The Greatest Love (2011–…): Season 1, Episode 13 - Episode #1.13 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
The thing you want to know...
It's about my heart, isn't it?


Regarding your heart,

Miss Gu Ae Jeong still
doesn't know anything, right?

Please tell me honestly.

Isn't there a possibility that you'll die?

Then let me answer you honestly.

There's also a possibility that I'll live.

And let me tell you another thing.

If you tell Gu Ae Jeong about this,

you, the "just anyone" doctor

are sure to die.

Ae Jeong eonni.
(Eonni - Older sister)

Mi Na.


Save me.

You've changed your name to Han Hye Jin.

Why did you even change your name

and keep low, quietly living your life?

I just want to completely leave the past behind.

Because I have completely
left the entertainment industry.

The thing with this line of work is that

you may have left, but
you'll stay in people's memories.

So you can never completely leave it behind.

If something happens to Han Hye Jin right now,

it'll surely appear in tomorrow morning's newspaper

with National Treasure Girl Han Mi Na's name.

What's the reason you wanted to see me?

I want to know,
when National Treasure Girls disbanded,

what happened with Gu Ae Jeong.

That's why I wanted to meet you.

Slapping Kang Se Ri,

if you guys had explained it and then reconciled,

you wouldn't have needed to disband, right?

But, then what was the reason that you guys had to disband?

I've already forgotten about matters of the past.

You always
stuck together with Gu Ae Jeong,

so shouldn't you know?

I don't know anything.

What exactly is Gu Ae Jeong hiding?

There's a man backing her right?

Ae Jeong eonni is not that kind of person.

Then, was there a problem with Han Mi Na?

Even if you've left for 10 years,

with just 1 report,
you'll immediately be back in the spotlight.

If you wish to continue
living this quiet life of yours,

then tell me what you know.

What exactly is Gu Ae Jeong hiding?

Because of your friendship with her,
you can't tell me?

Then, go take a look at your
husband's and child's faces. We'll talk again.

Just like 10 years ago,

when you didn't tell anyone about my matter,

you'll protect me this time too, right?

But, Mi Na...

I also have something I want to hold unto.

I'm really sorry about
hiding behind you like a coward again.

But I...
I'm really happy now.

I don't want to destroy it
but to protect it.

I beg you, please help me.

I wish I'm a superwoman.

So that I can protect everyone.

I want to escape from all of these, too.

It's driving me crazy...

Mr. Dok Go Jin.

No matter how long I waited,
you didn't come to rescue me.

So I came down by myself.

You should feel honored.

Hearing you say this,

it seems like my "become kindhearted"
incantation had no effect at all.

The thing that has an effect on me is your song.


Sing the "Thump Thump" song for me.

I don't want to sing that song ever again.

This time, I want to leave the
"Thump Thump" National Treasure Girls image behind.

I... am going to release a new song.

Is that so?

If it's not "Thump Thump",
what will it be?

Oh, is it woo lung woo lung,
kong dak kong dak?

It's not like that.

It's a ballad,

Do you want to listen to it?

Wow, this singer...
sings really well.

I know, right?

She's just a demo singer,
yet she sings so well.

Asking me to sing this song,
I'll only be insulted.

It's all right.

Because you're

a singer who didn't
get famous for her singing, right?

How did you know?

I'm a beauty who won with my looks and body.


Based on what?

I'm someone who is liked
by everyone from head to toe.

My body was called a national treasure.

Didn't you like me because I'm beautiful?

Forget it.
I'd rather not see.

(Aigoo - Oh Dear, Oh My God)

Just stay still.

I've gone too long without charging,
so I've no strength.

Mr. Dok Go Jin, if you're broken here,

and that's why it's always going thump thump,

then shouldn't it be safe to say,
that your eyes are also broken?

For saying that I'm the most beautiful,
your mouth is also broken.

That's why you have to say
I'm the most beautiful, right?

Only then would being with someone broken have meaning.

Yes, I'm broken.

Gu Ae Jeong will be hurt.

Haven't you thought "what if something happens"?

So what you're saying is,
I should back out because I care for her?

That way I'll hurt her less,

and it wouldn't be as heartbreaking.

The less hurt she is,
the faster she'll recover.

Oriental doctor, I'm too famous.

I cannot quietly disappear without hurting her.

In case something happens to me,
I'll surely die spectacularly.

Even after I die,
I will not be easily forgotten.

Why? Because
through the image I leave behind,

I'll continue to hurt her.

Are you saying she might never forget?

Gu Ae Jeong.

My eyes are broken,
so you're the most beautiful in my eyes.

My mouth is also broken,
so I'm able to blurt out such nonsense.

I adore you to death!

Did you spill some oil because you're broken?

It's so greasy,

I feel like I'm about to slip.

Since I'm already greasy anyway,
should we light a fire?

Should we?

Should we play with fire,

or should we just detonate the bomb instead?

What's gotten into you?

I'd better not.

I cannot take responsibility for you until the end.

I have to protect you.

There's nothing to protect.

I will definitely protect you.

Mr. Dok Go Jin.


Once you're fixed,
you can just leave anytime you want.

I won't grab unto you.

If one day I come to my senses,
and ask you to let me go,

you must let me go, too.

Pinky promise.
Let's pinky promise.

Okay. Even if I leave you,

don't be hurt and just leave my side.

You must endure it.

Are you saying she might never forget?

So what I can do,

is not to hurt her less,

but to give her more
love for her to overcome it.

So I have to seize every minute,
every second and be by her side.

Even if it's just for another
minute or second, I have to be with her.

This might be all the time I have left.

So just let go.

Is that a threat?

Compared to threatening,
begging will be more effective on you,

I can beg.

I do not have the
time to worry about my pride.

For me,

time is running out.

About last time,
I'm sorry.

It's nothing.

You were right.

I really thought I was.

Where did you just come from?

I feel like I came from another dimension.

Another dimension?

Do you know the comic
"Paul's Miraculous Adventure"?

Why did you you suddenly mention a comic?

It's about a boy named Paul

and how he rescued Nina from
the evil king of a strange land.

He sat in a magic car,
and even brought along a helper.

Don't you know about it?

I think I've seen it before.

Wanting to save Nina,
who was crying,

Paul bravely ran to her side.

But his timing was always wrong,

and the evil king captured Nina.

All little children's comics are like that.

If he saves Nina,
the story is over.

But there was this one time,
when Paul managed to grab unto her hand,

and finally rescued her.

But Nina said the evil king is too pitiful
so she let go of Paul's hand.

So she left him and went back to the strange dimension.

She is such a strange girl.

Even if Paul goes to the
evil king and asks him to let Nina go,

Nina said she's very happy there right now,

and doesn't need anyone to save her.

Paul should not have returned to that strange
dimension and attempted to save Nina, right?

Even if he continued to try to save Nina,

Paul would really become a strange guy, right?

Are you Paul from the story?

You want to run and save
Gu Ae Jeong, who is with Dok Go Jin.

Then, who am I?

Miss Kang Se Ri?

A mushroom fairy.

She used to work for the evil King
but became close to Paul later on.

Did they really became close?


Because of personal reasons,
Mr. Yun Pil Ju decided to end the program?

Yes. He said he wants
to end it after the next filming.

Can't you persuade him?

The program is getting such good ratings.

Honestly, if this program continues,
it'll be good for you too.

That's right.

I'm really sorry,

but I also want to end the program.


I think Mr. Yun Pil Ju was trying to spare me.
That's why he said it was his problem.

Actually, I was the first one to suggest ending the program.

Why would you...?

I heard Mr. Yun Pil Ju's family oppose the two of you dating.

Is it because of this?

It's not because of him.
It's all because of me.

I can't go on.

I'm really sorry.

Then, have things ended between you and Mr. Yun Pil Ju?


For the final shooting,
I'll try not to shock him too much.

It must have a good ending.

This guy should really...

Don't mind him.
Let's go.

You've met Mi Na?

"When National Treasure Girls disbanded,
what exactly happened with Gu Ae Jeong?"

Her face immediately turned pale,
and she couldn't say a word.

Mi Na and Ae Jeong eonni are really close,

so she won't easily say anything.

If it gets her into trouble,
and if she wants to protect everything,

then she'll speak.

But... if you're going to mess with Ae Jeong eonni,

you wouldn't get me involved too, right?

About that...
if Han Mi Na appears,

then you'll be involved no matter what.

If anyone discovers that you got slapped
by Gu Ae Jeong because you wronged Han Mi Na,

you'll be in trouble.

Don't bring me into this matter.

Then, when we drop the news about Gu Ae Jeong,

you'll just have to say one thing.

For example...

That the reason you broke up
with Dok Go Jin was because of Gu Ae Jeong.

Something like that.

Don't tell me you want
to bring Dok Go Jin into this too?

Precisely because I cannot touch him,

that's why I need you to do it.

Just like that.

When I've settled it with Han Mi Na,
I'll let you know.

I only wanted to find something
to talk about with Yun Pil Ju.

My friend has an appointment today, right?

What to do?

That patient canceled her appointment today.

I have to meet her to talk about something important.

Can you give me her phone number?

- She's doesn't have a contact number.
- What?

I wanted to call her for her next appointment,

but it was a disconnected number.

I'm sorry.

After she met Manager Jang,
she disconnected her number?

Miss Kang Se Ri, right?


I'm Dr. Yun's mother.

Omo, are you?
(Omo - Oh My)

Shall we get a cup of tea?


After Dr. Yun is done with his shooting,
you're still welcome to come here.

For skin care.

I'll give you a discount,
so help me promote it.


I just hope that after the shooting,
he won't be affected too much.

Just thinking about
how he's under Gu Ae Jeong's spell

really ticks me off.

Actually, there are some faults on our side too.

If we had known that
Ae Jeong eonni had a boyfriend,

then we wouldn't have asked
Mr. Yun Pil Ju to participate in the program.


Gu Ae Jeong is already dating another guy?

Yet she still appeared
on the matchmaking program,

and even accepted Pil Ju's flowers?

She really did that?

I'm so sorry. We didn't look into it properly at the beginning.

Ae Jeong eonni's boyfriend is also a celebrity.
That's why she couldn't announce it.

A celebrity?

I've said things I shouldn't have.

Just pretend as if you
never heard all these okay, auntie?

Isn't this Gu Ae Jeong a little too much?

Yes, yes.

Why is she still on a matchmaking show
if she already has a boyfriend?

We're really sorry.
We didn't know about this either.

Please calm down.

The ratings for Yun Pil Ju and Gu Ae Jeong
true love documentaries weren't bad, right?

Why did they suddenly stop filming?

They said that it was recorded
before the start of a new season,

but because the cast was already selected,
they will stop filming.

Gu Ae Jeong already has a boyfriend!

And this will be aired on TV!

About the detailed cast list,
I'll include it in the report and send it to you.

She already has a boyfriend!

How can she be on this program
and still be looking for a boyfriend?

I'm really ashamed on her behalf!

What is the meaning of this?

How did such a thing happen?


I'm Reporter Hwang Da Gyeong
from Entertainment Weekly.

- Reporter?
- Yes.

You're the mother of Couple Making's
perfect man Mr. Yun Pil Ju, right?

Yes, that's me.

Recently, everyone has been very interested
in the perfect man's mother.

Will you accept our interview?


Then, I'll appear in the news?


Can you talk about how
you raised such a perfect son?

If you could talk a little about the behind-the-scene story
of the program, that'd be better.

There's something I'm unhappy about right now.

If it's such a thing,
would you guys write about it?

Of course.

Is this your shirt?

Red shirt.


The last question.

Is this your shirt?

Thank you for tutoring me, ajussi.

Seeing your huge backlog of homework,

I'm afraid you won't be able to go on the picnic.
That's why I'm helping you.

Then, can I also come along for the picnic?

Right, your aunt and I are going on a picnic

and I'm letting you come along
to act as a fire extinguisher.

It's a pity,
but a fire cannot break out.


Although I'm letting you act as a fire extinguisher,

but during some important moments,

when you see my cue,
you'll have to avoid us.

What are important moments?

Asking a 7-year-old to look for a cue,
it really is too difficult.

Ah, I'll give you a signal.

When I say

"Ding Dong, you understand, right?"
and then I do this gesture,

you'll have to avoid us for a while.


Ding Dong,
you understand, right?

Are you in?



=On your right,
I see both of you.=

Oh, I see you,
I see you.

Isn't Gu Ae Jeong a little too obvious?

We can't be discovered.

You're right.

Hey, Ding Dong.

Well, we'll start passing information.

What do you want to drink?

I'll just order as I wish then.

Hello, customer.

Two cups of iced coffee,

a cup of coffee.

and a glass of iced cocoa.

The total is 19 000 Won.

=I've bought it.=

Where did Mr. Jae Seok go?

He went to the washroom
because of a stomach ache.

I'll buy you a hot dog.

=Okay, hot dog.=

Two plain, one with mustard.

Let's go.

Thank you.

Gu Ae Jeong,
I'm dying of hunger.

Give me the hot dog.

I'll pass it to you.
Wait a minute.

Hyeong Kyu.

Give this to ajussi.



The weather is so hot,
you should have bought it iced.

Why did you buy it hot?

Why isn't there any mustard on this hot dog?

This is the one with mustard.

Shall I give you this?

Yes, there's iced coffee here.

Let's switch.



Hyeong Kyu, Hyeong Kyu.
Wait a moment.

Please take this.

Exchange it and come back, got it?

- Okay.
- Okay.

Good job, Ding Dong.


Thank you.

Gu Ae Jeong.

Gu Ae Jeong.

Enjoy your meal.

Enjoy your meal too.

Gu Ae Jeong.

It's really delicious.

Gu Ae Jeong, I don't have napkins.

You lost it?


Wait a moment.

Hyeong Kyu,
bring this over there.

Take this

and use this.

- Wipe it beautifully,okay.
- Okay.

Hurry and come back.

What? What? What?


Auntie told me to wipe your mouth.

Hey, my lips are almost gone.

Come back soon.

Manager Gu.

Miss Gu Ae Jeong and Mr. Yun Pil Ju,
what is the meaning of this?

Gu Ae Jeong has a celebrity boyfriend.

Perfect Man got deceived perfectly.

What is this all about?

How can there be such a rumor?

Miss Gu Ae Jeong, where is she now?

She's on the phone.

We've finished eating now.

Another hour will do, right?

Hyeong Kyu and I have to buy snacks.

Hey, isn't that Gu Ae Jeong?

It's her.

Oh, there's this news.

What is she doing here?

It looks like she came to play.

Is her boyfriend here, too?


It's this one.

Hyeong Kyu,
wipe it.

Is there anything Ding Dong particularly likes?

I've bought that.

Don't go anywhere
and wait for me.

I'll be right there.

You're Mr. Dok Go Jin, right?

Seems like she's waiting for someone.

Didn't they say her boyfriend is a celebrity?

We'll know who it is when we see him.

Should we take her picture?

Be careful.


Yes, Representative?

I'm at the store with Dok Go Jin hyeongnim now.

Is something wrong?

You two must come back immediately.

There's a problem with Miss Gu Ae Jeong.

The picnic hasn't even started yet.

Is the picnic the problem now?

Being seen together with
Dok Go Jin will cause trouble.

Come back carefully right now.



Take this.

Hyeongnim, wait a moment.

There's a problem about Ae Jeong nuna.


Why isn't ajussi here yet?

Hyeong Kyu, clean up the trash,
and let's go.

Let's go.

- What's that?
- It seems like she's not.

The both of you being seen
together by others will cause trouble.

I will take care of it.

Don't tell Gu Ae Jeong anything about the news.




Gu Ae Jeong.

Ding Dong.

Today's picnic will have to be
postponed until next time.

Go home with Jae Seok hyeong.


Gu Hyeong Kyu,

you understand, right?

I understand.

The both of you go on ahead.

I'll go with Jae Seok ajussi.

You saw that, right?

Ding Dong already understands.

Gu Ae Jeong, let's go.


Where are we going?

Go home safely.

Wait a moment!
Wait a moment! Wait a moment!

Mr. Yun Pil Ju is inside, right?

He's currently seeing his patients.

You all are only
making things difficult for us.

Please tell him that we only
want a 5 minute interview with him.


No matter how we chase the
reporters away, they just won't leave.

What should we do?

Tell them I'll go out right now.


Mr. Yun Pil Ju.

Please say something!

Mr. Yun Pil Ju!

This is a hospital.

You're making things difficult for us.

Do you know the news about
Gu Ae Jeong having a celebrity boyfriend?

Do you know who that person is?

How do you feel right now?

About having a crush on Miss Gu Ae Jeong,

just like what you
saw on the program, is true.

Miss Gu Ae Jeong did not hide anything from me.

and we decided to end the program
after discussing it with each other.

What's the reason?
Please tell us!

How do you feel right now?

-=Perfect Man has a crush.
Gu Ae Jeong's awkward betrayal=-

-=Perfect Man knew Gu Ae Jeong has a boyfriend!=-

-=Gu Ae Jeong's boyfriend fact confirmed!=-

This wasn't what I said.

Why did they write it this way?

Hyeong, you know these people, right?

Meet them and ask them to change it.

But... what people want to know,

isn't about your sincerity
and Gu Ae Jeong's situation.

The Perfect Man lost to
Gu Ae Jeong's boyfriend and got dumped.

That is the main point.

But if the news is like this,

in Gu Ae Jeong's heart,
wouldn't I become a bad man?

Mr. Yun Pil Ju.

Even if you're upset, there is nothing you can do.

We're also very upset.

But at a time like this,
tolerating is the best way.

Miss Gu Ae Jeong's company will take action.

Miss Kang Se Ri, because you
also know many reporters,

I hope you'll help me
clarify all this.

Mr. Yun Pil Ju, don't do anything
and just stay out of it.

Anyway, right now, everybody's focus
is the celebrity Gu Ae Jeong is dating.

You're not going to be the one
who says it's Dok Go Jin, right?

The things I want to withhold and not say

are growing larger and larger.

Mr. Yun Pil Ju, stop thinking about
that Land of Wonders story anymore.

No matter what happens with Nina,
the evil King will take care of it.

Where are we going?

Why did you suddenly change your mind?

My original plan was this.

I already discussed it with Ding Dong.

You heard it too just now,
that Ding Dong understands.

Aren't we going to the
place we originally planned to?

The weather today is too nice,

so it would definitely be crowded.

We need to find another place.

Another place?

South Korea is so broad.

How can there not be
a place where we can chat at ease?

What about Hyeong Kyu?
Where is he going to play?

What are you doing?

Until this picnic is over,
don't turn on the phone.

Give it to me.

Gu Ae Jeong.

This is the first picnic of my life.

Before we smoothly complete this picnic,

any other thoughts or communications are prohibited.

I cannot contact her right now.

The company has not been informed.

Once we confirm it,
we will inform everybody.

Gu Ae Jeong...

and the celebrity she's rumored to be with,

not once were they ever seen together.

Reporter Kim,
didn't I say it's not?

I've already personally denied it.

Why are you still being like this?


Yes, we're sure.

Isn't Gu Ae Jeong a little shameless?

How embarrassed is the Perfect Man now?

But, who's the celebrity she's dating?

Is it the one when they went
to Han Gang and even held hands?

My friend and her boyfriend are really close friends.

According to him,
they were both seen there.

Vote on who Gu Ae Jeong's boyfriend might be.

I've posted it on the blog.

That's right.

Delete Dok Go Jin from the list.

Their levels are not the same.

They're in the same company,
and can even be together till the wee morning.

It's very possible.

Even so, Dok Go Jin and her is impossible.

I'm a Dok Go Jin fan,
quickly delete it.


There's now a vote speculating
on who Ae Jeong nuna's boyfriend is.

The reporters wrote the news without
any confirmation, it's creating all sorts of chaos.

Is Dok Go still not answering his phone?


What are they thinking?
Being together during such a situation?

Dok Go hyeongnim seems to have made up his mind.


About his relationship with Ae Jeong nunim.

It seems he wants to go public with it.

Because the scenery isn't nice,
there's no one here.

It's good!

We can have our picnic here, okay?

There's really no one here.

You're right.

Although there's nothing to see,

but it's very reassuring.

Let's go to that field there.

You want to walk?

There'll be leeches.

There will be, won't there?

The scenery is bad,
so there's nothing to do.

Jae Seok packed a cooler in my car.

There should be some good things inside.

A picnic should have a blanket
spread out with delicious food to eat, right?

This is a little...

There's no shade,
it's too hot.

That's why cool places will be crowded.

Since there's no one here,
no one will bother us.

Cow! There's a cow here.

It's staring at us.

The cow is looking at us.

I hope the cow won't tell the reporters.

Hey, cow!

If you say anything,
I'll sue you.

Talking to the cow like that,
do you think it'll understand?

You must moo for it to understand.


Moo, I'm Dok Go Jin moo.

I'm very rich moo.

If you say anything,
I will sue you moo.

End of negotiation.

But, if the cow here,
doesn't that mean the owner is here, too?

True, it couldn't be a wild cow.

Then before the owner comes,
we better go somewhere else.

Since we're sitting down.

shall we take a photo?

With the fields as background?

It's all right.
Since I'm the model,

for this kind of background,
I'll just use my perfect face to block it.

But can we take a photo together?

It's better to not leave any evidence.

Let's just take 1.

I want to leave evidence,

evidence that I came here
with you for a picnic, okay?

Then how about we take a photo with that cow?



Hey, look here, look here.


This is quite nice.

In the future, let's pick more of such places,
and go for walks more often.

We can do that.

We can also go to abandoned factories,
play in abandoned houses,
and eat boxed lunch there, right?

Being under the sun is so hot.

Our top star's face is becoming tan.

A star who makes money with his looks,
has to be nicely taken care of.

Gu Ae Jeong, where is
the place you really wish to go?


Shall I accept another
interview from the Section TV program?

Where do you want to go to film the program?

You've done an interview once,
doing it again will be too obvious.

Then I'll accept Section TV's interview and reveal

that I'm your man.
How about that?

That way, we don't have to go
to places like farms, and abandoned factories.

Then we can go to places with beautiful scenery.

How about it?

Are you suffering from heat stroke?

You'll have to drink some iced water.

I'll bring back a few bottles.

Oh, where did you come from?

Dok Go Jin?

You're Dok Go Jin, right?

You're quite old and
yet you can still recognize me.

Aigoo, you're really Dok Go Jin.

This grandmother,
can you pretend you didn't see me?

Let's take a photo.

You even carry along a camera.

When did all our
country's citizens became paparazzi.

Squat down.
Let's take a photo.

If you take it, you'll leave it
as your phone wallpaper and collect it, right?

Of course I have to show off about
it to my friends in the senior citizen center.

And I have to send it to my children over at Seoul.

1... 2... 3...

What are all these?

Ae Jeong, where are you?

All hell has broken loose here.

=You're with Dok Go Jin now, right?=

If at this time,
the both of you are seen together,

everything would be exposed.

Eonni, no one has mentioned him, right?

Who would have thought it's him!

All the celebrities that were speculated
to be your boyfriend, has all refuted the news.

They're even saying
how unhappy they are bring
dragged into this, it's chaos everywhere.

You, quickly come back.

I understand, eonni.

Did you know such a thing happened?

The picnic's atmosphere would have been ruined.

I have to quickly go back.

Furthermore, you should know that
what you said just now did not make any sense.

You absolutely cannot do it.

The picnic ends here,
let's quickly head back.

Dok Go Jin, if you want to protect Gu Ae Jeong,

you'll have to be frank to her.

Dok Go Jin really suggested
going public about your relationship?

That's what he said.

Hey, in my opinion, you two
shouldn't just announce you're dating.

When you're announcing your relationship,
you two will have to say you're getting married.

Getting married, my foot.

If you just say you're dating,
everyone will be looking forward
to the day you two break up.

You have to get married
immediately for the public to accept it.

If he really realizes this,
then just let him do it.

How can he do it as such a time?

It should die down soon, right?

Such a thing is not my first time anyway.

But, Ae Jeong,
it feels different this time.

Hasn't there been a lot of
people observing you recently?

That's why,
it feels a little uneasy.

Gu Ae Jeong...

When she was a National Treasure Girl,

she betrayed her own members,
and went solo.

This time, in the Couple Making program too,

she brought bad luck to others,
just so she could continue on living.

And she even lied.

During her National Treasure Girls day,
she was like this too, right?

That's right.

When she was with the National Treasure Girls,

she herself switched to a good management company.

I think it's the same this time too.

What do you think is the
reason she suddenly became famous?

She went into such a great entertainment company,

continuously accepted several programs,

and she's even releasing an album.

The way I see it, it's all because
she managed to grab unto a good man.


Since Gu Ae Jeong is receiving
so much attention right now,

You reporters should dig around
as to the real reason
National Treasure Girls disbanded.

There should be some
really interesting discoveries.

-=Gu Ae Jeong continues to be
plagued by rumors of a sponsor=-

-=The real reason National Treasure Girls disbanded?=-

Just because your boyfriend is a celebrity,

the media is guessing you have a sponsor.

They can even twist the story to this.

I've made an appointment
with a newspaper that has
quite a good relationship with us.

To prevent the reporters
from writing such baseless news,

go and show the real you.

What real me?

Let them see that you didn't
get here because of a sponsor.

The fact that you stay in a
cheap rental house with your family,

you have to let the world see.

Show them my house?

Yes. And also tell them,
since your father's failed business venture,

how your financial situation is.

And also tell about how you and your manager oppa

worked so hard every day
going from activity to activity.

Make it known to the public that you're
the one taking responsibility for your family.

A young parent who works very hard.

If it's like this, others
will look down on my father and oppa.

To me, they're family, not a burden.

That is not bad,
say it like that.

Also, for all the people who
thinks your nephew is your illegitimate son,

explain clearly that when your
brother and sister-in-law got a divorce,

you raised him like your own son.

Even Hyeong Kyu?


And also why
National Treasure Girls disbanded,

and the reason you fought with Se Ri.

I heard all about it from your friend Jenny.

You must make it clear
that it was all Se Ri's fault.

It's all in the past, why bother?

And also,

the member called Mi Na,
she has a secret too, right?

What is it?

Just unload all of it.

The fact that you carried all the responsibility

and have lived a hard life...

If you let the public see this,

all of your bad image will disappear.

So you want me to sell out
my family, colleagues and friends?

If you want to save yourself,

you must.

If not,

you have to end it here.

And one more thing, I beg you.

If you want to end it,
don't drag Dok Go down with you.

This is not asking,
I'm begging you.

Dok Go is living a top life.

I don't want him to fall,

and neither do I want him to end here.

Your present condition is good.

The preparation for the surgery is going well too.

There's not much time left.

I hear that your Miss Thump Thump
is in a very difficult situation recently.

You shouldn't be concerning yourself
over entertainment news at such a time.

Because this is very important
to my patient, that's why I followed the news.

Is it because you cannot guarantee
the outcome of your surgery,
that's why you can't come forward?

It has nothing to do with the results,
I'm looking for ways to protect her.

Seeing the present situation, if I really save your life,
you're most likely going to live a very long life.

If rumors of both of you spread,

you'll most likely be
badmouthed by the whole world.

There's a saying,
"better a bad life than a good death."


I really want to continue on living,

and live crazily with that woman.

Wow, this Gu Ae Jeong,
is really very terrible.

I heard when National Treasure Girls disbanded,
she used her connections for her own benefit and went solo.

I heard that after that career was put on hold,
she went on and found a new man,
and started going to programs.

I heard from my son that because
everyone wanted to discover Gu Ae Jeong's boyfriend,

they even commissioned
a web search unit to investigate.

There's such a search team?

Yes, doesn't she still live in our district?

When I met her occasionally,
she seemed pretty quiet.

I never thought she'll do
something so sickening.

Hey, child, why are you crying?

Child, why are you crying?

Why are you crying?

Child, are you all right?

Looks like you'll have to
take a break from all the programs.

They say to let you rest for some time,
for you to self-reflect.

Then the album won't be released?

That song was pretty good.


What have I done wrong that I must self-reflect?

What have I done wrong
that the whole country hates me?

Did I really do something so disgusting?

I only did my work diligently,

smiling when I'm sad,

and smile a little more when I'm happy.

I've been living this way.

Is living like this a crime?

What exactly have I done wrong?

What exactly have I done wrong?

A doctor reading the patient records
and finding the patient's address.

Isn't that considered immoral?

You yourself said Miss Gu Ae Jeong is your savior.

But when she's in trouble,
you don't even care at all.

Just thinking about living a good life,
that's not right, either.

I have nothing to say.

I can only ask Ae Jeong eonni to
continue to be tight-lipped about past events.

I can't do anything else.

So, that's why...

Just like 10 years ago and even now,

you want her to bear all the responsibility,

letting 1 person be hurt to resolve it all?

How can all of you be so selfish?

Why are you letting a weak woman
step forward and suffer it all by herself?

None of you have anywhere else to hide?

If I act pitiful,
will others pity and forgive me?

Isn't that the only way?

Shall I do an interview too and
spill everything out about you and Se Ri?

I don't know what's
the right thing to do either.

Hey, look over there!
Quickly, quickly, quickly!

It's a reporter, right?
What to do?

Hey, quickly go!

Quickly, quickly, quickly!

Hello, I'm Reporter Hwang Da Gyeong
from Entertainment Weekly.

You're Miss Jenny, right?

What can I do for you?

Regarding National Treasure Girls disbandment...

Quickly go!
Quickly go!

Oh, it's Miss Gu Ae Jeong, right?

Miss Gu Ae Jeong!

Miss Gu Ae Jeong!
Please wait a moment!

Miss Gu Ae Jeong.

Miss Gu Ae Jeong.

I'm Reporter Hwang Da Gyeong
from Entertainment Weekly.

Regarding National Treasure Girls disbandment,

I would like to ask you a few questions about it.

I don't know.

What happened at the time of
National Treasure Girls disbandment...

What are you doing?

Are you all right?

Yun... Mr. Yun Pil Ju.

Miss Gu Ae Jeong has nothing to say.

Let's go.

That cannot be ignored.

It's all right.

As time passes,
it'll heal.

You really make me upset.

Why do you always ignore it,
thinking it'll heal by itself?

That's why you have scars
that will never heal for years.

But, what else can I do?

With such a small injury,
if I continue digging deeper,

it might become more serious,
my whole leg might even be crippled.

Walk away.

Walk away from this strange place
that only brings you pain.

Doesn't matter if it's Dok Go Jin,
or the Entertainment industry,

maybe that world has moved you.

But you're always getting hurt,
always being harmed by others.

And you always have to
prepare yourself to get hurt again.

If there's a need,

you can use me to leave that place.

I'll help you run far far away.

If I run,

I can't protect it.

Even though I've been injured along the way,

there are things I have to protect.

If I run away,

I'm unable to protect anything.

I must protect it.

I can't spill out matters
regarding the people around me.

There's a possibility you'd be
unable to continue your career.

For the sake of being the celebrity Gu Ae Jeong,

I cannot just abandon
all the people around the real me.

It's better to just end it right now.

If this were a common job,

you could just resign
and get another job elsewhere.

But you cannot do that.

Where else can you go?
What else can you do?

You can't do anything.

But I still don't want to sell out my family and friends.

-=The truth behind National Treasure Girls disbandment.=-

I have to know the inside story,
only then can I reveal the truth.

What is Ae Jeong going to do?

Is there really a problem with Gu Ae Jeong?

Se Ri, do you know?

No matter the reason, the arrow
is pointing somewhere else.

Our show is saved.

Ae Jeong eonni is always
targeted by the arrow.

-=The truth behind National Treasure Girls disbandment=-

I'm sorry, Ae Jeong eonni.

I'm sorry.
I have nothing to say.

I will reflect upon it behind closed doors.

I'm sorry.

I have nothing to say.

I will reflect upon it behind closed doors.

I'm sorry.

I have nothing to say.

I will reflect upon it behind closed doors.

I'm sorry.

I have nothing to say.

Where are you going?

Miss Gu Ae Jeong... is she going to drag you down, after all?

I plan to take the fall with Gu Ae Jeong.

Dok Go, it hasn't reached the point of no return yet.

Don't fall because of this.

I also want to continue living.

That's why I'm taking the fall with her.

Why are you here?

Gu Ae Jeong.

Don't talk about other things

and just talk about me.


You and me.
Just talk about you and me...

to everyone.

As long as you agree to be my woman,

I will acknowledge everything.

Forget it.

Even if they're empty words, I'm content with that.
Stop kidding already.

I'm not kidding.

What I said just now,
isn't a joke.

Saying I want to immediately
announce our love, isn't a joke.

Begging you to marry me
right now, isn't a joke either.

Thank you for not joking.


this is the most serious one,

I might die and disappear,

that is not a joke either.

Gu Ae Jeong.

I'm seriously broken

and it may not be fixed.

-=The truth regarding the rumors
about Gu Ae Jeong press conference=-

So you're saying

that because you might die,

it's all right to expose our relationship, is that it?

"Better a bad life than a good death."

I'm really feeling it now.


Even if I were to leave this world,

I would definitely not let you suffer,

or let you depend on only yourself.

Tell me you're joking.

You don't need to sell out other people,

just sell me out.

To cover up all your problems
Dok Go Jin is expensive enough,

and I'm giving him to you.

So just sell him.

Tell me you're joking.

To achieve that,

let me be your man.

Tell me you're joking!

-=Next Episode Preview=-

We trained her so hard, yet for
her own development, she went solo.

That's right.
Ae Jeong eonni was involved.

Hey, Jenny, you've sent
red wine over to Jae Seok, too?

First it's hypnosis, then it's broken,
and now it's fate?

Wow, I'm really terrific, right?

We've received an urgent news.

Actor Dok Go Jin has collapsed due to a heart attack.

Is Miss "Thump Thump" not coming?

That woman will be singing live for me from somewhere.