The Greatest Love (2011–…): Season 1, Episode 12 - Episode #1.12 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Brought to you by WITH S2
Written In The Heavens Subbing Squad

You mean bastard...


I thought we could catch a midnight movie.

But it's so late already,
there's nothing we can watch.

Of course there isn't.

Wouldn't everyone have gone home
by this hour?

Shall we go eat something then?

But it's so late already, I'm not sure
if there are any shops still open.

Of course there aren't.

Wouldn't everyone have gone home to eat
by this hour?

It will be too late to go on a picnic,

I guess I'll just go back home.

How about going to my home?

If you go to my home,
there will be a lot of food for you.

You can also watch movies
and play with the computer game system.

Oh, there's something
I want to show you as well.

The actual thing.
I'll show it to you properly.

What actual thing
are you going to show me properly?


The potato that I'm growing.
I'll show you the actual thing properly.


Did you think
I wanted to show myself to you properly?

Well, I can show you if you want...

Forget it!

Let's just go for a drive.

Looking at the view at night
is also a kind of picnic, right?

What an awfully boring picnic.

You said it was awfully boring?


It became awfully fun.


We're almost out of fuel.

The car will stop
if we don't go home right away.

There's a gas station
just past the building.

Let's get some fuel before we go.

Nope, when did you see it?

There's a blanket here.

What are you doing?

If we get seen together, it will
cause problems for the two of us. Right?

I'll just do this.

Ah... Just lower your head
so that your face can't be seen.

I'll feel more at ease
if I can't be seen at all.

I'll feel more at ease.

Let's go!

- Welcome!
- Welcome!


How much gas do you need?

Fifty thousand won worth.

Are you Dok Go Jin?

Yes, yes.

I'm a big fan of yours.

Thank you. Yes.

I'll fill up fifty thousand won
worth of gas.

- Fifty thousand won!
- Okay.

Is that a person sitting in there?

It looks like a woman.
Could it be Kang Se Ri?

- Kang Se Ri?
- Yeah.

It seems so.

- I'm really curious.
- Who is it?

It looks like it is Kang Se Ri indeed.

- It's all done.
- Okay.

Is that your friend?

It's so warm but
she's covering herself with a blanket.

Thank you.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

Hey, hey, hey.
Is that a woman?

It would have been troublesome
if not for the blanket.

Being in our line of work
is really difficult.

We can't even go for a drive properly
in peace.

I think we need to prepare a bigger blanket
for emergency situations.

I'm upset so just sit there quietly.

Dok Go Jin, please pull over there.

Are you going to get off and leave?

I want to get something
from that convenience store.

I don't think
there's much food in your refrigerator.

Let's buy some good food
and have a picnic at your house.

Is that so?


Is this really the one
which I brought over the other time?

It is.
But it's grown by the special Dok Go Jin

so its quality is different
from other potatoes. Take a look at this.

Attached to this amazingly straight stem
are such vibrantly green leaves.

Everything that comes out of your mouth
serves to praise yourself.

But I brought a few of them the other time.
Why did you only grow one?

The rest were executed.

Seeing how well it has grown,
maybe a flower will bloom.

Yeah, I'll grow it well
and give you potato-flower viewing.

In that case, there will also be
potato flowers blooming in your background.

Like this?

Ding Dong.

Ding Dong.

Wait a moment.
Are those biscuits?

Green tea flavor.


What Ding Dong is this now?

Wait a moment.

Who can it be at such an hour?

Why is he here?

The security system has been disarmed.

- Hey.
- Hyungnim.


It got really painful as I thought about you
so I drank a little.

Then you should go back to your house.
Why come here?


- Hyungnim.
- Hey! What is with you?

I wish I could tell everyone about it.

The feelings
that I can't tell anyone about...

- Feelings?
- So what if it's painful?

Just bear with it.

Jae Seok, wait a moment.
I'll get some water.

Wait a moment.


Please stay by my side forever.
I'm begging you!


Lad... You can't...

Jae Seok has...

For you...

What should we do?

It's not what you think, okay?

It's not what you think.

Hey, it's not...

What are you doing?

- Hey! Let go! Let go!
- Hyung...

Let go! Let go! Let go! Let go! Let go!

Let go! Let go! Let go! Let go! Let go!

Let go!

What's wrong with you?
Let go! Let go! Let go! Let go!

Quickly let go!

Let go! Let go! Let go! Let go!

No, let go!

What's wrong with you?
Are you out of your mind?

Let go! Let go! Let go!

- You'll hurt him! What are you doing?
- Let go!

Jae Seok.

- Jae Seok, come back to your senses.
- Let go.

Ae Jeong unni.

- Seriously.
- What are you doing here?

I can't let you see me like this.

It's okay, Jae Seok.

If your heart takes you in that direction,
it's possible for you to fall for him.

It's not what you think, okay?


Quickly come back to your senses
and go back to your house. Go, go.

- Go quickly.
- Don't do this.

It must have been very difficult for him
to come here and confess to you.

It's not the kind of confession
you're thinking of.

You're wrong.
Wrong, wrong, wrong!

Then why does he look so pained?


He has pain that others don't know about.

He'll have to get some sleep
before he can come back to his senses.

Hey, get up.
Hey, get up quickly. Get up.

- Hyungnim.
- Get up, get up. I got it.

- Hyungnim...
- Okay, I got it.

Geez... Walk straight.
No, here.

Hey, watch out.

- I love you.
- Yes, I love you too. Get up.

Be careful, be careful, be careful.

- Hyungnim, do you know?
- Hey.

I love you, Hyungnim.

Okay, I got it.
Lie down.

Lie down here.


Please don't die.

You cannot die.

Please don't die, Hyungnim.

You cannot die.

I'll do my work well.


Don't be hard on Jae Seok.
Take good care of him.

I've finished the potato-viewing,
so I'm leaving now.

Gu Ae Jeong...

I'm sorry.

About what?

I only showed you the potato

and couldn't show you
what you secretly wanted to see.

The contract for my commercial prohibits me
from exposing skin freely.

What a pity.

I thought I'd be able to admire
the quality of the body,

that is so pretty from head to toe,

that it earns billions
from shooting commercials.

Shall I show you a little just for sample?

Never mind.
I'll get going.

Be careful on the way back.

I am the world's meanest,

most selfish bastard.

It seems Jae Seok left by himself.

He looked quite drunk.

He left without a word.

He looked really pained.

That's right.
He drank a lot.

Is he troubled by something?

It must be because of me.

He must like me more than I thought.

By treating him as a young fan,
I must have hurt his self-esteem.

I'll see him as a man from now on.

You can't do that.

What about me then?

What does this have to do with you?


Have you forgotten about that night,
three years ago?




You really don't remember?

It was raining that night.

We lit aromatic candles

When the electricity was suddenly cut.

In the darkness, the two of us...

Stop it!

So what about that?

Didn't we treat that night
like it never happened?

I've been waiting for you.

After that night,
I saw myself as your man.


Are you my man
just because you say so?

Then why do you always call for me whenever
something crops up at the restaurant?

Why call me whenever
you do a spring cleaning?

If it snows,
you call me to clear snow.

If leaves clutter up the place,
you call me to clear them.

If the pipes get blocked,
you also call for me.

I even painted these walls!

Was it because you were ordering me around
as a servant?

I asked you to do all those because
I thought you had a lot of free time.

In that case, Madam Jenny...

Why did you bestow wine
upon your servant that night?

You bad woman...

Hey, no.
Let me say one last thing.


Don't drink wine with Jae Seok.

Was I too much
in ordering him around?

Should I try to make things up to him?

I drank too much yesterday.

I don't even remember
how I ended up coming here.

Hyung, did I do anything wrong?

You came at the right time

and prevented me
from messing up my schedule,

as expected from my manager.

That's great.

But I thought I saw Ae Jeong noona
in my drunken state.

That's right.
It was Gu Ae Jeong.


She doesn't know about my condition yet
so I'll tell her at the right time.

Watch your words.


What about Representative Moon?

As for Representative Moon,
it's now time to tell her

since there are many things
we need to put in order.

What are the chances of success
for the surgery?

It's better not to know.

I think this is the time for you to cry.

Shall I go out for a while?

I can bear with it.

Being in a pathetically depressed state
doesn't suit both of us.



Then keep listening.

I've properly reviewed the contracts
for my commercials again.

They have different clauses regarding the
return of endorsement fee upon my death.

I think we'll have to get some advice
from lawyers but

- there are various...
- Stop it.

- I'll take care of those matters.
- Okay.

Just believe that you will live.

Even under such circumstances,
you're not crushed at all.

Dok Go, you're really the coolest.

That's right.
I am Dok Go Jin.

Then, what plans did you have
when you started things with Gu Ae Jeong?

If the two of you go public
with your relationship,

Both of you will fall from grace.

I know we will.

It will become the worst scandal ever.

But if the end comes for me,

it might not be the worst, but the greatest.

If I die,
people won't criticize us

and everything
will be beautified nicely, won't it?

If I live, I'll fall from grace
if I say that I like Gu Ae Jeong

But if I die, my feelings will be beautified
if I say that I like Gu Ae Jeong.

That's how one's image works.

That's why I'm going to protect
the best image.

And if something bad happens,

I will give it all to Gu Ae Jeong and leave.

Are you crazy?

You're just about to start afresh.

Does it make sense for you to get together
with Dok Go Jin like this?

It doesn't make sense to me either,
that's why I tried to resist.

But you like him still?

If we just consider
the one month limit he gave,

It shows that he doesn't intend
to stay with you for a long time

And that he doesn't intend to go public.

He's telling you that so frankly,
yet you still like him?

What about Yoon Pil Joo?

What about the show?

I have to talk to Yoon Pil Joo
about what we ought to do now.

I feel so sorry towards him,
I don't know what or how to talk to him.

I went to the Oriental Medicine Hospital

but they said that you're sick
and weren't there today.

It may be too shameless for me
to come all the way here,

but I can't pretend not to know...

Please come in.

Please take a seat.

Have you been eating ramen?

I brought some fruits.
Please eat them.

I found it.

You seem really angry.

I must have made you even angrier
by coming here. I'm sorry.

No, that's not it.

You have the right to be this angry.

I wronged you too much.

No, it's not...

I'll take my leave.
I'm sorry.

No, that's not it...
Gu Ae Jeong.

I'm really going to leave.

Gu Ae Jeong.

Gu Ae Jeong.

I wasn't venting my anger

by overturning the basket
or stepping on the banana on purpose.

This... I was trying to find this
when I made those mistakes.

I was putting my feelings in order.

I couldn't find the final puzzle piece
but you came and I found it.


Only this spot is empty.

All right.

It ends with this.

I've gotten sick of eating ramen.

Thanks for the fruits.

Hearing you thank me
makes me feel more apologetic.

It would be better
if you just vent out your anger.

Shall I vent my anger properly then?

If I say I'll do it, I will do it.

Gu Ae Jeong...

Do you think that by bringing such things,
you can sooth my anger?

I don't need such things!

Doing that feels good.

I saw that once on the drama
my mother was watching.

Now I think I know why they do it.

I'm sorry.

I have vented out my anger so there's
nothing you need to feel sorry about.

Also, don't give up on a program
that has already started.

Let's take it one step at a time calmly.

And end it
in a way that looks good for us.

Are you really sick?

I'm not sick.
I was just playing hooky from work.

Please don't worry about me.

Thanks for the fruits.

Well then, enjoy playing hooky.

Yoon Pil Joo, please take care.

Thank you.

That's right.

I'll be able to put the last piece in place.

[Section TV]
[Entertainment Report]

Are you saying that you want
Ae Jeong to be the reporter

for Section TV's Entertainment Report?

Because the regular host
is on maternity leave...

It's just for this short period.

Although this is just a temporary position,
if the response is good,

she might become a regular host.

Am I right, Producer Seo?

Miss Ae Jeong was a reporter
for one of the morning programs, right?

She caught crickets or something,
I remember watching that.

That's right.

When she was working as a reporter
for the morning program,

she even caught clams by the riverside
and wild boars in the mountains.

She did all of that!

Great, that's great.

She's going to catch news
about stars this time round.

Yes, got it.

We'll work hard at it.
Thank you.


Gu Ae Jeong as the reporter
for Section TV's Entertainment Report?

You were chased around
after getting into trouble

and now you're going
to chase after other people?

Do you think you can do
such an embarrassing thing?

I fully understand the feelings
of being chased after so...

Don't you think I'll be able
to chase after them in an empathetic way?

Can that kind of thing
be done empathetically?

Asking someone who has
just fallen out of love the day before

when they broke up,
why they broke up,

and whether there was a third party...

You have to ask such questions harshly.

Wouldn't that be as difficult
as being chased after?

Of course it will.

But I have to work hard at it

since I'm going to drop out
of Couple Making.


I have to.

If I continue with it,
it will be really unfair to Yoon Pil Joo.

He's not even doing all these for the show.

That Oriental Medicine doctor
didn't lose out either.

He managed to promote his hospital
and become famous because of this.

Although you're all right with
faking a relationship to win commercials,

Yoon Pil Joo isn't that kind of person.

Is that so?

Dok Go Jin is a lump of fakeness

while that anyone Oriental Medicine doctor
is a lump of sweetness.

But you still came to me.

Does that mean you like me a lot?

I like you.

Things will get difficult
if you like me too much.

Please don't worry about it.

I won't ask you to prolong this
or to say that this is for real.

I'll just enjoy this the way I want.

If you're going to enjoy it,
why did you bring Ding Dong along?

Didn't you say
that you two were best friends?

Go play with your friend.

I'll go take a look at the potato.

I wanted to make things enjoyable...

But there's no other place to go to
other than my house.

Isn't Ding Dong watching too much of that?

Ding Dong!

Aren't you neglecting
your fellow 7 year-old friends too much?

Shouldn't you be going to meet them

I like this place too much.

There is a computer game system
and a really great TV set.

Are you going to watch all of this
until it ends?

This is the first episode.

There are thirty episodes.


It's switched off.

Hey, what's wrong with the television?

Is it spoilt?

Where did the remote control go?

Ding Dong...

Shall I show you something interesting?

Aigoo, my butt...
What is this?

Oh, it's here!

Watch it.

You've got to watch it if you want to.

At seven years old,
it's okay to be self-indulgent.

I'm okay with not watching it.

I've watched the first episode today

so I'll watch another episode
the next time I come.

Didn't you say
there are thirty episodes?

You might not be able to watch all of it
if you just watch one episode per day.

So just watch.


Ding Dong...

Not everyone is given enough time
to watch thirty episodes, one a day.

That's why you should watch while you can.

I'm being self-indulgent too.

We will announce the breakup first
through an interview.

I'll put up a post
regarding my feelings towards the breakup.

Don't make it sound like
it wasn't a peaceful breakup.

Both of us are not to give
individual interviews regarding this.

We'll just appear to be upset
for the time being.

That's right.

We will avoid making comments by saying
that Dok Go is on an overseas photo shoot.

Don't do a photo shoot for real.

If you get your photos taken
under the melancholic atmosphere overseas,

right after we announce the breakup,
it might seem as if I've caused you pain.

Don't upload photos of yourself looking
at the sky with eye drops in your eyes.

Don't use sad ballads
as the webpage's background music.


We'll say you two have already ended it a
long time ago in a painless and cool manner.

Does that violate anything?

As for the contracts for their commercials,
we'll take responsibility and handle them.

All right.

That's all.
That's all we need to discuss, right?

My image benefited a lot
from being your girlfriend.

Your popularity didn't fall
because of me either.

We made good use of each other
and watched over each other properly.

You're the Dok Go Jin
who's always bragging about himself

and who only suits being at the top.

I don't think I'll like seeing you
falling from grace for liking someone.

Are you afraid that I'll fall from grace
while hugging Gu Ae Jeong?

Are you worried?

I don't have to worry, right?

You'll let go of her
if you think you're about to fall, right?

There's also a possibility that I won't fall
but will instead rise up to the sky.

See, you're looking cool
bragging about yourself again...

Shall we hug for the last time?

I can't.

I have an exclusive charger.

If you touch me,
I'll short circuit.

It seems you're holding on
to some shameful feelings.

Try growing potatoes.

It will help.

We'll be going to Gu Ae Jeong's
recording studio for the next date.

You'll play the piano there.

Playing the piano is always the coolest act.

Hyung, I'd like to pull out from this show
if possible.


Why, why...?
But why?

My family is really against me
appearing on the show.

If you've managed to gather the participants
for the next season, I want to pull out.

But aren't the two of you progressing well?

We're hoping
the show can continue this way.

I'm sorry, Hyung.

My circumstance won't allow me to.
Please understand.

[Star Date in Seoul]

The segment you're in-charge
of is "Star Date."

This is the producer for that segment.


I watch Star Date quite often.

It's the segment where we walk around town

and have the guest answer questions
in a natural way, right?

You can read the program description.

It's a simple segment.

Take a look first.

Producer Lee, please wait a moment.




Yeah, what are you doing?

I'm at the TV station.

Didn't I tell you I'm filming
as the reporter for Section TV today?

What are you filming then?

A segment called "Star Date"

where I hold light interviews with the guest
as we walk around.

You're doing that?


That sounds fun.

Well then, Gu Ae Jeong...

Go on a date with me.

Wait for me.


What is he up to again?

Yes, this is Section TV's production team.

Dok Go Jin's management company?

He'll accept an interview?

We've been trying to invite him on the show!

Yes, of course we can!

The Star Date segment?


Yes, yes.

Yes, let's do that.
Yes, yes.

Hey, Joong Seok, get the camera.

And get the van ready in ten minutes.

We'll leave in ten minutes.

What are you doing, Gu Ae Jeong?
I said let's go.

Are we going to interview Dok Go Jin
right away?

His schedule is all packed
except for this afternoon.

It's Dok Go Jin, we've got to go.

Get yourself ready quickly.

We'll leave in ten minutes.

Move quickly.

This is crazy.

- Hello.
- Hello.


- The script.
- Yes.

This is the first time I'm doing something
like this. I don't know what I should do.

You're really lucky to be doing this
with Dok Go Jin for your first try.

- I will work hard.
- Yes.

Do your best.

Oh, Dok Go Jin is here.

Gu Ae Jeong, we're starting.

- Yes.
- Stand by. Ready.


(*spicy rice cake)

Introduce yourself.

Hello, I am Gu Ae Jeong,
from Section TV's Star Date.

Yes, hello, Gu Ae Jeong.

The date route for today is...

Game arcade?

- Ddeokbokki, ddeokbokki...
- Ddeokbokki?

Okay, err...

Oh, you've prepared a lot for this date.


This one looks good.

Ddeokbokki. Okay.

You like ddeokbokki?


Shall we head for the ddeokbokki shop
for our Star Date then?

- Yes.
- Shall we go, Dok Go Jin?

- Got it.
- Yes.

Having a date
in a flour-based food store like this

matches my image quite well.

Ordinary, simple and down to earth.

Dok Go Jin, do you like ddeokbokki?

I like kimbap more than ddeokbokki.

Kimbap without cucumbers
and with a lot of burdock vegetable.


Oh, is that so?

Well, shall we eat the ddeokbokki?

It's really as delicious as rumored!

Gu Ae Jeong...

Are you doing to eat the ddeokbokki
by yourself?

Usually, under such circumstances,

the host will feed the guest a piece
while carrying out the interview.

Of course, if that makes things
difficult for you, it's okay.

I'll feed the Hallyu star Dok Go Jin
personally then.

The female viewers won't mind, right?

- Ddeokbokki?
- Yes.

- Yes.
- Here. Yes.

It's delicious.

I'll feed Gu Ae Jeong a piece too.

Is that okay?


It was a prank.

Here, Gu Ae Jeong.

- Yes?
- Do you want to give it a try too?

- Me?
- Yes, yes.

Just give it a try.

Yes, yes.

Position your left arm like this.

One, two, three.

Nice shot!

I'm choosing very carefully
my next movie after Fighter.

Yes, please decide carefully.

This store sells accessories.

Yes, it does.

Gu Ae Jeong...

This is the first interview you're hosting
for Section TV.

Can I buy you something
to commemorate this?

That would be an honor, Dok Go Jin.

Hello. Yes, hello.

Gu Ae Jeong, please choose something.

Which one should I choose?

Shall I choose it for you then?


This suits you well.

It does suit you very well.


- Is that so?
- Yes.

Can I put it on for you?


It suits you well...


Gu Ae Jeong, heart.


Dok Go Jin
is really the gentleman everyone says he is.

Thank you.


All right, shall we wrap this up?

The Star Date with Dok Go Jin
has been really enjoyable.

I had a really enjoyable time too.

Please say some final words
to the viewers then.

I'll take the opportunity to convey
something I wish to announce.

It's an extremely personal thing

so I thought that announcing it
through such a relaxed manner

would be good.

Gu Ae Jeong...

Can you ask me
about my relationship with Kang Se Ri?

Follow up, follow.


Are things progressing well
between you and your girlfriend Kang Se Ri?

Kang Se Ri and I...

are no longer a couple.

We've became comfortable colleagues
since a long time ago.

You must be shocked.

Dok Go Jin gave an interview?

Yes, I'm making preparations too.


Hi, this is Kang Se Ri.

You must be really shocked.

Dok Go Jin and I have decided
to remain as good colleagues.

Sorry for not informing all of you

Dok Go Jin put his relationship
with Kang Se Ri in order?

- Please be strong.
- What a pity.

I knew this would happen.
Dok Go Jin is wasted on her.

- Se Ri unni is much better than him!
- Congrats for becoming single again!

The situation has changed.

Yes, my eyes need to look watery.

Even though I'm not allowed to cry,

If I look unaffected,
I'll be the only one being scolded.

I hope this eye drop from France
will work well.

- She's out.
- She's out, she's out!

Kang Se Ri!

Kang Se Ri,
how do you feel about the breakup?

Did you delay announcing the breakup
because of your commercials?

- How do you feel?
- What is the reason behind the breakup?

- Please say something!
- Kang Se Ri!

Please say something!

[Her feelings towards
the Dok Go Jin-Kang Se Ri breakup]

Yes. My friend's cousin is a reporter.

He said Dok Go Jin broke up with Kang Se Ri
a long time ago.

They pretended to be dating
although they had broken up.

The relationships between artistes
cannot be trusted.

I knew about that!
I knew of it a long time ago.

Does that mean that he's single now?

That's right.

- So they have been pretending.
- I really dislike this kind of thing.

Yes, yes, yes.

Gu Ae Jeong, your first interview was a hit.

I've yet to gather my thoughts.

Dok Go Jin's sudden announcement
of the breakup was really shocking.

Gu Ae Jeong, since you are under
the same management company...

Did you know about his intentions

No, I didn't expect him
to say something like that today.

You've worked hard.

Oh, the morning program
wants the interview recording too.

- Okay, it's with the editing team.
- Get it ready.


I heard that Kang Se Ri cried.


Did she get ditched by Dok Go Jin?

Who knows?
We've got to ask around.

You must have been shocked.

Why did you announce that
without any notice?

It was time to announce it.

Don't come to my house for the time being.

Reporters are crowding around the place.

Got it?

Did you do the interview with
Ae Jeong unni on purpose to announce it?

Yeah, I wanted to leave behind evidence

that I've always kept Gu Ae Jeong
by my side.

A 3 days and 2 nights schedule
is too rushed.

That's right.

We've worked so hard learning Japanese.
Can't we just stay a day longer?

Your schedule is back-to-back
so it's not possible.

All right, the plane is about to depart

so don't hang around the duty-free shops.

Head for the gate straight away
once you go in.



I'm sorry.

Be careful where you're going.

Okay, I'm sorry.


Call me once you get back.


There's some time left.
Let's have lunch together.

The driver is waiting for me.
Just go in already.

Han Mi Na?

It's really you.

It's you, Mi Na.

It's me.

Manager Jang.

Mi Na?

Do you know him?

So you're her husband.


I was her manager
when she was still an artiste.

Oh, you told me that you were once a singer.

He was in the same line?

Nice to meet you.


Shouldn't you be going in already?

This is my name card.

Yes. And mine.

You're an international lawyer?

Mr. Alex.

Are you an overseas Korean?

Yes, I grew up in America.

Nice to meet you.

I'm catching a plane too
so I've got to go in already.

What a pity.
Let's stay in contact.

Or shall I contact you through your husband?

No, I'll contact you.


I'll take my leave now.

I've put everything in order.

I can't mess it up again.

[Kang Se Ri]

What's the matter?

Yoon Pil Joo...

Do you know
that we announced the breakup today?


I'm holding a singles' party.

Will you come and drink with me?

Please look for someone else.
I'm bad at drinking.

I'll do the drinking.

Shall I look for you at the hospital?

I'm about to leave now.

There's something I need to do.

I don't think I can meet you today.

Then I'll feel upset because of you
and drink a lot.

Are you going to pretend
you don't know about it and leave me alone?

I'll send you a message of my location.

It's up to you whether to come.

I'm going to get wrecked by myself.

So what if I get wrecked?
No one is going to look after me.

It will only make my face bloat.


Is Kang Se Ri around?

Kang Se Ri?
She is inside there.

Kang Se Ri.

Yoon Pil Joo?

You came?

I saw you nimbly running in here just now.

In any case, since you're here,

you'll look after me
if I get wrecked, right?

Kang Se Ri,
there's nothing I can do for you.

I hope you can put everything in good order.

Put in order?

Is it that easy for you to do?

I think I've managed it well.

You're lying.

Didn't you say
you feel the same way as I do?

Didn't you say
your insides were also flipped over?

You just want to think
that you're managing it well.

Just like me...

You don't want to show others
that you're wrecked like an idiot.

Never mind...

This is embarrassing.
Please leave.

Please leave quickly.
Please leave.

I'm asking you to leave quickly.

I've put everything in place.

I thought I've put everything in place,
piece by piece.

But I didn't put anything away at all...

Are the reporters still crowding
in front of your house?

It must be boring being stuck at home.

I feel like I'm dying.

I feel like I've became a princess,
trapped in a tower.

Don't you think your body is too beastly
to become a princess?

The beast...
You're the beast.

The beast who lives inside a tower,
growing potatoes...

Be it a princess or a beast,
just save me please.

I think things will become worse
if I go save you.

You've led a proud and conceited life

while looking down at the world
from the tall tower.

It will cause you
to come down to the ground.

Sing the heartbeat song
to help me recharge then.

Download it!
Each song costs 500 won.

You're so cold-hearted.

Just sing it once.

So that my heart will not stop
and will beat hard instead...

Didn't you say
you've been freed from the song's hypnosis?

If you find it a shame
that the hypnosis is broken

cast a spell or something then.

What? Are you going to say
it's some supernatural force or something?

I'm talking about spells.

A spell that can create miracles...

All right, I'll cast a spell for you.

The mean bastard who grows potatoes,
Dok Go Jin the beast,

transform into a warm-hearted princess!

I'll go see how warm-hearted
the spell has made you become.

I'm hanging up.

I'm begging you, okay?

This is the most expensive dish
in this restaurant.

You need to build up your stamina
in order to perform a long surgery.

Please eat all you want.
Savor it well.

I've aged and don't have enough stamina.

That's why I'm saying this.

Please tell me calmly and truthfully.

Doctor, are you confident
of fixing my heart?

Are you going to look for another doctor
if I said no?

Of course. Even if the chance of survival
is just 0.1 percent higher,

I'll end it with you
and look for another doctor.

There's no such thing...
because I'm the best.

Didn't you say that you were the best,
ten years ago?

Wouldn't another ace have appeared already?

I'm the best right now.

And I won't move from that position
in the future either.

And I have
an extremely good piece of news for you.

The success rate for your surgery
has doubled since ten years ago.


That makes it 10 percent.

I'll just take it
that the odds are 50-50.


You're not young anymore.

What if your hand trembles?

Please refrain from drinking alcohol
before my surgery.

Dok Go Jin, don't worry.

I'll fix it.


Please fix it.
I really...

I awfully want to live on, Doctor.

All the elders in the family are worried

about you showing your face
on that kind of TV program.

Quit the program and
put your feelings for that lady in order.

Continue with your study
of oriental medicine.

Do you hear your uncle?

Director Yoon suggested...

that you study at the Oriental Medicine
Research Institute in China.

He said he'll write you
a letter of recommendation.

You previously objected so fiercely
to me studying abroad.

Are you okay with this?

As long as you quit the TV program,
do whatever you want.

Even if you didn't ask me to,
I will quit.

Oh, is that so?


I wouldn't have asked you to step in
if I knew that.

Aigoo, it's okay.

Director Yoon.

Oh, Professor Jeong.

Please wait a moment.

- It's been a while.
- That's right.

Will you be attending next week's gathering?

It's been a while since we had one.

No, I can't go.

There's a major surgery coming up
so I need to abstain from alcohol.

- What a pity.
- That's right.

Do you have Park Min Gyu's contact number?

Yes, I think I got his name card before.

If he's a professor,
does that mean he's a doctor too?

I think so.

Look at that, Pil Joo.
Doctors should befriend doctors.

You should do the same and befriend doctors
or befriend the daughter of doctors.

You should mix
with people of the same profession.

What you're saying
seem to make sense at first,

but it sounds ridiculous
if we think about it.

It doesn't matter.

Aigoo, Sister-in-law, I'm sorry.

I met an old friend from many years back.

Is that friend of yours a doctor too?

He specializes in western medicine,
not oriental medicine.

He's one of the best in the cardiac field.

If you have such a famous friend,

you ought to have introduced him
to Pil Joo, right?

He's attending to some matters.

He's with that actor called Dok Go Jin.

Dok Go Jin?
That top star, Dok Go Jin?


Oh, that's right.

Wasn't it reported in the news
that Dok Go Jin had a heart surgery?


Did that doctor perform that surgery?

Ae Jeong is behaving like this
because she has temporarily lost her mind.

Dok Go Jin doesn't like Ae Jeong for real.

He told her to date for just a month.

And that's not because he likes her,

but because something went wrong with him,

causing him to be temporarily attracted
to Ae Jeong.

They started with him declaring that

once he gets fixed,
he'll swish past and leave her behind.

He will remain broken down for a month?

Yoon Pil Joo, if you like Ae Jeong,

please don't let go of her now.

Please catch hold of her.

Dok Go Jin is a bad person.

Ahjussi is not a bad person!

Ahjussi is Iron Man.

Iron Man?

Just like Iron Man,

Ahjussi is a superhero
with a pacemaker.


Dok Go Jin underwent a heart surgery!]

He specializes in western medicine,
not oriental medicine.

He's one of the best in the cardiac field.

Oh, that's right.

Wasn't it reported in the news
that Dok Go Jin had a heart surgery?


Did that doctor perform that surgery?

You're an oriental medicine doctor.

Why are you interested about the
western medicine's field of heart surgery?

I heard that you're going to perform
a major heart surgery.

Does that involve the use of a pacemaker?

Why are you curious about that?

I'm wondering if someone I know
is going to undergo that surgery.

What are the chances of survival
for that kind of surgery?

The theses I read
mentioned that it's quite low.

There's no such thing
as chances of survival.

To die or to live...
It's either of the two.


Director Yoon's mother.

She used to come every other day.

Why did she suddenly stop coming?

I don't think she'll come again.


Has she approved of you
and Director Yoon's relationship?

What approval?

We don't have that kind of relationship.

They were saying that Dok Go Jin

has put his relationship
with Kang Se Ri in order.

And here Ae Jeong
switched to the Dok line?

Ding Dong!

Jae Seok said
the reporters at his house have left.

Should I go and sing him
the heartbeat song?

I've got to make an escape quickly
and go recharge.


It's that "anyone" oriental medicine doctor.

I came because I have something to ask you.


- Father, I'll go out for a while.
- Okay, go, go.

Please eat this.

You're curious about...

something related to my heart?


Gu Ae Jeong knows nothing
regarding your heart, right?

Please tell me with certainty.

Is there...

a possibility that you'll die?

I'll tell you with certainty.
I may also live on.

Shall I tell you another thing
with certainty?

If you tell Gu Ae Jeong about this,

"Anyone" oriental medicine doctor...

You're dead.

Brought to you by WITH S2
Written In The Heavens Subbing Squad

Translator: karened

Timer: dizzybugs

Editor/QC: aaachec

Coordinators: mily2, ay_link

Don't forget me

Even if I only lived for a second

I'll be the one and only heart who loves you

For that one and only,
I've concealed sorrowful tears and left

So please remember me

I'm begging you not to forget

Even if I lived for a thousand years

I'll be a fool who only loves you

I am really envious of your cell phone

Because it's with you by your side
right now

Don't forget me

Even if I only lived for a second

I'll be the one and only heart who loves you

For that one and only,
I've concealed sorrowful tears and left

So please remember me

Don't forget me

Even if I lived for a thousand years

I'll be a fool who only loves you

Don't forget me

I really like you,
so much that it's unbearable.

That's good enough.

That is all that matters.

Do what your heart wants you to.

That's why my tears keep flowing

I have been hiding a part of my heart

A certain person can't even sense it
thus bringing me to tears

Even if you cannot hear me

Even if you cannot hear my heart

The love my tears convey

Will you finally hear it someday?

Because you are my man

Because you are my love

After sending you away and letting go,
you still remain and make me cry

Because you are my man

It's because you are still my man

I can't hold back these foolish tears