The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch (2020–…): Season 4, Episode 7 - The Return - full transcript

Boy, that thing
sounds like it's hitting

- something hard.
- It could be...

maybe a dome.

There is something
in the mesa right there.

Whatever this is
is as tall as the mesa.

Whoa. What was that

purple light over there?

I'm gonna head down.

We need to know if this is

- a reaction to that rocket.
- What is that?

Holy crap, it looks
like it's following Thomas.

- Looks like a deer.
- Look at this.

What the heck would
have burned this post?

You know what it looks
like? Like something just flew

right through it.

There is
a ranch in Northern Utah.

It is considered the epicenter

of the strangest and most
disturbing phenomena on Earth:

animal mutilations,

bizarre UFO sightings

and unusual energies that
have proven harmful to humans.

For 20 years, the
federal government

tried to find
answers and failed.

Now a new team of
dedicated scientists,

researchers and
experts has taken over.

They are determined to
solve the mystery and reveal...

The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch.

When was the last time

you were at the ranch, Jay?

- About 11 years ago.
- 11 years ago.

A lot's changed in 11 years.

I bet a lot has changed.

Over the past couple
of months our team

has experienced more
unexplainable phenomena

on Skinwalker Ranch
than ever before.

So, while we're working
out a new strategy

to determine just what
the two possibly metallic,

dome-shaped and
vertical anomalies

we've discovered
inside the mesa are,

I've decided it's time to
invite a colleague of mine here

who has his own incredible
history with the ranch...

Jay Stratton.

The first time you
came out here,

you were probably
pretty skeptical, as I was.

- I was 100% skeptical.
- Me, too, man.

I didn't believe none of it.

Jay was not only

a career defense
intelligence official

for the federal government,

but he was also my former boss

in the Unidentified Aerial
Phenomena Task Force.

And, between 2007 and
2011, he helped create and run

a government program

with former Skinwalker
Ranch owner Robert Bigelow

to investigate the
bizarre phenomena

happening on the property.

So I came out 100% skeptical,

with the stories in mind,

but-but wanting to see
something for myself,

and the ranch didn't disappoint.


I started working

this topic in 2005.

And I came into the topic
because it was part of my job.

As the Chief of Air
and Space Warfare

at the Defense
Intelligence Agency,

I was dealing with
threats to U.S. platforms

from foreign adversaries,
highly technical capabilities.

I fell into a point where I had
to get really smart on UFOs,

and there was nobody to turn to.

So I kind of became that guy,

not by design, not-not
something I was looking for.

I've briefed and provided
written assessments

all the way to
the highest levels

of the executive branch
and the legislative branch.

I like to think
I've got a little bit

of credibility on this topic.

2007, we built this
contractual relationship

with Mr. Robert Bigelow,

and the ranch
became a contracted

Defense Intelligence
Agency observation point.

And I came out here to
see things firsthand in 2009.

Over those years, I've seen
a lot of things I can't explain.

And I'm out here again
to do this research

and hopefully better
understand this phenomena.

It did take a lot of thought

and discussion with the family

if I would do this again,

just because of all the activity

and everything else
that's out here, you know?

- Right.
- There's-there's a risk,

but to me

the investigation
is more important

and too important,
so I really want to

continue down that path
of trying to get answers.

There is an accepted
risk in coming out here.

You know, no one
knows what could happen.

We're about to move into

- the ranch property here.
- All right.

This sounds crazy, but the ranch

reacts differently to
me than it does others.

Some people have a
lot of reaction out here

and some have none.

I really had to consider that

and talk to my wife
and talk to my kids.

You know, I feel the same.

I think that there's a
moral imperative to this.

I think this is

extremely important and could be

one of the most important things

in human history.


The ranch itself has
been a big part of my life.

It's because of the ranch
that Travis and I came together

in a small room in the Pentagon
to talk about the phenomenon,

and we really accomplished
a lot in a short period of time.

We see each other
as-as valued teammates.

We enjoy working together.

We think we can do some
really good things together.

All right,

so we're going to get
out and we'll take you in

- and show you the command center.
- Cool.

I want you
all to meet Jay Stratton.

- Good to meet you.
- Welcome back.

So, I've told them
all about you, of course.

So, what I'd like to hear

is what events happened
when you were here

that you can describe in
as much detail as you can,

so we can determine if
we've seen similar events.


And have similar data that
compares to what you've seen.

So, when I came out
here, the first-first trip

out here, I was standing out,

kind of in the triangle area,

was just randomly taking
photographs and things.

Lo and behold, right over

the mesa, there was

an aircraft, craft or
whatever you want to call it.

UAP, now I would say,
which I-I coined that term.

What? You gave us that term.

- So, I created "UAP."
- Yes, you can blame Jay for that, right?

- I didn't know that.
- Because I needed to

get people away from "UFO"

because of the connotations
of little green men.

So, you know, standing
there, looking up,

and over the mesa
was this dart-like craft,

I call it like a
really tight triangle,

kind of, kind of coming in.

He was level the whole time,

and shot across,
and I lost track of it.

During our investigation

here on Skinwalker Ranch,

we've seen a number
of UAPs appear

and disappear in the
skies over the property.

But two years ago,

we saw one right above the mesa

that sounds a lot like
what Jay witnessed.

Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait.

What is that right
there? Right... Yeah.

- You seeing that?
- Yes, yeah.

- Back up a couple frames.
- All right.

You guys see?
Look. Right here. See this?

- What is that?
- I don't know yet.

It appears there and then
right there, right above the mesa.

Right above the mesa.

Could we be seeing

the same kind of
phenomena that Jay

and members of the Bigelow
team experienced back in 2009?

The similarities are striking.

And another example,

I think it was around 11:30

at night. As we were out

on that back deck one time,
I think there were four of us,

playing with a laser
and doing other things.

You know it was late and,

we observed a light on the mesa,

with none of us doing anything.

It was about the same
spot where we had the laser.

And I don't remember

exactly who saw what,
but one of us saw a circle,

one saw a triangle, one
saw a square, you know.

You're seeing different shapes.

There may be a
physiological explanation

for that, I don't
know, but we all saw

distinctly different shapes

of that same
light. It's like it's

giving a demonstration for
each one of us separately.

Since I
joined this investigation,

the mesa has been
a major hot spot

of unexplainable phenomena.

For example, back in 2018...

Erik Bard captured
surveillance footage

of some very bizarre lights
moving across the mesa,

and even a beam of
light emitting from it.

Again, I think it was
around 11:30 at night,

and three of us were
walking down a path

joking with each other.

All of a sudden, we got quiet,

and that's because
we got to a point,

and we could feel the
temperature change.

And as we moved forward

to Homestead Two, it
got colder and colder.

There was a tree
probably 300 yards or so

shy of the Homestead Two.

The moon was real
bright and it was shining,

it cast a shadow
across that tree,

drawing a line on the road.

Now, one of my
teammates was saying

that we can't cross that line.

And we all had the
attitude, you know,

"Screw that, we're
going." Right?

We could not cross that line

no matter how hard we tried.

First thing we felt was fear,

and one of my teammates

looked up and he saw a dark mass

in the top of Homestead Two,

like a shadow figure or
something looking back at us.

And basically, that
was... We felt like

whatever was going on down
there, we wanted to see it,

you know, we wanted to be there.

There is so much in
this story. I have heard

a version of this
story for years.

I didn't know, I couldn't know,

- that it was you.
- It was, yeah.

One thing I've got to tell you,

just, for academic
honesty and ethics,

is that,

we're going to use you
today as part of an experiment.

But I'm not going to

tell you what that experiment is

until afterwards 'cause
I don't want to taint

the outcome of the experiment.


I've worked with Jay
for several years now,

and I've heard him say

many times how
he strongly believes

Skinwalker Ranch seemed
to react to his presence.

When I first came
here, Thomas Winterton

also told me he believed
the property reacted

more to certain
people than others.

So that gave Erik and I an idea

to see if we could
actually prove it.

The word "bait" comes to mind.

You won't be in any danger.
We're not making you...

You're not shark bait or
anything like that, right?

No, I trust you guys. Yeah.

Well, I appreciate that.

So, we're gonna go on a
tour of the ranch in a little bit,

and you tell us about
the things you'd seen

and so on, and we'll be

taking data while
we're doing that.

And then, afterwards,
we'll tell you

what type of data
and that sort of thing.

Okay, yeah.

Erik and I have come up

with an experiment to test

if the ranch reacts to Jay

being back here after 11 years.

And if his presence does
stimulate phenomena to occur,

can we identify what it is?

That's what we'd
like to find out.

Again, the
investigation's important.

Obviously it
makes a lot of sense for us

to study very carefully

anything that our
instruments can detect

as we bring Jay
onto the property

and take him to
certain points of interest

from his experience,

as well as to determine
whether the ranch

would respond to the
novelty of his presence.

Well, I really like this plan.

You know, we've got a
course laid out for ourselves.

We've got some instruments
that we want to take with us,

so we should go get
the instruments prepared

and, we'll head out.

All right, we'll
meet you at the vehicles.

I figured we
could put it on the hood.

Here, I've got...
I've got some foam.

Yeah, we don't
want to scratch it.

It's a common theory

that Skinwalker Ranch
responds to the presence

of certain people.

So we're going to drive

former ranch
investigator Jay Stratton

around to the hot spots

where he experienced
really bizarre phenomena

when he was a part of
the Bigelow investigation

more than a decade ago.

We'll see if him coming
back to the property

causes strange things to happen.

- That ain't going anywhere.
- That's good, yeah.

So, I've got both of these

GPS trackers running
and data logging.

- Okay. All right.
- We should be good to go, guys.

Erik has outfitted the Jeep

with GPS sensors,
gamma ray detectors,

and the spectrum analyzer

so we can continuously
scan for strange energy spikes

and pinpoint the
locations where anything

out of the ordinary might occur.

I'll go jump in the black.

- All right, you gonna follow behind?
- Yep.

After our tour with Jay,

we'll duplicate the exact route

without him on the property.

That will allow us to compare
the collected data sets

to see if there really is

a measurable difference
between the two.

- You all in?
- You are cleared for take-off.

We'll start the tour

in the eastern
portion of the ranch.

From there we'll
head to the triangle,

travel west past
the mesa drill site,

and then on to Homestead Two.

If you see something
you want to tell us about

or ask us questions about,

just say something

and we'll stop
and we'll do that.

I want to know
exactly where you were at

with that apparition
or whatever it was.

Yeah, me,
too. All right, Jay,

- now when we get to where...
- Yeah.

You think it's the
spot, you just stop us.

I'm pretty sure it
was that tree right there.

- You want to stop here?
- Yeah, I mean,

this is about the right spot.

All right.

- So, you think it's this way?
- Yep.

No, I think we're
right at about the spot

where we started
to feel the fear.

- Right in here?
- Yeah.

Where do you think the line was

- in the road...
- It was at that tree.

- That tree?
- Yep.

I'm pretty sure that's the tree.

The first night we
were on the ranch,

it was about 11:30 at night,

and myself and my two
teammates went for a walk.

So, we walked down the road,

made our way around the
curve towards Homestead Two.

And as we made that turn,

there's a little tree
casting a shadow,

a line across the road,

and as we pushed
towards that line,

I said, "Do you guys feel that?"

And immediately one
of my teammates said,

"Yeah, the hair's standing up

on the back of my neck."

Feeling the fear

about right here,

and the temperature inversion
was about right here, too.


As we walk closer
to Homestead Two,

we felt a drastic
drop in temperature.

And it was a wall.

You could put
your arm through it,

and you could feel the
cold versus the heat.

It was a drastic drop,

something that
just didn't belong.

As soon as we come
around the corner,

the feeling was,
"Turn around, go back."

On the second floor
of Homestead Two,

through the night vision device,

we saw what resembled
a dark, shadowy figure.

I want to ask about
the dark apparition.

- Can you point to where it was?
- Absolutely.

Let's walk and see.

That upper area right there.

- Yeah.
- Up in there?


We could see in the distance

what looked like a shadow figure

or, you know, a
person, a dark person

standing on the second
floor of this structure,

kind of in the middle,

staring right back at us.

What's really interesting is
that there is no floor there.

And if you saw something
standing in the middle,

that's kind of bizarre.

And you interpreted it
as, basically, human form?

It would have been
pretty tall, though.


Now, while no one on our team

has seen such a
distinct shadowy figure

like what Jay described,

we did have a very similar

experience at Homestead Two

back in 2020.

When my friend

Rabbi Ariel Tzadok

performed an
ancient Hebrew prayer

that was actually designed

for opening
interdimensional portals,

our thermal cameras
captured a temperature vortex

forming near the second floor

of Homestead Two, right where

Jay saw that
shadowy figure appear.

That's... that is odd.

Focus on this part right here.

Then, when Erik
reviewed the thermal footage,

he spotted something small
and colder than its surroundings

moving very fast across the road

in front of the homestead.

Ho. Whoa.

- What was that?
- Right there, that.

Could this be the
same type of phenomena

that Jay and his
colleagues witnessed here

over ten years ago?

We can't say for sure,

but we do know
more investigation

at Homestead Two
is an absolute must.

Kaleb, you gonna
meet us down the road?

After we visited the last
stop on our ranch tour

with Jay and got the data

for the first part
of the experiment...

Jay, I got to tell
you, it has been fantastic

hearing what
you've got to share.

We finished up with him

and had him leave the ranch.

Then we reset the equipment

because we planned to duplicate
the experiment the next day

to collect a new data set.

The investigation continues.

Jay is completely
off the ranch now.

Everything's there, just
like when he was with us,

- right?
- Yeah.

Now that we've got the data

from the first part of our
ranch experiment with Jay...

We'll see if we see any
changes in the instruments.

We'll drive the
exact same route,

with all the same
equipment as yesterday.

We'll then compare the data sets

and look for any
different measurements.

What's up, dude?

While Erik, Thomas, and I

conducted the second part
of the Jay Stratton experiment,

Dragon and Kaleb
met with Don Mitchell.

Dragon, Kaleb.

He's the local Uinta Basin
Fire Management Officer and Chief

of the Wildlife Division for
the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

We were hoping that
Don might be able

to tell us more
about the burn marks

on the fence post
we found last week.

You go ahead and take
shotgun, Don. It's fine.

But since he is a senior member

of the Eastern Shoshone
tribe, we also wondered

if he could offer any insight
about the recent phenomena

that we've been
experiencing in the south field.

Whoa, what was that
purple light over there?

We were doing some experiments

with rockets, and Thomas saw

a purple light here
in the south field.

What is that?

That led us to

placing game cameras
in these locations,

and as we were

coming into this particular area

to put a game camera
up, we find a burnt post.

What the heck would have

burned this post?

And there just so happens

to also be a deceased deer

in this exact same area.

That one's been torn
apart by something.

We started looking
around a little bit,

and that's where
we found this post.

And you can see right there,

- it's got that little curve in it.
- Okay.

Is there anything in
particular we should look for?

I would look for
any other burnt debris

that might have projected out.

And, Kaleb, there
was no other tracks?

We didn't see
any vehicle tracks,

no human tracks, nothing.

Kind of getting a-a
feeling or a sense

of, kind of, heaviness.

Protecting of

an area is most crucial,

so let's hold
here for just a sec.

I'm just gonna do an offering

of some tobacco

and, just ask the
creator, please watch over us.

As a member of the
Eastern Shoshone tribe,

I do a cultural blessing

and give an offering of tobacco.

It's always best to give
some type of offering, um,

for protection and understanding

before going in

and onto the
ground to investigate.

Okay, Kaleb, Dragon, let's...

Let's continue on here.

What is strikingly odd

is this line that
goes up and around,

and where is the rest of it?

Our initial thought
is lightning.

But I'd assume, if we had

a lightning strike here,

we'd see definitely more damage

on the ground.

We would definitely see debris.

As you can see, in the
smoldering phase of this,

that there's no blackening

that comes up around
the post in any direction.

Like, if we put a candle here,

and it started to
smolder right here,

we would get that black
smoke residue of that carbon

on to the post.

So, if I'm
understanding correctly,

based off of what you're saying,

it seems as though it was
something extremely hot

that scorched it but it never

- really incinerated, correct?
- Correct.

But I can tell you,
this is not arson,

this is not chemical,

and this, in my
opinion, is not lightning.

So, what is it, then?

That's the million-dollar
question, Dragon.

Have you seen
anything like this before?

I have seen only

man-made of something

of this nature,
'cause of the line,

through plasma cutting.

It's hard to speculate,

but from the different areas of

spontaneous combustion
that I've dealt with in my career,

and in fire investigations,

it was some type
of extreme heat.

A third of that post is missing.

It is very bizarre.

When you kind of look at this,

you see that there's
this curve in that post

that's been taken out.

As if something came through it

and caused this damage,
and, yeah, there's no debris.

So, how hot would
it have to be to just

- totally vaporize...
- Vaporize it.

You're talking about
780 to 800 degrees.

Right, if there's
that kind of a heat signature,

just the radiated heat
would cause damage

to this green foliage,

and it looks like none of it

has been exposed to
any of the extreme heat.


So, we know this
is hot as lightning,

but it's not lightning.

It's not man-made.

- Correct.
- So, what could do that?

I'll only touch on
it just-just briefly

because this is
definitely strange.

Speaking culturally,

it would go back to

what the ranch is named after.

- Okay.
- Okay.

I'm sorry, I don't
feel comfortable...

- You're fine.
- Speaking on that, on that portion.

I don't want to breach
anything that is...

- That makes you uncomfortable.
- But we will continue on.

I think it's really valuable

and important that we
have Native Americans

coming to the property

because there is
a lot of history here

and this is a
different viewpoint

that we really
don't get a lot of.

It's just so strange.


Some Native Americans

aren't willing to speak
of any kind of relation

when it comes to
Skinwalker Ranch

or anything involving
the word "skinwalker."

Bringing attention to

the skinwalker is
very bad medicine,

and it makes them
very uncomfortable

because they don't
want to draw anything

of that energy into their life.

Don, I can't thank you
enough for coming out here

and lending your
expertise, both from

your professional
side of things,

as well as your
spiritual side of things,

and offering a
blessing of protection.

I felt good, and
hopefully this will

lend us to get more answers.

Yes, you know, 'cause
how do you answer

the unanswerable?

And all we can do is,
as we peel back that veil

and peel that onion a little bit

and move forward.

Thank you, Dragon.

- Thank you.
- Thanks, Don.

Hey, Erik,

you got Jay

- on the horn yet?
- Yeah, I have him.

The day after we
completed the control run

of our two-part experiment

with Jay Stratton, Erik
and I processed all the data

and immediately
arranged a videoconference

to share the incredible results.

Hey, Jay. How's it going?

Hey, guys. How are you?

All right.

So, in this experiment,

what we did, Jay, is we put

GPS sensors on the Jeep,

we had a magnetic
field meter on there,

and we also had

a Geiger counter in there

that we were data logging
through the entire time

you got in the Jeep
and went on the tour.

And we timed and logged
every step of the way

and everything you did

from the time we left
the command center.

And then, after
you left the ranch,

we did a control run.

And then, when we got
back, Erik took the data,

compiled it all, and then
overlaid the two data sets.

And you would
think, well, you know,

what difference does that make?

Well, we were wondering
if, since you were here

back in the Bigelow era

and you had seen some
things when you were here,

if maybe the ranch would respond

or you would stimulate
a response or something.

So that was the idea
for the experiment.

I'm super excited to hear

if there was a response,

so I think this is
the perfect experiment

to try and see if there's
some type of connection

that ranch or that area makes

with individuals
coming out there.


with that said, Erik,
what do you think?

Let's show him the data?

Well, I think I should
probably run through

the summary at least.

You know, we have
different kinds of data,

as Travis just took us through.

So, to start with, I want to
look at the GPS trackers.

So, I think what I'd like to do

is a screen share...

That'd be great.

And bring up

the control tour that we did.

Are you seeing all that, Jay?

I see at least the, the initial.

Perfect. So, of
course, this follows

all of the roads that we took.

And if you look at that,
it pretty much looks like

exactly what we did.

This was without
you here on the ranch.

You were... You had
already gone home.

This is what we
expected to see, so...

Absolutely, that
looks complete...

completely normal to me.

Okay. Now, I'm going
to bring up the data

generated during your visit.

I've colored it red, of course.

At first glance it,
you know, conforms

to the same path.

Do you notice
anything about the data yet?

Well, it's-it's sparse,
there's a heck of a lot

of missing data points.

That does seem to be the case,

doesn't it?

And at this spot right here,

that's the drill site.

We should be seeing a lot more

- than we're seeing.
- Yeah, you should be.

Yeah, so, um,

I don't know how to,

how to break it to you
except to show you.

But now look
where the data actually is.

The data went way underground.


Well, that's amazing.

Literally the only thing

we changed in the experiment

was the occupants of the car.

And the data

goes nuts. It went
way underground.


And if you look,

this spot right here,

that's the drill site.

And then, when you
go to the next dip,

that's where you stopped
and said this is the tree

that you saw the thing

standing up at Homestead Two,

and look how the data goes

way deep underground there.

How far is that, Erik?

You know,

if we use the mesa

as our scale reference,
we're looking at

something, like, you
know, a thousand feet.

This is amazing.

The GPS data

from our experiment
with Jay Stratton

is just plain crazy.

It shows that Jay

went underground

just after passing
the mesa drill site.

Then, once he moved
closer to Homestead Two,

it says he went over a
thousand feet below the surface.

And what's really interesting

is the control is
completely different.

- Can you overlay 'em?
- I sure can.

So, if you
overlay 'em now and look,

when you go
underneath the ground,

none of the control
data is under the ground,

but look at your path.

We're seeing something

in that area affecting
the equipment,

reacting to my
presence being there.

That's amazing.

What could just
you being in the car

do to a GPS sensor
to make it go haywire?

I mean, when I was first
introduced to the ranch,

folks were referring
to the ranch

as if it's a person, reacting.

Obviously, I was highly
skeptical of any of that.

Yet it's been in my life so long

that I'm comfortable
referring to the ranch

as a... as a person now

because I have certainly seen it

react differently
to different people.

So, the question is,

does the ranch somehow,

know you were here?

Was it coupled,
entangled with you?


This data strongly suggests

that the ranch really
does react to individuals.

But why some more than others?

And why did the GPS sensors
suddenly go underground

just after Jay passed
the mesa drill site?

Could the dome-shaped
object that we drilled up against

deep inside the mesa
somehow be connected

to the GPS data

going a thousand
feet below the surface?

At this point we don't know,

but it seems like more
than just a coincidence.

Jay, this is great.

Really appreciate you
being in our experiment.


See you later, Jay.

Thanks, gents.

Well, the big
question still remains.

How do we get inside the mesa?

It's almost like
we're hitting something

really, really hard.

The last time we drilled

from the bottom of the mesa,

we weren't able
to reach the vertical

and potentially metallic
object inside there.

So now we're gonna brainstorm
a new approach that might work.

We're gonna have to drill
from the top of the mesa.

The one thing we definitely
know is that it won't be easy.

Well, I sure am curious
about whatever it is that we hit

that, number one, was so
hard, number two, didn't produce

any friction against
that-that, drill head,

and, number three, caused
the change in the RF spectrum.

That to me is

three pieces of data

that are really

phenomenal. I mean, why did it

not grind that drill bit down?

- Yes.
- That-that is amazing.

What kind of
material can do that?

So, how could we
look inside the mesa?

I haven't found

a place that we
could easily do that

without completely
scarring it permanently.

You know, Brandon made
it clear he doesn't want that.

Personally, I don't
want to do that.

So I've got

a possible solution.

I wonder if we brought
a portable drill in

and tried to do just
a vertical shaft down

and tried to go down on top
of it, to where we could get

- a camera down there.
- Yeah, and we could then maybe

find if that hole is connected
to something somewhere.

So, if we get directly above

the place where the
drill head got stopped,

I'd like to know exactly

what did it
encounter right there,

'cause we know we've got
something really hard there.

I like your idea, Erik, of going
where the drill head stopped,

'cause we know exactly

where that bit was at.

That's a great idea.

We need to do... Let's-let's
do that, that's a great idea.

Well, I say we get back

to the command center
and start planning how

- we're going to pull this off.
- Yeah.

I'm going to go
check the game cameras.

Sounds like a plan.

After the recent
incident that had Thomas

chasing off after some
purple light in the south field,

we've deployed these
various game cameras.

I've asked Kaleb to go out

and grab the cards from 'em

to see if there's
anything that we see there

that is strange or stands out.

- Hey, Bryant.
- Hey, man.

I got those cards
from those cameras.

Yep. Okay, cool.

- Let's check it out.
- All right.

This is us setting
it up, looks like.

How long have these

- been out there?
- About a week.

- Okay.
- About a week now.

This is on the east facing west.


I'm not seeing anything

- jumping out at me right now.
- No.

I'm surprised we haven't
seen any game of any kind yet.

That's what I'm wondering.
What's setting off the cameras?


Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

- Back that up.
- You see that?

Yeah, back that up.
What, what was that?

I'm just running through it

frame by frame.


It's like a silver orb.

Looked like a silver
orb or something.

Well, it was something.
It was really quick.

Do we have the
possibility to, like, pause it

and then like scrub through it?


So this...

this is gonna be
frame by frame here.

Didn't you see it? It was like
some little quick flash there.

- I saw it over in this area there. Yeah.
- Yeah.

right there. Look at that.

So, depending
on how far away that is...

Yeah. I mean, if it's
back at the tree line,

that thing's pretty big.

It's massive if
it's at the tree line.

And it's
gone. It's like one frame?

One frame.


And this is like broad daylight.


As you can imagine,
these cameras picked up

all sorts of normal things,

but there was a couple
frames on one of them

that was really strange,

and at first glance it appeared

to be a silver orb-type

shaped object
off in the distance.

I don't know whether
it's exotic or not,

but it's still a concern.

Well, the, the hard thing
is to try and determine

the size of that thing.

- Yeah.
- I mean, whatever it is, it's moving fast.

And from here it looks
like it's coming straight in.

Right, if I...

Okay, can I...

So, if I pause it like this...

It makes me think it's big.

What I'd like to do is
get Erik's eyes on it.

You know, he's got
that video software

where he can analyze everything

and track everything.

So we probably need
to get his eyes on this.


Hey, Erik, this is Bryant
and Kaleb at the guard shack.

Do you copy?

So, Kaleb brought
me the memory cards

from those trail cameras that
we have out on the property.

But there's one thing that we'd
like you to get your eyes on.

All right. Thanks, Erik.

- Okay?
- Okay, let's go.

See if we can get
better eyes on 'em.

If this is some sort of orb,

that's interesting.

I think this is definitely
something that Travis and Erik

need to take a look
at and analyze further.

If it's not

and it's a security risk

with someone trying
to damage our assets,

that falls on my plate.

So it's important for us to
get eyes on this immediately.


- Hey, guys.
- What's going on, fellas?

Hey. Did
you get that file I sent?

- Yeah, I just got that. Um...
- Okay.

Curious to see what it is.

- It's going to be over here on this monitor.
- Was it a file?

- What'd y'all send?
- Yeah, so just to-to preface what's going on,

um, you know we have those
trail cam or game cameras

in some of the
parts of the property.

We got three just down
there on the south end.

On the south side.
Yeah, yeah, okay.

We go and put
these cameras out there

pretty soon after Thomas

- saw that purple light.
- Yeah.

You know, within a day.

So I just went down there

and grabbed those three cards,

swapped... put new ones in,

and we just were
looking at the footage,

and we just found
something that we thought

you guys might want to look at.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Okay, so, guys,
will you remind me

how deep into the interior
of the property this camera...

So, this camera

is really inside the property.

It's not on the fence line.

So, for someone to
find this, they have to be

- on the property extensively.
- Okay.

But on the other
side of that is the camera

that's on the other
side of the field

looking at this camera,
it didn't catch anything.


- Yeah.
- Okay.

Well, you ready
to take a look at it?

Yeah, sure.

All right, here we go.

- Go back. Right there.
- Yo. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Right there.

Holy cow.

Well, it looks like

at least part of this
thing is spherical.


Is this a one-frame event?

It is.

It's literally one frame.

That's crazy.

So if it's something,

like, really exotic, like,

middle of the day, an
orb like that showing up,

a sphere showing
up, that's crazy.

At first glance, what...

I mean, what are your thoughts?

Well, the fact that the shape

of the dark spot is different

and it seems to have
expanded relative to the rest of it

is kind of consistent
with reflections

because it's in
a different place.

Which suggests
that it's metallic

or at least reflective
of some sort.

It does suggest that.

Travis, the first time
I was looking at this,

it makes me think of
the model that you made

of what we were
potentially seeing

with the-the other
orbs during the night.

Yeah, the orange orb that
we saw with the drones.

There is a similarity.

One of the things
that sticks out to me about this,

Kaleb, you're right, is this
dark spot in the front of it.

That orb, that-that orange
orb that we saw that night

clearly had a dark spot

in the middle.

This new metallic-looking UAP

that was spotted
in the south field

does resemble a model I made

of an orange orb that appeared

during an experiment
with a swarm of drones

a few weeks ago.

All right, we have
drones armed, guys.

Look at that.

We got something right there.

Right where, right where?

Yeah, it is. That's
it right there.

It clearly looks
like it's two halves,

and looking at it, it
looks like it actually

has an indention, doesn't it?

There's some dark spot to it.

From modeling that,
I put this together.

And, this is kind of
my idea of what it looks like.

Why don't I bring that
up for comparison?

If you kind
of compare that to that,

- there is a similarity.
- Yeah.

We definitely
need to get to the bottom of this

because that is the direction
that that burnt post is at.

Is something like
that going to generate

the type of heat to do that?


And who's to say what this thing

looks like at night.

I mean, the
interesting thing about

that burnt fence
post is, we found it

after we saw that
bright purple flash

- down there in the southern part.
- Yup.


We might have caught
something here in the middle of the day.

Right, which is amazing.

What I find fascinating
about this orb

is, it's there one second
and it's gone so quickly.

It must be moving at
a high rate of speed,

and it just so happens
it's in the same area

where we found this strange

burnt post and a dead deer.

Are they related
somehow? I don't know,

but it's really strange.

I think if this shows
us anything, it's that,

look, we've had quite
a few different incidents

happen down on that
part of the property

in a very short period of time.

I think, if anything,
that shows us

that we need to deploy

some more assets down there

and, instrument that
side of the property out

a little bit better.

And I'll go poke around

out there some more and
see if I can't find anything.

Yeah, we just need to
up the amount of time

we spend there, at
least in the short term.

Given that, I
mean, if this truly is

happening in broad daylight...

I mean, that's something,

definitely, we need
to get more eyes on.

And, you know, if it takes it,

we could even just keep a vigil.

Physically go down
there and just watch.

Yeah, keep
an eye on that south field.

I agree. I'm for it.

- Well, thanks, guys.
- Thank you, guys.

- Okay, thanks, guys.
- All right.

Well, I'm gonna
leave you with it, Erik.

Interesting find.

We're dealing
with things on a scale

of 512 acres of ranch here.

We have a few known hot spots,

but we have no idea

whether effects such
as we've witnessed here

might play out in other
regions of the property.

Since I've started
working on Skinwalker Ranch,

there has always been this idea

that it responds to
certain individuals.

We still don't know
why, who or how.

As we continue
this investigation,

hopefully we'll learn more
about these strange mysteries.

Never before

have we seen
scientific equipment

and personnel dedicated
to finding the answers.

There isn't another
private piece of property

that has this degree
of scientific research.

We don't know
what lies in store.

We're in uncharted territory.

But I am more willing than ever

to take the risk, to
explore the unknown,

to discover the secret
of Skinwalker Ranch.

Erik was telling us that you
got some new equipment

that can help us identify
something underneath the ground.


There's some interesting stuff.

I've been itching
to show it to you.

By the bait pen,

there are three circles.

So I'll make some arrangements

and we'll get an
excavator out here

and we'll go out and dig.

Whoa. Wait a minute...

Hey, guys, y'all
come look at this.

It's hard for me to believe

that's Mother Nature.