The Adventures of Swiss Family Robinson (1998–…): Season 1, Episode 24 - Starcrossed Lovers: Part 3 - full transcript

Approximately month fourteen. Ben is now a member of the family group, but David is concerned that he and Joanna are becoming very close. He tries various means to keep them apart, despite Elizabeth's view that the more he tries , the more the young couple will seek to see each other. Billy and Christina are trying to secretly build a raft to explore a nearby river, but David's insistence on them doing school lessons is hampering their progress. Billy tricks Emily into doing the schoolwork for them and the raft progresses. When Billy overhears Ben declaring his love to Joanna, he foolishly tells Christina, who lets it slip at the family dinner table. David is outraged and a confrontation occurs between the father and the young lovestruck youth. Banished from the compound, Ben goes to live in a cave. Billy and Christina's raft voyage is cut short when it falls apart. Having gained dry land the youngsters are confronted by a large wild dog. Ben rescues them and takes them safely home. David is grateful but still cool. Ben comes to Joanna at night and persuades her to leave with him. David sets off in furious pursuit to Ben's cave. Joanna is on her own when she hears her father coming. She retreats into the maze of tunnels leading from the cave and gets lost. Ben and David meet, each convinced that the other has spirited Joanna away. Realising that Joanna is in the tunnel maze, the two antagonists go in search of her. At the tree house Elizabeth starts to give birth. Emily is forced to act as midwife. Joanna is attacked by the wild dog in the tunnels but is rescued by David and Ben. As they emerge they see a ship on the horizon. Ernst is despatched to light the beacon. David and Ben return home to find the baby well, but Elizabeth has a fever. Emily learns of the ship and secretly puts out the beacon. Discovered by Ernst, she explains that seeing Ben and Joanna, and being present at the birth, has changed her mind about entering into the loveless marriage that is her future. She is desperate not to be rescued. Ernst is furious as his mother is ill and feels that the ship may have had a doctor who could have cured her. Distraught, Emily secretly dives down to the wreck of the ship to recover a sealed box of Chinese medicines she is convinced will cure Elizabeth. She is menaced by a shark, but is saved by Ben. And all the family celebrate and thank the dear Lord (and Emily) for saving Elizabeth's life upon Emily's return to the tree house. The Chinese medicines work and both Mother - and baby - survive. Elizabeth tells David that Ben may lack social refinement but that is irrelevant - he is a good and dutiful man and would make a great husband for Joanna. David agrees and is reconciled with Joanna and Ben - and the star-crossed lovers can now get married.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- I'm sure you've never.
- Been a [? Giraffe, ?]

And they're getting married.

You are not to speak

with my daughter again.

- You have treated.
- That boy abominably.

Elizabeth, the boy's

a liar and a deceiver.

Because you have

forced him to become one!


- Get out of here!
- Go on!

Get out!

Come stay at the cave until

they say we can be married.

Where's my daughter?

- If you've harmed.
- One hair on her head...

How dare you threaten me!

Tell me where she has!


The baby's coming.






I'll go.

I don't want to hurt you.



Go away!

Go away!

Go on, go on!

Joanna, are you all right?

- Is she OK?
- I think so.

We must get her out of here.


I can feel fresh air.

We didn't come in this way.

Trust Bruno.

He'll find the way out.

There's light ahead.

The Lord be praised.





Well done, Emily.

Well done.

- I'll light the beacon.
- Good.

We must attract that ship.


Father, listen.


The baby!

- Elizabeth!
- Mama!


Ben, what is it?

It's the ship, Joanna.

I never thought one would come.

I don't understand.

You're going back home, and I

can never make you happy there.

Why not?

BEN: You know why not...

Because of who we are.

We're different.

Is this what father

has said to you?


And you believe him?

- I've caused you.
- Nothing but hurt.

I made you choose between

me and the family.

- Because of me, you.
- Nearly got killed.

If I can't look after

you here, what chance

do I have anywhere else?

I'm sorry, Joanna.

Go and with the rest of the

family where you belong.

Forget me.




You have a baby daughter.

My darling, she's so beautiful.



- Come look at your.
- New baby sister.

Oh, she's gorgeous.

Oh, my child, what

happened to you?

Oh, nothing.

We have news for you.

Yes, my dear.

Not only have we been

blessed with a beautiful baby

girl, there's an

English merchantman

- sailing just off the coast.
- What?


Ernst has gone to

light the beacon.

Are we really going home?

Yes, we are.

The ship is less

than an hour away.

I can't believe

what I'm hearing.

Are you sure?

As sure as I'm

sitting right here.

You look very hot, mama.

How did you manage on your own?

I wasn't alone.

I had Emily.



You've got to come on the ship.

Billy, help me.

I can't.

I've got to get Bernard first.

Come on, Christina, hurry up.

I'm doing my best.

If you see Emily, tell

her to come and help.

Billy, I want you to

keep an eye on that ship.

And if she changes

course, let me know.

Aye-aye, sir.



I'm sorry I ran away.

We both are.

Oh, come now.

There's no harm done.

Is there?

Why, no.

I never thought

there would be.

Why did Ben change his mind?

- Papa convinced.
- Him we wouldn't be.

Happy together if we went home.

But do you still care for him?

Oh, yes.

But if he doesn't believe

it'd work, how can I?

Ben is very young.

What happened to you in those

caves was a blow to his pride.

He blames himself.

Perhaps that's why he was so

ready to believe your father.

What are you saying, mama?

Papa is wrong?

No, dear.

I'm not saying that your father

is wrong, or that he's right.

But whether I'm

here for you or not,

whatever you decide

about Ben it...

There must be a decision

made with your head

and with your heart.

Mama, are you all right?

Ben loves you.

I'm sure of that.

Never forget that,

whatever happens.

Mama, what's wrong?

Mama, you're boiling.

Papa, come quickly!

Oh, that feels good.

What is it?

She has a fever.

Let me see.

When did this start?

When did what start?


Sir, the ship hasn't

changed course.

Are you sure?

Yes, sir.

- Ernst, what's happening?
- The fire's burning.

They can't possibly miss it.

What are you talking about?

Look there.

- There should be smoke.
- Above the crest.

- But it was blazing.
- When I left it.

It's not blazing now.

- The baby's arrived.
- And your mother's.

Taken sick with a fever.

We must stop that ship.



Don't, please!

You did this?

I had to.

Don't, please!

Are you mad?

The ship will pass us by!

Now help me.


- Emily, if you don't.
- Get those logs I swear...

I don't care.

I won't.

If I go back, I have

to marry Wong Sing.


The baby, I helped her.

And when I saw it...

I can't go through

with that, not with a man

three times my age, a man

I don't love.

I don't love him, Ernst.

And for that, you put

my mother's life at risk.

What do you mean?

She has a fever.

There may be a doctor on board

that ship who can save her.

Now get the logs!



Thank you.

- Joanna, can't you do.
- Something with the baby?

She's hungry.

DAVID: Well see if

she'll take some water.


Yes, Billy?

What is it?

The ship has sailed on.

I can't see it anymore.

Please don't tell your father.

Oh, why shouldn't I?

You've been stupid and selfish

since the day that we landed,

- and now you put my.
- Mother's life at risk.

- What will your.
- Father do to me?

I don't care.

I hope he drowns you.

Ernst, hear me.


I have been selfish, I know.

I deserve anything

that is done to me.

But when I saw that

ship, I'd rather

die than marry Wong Sing.

I'd rather die, Ernst.

Yeah, well, why not?

Good riddance.

DAVID: The ship has gone.

What happened, Ernst?

Didn't they see the beacon?

- When I got to the.
- Top of the hill,

The wood was no

longer on the fire.


I, uh... I must have

stacked the wood badly,

and the force of the flames

caused it to collapse.

I truly am sorry, father.


Leave me alone.


Ernst, thank you.

Just get out of my sight!

DAVID: Where's the baby?

Sleeping, at least.

How is she?

Cold as ice.

Her breathing is very faint.


She can't hear you.

Is mama going to die?

I don't know.





Emily, swim!


Come on, swim, Emily!

Emily, swim to him.

Swim to the [? Shore.?]

Are you mad?

What were you doing?

Chinese herbs.

May save Mrs. Robinson.


Now what?

We wait.

CHRISTINA: Henry, this is

my little sister, baby Hope.

Baby Hope, this is Henry.

- Our joy at the arrival.

Of baby was equally matched

by our concern for mother.

- All we could do was, indeed,
- wait and put our faith.

- In the dear Lord that.
- Our prayers would.

Be answered... that

the fever would break,

and that mother would recover.


Good morning, my dear.

Did you sleep well?


My darling, are you all right?


And it nearly got us again

when we reached the beach,

but Ben saved me.

How brave.

I wasn't brave.

I wouldn't have gone in if

I hadn't seen the shark.

But Ben did.


I've just heard how

you rescued Emily.

I don't know how to thank you.

Well that's all right, ma'am.

I'm just glad the herbs worked.

Won't you come in?

Thank you, but I

better be on my way.


BEN: I'm taking my boat

to see how far I can get.

You're leaving the island?



Well, maybe there's another

island with people on it.

Maybe I'll meet another ship.

I don't wish to

stay here anymore.

CHRISTINA: Ben, you can't go.

Thank you all for making

me part of the family.

Sorry things didn't

turn out better.

- I'm glad to see you're.
- Feeling better, Mrs. Robinson.

ELIZABETH: David, I need

to talk to you alone.

Joanna, wait outside...

Just for a moment.

What is it, Elizabeth?

This business with Ben has to

be resolved once and for all.

It is resolved.

You heard Ben... he's

leaving the island.

David, have you

seen your daughter?

Is it anything more

than your own pride

that is causing all her pain?

Elizabeth, we owe Ben a

great debt... I grant you that...

- But for all that Joanna.
- Thinks he's the most.

Wonderful man in the world,

you can't change his breeding.


This isn't about

breeding, David.

The boy is not an animal, he's

a fine and brave young man.

- And whatever he may.
- Lack in refinement.

Is due to his upbringing,

and not his character.

Perhaps it is because he is so

fine that you fear him so much.

Fear him?


I don't mean physically.

I mean in the same way

that my father feared you.

That you would take away the

daughter he loved so much.

DAVID: No, Elizabeth.

David listen to

me, and don't resist

until you've heard me out.

Look at your new daughter.

What sort of upbringing will

she receive on this island?

A good one.

The best that we can offer.

Yes, I know, but you

yourself have said we cannot

replace a whole civilization.

What if her... what if in

years to come, she has rescued

and she has to make her own

way in the world just the same

as Ben has had to?

And what if someone rejects the

daughter you love because she

was brought up on

an island and lacks

society's little refinements?

How would you feel then?

Look into your heart,

David, and answer me that.


Do you love Ben, truly?

Yes, mama.

I do.

And do you still feel he

is the right man for you?

Yes, mama.

Then go to him

and tell him so.


Go, then.

Thank you.

Thank you.

No, Elizabeth.

Thank you for reminding

me of everything

that we've learned

on this island.

For a moment I almost forgot

it all, and I'm sorry.

Come here.

You can protect this one now.

She needs you.


a new chapter in our lives

has begun with the birth

of another Robinson child,

whom we have aptly named Hope.

And besides baby Hope,

there will soon be

another addition to our family.


[? Ernst?] says it's all right.

We can get married.


It's all right!

- The family now agreed.

- That there is no.
- Man better suited.

To take the hand of.

Joanna and join a family

and love and support each

other through triumph

and tribulation.

A family who are always

there for each other,

no matter what adventures we

encounter on our island home.