The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (1964–1968): Season 4, Episode 16 - The Seven Wonders of the World Affair: Part II - full transcript

In the series finale, Napoleon Solo and Illya Kuryakin must oppose both former UNCLE official Robert Kingsley's forces as well as Thrush. Solo, in a strongly worded talk to Kingsley's "Seven Wonders of the World," spells out why Kingsley's dream is a nightmare. Unable to convince them, he and Kuryakin face a firing squad.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Still dominating the world's headlines
are the disappearances... after the other,
of an oddly assorted group of VIPs.

First to vanish, U.N.C.L.E. agent
Robert Kingsley from Hong Kong.

It is believed
that Kingsley was in charge...

...of the agency's
Scientific Intelligence Division.

To look at this...

...the world's future on a scrap of paper.

We can change mankind's personality...

...mold it to any shape we want...

...steer it in any direction with this.

Mrs. Kingsley.
your husband has disappeared.

Oh, it can't be.
He's not in that kind of work anymore.

It's true, Mrs. Kingsley.

I don't believe it.

Next reported missing,
German scientist Dr. Kurt Erikson...

...and his teenage daughter, Anna.

This is an historic moment...

...ironically so...

...for history as the world knows it
will soon end.

Sit down, doctor.

Oh, excuse me, Dr. Erikson,
your daughter.

- Have we kept her waiting outside?
- No.

Anna will be coming on a separate plane.

She should be leaving Berlin
any moment now.

I'm sorry, I have to go. But I'll be back.

Believe me, I will be back.

STEVE: Look, I came all the way
from America to be with you.

You and your father, on our vacation.

Please, Steve.
Do you think that I want to leave you?

Well, then don't. This is ridiculous.

I love you.


The most spectacular
disappearances of all...

...were those of top European
military leader General Maximilian Harmon...

...and his aide, Captain Gelser...

...and Harmon's 24-man guard of honor.



Men, you are no longer in the service
of the country we have just left.

You are an elite security force,
the last soldiers this world will ever see.

Then, within hours...

...four more prominent people
whisked away.

Israel's Dr. Naomi Fisher...'s leading authority
on food-production techniques.

Public-relations expert
Jeffrey J. Mackie of London.

Jan Vanovech,
Czechoslovakian electronics wizard.

KINGSLEY: Mr. Kingsley--
- There was no need for you to kidnap me.

If you had told me of your plan,
if you had invited me...

...I would have come running
to help you achieve it.

Gentlemen, I'm with you
every inch of the way.

Next reported missing,
Professor David Garrow of New Jersey.

Genetics genius.

Hello? Hello? Hello?

Tonight, an uneasy world wonders
what has happened to this diverse group...

...and what progress U.N.C.L.E. has made
in its search for the answer.

We're 80 miles west
of our last reported position...

...still over the Himalayas.

Instead of snow, there--

We're under attack.

I don't see any planes.
It must be missiles.

Thrush Central to Hang Kong.

This is to report that phase one
has been successfully completed.

Thrush Recruiting Center reports
that Kingsley and all expert personnel...

...are now at the Operations Control
complex in the Himalayas.

Repeat, this is to report that phase one
has been successfully completed.

Kingsley and all required
expert personnel...

...are now at the Operations Control
complex in the Himalayas.

Mrs. Kingsley, I hope your husband
appreciates what you're doing for him.

He will, Mr. Webb.

Until he finds out who's supplying me.

It's Mr. Solo's plane. He must be dead.

KINGSLEY: Napoleon Solo.
I could use a man like him.

A spy by any name gets shot.

No, general.
That won't be necessary now.

Mr. Kingsley, you had me join
this enterprise as your chief of security.

If you insist on disregarding my advice--

Wiping out the opposition
is no achievement, general.

Any brute with a gun can do that.

No, I want him.
I want him to approve of my plan.

- I could convince him.
- Other U.N.C.L.E. agents will follow him.

We will assess each case
if and when it arises, general.

Missile Defense unit.


- Yes, general?
- I want a radar check over a 25-mile radius.

Immediately, sir.

Destroy anything that shows up.

Yes, sir.

Could be his jacket.


That proves
we're on the right track at least.

Who was in that one, general?

We don't know.

It was necessary
no matter who was in it.

I couldn't risk that aircraft finding us.
You know I couldn't risk that.

You were an U.N.C.L.E. agent.
You've killed before when necessary.

General, it was because I had to kill
that I brought all this about.

- To create a world in which--
- Why do you think I'm here?

To play soldier? Km for the sake of it?

I want that new world too.

That's why I'll protect this,
this center of that world...

...from sabotage and invasion.

Now, you must let me do my job,
no matter who dies.

General, you are a strange mixture.

You pursue a merciful ideal mercilessly.

I'll take that as a compliment.

Thrush Central to Hang Kong.

Transportation Center.
This is our final report.

The last cargo, including drugs
to immobilize the defense force... now within 100 miles
of the Kingsley installation.

Repeat, this is our final report.

The last cargo, including drugs
to immobilize the defense force... now within 100 miles
of the Kingsley installation.

Thank you.

Mr. Webb will be happy to hear that.

This is Mrs. Kingsley.

Congratulations to all of you
for a job well done.

Now all we have to do is wait.

Relax. Out.

We've made it.


You've had a pleasant rest, Mr. Solo?

And a very pleasant awakening, so far.

Come with us, if you please.


Father, you must tell me what's going on.

I cannot tell you anything now. Please.

I have work to do,
I have meetings to attend 10--

I just saw one of those U.N.C.L.E. agents
under guard. Why?

That's not your concern, darling.
Not your concern or mine.

Not our concern? Father.

You realize that he's being kept a prisoner.

You know, your duty to me is obedience.

You've been on confidential missions
with me before...

...without worrying me with questions.

- Never one like this.
- Please, don't question me now. Please.

Never one like this. This one is different.

This time, I had to leave someone.

Someone that I'm very fond of.

I had to leave him without any explanation
to come here because you told me so.

I had to leave Steve Ganow.

He must think I'm crazy.

And now I feel as though
I'm just never gonna see him again.

And if that's the case,
Heel I have a right to know why...

...or go back to him.

You can't do that.

I cannot tell you anything now.

And you cannot go back.

You intend... seriously intend
to make the whole world...

...think and act the way you want it to.

That's correct, Mr. Solo.

By blanketing it with a docility gas
Dr. Erikson has developed.

The capsule you say you found
in my office was only a small sample.

Mr. Solo, please consider.

You and I, we have fought
the seemingly endless battle against evil.

Don't you see that this way, my way...

...the battle ends once and for all
in favor of good?

It's a blasphemy.

Your plan denies humanity its freedom... find its own way to better times.

Walk out.

Walk out.

Kingsley can't operate without you.
You're the experts.

Solo, I'm a soldier.

I realized just about every ambition
of my profession except its abolition...

...which is something I have played for...

...from the time I saw
my first battlefield casualty.

Now, I, for one... not going to walk out on the world's
one chance to cleanse itself...

...from the filth of war.

You're not alone in craving peace, general.
But your method of achieving it--

The method is certain.

Peace assured forever by one
radio broadcast from here ordering it.

One straight order.

So you see, Mr. Solo,
no one's going to walk out.

Professor Ganow, you're a geneticist.

Your life work
is the biological improvement of man.

Will you pervert that science
into the creation of a--?

Of a generation of robots?

Don't you realize that you're involved--?

I realize my wife and son will suffer...

...if I don't cooperate.

Please, I beg of you...

...think over carefully
everything you've heard.

Reconsider your
conventional moral objections...

...and join us, leading a new world.
Let there be eight wonders.

In your new world, Kingsley.
there won't be any wonder.


GELSER: Sergeant, take the prisoner.
SERGEANT: Yes, sir.

Follow me.

You have been declared
infiltrators and potential saboteurs.

By virtue of the military authority
vested in me...

...I sentence you to immediate execution.

Death by shooting.

Captain Gelser.






Dad! That's my father.


That's my father.




He's dead.

Oh, I can't tell you
how much I regret this.


General, I want him kept under custody
in his father's quarters.

Guard him but don't harm him.

Sergeant, take the prisoner.


Steve! What happened?

Steve, what happened? Steve!

Stay away from me! You're with them.


Stay here now.
You can't do anything now.

- Steve!
- Stay here.

The same goes for Solo and Kuryakin,

Under guard in guest quarters
until I send for them.

- But, Kingsley--
- In guest quarters.

- Captain Gelser.
- Sir.

Return the prisoners to their quarters.

Take the prisoners to their quarters.

You're tying my hands.

There will be no more discussions,
general, no more shooting... more drumhead courts-martials,
no more killing.

- I hope I make that clear.
- But--

No more.

Dr. Erikson.

Dr. Erikson,
how soon can we launch the gas?

Well, I...
I've been thinking in terms of weeks.

There are so many technical details
to take care of. Our schedule--

It's U.N.C.L.E.'s schedule
that worries me.

Agents dropping out of the sky.
They've located our installation.

Who knows what they're planning now?

We need time.
We cannot do this thing overnight.

Dr. Erikson, we must expedite the attack.

Gas U.N.C.L.E. into obedience
like everyone else.

What's to happen to the prisoners?

Nothing to young Ganow.

I owe that much to his father.

And Solo and Kuryakin?

May I suggest, Mr. Kingsley...

...that they be the first
to go under the docility gas?

All right, general.

Get them ready
for the test chamber now.

And the rest of the world within hours.

Hours, Robert?

That's right.

As soon as Erikson's preparations
are completed.

But don't ask me any questions, please.

Just believe me,
this change of plan is essential.

All right, Robert. Whatever you say.

KI NGSLEY: Hurry, darling.

I will, Robert.

And, Margitta...

...I think of you every minute.

Me too, darling.

I haven't left the apartment in days
waiting for your call.

I love you.

Goodbye, Robert.

Why? Why has he advanced
the attack time?

Makes no difference.

No difference?

We'll never get the members
of Thrush Central to the insulation on time.

They'll be...


Like everyone else.

We go ahead exactly as planned.

Only we do it sooner.

And without Thrush Central.

Just you and I.

Just you and I.

- Steve?
- Get out.

- Steve, you have to listen to me.
- Get out of here!

Steve, I'm not with those other people.
You can't believe--

- Get out of here!
- I'm not with those people, Steve!

No, no. Well, then why did they
let you come in here?

Why do they let you
have the run of the place?

Because right now,
they're much more human than you are.

Steve, don't you understand?
I wanna be with you.

Oh, fine, you're with me.

You're with me, right?
You're full of sympathy.

Well, no flowers, by request.
Just get out and leave me alone.

You don't know
what they're planning to do, Steve.

- Kingsley and the others--
- Kingsley and the others killed my father!

I wish my father was dead now... he wouldn't have to be
part of this terrible plan.

I'm telling the truth. Please believe me.

Oh, Steve. Steve, your friends.

They're planning to give your friends
some kind of gas.

Everything is ready.

Thank you, doctor.

Send for Solo and Kuryakin.

Captain Gelser.


I took it out of my father's office.

I don't know what good it's gonna do
against all them.


Steve, there's a building
at the end of the complex...

...that has all kinds
of windows around it...

...and I think it could be
some kind of control room.

Can we get in?

I don't know.

I know one thing:

I'd rather die
than live in Kingsley's kind of world.

So would I.

Let's try it.

Let me out! Help! Help!

Drop it!

Tum around.


What"? What happened?

I don't know.

Mr. Solo, Mr. Kuryakin,
you are to be the vanguard.

Within hours, the world's millions...

...will follow you
into eternal and profitable obedience.




Steve! Steve!



Hand me a grenade.


Erikson, stop that thing. Stop that thing.

Quick, stop it.

I can't. It's irreversible.




They've gotta be drugged.

Let's get into the airfield.





Why don't you come out?

I have not been told to.

There's our friend, Mr. Webb.

And poor distraught Mrs. Kingsley.

Drugged. Every single one
of General Harmon's men.

And the closed-circuit television system
has been sabotaged according to plan.

May I congratulate you, major?

You and your missile force
comprise an excellent filth column.

The most complex engineering feat
in history functioning perfectly...

...and a television tube blows.

Solo and Kuryakin
have got to be stopped.

Don't worry about it. They'll be taken.

Start your power buildup, Dr. Erikson.
My wife will be herein a minute.

Dr. Fisher.

Dr. Vanovech. Mr. Mackie.

It's time to go to our stations.
Our moment is near.

My deepest thanks to all of you.

Robert, there's been trouble.

Yes, but everything's all right now.
Now that you're here.


Robert, you must meet
your financial backer, Mr. Webb.

Mr. Webb, you have financed
the future of mankind.

It was a bargain, Mr. Kingsley.

Come, you must meet Dr. Erikson.
He'll show you everything.

That's our one chance.

Take the plane
and use the concealed rockets.

Use the jeeps.

Drop them.


KINGSLEY: Oh, yes, indeed.
the gas does work. We know that.

The general,
he was exposed to it quite by accident.

Look at him, a perfect picture of docility.

A citizen of the new world,
already at peace.

Hind all this quite fascinating,
Mr. Kingsley.

But, Dr. Erikson,
how does the equipment work?

Of course, Mr. Webb.

You see, when these seven tubes
are completely filled...

...these red strip lights
will begin to flash on simultaneously.

And that means
that our power system is fully operative.

Then we'll release this level
which will release the gas... radio control all over the world.

And then?

And then, Mr. Webb,
every human being on Earth will be--


That's right, ours. Thanks to Thrush.

Don't look so startled, Robert.

Where else do you think
I raised a hundred million dollars?

An overdraft at a drive-in bank?


You're a fool, Robert. A sick fool.

It all began when you started thinking
you could save the human race.

Well, you can't.

Humanity is din. And it always will be.

Believe me, I know.

No, Margitta, you're wrong.

I have the gun and that proves I'm right.

That's the reality of power.

Poor Robert. You never understood that.

You never learned that people
don't want to be enlightened.

They only respect a threat
of the whip wielded by a master.

And you were never a master, Robert.

Margitta, for the love of God,
put that gun down.


General! Kill them.






the pressure is nearing maximum.

This Thrush, they must have landed troops.
If they get by our men, they'll control it.

- We must speed up the--
- We don't dare. This is regulated.

KINGSLEY: Doctor, we've got to!
- Regulated.

- We've got to!
- Don't do that!

Gotta make a direct hit
on the operations room, otherwise...

a lot of innocent people get killed.

- Back!
- A terrible chance.

We'll be blown to bits. Don't do that!

ERIKSON: We'll be blown to bits.

Stop it. Give me that thing.
Give me back that key.

If you're not prepared to risk your life
for the plan, then get out.

Take the general with you. Get out.

General, follow me.

Better circle again.




Let's head for the airport.

Mr- Sofa, you and I---

...we have fought
the seemingly endless battle against evil.

Don't you see that this way, my way...

...the battle ends once and for all
in favor of good?

Good job, gentlemen.

Kingsley sincerely believed history
would have said the same of him, sir.

Quite, Mr. Solo. Quite.

We will board the plane new, general.