The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague (2023–…): Season 1, Episode 11 - Catch Me & Touch Me - full transcript

Himuro-kun makes his move in pursuing a cohabitation he's always longed for...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Saejima, listen to this.


I finally said it.

Said it?

Said what?

What's this? Is that juicy gossip I hear?

I said, "Will you live with me?"

No way!

He already got that far
with Fuyutsuki beyond my notice?

No one told me anything about this!

I love stuff like this!

Fuyutsuki! Congratulations!

On what?

There you go again, playing dumb with me.

Aren't you moving soon?



That's not the reaction I was expecting.

Judging from Himuro's expression,

it didn't seem like he was rejected...

Nyamero and I are happy

in our current home.

Don't... Don't tell me...

Himuro's going to live with someone else?

What? It can't be!
What exactly is going on?


Me? Moving in with someone?

Of course, that's not true!


You didn't let such ridiculous rumors

reach Fuyutsuki's ears, right?

Of... Of course not...

But didn't you say something
about asking someone to live with you?

It's this guy.

A cat?

It's a stray.

I've been seeing it often
around my neighborhood lately...

I get excited whenever I see a cat

and always stir up a blizzard...

So it would run off
every time I went near it.

Every night,

I pray to Nyamero's whiskers

and train myself
with George The Kitten's plush toy.

See? I'm not scary.
There's nothing to be afraid of.

Come... Come here.

Every day...

Good morning.

Every night...


Day after day,

I made efforts to run into it...

At last!

I was able to contain myself,

and the cat came to me.

That's amazing!

You conquered the cat!

Conquer? Is that the right word for this?

I think I might be able
to keep a cat now,

so I wanted to ask if it would...

Will you live with me?

And so I asked the question.

Oh, so that's what this was about.

Our company sure is peaceful...

I never thought
I would get to live with a cat...


My mental image training is complete.

In any case, I was planning
on putting it safely into this

and taking it home with me
on my way back today.

I prepared lots of cat accessories too.

I hope everything goes well.

Good afternoon, everyone.


Cat supplies?

Himuro, did you adopt a cat?

Oh, not yet.

But there are a lot of stray cats
around my neighborhood.

I want to adopt one of them...

I see.

Those poor strays...

It's cold out there.

It'd be great if we could even help
just one of them find a warm home.


Do let me know if there's anything
I can help you with.

Thank you.

After all, I'm your "senpai"
when it comes to caring for cats.



I like the sound of that.

Well, then, Senpai,

will you help me
look after a cat after work today?

All right.

He has developed
resistance against cats now...

But he's still weak against Fuyutsuki...

I usually see them around here
in the mornings.

I don't see them.

It might be hiding in a bush somewhere.

Let's search for it.


This feels nice.

The view is the same,
but somehow, it feels different tonight.

Strolling with Fuyutsuki in the evening...

I wish this would last forever!

Is that the cat?


I figured.

Be careful. It's wary of strangers...

Come here.


It took me an entire month
to get close to it...

There's a trick to greeting cats.

Put your finger out like this
and let it smell you.

That will get them
to let their guard down.

I... I'm so envious!

Fuyutsuki, who managed
to get the cat to warm up to her instantly

and the cat
that's being cradled in her arms...

I don't know which I'm more envious of!

I feel so conflicted...

Anyway, I'm glad we secured the cat.


Little kitty,

Himuro's a kind person.

You'll be in safe hands.

A kind person...

Well, if she says that...

No, even if she didn't...

I need to make it my life mission
to take care of this cat.

Anyway, this cat seems really friendly
toward humans.

Could it be someone's pet cat?



Don't tell me...

Are you



Thank you so much!

I can't thank you enough!

Buchi was scared by the thunder
and escaped through the window screen.

I'm glad

we brought it back to its home.


Be well.

No more breaking out of window screens.


Thank you both very much.

Sorry for making you
stay out late with me,


This is for the best...

Icicles of sadness...



Would you like to come over to my place?


Nyamero's an adult cat.

I'm sure Nyamero won't mind being petted.


I might accidentally start a blizzard...

I'm sure it'll be all right.

You worked so hard for Buchi's sake.

How about Sunday, the day after tomorrow?

Of course.


Was... Was I just invited
to Fuyutsuki's place?



Today's the day
I'm going to Fuyutsuki's place.

Hey, Himuro!

What's the big deal? You're stirring up
a blizzard first thing in the morning.


I'm surprised to see you up so early.

And in a good mood at that.

Shut up. You're annoying.


It's none of your business.

Well, don't poke your nose in mine, then.

I don't have time for this.

I'm still curious
about why Yukimi is in high spirits

so early in the morning...

But I've got more important things
on my mind today.

One Midoshima Roll Cake, please.

No need to give me any ice packs.

This is the first time
I've been invited over to her place.

Of course, I'm there
to pay my respects to Nyamero.

Yes, that's it... but...

I want to get closer
to Fuyutsuki better too...


I'm happy
that we get along well as colleagues.

But even just a little...

I hope I can be someone
a little more special to her.

Fuyutsuki treats everyone equally well.

I like that about her,


Fuyutsuki's apartment.

I came by once during Halloween

when I helped her
to carry the costumes back.

But today...


Welcome, Himuro.

Um... I...

Thank you for having me over today...

I think Nyamero is saying welcome too.

So... So cute!

The blizzard...

I got it under control somehow.

I finally got to meet Nyamero in person.

Nyamero's a million times cuter
than in the pictures.

Thank you.

I'm Himuro. It's nice to meet you.

I've been under the care of your whiskers.

Please come in.


Thank you.

Um... This is a little something for you.

Thank you.

What's this?

As soon as I stepped into the entryway...
This feeling...

I feel so blessed.

Himuro, you're sparkling.

This is diamond dust.

Diamond dust?

It's something that I unleash
when I feel calm and happy...

A new skill?

I think I understand how you feel.


It's a wonderful feeling...

to be accepted by a cat.

Well, that's not the only reason...

Please make way, Nyamero.

Cute and...




Fuyutsuki's home...

I'm moved beyond words!

I purchased a new cat toy

since you were coming over.

How should I put it?

Cat toys are certainly something else.

That is the design.

But I'm sure it's carefully designed
to attract and appeal to cats.

Here, Nyamero. A new toy for you.

It doesn't seem interested in the toy.


And Nyamero head straight for the box...


It can't be helped.
Should we have some tea, then?

All right.

Nyamero will have "Chure."

Let's have the roll cake you brought.

I'll help.

Thank you.

The plates are over here.


S... Sorry for accidentally touching you!


I didn't mean to move away...


What does that mean?



Hello! Thank you for having me!


Why are you here?

That's my line!

I've been coming over to Fuyutsuki's place
whenever I'm free after work lately.

Isn't that right?


When did the two of you get so close?

So that's why
she was in a good mood this morning.

Sorry, I thought you knew, Himuro.

No, there's nothing
for you to apologize for.

Just go home for today.

Hm? I don't know about that.

After all, you didn't make snowmen for me
for my New Year's Eve live stream.

Maybe I went a little too far...

Good grief.

Fuyutsuki, I think I'm going...


So you brought a roll cake, Himuro.

This should be enough for the three of us.

I'm glad.

Yay! That's great...

Wait, aren't you going home?

It can't be helped!

I can't say no to her!

Let's eat, then, shall we?

Thank you for the food!

Let's eat.

I was hoping to spend some time
alone with Fuyutsuki...

It's livelier when you have more people.

Next time...

Can I come over to your house?


If that's all right
with you two, of course...

Feel free to come over whenever!
By all means!


I got another private date with Fuyutsuki!

Himuro, you're causing another snowstorm...

That's not good, right?



Come here...

Oh, you scared it with your blizzard.

It's all right.

I don't think Nyamero's upset.

I think Nyamero's curious about your snow.

Maybe Nyamero takes after its owner.

Aw, shame he didn't catch that.

This is great.

I'm finally getting closer to Nyamero.

I hope I can get even closer
to Fuyutsuki from now on too.

Good morning.


How did it go?

Did you guys get closer?


How... How did you know, Komori?



Oh, you're talking about the cat, right?

Yes... I was?

It turned out to be a cat
that lost its way.

We returned it to its owner in the end.

Oh, I see.

Did you misunderstand something just now?


Did something happen?

Huh? Oh, um, it's nothing...

Hm? What's all this about?



Nothing happened at all!

Good morning.

That's suspicious!

-Nothing suspicious happened at all!

-You must be hiding something!
-something did happen, didn't it?

-Come on! Tell me what happened!
-I mean it!

Don't leave us on a cliffhanger...


having so much fun.

She should be here soon...
