The Glades (2010–2013): Season 1, Episode 13 - Breaking 80 - full transcript

A couple's golf game comes to a screeching halt when they stumble upon a dead body along the fairway. Doug, the victim, was the caddy and life-long friend of professional golfer Scott Winters, and was also recently released from prison after attempting to date-rape a professional female golfer. Things aren't adding up for Longworth as he investigates all the key players and discovers the victim may have served time for a crime he didn't commit. All the time on the golf course motivates Longworth to commit to finally breaking 80 on the greens. Meanwhile, Heather tempts Longworth with her grandmother's secret lasagna recipe and Callie stews over their relationship. Intern Daniel asks for a promotion.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Uch. This is ridiculous.

We're never gonna find it,
we're gonna find it. Okay?

Just take
the penalty stroke.

Look, the ball's
not gonna bite you.

No, but a snake
or an alligator might.

your ball is totally lost,

so just take
the penalty stroke.

Not so fast, okay?

Oh, ye of little faith.


Oh, my God!
Son of a bitch! What the hell?!

Oh, my God.
Mister, are you okay?


You never struck me as
a read-the-labels kind of guy.

You never struck me as
an Axum aftershave kind of girl.

It's for Jeff.
He's going to sleep-away camp.

I didn't realize he --
no, he doesn't.

He just wants to smell
like he does.

That's smart.

Callie. Hi.



Oh, Jim helped me move some
boxes out of my garage today,

so I'm making him
my grandmother's famous lasagna.

from the old country.

Why is it that everything
from the old country

just sounds
so much better?

I know, right?

Hey -- hey, I found the one
that you wanted --

no sugar, not a speck.

Oh, great.

You know what?
I-I'll go meet you at the register.

Sorry, I just...



Her great-grandmother
used canned tomatoes?

Callie --
no, you know what?
You don't have to explain.

I have no claims on you.

You want to date Heather,
date Heather.

We're not actually dating.

That was
a little awkward.

Carlos, hey, man.

Uh, no,
not a bad time at all.



No, no.
I'll be right there.

I'll see you.
I'll see you tonight.


I've seen some golf courses
in my time,

but this is a work of art.

Fountain Bay is
for the rich and famous.

So on your salary,
take it in while you can.

I've never seen fairways
so tight.

Did you see
that approach shot on 12?

No. No, no, but did you see
the dead body in front of me?

Douglas Packard.

Looks like he's having a bad day.

Night, actually.

He was found barely alive
but died right after.

I'm still trying to determine
the time of the attack

and what
he was attacked with.

Well, one of these
would be my guess.

It does kind of match the size
and depth of the impression.

But he wasn't wearing
any golf shoes,

so he wasn't here
to play golf.

Well, that didn't stop
someone with access

to one of the most exclusive
golf courses in the world

from teeing off
on his head.

Some say
I don't play well with others.

I was a damn good Detective
in Chicago

until a disagreement
with my boss

encouraged me to pack it up
and make a change.

So I put the Windy City
in my rearview

and headed
to the Sunshine State

to kick back, play some golf,
work on my tan,

maybe write the occasional
speeding ticket.

Yeah, well...

That didn't work out.

The Glades 1x13
Breaking 80
Original Air Date on October 3, 2010

If the murder weapon was
a golf club, I can't find it.

I've had a lot of experience
finding golf clubs

that have been thrown
out of anger into the reeds.

What's this reddish-brown stuff
on his hands?

It's not blood.

I don't know.
I'll have to check.

You know,
I have done this before.

I ran Douglas Packard's name
through our system.

It turns out he was just let out
of prison four days ago.

What was he in for?

He served nine months

for administering a controlled
substance to a woman,

which resulted
in a near-fatal car accident.

So, any idea
when he was attacked?

Based on the swelling
and the color of his bruises,

the injuries occurred sometime
between midnight and 2:00 A.M.

His last phone call
was 11:03 P.M.

Let's see who this is.

Hi. Uh, who's this?

Terry Evans?
Jim Longworth.

I called you earlier.

Uh, yeah.
Come in.

Nice place.

Thank you, but it's not mine.
It's --


Hi, Scott Winters.

It's you.
You're Scott Winters.

This is Terry,
my business manager.

I am such a big fan
of your game.

I would kill to have your touch
on the green.


Is that a joke?

My friend is dead,
and you're clowning with me?

Oh, no, unintentional.

But, uh, hey,
sorry about your friend.

It's just that Terry was
the last person he called,

so I thought
I'd start with you.

How'd you know him?

Uh, we were all friends
since high school.

Doug was Scott's caddy.

Oh, you mean until he was
convicted of drugging a woman.

Roofies, right?
The date-rape drug.

Yeah, I mean, what?

He lacked the charm to get into
her pants the old-fashioned way?

You know, maybe slipped her a
little something to get things moving?

Oh, sorry.

I don't know
why he did it.


But she got into an accident
on her way home,

ruined her career.

Her golf career.

And by "her" we are referring
to Kim Nichols?

I spoke to the D.A. in Doug's
trial on the way over, so...

Doug felt terrible
about that.

Yeah, not so terrible

that he tried
to blame Terry for it.

D.A. said
that Doug kept saying

that it was you that drugged
the woman, right up to his plea deal.

That was Doug being Doug,
just looking for a card to play

so he could plea down.

I didn't drug anybody.

Or Doug was
actually telling the truth,

and he got out of prison

that he did your time,

and then you had to beat him
to death when he attacked you.

That's crazy.

Oh, you're kidding.

Your own private
putting green?

Got to get me
one of these!

So, what'd he call you about
last night?

He was drunk.
He rambled on about old times.

And he apologized for trying
to blame me last year.

In my experience,
no one dies over an apology.

Maybe a lack of one.

Where do you live?

In a house
two blocks down.


And did either of you
see Doug last night?


No, but Doug called me
as soon as he got out.

I invited him over,
and he said he'd stop by,

but I never heard
from him after that.

Where were you
at midnight last night?

In a live chat room
with my fans.

At midnight?

My fans in Dubai.

I'm playing there
next week.

Scott gets a million-dollar
appearance fee

from his sponsors in Dubai.

A million dollars
for a round of golf?

Get out! Huh.
And you?

I was at my house,

watching "Hot Tub Time Machine"
on pay-per-view.

Now, that is a good alibi.

No one would lie
about that.

Look, Doug wasn't perfect,
but he was a friend.

So if there's anything
I can do to help,

seriously, just call.

Oh, trust me.
I will.


Look, Callie,

I'm not trying to get
in the middle of anything here.

No, it's okay.

But clearly I am.

I realize that you and Jim have
something there for each other,

but it's not happening for you
right now, so...

You're really not asking me
if you could date Jim, right?

You mean like permission?


It's just that my job has me
in and out of this hospital,

so we're obviously gonna be
running into each other.

I just don't want things
to be weird and uncomfortable.

Well, they're weird
and uncomfortable, so...


That's all
you've got to say?

That's all
I can say about it.

So it's okay, then.

I thought you weren't going to
ask me for permission.

I'm gonna take the stairs.

Hey, here's the file

from Doug Packard's
criminal investigation

and his victim,
up-and-coming golfer Kim Nichols.


Oh, and, uh, find out

if Scott Winters
dot-backslash-whatever --

see if he was online
doing a chat

on the night
of the murder.

And Terry Evans --

find out if his taste in
pay-per-view is really that bad.

You establish
cause of death?

Massive head trauma.
Murder weapon?

Thinking golf club, which we haven't been
able to locate yet.


Oh, and I need those boxes of
evidence as soon as possible.

Do you want
to take that one, too?

I'll take care of it.

It says here
that Kim was so angry

during her testimony
against Doug,

she had to be restrained
by court security.

Looks like I need to have
a talk with Kim Nichols.

Oh, and, uh, call me

as soon as you get
Doug Packard's financials.

Or should I be
talking to you?

No. I don't do financials.

Right, sorry.

I get you two
mixed up all the time.

Dr. Sanchez?

As you know, I've been an intern
here for a while now,

and while I'm grateful
for the opportunity --

get to the point,

I put a request in
with Director Manus

for a paid internship.

Paid, huh?

So that's what
all this ass-kissing is about?

I was wondering
if you had any advice

on how I could persuade
the Director

to, you know, pay me?


I'll tell you what.
The Director loves initiative.

You know those boxes
she was asking me about?

The ones stacked all over your office?

If you were to take those
witness statements,

alphabetize them,
log them by year,

and organize them according
to investigating officer?

That would seal the deal.

Yeah, yeah, okay.
When does she need 'em?
Day after tomorrow.

But you can't drop the ball
on your other duties.

I won't, Dr. Sanchez.

Kim Nichols?

Jim Longworth, FDLE.

That is the single ugliest thing
I've ever seen in my life.

No, seriously.

They're not ugly.
They're adorable.

And unfortunately,
they're orphans.

'cause they're ugly.

What the hell was that?

A bang stick.

An alligator broke through
the netting last night.

A wounded Manatee

is like ringing the dinner bell
for them.

Kill a gator
to save a Manatee, huh?

Yeah, well,
we only use a single .44,

but they're usually blanks.

They've had to use
live ammunition before,

but the goal is
just to scare them off.

Is there anything
I can help you with?


Doug Packard was clubbed
to death last night

at the Fountain Bay
Golf Course.


He got out of jail?

Yeah, four days ago.

You weren't notified
of his release?

I, uh, knew the date
was approaching.

I guess
I was just trying to forget.

That's understandable.

Where were you last night?

At a fundraiser till 11:00,
then I went home.

You're friends
with Scott Winters?

Only professionally.

We were on tour together.

Kind of hard
not to run into each other.

Is that how you met Doug,
Scott's caddy?

Both he and Terry,
Scott's business manager.

You know, I understand
the whole entourage thing,

but I don't get
why a nice guy like Scott

has to hang out
with those two parasites.

So you've got
no issues with Scott?

No, none.

You know, he encouraged me
early on in my career,

kind of took me
under his wing.

Yeah, but you testified

that Doug drugged you
at Scott's house.

That wasn't Scott's fault.

It was a party. There were
a lot of people there.

Doug got wasted,
started calling me "Yoko,"

thought I was gonna break up
their little band or something.

I had a beer,
and I drove home.

Next thing I know,
I wake up in an emergency room,

and my golf career
was over.

And you blamed Doug.

Yeah, I didn't blame Doug.
He confessed.

Well, in fact, you had to be
restrained at court

when you were testifying
against him.

Yeah. I was angry.

Golf was everything to me.

It paid my way
through college.

But after I got away
from the game,

I realized how indulgent
and narrow my life had become.

I'm not saying I'm glad
the accident happened,

but my life
has a purpose now.

I get to heal
these wonderful creatures

and set them free.

I guess that amounts
for something.

But if someone took away
my ability to play golf?

Murder would definitely be
on the table.

Oh, you did not just shape
the ball in this wind

off a bad lie
and get 3 feet from the hole.

When I said
I'd do anything to help,

I didn't think that included
a round of golf.

Yeah, just working
the crime scene.

I've seen worse.

It's kind of like my goal
to break 80.

Any tips on my swing?

Well, your hands
are too far forward,

you're opening the club
at impact,

and your hips are
out of position at the finish.

But other than that,
it's flawless.


So I guess I'll never be as good
as Kim Nichols, huh?

Then again, she had
the advantage of your tutelage.

She said you took her
under your wing.

Kim had a perfect swing.
She was a natural.

It's a tragedy what happened.

She went from shooting birdies
to shooting gators.

If her game had a flaw,
it was between the ears.

How so?

She couldn't shake off
a bad shot.

She'd bogey a hole,

get so mad
she'd bogey the next two.

Hey, I'll see you guys
up there?


I got
Doug Packard's financials.

On the week
he was convicted,

$200,000 was deposited
into his savings

from an offshore account.

You know from who?

Not without a warrant.

Should I talk to Manus
about that?

Hold off.
I have an idea.

you want to tap out?

Don't mind if I do.

How 'bout we put
a bit of money on it,

make it interesting?

You're asking
a professional golfer

to bet on a 3-foot putt?

50 bucks says you blow it.

I'll take your money.

I'll get in
on that action.

Oh, uh, you know
that phone call I just got?

Found out
something very interesting

about you
and your pal Doug.

I've stood over
10-foot putts

with a $2 million purse

and a wanamaker on the line,

You can't rattle me.

Oh, yeah?

What if we found out
about the 200 grand

we think you paid
your former caddy

to take the fall
for drugging Kim Nichols?

Oh, come on.

What the hell
was that about?

Hey, he missed the putt,
not me.

So he missed a putt.

It's not like that's
some kind of lie-detector test.

It's not something
I can get him in on charges,

but when the best putter
in the world

misses from 3 feet out,

I know
something's going on.

He missed
because you were talking.

And why are you so focused
on Doug's old crime

when you should be focused
on who killed him?

Why are you so focused on
what I'm focused on?

I think Doug was given money
to take the fall

for a crime
he didn't commit.

Maybe Doug realized that
nine months and a felony record

was worth
more than 200 grand,

so Scott killed him

when he got out
and was demanding more.

Scott's a millionaire,

and Doug was
one of his best friends.

If Doug needed money,
Scott would've given it to him.

He'd never...Kill him.

Maybe it was you.

Scott's business manager.

Maybe you were giving Doug money
under the radar

and you've got
plenty of motive

to be protecting
your meal ticket.

If anyone has motive,
it's Kim.

The drive she had for her career
bordered on obsession.

And she had a temper
to go with it.

And if you don't believe me,
check out an interview she did

for Women's Golf Daily
a few months ago.

I told you, Detective.
I've moved on.

Yeah, I'm not really getting
that from your article.

See, you actually say

that Doug Packard got off
a little too easy.

He set out to rape you,
and he raped you of your career.

Sounds like your purpose-driven
life was to end his.

Well, that article
is six months old.

Six whole months?

Not to put too fine a point
on it,

but you're not exactly known
for your cool head.

Your one major flaw,
the reason many think

your promising career
didn't take off,

was your temper.

Yeah, well,
I'm a very passionate person.

And golf was
everything to me.

But sometimes a dream
is just a dream.

Then one day you wake up

and you realize that
you've taken the wrong path.

You know, one of the things
that's helped me move on

was knowing
that Doug paid the price

for what he did to me
by going to prison.

Yeah, and four days
after he got out,

someone made him pay
the ultimate price --

killing him.

It wasn't me, Detective.

I'll never be able to swing
a golf club again.

Life is telling me to let it go,
move on, and I have.

Yeah, the question is,

how much anger
have you taken with you?

So, tell me about this case
you' working on.

You're interested?

Or you just feel
you need to --

I'm actually interested.

I mean, who wouldn't be?
Your job is fascinating.

Well, it kind of is,

when it's not being
a pain in the ass.

Okay, well, we found
a dead body in the rough

off the 14th fairway
at Fountain Bay Country Club.

You're kidding.

At least I think it was
the 14th fairway.

No, I mean,
my dad's a member.

Oh. Of course he is.

The South course?
Unbelievably tough.

Whoa. Wait.

You play?

Well, I was on the girl's
state championship team

in high school,

and I sell pharmaceuticals
to doctors and buyers

at every hospital chain
in the country,

so, yeah, I kind of play.

Oh, that --
that is...So damn sexy.

Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

I am so thinking
what you're thinking.

I hate you.

I actually hate you.

Well, my dad
was a scratch golfer,

and he didn't have
any sons.

I'm actually kind of maladjusted
by the whole thing.

Go on.
Get one out there.

All right.

Aah! Pulled it.

You know,
it wasn't actually that bad.

Can I give you
some suggestions?

Yes, please.
Suggest away.

When you get
over the ball,

just try and settle
into your stance a little bit.

Keep that arm straight
during your takeaway.

Try not to break your wrist
at the top of your swing.

And just make sure your hips
are always facing the target.

It's easy.


Wow. That felt --




It's pretty good.

3 pounds, 2.1 ounces.

3 not very healthy pounds.

Exactly. Very good.

You know,
a lot of profiling

actually comes
out of the autopsy.

For instance,
the curve in his spine

and the compression
in his shoulder --

that tells me
he did manual labor,

like carrying weight
for a living, like golf clubs?

Make no mistake.

How you live your life
tells a story.

Amen to that.

As for his head wound
and what caused it?

The impression in his skull has
a 90-degree angle and an edge,

like the hosel
of a golf club,

where the shaft of the club

and the blade of an iron
are joined,

allowing us
to determine conclusively

that the murder weapon
was a golf club.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm good.

You seem a little distracted.

Oh, no.
Yeah, I'm good.

So now, the meniscus.

It's, like, who made up
these rules, anyway?


For men,
it's so black and white,

and for women,
we can see every shade.

You know, so?

Then you guys complain
that we can't make a decision,

and you know why that is.

Because we can't.

We have to consider
everything for everybody.

You know,
of course I want my life back.

But I've been taking care
of other people's needs

for so long,

I'm not even sure
I'd recognize it if I saw it.

And do I want to be with Jim?

But how do I divorce my son's
father while he's in prison?

And what is that going to do
to Jeff and our relationship?

You know what?

Maybe we should take
a little break.

Yeah, you know what?
We should take a break.

We should take a big break,

and then everybody can take care
of their own damn selves.


Good morning,
Detective Longworth.

Long night?

I applied
for a paid position,

and Carlos is helping me
impress the director

by letting me organize
these boxes that she needs.

By letting you?
Oh, that was nice of him.

he's totally got my back.

Oh, and I checked out
those things

you wanted me to look into.

Scott was definitely in
a live chat with fans in Dubai

from just before midnight
to 2:00 A.M.

The night of the murder,

which his I.P. address confirmed
was from his home.

So, his alibi checks out.
What about Terry Evans?

Well, according
to Terry's cable bill,

he did order
"Hot Tub Time Machine,"

which started at 11:30
the night of the murder.

Like I said,
not something you lie about.

And Doug Packard?

I ran his credit-card records
like you asked,

found out where he was
the night of the murder.

There is a single charge
to a bar and grill

about a mile
from Fountain Bay.


What can I get for ya?

Some information,
if you got it.

This guy come into the bar
about two nights ago?

Oh, my God, that's him.
That's the guy.

The guy?

We had to throw him out during the fundraiser.

From the other night.
I have it on the security video.

Well, I showed you mine.
Show me yours?

Guy was a real jerk.
She was no better.


Yeah, the chick
he got into it with.

It was her fundraiser.

She came in here
all "little miss tree hugger,"

and as soon as she saw him,
she went insane.

Her, right there.
That's the chick.

Kim Nichols.

Why did you lie to me?

I didn't.

You asked me where I was
and if I killed Doug.

I answered honestly
to both questions.

Do want me to show you
the footage one more time?

You attacked Doug Packard,

the guy that drugged you

and ruined your chances
for a pro career,

and then two hours later,
he turns up dead.

You really need
to start telling me the truth.

I lost it a little.

A little? You had two
big bouncers holding you back.

Okay, I lost it a lot.

But the guy shows up
to my fundraiser drunk,

acting like what he did to me
was no big deal,

wondering why we can't just
put all it behind us.

And then has the nerve
to ask for my forgiveness.

Your forgiveness?

Why would he ask for your forgiveness
when he didn't even do it?

What do you mean he didn't do it?
He confessed.

No, I'm kind of thinking
that he just said he did it

to earn his way in
with the entourage.

Well -- you know,
take one for the team?

Scott would never do that.

I mean, he -- he -- he would
never do something like that.

Well, some people confess
to get a lighter sentence.

Other people say
they've moved on

when they actually haven't,
you know?

To avoid jail time?

No. You're trying
to trick me.

I don't
need to trick you.

Someone drugged you
and killed your dream.

You were furious.

You thought it was Doug,
so you lured him onto the golf course

and beat him to death
with a golf club.

It's the perfect irony

for the man that destroyed
your chances for the LPGA.

No, I didn't kill Doug.

I couldn't have.

There's so much scar tissue
on my labrum

and damage in my nerves
on my shoulder

that I can't lift a club
above my head!

Even if I wanted
to kill Doug,

I can't swing a club hard enough
to kill anybody.

Hi! Okay, finally,
an actual person.

My name is Callie Cargill,

and I'm trying to schedule
a visit with my husband,

Raymond Cargill.

My call-in number is 2334-D.

Cargill, yeah.

What do you mean that's not
possible at this time?

I'm confused.
What's an I.C. designation?

Is that like isolation
or something?

Oh, you're not authorized
at this time.

Great. Can you put me on
the phone with someone who is?

No, don't put me back
on the prompt system!

No, you know what?

I've spent enough time on that
for one day.

Jesus, Ray, you couldn't even
play by the rules in prison?


It's a warrant to see the
medical records of Kim Nichols.

I saw Daniel organizing
all the boxes

you've been stepping over
for the last two weeks.

Hey. The kid
wants to earn his keep,

the kid should
earn his keep.

earn someone's keep.

Thank you.

Over here.

Ooh. It's the lab.

I should take this.
Yeah, okay.


You know that's upside down,



Better. I think.

Do you know what you're looking at?

But I know
what I'm looking for.

Can a person with this injury
be strong enough

to swing a golf club hard enough
to smash a human skull?

It depends
on how mad she was.

She, huh?

Yeah, smartass, she.

The patient's name
is right on the X-ray.

Kim Nichols.
Oh, right.

And with a chip fracture
in the cervical vertebrae,

calcification, I'd say
18 holes is out of the question.

But again,
depending on how mad she was,

she could definitely crush
a man's skull.

Oh. Great. Thanks.

Is that it?

Yeah, that's it.

Great, 'cause
you're in my work space.

Oh, right.

So, I should...


I'll let you know.

All right.

Well, apparently,
m was lying about her ability

to smash someone to death
with a golf club.

What'd you get?

According to the lab,

that brownish stuff
on Doug Packard's palm?

It's a decomposing
organic matter

from seed spike
of a typha.

Seed spike, typha?



So, it turns out

I've been keeping all my weight
on my back foot

and opening the club face
at impact.

So, between that

and finishing my stroke

with my hips facing
towards the target,

I'm shaping the ball better
and getting an extra 20 yards.

What makes you think we'll find
the murder weapon here?

Oh, breaking 80
is only a matter of time.

We found the body clear
on the other side of the course.

Yeah, but the only cattail
on the course

is right here.

So the killer whacks Doug,
Doug falls unconscious,

killer thinks he's dead,
throws the club into the water,

and then takes off.

Doug comes to,
struggles to get to his feet,

using the cattail
for balance.

And drags his ass a whole quarter mile
to the 14th fairway?

Yeah, trying to get
to the clubhouse.

What about
the blood trail?

The sprinklers came on,
washed the blood away.

Killer probably thought
the water hazard

would do the same thing
to the murder weapon.

I've done that before.

That's a driver.
That's not the murder weapon.

A 9- and a 4-iron!

An edge and a hosel,
like a -- like an iron?

But it wouldn't be
the 4-iron.

I mean, this far from the hole,
you'd use a 4-iron --

which if you got pissed off
and mis-shot,

you'd throw it
in the water.

Well, I would, anyway.

But a nice, new 9-iron...


I told you,
the water washed it clean.

Try the grooves.

I clean and clean,

and I still can't get everything
out of 'em.


It's blood.

Which means...
We've got our murder weapon.


Hey, Callie.
What's up?

sorry to bother you.

No, no, no.
No bother. What's going on?

Well, first of all,
I have to apologize

for being all crazy woman
on you yesterday.

Please. I live
in a house full of Latinas.

You're not even
in the ballpark.

Thank you.

Um, I actually have a law-enforcement
question for you.

I'm trying to get in
to see my husband,

and they're saying

that he's been designated
something called "I.C."

Do you know what that is?

Well, I have had the pleasure
of overseeing crime scenes

inside some of our
more inviting penitentiaries.

A prisoner who's been
designated I.C. usually means

he's been disciplined and moved
away from the general population

and has had
his phone privileges suspended.

And there's no other way for
someone to be designated that?

Not that I know of.

I'm sorry.

I'm sure that's not what
you want to hear right now.

Yeah. Me too.

Thank you, Carlos.

Just the woman
I wanted to see.

I doubt that.

Unless you're just the man
who found me a murder weapon.

Carlos called in a favor,
rushed the test.

The blood found in the grooves
of the 9-iron

matched Doug's DNA.

Well, that's a start.

Really? A start?

I'll be a lot happier when
you tell me who owns the club,

or at least who used it
to kill Doug Packard.

Yeah, problem is

all our suspects --
Terry, Scott, and Kim --

they're all golfers.

Now, if I had
some search warrants...

For all three?

Good luck with that.

Hey, why not try
and get a warrant

for the entire
Fountain Bay membership?

Yeah, right.

Even i know I don't have
probable cause for that.

But I think I might know
where to find it.


Sorry. Uh, th-they said
you were out in the field.

I just needed to --

yeah, no worries.

Uh, made any progress?

Uh, well,
I've sorted through everything

and alphabetically,

but I was wondering if I should
do it geographically as well.

What do you think?
I think you think too much.

Never let your head
get in the way of a good game.

Like golf.

Hey, did you ever get
that warrant

to track Doug's
200-grand wire transfer?

Director Manus
is still working on that,

but should have it
anytime now.

You working
on your short game?

Probable cause.

If it's fingerprints
you're wondering about,

there aren't any.

And as you
so rightly put it,

golf grips are wiped clean
before and after every shot,

so there were
no legible prints.

it's not about the prints.

It's about the grip itself.

I've never seen
this brand before.

And it looks brand-new.

Can I help you
with something?

I certainly hope so.

I've never seen grips
like this before.

Have you?

Yeah. These are
the new golf main line xt's.

You sell a lot of them?

I don't sell any of them.

They're not production grips,
so they're not for sale.

So, how do they get
on someone's 9-iron?

test-market them

by giving them to golf pros,
see how they like them.

Like Scott Winters?

But tour pros
never use 'em,

so they usually just
pass them off to their friends.

Like Terry Evans?

In fact...
Yeah, I remember now.

He had his clubs re-gripped
last week.

He was going to play a round

with Scott
and one of his sponsors.

So this could be
Terry Evans' club?

It's a treadway.
That's what he plays.

I can print out a work order
for you if you want.


Manus got the warrant,
and I was able to track down

who authorized
that $200,000 wire transfer

to Doug Packard's account.

Terry Evans.

There you are.

Thank you.

- 10 years.
- What?

My medical training.

And I'm knocking on doors
of suspected murderers.

Maybe you should
just stay behind me.

What? So I can take the bullet
when you duck?

No thanks, amigo.

Terry Evans?

Maybe you should stay here.


Can't see a gun.


I need you to look into
something for me.

Did you find a gun?

And no residue on his hands.

Just a lot of blood
and no spatter.

He was shot
from very close range.

From a .44?

From the look
of that flash burn,

I'd say
at point-blank range.

Like from a bang stick?

Yeah, why?

I think my investigation into
a murder has caused another.

It might be
about to cause one more.

No, Kim, please.

Just listen!

You son of a bitch
I ought to kill you!

It was you, Scott.
Admit it!

That Detective said that someone
paid Doug to take the fall.

It wasn't me.
I swear it.

Hey, guys.
Everybody okay?

Tell her
to put that thing down.

After what you did to me,
you deserve to die!

You're not a killer, Kim.

He is.

What are you doing?
She's got a gun.

A bang stick, actually.

Which might not kill you,

but it will hurt enough
to make you wish you were dead.

But you didn't know that when
you used a .44 to kill Terry,

that we'd suspect Kim.

I didn't kill anybody.
Yeah, you did, actually.

But what really shakes
my faith in mankind

is that you can't even trust
advice given

on a live chat
by your favorite celebrity now.

'Cause sometimes
it's their business manager.

What are you
talking about?

I mean, I'm sure
you would've done the chat

if you were there,
but you were busy killing Doug.

Which is why Terry

only watched eight minutes
of a movie that he ordered,

then set it to record

so he can get over to
your place and finish the chat.

But what he didn't know

was that you used
his 9-iron to kill Doug.

And when he found out
that his 9-iron was missing,

I'm guessing he didn't want
to be your alibi anymore.

So he became
something different --

a liability.

I didn't kill Doug,
and I didn't kill Terry.

You drugged me!

You planned on raping me!

But you raped me
of my career instead!

And then you kill your best
friends to cover it up?!

Just admit it!
Admit it!

No, no, no!

I mean,
after you wouldn't forgive him,

Doug showed up at my house
drunk out of his mind.

I tried to talk to him,
but he wouldn't listen.

So, I called Terry
to cover the chat.

I took Doug out
to shag balls into the lake

like we used to do.

But then he threatened me.

I went to security,
and he attacked me!

I hit him in self-defense!

Premeditated self-defense?

So, you just accidentally grabbed
Terry's newly gripped 9-iron?

The one that was delivered
by the pro shop to your house

same day of the murder?

The one that you hoped
we would find

so we would blame Terry
for Doug's death?

You know what?
You're right, Kim.

He does deserve to die.

But you don't.

You have a choice here.

Don't let him beat you.

Crazy bitch

you almost killed me!

Hey! Hey!


I'm sorry.

But you deserved
to know the truth.

And just for the record?

I know you love the game.

But you truly have found
something remarkable

to do with your life.

Director Manus?

I have those boxes
from Carlos' office for you.

Oh, good. Would you drop 'em
on the loading dock?

Shred right's coming

Shred right?


Disposal company.

They shred and incinerate
all our dead documents.

Anything else?

Actually, yes.

Director Manus,
I think over the last few months

I've proven myself to be
a valuable asset to the FDLE,

and I hope that you'll give my
application serious attention.


look, I'm so sorry,

but there's just no money
in the budget.

We'd really hate to lose you,

but we understand
if you have to move on.

Who's moving on?

No. I mean...

It's okay.

I'm disappointed, but --
wait. Wait, wait.

Are you saying you'd still do this,
even if we didn't pay you?

Yeah, of course.
I love it here.

Yeah, well, you know,

I tried to tell Carlos
there was no money,

but he wouldn't take no
for an answer.

He recommended you
so strongly,

I figured
I'd better find the cash

or I'd have a mutiny
on my hands.

You did that for me?

I didn't do it for you.
I did it for me.

You think I want to be stuck
doing bullshit like this?

Congratulations, Daniel.

This is amazing!
I-I got to call my parents.

They'll be thrilled.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Aren't you forgetting

Oh, right. The files.

Not the files.


And ll take these,

So, I hear you arrested
Scott Winters for murder.

I can think of about 60 players
on the PGA tour

who'd be lining up to give you
free lessons right now.

Don't need 'em.

Already got a pretty good
swing coach.



You are gonna hit that,

The ball?

Just settling into my stance.

Okay, new advice?

Ignore my advice.

Just hit the ball.

You're overthinking.

Never been accused
of that before.

♪ Deck, deck, deck, deck,
deck-a, deck-a, deck-a, deck-a ♪

♪ Ram it, cram it,
grand-slam it ♪

♪ break up the concrete ♪

♪ prod it, sod it,
metal-rod it ♪

♪ break up the concrete ♪

♪ thwak it, crack it,
lineback it ♪

♪ break up the concrete ♪

You do know
if you make this putt,

you're gonna break 80,

I am kind of aware of that.

If I make this putt,

you're not gonna break out into
a little Cuban dance, are you?

Why would I do that?


Something between me
and a co-worker.



Oh, my God!
I did it.

Oh, my God!
I did it!
I finally did it!

I did it!
I'm so proud of you!

Let's go away this weekend.

Anywhere you want to go,
my treat.

Or not.

No, no, I mean, uh...

No, I've -- I've --

I wanted
to, like, break 80 forever.

And I always thought it'd feel
a little differently.

No, I mean, Heather,
you're -- you're great.

You're fantastic.

Jim, it's --

you know what?
It's fine.


I'm a big girl.


Let's make this official,
shall we?

I shot a 79 today.

I broke 80
for the first time in my life,

and it meant nothing.

I know --

no, it meant nothing
because you weren't there.

'Cause you weren't there
to share it with.

What about Jeff?

Uh, he's
at sleep-away camp.

Soccer camp, whatever.

Are you okay?

Yeah. You?

I am not too bad.

Hey, did I tell you?
I broke 80 today.


You made breakfast.

Uh, yeah.
Hope you don't mind.

That's bacon.

I love bacon.

And coffee.
And eggs.

And fresh juice.

You squeezed fresh juice?

I did.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Mm! Sorry.

I need to get that.
It could be Jeff.

I should probably get it.


Hey, baby.


Uh, how did you
get straight through?

I tried you a couple times
before they moved me.

I've been in I.C.
for the last two days.

I figured
you might've tried me back.

what did you do?

I miss you.

I miss you and little man
so much.

I mean, when he snuck up here
last week,

it nearly drove me crazy.

Please tell me
you didn't do something stupid.

I actually did
something smart.

That's why they got me
in protective custody.

I contacted my attorney.

Made a deal with the D.A. --

giving them
some names and dates,

helping her close
some cold cases

in exchange
for early release.

I'm getting out, baby.

I'm coming home.