The Last Empress (2018–…): Season 1, Episode 25 - Episode #1.25 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
(This drama is a fictional depiction of a constitutional monarchy.)

(Episode 25)

- Your Majesty. - Die!

Your Majesty! Your Majesty!



Hey, what are you doing?

I asked what you were doing.

I must have startled you. I apologize.

What were you thinking?

You said their plan was to kick me out...

with another love scandal between you and me.

I must make Lee Hyuk want you again.

That's ridiculous.

I can never be a woman to Lee Hyuk.

I'm asking you to tempt him.

Only then, we can bring him down.

I came back here to uncover the truth.

I neither want to know about his feelings...

nor intend to tempt his heart even more.

The very thought of it makes me sick.

This is Chun Woo Bin.

Yes, come in.

Did you want to see me?

I could not answer the phone as I was assisting the Empress.

Well, are you getting...

close to the Empress?

She is grateful for the incident when I saved her life.

What? She's grateful?

When you had pushed her off the cliff before?

Just because a man who tried to kill her saved her once,

she's thankful for that?

She understood my circumstance as I was carrying out an order...

from you.

She understood?

My gosh, what an easy woman she is.

I knew that the Empress was easy!

I thought I had to get close to her as soon as I could.

I was late. Please accept my apology.

No need to apologize. You're doing a great job!

I must expose her with a scandal and kick her out as soon as I can.

I will be able to breathe only when that woman is gone.

- I will hurry. - You'd better!

Did you handle Yu Ra without any problems?

Yes, the vehicle was completely destroyed by the fire.

Close down her chamber and discard all the stuff she was using.

I will comply as you instructed,

but will you be all right?

You treasured her quite a lot.

She only approached me out of greed.

I was getting sick of her trying to gain something by using me.

How bold. She was lying to me.

I learned once again women can't be trusted.


You won't betray me, right?

I've already given my life to you, Your Majesty.

Thank you.

You're all I've got, Woo Bin.

You're like a brother to me.

I hope you'd do the same.

They say that doesn't exist in the palace,

but I want to become real brothers with you.

Will you do it?

What's the benefit of becoming your brother?

I can do anything you want.

Then please do me a favor.

That's not hard. What is it?

Say the word. I'd like to hear it.

I'll save it. But...

you have to do it for me, Your Majesty.

Think of something big.

I'd like to see how big the Emperor's brother thinks.

Oh my. Your Majesty.

What are you doing?

And what are you wearing?

I can't use the laundry room,

so I washed them by hand,

but have nowhere to hang them to dry.

You should flick laundry like this before hanging them to dry.

- Right? - Stop it...

My apologies, Your Majesty.

I couldn't spin-dry it.

Don't give me that look.

If you're displeased, just leave.

Why do you keep smiling?

Did something good happen?

Good morning, Chief Chun.

Your hands must be cold. Would you like my help?

No, it's fine. There aren't that many.

It's okay.

Are you okay, Your Majesty?


Thank you, Chief Chun.

You have such quick reflexes.

Not at all.

You are so simple.

You smile at any given time and jump into anyone's arms.

That's why I married you.

If I were complicated and difficult,

I never would've liked someone like you.

I was happy whenever you were even slightly nice to me,

like some stupid idiot.

I'm so glad...

you taught me how the world really is.

You must be very grateful toward me.

Yes, immensely.

Chief Chun, let's go.

Yes, Your Majesty.

I just can't like her.


My gosh.

Is this how the Empress lives?

The heater doesn't work.

I need at least this much if I'm to feed myself.

These are necessary items for living alone.

Would you like some instant coffee?

No thank you.

You don't drink things like this, right?

You have such a delicate palate.

Let's see.

Smells great.

Coffee tastes best sweet.

It kills your fatigue.

This is why a proper upbringing is so important.

She had no mother to learn from.

That's why she is acting like this.

Did your mother die irresponsibly...

after raising her daughter like this?


It's clear how the mother lived...

when you look at the daughter.

Did your mother...

have no manners or self-respect like you?

But then again,

the husband was addicted to gambling,

so the family was probably a mess.

You're right.

I'll try my best to become more refined.

This place is not worthy of us.

They will read Mother's will this afternoon,

so do not be late.

Let's go, Your Majesty.

Mom. Don't listen to those jerks.

Why are you irresponsible and lack self-respect?

There's no one more responsible and beautiful as you.

I'm okay,

so don't get weak, Mom.

How could she be so crude?

We never should've made her the Empress.

I apologize profusely.

Why is that your fault?

It was all Yu Ra's fault.

I didn't get to consult you beforehand,

but I took care of her last night.

Is that true?

How did you decide to do such a thing?

She deceived me and lied till the very end.

Everything was a lie.

I regret not listening to you sooner.

As long as you know the truth now.

She wasn't right for you to begin with.

I should give my good son a gift.

I plan to dethrone Yoon so he is no longer the Crown Prince.

Do you mean it?

I've already notified the Prime Minister.

At the Imperial Auditors' meeting today,

they will decide to dethrone him.

You'll take on your authority...

as the Crown Prince?

I've been absent for too long.

I should get my act together.

- But the Empress Dowager... - What?

Did my mother...

ask to dethrone me or something?

Since I've made my intentions clear,

I presume today's Imperial Auditors' meeting is canceled.

But it was called already.

We should still do our jobs.

The topic of today's meeting, the Crown Prince's dethronement,

has been rendered moot since Crown Prince Yoon...

stated he'd take on his authority.

Thus, I propose to discuss another matter instead.

The new matter is to change the accession law...

to apply to women as well.

Are you saying we should accept female Emperors?

That's correct.

The Emperor has only one child, Princess Ari.

Thus, we should keep the option of an empress regnant.

I would like to take a vote now.

(Change in Accession Law A: For, B: Against)

(Change in Accession Law A: For 7, B: Against 3)

Prime Minister.

What do you mean, male-female equality in accession to the throne?

I said to dethrone the Crown Prince. What absurdity is this?

The Emperor is still young. What is the urgency?

Unfortunately, the law was just passed.

I didn't call for your opinion.

I called to notify you of the result.

It passed?

Are you saying we'll accept an empress regnant?

How dare you decide on the Imperial Family's matters without me?

Come to the palace at once!

Hello? Prime Minister!

This man is insane.

Where does he get the nerve?

Empress regnant? He wouldn't be thinking of Princess Ari, would he?

Kang Hee couldn't possibly control the Prime Minister,

but I can't give her wings.

I'm must go to her at once.

What brings you here, Your Highness?

When a person is warm and full,

she starts to get greedy.

The Emperor apparently comes here now and then,

but don't get any stupid ideas.

I would never.

Like I said before, I don't want for anything.

I don't trust people.

I especially don't believe what someone who betrayed me says.

What must I do for you to believe me?

You must not have any other children other than Ari.

Can you show me that?

If you don't want to do it, just leave the palace.

Decide now.

Ari has become a princess,

and she is living in the palace.

I owe you for that alone.

Please do not doubt me any longer.

Of course, you must.

If you wish to stay alive, that is.

You will feel weak from the injection for a few days.

I'm ridding you of the pain to become a mother from now on.

It's not all bad.

I don't need any more children other than Ari.

My Ari will become the reigning Empress.

Before it's too late, I plan to sort out Mother's inheritance.

I am completely sober today.

I am ready to accept my inheritance. Please tell us now.

Hold on. I'm waiting for one more attendee.


Who invited that jerk?

Your Majesty.

I am delighted to meet the Crown Prince.

"Crown Prince"?

Your Majesty, please forgive me for the late introduction.

I am the Crown Prince of the Korean Empire, Lee Yoon.

Nice to meet you.

I am glad you are joining us.

Please take a seat.

Now that everyone is present, I will now reveal the will.

"I, Jo Tae Ja, declare the following to be my will."

"I leave behind all of my assets to Emperor Lee Hyuk..."

"and Empress Dowager Kang Eun Nan to be divided into two."


All of her assets?

"40 percent of the Empire of Korea Shopping Complex's shares,"

"all of the money and bonds in the main branch of Bank of Korea,"

"the Imperial Building in Apgujeong,"

"and 495,867m² of land in Hanam..."

"will be equally divided between the mentioned individuals."

"I will leave behind the Imperial vacation island, Chungeum Island..."

- "to the Empress Dowager." - What?

You were dying to have that island.

And now, you have finally taken it.

What did you do to Grandmother to get all these assets?

And to the Empress, Oh Sunny,

the deceased had left this.

She gave me this painting?

Grandmother left me this?

That's Chungeum Island.

It's an Imperial vacation island on the west coast.

The painting is quite beautiful.

You must treasure it.

I am sure she left me this for a reason.

I will thankfully accept this.

- Something is off. - Something is definitely off.

I understand why she would only get a painting, as she's not related,

but what about me? Why did I not get anything?

- Does this even make sense? - Of course, not.

This is nothing like Grandma.

I am certain something had gone wrong.

You turned your back on the Family,

but you want to collect money from us?

It's Grandmother's assets.

I will not meddle if it was her intention,

but if someone fabricated Grandmother's will,

I must straighten it out.

If you are that suspicious,

you should have stayed by her side when she was alive.


you can ask her if Mother comes back alive.

This doesn't count! It's all void!

Even if she hates me,

how come I didn't even receive a painting?

I am going to cut my ties with Grandmother.

Have you decided to be in the front now?

I heard from Mr. Byun. You are protecting the Empress.

I did not have a chance to give this to her as she was surprised.

What is this?

This is Empress So Hyun's diary.

I have been keeping it, and Mr. Byun read it through,

but both of us did not find anything unusual.

I wondered if she would be able to find something.

I am sure the Prince had a lot on his mind.

Did you know that he was the Prince?

- I'm sorry. - You should've told me if you knew.

Why didn't you? You only made a fool out of my family.

He has already turned his back on the Family.

Empress Dowager and Lee Hyuk are trying to depose him.

And he asked me to give this to you.

What's that?

It's Empress So Hyun's diary he took from her chambers seven years ago.

Why did she only draw in her diary?

She didn't write at all.

This is Chungeum Island.


It's the Imperial vacation island, Chungeum Island.

And this is the painting Grandmother left behind for me.

They look identical.

It's odd that both of them left the same drawing.

Empress Dowager really wanted to have it.

We must find out more about the island.

I reckon there must be a secret on this island.

Right. The court lady who had eaten the gimbap on the same day.

Did you find her?

Not yet.

That's too bad.

Even the Chief Guard can't check the personnel records.

I have someone who can help.

I am here to see the personnel records of the court ladies.

May I ask what this regards to?

I cannot show the records to just anyone.

Am I just "anyone"?

I am the Princess of the Korean Empire.

Soon, I will need my own court ladies.

I must see the records...

to handpick only the elites.

Why? Should I call Father?

Right away.

You can search them here, Your Highness.

Here you go, Mother.

It's the address and the telephone of the court lady, Ha Cheong Dan.

You are amazing.

By the way, if you wanted to send her a present,

you could have asked the HR.

Why did you ask me to do this for you?


I only asked you to do this not to circulate a rumor...

that I had a favorite court lady.

Indeed. You are very thoughtful, Mother!

Thank you so much.

This is your present.

A present for me?

Thank you.

(Personnel File, Ha Cheong Dan)

You should not be eating this.

You must eat only the nutritious snacks.

Mother cooked this herself for me.

And this is very delicious.

It's way tastier than the snacks you serve me.

Why did you not let me eat this delicious snack before?

It may be delicious, but it is not healthy.

Why did the Empress give you something like this?

Are you criticizing my mother in front of me?

How dare you be so rude!

Your Highness.

Let me warn you.

Do not pretend to know me...

when we run into each other in the palace.

Bravo! That serves you right!

You raised her for seven years,

but you lost her to someone else.

I was her mother for seven years, and now, the Empress is her mother.

It seems like there hasn't been...

a single time in seven years that she called you mother.

Please just sip on your drink, Your Highness.

I am telling you this because I am heartbroken.

Want to hear good news?

His Majesty has gotten rid of Yu Ra.

- Is that true? - That's right.

Good luck.

You may be unable to get the daughter you gave birth to,

but you may be able to get the Emperor.

Since the Empress is already out of the picture.

Am I wrong?

The Emperor dumped Yu Ra?

(50 dollars)

Chief Chun.

Chief Chun!

What is it, Your Majesty?

What happened here?

- It was Yu Ra. - Min Yu Ra?

This safe can only be opened with my or her fingerprint.

The cash is one thing,

but over 50 million dollar's worth of antiques and jewelry are missing.

She's the one who wanted to play and ended up losing every round.

I didn't see anything when I went through her things.

I'll expand my search.

Yu Ra.

How dare you touch my things?

Lead the way, Woo Bin.

Yes, Your Majesty.

(Sunil Mental Hospital)

Your Majesty.

Did you save me?


Are you happy to be alive?

Deceiving me wasn't enough, you stole from me as well?

Did you think you could die peacefully...

after using the Emperor?

You're mistaken. I'll explain everything.

Please listen to me, Your Majesty.

Come in.

Please have mercy!

I'll admit all my sins!


Wake her up.

Don't give her a single drop of a painkiller.

If she falls asleep or faints, wake her up.

Make sure she feels the pain of having her skin tear.

Yes, Your Majesty.

- Let go! - Stay still.

You were right.

I would've been angry if I had let her die that easily.

She doesn't even have the right to die.

It is miserable to lose the person you loathe.

You really are my brother.

Punishing them 100 times over,

making them wish they were dead,

is true revenge.

Did you kill my mom just to end up like this?

Yu Ra. Don't die. Stay alive.

I need to know where my mom is.

You only died once so far.

Live in pain like that...

for the rest of your life,

Let's go.

Congratulations on winning the Imperial Family Scholarship.

We will not hold back in supporting the top talents.

We will give you the best.

You will train abroad...

and be given many opportunities...

to work at the Imperial Family's businesses.

Work hard.

- Thank you, Your Highness. - Thank you, Your Highness.

You may go.

Have a seat.

It's an honor to have you call me separately like this.

You're too modest.

How about a little wine?

I can't drink at all.

I'm Christian. I was born a Catholic.

Born a Catholic?

One glass is fine.

I'm serving in the early morning prayer meetings this week,

so I can't. I'm sorry.

I've prepared a small gift to show my gratitude.

Have you read Vincent Lee's novel?

I don't have time to read trashy novels like that.

The Empress' sister wrote it.

It's a bestseller among us.

There's a rumor...

that the story is similar to Empress So Hyun's, too.

Empress So Hyun?

The main character marries into the Spencer Family,

a British nobility.

She drowns in a pond at their villa when she's pregnant.

And the suspect is her husband, Spencer.

How is that similar to Empress So Hyun?

Empress So Hyun died of a heart attack.

Yes, that's right.

But the main character's father was also a security guard.

Their personalities are similar,

and there's a suspicion...

that the mother-in-law was involved in her murder...

What are you saying?

You receive a scholarship from the Imperial Family,

but you read trash like this...

and spread ridiculous rumors. You wicked thing!

What use is a handsome face when you're rotten inside?

Get out of my face before I rip out your mouth!

I'm sorry.

Your Highness.

Where did you find a monster like that?

How does he deserve our scholarship?

You are a terrible judge of character.

My apologies.

Find out everything you can about that novel...

the Empress' sister wrote.

Find out what she heard and from where to write...

such a thing.

Why is everyone in Sunny's family so annoying?


This isn't good at all. Gosh.

How could it be this good?

You little rascal.

Chief Chun. Chief Chun!

What is it, Your Majesty?

Who did this?

Get rid of this. Get rid of it now!

Please leave your chamber while it's being cleaned.

I checked the surveillance cameras, but I didn't see any intruders.

I will tighten the security once again.

I am sorry, Your Majesty.

I disposed of this as soon as Ma Pil Joo gave this to me.

How could this end up in my chamber?

There is one more suspicion I have.

I have found the sender of the voice message...

about Min Yu Ra

Who is it?

The phone number was under...

Na Wang Shik.

What do you mean?

He's already dead.

Did you confirm yourself if he was dead or not?

Min Yu Ra told me that she confirmed it with a medical examiner.

She told me that the corpse had a bullet wound in the head.

Could it be...

I will look into the body on the day of the incident.

If Min Yu Ra deceived me...

If Na Wang Shik is alive...

Why did you kill my mother?

This can't be.

Na Wang Shik is dead.

Na Wang Shik is dead. Why is he sending me this?

Get lost. Don't you dare touch me.

Please just leave me alone.

The Emperor has ordered us...

to treat you the best we can.

No, no! No! Let go!

Let go of me!

Grab her arms.

Why are you leaving all of a sudden?

The Empress has found out about my identity.

Even if it weren't for that,

staying here longer would mean more danger for her family.

My mother has already started to get me deposed.

If you become an obstacle in her life,

she's willing to abandon her son. How cruel of a mother is she?

Do you think the Empress could find out the secret behind the diary?

We must believe in her that she can.

What do all these drawings mean?

This looks exactly like that door.

The balustrade.

Yes, this is the one.

This is the Empress Dowager's garden.

I asked the guards on the Empress Dowager's service.

She doesn't take guards only when she visits her garden.

That is a bit odd.

I knew it. Something is in her garden.

What brings you here at this hour?

I didn't know you were still up.

I asked you why you were in my garden this late at night.


I couldn't sleep.

I just wanted to look at some flowers.

Your garden is always well-kept.

When I take a stroll here, it brightens up my mood.

Were you looking after your flowers this late?

I came back as I forgot to water them.

Flowers are just like children.

They don't grow up nicely if you don't put effort into them.


I sincerely respect your heart for loving and take care of them.

Mother, it is late. Please go back to your chamber.

I am going to take a quick look and go.

If you are drunk on the smell of flowers, it is harder to sleep.

Smell them in moderation.

I will keep that in mind.

Gosh, you startled me. Chief Chun.

I followed you here as I was worried.

Did you find out something?

Something is definitely hidden in this garden.

I followed the drawings in the diary and ended up here.

I was suspicious of this place as well.

This isn't a place where she could hide someone.

Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager just told you...

she came here to water the garden, right?

- Yes. - But something is off.

I cannot find any signs of her watering the garden.

Besides, it's suspicious that she came here at this hour alone.

She was not in the garden.

But I saw her get out of the garden, where else could she have been?

There is a secret space here.

What's the next drawing?

Heads of dragons.

"Heads of dragons"?

The Empress and the Chief Guard.

I've seen it before.

Just like my friend seven years ago.

- What's wrong? - That jerk.

That jerk tried to kill me. It was him.

He tried to kill me! It was him!

How did he get in my bedroom? How?

Please calm down.

Wait here. I'll bring you a sedative.

(Restricted Number)

(Restricted Number)

How have you been, Hyuk?

- Who are you? - It's me, Wang Shik.

Did you forget me already? I'm hurt.

But you're dead.

Don't mess with me. Who are you?


Are you shocked that the man you killed is still alive?

I can't die before I kill you.

Tell me. Where's my mom?

What do you mean?

Where's my poor mom's corpse, you piece of trash?

Tell me where you buried her.

Otherwise, your chambers will go up in flames tonight.

Do you think you can scare me?

Do whatever you want!

What's going on? Why is he suddenly back?

- That jerk is alive. - Sorry?

Na Wang Shik.

That persistent jerk called and threatened me.

I think it is true that Na Wang Shik is alive.

- What? - I looked into it,

and the man with the gunshot wound in the head who died that day...

was Ma Pil Joo, not Na Wang Shik.

Ma Pil Joo.

Yu Ra lied to me until the bitter end. That witch.

Don't worry, Your Majesty.

I'll protect you with my life.

Lure him out and get rid of him.

He's looking for his mom's corpse.

If you say you'll tell him where it's buried,

he'll come out for sure.

Where is the body buried?

How would I know?

Yu Ra is the one that got rid of the body!


It's me, Wang Shik.

Why did you hang up? You hurt my feelings.

We still have a lot to talk about.

Wang Shik.

Were you...

really alive?

How could I die when you're alive?

I'd be too bitter to die.

Hyuk is the one who killed my mom,

but you helped him.

I know you were in Bichido that day.

I know you got Hyuk out of the vacation house too.

What are you talking about?

I did no such thing.

How could you do that?

After all my mom did for you.

She was nicer to you than me, her real child.

She even raised your child, Dong Shik,

as if he were her own.

But what did you do to my mom,

you evil witch!

Don't even think about threatening me.

I'm the Emperor's woman.

You were dumped by Hyuk and are locked in a hospital,

but you still haven't learned your lesson.

Where are you?

Don't tell me...

you're in here.


To kill you.

Just wait. I'm coming.

Wang Shik.

How long will you torment me?



Let me out. Let me out!

Wang Shik?

How did you get out of there?

Please help me.

The Emperor listens to anything you say.

Please tell him to save me, Chief Chun.

I'm... I'm begging. Please?

Why would I help someone the Emperor discarded?

Na Wang Shik is alive.

He'll threaten the Emperor soon.

I know Na Wang Shik better than anyone.

You need me in order to stop him!

I'll do everything you say,

so please save me. Please?

Go back to the hospital.

I'd rather die than go back there.

I'd rather have Wang Shik kill me than die in there.

Just kill me instead!

Can you really...

do everything I say?

The dragon head.

She still hasn't come to her senses.

Where's the evidence?

Tell me where the evidence is!

I told you,

I'll tell you if you let me live.

So... Let me go first!

How can I trust you?

Did you forget you ended up here because of your big mouth?

What did I say?

Why was it a crime to say I also ate the food...

that the Empress prepared?

Look at her. Do you really not know what you did wrong?

You said so yourself,

that you saw me leave the Grand Empress Dowager's chamber,

and that you have evidence.

Tell me where you put that evidence!


Did you really kill the Grand Empress Dowager?

Why you...

I don't trust you either!

You'll kill me as soon as I tell you!

I have nothing to lose anyway!

Kill her.

You're rich!

You should've just given me a little of your money.

What good will killing me do you?

Hurry up. Until when must I listen to her jabber?

Please let me go home!

I will stay silent for the rest of my life!

Please! I won't speak a word of this. Please!

I definitely hear something inside.

That stubborn witch.

Before she gets too loud, send her away to Chungeum Island tomorrow.

Yes, Your Highness.

Make sure there is no evidence around her.

I don't know what will pop up as evidence.

Why did you come here alone? It's dangerous.

You didn't answer my call.

I was right.

I think Ms. Ha Cheong Dan is being detained here.

What should we do? We don't have much time.

Recently, we had a lot of incidents in the palace.

Now, things are finally getting stable.

By the way, you don't look so well.

I'm fine. I just couldn't sleep well last night.

You poor thing.

It seems to me that you are in a great mood.

Is it because that witch, Yu Ra, is gone?

Why mention her name?

She was never here. And I had already forgotten about her.

What brings you here, Empress?

I have something to tell you, Mother.

I was told that you were here.

I'm having a nice cup of tea with my family.

If you need to see me, visit me in my chamber later.

Actually, it all worked out.

Since everyone is here, I will tell you here.

I have finally found the evidence that I did not kill Grandmother.

This again?

We accepted you because you were going to live quietly.

Have you forgotten that already?

I must reveal the truth. I told you this before.

I will leave after clearing my name.

Everyone still believes that I have killed Grandmother.

There is no evidence that proves otherwise.

There is no other way.

No, I have a witness.

The witness will prove my innocence...

and tell us who the real killer is.

That is absurd.

I am the witness.

On the day of Grandmother's death,

she also ate the gimbap I had prepared for Grandmother.

Are you the court lady on Grandmother's service...

that vanished into thin air?

How did you find her?

I was informed that even a small amount of the poison...

that was found in Grandmother's body is lethal.

But this court lady is still alive.

This is the evidence that I did not murder Grandmother.

When I visited the Empress Dowager and shared this with her,

she locked me up in a secret room and tried to kill me.

It was wrong of me to ask for money, but I did not know she would...

Shut it! How dare you tell lies?

Empress, will you stir up the palace based on...

that lunatic's statement?

As you broke your promise, leave the palace quietly.

I could not believe her until I saw it either.


You were really the culprit?

You killed Grandmother?

Tell us the truth.

Did you poison Grandmother...

by poisoning the gimbap I made,

and framed me for the whole murder?

I did not!

Until when must I listen to her ridiculous accusations?

Ms. Choi, kick her out of the palace.

Yes, Your Highness.

She is telling the truth.

The Empress Dowager put poison in the gimbap the Empress made.

That day, I clearly witnessed it.

Shut your mouth! How many lives do you think you have?

Now, tell us the truth,

Your Highness.