The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch (2020–…): Season 4, Episode 8 - Between the Lines - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- That upper area right there.
- Up in there?

We could see in the distance

what looked like
a shadow figure or,

you know, a person
standing on the second floor.

I’m wondering

what’s setting off the cameras.

If it’s back at the tree line,

that thing’s pretty big.

Whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Middle of the day,

an orb like that... that’s crazy.

There’s something
about those two spots

and the point where it dips
into the ground a thousand feet.

That’s amazing.


There is
a ranch in Northern Utah.

It is considered the epicenter

of the strangest and most
disturbing phenomena on Earth:

animal mutilations,

bizarre UFO sightings

and unusual energies that
have proven harmful to humans.

For 20 years, the
federal government

tried to find
answers and failed.

Now a new team of
dedicated scientists,

researchers and
experts has taken over.

They are determined to
solve the mystery and reveal...

The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch.

Okay, so here we go.

Come on over, Pete.

What you got for me?

I’m glad you’re
here, because, Erik

was telling us that you got some
new equipment that can help us

maybe better identify what
lies below the ground here.

With a particular interest

in spots that have
been disturbed

perhaps in the past.

Last week...

We’re gonna use you today

as part of an experiment.

We conducted an experiment

with former Skinwalker
Ranch investigator Jay Stratton

to see if the property
would respond in some way

to his presence.

- Y’all in?
- You are cleared

- for takeoff.
- We took him

on a tour where he had
experienced phenomena

when he was here
over a decade ago.

And we were
shocked by the results.

Now, I’m going to
bring up the data

generated during your visit.

The GPS data we
recorded during the tour went

several hundred feet underground

between Homestead Two
and the drill site at the mesa.


So now Erik Bard arranged

for technologist Pete
Kelsey to come back out

to help us search for
anything strange or unnatural

beneath that location.

Pete, fill us
in on what you’ve got.



What does it do?

Well, it’s designed,

really, to work in agriculture.

If the soil under plants
has been disturbed,

they will show up differently
in the multispectral imagery.

A drone-based
multispectral camera

is designed to image
different wavelengths of light.

By scanning the ground,

it can build a geophysical
model of the surface

that could help us identify any
evidence of past excavations

or even underground
structures like tunnels.

A multispectral camera...

It’s typically used, um,
on farms and for agriculture

to determine,

the health, if you
will, of the crops.

But because plants
grow differently

over soil that’s been
disturbed at some point in time,

it’s an amazing
tool for archaeology.

I’ve got colleagues who
have found Roman ruins

- under wheat fields in England.
- Wow.

If we’re lucky, things
will jump out in this field

that we’d never see otherwise.

That’s what we’re after.

I’m excited to get you
to work and get that scan.

I’d love to see what you find.

It’s very interesting
to me to see

the GPS data from the experiment
that we did with Jay Stratton.

That’ll work.

And it’s at this very point

that we see the GPS
start diving underground.

You can slide it on
the back, if you want.

I’m really curious
to see Pete Kelsey’s data.

What would make the GPS
go below the surface here?

That is a multispectral camera.

- That’s it?
- Wow. Wow.

The stories that have
been shared with us

about this region of
the property suggest

that there is in
fact a concentration

of unusual phenomenology
that begins at the mesa

and extends all the way
out to the homesteads.

Is there some
kind of a connection

between these two locations?

Hopefully, this exercise
will help us to sort that out.

I’m gonna power up.

Pete’s multispectral scan

was going to take a
couple of hours to complete.

So while Erik
supervised that process...

- Hey, Joe.
- How you doing?

Thomas Winterton,
Dragon and Kaleb Bench

led our colleague Joe
Loeb out to the mesa drill site.

So, got the drill?

Got it in the back of
the truck, all ready.

Over the past couple of years,

Joe’s been helping Dragon
and Kaleb with ranch security,

but he’s also a
professional drill operator.

So Thomas and Erik
asked him to try to help us

with our new strategy to
figure out what could be buried

inside the mesa.

We’ve got a...

water truck or two
coming here in a little bit.

Um, so, really, we’ll
get the drill up there.

We’ll find a place that you
feel like you can get it set up

that’s right over
top of the anomaly.

So if we can get
right in that area

and then drill
down on top of it,

- that’s our hope.
- Okay.

How fast do you think
you can drill 40 feet?

We’re working
with sandstone and...

who knows what else through
this area right here in the mesa.

So it could take...

- one foot an hour.
- Okay.

So the rocks aren’t
gonna be an issue.

They’ll just slow it down.


Using ground-penetrating radar,

we’ve identified two
possibly metallic anomalies

buried in the mesa.

One is about 400 feet long,

and we believe that
it’s shaped like a dome.

Yeah, I’m up against
something pretty hard right now.

Could even be... maybe a dome.

We’ve conducted
two drilling operations

trying to penetrate it,

and we failed both times.

But we did collect
small fragments

that are made of the
same kind of materials

that NASA uses to
protect the space shuttles

from the extreme heat of reentry

- from outer space.
- ERIK: My.

And behind that,
we’ve identified something

in a vertical position that’s
over a hundred feet tall

and about 40 feet below
the surface of the mesa.

Look at that.

Since we couldn’t penetrate

the dome-shaped object,

Joe has brought out a
manually operated drill

that we hope can reach the
vertical anomaly from the top

and help us identify
just what it is.

We’ve got a thousand-plus
pounds of stuff to get up there.

I guess we should
get it unloaded

- and get started.
- Let’s do it. -Yeah. Yeah.

So is this the heaviest part?

- Yes.
- Sheesh.

It’s not gonna be fun.

Six years, I’ve heard
all kinds of crazy stories

about this mesa.

Spacecraft going in it,

tunnels, caverns,
underground bases.

We’ve seen the mesa light up.

Definitely makes me wonder
what’s going on inside the mesa.

Dude, where’s
Cameron’s helicopter?

Well, we got
to pump water to the top

of the hill here. Think
you can pump it?

Well... we’re
crazy enough to try it.

- So...
- Okay.

- Heads up!
- Yeah!

Here it comes.

The way that this
drill works is they pump water,

which makes a lubrication

for this thing to be
able to drill through

and keep the bit cool.

I’m not gonna lie... it’s been
a lot of work getting this pump

and this drill rig up
on top of the mesa.

I’m really hopeful
that all the sweat

and effort that’s gone
into it pays off with results.

Gonna fire this up.

There it goes. Okay.

Given the nature of
the dirt and the sandstone here,

it’s proving again
on Skinwalker Ranch

that nothing is easy.

I’ve asked Joe if he would
stay up here on top of the mesa

and keep working this drill.

We’re not making a lot
of headway right now.

But if anyone can do it,
he can, and we’re hopeful

that we’ll get some results.

We’ll just keep
grinding on this.

- Okay. All right.
- So Kaleb and I

are gonna do a patrol on
the south side of the property.

Okay. Well,
we’ll get out of your way

and let you start
punching a hole.

I’ll be curious
to see if we see anything

on our trail cams,
especially given that weird

silver orb thing,
whatever that was.

Yeah. I agree.

Over the last several weeks,

the south field of the
ranch has become

a hotbed of strange activity.

Whoa! What was
that purple light over there?

First, Thomas
saw a flashing purple light

during a nighttime experiment
just a few feet off the ground.

Got it again!

And when he
went to investigate it...

That is flashing,
whatever that is.

Kaleb and I saw a UAP
in the sky right above him

that seemed to
track his movements.

Several days later,
Thomas and Kaleb

found the remains of a dead deer

and noticed a fence post that
had been burned by something

that had to be
as hot as lightning

but inexplicably didn’t
burn anything else around it.

What the heck would
have burned this post?

And just last
week, while checking

the footage of the new cameras
that we set up in the area...


- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Back that up.
- You see that?

Dragon and Kaleb
saw a silver-colored object

near the ground right near
where Thomas saw the purple light.


I don’t think it’s a bad
thing for us to get out on foot

and go cruise around here
and see if there’s anything

- that looks out of place.
- I completely agree.

There’s a lot of area
through here that we...

you can only cover
on foot, though.


As long as the only
thing we’re finding

is signs of the actual wildlife

that’s supposed to be
here, I’m okay with that.

- Right.
- It’s the other kind that I’m worried about.

Property line’s not
too much farther.

Hey, Kaleb?

What the heck?

It looks fresh to me.

Holy crap, that just happened.

That’s strange. Like, holy
crap, that just happened.

It’s the second
young one that’s dead.

Right, it’s not too far from
the last one that was...

- No.
- Estranged by the burnt post.

You know what? Kaleb, I’m
just gonna take a few shots

with my camera so
we can show the vet.

Yeah. It just makes
me wonder about the coloration

on some of these bones,
too, flipping them over

and they’re pink
like that, or reddish.


With all the activity we’ve seen

in the south field recently,

given the fact that we found
this mysterious burnt post,

this dead deer, this
strange silver object

that looks like an orb,

and the purple light,

it’s all starting to
connect a little bit.

So I’ll be curious to hear
what the vet thinks of it all.

- Should we head back? Okay.
- Yeah.

Get back to it.

- Hey, Bryant.
- Hey, man.

You get those photos
sent off to Haleigh?

Is that...?

Yeah, I got those sent over.

I’ll see if I can
get her on Zoom.

- Hi, Haleigh.
- How are you?

Good. I know you’re
probably tired of us

sending you
pictures of dead deer,

but on this side
of the property,

we’ve got two that don’t
seem to be your typical...

you know, at least from
our estimation, predator kills.

So, what do you think of the
latest pictures we sent you?

It’s hard to say
from just pictures,

but it looks like a similar size
as far as the actual deer is,

but I feel like this story
is fairly different overall.

- Okay.
- These bones have a lot more trauma to them.

I would say there’s
more signs that either

predation happened or
there were bigger animals

attacking this animal.


I think the scapula
is really interesting.

So, the scapula is
the shoulder blade.

There are two large holes
towards the top of that scapula.

And so, when I
look at that, I go,

"Well, are those
canine holes or teeth holes?"

You know, that would
be a very strong animal

if that were the case.

Are coyotes... do
they get big enough

where they could
possibly do this?

Or are we talking about
something bigger than that?

I would suspect that it would
be something bigger than that.


We definitely have
also heard stories

of big wolves and
things of that nature.

You know, if you’re talking
about that type of an animal,

- that opens up a whole different type of discussion.
- Yeah.

I mean, we’ve
heard so many stories about

things that happened in the past

from the Sherman family
that lived here on the ranch

when all sorts of strange
things were really happening.

So, the way the story goes
is Mr. Sherman and his son,

they had just had some of
their prize cattle had have calves.

Across the field, they saw
what looked like a great big wolf.

And we’re talking
its head standing

four or five feet
off the ground.

People equate it to a dire wolf.

And then one of
their prized calves

got near the
rails of the corral,

and the wolf reached in
and grabbed it by its snout.

So Mr. Sherman pulled
out a .357 revolver.

Shot it with the full six rounds.

And the wolf still
did not drop the calf.

So, he had his
son run in the house

and get his
.30-06 hunting rifle.

Finally, after the
second shot...

the wolf dropped the calf,

went trotting off,

and then basically
disappearing into nothing

as if the thing had
just kind of vaporized.

The other issue is when, if
these are bigger predators,

cats, wolves or otherwise,
then they’re not afraid

to go after humans as well.

So you definitely have to
make sure you guys are safe.

Dr. Lundgreen, thank you
so much for taking the time.

We really value and appreciate
your opinion on this stuff,

and I’m sure that we’ll
be reaching out again

if you’ll allow us to.

Yeah, well, I’m happy to do it.

Thank you so much.

Idle up.

- Yeah. Yeah.
- A little bit.

The next day, while
we were waiting

for Pete Kelsey
to present the data

from his multispectral scans,

Kaleb Bench, Dragon
and Thomas Winterton

hiked up to the top of the
mesa to check in with Joe Loeb

on the progress of
his drilling operation.

We’re sitting right
on top of that GPR anomaly

that Jan showed us.

- So, is it drilling then?
- A little bit.

A little bit?

It’s doing about
three inches an hour.

- All right.
- It might just be a heavy rock right up here.

If we catch that bite,
that holds it tight.

It’s gonna take
a while, slow but steady.

We’re just grinding
through this rock right now.

We got to bust
through that crust

to get it stabilized.

Well, you ready to...

have a conversation
with Pete Kelsey

- and review some data with us?
- Always ready.

Later that afternoon,

Erik gathered us all
in the command center

after Pete Kelsey told him

he had fully processed the
data from the scans between

the mesa drill site
and Homestead Two.

- Hey. -Hey there, Pete.
- Hey, Pete.

- Hey, guys.
- Well, as usual, we’re in suspense.

So, um, this is one
look at the data,

the multispectral data we flew.

Hey, Pete, what’s
the color scale mean?

Essentially, where it’s
bright is where, frankly,

the grass or the hay
is doing really well.

Where it’s bright, the
grass is doing well.

Where it’s dark, it’s really dry

and the grass or hay
isn’t doing so well.

So, to cut to the chase,

after looking at
this for a while,

what stands out
is a perfect circle.

Look right there
by th-the bait pen.

There are three circles that
are just absolutely circular.

- Look to the left of the bait pen.
- Yep.

- Just to the west.
- Yep.

I can play with the spectrum
to make this more obvious.

Yeah, right there.

They look unnatural.

What’s interesting about this,

among other
things, is where it is.

It’s right across
from the drill site.


That’s pretty crazy.

Look right
there by the bait pen.

There are three
circles. Yeah, right there.

If I play with the
colorization a little bit,

you can see how I can
make this look like this.


The three circular formations

in Pete Kelsey’s
multispectral scans

between the mesa drill site

and Homestead
Two were really odd.

Especially because they
were in the same area

where we got all
the bizarre GPS data

during our tour
with Jay Stratton.

We’re talking about
these circular things here?

- Yeah.
- Those are the ones that really stand out.

Yeah. They really do.
They do look out of place.

And that’s right across
from the drill site.

I mean, I’m not a...

I’m not a botanist, but how’s
that gonna happen naturally?

And at this spot
right here, if you recall,

that’s where Jay’s GPS
data went way underground.

Maybe as much as
a quarter of a mile.

That’s really interesting.

It’s clear that
someone, or something,

has disturbed the ground where
these circles were identified.

Now, it could be that
they were simply left

by old grain silos that previous
ranchers had used there.

Right over there by that tree.

But it also reminded me

of when retired local
sheriff Kris Porritt

visited the ranch two years ago.

He shared an incredible
story about something he saw

back in the 1980s not
far from the south field

where we found
the deer carcasses,

saw the purple
light near the ground

and the UAP in the
sky above Thomas.

So, this is the spot.

There was matted grass
where something heavy had sat

in these weeds and made
an impression in the dirt.

23 feet, tip to tip.

I presume that it
was a spaceship.

I’ve said it, didn’t I?

Pete, are there any
other circular features

that stand out so clearly as
these besides the bait pen?

Not as clearly,

as well-defined as these.

Who knows?

Maybe these circles have
a mundane explanation,

but since they appeared
in the same area

where the GPS data from
our ranch tour with Jay Stratton

inexplicably went underground,

we need to investigate
them and look for any other

anomalies in the data.

Got any other cool spots?

I do. So, the next bit...

is right here.

- Just to the west?
- Yeah.

This is Homestead
Two right here.


What I see that
doesn’t quite fit

is down here.

There’s a horizontal
line right here.

Pete, go to the grayscale view.

Hold on a minute, Pete.

It’s actually four lines.

If you look closely, you got
the top one, and then the one

right under it is kind of
broken in the dark spot there.

Yep. And then there’s
the one under that

and then the bottom one.

It might even be five lines.

It’s just strange.

So, Pete, I’m just wondering...

What do you think
those lines are?

Well, if that’s some
kind of a depression,

that’s gonna pool water and
the plants will grow differently.

The lines Pete detected
just west of the strange circles

and to the south of
our drill site in the mesa

also didn’t look like anything
that would’ve formed in nature.

We couldn’t tell from this
data how deep they were

from the surface,
but it looked like

somebody or
something created them.

The question was:

Could they be what
made the GPS data

from our tour with Jay
Stratton go deep underground?

Now, Thomas, when
you walk in that area there

where we see those,
lines from left to right,

have you picked up on anything?

Is there anything
about the ground

that stands out to you?

I-I can’t say that I’ve
noticed anything out there.

You look everywhere
else where the water runs,

it looks more
natural and random.

But you look at that spot,

it looks like it
was a cut channel.

That suggests man-made to me.

Anything that linear,
that orthogonal,

that to me suggests
somebody dug a trench.

The other thing that
maybe it’s not so obvious

is-is they’re on a
perfect east-west line.

What are the odds of that?

Could it be when
Bigelow was here,

- maybe Bigelow dug there?
- Good question.

So does that mean that this
space has already been searched?

That makes me think
that maybe it has been.

But, guys, I mean,
this is in the area

we were told not to dig.


Two years ago...

There is an actual
location on the ranch

where the Shermans
said not to dig.

The current
ranch owner Brandon Fugal

was warned that
disturbing the ground

in this same area
near Homestead Two

would cause dangerous
phenomena to occur.

The Shermans worked
the ranch before and during

the Bigelow investigations
from the late 1990s

to the early 2000s.

A lot of the details of that era

have still never been
released to the public.

So, could these anomalies in
the field near Homestead Two

be related to digging operations
conducted by that team

and also explain why they said
no one should ever dig there?

There might be only
one way to find out.

After looking at this, I think

that maybe Bigelow was
out here doing some digging.

So, it’s not hard
for me to believe

that they were out here
searching for something as well.

I think there’s some
excavation we could do there.

But now since we know
their lines went east and west,

I think we ought to start

and go north and south
and dig some swipes.

- See if we can intersect it.
- Yeah.

Yeah, you want to get
down in that, in that plane

and see what those
differences really are,

if they go deeper
than the surface.

Yeah, if it’s compacted
and then it’s loose, right?

- Yeah.
- Then we’d know they’d dug there before.

So, are we all in
agreement, then?

We want to go out and
dig those couple spots?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Okay, so I’ll make
some arrangements

and we’ll get a
excavator out here

- and we’ll go out and dig.
- Okay.

Yep, love it.

We’ll just keep
grinding on this for right now.

Yeah, sending you guys
water. Let me know if you get

good pressure up there.

We’re good for a little bit.

The following morning,

while Joe Loeb
continued drilling

into the top of the mesa...

the rest of us joined
Thomas Winterton

out in the field near
Homestead Two

where he was waiting
with a three-ton excavator.

We were eager to
start digging to see

just what all these anomalies
under the surface could be.

Well, the lines are over there

’cause that hole, that
pile of dirt right there,

is between the
bottom two, right?

I think it’s right here.

I don’t know, where do
you think about digging?

Well, my thoughts would
be to start about right here

and do a trench probably
back to where you’re at, Travis.

Listen, we’ll get started.

Thomas, you get
yourself in place.

Before we start disturbing
the earth, we want to make sure

that we have all the
monitoring equipment in place

to detect anything
that we might stir up

as a result of the digging.

- Are you monitoring 1.6 right now?
- I am right now.

This data we’ve received
from Pete is really amazing stuff,

and we’re all anxious to see

what in the world
it could be about,

but the fact that
this is leading

to another digging exercise
on Skinwalker Ranch

really kind of makes
me a little bit nervous.

I don’t know what
it is about digging,

but we need to be very
careful and tread lightly.

Let’s get digging.

Let’s get digging.

Ever since the first
day I was involved

in the investigation
of Skinwalker Ranch,

I was told bad things
happen when you dig here.

But after seeing Pete Kelsey’s
multispectral data scans

showing five mysterious
lines in the field

just east of Homestead Two,

we knew we had to
take a risk and dig.

- That’s good topsoil.
- Yeah.

We need to know what
these lines actually are

and how they might be connected

to all the strange phenomena
that people have encountered

in this section of the
ranch over the years.

Kaleb, you want to
see what’s right there?

Is that just rocks?

I’m seeing some
coloration in there.

Yeah, it’s like there’s a
layer of it or something.

And you can see it,
especially right there.

There was a consistent
layer of some kind of material.

I don’t know what
this material is,

but we’ve done some digging
on other areas of the ranch,

and it is different than what
we are seeing in other places.

Okay, well, maybe
another 20 feet?


Find something, Kaleb?

He’s been getting
some, like, striation.

- Starts about right there.
- Yeah, right there.

But does it stop?

Whoa, wait a minute.

Did you find something?

There’s something
different in the dirt right here.

So, look, Thomas, the
clay-looking stuff stops

- right there and it starts right here.
- Yep.

And that
would be where the line is.

So, the line would be
like this, and that’s the line.

And it’s about
bulldozer width, too.

Hey, guys, y’all
come look at this!

What do you got?

- Did you find a discontinuity?
- Yeah.

You see this gray clay stuff?

- Yep, yep.
- And it stops right there.


I’m looking through here, and
I’m not seeing anything like...

No, there’s nothing
like that through here.

- It’s a layer.
- Definitely a layer.

And it’s about bulldozer width.


Well, I wasn’t expecting that.

We have some
layer very near the anomaly

that we got out of
Pete Kelsey’s survey.

That’s pretty interesting.

It’s obvious that this is a spot

that we really need to learn
as much as we can about.

There you go.

Right there’s a
piece of it, right there.

It’s got some really
fine crystalline material in it.

There’s a
crystal in there, absolutely.

’Cause it glistens
in the sunlight.

So what is that
doing just in that spot?

- And why is there five stripes of it in the field?
- Yeah.

What on earth is it? I mean...

You wouldn’t
think that would make an effect

- on the vegetation.
- Yeah.

- But why is it here?
- Yeah, why is it here?

- That’s interesting.
- Yeah, why isn’t it everywhere, right?

- Yeah.
- That’s a telltale sign of something.

But of what? I don’t know.

Neither Erik nor I had any idea

what to make of the grayish
material we uncovered

in the field just east
of Homestead Two.

But it definitely corresponded
with the lines we saw

in Pete Kelsey’s
multispectral scans of the area.

If nothing else, it tells us...

how accurate that
multispectral data is.

- That’s pretty impressive.
- That’s amazing.

Well, are you gonna
run another one on this side

- to see if it continues on?
- Probably should?

We could go over closer to
the tree and-and dig that way.

If you hit another stripe
back there, Thomas,

then we may have
found these lines.

Okay, well, I’ll take the
excavator over there,

and we’ll dig a
trench over there.

We’ll see you over there, man.

Now that we’ve
intersected the first line,

we need to go to
the other end of it

and do another
cross-section dig.

That way, we can confirm
that what we’re finding here

continues just as
the data shows.

As of now, we’re all stumped

as to what in the
heck this stuff could be.

This is as close as I
want to get to this tree

so I’m not getting
into some heavy roots.

- Yeah.
- We’ll dig it back a ways

and see if we can
find those same layers.

All right, we’ll get out
of your way, Thomas.


It should be
all coming in right in here.

Can you see it?

Me, neither.

Yeah, look at that right there.

Hey, Thomas, stop, stop, stop!

You see something?

Yeah, it’s a big
piece of something.

It’s hard for me to
believe that’s Mother Nature.

It’s hard for me to
believe that’s Mother Nature.

Yeah, but is it that
same material?

It doesn’t break
like the other stuff.

There’s a metal
post right behind you.

- Yep. It’s the stuff.
- It’s the same stuff.

Looks just like it.

- It’s a good sample.
- A real good sample.

I’m gonna make
sure Erik gets this.

We didn’t know what to expect

from Pete’s multispectral
data, but it’s pretty amazing.

What in the world
are those lines

and why are they here?

Sounds like you guys
have got something.

We can’t think of a mundane
explanation as to why

a farmer would dig five
straight lines in a field

and put this, you know, gray,
silvery, shiny rock in there.

And-and there’s
no... it makes no sense.

- That you can only see in the multispectrum.
- Right.

We... Just think about it.

We would’ve never
even thought about this

but having that
multispectral data.

And we look at it,
we see these lines,

we come looking
for it, we find it,

but why is it there?

So I know your wheels
are already turning.

Maybe you’ve got some ideas
about what’s going on here.

Erik was right.

I was trying to come
up with some reason

for these straight lines
of crystal-like materials

that looked very
clearly deposited.

- Two thoughts.
- Okay.

And both of them
are a little bit crazy.

Imagine maybe
during the Bigelow era,

they were doing some
classified program

and they dug straight lines,

put this reflective
material in it,

then covered it all up

so they could look at it
with a classified sensor

from space or high altitude.

- Okay.
- But that’s a stretch. To what end?

To what purpose?
How would you do that?

Why would you do that? And
the technology wasn’t there yet.

The other one is, if you
were an advanced civilization

and you were marking
an area for some reason

and you didn’t want the
indigenous population

to know about it,
you would put it in a way

that is, in plain sight, we
would’ve never found it

had we not had the multispectral
technology to find it there.

And that’s how we found it.

Who’s to say it’s not reflective
in some other phenomenology

that’s more advanced
than the multispectral thing?

It might be a bright
beacon of five lines out here

in the field that you can
see from way up above it.

- Yeah.
- Right? Why in this one spot?

Why convergent
right here at this tree?

I find that weird.

These five perfect
stripes in this field

make about as much sense to me

as that big dome
object in the mesa.

I came to Skinwalker
Ranch as a skeptic four years ago.

But after seeing more
UAPs than I can count

and detecting all kinds
of mysterious frequencies,

some of which may be
communication signals,

I don’t know what
to think anymore.

I can’t believe this is natural.

If it were natural, it would
be all over the ranch.

- Yeah. -Right?
- Yeah, yeah.

So, it seems fairly
obvious that our first order

of business here is to
get that off to the university

and have our contacts
there do an analysis on it.

- All right. All right.
- All right, let’s go pack it up.

Hey, you guys.

- How you doing?
- What are we looking at today?

We’re looking at
the elemental analysis

on some of the samples
that we recently collected.

We sent them off,
had them analyzed

at the University of, Utah.

This is University
of Utah, Geophysics.

After the dig
near Homestead Two,

we got the lab results back

on the crystal-like
samples we dug up there.

So, Erik and I couldn’t wait
to share them with the team.

The interesting thing is...

So, if you scroll a little bit

to the right there,
Erik, so we can see it.

What it’s got in it, the-the
abundant materials in it

are sodium, magnesium...

There’s a little bit of
scandium, but not a lot,

but a lot of calcium
and potassium,

and there’s a lot of
aluminum and iron.

Well, if you remember when
we analyzed the drill mud...

it was the same materials,

almost to the, to a "T"
with the percentages.

So, what we’re seeing
here is that whatever is inside

the mesa where we drilled

is also what these
white-gray lines are

that’s out there that the
multispectral sensor picked up.

That’s the same mud
that’s inside the mesa.


- But in strips?
- Yeah.

The mud that’s inside the mesa,

how did it get out
there into the field

in the same place in five lines?

It almost sounds like
they were put there.

When we did previous excavation,

I didn’t notice
any gray material,

like in those big pits
that we excavated.

We’ve dug all over it.

At the triangle,
out in the east field.

We’ve dug everywhere.
I’ve never seen that before.

Well, I’m just thinking of
those flat pieces of metal

- that we brought out of the mesa last year, right?
- Right.

Some of those materials
could be used for a spacecraft.

Now, that is an interesting
tie-in because two of the things

that are very important and
the materials that came out

of the mesa last
year, the metal,

was aluminum and iron.

Which we see in these lines.

We see aluminum and iron.

So, is this mud
somehow a remanent

of whatever these
metal flakes are?

Did something happen and
then, some reason or another,

they come and make lines
out of whatever this was?

Or were the lines
there because of

whatever it is
that’s in the mesa?

We have scientifically verified

that the strange lines
of crystal-like materials

we uncovered near
the circular anomalies

in the field east
of Homestead Two

are composed of the
same kinds of materials

that we pulled
out of the mesa...

I don’t know if I’m
getting through this.

After we ran into whatever

this hard object
was that the drill

couldn’t break
through deep inside.

These teeth are
all perfectly intact.

It makes me
think they have to be

directly correlated
to one another.

The drill tip mud. There
are these similarities.

Um, I mean, look at
the highlighted rows.

- Look at the-the color code that Erik used.
- Yeah.

The interesting
thing about it, too,

is these are actually
somewhat conductive materials.

So what we’re seeing here
is you’ve got the sodium,

the magnesium, the aluminum,

the potassium, the
calcium, the iron.

All of those are very good
at conducting electricity.

But I guess that begs the
question: What in the world

are those lines for?

From the multispectral data,

you’ve got the five lines
diverging on one end,

converging to a point down by
the tree behind the Homestead.

Then out here,
there’s that circle,

and then the mesa is right there
where the GPR anomaly is, right?

It almost looks, when
you look at it from the top,

like a circuit board.

Like it’s an electric circuit

built in the surface of
the ranch to do something.

To what? I don’t know.

What the hell is a circuit
doing out in the middle a field?


Well, it makes you
wonder: to what end?

If, say, it’s like an electrical
circuit of some sort.

Is this like electrical
field lines that’s...

that you can measure
with other equipment?

And the multispectral
thing is just a side effect

that it had on the vegetation
and we’re able to see it now?

Or was it intended
that way from the start?

Walking out there, I
wouldn’t have known

there’s anything there.

I wouldn’t have suspected it.

- Perfectly hidden.
- Yeah.

Only people with the
advanced technology

that we’ve discovered
within the last handful of years

could see those lines and
even know they were there.

Or they’re ancient enough

that maybe they were on
top of the ground at some point.

But that still
begs the question:

What were they leading to
and what were they pointing out?

So we’ve talked
about two interpretations,

one of them being that
it’s, that it’s a marking,

it’s an indicator, and
the other one that I find

really interesting is that
it is somehow functional.

Yeah, where would it be coming
from and what’s it going to?

- That’s the question.
- And the discussion’s not complete

without reminding
ourselves here that we are

not far from the location
where we were told not to dig.

There may be
something of exotic origin

buried underneath the field.

We know that it has

an interesting
elemental composition.

Yes. Similar to only one other
place we found it on the ranch,

- and that’s inside the mesa by a GPR anomaly.
- Yeah. Yeah.

I don’t know what
this thing is and how it got there.

You know, I think it’s a mystery
we need to get to the bottom of.

A-At this point, it makes
sense to just leave it as it is,

don’t change anything.

If we study it, do
it noninvasively.

- We don’t know what it is.
- Yeah.

But, we need to
see what’s underneath

- the entire ranch.
- I agree.

Some more studies, merited here.

Yeah, I agree.
Measurements, too.

Yeah. Thanks, guys.

I’m really surprised and curious

as to what has
created these lines.

Could it be an old structure
that’s underground?

Could it be an old pathway?

I mean, we’re right here
close to Homestead Two,

as well as the drill site.

Are they connected somehow?

But I hope it’s
something important,

and I’m anxious to find out.

This is becoming an even
more puzzling area of the ranch.

I did not expect these results.

Looking at the
material composition,

I’m beginning to think
that there’s something

far more interesting here.

I can’t help but wonder
whether we are in fact

dealing with something

We have to continue searching.

These lines
are absolutely bizarre,

and we really need to
dig into what they are

and-and if it can help
us with our investigation.

We’re dealing
with forces that are powerful

and yet to be
explained or understood.

It has been exciting to
see this team pull together

and expand the scope

of the investigation to
include so many topics

that really haven’t
been addressed

at Skinwalker Ranch.

We’ll be
flying a weather balloon

with a low-frequency radar.

We’re seeing all these
strange things in the data.

There’s a phenomena

that the instruments
are passing through.

I mean, what the
hell is up there?

So we have something
that’s got a heat signature.

What could be down there?

There’s a big plane
that just flew over us.

Travis, this
aircraft is not transponding.

We’re being surveilled.