The Last Empress (2018–…): Season 1, Episode 27 - Episode #1.27 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

Empress Dowager put poison
in the gimbap that Her Majesty made.

I saw it clearly

on that day.

Shut up! How many lives
do you think you have?

You need to tell the truth now.

Empress Dowager.

If you weren't guilty,

there's no reason
for you to frame Her Majesty.

I never saw you at her place
on that night.

How dare you lie?

Aren't you the one who stopped me
from getting a doctor when I saw

the Grand Empress Dowager lying there?

You're also the one who poisoned the food

saying you need to blame
the Empress for this!

Did you go insane? You lunatic!

This hanbok skirt is yours, isn't it?

I also checked that

the poison on this skirt is
the same one that killed Grandmother.

Why did you try to burn this secretly?


Why did

Grandmother pass away?

Who killed her?

You should admit to your crime.


Is this all true?

These are all lies.

Your Majesty,
you trust your mother, don't you?

Then what is this skirt with poison?

And what was that video?

Tell me.

The Empress and Min Yu-ra are

working together to create nonsense.

I really can't believe it.

Getting poison on my skirt
can't be used as evidence of her murder.

On top of that,
Min Yu-ra is a disgusting brat

who put sleeping pills in Mother's tea.

How can you believe her?

Then why did you lock up Ms. Ha
to threaten her?

There's no reason for you to do that.

Because I knew you were capable
of creating an absurd story like this.

I can't believe how low you are.

She's right.

I know she can be pretty evil,
but that can't be true.

She isn't that immoral!

Empress, send that skirt to the police

and request a formal investigation.

Your Majesty, what are you...

Of course, I trust you.

You would never do that.

So wouldn't it be all right

to let her do whatever she wants?

I'll take care of Min Yu-ra. Chief Cheon.

Yes, Your Majesty.

You're very bold, Empress.

You'll soon find out

how foolish it was to blame me
without any solid evidence.

What we can be sure of

is that you are somehow involved
with Grandmother's murder.

If you think you're falsely blamed,
bring me the evidence.

that you aren't the murderer.

What did you say?

Do you finally get how I feel?

-Oh Sunny--
-Should this become

any sort of threat
to Ms. Ha's and my safety,

I will send this video
to the media right away.

Two people's lives are at stake.

A solid backup plan like this is a must,
don't you think?


That... Empress. Empress!

That tramp!

Are you all right? Take a seat.

Did you get hurt?

I've been having huge headaches
ever since I was locked up.

A headache? Why?

The room was blocked off
with a concrete wall,

but I smelled a pungent floral scent.

A floral scent?

It was so strong
that it made my head hurt really bad.

A pungent floral scent?

Your Majesty!
I'll do everything as you say.

If you tell me to bear false witness
like I just did, then I'll do that too.

So please.
Please spare my life, Your Majesty.

Spare your life?

Then tell me where you buried the corpse

of Na Wang-sik's mother.

Tell me right now.

If I tell you that, you'll kill me.

I know you'll kill me
if you don't need me anymore.

How can I tell you that?

You mean you won't speak up?

Before I tell you,

promise me that
you won't send me back to that hospital.

No, if you let me work
in the palace once again,

I'll make sure I bring Na Wang-sik's head.

I don't care if I am
just a petty court lady.

Please let me live, Your Majesty.

I'll be satisfied
with just being able to wash your feet.

Are you trying to make a deal?

I have a plan.

You need me to catch Na Wang-sik.

There's no one,

no one else in this world
who knows him better than I do.

I can catch him

without you.

Chief Cheon, get rid of her.

Yes, Your Majesty.

Your Majesty! Just once.
Please trust me just this once.

I'll make sure I kill Na Wang-sik.

Your Majesty, just this once.
Give me one more chance!

Get rid of her.


Get out of my sight.

Your Majesty. Your Majesty!

Your Majesty!

No! Your Majesty!

Get rid of her.

Your Majesty. No. No!

Your Majesty! Your Majesty!

Head in first.

-You must've been surprised.
-What happened?

How did she suddenly show up?

Lee Hyeok called her
to frame the Empress Dowager.

Lee Hyeok put you up for this?

He has been dying to escape her control.

So I made a suggestion

to make use of Min Yu-ra.

Wait, then she just lied?

She was probably desperate

to keep her life.

But in the end, it's not that bad.

For now, the Empress Dowager
is the key suspect.

And we need to do everything we can
to drive her into the corner.

She's very sly.

I got rid of Min Yu-ra.

I didn't think she would come back alive.

What a persistent woman.

I want to rip her into pieces!

How dare she come back looking like that
to cause trouble in the Imperial House?

Calm down, Mother.

People will get more suspicious of you.

There's nothing to be afraid of
if you aren't guilty.

Your Majesty.

You should tell me now.

What happened on the day
of the Grand Empress Dowager's death?

Why are you so shocked?

I already knew before you told me.

I know what you did with my hairpin.

The Inspection Board will hold a meeting
tomorrow morning.

Then they will find out
Empress So-hyeon's case too.

You're the only one who can stop
the Grand Empress Dowager.

It's not the time to just sit around.

You're right. She's not in her right mind.

How can she accuse me?
I'm the Emperor of this nation!

She already abandoned me.

Your Majesty. Where are you going?





Did you just try to kill me?

I hoped it wouldn't be true.

I hoped and believed
that you wouldn't do that.

What are you so afraid of
that you would go so far

and try to kill me?

I'm not afraid of anything.

Tell me the truth. What are you hiding?

The truth about Empress So-hyeon's death?

Or did you try to kill Sunny?

Tell me!

Yes! I killed Empress So-hyeon!

She betrayed me
and had a kid with another man!

She's the one who abandoned me first!

Is that your excuse?

Empress So-hyeon was
a devoted woman who only loved you!

I can't believe you got suspicious of her!

Why did you turn into such a monster?

Have you gone senile?

Do you want
the Imperial House to be destroyed?

The Imperial House isn't important!

Look at yourself!

There is no reason or value
for the Imperial House to exist!

This is the Imperial House I kept going
as I got beaten up by my father.

You have no right to do that!

This is a humiliation
that I will not stand!

I will bring you down with my own hands!

You can't do this as you wish.
So you need to give up.

Will you be happy only after
your grandson becomes a murderer?

Cancel your meeting
with the Inspection Board!

Let me go!

I swear that I did not kill her.

Of course, you didn't.

How could the Emperor,
the head of this Imperial House,

poison his grandmother to death?

I never even dreamed of that.

Even if you killed her,

I'm sure she deserved it.


If they find out that hairpin was yours,

you will be cornered even more than now.

I didn't testify

for your sake, Mother.

As if.

You kept silent, for you were afraid
that they might find your fingerprints.

-Lower your voice.

People may think we grew suspicious
of each other and began to fight.

You need to tell me the truth.

What happened

in Grandmother's place on that day?


This isn't good.

-What is this?

If you truly wish
to abandon your grandson,

you must kill me first.

Are you

threatening me right now?

His Majesty is
the supreme ruler of this country.

I would rather die.

I'd rather drink this poison and die

than to see him

get accused and punished.


You witch. You evil witch!

How dare you threaten your mother-in-law
with your death?

So please stop here.

Please protect His Majesty
and the Imperial House, Mother.

Empress Dowager, it's not too late.

You and His Majesty should
admit to your crimes

and beg for forgiveness.

I'll cover you in any way I can.


I didn't do anything too bad
that requires my apology,

and above all, I can't trust you.

You are the one
who should sit and do nothing.

I'll patch it up in any way I can.


Let's take this to the end.

It was you who turned His Majesty
into the monster he is now,

and it was you
who drove Yoon out of the palace.

It was all because of you!

You will have to pay
for everything you did.

Let's put an end to this, Mother.

I served Mother

to the best of my extent
throughout my whole life.

I would have done something long ago
if I wanted to hurt her.

Why would I play such an awful move
when anyone could be

suspicious of me?

Don't you think so?

That's why you needed another suspect.

Isn't that why you put poison
on the Empress's gimbap ?

I never did that!

Then why was the poison on your skirt?

Convince me,

and try to make some sense.

She spilled it on me.

I went to persuade her,
but she got me instead.

That's the truth.

Mother, you and I both know
one thing for sure.

That Sunny didn't kill her.

But why were you never curious

about the real culprit?

Isn't it because you know the real killer?

Doesn't that apply to you too?

You took my hairpin

and went over to see her.

Then she was found dead
with the hairpin stuck in her chest.

Could it get any clearer than that?

I have to know to cover it up.

You must depend on me, Your Majesty.

Mother, you can
never win against me anymore.

I am no longer a puppet.

I'm not something that you toy around

in your hands anymore.

How dare she use Min Yu-ra
to make a fool of me?

Disgraceful bitch.

You can't let her go on like this.

Of course, I can't.

I'll get her divorced no matter what
and kick her out.

Fill up her schedule
with all the work that she can do.

And make sure they're all straining.

She'll learn to fear the Imperial House
once she's tired.

I will get to it immediately.

Oh, wait.

Should I mess with her mind first?


Mr. Oh. Have you been well?

Don't you want to know
how the Empress is doing nowadays?


Lee Hyeok took my side to attack his mom?

But the Empress Dowager
won't just sit still.

Darn it, there's so much dust
even though I clean up every day.


Goodness, my girl.

My sweet baby!

Why is your room so cold?

It's a bit hot for me.
You know I have a high body temperature.

How did you suddenly get here?
You should've called me.

The Empress Dowager called me
and said I may visit,

so I ran over right away.

Dad, hold on.

Would you like some coffee?

Did you have lunch?
I have everything here.

But your room looks...

Wow, your room looks

so delicately organized.

It's wonderful.


Do you do your own laundry,
clean up after yourself,

and make your own food too?

What? Yes. That's easier for me.

I'm not good at ordering people around.

Yes, you're like that.

And it's better to move around.
If you don't, your body will get stiff.

Anyway, what's this?


I was craving some chicken.

It looks so good.

It's so good. Look, the skin.

The food in the Imperial House is
too healthy,

so it's not really my taste.

This is it.

Our chicken is the best.

Yes, that's why I brought

all the side dishes that you love.

Look. Look at these.

You might get sick, so eat slowly.

Goodness, I shouldn't have brought this.

I should've brought you some beer.
Gosh, I'm so stupid.


Is everything okay at home?

Are Mr. Byeon and Dong-sik doing well?

Of course, we're all doing fine.

There's nothing to worry about. Goodness.

Hey, just I took another look around,

and I've got to say you've done
such a great job in organizing your room.

You have everything you need
in every single corner.

Wow, it looks very comfortable.

Great job. Good!


I'm good at doing chores,

and I used to cook
back when I did musicals at the theater.

This is a piece of cake.

Gosh, there's nothing you can't do,
is there, my daughter?


Sunny, take your time and eat.

I need to use the restroom.

Gosh, I need to go.

Why did you bring me back here?

This isn't what you promised.

You're the one who broke the promise.

You said you'll do anything
if we let you go.

I even bore false witness
at the danger of getting beaten up

and killed by the Empress Dowager.
What more do you want?

Where's Na Wang-sik's mom's body?

Tell me that first if you wish to live.

I can't tell you.

That's my only card.
I need to hold out as much as I can.

Let's see how long His Majesty holds out.

Na Wang-sik isn't such an easy fight.

He'll turn into a wreck

before he finds me again.

Is that so?

Then you can try to hold out.

Can you call the Empress?

I helped her out.

She can't let me die in a place like this.

Please get her!

Hold her down.

Stop. Stop it!



Keep up your spirit, Sunny.

Don't get shaken up.

When did you get here, Chief Cheon?

Your father must have stopped by.

Yes, he brought me all these side dishes

and told me to eat well and hold out.


Did Min Yu-ra tell you

where your mom is?

Not yet.

I'll make sure she tells me.

That evil woman.

What is she holding out for?
Ripping her mouth sounds more like it.

Do you think I can find my mom?

Of course.

You definitely will, I'm sure.

You haven't had lunch, have you?
Do you want to have some with me?

We're in a war with the Empress Dowager,

so we need to eat well to be prepared.

The room is rather cold.
Are you all right?

Yes, I'm fine.

Let me know whenever you need something.

Thank you for your concern, Chief Cheon.

It's nothing.

No, why should I leave?

Why should I?

What do you think?

Isn't this a feast?
Don't you feel hungry already?

I won't eat. I get fat easily.

You can eat for today.

People say it's zero calories
if it tastes good enough.

Hocus Pocus, you're hypnotized.

You have to eat well
to take your medicine.

I heard your painkiller is strong.

Man, you really won't listen.

I'll just have to show you
how good my lettuce wrap is.

Here goes.

I'm all right, really.


And vegetable.


You must be dying of hunger
because you haven't had anything to eat.

Gosh, this is pork belly.

Dong-sik waited ages for you
to come back and have it with you.

Man, I almost died of hunger.

Isn't it amazing?

Have some of this too.

Isn't this makgeolli ?

You can have a glass as medicine.

I get sick very often
after I moved in here.

I couldn't digest the food here very well.

Have some of this too.

Chief Cheon.

Your Majesty.

-What are you doing here?

No, take a seat.

That looks good.

I'll have some too.

Eat up, Chief Cheon.

What are you doing?

Why did you suddenly come to
a stranger's place as if we're friends?

What? A stranger's place?

There's no strange place in the palace.
Everything is mine.

That's mine. This is mine, too.

This and that, this and that.

And this...

That's mine too.

Everything is mine.

My dad brought these,
so these aren't yours.


This, this, and this, too!

Everything is mine, okay?

If the Emperor wants it, he can have it.

Everything is mine!

Excuse me.

He went home quietly? After he saw her?

He should have just dragged her home.

Like father, like daughter.

-What about her schedule?
-She needs to go make kimchi

and volunteer to help
the elderly who live alone.

Make sure she's so busy
that she has no time to eat.

I'll show her that
she can't live as an empress for free.

What about the novel
that her sister wrote?

Where did she get the source?

I looked into Vincent Lee,
and something is a bit odd.

The agency in the U.S. said
Vincent Lee is a man.

A man?

Look more into it.

What in the world is Oh Hello up to?

Did you call for me, Your Highness?


Come closer.

What's going on?

It has been forever
since I left Sunny in your hands.

Why haven't you gotten a hold
of some girl like her?

Did I overestimate you?

We began to get closer.
Give me a little more time.

I can't wait for long.
You'll have to bring me something good.

I'll do my best.

-You may go.
-Yes, Your Highness.

Mr. Mo. Did you get the document?

What? You don't have it?

I told Princess So-jin to sign it
and give it to you.

I'll check once again.

What are you doing here?

What were you doing in my empty room?

Oh, right.

I came to give you this.

I found this in the backyard.
Isn't this yours?

I saw you with this last time.

Why was my ring there?

Wait, did one of the court ladies
try to steal it?

This isn't good. I'll show them...

I'll look into it.
You don't have to step up.

I'll tell the guards
to pay extra attention to your place.


How can you be so trustworthy?

If you shared this place with me,

I wouldn't need any extra security.

I'm sorry.

But what are these papers?

It's like my part-time job.

It's my mother's company,
but it's listed under my name.

I make quite a fortune
if I just sign off these documents.

Oh, right.
I was supposed to hand it over yesterday.

You should look more into it.
What if you get in danger?

Why would Mother
try to con her own daughter?

I have a few more of these,
but there was no problem until now.

But still, I'm worried about you.

If this causes any trouble later,
it'll only make your life hard.

I don't want that.

Wait, are you worried about me, My Bin?

You're right.
My mother could con me all right.

She gave me the Imperial Shopping Center
then took it away at once too.

I can't seem to trust her.

Bin, what should I do?

Then should I look into it in secret?

-Can you do that for me?
-Of course.

It's you of all people. Of course, I will.

I sent you a document
regarding a paper company.

Can you look into it?

The actual owner
seems to be the Empress Dowager,

and their main bank is in Switzerland.

We were in love

We met and became

Cheonggeum Island.

Cheonggeum Island?

Princess A-ri, are you okay?

It hurts, Mother.

It hurts me so much.

I'm sorry, Your Highness. I'm so sorry.

Are you all right? Does it hurt a lot?

Should I bring some medicine?

Why didn't you hold it tighter?

What are you doing?

Hey, you.
You did it on purpose, didn't you?

No, why would I do that?

You suddenly pulled on it.

What? So what?

Are you saying this is my fault?

Is it the Princess's fault?


Did you pull on it?

It's not like that.

Even if I pulled on it,

if you held onto it tightly,
I wouldn't have gotten hurt.

You suddenly pulled on it really hard,

so my hand gave out.

Princess, apologize to her.

How can a princess
apologize to a court lady, Mother?

You must apologize
if you did something wrong.

Princess A-ri, apologize to her.

No, Your Majesty.
She can't apologize to me.

Come on.


Hold onto it a bit tighter next time.

You don't feel sorry at all, do you?

If you do not regret what you did
and look back on it,

I will punish you in my own way.

Do not accept her apology
unless it seems sincere.


I'm really sorry. Okay?

So take this money
and put in a good word to her.

I don't need an apology like this.

You can choose one of these.

Each one of these is worth
much more than your year's salary.

So accept my apology. Now!

I don't want to, Your Highness.

Do you really plan on
making a fortune out of this?

Princess So-jin was right.

The poor will use any opportunity
to get more whenever we're nice.

I really can't believe this.

Princess A-ri.

Follow me.

What do you think you did wrong?

What did you do wrong, Princess?

I really have no idea.

I just did as I was taught.

Both Princess So-jin and Nanny Seo

said I should never bow my head down
to my subordinates.

They said money can solve
all of life's problems too.

What did I do so wrong?

Come here.

That's not how you apologize.

And money isn't everything either.

An apology is trying to understand
how the other person is hurt.

I'm sorry, Mother.

Then will you take my apology?

Princess, you have so much more to learn.

What should we do?

Let's see. Does it hurt?

Get better soon.

Get well soon.


It's him.


Man, I guess you got lucky and lived.

But until the day you die,
you'll live in torment.

I will torture you until you die.

Where's my mom's body?

I don't know.
Go ask your girlfriend, Min Yu-ra.

That bitch, Min Yu-ra.
Hasn't she said anything yet?

She's more tenacious than I thought.
She's holding out to the end.

Why don't you

make a deal with her, Your Majesty?

A deal? With her?

I'd rather have her die.
Why should I do that?

Just as she used you,

you can use her and leave her.

And until you find
the celadons and gold bars,

you'll lose more if you kill her now.

You should...

give her what she wants for now.

People said the event
was meaningful in how we depicted

the 100 years of history
of the Imperial House

as well as looking out to our future
with young customers.

And the concert played the biggest role.

This is a draft of the news release.


That was perfect.

I knew Ms. Oh's idea would work.

I need to move out soon.

You can't do that.

Have you worked anywhere else?

Of course. I know I'll do a great job.

Goodness, but you're so handsome.

I think we'll get more customers.

You're very beautiful too, ma'am.

Will you be quiet, Mr. Lee?


I just want to say, you'd look like
a runway model in an apron.

Nice to meet you today.
I'll give you a call.

You can still call me
even if I don't get this job.

Should I hand out some more flyers?


I got you.

-Ms. Hello.
-I knew you would do this.

Mr. Lee. Why are you
taking down the flyers I put up?

It's not like that.

I mean, you can just hire
that part-timer you met.

Why are you putting these up again?

You two looked so happy together.

Goodness, you saw us?

Isn't he really hot and stylish?

He looks like a model.

Hello, do you like any man?


I only like you, Mr. Lee.

-I told you

that I like you.

Can't you be honest?

You like me too.

That's why you're so angry.

Why are you so complicated?

If you like me, you like me.

-Great work.
-Great job.

Thank you.

Great work today.

Are you up for another part-time job
other than this photo shoot?

What kind of job is it?

So here's the concept.


I let you go as promised. So tell me.

Where's Na Wang-sik's mom's body?

Will His Majesty keep his promise
and call me back into the palace?

Stop playing tricks and tell me now!

If Na Wang-sik finds out,
he won't let you live.

Is that all right?

I threw her out
under the bridge by the river.

It's probably somewhere
near the bridge post.

It'll be really tough to find
between all the trash.

You're here, Your Majesty.

What do you have to tell me
about Princess A-ri?


I'm really heartbroken, Your Majesty.

Her Majesty beat the Princess.

The Empress? Why?

Princess A-ri got hurt
because a court lady was incautious.

However, Her Majesty took her side

and made Princess A-ri apologize,
before giving her a lashing.

How could she hit a tiny little girl?

I asked her to not do it again
because I was too heartbroken.

But I got kicked out instead.

She said I'm not her mother.

I'm really heartbroken.

Do you know what I regret the most?

What is it, Your Majesty?

Laying my hands on you seven years ago.

You aren't a woman to me.

You weren't back then,
just as you aren't now.

And you'll never be one.

Your Majesty.

Don't you pity me?

You're A-ri's biological mother.

That's everything you'll ever be.

You shouldn't look down on me like this,
Your Majesty.

I know much more than

how much you think I know.



Did you

just try to kill me?

I saw everything there, Your Majesty.

If you treat me like this,
we'll have to become enemies.

Take this.


This way, please.

What was that? Was that a guest?

It's nothing.

Anyway, are you sure
you took care of Min Yu-ra?

Of course, I did.

I took good care of her. Don't worry.

Then we can just get rid of Sunny now.


We can't let her
sit there and humiliate me,

calling me a murderer.

Let's leave Chief Cheon to it.

I think he's doing well as planned.

It won't look great
if you step in right now.

Rumor is spreading among court ladies
that you are the real culprit.

I didn't say I'll kill her.
Don't be alarmed.

Your Majesty, just wait and see
what your mother will do for you.

Hello, it's not really
Good Morning Empress today.

Let's start off as Good Evening Empress.

I came in a hurry
to make a huge announcement.

-Is she retiring?
-Maybe she's pregnant.

-What could it be?
-Clickbait, probably.

I wish to disclose indisputable evidence

that I am not the killer
of the Grand Empress Dowager.

Let me make a phone call with the witness

who can prove my innocence.

She called me.

Isn't she lying? I think she is.
It's Like The Shepherd Boy.

How can we trust you?
She planted someone again.

Let's hear her out before we bash her.

-Ms. Ha Cheong-dan?

This is Oh Sunny, the Empress.
We met yesterday.

How do you feel?

I'm not Ha Cheong-dan.

I'm Sunny's junior, Lee Hyeon-ju.

Lee Hyeon-ju?

The crow from the musical? That Hyeon-ju?

I can't believe how you cut me off
after you married the Emperor.

-You made me sad.
-Why did you suddenly call?

What is it?

I wanted to report a heartwarming story.

She borrowed 10 million won from me
before she got married,

and the Empress Dowager paid it back.

Sunny's family was doing
really bad financially,

so they had to take out a private loan.

Hey, Hyeon-ju.

What are you talking about?

-The Empress Dowager didn't...
- The Empress's debt scandal.

What is this, Tale of Sim Chong?

She lived in my neighborhood,
and yes, they were dirt-poor.

What? Her in-laws paid off her debt

and gave her a new life?

Sunny went through so much trouble

because her dad was infamous

as the guy with a lot of debt
and no conscience.

May I go now?

Of course. Great work.

Let me know if you have
more heartwarming stories about her.

I'll see you again.

So why did you begin
your stupid live streaming?

I called the media

and online portal sites
to blow up the case.

Get a lot of part-timers
to write awful comments.

Oh Sunny married
the Imperial House for money.

What happened to her love scandal?

She's a type that has affairs.

I feel bad for the Emperor.
Is their awful relationship true?

Are they only a couple on paper?

That's enough.

I don't care what you say to me,

but don't say that about my family.

I mean, you don't even know.

It's because she grew up without a mom.

It's obvious she never learned
any better as a kid.

Gosh, you're so scary. I can't even talk.

Her mom went through so much trouble

and suddenly died ten years ago.

I heard she suddenly passed away
because of frustration.

That'll be all for tonight.



My Empress. What's going on?



I can't believe people are
still saying these absurd things.

My Empress and I are doing well.

Please stop writing
these speculative comments.

My Empress is soft-hearted.

If she cries again tonight,

-I have to comfort her.
- I guess they are doing well.

They're so cute together.

What? It's already spring there.

Man, I'm so jealous.

I shouldn't have watched it.
I feel even lonelier.

Okay, let's stop.


Come play with me tonight.

Come on, Sunny.

Your Majesty, what are you up to?

Why are you protecting her?

Hold on.

What are you doing?

Who said you're allowed
to come in here as you please?

What a fresh new way
to say how thankful you are, My Empress.

I just saved you.

-Don't you think you're a bit too mean?
-What are you saying?

I don't need your help.

Get out of here now.

If you're thankful,
you can give me some instant coffee.

We aren't in a relationship
to have some coffee together.

Don't be so angry!

I want to

get along with you.

Have you gone insane?

Who are you trying to kill?

Get out of here.

Happy now?

Please leave. Get out of here!

I am getting out.

What are you doing right now?

I didn't think our trouble

would help improve our image.

You need to do that anyway to divorce her.

I don't wish

to divorce her just yet.


Weren't Your Majesty
the one who tried to get her killed?

I'm getting a bit drunk
because of the wine.

Please excuse me. Goodnight.

This doesn't feel right.

Find out what's going on with His Majesty.



Mom, I'm sorry.

I'm too late, aren't I?

You used to...

You used to get cold so easily,

and you hated the dark.


Are you going out
to ride your motorcycle again?

When you're drunk?

I just

felt a bit frustrated.

I'll be back after I get some air.


What if you get into another accident?

That won't happen. That was a mistake.

If it wasn't for me,

you would have died ten years ago.

Did you forget already?

Why did you let him on a motorcycle
if he was wasted?

His enthronement is around the corner.
What is this tragedy?

I apologize, Your Majesty.

Get the best surgeons into his operation.

You must save him no matter what!


What are you talking about?

There's no blood for him?

He has a unique type of blood.

We contacted all the hospitals around,
but we have no time to wait.

-The bleeding is too severe.
-Get more blood no matter what it takes.

Go get it by helicopter or steal it.
Do whatever it takes.

Well, actually,

we have just received

some RH negative AB blood...

But there's another patient
who's supposed to use it.

What is this nonsense?

No one's even close to important
next to the Crown Prince.

I don't care if anyone
dies in the process.

Use that blood to save him first!

I'll pay you handsomely for that.

Yes, Your Highness.

Will you make me anxious again

after all that you went through?

We worked so hard to earn this throne.

Why do you keep ruining it?

I probably should have died back then.

There's nothing I can do as I please!

I can't kill you now.

You're my only puppet

to get this Imperial House going.

I thought you got the blood.

You said you could save my mom.

We couldn't save her
because it didn't get here

in time.

Oh, no. Eun-su.

No, Mom.

-My dear Eun-su.

-I need to see her.

-You said you could save her.

She'll get scared if she's left alone!

Let me go! Stop it!

No, Mom! Mom! No...




What were you dreaming about?

Subtitle translation by Eun-sook Yoon