,
he's the only one in existence.

To learn what makes him tick.

Steve, you'll make sure you pack some
warm clothes for the mountains.

Yeah, Rudy. I will.

What is it, Pal?

I only hope it isn't the Bigfoot I know.

I would never wanna see him hurt.

Hurry it up, Wynn.

Well, let's go. The lady wants
to start rounding him up.

Charlie, he could kill us!

You didn't see that ape, I did!

Hey, listen.

This monkey is our big chance.

This is the score we've
been dreaming about.

Charlie, let's leave him alone.

Let's us get out!


All we have to do
is catch him...

put him in a cage,
and then we got our own zoo.

Do you know how many tickets
we can sell to that?

Or we start a circus act.

Or we unload him on some
fat movie cat for a fortune.

You're dreaming, Charlie.

No, no, no.

This is our passport to sunshine,
sand, and bikinis.

That's what you always wanted.

We can take him.


Just like Errol Flynn used to look.



Listen, we can take him, Jason.

I know we can.


We can take him.


I'll be directly across the lake
from the Langston camp.

I'll catch up to you later.

Steve, remember what I said
about keeping warm.

I don't want your bionics
freezing up.

Yes, Mother.



Hey, I'm sorry.

Seems like I got caught
in the rush hour traffic.

Seems I did, too.
But I didn't pick up any traffic alerts.

Mind if I ask what you're doing here?

Well, I came to see you.

Hope Langston?

Sorry. No bells ring.

Oscar Goldman? O.S.I.?

You work for O.S.I.?
They sent you here about Bigfoot.

We're interested.

I knew I'd find him!

I had to call Mr. Goldman.
Somebody had to believe me!

I went back after he ran off
and made a casting of his footprint.

He's gigantic.

He goes far beyond all
my research on prehistorics.

He must be over 7 feet tall,
weigh at least 400 pounds.

The way he trampled
the transponder.

Snapped the shaft
like a toothpick.

He's absolutely super-charged
with power.

Dangerous. Deadly dangerous.

So is any untamed, wild animal.

I'll admit he had me nervous for a minute
when he first exploded down the mountain.

But I'm glad you're here.

I forgot my tranquilizer gun.

Now we can pick up my guides
and go find the Sasquatch.

Oh, Miss Langston...

Would you like to see
how Hope sounds?


But it's not "we"
to go look for Bigfoot.

What do you mean, "not we"?

Well, he's O.S.I. classified.

I'm afraid I'm gonna have to
ask you to back off.

You're not serious.

Well, yes I am.

So if you'd get your guides,
get them out of here...

leave the territory clear.

You really mean that, Mr. Austin?

Would you like to see
how Steve sounds?

Okay. But why just you, not me?

I told you. He's O.S.I. classified.
And that's all I can tell you.

Now where did you
first sight him?

You've gotta be putting me on!

After I did the research?

I spent the money out of my
own pockets to hire the guides.

And I found him without any help
or funding from your Mr. Goldman.

O.S.I. classified or not,
in my book, Mr. Austin...

that makes the Sasquatch
public domain.

And the next time I spot him,
I'll capture him.

I'll be ready to tranquilize him
and snare him in my net!

That net will never hold him.

I had that net made strong
enough to hold King Kong.

And when I do get him back...

I'll send up a smoke signal
and let you know.


Is that you, my friend?


We were friends, remember?


Remember me?

Hello, again, my friend.














Rudy, help!

Steve! What happened to you?

I found Bigfoot.

Which one is he?

He's my friend.

I thought he remembered me,
but something came over him...

we struggled, fell into the river.

Well, take it slow.
Your bionics are half frozen.

Rudy, he's still in there.
I've gotta get him out. He needs help.

You need help.

I'll hook you up to the
bionic thermal nuclear pack.

In five minutes, your temperature
will be back to normal.

Oh, hurry.

Wish we could've been waiting for you
with him all tied up and asleep and in a net.

He's got to be around. He isn't invisible.

Well, listen, maybe we
shouldn't stay split up.

Maybe we should all go
hunting in the jeep.

That way, we've got three pairs
of eyes instead of one.

I'll cross over to the
other side of the river.

We'll keep in contact
by walkie-talkie.

All right. But if you see him first
and he tries anything, get out of there.

But keep blasting on that horn,
and we'll come and get you.

Since you got so many
ideas, Charlie...

what happens if we
run into him first?

Finders keepers.

Well, if he made it out of the river,
he could be in the lake somewhere.

He might have managed
to pull himself out.

No way. His bionics were
shut down the same as mine.

Wynn. O'Neal.
Where are you?

Right here.
What do you got?

I've spotted him! He's in the lake.

Where? Where in the lake?

In the cove where it bends east.

He's not moving.
He looks hurt.

We'll be right there.

There he is!

Goodbye, sunshine, sand, and bikinis.

Not yet!

What're you doing?

Are you blind?
There goes our zoo!

There goes the circus act!
Good-bye, Hollywood!

You shoot, it's goodbye us!
For good!

But we wait for the right time.

And the right place.

The right odds.

Come on.

How is he, Rudy?

That's a good question.

We were lucky to be able
to rent this rig.

How's the temperature?

Just below freezing.

That's fine.

Should keep his bionics inactive.

RUDY: You ever notice
a difference in his eyes before?

STEVE: No. They always
looked the same to me.

A very strange physiological
something happening to him.

I'm not sure what.

Some highly abnormal
cerebral activity is taking place.

RUDY: What we call continuous
wave fragmentation.

His entire Bionic Profile is warped.

Of course, I have no idea of knowing
what it looked like when it was normal.

We can't keep him on ice forever.

The longer the better.

You know, if there's no fail-safe built
into his bionics, he could freeze to death.

It's a risk we have to take.

I've gotta keep him shut down, keep
testing till I come up with some answers.

Somebody just drove up.

It's the Langston girl.
I'll talk to her.


Sorry. No smoke signals.

But you have the Sasquatch.
I saw you get him out of the water.

All I want is a chance to confirm my having
found him. A photograph. Anything.

Look, Miss Langston,
he's in no condition to be moved...

and he's certainly not
gonna be disturbed.

You mean, you want him
to stay O.S.I. classified?

I want to know why.

I think I've got that right to know.

It's too sensitive.

Come on, Steve.
Give the lady a break.

I've got a PhD riding on
my discovery of Bigfoot.

It could mean a whole career.

At least give me something
official I can base it on...

so I don't end up looking like
some kind of a joker!

Look, I would, if I could.

I suppose if I'd gotten the Sasquatch,
I'd have said hands off, too.

I'll try and do what I can.
All right? I promise.

It's timing.

Everything's timing.

That big monkey's okay...

or they wouldn't have him locked up
in there like he was in a zoo. I'll tell you...

taking him is
gonna be as easy...

as taking ice cream
from a kid at the circus.

No sense in talking about it, Charlie.

Hey, get back here.

What's your rush?

We give her time to get far, far, away.

One leaves, that leaves one.

Like you said, we wait for the right odds.

Get the idea?


It's incredible.

What is it, Rudy?

These changes.

First his eyes, and then...

his unusual brain activity...

It can't be happening.

He's all bionic, he's not human.




His right wrist, nothing.

His left wrist, a pulse beat.

It's against every design
in the science of bionics!

Rudy, what's he turning into?

RUDY: Steve, have a look
at these cranial x-rays.

Totally bionic on the right side.

Bone and tissue on the left.

That's it, Rudy.

You said he was undergoing
some physiological transition.

That explains the difference between
the eyes, the right eye is still bionic.

And when he was crushing me, his right
arm had all the strength, not his left arm.

And whatever change is taking place,
just hasn't been fully completed yet.


The bionic half of the brain
versus the animal half.

One side violent, unpredictable...

the other side, passive and peaceful.

Two minds with one body.
Like a Jekyll and Hyde.

Each battling for total control.

But his technology is so advanced,
I may never be able to solve its logic!

There's a place in the mountains.
I was there once.

Yeah, I remember that.
Can you find it?

I don't know.

It's gotta be near somewhere
where they discovered Bigfoot.

If I could find it, then we could
find all the answers, too.

Take it easy.

Now we give him time
to get far, far away.

What do you want?

The keys to the reefer.

The Sasquatch! But you can't!

CHARLIE: My friend
asked you a question.

The keys to the reefer?

They're in the ignition,
but you don't understand.

Oh, yes, we understand.

Boy, do we ever understand.



Unhook the connections!

Greetings to the Earth person
who finds his way here.

This creature wished
to remain on your planet...

when we returned to
our asteroid in space.

He now sleeps in a state
of regenerative hibernation...

and when that process is complete...

he will awaken, and will be biologically
compatible with Earth 's environment.

But we warn you:

Do not disturb him before he awakens.

His instincts will be primal.

And if the wrong people find him...

these primal instincts
could be turned to evil.

If he is removed from his hibernation
before he is ready....

he must be replaced here within
12 Earth hours, or he will die.

This creature will not be able to speak...

so we have left behind a means
by which you may translate his thoughts...

and emotions into Earth words.

To activate the language translator,
press Communications.


What happened?

Bigfoot's been kidnapped.

Langston girl?

No. Couple of guys.

They, uh... one guy was
a great-white-hunter type...

and the other was a
mousey-looking character!

It must have been her two guides.

Look, we've gotta get Bigfoot, and get him
back to where the space people left him.

You found the place?

Yeah, I found it.

But he's only got 12 hours
that he can survive...

and right now he's on
a count-down to zero.

Well, there's only one way out
of these mountains.

Now I'll call in. I'll set up some
roadblocks. You get movin'.





Look out!


I'll handle her.

How did you get hold
of the Sasquatch?

We were very persuasive.

You stole him, you mean.

That is a nasty thing to say,
Miss Langston.

We liberated him.

We thought you wanted him.

Right, Charlie?

As a matter of fact, we were gonna
talk to you about a partnership.


Don't shoot him!









What did you do with the rig?
Where is Bigfoot?

Big who?


Now where is he?

Well, he's over the hill.
He just busted out!

I think your friend is lonesome.


I'll send the Sheriff back
with a couple of parachutes.

You and your big score.

Sunshine, sand, and bikinis.

Steve, he's in there somewhere.

Get in. We'll go get him.

You better stay here.
He's become a wild animal.

No. There's something about him.

He touched me on the shoulder.
Steve, he was so gentle.

Yeah. If there's a next time,
that touch just might kill you.

I don't think so.

Give me this chance to help.
Please, Steve?

All right.

STEVE: There he is!




I've come to help you.

Please come back with me.


You understand. Try to understand
there isn't much time left.


Please let me take you back.

Please let me take you back.


You could die if I don't
get you back soon.


No! Drop it!

Drop the rock!




Are you all right?

Go back and find Rudy!
Take him to where you first spotted Bigfoot.

And move fast.
He's running out of time.

It's all my fault.

No, it's not.
You didn't know.

Somehow getting that PhD doesn't
mean all that much anymore.

We'll do all we can to help,
when the time comes.

His not dying
is all that matters.


There's nothing to fear.

When you wake up, you're going to be well.

Pleasant dreams until
that day comes, my friend.