The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (1964–1968): Season 4, Episode 15 - The Seven Wonders of the World Affair: Part I - full transcript

Robert Kingsley, a top UNCLE official who is based in Hong Kong, mysterious disappears. He is recruiting top people in various fields. He wants to end "the never-ending battle" between good...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

ILLYA: Give yourself up, Webb.
We have you boxed in.

Give yourself up.



- Thank you, Mrs. Kingsley.
- My pleasure, Mr. Webb.

I know it's critical, sir.

We're searching Kingsley's office now,
Mr. Waverly.

AGENTS: I want to check through
every one of these files later myself.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

Do you have any idea what this is?

Don't touch it.

I know it's critical, sir.
I'll keep you informed.

Yes, sir. They've just arrived.

You're on immediate reassignment.

And I can do without being spellbound
by your recent adventures.

We know you've established that Thrush
used the Refugee Committee as a front.

And you've failed to capture Webb.

In that case, we can dispense
with the formality of a written report.

Now look, Kuryakin, cut out the cracks.
Robert Kingsley has disappeared.

- Kingsley used to be a field operative.
GRANT: He used to be in the field like you.

Now he's number-four man
herein Hong Kong.

Every scrap of information we gather
passes through his hands.

And he's vanished.

- Any documents go with him?
GRANT: We're checking, Solo.

I'd have already told you if I knew.

- What did you find?
- Sir, a capsule.

It gave off kind of a vapor.

What are you talking about?
Are you all right?

Yes, sir, I am now.
but we just stood there...

...the secretary and I,
after we took a sniff of that stuff.

And it was the strangest--

What's strange?
What are you talking about?

Mr. Grant, for about a minute...

...we just stood there.

Conscious. Perfectly all right.

Except it was like waiting for someone
to tell us what we should do.

Then it were off
and I came here to report to you.

Show me this capsule.

I wish I could, sir, but it evaporated.

That's right, sir.

- Did it leave any residue?
GRANT: We'll check that out.

That's your assignment.

Robert Kingsley. Find him.

SOLO: Mrs. Kingsley?
- Yes.

We're from U.N.C.L.E.
and we'd like to have a word with you--

What's happened? Is it Robert?

- Ahh...
- Come in.

- Please, come in.
- Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Thank you.

Well, please tell me, what is it?

Mrs. Kingsley.
your husband has disappeared.

Oh, it can't be.

- He's not in that kind of work anymore.
- It's true, Mrs. Kingsley.

I don't believe it.
There must be some mistake.

I'm afraid not.

Now, if you have any idea...

...any information at all where--

But you people know
far more about Robert than I do.

I only happened to be married to him.

U.N.C.L.E. is his way of life.

Well, I understand how you must feel,
but, uh...

He has a desk job now.
How can he disappear?

Mrs. Kingsley, can you recall
anything that he did? Anything at all?

Anything that he did, anything that he said,
that could help us.

He never discussed his work with me.

He wasn't supposed to. You know that.

He seemed happy and content.

How can I help you?

Oh, you always ask the wives...

...the last people who'd know anything
about the real lives of men like Robert.

Did he ever say anything about a capsule
that we found at his desk?

No. No, nothing.

Mrs. Kingsley.


“Seven, seven, seven“...

Over and over, I don't understand.
What does it mean?


Solo here.

Another disappearance, Mr. Solo:

Dr. Kurt Erikson of Berlin.

Europe's most distinguished chemist.

His file was missing
from our Hong Kong office...

...presumably with Kingsley.

Mr. Kingsley.

I am Dr. Erikson.

Dr. Erikson.

Doctor, I am honored by your presence here
and your collaboration.

- Thank you.
- Sit down, doctor.

Mr. Kingsley...

...this is an historic moment.

Ironically so, for history
as the world knows it will soon end.

You do have it with you, doctor?

To look at this...

...the world's future, on a scrap of paper.

We can change mankind's personality,
mold it to any shape we want.

Steer it in any direction with this.

And we will.

Oh, excuse me, Dr. Erikson,
your daughter.

You wanted to bring
your daughter with you?

- Have we kept her waiting outside?
- No.

Anna will be coming on a separate plane.

That's a wise precaution, doctor.

She should be leaving Berlin
any moment now.

Please, don't make me explain. Okay?

Where are you going?

I'm leaving Berlin. That's all I can tell you.

- Please, I didn't expect it so soon.
- Well, I didn't expect it at all.

I'm sorry, I have to go. But I'll be back.

Believe me, I will be back.

I came all the way from America
to be with you.

You and your father, on our vacation.

Please, Steve, do you think
I want to leave you?

Well, then don't. This is ridiculous.

I love you.


No, the time to take over
the Kingsley Project is now... its inception.
- Mr. Veeth is absolutely right.

We can't delay until the last minute.

Take over, supervise
and control from the beginning.

I'm in command here.

Directly responsible to Thrush Central only.
And I say no.

Mr. Webb, you don't seem to realize
that once Kingsley presses that button...

...Thrush, and everything else on Earth,
is in his pocket.

We must take over now.

Suppose we do...

...and Kingsley's team of geniuses
simply refuses to work for us?

We'll have control, all right,
of $100 million worth of equipment...

...which we have paid for
but cannot operate without them.

Force them.

No, I will not take that chance.

We let Kingsley and company
lay the groundwork...

...then we move in.

Mr. Veeth, Miss Carla, that is my strategy.

The same strategy that nearly
got you caught by Solo and Kuryakin?

Why not ask Mrs. Kingsley?
She knows her husband.

If she agrees, will you take over?

I have already stated my position.

Besides, I need not remind you
that Mrs. Kingsley is doing her part.

Thanks to her, Thrush is in on a scheme...

...which will give it control
of the world forever.

And I see no reason to burden her
with additional problems.

Why not let Mrs. Kingsley
speak for herself?

Mr. Webb and I have work to do.

Take me out.

It's hot in here.

WAVERLY: Erikson's daughter,
Anna, has also left Berlin.

Do you have their description, sir?

WAVERLY: We're transmitting
light-beam photos right now.

And I do have a lead.

A girl answering Anna Erikson's description
is aboard Air East Flight 137...

...due to arrive Hong Kong 1800 hours,
local time.

That's her, Anna Erikson.

All right, lads. Cast 0”.


Taxi, gentlemen? Taxi?

We just spotted the ship, sir.

Well, that's something.


CAPTAIN: What do you think you're doing?
- I'm shooting down that helicopter, sir.

Helicopter? What helicopter?

That one over there.

What's going on here?
Who the devil are you?

This is an illegal,
unregistered armed ship.

We're from U.N.C.L.E.

We have reason to believe
you have Dr. Robert Kingsley...

...Dr. Kurt Erikson,
and Anna Erikson on board.

- We'd like to talk to them.
CAPTAIN: I don't carry passengers.

ILLYA: Then what do you carry that
you have to protect with a machine-gun?

You committed an act of piracy.

I have the right to defend my ship
against pirates.

Who are these men, captain?

Anna Erickson?

We'd like to talk to your father
and Dr. Robert Kingsley.

But I don't know where my father is.

And the only Mr. Kingsley I know of
is an English lyric poet, long since dead.

Then why are you on this ship?

The only fact worth
a pennyworth of cold gin... you're aboard my ship unlawfully,
U.N.C.L.E. or no U.N.C.L.E.

You are from U.N.C.L.E.?

- U.N.C.L.E. and so is Kingsley.
- I don't believe you.

I don't either, fréulein.
A couple of burn liars if ever I saw one.

Now, don't you worry
your pretty little head.

Why don't you pop 0”
and play some shuffle board or something.

All right, lads. Take them.


- Father, I have 10--
- Later, dear, later.

Later. Please, come, please.

Thrush Central to Hang Kong.

Robert Kingsley and Dr. Eriksun...

...are safely on their way
to Operational Headquarters Himalayas...

...due tn arrive at 0900.

Mrs. Kingsley, I hope your husband
appreciates what you're doing for him.

He will, Mr. Webb.

Until he finds out who's supplying me.

It's bright in here.

Thrush Central to Hang Kong.

General Harmon has been successfully
recruited as Kingslev's security chief...

...and is departing for Himalayan base
at 1200.

OFFICER: No comment.
The general has nothing to say.

NO comment, no comment.


OFFICER: No comment, no comment.
The general has nothing to say.

Are you leaving the country, general?

OFFICER: No comment.
REPORTER: General!

You must have something to say,

REPORTER 2: Is it true
you've accepted a U.N. command?

OFFICER: The general has no comment.
No comment.

That's enough. Come on.

Are you leaving the country, general?

No comment, no comment.

REPORTER 4: General, general.
OFFICER: Keep back.

One statement of any kind, general.

Something I can do,
something we can write, anything?

Hey, what's going on?


Men, when you were selected
to serve me... took a personal oath of loyalty.

I now invoke that pledge
of unquestioning obedience.

You are no longer in the service
of the country we have just left.

You are an elite security force.

The last soldiers this world will ever see.

Military history ends with you.

Do your duty.
see to it that it ends gloriously.

Captain Gelser will give you the details
and your new uniforms.

Sounds very quiet.

I'll take a look around.

ILLYA: See anything below?
SOLO: Nothing.

ILLYA: Nothing on deck, either.
I'll take a look up forward.

Completely deserted.

A much oi (he Mary Celeste.

Helicopter's been sabotaged.
Is your communicator gone too?

Fortunately, I have something
up my sleeve.

How do I inject dignity
into the word “help“?

You don't. You swallow your pride...

...and hope Mr. Waverly
sends out a seaplane.

Open Channel D, please.

A seaplane?

Of course, gentlemen.
That's what I'm here for.

Sir, Jan Vanovech, electronics expert...

...has disappeared
from Prague, Czechoslovakia.

But before he disappeared,
a music box of his was stolen.

A music box?


Thank you for bringing it.

You're very welcome, Dr. Vanovech.

Now, tell me, what do you think?

Mr. Kingsley, there was no need
for you to kidnap me.

If you had told me of your plan,
if you had invited me...

...I would have come running
to help you achieve it.

Gentlemen, I am with you
every inch of the way.

Then welcome to the Purple.

Thrush Central to Hang Kong.

Electronics division reports
Jan Vanovech kidnapped in Prague...

...accurding tn plans at 0600.


Electronics division reports
Jan Vanovech kidnapped in Prague...

...accurding tn plans at 0600.

You've had your way long enough, Webb.

Now it's going to be our way.

Thrush is going to take over Kingsley's
installations and you are through.

And what will Thrush Central
say about this, Mr. Veeth?

They'll thank us.

Thrush Central to Hang Kong.

Propaganda Division reports
public-relations expert Mr. Mackie...

...kidnapped in London
according to plan at 0500.

Thrush Central tn Hong Kong.

Personnel Division reports
Dr. Naomi Fisher kidnapped in Tel Aviv...

...accurding tn plan at 0700.

It's cold in here.

But why Paul Mackie?

Why would anyone want to kidnap
a public-relations man?

And why take his desk calendar?

ILLYA: No doubt for the same reason
they took a musical box from Vanovech.

Sir. Another disappearance, sir.

- Dr. Naomi Fisher from Tel Aviv.
- What does she do?

She's the world's leading expert
on food production.

- And what was stolen of hers?
- An empty briefcase.

ILLYA: Well, what are we supposed to do,
check every petty theft in the world?

Hey, what are you doing in here?

Hey. Hey.

Call the police.

Hey, hey. Hey, call the police.

“ Motiveless theft.

Police were battled today by the strange
theft of a family photograph...

...from the home of Professor David Ganow,
166 Denslow Avenue, Los Angeles.

Dr. Ganow, the world's
most celebrated geneticist...

...was equally astonished.

'I can't imagine the burglar's motive,'
he said.“

Another trivial theft from a VIP.

Whose son was vacationing with Dr. Erikson
and his daughter, Anna.

- Fits the pattern.
- Quite, Mr. Solo.

And which is gonna be up to us to alter.

Doing so is going to be highly dangerous,
gentlemen... you and to Professor David Ganow.

David, for heaven's sakes, what's the hurry?
We've got plenty of time.

Darling, what's the matter?

You always used to look forward
to attending these conferences.

I'm looking forward to this one.

Then what is it?
Is there anything else wrong?

No, it's just that I don't like going away
and leaving you two alone.

Particularly after what happened
the other night.

- We'll be all right.
- Well, maybe you will.

- Dad, when are you gonna realize--
- Look, when--

Oh, now, boys. Please, stop it.

Now, we're all on edge.

I know how worried you are
about Anna's disappearance.

And David, I know you're...


Let's all try to relax, please?

Passengers on Flight 128...

...the conference special,
may now board at Gate 27.

Flight 128, the conference special,
is now loading at Gate 27.


I wonder who that could be.
I'll be right back.

Please board now at Gate 27.

Win all passengers holding tickets
for Flight 128...

...the conference special,
please report to Gate 27.


Hello? Hello?

Hello? Hello?


Passengers on Flight 128...

...the conference special,
may now board at Gate 27.

Flight 128, the conference special,
is now loading at Gate 27.

Dad, Dad!


Get a doctor and an ambulance.
Don't move him.

Don't move him until you get
a doctor and an ambulance.

Steven, Steven, are you all right?
Don't move.

- Can somebody please get a doctor?
- Somebody's already gone for a doctor.

- I'm all right.
- Thank God.

Where's Dad?

- What happened to Dad?
- Now be quiet, be quiet.

WOMAN [OVER PA]: Will Professor
David Garrow please report to Gate 27.7

Flight 128, the conference special,
is now in its final boarding stage.

Open Channel D.


Yes, Mr. Solo?

We were right, sir.
Professor Garrow's been taken.

We didn't interfere.

Then proceed as planned.

So you knew and still you persuaded
my father to walk into a trap.

Yes, Mr. Garrow. Your father has
a small transmitter sewn into his clothing.

Mr. Solo is following a signal
from that transmitter... another plane at this very moment.

Mr. Kuryakin, my husband is a scientist,
not a law-enforcement agent.

I can't believe that he would agree
to being taken away.

He's also a very brave man, Mrs. Garrow.

And maybe very dead by now.

Now, no one's heard
from the others who've disappeared.

Hasn't it occurred to you
that some nut may be murdering them?

We discussed that with your father,
Mr. Ganow.


It's for you.

Steven, open it, please.



Blood money?

Is it blood money, Mr. Kuryakin?

I see. Maintain watch.

It's the radar report.
The U.N.C.L.E. plane is still following.

- And there's nothing else we can do?
- Casualties are inevitable, sir.

Deal with it, general.
It's the only way, I guess.

Missile Defense unit.

We're 80 miles west
of our last reported position...

...and still over the Himalayas.

Instead of snow, they've--

We're under attack.

I don't see any planes.
It must be missiles.

- Alice, Steve?
KINGSLEY: No, professor.

You are not at home in Los Angeles.

Who are you? What...?

What is this place?
Why have you been brought here?

Professor, I'm your new employer.

I'm deeply concerned that your working
conditions should be familiar to you.

Hence this, uh, detailed
painstaking reproduction of your office.


As for your family,
I shall send them $5000 every month.

- The first payment's already been made.
- What's this all about?

Professor, you complete the team.

You, I, and five others...

...we comprise the Seven
Intellectual Wonders of the World.

Oh, it's quite simple, professor.

You and your associates will help me
to alter the course of destiny...

...and thereby save the world
from self-destruction.

We are going to control
in every way, in every detail...

...the mind of every human being
on Earth.

Mr. Kuryakin's plane has taken off, sir.
To look for Mr. Solo.

He'll transfer to a helicopter
when he reaches the crash area.

Mr. Kuryakin.

I figured U.N.C.L.E. could use some help
looking for my father.

I'm it.

GARROW: I will not work with you
on this unholy project.

Professor Ganow.

Professor, the homing device you carried
has been discovered.

The U.N.C.L.E. plane following you

Now, forget all thought of rescue
and devote your mind to this great task.

The answer's still no.

Not even to ensure the safety
of your wife and son?

Desert and bare mountains,
up herein the Himalayas?

That's unusual.

Legend has it this is a rather
unusual pan of the world.

That's no legend.

It's Mr. Solo's plane. He must be dead.

Listen, if you don't have
anything positive to say...

...why don't you just keep quiet?

Open Channel D, please.


Open Channel D.

It's not working for some reason.

Hey, look. There's more of it.

Come on.

KINGSLEY: Napoleon Solo.
I could use a man like him.

A spy by any name gets shot.

No, general.
That won't be necessary now.

Now, Mr. Kingsley... had me join this enterprise
as your chief of security.

If you insist on disregarding my advice...

Wiping out the opposition
is no achievement.

Any brute with a gun can do that.
No, I want him.

I want him to approve of my plan,
I could convince him.

If you keep dangerous U.N.C.L.E. agents
alive to debate with them...'re going to endanger
this entire project.

Other U.N.C.L.E. agents will follow him.

And we will assess each case
if and when it arises, general.

Missile Defense unit.

Yes, general?

I want saturation radar check
over a 25-mile radius.

Immediately, sir.

Destroy anything that shows up.

- Anything.
- Yes, sir.

Could be his jacket.

That proves we're on the right track,
at least.