The Last Ship (2014–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - The Last Ship - full transcript

With Rachel close to a breakthrough on her vaccine, she, Chandler and XO Slattery lead a small team into the jungles of Nicaragua on a mission to find monkeys for her vaccine trials.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Engines are running at full capacity, sir.
Lieutenant Chung did a whale of a job.

Indeed he did. We should be in
Costa Rica by tomorrow morning.

Attention on deck!

- How far inland are we going, sir?
- Carry on.

Dr. Scott said the jungle there
is close to the shoreline.

- Should give us easy access in and out.
- Sounds good, sir.

- These gonna work for you, sir?
- Yeah, good work. Well done, men.

Don't exactly love the idea
of experimenting on monkeys.

Better than humans, sir.

- Hey, Tex.
- What's up?

Hey, fancy meeting you here.

It's been a month since
I've had any spare time to exercise.

Other than sprinting away
from the Russians in the Arctic.

- Heh.
- Yeah, I heard about that.

Pretty ballsy, if I do say so myself.

Survival instinct, nothing more.


- Dumbbell?
- Ha, ha. No, I think I'm done, thanks.

How come I never see you
up in the wardroom for meals?

Well, you might not have heard...

but I'm not particularly
well-liked on this ship.

Ha, ha. I find that hard to believe.

I had to lie to them all for four months...

while we were up in the Arctic.

The world was crumbling.

Their families were dying.

I knew it, and I wasn't allowed
to breathe a word of it.

I think you underestimate
people's capacity for forgiveness.

Maybe you just find it
too hard to forgive yourself.

It's not all on you, you know.

- Isn't it?
- No.

I'll see you later.


I'll save a spot for you.


Wednesday, November 5th.

We're headed to Costa Rica to try
to find Dr. Scott some monkeys.

I don't know why I keep
making these recordings...

or who might ever find them,
and how they'd even get them to you.

Ha, ha. I keep trying to picture you all
in my father's cabin.

You could barely spend
a weekend with the man...

so you're probably just about ready
to tear his head off by now.

It's hard here.

Not knowing what's going on
in the outside world, wondering if...


When we come home...

what we'll be coming back to.


Hey, sorry to disturb you.

We're picking up all kinds of distress
signals coming out of Costa Rica...

- especially outside Limón.
- What kind of distress?

A lot of sickness. Civil unrest.

Doesn't look like we'll get
safe passage into that jungle.

- Civil unrest?
- Nothing we can do anything about...

unless you wanna get sidetracked
and get into the nation-building business.

Better get Dr. Scott up here.

I already spoke to her.
She says our next best option's Nicaragua.

There's a monkey reserve about
30 miles up that long, narrow river.

We'll never get the ship in there,
but we can send teams on the RHIBs.

- Thirty miles.
- Yeah, outside radar range.

Comms is unsure whether
the frequency signals...

will be strong enough
to keep in radio contact too.

- Just keeps getting better.
- Oh, you haven't heard the best part.

Dr. Scott insists that
she comes along for the ride.

Unless any of us can tell the difference
between a capuchin tufted...

and a Geoffroy's spider monkey.

Is that reserve inhabited?

She said she was there a few years back.

But there are only small teams
of anthropologists...

that visit sometimes to observe.

So otherwise, not supposed to be.

Gonna need plenty of room
on that RHIB for those monkeys.

We'll go with small teams.

- You'll handle it.
- Not just me.

I'm gonna need all my best men.
That includes you.

Been a while since I've been hunting.


Whoo! Man, I love a hunting trip.

Ensign Mason has taken a field radio.

As usual we will operate at EMCON.

They will report in, but we will not respond.

We do expect the teams
will fall out of range.

When they do, we'll go to a flare system.

Green means, "No radio contact
available, but all is okay."

Red means, "No radio,
and things are not okay."

Hope we never see that red flare,
but we're prepared in case we do.

- I need a lookout on the bridge wing.
- Aye, commander.

Look familiar?

Well, this is the edge of the reserve.

As I recall, there's a stream
in there near a waterfall.

The monkeys would congregate there
because of the clean water.

- Report our position back to the ship.
- Yes, sir.

Tex, Burk, stay here
with Mason and Dr. Scott.

- The rest of us will scout the area.
- Captain Chandler...

You're staying here.

Got it. They just disembarked
at the western edge of the reserve...

southern bank, still in radio range.

Hey, uh, doc, you got a fella?

The last I heard, he was in Beijing,
but that was months ago now.

He's a journalist. Travels a lot.

And you?

Oh, I'm a bit of a rolling stone,
as you might imagine.

A man your age, never married?

A man my age?

Hit a soft spot, did I?

Oh, I'm 2-percent body fat, honey.
Ain't no soft spot to hit.

Except for that 2 percent.


She is a smart one, isn't she?


Oh, you hear that? Water.



Masks! Now! Masks!

- El Toro!
- El Toro!

Fall back, fall back.

- There's nothing we can do for you. Sorry.
- Back to the boats now.

I'm sorry. We cannot help you.

Jesus, where are they all coming from?

Get away! Get off me!

- Get off him!
- El Toro, signor.

- Back to the boats now!
- El Toro!

- I'm sorry, we can't help you.
- Stay back!

- Move, move, move!
MAN: El Toro!

Hey, Burky.


- Perks of Gitmo, my man.
- I'll wait.

We've got trouble.

Start your engines!

You are out of here now! Back to the James!

I cannot risk you going upriver,
and it's not open for debate.

We'll get you an assortment of monkeys.
You'll have to make do.

Now, Burk!

GARNETT: They're splitting up.
That was not the plan.

MASON: According to this chart, the nearest
town is 20 miles in on that side of the river.

They made it all the way here
through the jungle on foot?

- What about the other side of the river?
- Nothing, sir. At least not here.

They must have been
congregating by the waterfall.

There's gotta be other places
in this region to find monkeys.

Well, you know Costa Rica's no good.
According to Dr. Scott...

most of Central America's a hot zone,
not many choices.


Ma'am, Tex and Lieutenant Burk
just landed with Dr. Scott.

- She's in Decon.
- I'll debrief her in the wardroom.

Yes, ma'am.

Nathan James, this is Vulture Team. Over.

Nathan James, this is Vulture Team. Over.

We're out of range, sir.

- All right, send up the green flare.
- Yes, sir.


What the...?


- "El Toro"?
- That's what all the sick people were saying.

- Board it, sir?
- Absolutely not.

We keep moving.

The most concentrated area for the primates
is on the northern bank, deep upriver.

And the captain knows as much.
I suspect they're headed that way.

You have no reason to believe
there's human population?

No, but I don't think there'd be
any on the southern side either.

So once they are out of radio range
they can't come back in, correct?

It'll be flares from here on out.

We have to hope the weather's
clear enough that we can even see them.

Perhaps you should send a backup team
out there on the other RHIB?

Captain would've specified that.

Protocol is 48 hours,
unless we get that red flare.

Damn it.

- Oh, shit, set perimeter!
- Aah! Oh, my God!

I got you. I got you.

Listen, son, I'm not gonna lie to you.
This is gonna hurt.

Aah! Oh, God, it stings!

- It's like my leg is on fire.
- Ambush!

Ambush, ambush! U.S. Navy! Stand down!

Hold your fire! Hold your fire!

Walk. Let's go.


Straight, walk straight.


Welcome to my jungle.

I'm guessing you must be El Toro.

I am, indeed.

Who do I have the pleasure of talking to?

Tom Chandler, U.S. Navy.

Your men took our weapons,
CBR suits, and equipment.

We're gonna need them back.

You won't need your suits.
There is no virus here.

As for your weapons, I cannot have
your men with machine guns.

That would frighten my people.

Well, I'm afraid that's not acceptable.

With respect, I don't have time to debate it.

The remainder of my crew,
some 200-odd U.S. Navy sailors...

await our return aboard our destroyer,
U.S.S. Nathan James...

currently in the bay
at the mouth of the river.

If we don't return by 2300 hours,
they'll come looking.

And rest assured, they will find us.

So why are you here, commander?

We're just passing through.

- Mm.
- Looking for food, supplies.

Our man stepped on one of your traps.

Yes, your man does not look so good.

The sooner we get him back to the ship...

He is not gonna make it
back to the ship, at least not alive.

The poison in his veins is gonna kill him
soon, I am the only one with the antidote.

So you can let us
give your man the help he needs...

or you can continue
with your, uh, impotent threats.

You decide.

You give my man the antidote right now...

and you better hope
for your sake it's not too late.

John Wayne.

Clint Eastwood. American macho, no?

Don't suppose this guy's familiar
with what a Tomahawk missile can do.

You feel better?

You think your power, and not my
generosity, is gonna help your man, huh?


I'm sure you are hungry.

So we will dine, commander.

Hey, there you are.
I was hoping you'd show up.

A little late for the party,
but what's mine is yours.

The fish is pretty good.

Freshly caught this morning, or so I'm told.

The team's not back yet.

Heard as much.

No flares either. It'll be dark soon.

Yeah, they're probably all
sitting around a cozy campfire...

telling ghost stories,
roasting marshmallows.

What you saw in Guantanamo Bay...

Some of the worst of human nature.

And yet somehow...

you still manage to find the humor.

Secret source of humor
is not joy but sorrow.

Ain't no humor in heaven.

A guy named Twain said that, more or less.

You ever read Huck Finn, Tom Sawyer?
They're American classics.

"Everyone is a moon who has a dark side
which he never shows to anybody."

Yes, I know Twain.

Well, then...

we have something in common.

Marshmallows, huh?

No doubt.

You must wonder how I managed to achieve
such opulence out here in the wilderness.

We saw your yacht on our way up the river.

My captain said the waters
would be much deeper.

It turns out he was wrong, yeah.

It's impressive, no?

It took my men one week to
take everything off of the sinking ship.

Please. Delgado, come join us. Sit, sit.

This is Mayor Ervin Delgado...

former mayor of the former town,
Bocana Caoba.

He and his people, they stumbled upon us
trying to escape the virus.

Lucky for them, they found me.

Lucky for you, they had tents.

Can't imagine you thought of that...

since you were expecting to be living
off your boat.

That's very perceptive. Bravo.

And they sleep out there,
on those filthy blankets...

with no shelter from the elements,
while you live like this.

I don't expect you to understand
my methods, so, Bas, explain to them.

The society is based on the ancient Inca
system of labor exchange known as mita.

Our people provide the labor. El Toro
provides the infrastructure and protection.


Yes, sir.

Where we're from, we call that slavery.

These people are alive, while millions
around the world are not, because of me.

These guards of mine,
that trap that your man stepped on...

these are the things that keep
the people on the other side of the river...

that are sick away from here.
This is what keeps Delgado's people alive.

- Is that not right, Bas?
- Yes, El Toro.

Si. Now, please, eat, eat, eat.

The ladies have prepared a local delicacy
for you to enjoy, so...

I think his fever's going down.
Whatever he gave him seems to be working.

You think they're really gonna
let us leave here?


So how is it that you made all your money?
I'm guessing it wasn't ladies' handbags.

- No?
- I'm thinking cocaine. Heroin, maybe.

- Mm. Now you judge.
SLATTERY: I'm just trying to get a sense...

- for who we're dealing with.
- Mike.


Mm-hm. Hmm.

No, no, this... This is, uh...

This is Karina. This is the mayor's daughter.
Mayor Delgado.

Big man, big family.

All daughters, you know.
All very, very beautiful.

And this one, Karina,
she is in her prime. Well, almost.

Her younger sister, she's the real prize.


- He's a pig.
- Karina.

My father won't say it, but I will.

No, please, El Toro,
she means no disrespect.

Bas, she called me "pig."

She means no disrespect.

You say you have a ship
with guns and men.

- Then do something.
- Karina.


She's young.
There is nothing to be done here.

She does not understand.

We are safe from the plague,
and we are grateful to El Toro.

Please, tell him she has not
provoked you. Please.

Our only interest is getting out of here
with our man healthy.


- I think it's time we check on our man.
- No, I don't think so.

You have not finished your meal, and there
are several things that we need to discuss.


Several of these were found on your boat.
You want to explain to me what they're for?

Like I told you, we need food.

No fishing gear?
You hunt with tranquilizer guns?

I don't like being lied to, captain.

Not after the hospitality
that I have extended to you.

We're investigating the virus,
trying to find the cause.

We think it might come from the monkeys.

That's why we were wearing the suits.

You think the monkeys cause the virus?

It's a theory.

We have been living amongst them
for months.

In fact, you just dined on them.

If you needed monkeys,
all you had to do was ask.

It's the secrets and dishonesty
that lead to dangerous misunderstandings.

So how many do you need?


Well, we got what we came for.

- Brandy?
- Thank you, no.

You know, besides finding those cages...

my men also found your radio.

It does not get a signal
out here in the jungle.

That depends on which frequency you try.

Our comms man is the one
who stepped on your spike.

Yet you also brought flares.

They provide our position.

As a matter of fact, we fired one before we
got off our boats outside your compound.

So why the different colors?

We use red during the day
and green at night.

I believe something different.

I believe green communicates,
"All is good."

And red means, "Danger."

It's a universal language, no?

Ma'am, the lookout just saw a new flare.

Very low on the horizon,
southwest of our current position.

- Green or red?
- Green, ma'am.

Very well.

Four of them, two of us. I like our odds.

We're working on a diplomatic
solution here.

- And what about all these people?
- Not our mission.

- No?
- No.

Please, help me, please!


- Hey, what is this?
- Taking her across the river!

They're gonna leave her
with the infected people!

No, no, no. You let her go.
You let her be.

Help me!



Papa! Please.


Old Leadbottom wants me back
to help him interrogate a spy...

This never gets old. Ha, ha.

On our island?

There must be some mistake, Skip.

Gee, if there were any Japanese
on our island, we'd know about it.

You're not getting much sleep, are you?


Whoa, it's okay, it's okay.
Just me. Everything's okay.

- Something's happened.
- No.

No, I know it.

We saw the flare a couple hours ago.
It was green. Green's good.

Trust me, it's just a dream.

They killed her. The sons of bitches sent her
across to the other side, let her die like that.

I'm only gonna say this once.

Release my men immediately.


You Americans, always in charge, right?
Boss, the jefe.

You could have left today with your belly
full of mangoes and a boat full of monkeys...

but no, you just could not keep
your nose out of other people's business.

I don't know what happened here
or what you're planning.

- But let me remind you...
- Shh.

Your XO has already briefed me...

that you're gonna rain down holy hellfire
on the whole jungle. I heard the threats.

But you lost radio contact, and your ship
does not know where you are.

So, what are you gonna do? You gonna
send us to the other side of the river?

You think I can maintain a society
without rules?

Without consequences?

It's the only reason why we are still here
and the rest of the world dies around us.

Come on, you call this a society?


we'll keep your weapons, your suits,
and the rest of your equipment.

You can have your men and your lives
and your monkeys.

That is the only offer
that I give you. Is that clear?

I understand.


One more thing.

If you're thinking of sending
drones or missiles...

I just wanna remind you...

that the children will be sleeping
in the tents with me.

Starting here.

No, no.

Oh, no.

- Valeria.
- Please, no.

- Please, no.
- Please, don't do this. Don't do this!

She's too young. She's too young.

What happened? We got the monkeys?

Yeah, we got the monkeys.

Stop the boat. Stop the boat, master chief.

- This cannot stand.
- Sir, with all due respect...

I know it's not our mission, and I don't care.
We cannot leave those people like that.

I counted 13 guards.

Seven in the tent compound,
four in the village.

Two on the perimeter.

At night they might up the ante, especially
if they think we might turn around.

Gentlemen, let's keep our heads cool.
This is not the mission at hand.

We're supposed to save the world.
Shouldn't it be worth saving?

JETER: If we had Burk and Tex
and weapons, maybe, but this?

What if we don't make it back?
What happens to him?

What'll Dr. Scott do without monkeys?
What'll our crew do without its leader?

I have daughters. You have a daughter.


We came to hunt.










You can go help them.

I can make it back myself if I have to.


Go to sleep. Go to sleep.





You're finished, Bas.

It's over. Drop the knife.


I surrender.

Come on, show me that American justice.

I'm sure I'll be fine on your ship.
I've lived in considerably worse places.

So arrest me! Come on! Huh?



This place is yours now.

Not mine.


Just got word. They're on their way back.

- All of them?
- Mm-hm. All of them.

Uh, plus a boatload of monkeys.


Told you there's nothing to worry about.

Why not?

