The Adventures of Swiss Family Robinson (1998–…): Season 1, Episode 23 - Starcrossed Lovers: Part 2 - full transcript

Approximately month fourteen. Ben is now a member of the family group, but David is concerned that he and Joanna are becoming very close. He tries various means to keep them apart, despite Elizabeth's view that the more he tries , the more the young couple will seek to see each other. Billy and Christina are trying to secretly build a raft to explore a nearby river, but David's insistence on them doing school lessons is hampering their progress. Billy tricks Emily into doing the schoolwork for them and the raft progresses. When Billy overhears Ben declaring his love to Joanna, he foolishly tells Christina, who lets it slip at the family dinner table. David is outraged and a confrontation occurs between the father and the young lovestruck youth. Banished from the compound, Ben goes to live in a cave. Billy and Christina's raft voyage is cut short when it falls apart. Having gained dry land the youngsters are confronted by a large wild dog. Ben rescues them and takes them safely home. David is grateful but still cool. Ben comes to Joanna at night and persuades her to leave with him. David sets off in furious pursuit to Ben's cave. Joanna is on her own when she hears her father coming. She retreats into the maze of tunnels leading from the cave and gets lost. Ben and David meet, each convinced that the other has spirited Joanna away. Realising that Joanna is in the tunnel maze, the two antagonists go in search of her. At the tree house Elizabeth starts to give birth. Emily is forced to act as midwife. Joanna is attacked by the wild dog in the tunnels but is rescued by David and Ben. As they emerge they see a ship on the horizon. Ernst is despatched to light the beacon. David and Ben return home to find the baby well, but Elizabeth has a fever. Emily learns of the ship and secretly puts out the beacon. Discovered by Ernst, she explains that seeing Ben and Joanna, and being present at the birth, has changed her mind about entering into the loveless marriage that is her future. She is desperate not to be rescued. Ernst is furious as his mother is ill and feels that the ship may have had a doctor who could have cured her. Distraught, Emily secretly dives down to the wreck of the ship to recover a sealed box of Chinese medicines she is convinced will cure Elizabeth. She is menaced by a shark, but is saved by Ben. And all the family celebrate and thank the dear Lord (and Emily) for saving Elizabeth's life upon Emily's return to the tree house. The Chinese medicines work and both Mother - and baby - survive. Elizabeth tells David that Ben may lack social refinement but that is irrelevant - he is a good and dutiful man and would make a great husband for Joanna. David agrees and is reconciled with Joanna and Ben - and the star-crossed lovers can now get married.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I'm going to have a baby?

Don't you mind marrying

someone much older than you?

- We marry whoever our.
- Parents choose for us.

- Not right for Joanna.

He's uneducated.

He's a common sailor.

I love you.

- Were you alone or with Ben?
- I...

- [GASP]
- Mama?

- The more you try.
- To keep them apart,

The more they are going

to try to be together.

A cave?

- I want you to.
- Marry me, Joanna.

- They're getting married.

- I want your word,

Joanna, that you will not longer

spend time with him alone.

Do I have your word?


Yes, sir.





Maybe your father is right.

Ben is very different from you.

It's the things that are

different that I like so much.

I know he is the

only one for me.

EMILY CHEN: How can you know?

Because I love him.

That's why.

Don't you understand?


I don't understand

that kind of love.

It's as if whenever I'm around

him, nothing else matters.

There'll never be any else.

I can't be like you and

marry someone I don't love.

I'd rather die first.


Billy, I've been thinking.


Well, Ben and Joanna

are getting married...


Well, Ben and Joanna are

getting married, yes?


And Mama and Papa

are married, right?


That leaves Ernst and Emily,

and they could get married.


We could get married.

You and me?

What's the matter?

Don't you want to get married?

I need time to think about it.

All right.

Have you done the

work for Ernst yet?


I've been busy.

Well, when are

you going to do it?





What is it?

I cannot speak to you.


Papa has forbidden me

to be alone with you.



- Did you tell him.
- We're to be married?


Well, then I shall tell him

myself and set this straight.


I fear what he might do.

I don't.

Ben, please.

Don't provoke him.

- Am I supposed to.
- Sit at family supper.

Tonight and pretend none

of this has happened?

Have patience.



How did you do it?

Never mind.



- Heavenly Father, we.
- Thank You for the bounty.

Of this table, which You have

seen fit to bestow upon us.

- Amen.
- Amen.


Well, Ernst, I want to

thank you for cleaning

out the water barrels.

I'm very grateful.

Oh, thank you, Father.

- Crops are in fine condition.

I know you've all

worked very hard.

Especially you, Joana.


- Get out.
- Get them away.


- DAVID ROBINSON: Strange that.
- There should be so many.

I haven't seen a nest anywhere.

- Over there.
- Perhaps that's it.

EMILY CHEN: Get them away.


Calm down, Emily.

They've, uh, gnawed

their way out of this trap.

- Trap?
- What?

- Has someone been.
- Trapping rodents.

And bringing them in here?

Oh, oh, that's absurd.

Who would do such a thing?

He would.


He put them in my bedroom

and made me do his homework

for taking them away.

Billy, is this true?


I'm sorry.


Did you have any part in this?

She had nothing

to do with it, sir.

I see.

- Well, what do you have.
- To say for yourself?

Please, Papa,

don't punish him.

He only did it to

get our boat finished

so we'll have somewhere to

live when we get married.



It's not funny.

Don't laugh.

- You don't laugh.
- At Ben and Joanna,

And they're getting married.

Don't be silly, Christina.

- Of course they're.
- Not getting married.

Yes they are.

Billy heard them.

Is this the truth?

You, sir, it is.


Then why do I hear about it

from the mouth of my youngest

child and not from you?

We did not feel it was the

right time to tell you, sir.

Tell me?

I was to be informed

of your, uh, decision?

Is that it?

No, sir.

- Then what?
- More lies?

More deceit?

No, father.

Be quiet.

Let me make it perfectly

clear that there

can be no possibility whatsoever

of you getting married.

- It's a preposterous.
- Idea, and the sooner.

- You drop it, the better.
- Why?

Because you're unsuited

to one another, that's why.

Well, with respect,

sir, we disagree.

I'm as good as husband

as ever she will find.

With respect, sir.

You are not.

Joanna has already

accepted my proposal.

- Which she cannot do.
- Without my consent,

And I absolutely forbid it.


Joanna, go inside.


- Joanna, do as I say.

Go inside.

- BEN THOMAS: Don't worry, Joanna,
- I won't let them harm you.

- Are not to speak.
- With my daughter again.

And if you hurt her, sir,

then you'll answer to me.

How dare you speak to

me that way, young man?

- Get out of here.
- Get out at once.

What right do you have

to give me such an order?

Ben, please.

I'll show you what right.

Stop it.

That's enough, the pair of you.

Ben, you'd better go.

Please, Ben.

Do as she says.

- Nothing more to say.



No, it is not enough.

You have treated boy abominably.

Elizabeth, the boy's

a liar and a deceiver.

Because you have

forced him to become one.


He attacked me.

Only because he thought

you were attacking him.

- Well, whatever he.
- Thought, he's gone.

And as far as I'm concerned,

it's good riddance.


- (VOICEOVER): It was ironic.

How talk of marriage

between Joanna and Ben

- put a terrible strain on Mother.
- And Father's own marriage.

But the greatest strain

was on Ben, who could not

bear the thought of

losing his beloved Joanna,

a sentiment shared,

in turn, by Father.


I'm not sad anymore that we're

not allowed to get married.

Are you?



Because we could live on

the raft anyway, with Bruno.

This one?


We'll have to build

a bigger one, silly.


Look, there's some big bamboo

over there you could use.


Oh, look at these ones.

Christina, behind you.




Go away.

Go on.

Go away.



- Shoo.

Get out of here.

Go on, get out.



Are you all right?

It was horrible.

Come one.

Let's get your home

before it comes back.



Mama, a wolf tried to eat us.

But we scared it away.

And Ben helped.

- Christina, what are.
- You talking about?

It's true.

Tell her, Ben.

- They ran into a wild.
- Dog down by the river.

I heard Christina shout

and got there just in time.

He hit it with a

stone from his sling.

Perfect shot.

It seems I must thank you

for saving one of my daughters.

I was glad to be in service.

Won't you stay and

eat something with us?

No, thank you.

I must be going.

Ben, I regret what

happened between us.

I'd like to put it in the past.

Where's Joanna?

I'm afraid that's

none of your concern.

You holding her prisoner?

Ben, let's not have

another argument.




Come with me.

I wanted to come to you before.

I knew there'd be more trouble.

- Then when I saw.
- You this afternoon,

I couldn't stay away any longer.

I wanted to come to you, too.

But I didn't dare.

Then come with me now.


Come and stay at the cave

till they say we can be married.


Not now.

Not with the baby and Christina.

They need me here.

Joanna, there'll

never be a good time.

You could spend your whole

life waiting on their wishes.

It's your life, not theirs.

You've got to choose.

And if I choose not?

Then I'd have to

leave the Ireland.

I couldn't stay here any longer.

I'd have to take

the boat and go.

Surely you would die?

I'd rather risk dying

then not be with you.

I couldn't bear it.

Then whenever I choose,

it can only cause pain.

That's why you must

choose for yourself.

It's dawn.

They'll be awake soon.

What do you say?


I'll come.


DAVID ROBINSON: I have something

very unpleasant to tell you.

Ben has persuaded Joanna,

no doubt against her better

judgment, to go away with him.

I don't know anything

of Ben's whereabouts

in the last few days.

It's of no concern to me.

But if any of you know anything,

now is the time to tell me.


Uh, no, Father, I don't know.

Very well.


I don't know, either.


No, sir.

I don't know.

Are you sure?

Yes, sir.

- About you, Christina?



I'm not sure, Papa.

Christina, if you

know anything at all,

you must tell me.


Christina, you must

tell me what you know.


It's all right, sir.

I know where they are.

Welcome home.

- It's not much yet,
- but we'll make.

It every bit as good as

the tree house and better.


What is it?

I can't help

thinking of my mother,

when she reads the note.


I'm sorry.

- But if they won't give.
- Us the life we want,

- Then we have to take.
- It for ourselves.

It's easy for you to say

that, but they're my parents.

I love them, too.

Joanna, we're here.

We've done it.

We can't go back now.

Why not?

We just can't.

Am I a prisoner then?

No, of course not.

Why are you saying

these things, Joanna?

Because of the pain

I'm causing them.

And me, too.

Don't shout at me.

I'm not shouting.

It's just driving

me mad, Joanna.

How do you think I feel?

I'm sorry.

, Please let's not quarrel.

Please, Ben, I need

some time alone to think.

I'm hungry.

Would you find me

something to eat?

Perhaps you should

take Ernst with you.

Ernst has enough to do here.

I won't be very long.

Please, David, they're young.

I'm sure they meant no harm.

Then let's hope

no harm's been done.



Bring my daughter out now.

I know you're here somewhere.

If you won't come

out, I'm coming in.


Are you in here?

Wherever you are, you

can't hide her forever.




This is stupid.


I have to face him.


Ernst, you wait at the

entrance to the cave.

I'll take Bruno and

search this area here.

Sooner or later he'll

have to show himself.

Sooner than you think, David.

Where are you keeping her?

Please, no fighting.

Insolent young dog.

Don't play games with me.

Where's my daughter?

- If you harm one.
- Hair on her head...

How dare you threaten me?

Tell me where she is.


Ben, are you saying

you don't have Joanna?

Yes, ma'am.

Where is she?

She's not here.

That's the truth.

We thought she was with you.




Help me.

Help me.



I don't understand.

She said she'd wait.

- She can't have.
- Vanished into thin air.

I'll find her.

I care about Joanna more than

you can possibly imagine.

- If you care about.
- Her so much, how.

Could you lose her so easily?


- While Joanna was last.

Deep within the cave, and.

Father and Ben were united,

at least in their search

for her, back at the tree

house another Robinson

decided unexpectedly to make

his or her presence felt.


Uh, I don't mean

to alarm anyone,

but I think the baby's coming.


Joanna, where are you?

We'll find her, Ben.

Wherever she is, Bruno

will catch her scent.

No, I'll find her.


I know you care for my

daughter, but can't you see how

different the two of you are?

We're not as different

as you may think.

Here, perhaps.

- But when we get.
- Home, how long will.

You feel when people

laugh at you both?

Why should they laugh at us?

Is there something

funny about me?

No, Ben, but the

world is the way it is.

And I know that a

marriage between a sailor

and a young lady of breeding

is a recipe for unhappiness.

But I love Joanna.

If you loved her,

you'd spare her the pain

such a marriage would bring.





What have you found, Bruno?

Fresh blood.




Lord, please save me.


Is the baby coming now?



If David is delayed, I may

need you to be my midwife.

Can you manage that?

I'll try.

Don't worry.

I'll show you what to do.


It's a tunnel.


Can you hear me?



Ben, is that you?

Did you hear that?

Yes, I did.

Joanna, we're coming.

I'm here.

Ben, remember what I said.

Don't make her choose

between you and her family.


She's calling for me.



Now, listen, the

baby is coming.

When you see the head, hold

it and help the baby out.

Can you do that?


Of course I can.


She'll be all right.

She's got Emily.

What does she

know about babies?

But your mother does.

She's had three of you already.

She must know what she's doing.


Can you hear me?






THEME SONG: Time to go.

Our ship is leaving.

No time for breathing,

life goes on.

When I see we're on

the same side fighting,

then it's time to leave.

Should have known how

the rain was falling.

Now we love so much more,

'cause that's what life's for.

Get away.

We should get away.

This is the moment that, day

by day, the world will go away.

With you by my side,

I know what is right.

And I will stay with you if

you decide we should get away.

Get away.

Get away from it all.