The Glades (2010–2013): Season 2, Episode 1 - Family Matters - full transcript

Jeff's father Ray Cargill has made a deal for early release on parole. The boy is ecstatic, but the first months Ray can only visit, being assigned to a half-way house, yet seems to have a fine influence in motivating school effort. Carlos shivers and squirms when assisting Jim to investigate the murder of major Cuban gang don Eduardo Garcia's niece and virtually adopted daughter. Obvious prime suspect rival gang lord Alvaro Saldivar haughtily proclaims his innocence and secretly offers Jim some help to unravel what might be a move for a gang war, which could hurt 'businenss' badly. Jim also takes an interest in the victim's life at Connecticut boarding school and, mostly secretly, back in Florida, with a forbidden lover.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[Chattering In Spanish]

Aqu? tienes. Y este es tuyo.


?Llama a Eduardo! ?R?pido!

Are you sure you know how to change this?
'Cause I've seen what you do to a car.

Yes. Very sure.

The year before the academy, I spent
an entire summer as a plumber's assistant.

- Oh, wow. So you're an expert.
- Oh, yeah. Yeah.

And the thing you need to know to become
a successful plumber is that time is money.

Okay, well, that one didn't really stick
since it's three and a half hours later.

- Hey, we needed to get the right part, right?
- Right.

And that pitcher of beer
and the two baskets of fried clams.

I'm just trying to make the most
of whatever time we've got.


Which might have all just come
to a screeching halt.

That is D.O.C.

- Department of Corrections?
- Must be here ahead of Ray's release.

- They didn't notify you?
- Yeah, they called last week...

- but they didn't tell me a specific day.
- Yeah, they don't do that.

Why? What, to try and catch me doing
something wrong? I'm not the criminal.

She doesn't know that.

Ray must have listed your house
as his primary residence.

She's here to make sure it's real.

- Mrs. Cargill?
- Yeah.

Sonja Stevens,
your husband's parole officer.

I'm here to ensure your house
is compliant for his release.

- Uh, my house?
- Everything all right?

- Yeah.
- Law enforcement?

Uh, no.
Uh, he's, uh, helping me with my plumbing.

No, uh, my plumbing.

He's just a friend.
It's not what it looks like.

Never is.

[Keys Jangling]

Here you go.

Female, 25.

Shot twice in the back of the head.

No gray matter or spatter.

Probably shot elsewhere and dumped here.

Based on lividity,
I'm putting time of death at 2:00 a. m.

Cinderella's missing a shoe. She must
have lost it on the way home from the ball.

Yeah, she wasn't running from a prince.
I'm guessing a pro did this.

As in a hit? Based on what?

Based on that crowd
of scared-shitless people.

Worked enough mob hits in Chicago to
know when the natives are extra restless.

Anyone brave enough
to come forward with an l.D.?

What the hell's the matter with you people?
Cover her up. Show some respect.

- I'm sorry. You are?
- Rafael Dominga.

- I work for the owner of the caf?.
- Okay.

- Maybe you can tell us who she is.
- Her name was Olivia.

Eduardo Garcia.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say...
sorry for your loss?

- Girlfriend maybe?
- Hey, I said show some respect.


- She wasn't my girlfriend.
- Okay.

She was my niece.

Olivia was my brother's only child.

We lost my brother 10 years ago, and her
mother died of cancer when she was two.

I'm sorry. You lost your brother?

He was presumed dead. Went missing.

Losing both parents- that's tough.

Olivia was a fighter.

She graduated Columbia Law,
and she's clerking for a judge in Manhattan.

- You're obviously very proud of her.
- She's like my own daughter.

When was the last time you spoke to her?

Friday. Friday morning.

She was- She was at work.

Well, obviously not.

She come here to Florida often
without you knowing about it?

Hey, why are we wasting time?
We all know who did this.

Yeah, about that, actually-
any names you wanna give me?

So I can go bug them instead of you.

- I don't know what you're talking about.
- Right.

Still gonna go with that one, huh?

But I know a little
about how this works, Eduardo.

Actually, I know a lot.
And I can see how hard this is hitting you.

You'd be really smart to let me handle this.

You know, instead of one of those
other ways we're not talking about.

[Sniffs, Sighs]
You'll have my full cooperation.

Yeah, probably not, actually.

But a little would be great.

We get anything?

Name, rank, serial number. Oh, and
Eduardo's promise for full cooperation.

Great. We know how that goes.

It's clearly family business.
You know, Saldivar.


Eduardo Garcia's rival boss.

- Carlos, get him up to speed
on the two families.
- Me?

Because I'm the only in-house Cubano,
I know about the Cuban mob?

- Don't you?
- That's not my point.

I, uh, got a body to process.

Yeah, and I've got Eduardo Garcia's niece...

dumped in an alley
behind the family headquarters.

Someone's sending a message.

The faster we learn what that is...

the faster we keep Calle Ocho
from becoming a war zone.

Alvaro Saldivar,
patriarch of the Saldivar crime family.

Makes Tony Soprano look like Gandhi.

Sworn enemy of Miguel Garcia.

Eduardo's older brother
that started the family business.

The widely held theory
is that Saldivar killed Miguel...

on the way to a summit in Ybor City
10 years ago.

But because Miguel's body was never found...

Saldivar was never prosecuted for the crime.

Eduardo took over.

Started a war with the Saldivars
to avenge his brother's death.

Ironically, both sides did well,
consolidating their strengths-

coke for the Garcias,
gambling for the Saldivars.

Five years ago, they declared a truce.

Despite the peace,
there's been bad blood between them...

ever since the Mariel boatlift in 1980.

Oh, when Castro emptied out the jails...

and put Cuba's criminals
here on Florida's sunny shores.

- Somebody's seen Scarface.
- Yeah, on cable. Doesn't hold up.

It's a stereotype.

Of the 125,000 Cubans who came
to Florida, only 800 were criminals.

Most were honest, including my dad...

who decided he'd rather drive a cab here
than practice medicine in Havana.

Wait. You're a Marielito?
I just said that before to piss you off.

Yeah, well, it worked. I was eight.

We came here with everything
we owned on our backs.

This is my home now.

But some still yearn to go home to Havana.

Home is where the heart is, huh?

Question is...

why did Olivia come home...
without telling her uncle?

Credit card says she stayed here
one weekend a month for the past year.

It's a long way from Calle Ocho.

Okay, obviously,
Olivia didn't want her uncle Eduardo
to know what she was doing down here.

Or who she was doing it with.

- Whoa! Put that-
- Ballard? Are you out of your mind?

- That's a hell of a good way
to get your ass shot.
- Right back at you, Colleen.

So you two know each other?

What the hell are you doing here, Tim?

Mob daughter got whacked.
As in, my crime scene.

Your crime scene?
Yeah, not from what I'm seeing.

Tim Ballard, F.D.L.E. Organized Crime Unit.
Jim Longworth.

Yeah, and as far as crime scenes go,
it's not really much of one.

Romantic dinner for two, uneaten.

Empty bottle of champagne, dirty glass.

She was obviously meeting someone here.

But unless our Columbia Law School grad
had turned to hooking...

my guess is it wasn't for business.

The niece of Eduardo Garcia gets assassinated
and dumped behind his restaurant.

You don't think it's mob-related?

I don't think we can rule it out.
But you know what?

If and when we do find that they're related,
I'll be sure to loop you in.

Whoa. Whoa. Are you serious?

As a heart attack.

And I'll take any and all files
you have on Olivia Garcia.

Olivia was a civilian. I got no files on her.

- All right, all right. I'll send them over.
- Mm-hmm.

- But if I were you-
- You aren't.

I'd be damn careful
where I stuck that nose of yours.

Blood starts running between
Saldivar and Garcia, it's on your hands.


Good luck, buddy. You're gonna need it.

Huh. I thought I was the only one
that could piss you off like that.

Oh, not even close.
Annoying-as-hell politico.

Started off in Ordnance for A.T.F.

- Bomb squad?
- Mm-hmm. Was undercover in Ju?rez.

- Got his partner blown up.
- Huh.

Tallahassee loves his cowboy act.

- Made him chief of organized crime.
- Yeah.

He's gonna get us those files, right?

He will if he knows what's good for him.

Why? What are you thinking?

I'm thinking there's clearly
something personal about this.

Romantic even.

I'm thinking that maybe
it's not a mob thing after all.

Well, if Eduardo Garcia
promised you cooperation...

it might be time to open a few wounds
and see who bleeds.

Oh. Hey, uh, Detective Longworth
here to see- Oh. Pat down?

Ah, you touch my junk, I'll call the police.

Rafael, right?

Yeah, l, uh-
I got a couple of questions for Eduardo.

No, he's not taking visitors.
It's a difficult time.

Making you, what, his second-in-command,
trusted gatekeeper?

Friend of a family friend...
who doesn't like your tone.

Hey, no offense, but I'm not visiting.

And if I have to come back with a warrant,
I bring a dozen uniforms...

so... your call.

- He's in the back.
- Thank you.

Whenever he traveled, my brother
would bring back a charm for Olivia.

Oh, that's... charming.

- This her room?
- Yeah, it was.

When my brother died,
she came and lived with me.

And then she went to boarding school
when she was 15.

Millhaven Academy. That's Connecticut,
right? Long way from Florida.

Yeah, Millhaven is
what got her into Columbia.

And away from the family business,
whatever that may be.

My brother and l
only wanted the best for her.

Well, what about Olivia?
What did Olivia want for Olivia?

- I don't know what you mean.
- Oh.

Boarding school in, uh, Connecticut?

Ripped away from her friends,
her family?

It's what she wanted.

Oh, what she wanted, huh?

I know my niece, Detective.


Well, maybe you know
who she was having the affair with.


She stayed at Coconut Grove
one weekend a month...

for the past year, starting last summer.

That's wrong. She always stayed with me
when she came down here.

Well, the receipts say otherwise, so-

[Shouting In Spanish]

Hold it! Get off him! Get off!

The bastards had the balls to send flowers.

- The Saldivars have no respect.
- I said get off him now!

You do this in front of my house
on the day of my niece's death!

- Huh?
- [Engine Starts]

- This is how you watch my house?
- [Rafael] Eduardo.

- [Eduardo] No!
- We have to do something.

You don't have to do anything.

This is not your business.

Yeah, I'm sorry to say, Eduardo,
but murder is definitely my business.

I'm gonna give you three days-

until my niece is in her final rest.

Three days till you bring her justice...

or else.

She had a blown pupil,
which signals traumatic brain injury.

So? Two bullets to the head
doesn't qualify as traumatic?

So I also found bruising
of the anterior temporal artery on her scalp.

I did an X-ray.
Found she suffered a diffused axonal injury.

- In English, por favor?
- Somebody scrambled her egg.

You did that on purpose.

The bullets exited on the right,
blowing gray matter out.

But her left temple was pushed in...

Iike maybe someone smashed her skull...

and then popped her
to make it look like a mob hit.

Or someone popped her then smashed
her skull to make it look like it wasn't.

Phone records say she called
a local number nine times that night.

[Jim] Probably the guy that stood her up
at the hotel the night she was killed.

It's a prepaid cell, bought at a Best Buy
in Naples with a stolen AmEx.

- The number's out of service.
- Yeah, it's probably 'cause it's been tossed.

By the way, Daniel,
I like what you've done with the place.

Thanks. Thought I'd make it
more homey now that I'm a paid employee.

Intern. Paid intern.

Check it out.

- Is that my U.V. Iamp?
- Cool, huh?

Put it back.

Actually I was using it
on these funky hairs I found in her dress.

I'm thinking Canis familiaris.

Dog hair like husky or Lab maybe.


It's a whole nother animal.

Ceiba tree. It's indigenous to Cuba.

There's only six in Little Havana.

They represent Marielitos' roots in Cuba.

But this is the only tree
with seed pods big enough...

to produce a fiber
like the ones that we found on her dress.

And all this- some kind of voodoo?


People far from home
trying to connect to loved ones.

Like a 25-year-old daughter
who never buried her father?


You know, there's no A.T.M.'s or traffic cams to
see who she might have been waiting for.

I got something better.

[Men Chattering In Spanish]


There's no way these veteranos
are gonna talk to you, amigo.

That's why you're talking to 'em.

[Chattering Continues]



- Hola.
- Hola.

Hola. Uno lim?n.

- Uh, ?s??
- S?. S?.

Mi nombre es Detective Longworth.

Stop. Stop.

- What?
- I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, but your Spanish is really terrible.

Oh, yeah, it kind of is.

It's okay. So one lemon ice.

- Please.
- You got it.

- And your name is?
- F?tima.




Going? Go on.

- No. No, no, no. It's not "abagado."
- No. No?

No. Abogado.

- Abogado. Abogado. Abogado.
- Abogado. Perfect. Yes.

- Abogado.
- Abogado.

- Abogado what?
- The guy that Fati says...

was fighting with Olivia underneath the tree
the night she was killed.

Yeah, abogado means "lawyer."
There's thousands in Florida.

But only one on that park bench.

[Man] If I have to come down there,
you're going to regret it.

I'm late for court. Take a number.

How about 11, as in the time last night...

when a witness saw you
fighting with Olivia Garcia in Domino Park.

Being a lawyer,
I'll bet you know where I'm headed with that.

Well, in that case, I'm taking the Fifth.

Free clinic.
You get what you pay for, I guess.

Actually, we do damn good work here...

protecting poor people
from cops who overstep their bounds.

Oh, so you have a problem with cops.

Well, this should go smoothly.

How did you know Olivia Garcia?

She did a little pro bono work
for me a few summers ago.

Ah, that was nice of her.

Any problems with clients-
threaten her maybe? Or is that just you?

She fought hard for her clients.
They loved her.

Did you? Love her, I mean?
Is that what you guys were fighting about?

No. And, yeah, I loved her, but not like that.

[Sighs] Look, Olivia was an amazing lawyer.
She really cared about people.

Plus, she was serious with some local guy.
Talked to him all the time.

- She say who it was?
- Oh, she wouldn't tell me.

Her uncle was crazy protective of her.
Had spies everywhere.

She was breaking it off. I got the impression
that it was going on for a long time.

What were you two fighting about?


"Saldivar Social Club."

You a member?

- You know about her father, right?
- Missing, presumed dead.

Yeah, Olivia was obsessed
with finding out the truth.

Spent years working on it, free time.

She texted me. She had a new lead.

She was going to see Alvaro Saldivar.

The guy everyone assumes
is the guy that put out a hit on her father?

That's a little dangerous.
She say what the new lead was?

She wouldn't tell me.

Look, I'm late for court,
so unless you wanna arrest me-

No, thanks. But maybe later though.

- Hey, Carlos.
- Anything?

Apparently, she was doing
some pro bono work for the clinic.

Sounds like she was also working the
neighborhood for anything she could find...

to get to the bottom of her father's murder.

Olivia's phone.
German tourist turned it in to a beat cop.

SlM card's gone,
but that number she kept calling?

It's listed
in her address book as "Quero."

Quero? What's that in Spanish?

It doesn't translate directly.
I'm guessing a nickname?

Well, we've got 48 hours to find out.

That's how long Eduardo Garcia gave us
until he lays his niece to her final rest.

After that, we got a whole lot
more bodies on our hands.

Oh. Daniel, call Olivia's landlord
in New York, the local precinct.

- See if she ever reported a stalker.
- Where we going now?

To get a cigar.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
You see the sign?

- Members only.
- An antisocial social club. Huh.

Alvaro Saldivar's not some wiseguy
snowbird from Chicago, okay?

He's as hard as they come. You don't
just walk in there and ask questions.

Well, then how am I gonna get answers?

[Chattering In Spanish]

Alvaro Saldivar? Jim Longworth.

Oh. You're a baseball fan.

You sponsor all these teams?

Okay, well, I'll just get into it.

We have a witness says Olivia Garcia came
and saw you the night she was murdered.

Something about a new lead...

for the disappearance of her father, Miguel,
10 years ago.

Oh, yeah. Getting a little bright in here.


So I was thinking...

uh, if you didn't really have anything
to do with Olivia's death...

then answering a question or two-
which I know is not your thing-

could really help me do my job
and stop a war.

Yes? No? You'll get back to me?

- [Clears Throat] Hey.
- Hey.

- [Carlos] Perd?n, don Saldivar.
- Hey, Carlos.

- We were just talking.
- Hey.

La muerte de Olivia es una tragedia...

pero necesitamos llegar
a la verdad para evitar una guerra.

"La guerra."
Uh, "war. " I said that. I said that.

Ya yo le dije, pero este es un idiota.

Yo siempre tengo que limpiar sus errores.

As? que, por favor...

de parte de nosotros,
perd?nanos, don Saldivar.

Let's go.


Nice talking to you, Al.



- [Grunts]
- I can't believe you're home.

I can't believe it either.

Why didn't you tell me Dad was coming home?

I didn't wanna spoil the surprise.

And I'm not quite home just yet.

- What do you mean?
- Well, it's not a big deal.

I've just got to stay at a halfway house
up in Highlands County...

just for a while, as part of my transition.

- Why can't you stay here?
- It's just for three months, pal.

- I can't see you for three months?
- No, no.

You can see him as much as you want-
every day if you want.

Hey. Hey. Don't worry about it, okay?

We're gonna spend a lot of time together,
I promise.

We got some catching up to do.

So go get out of these school clothes.
Let's go to the batting cages.

The batting cages? Awesome!
I haven't been there in months!

I'm sorry I didn't tell him
about the halfway house.

It's all right. I'll cover it.

We got a lot to cover anyway.

Callie, I'm not happy about this.

And you know that. But I get it.

And who knows? Maybe it's for the best.

You don't have to say that.

Give me three months, like we agreed.

Let me get a job,
spend some time with Jeff...

- show you that I mean business.
- Ray, l-

Tst, tst.

And if you still wanna file for divorce-

I don't wanna give you false hope.

- Three months.
- Three months.

All right! Let's do it!

- All right. Bye, Mom.
- You boys have fun.

[Door Closes]

[Keys Jangle]



- [Recorded Voice] You have zero messages.
- Thank you.

[Water Running]

Hands where I can see them.

I'm alone and unarmed.

Except for the dozen goons
you got up the street, I'm guessing.

I couldn't talk in front of my men.

Okay. So talk.

I didn't kill Olivia Garcia.

Just her father.

Not Miguel either.

I don't want war, Detective.
It's bad for business.

So I'll tell you why Olivia came to me.

Yes, Olivia came to me that night...

pleading, drunk, wanting to know
where her father was buried.

So you told her, right?

I told her I met Miguel in Ybor City
the night he disappeared.

He was in good spirits...

and left early to buy
a charm for her bracelet.

That's a thing you don't make up.

So the two families met after all?

Miguel had vision.

He saw we could increase our profits
by sharing costs.

It would be to everyone's advantage.

Well, almost everyone's.

The next morning, Miguel went missing.

That night, Eduardo blew up
two of my cousins. The war started.

That's a sweet little story.

Pity only you and Miguel can verify it.

I'll tell you what I told Olivia.

If you want to know what happened
to Miguel, go talk to Eduardo.

You're saying Eduardo killed his own brother.

Just so we're clear.

We've had peace for five years,
which is good for business.

War is expensive.

As a businessman,
why would I want that, Detective?

But if a drop
of my family's blood is spilled...

I will atone for it.


Yeah. Comprendo.

You're wearing your gun in the office.
That's a first.

Yeah. Kind of in the middle of a turf war.

- The Cuban mob?
- Oh, yeah, them too.

No, I meant Manus and this jackass
who runs the organized crime unit.


So, how was Ray's homecoming?


I told him that I didn't feel comfortable
with him moving back home...

so he agreed to transition
at a halfway house.

Oh. How'd that go over?

That part, good.

It was telling him
that I was filing for divorce...

that he didn't really take very well.

I told him that he could visit Jeff
as much as he wanted...

but I didn't want to give him false hope,
even though I said that I'd hold off.

- Hold off?
- Filing.

Oh. Okay. For how long?

Nothing, really. Three months.

Three months.

Well, good thing you didn't want
to give him false hope.

Really? You're gonna be a jackass about this?

He needs my support
to transition out of prison.

I didn't lie to him or give him any reason...

to make him think
that I would change my mind.

- Yeah, no, look, l-
- [Ballard] You got a minute?

- No.
- Yeah, actually, he does.

Hey, Callie.

You know,
I pegged you for a smarter guy than that.

That's usually everyone's first mistake.

Thanks to your little stunt...

Saldivar bought
state-of-the-art bug-sweeping gear.

Took me five years to light that place up.

I'm sorry. Are you bragging?
'Cause five years is-

- You know he came to your house
last night to kill you, right?
- He came by my house to talk.

- The question is, are you tailing him or me?
- [Chuckles]

Well, what did you talk about?

Oh, I got Manus those files
on Olivia Garcia, as promised.

Olivia went to see Saldivar the night
she was murdered to ask about her dad.

And now you're gonna go talk to Eduardo.
Got that from Manus.

You know Alvaro Saldivar
is playing you, right?

Send you down the rabbit hole on Miguel's
murder so you don't solve Olivia's.


Ieaves Eduardo no other way
to save face but to retaliate.

Saldivar using the F.D.L.E.
to start his war- genius.

Saldivar doesn't want a war.
Bad for business.

Unless your business is a failed attempt
to solve a 10-year-old murder...

by taking down the Cuban mob.

Now, there's a good reason to start a war.

Hey, we found your niece's cell phone.
Nice footwork, by the way.

Oye, Eduardo,
permite que lo maneje, por favor.

No, todav?a no. D?jalo.

She called someone called Quero nine times
on the night she was killed.

- Think it was a nickname?
- I don't know it, Detective.

That's too bad.

Her old boss at the law clinic
in Little Havana...

said that she was dating someone local,
someone you probably didn't approve of.

Probably why she was slipping
in and out of town under the radar.

A Saldivar maybe? Saldivar himself?


Actually, she spoke to Alvaro Saldivar
the night she died...

to talk to him about her dad's death.

And he said he told her to talk to you...

implying, obviously,
that you knew something about the death.

For a year, she's coming in and out of town
without telling you she's here...

or that she's investigating
her father's death...

'cause she knew you were watching her
like a hawk.

I'm watching her because-
because I love her...

'cause she's my niece,
'cause I promised my brother.

Or you were worried
she was getting too close to the truth.

He's my brother, my blood.

I lost my brother to that bastard.

Yeah, but you gained an empire.

Are you implying
that I killed my brother for money?

It's not unheard of.

Listen, you heartless prick.

You wanna know what happened
10 years ago?

- You really wanna know what happened?
- Wait.

[Electrical Static]

- You brought a bug to my house?
- Trust me. It's not mine.

- Why should I trust you?
- Okay, then don't.

But I did just stop you
from incriminating yourself.

- [Cell Phone Rings]
- Daniel?

I'm watching the surveillance tape
from Olivia's co-op in New York.

Wait. Let me guess.
You found our mystery man.

That's Detective Ballard.

- [Jim] When was this taken?
- Two weeks ago at her co-op at Fifth Avenue.

- He's obsessed with her.
- Which is why he's obsessed with the case...

and why Olivia
couldn't tell her uncle about it.

And you can bet your ass
that belongs to him too.

Only one problem.
The name on her phone- Quero?

Ballard isn't exactly a Latin lover.

Well, he was undercover in Mexico- A.T.F.

- A real cowboy, you said?
- Yeah.

That's it.
Quero is short for vaquero- cowboy.

Works for me. Go bring his ass in.

- [Callie] Hey.
- Hey.

Algebra before midnight.
Are you running a fever?

Uh, no. Actually, uh,
Dad said if I got my work done...

- he'd take the bus over
and we'd play Assassin's Creed.
- Hmm.

- So- If that's okay with you.
- Of course it is.


- You guys had fun today, huh?
- Yeah. It was awesome.

[Cell Phone Rings]



Uh, listen, I wanted to apologize for the way
I reacted this morning.

No. I'm sorry.

I- I kind of just sprung that on you
at work, no less.

- So no harm, no foul?
- Wow.

I got off way too easy.


- That's weird.
- What's weird?

I never lock my car at work. Hang on a sec.

[Alarm Chirps]



- Are you kidding me?
- Fine.

- You're losing it, Colleen.
- Oh, a bomb shreds my lead detective's car...

the same guy that you bugged...

while he's investigating a murder of a woman
that you were stalking...

and I'm not supposed to think
you know anything about it?

- Fine.
- "Fine"?

But it's not what you think.

Last summer, a C.I. told me
he saw Olivia in Calle Ocho...

asking questions about her dad's murder.

So I reached out,
told her I had some new leads.

Do you? Or was that a lie too?

- Half a lie.
- [Mutters]

Recycled some old intel.

I tried to flip her on Eduardo,
but she refused.

Get to the car bomb part yet?

- [Colleen] Hey. Are you okay?
- Yeah. Just caught a little glass.

I'll be fine. Hey, Ball-ard, what's up?

- Did you break into my car?
- I did, yeah.

Found the receiving end of the bug you
planted on me, which damn near got me killed.

Garcia didn't bomb your car.

If he did, we'd still be hosing you
out of the parking lot.

- Saldivar's who you should be looking at.
- Really?

And with your ordnance training
and all your A.T.F. undercover work...

you tell me
why I shouldn't be looking at you.

Because I'm no cop killer.

I may bend the rules, sure...

but I'm not about to throw away 10 years
of building a case...

against the Cuban mob for this guy.


- No offense.
- Hey, none taken.

So here's how it's gonna be.

You're gonna give us everything you've got
on both families, right here, right now...

or the bug I plant to stalk your ass,
you're gonna need an autopsy to find it.

Yeah. And it better be the good stuff...

or my next call will be to l.A.


[Tires Screech]

Daniel? Is he all right?

Callie. I completely forgot to call you back.

Yeah. No, it's fine.

I'm just- I'm glad you're okay.

- You scared the crap out of me!
- I know. I'm sorry.

I'm fine though. Really.

- Daniel, can you pull this flash up in my office?
- You got it.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't call you back.

No, it's fi- I mean, don't be ridiculous.

- This is-
- Hey, about earlier?

Listen, I know Jeff needs his dad.

And I know the only way that's gonna happen
is if Ray gets a fresh start.

So whatever you feel you need to do
to make that work, I get it.

Thank you.
That's- That's all I'm talking about.


Detective, you're definitely
gonna want to see this.

No, thanks.

Ballard got dirt on lots of people,
including Jonathan Foster...

the lawyer who runs
the walk-in clinic on Calle Ocho.

Check this out.

Wire transfer for $100,000?

From an offshore holding company
in the Bahamas.

That launders money for the Saldivars.
What do you know?

Gracias, se?or.

- I heard you had some car trouble.
- Yeah, I bet you did.

It wasn't me, Detective.

Well, it wasn't you you.

You asked to meet, so let's meet.

I was just wondering why you gave the clinic
Olivia Garcia worked at $100,000.

I sent word that I wanted to help...

as long as she told no one
where the money was coming from.

Or you knew she was looking for
her father's killer...

so you paid her boss to tell you
what she was working on.

She got too close. She fought with her boss
'cause she wanted to confront you with it.

Next thing you know, she turns up dead
in an alley behind her family's business.

- [Chuckles]
- Oh, come on, that was pretty good.

Hey, listen to me.

I'm a Marielito. I've been blessed.

I wanted to give back to other Cubanos
who weren't as lucky as me.

Her boss, the weasel abogado,
he helps my people.

Why do you think I permit him
to stay open in Calle Ocho?

I gave the money to Olivia
to make that happen.

Her heart was in the right place.
I believed in her.

- She was smart, trustworthy.
- And hot.

- No.
- Yeah, kind of makes sense...

in a Cosa Nostra
"enemy of my enemy is my lover" kind of way.

She wasn't looking for love, Detective,
not with me.

She was looking for closure.


Oh, I get it. This is one of those things...

where we're not really talking
about what we're talking about, right?

Oh, thanks.

Cuban, I assume.

Romeo y Julieta.

The young lovers.

Young lovers, huh?

- Any ideas who?
- No.

If I did, I would tell you.

You know, war is not good for-

Ah, bad for business, yeah. Got it.

Oh, and, uh, thanks for the cigar.

- [Carlos] What are we looking for?
- Signs of a boyfriend.

From when she was 15?
Yeah, well, good luck with that.

At 15, they have a new boyfriend
every 20 minutes.

Unless the dad knew that
and sent his kid to boarding school.

I'd kill the little bastard first.

Which maybe the boyfriend knew.

So he killed Miguel, not the mob?

Well, Saldivar said he didn't kill Miguel.

Neither did Eduardo.

Which leaves... our old friend Quero.

She's still seeing her
forbidden teenage love 10 years later?

Very Romeo y Julieta.

- But it still doesn't tell us who he is.
- No, but maybe this will.

- What's that?
- It's girl numerology.

They use it to see
if they have a future with a boy they like.

- Okay.
- No, here.

You assign each vowel a value.

One for "A," two for "E,"
three for "l" and so on.

Then you count the vowels in both names...

and you add them in each vowel column.

If the total has three matching numbers...

Iike 43555, it's a good match.

That's numerically random.
That literally makes no sense.

Except for a teenage girl.
Welcome to my world.

Okay, so if we work backwards,
we take the total in Olivia's name...

we should be able to find out
the kid's name, right?

It has three vowels, like her...

which rules out Ballard, but not Quero...

- not Jonathan and not Alvaro.
- Or Eduardo.

Killed for seeing a Saldivar, maybe.

Is it just me, or is it kind of weird...

that Garcia's letting two cops
just hang out in his house all night?

Where did they say he was again?

It's Olivia's funeral tomorrow.

He's making final arrangements.

[Chattering In Spanish]

[Sirens Blaring]

- Drop your weapons! Get on the ground!
- Get on the ground!

Get down on the ground now.

Get down!

Get down on the ground now!
Get down!

Let me guess. All you guys got tickets
to the gun show, huh?

Get out of the car.

You gave me three days to finish my business.

The service isn't until tomorrow.
I stayed inbounds, Eduardo.

I've risked my neck for your business,
and this is how you show me respect?

You know what? I'm taking you in.

You can't do that. What's the charge?

In connection
with the murder of your niece.

- You can't keep me here.
- Ah, your paperwork's been misplaced.

It'll turn up soon enough.
Just be a few more hours.

Your brother was a good guy, I bet.

Nothing? Okay.

Oh, uh, you didn't finish
that story the other day.

The truth about the day he disappeared.

I was the one supposed to go
to that meeting in Ybor City.

- My brother went instead.
- Why didn't you go?

I have a temper.
He didn't. He got killed anyway.

Well, if it's any consolation, it wouldn't
have mattered if you'd gone to Ybor City...

because Saldivar didn't kill Miguel.

That's my brother's team.

He coached junior league.

This is a hat he gave Olivia.

No, actually, he didn't.


Olivia's boss at the legal clinic
said she spent hours every day...

on the phone to a boyfriend,
someone she'd known for a long time.

She made appointments
on Saturday at Palm Beach...

with a caterer, florist, jeweler.

Looks like she was planning
on getting married.

Married. She didn't even have a boyfriend.

Yeah, like you knew she was having an affair?
You had your men watching her.

At first I thought
they were just asleep on the job...

but now I believe one of those men
is the man...

that Olivia was in love with
and lying to you about it.

Someone you'd never expect.

What's this?

Something teenage girls do to see
if they have a future with a boy they like.

We found it hidden under the blotter on
her desk. She wrote that when she was 15.

The name that fits that equation...

is the man who was in love with Olivia-

a tragic, ill-fated love...

that ended the life of your niece
and your brother 10 years ago.

It's your family, Eduardo.

Someone who played
for your brother's junior league team...

who's been in love with her for a decade...

but thought they had to hide it from you.

Help me with a name.


No, not Quero. His real name.

Quero was a nickname only they knew.

I think you know who I'm talking about.

- Why don't you write it down, see if it fits?
- I want my lawyer.

No, you don't, because then you'll shut up,
and then he'll shut up.

Then we may never find out
where your brother is buried.


It's about damn time.

We want to post bail on Eduardo.

Yeah, that's not really
an issue at this point, Quero.

- Uh, this your attorney?
- Eduardo's.

Oh. In that case, scram.

- [Sighs]
- What is it?

You're really not gonna want an attorney
present for this anyway.

This- Uh, what's this?

It proves that for years,
you were Olivia's secret lover.

These scribbles?

- It also proves you murdered Olivia
and her father, Miguel.
- What?

Killed her after she figured out
that it was you that killed her father...

after he forbid you from seeing
his 15-year-old daughter.

A 20-year-old Marielito...

someone Miguel took under his wing,
opened his family, his business to...

but then felt betrayed
when you kept seeing her.

Said that he'd kill you
if he ever found you near her again.

So you knew you only had one choice-
kill or be killed.

This doesn't prove anything.

If we test the D. N.A.
from the sweat stains in this cap...

which has been in Olivia's room for the past
decade, it'll prove that this cap's yours.

Prove that you're the Quero that she
called nine times the night she was killed.

The same Quero she'd been having
an affair with for a decade...

but then who stood her up
at the Moreno Friday night.

Good luck proving it in court.

You're right.

That won't stand up in front of a jury of 12.


a jury of one-

When Miguel turned up missing...

you convinced Eduardo
that the Saldivars killed him.

Eduardo declared war.
Didn't wanna look weak.

And you moved up the family.

Bombed two of Saldivar's men,
like you tried to bomb me...

just to prove you'd do anything
to gain the respect for his brother's death.

- No.
- Hey, if I'm wrong...

I'm sure one of Eduardo's trusted soldiers
will be happy to take care of it.

Save the taxpayers a ton of money.

Olivia was my dream...

from the minute I saw her.

I never saw anybody so beautiful
in all my life.

But I wasn't good enough for Miguel.

He wanted to send her away
to boarding school to keep us apart.

Which her uncle saw to,
'cause he knew that was his brother's wish-

to send her to boarding school.

But you stayed in the picture,
hidden from Eduardo.

But after a decade...

she wanted to get married
and made plans for it next weekend.

I had to ask Eduardo for her hand.

But every time I tried,
all I could see was Miguel.

So you didn't ask.

You stood her up, which confused her...

made her connect some dots
she hadn't connected before.

And then when she found out from Saldivar...

that her father and he had had
a good meeting in Ybor City, then she knew.

She knew why you didn't ask Eduardo
for her hand.

Because you killed Miguel.

I followed her to Saldivar's to try to talk...

but she said it was over.

She didn't love me anymore.

She walked away, and-

Oh, God.

It was an accident.

I swear it was an accident.
I never meant to hurt her, never.

[Sobbing Continues]



Quero, that's short for "cowboy," right?


I- I never had much school.

When I first saw her on the Mariel...

I wrote Olivia a note.

And l- I misspelled "Te quiero."

"l love you."

She never forgot.


I wanna make a deal.

Actually, I already made one for you.


[Shutter Clicks]

We got something.

It's a charm he had in his pocket.

We'll confirm with D. N.A.

I never wanted to be boss.

So walk away while you can.



It's just not that easy.



Congratulations on defusing
a delicate situation.

- Hey, you know me- master of tact.
- Good.

'Cause we have another one.

I got a call from
the Office of Professional Responsibility.

The Palm County D.A. has been notified...

that you're having
an inappropriate relationship...

with the wife of one
of their cooperating witnesses.

- What? How do they know?
- They know, Jim.

And now it's everyone's business...

including mine, as your superior.

- We're adults, Colleen. We'll work it out.
- I know, Jim.

- Just stay away, okay?
- Look, Colleen-

No. Jim, you want my honest opinion here?

I think you need to let her family
figure it out for themselves.

## [Pop Ballad lntro]

[Woman]# How can I sit back
when I know just what you'll need? #

# Please help me understand,
'cause it's just so hard to breathe #

# These waters are rising,
making it hard to choose #

# We could be together,
could be the perfect two #

# I've been the shoulder that you cry on #

# I've been the rock
that helps you stay strong #

# And now I'm caught in the storm #

# I can 't deny #

# I'm tired of fighting in the dark#

# One step in the light
could crush my heart #

# So I won 't always be here
to catch your fall #

# Oh, oh ##