The Adventures of Swiss Family Robinson (1998–…): Season 1, Episode 15 - Captives: Part 3 - full transcript

As always, through Ernst's narration and his diary we view life on the island though his eyes and realize that the Robinsons have been shipwrecked for approximately six months. The family celebrate their first harvest. All seems peaceful and idyllic, but while out hunting Joanna and Ernst discover animal spoor of a seemingly large ape like creature. David is keen to investigate, but Elizabeth is concerned for her family's safety. Christina is captured by Ben and Parsons, who take her back to their island. When Parsons sees her black pearl, he becomes convinced that the Robinsons have a treasure hoard. He persuades Ben they should go after it. Running from a wild cat in the forest Billy gets lost, and is stung by a strange insect in a swamp. Escaping a rain squall Billy hides in a small cave in the hills. When he wakes there is a large gorilla sitting in the mouth of the cave. With David and Ernst away searching for Billy, Parsons storms the tree house and demands the treasure. Emily hides her private jewels that she has kept hidden. Finding no treasure, Parsons demands that David gives himself up in exchange for Christina's safe return. Parsons takes the family's raft so they won't be able to pursue him. Looking for Billy, David slips into a swamp and is also bitten by a strange insect. Meanwhile, the gorilla has discovered Billy. At first the creature shows aggression, but sensing Billy is helpless, it quietens down. Unable to escape from the cave, Billy settles down to wait, but begins to feel very ill and discovers purple blotches on his skin. When Emily's jewels are accidentally discovered, David demands that they try to buy Parsons off with them, despite Emily's protests that they are her dowry. But how to get a message to Parsons? Despite the family's misgivings that the swim may be too far for their dog, Bruno is sent to Parsons island with a message tied to his collar. As they wait for a response, David Robinson also falls ill with purple blotches on his skin. Elizabeth's remedies cannot cure him. Billy, ill, but desperately hungry eats some leaves the gorilla has brought as food. After a while he recovers and with the gorilla away, he escapes. He returns to the tree house and finds David gravely ill. Elizabeth gleans that Billy had the same illness, and realizes that the leaves he ate must be a cure. More leaves are found and David is given an infusion. Parsons takes Christina to rendezvous with the family. Parsons is given Emily's jewels, but demands David Robinson as well. As the ailing David prepares to give himself up, Christina gives Parsons the slip and he and Ben are chased off by Ernst and Billy. David recovers and the family rejoice.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

We have no treasure.


Tell them to light

the beacon when they're

ready to swap him for her.

Oh, God.



- Look, some sort.
- Of insect bite.

- Well, if it is.
- A bite, we really.

Have to find an antidote.

Yes, but what?



Mr. Beak.


What is it?

Has Billy come back?

No, Mother, it

was just his parrot.

All will be well, Mother.

Don't worry.

I feel so helpless.

No, don't think that.

You're not.

Of course, you're not.

Do you think that we could

try to, uh, cut the poison out?

We could.

We've tried everything else.

ERNST: While Father

lay dangerously ill,

Billy had made a

surprising recovery.

His fear of the creature with

whom he was sharing a refuge

was replaced with a fascination

and intrigue, as the creature

also desperately tried to

recover from the wounds

inflicted on him by Parsons.

Meanwhile, our conventional

remedy for father

- left us all with a.
- Feeling of foreboding.

Shall I?


You have the steadier hand.

Well, uh, Mother, Joanna.


I can take the pain away.

It's a Chinese method.

I'll fetch my bag.



There, you may

cut the wound now.

Are you sure?

My grandmother was a healer.

She taught me to have

faith, and you must also.

They didn't get the note,

you yellow-livered numbskull.

You'll have to go back.

No, let's wait.

Wait, for what, that little

termite to drive me crazy?

It's too late to go now.

First thing in the morning.


He seems no better.

I did what I could.

Yes, thank you for your help.

We are all very grateful.

Here's your bag.


You had jewels?

You had jewels all the time?

How could you?

- How could you let.
- Them take Christina.

When you could have helped her?


- She let Christina.
- Be kidnapped,

But she had jewels that

they wanted all the time.

I couldn't give them away.

They are my dowry.


He wanted treasure.

You heard him.

Why didn't you give it up?

My dowry is my future.

My fiance wouldn't

marry me without it.

You allowed my little sister

to be taken by that horrid man

- because you wouldn't.
- Give them up.

I can't.

Without them, I am nothing.

With them, you are nothing...

Just a selfish,

greedy, spoiled beast.


It's true, Mother.

How can she put her jewels

before Christina's safety?

You don't understand.

She isn't in any danger.

He won't harm her.

It's your father he wants.


- And you would give him.
- Up, would you, rather.

Than part with your trinkets?

If he had the choice, he

would have taken your father.

He might have gone.

He might have left

us alone forever.

No, he wouldn't,.

- And I would have lost.
- My future for nothing.

Your future?

What about Christina's future?

What about my father's?

I can't help.

There would be no use.

Well, we'll see about that.

Give me the jewels.


Give them to me.

No, I won't.

- Very well then,
- I'll take them.

Ernst, no, whatever you

say, to take that which is

not freely given is stealing.


And the commandment

says, thou shalt not steal.

If Emily cannot

bring herself to part

with her jewels of

her own free will,

that's an end to the matter.

It is up to Emily

and her conscience.


I'm feeling better.

Mr. Gorilla, I'm feeling better.


Don't die, Mr. Gorilla.

Don't die.



Bye, Mr. Gorilla.

Mrs. Robinson.

Yes, Emily?

If it will help,

you can have my dowry.

Thank you, Emily.

ERNST: Emily's gesture

took us all by surprise,

- though I couldn't help.
- But feel that there was.

- An element of selfishness.
- In her attempt.

At clearing her conscience.

Our prime concern, however, was

for Father, and for rescuing

our beloved Christina, who had

escaped the bonds of Parsons

but was now imprisoned

on Parson's outer island.

But how can we tell

Parsons about the jewelry?

We'll fix the raft.

That'll take ages, Ernst.

- Yeah, well, it's.
- Too far to swim.

There may be sharks.


What about Bruno?


What about him?

He's strong.

Dogs can often swim very far.

Not if we can make it.

We could try, while we

finish fixing the raft.

Oh, Bruno.


There, ready.

OK, Bruno, listen.

Find Christina.

Boy, find Christina.

Good boy.

Christina, over there.

Yes, Bruno, good dog.

Find Christina.

- Let's hope the.
- Tide is with him.

Go, Bruno.

Go on, good boy.





Help, danger.

Billy, Billy.

Where have you been?

- Where are you,
- you little wretch?

I'll find you.

You can't escape.

When I gets hold of you...

A giant ape.

Like this.


It's true.

- You must have been.
- Terrified, Billy.

I would have been, Ms.

Joanna, but I was too sick.

Were you sick?

Yes, Mrs. Robinson, I

thought I was going to die.

What was wrong with you?

I had fever.

I couldn't move.

I reckon it was that bite.

What bite?

I got bit by an insect.


Oh, Billy, was...

Was this very swollen and...

And red?

Oh, yes.

And painful to touch?

Yes, I couldn't touch it.

It's the same as...

Same as what, Master Ernst?

But you're well again, Billy.

How, Billy?

How did you get better?

I don't know.

I just did.

You must have drank something

or eaten something different.

No, just the water

and the leaves.


Is it strong enough?

I don't know.

We can only try.

David, here,

David, drink this.


I'll get a spoon.

Don't worry, my husband.

We will soon make you well.

We will make you well, darling.

That's it.



Oh, Bruno, Bruno, what

have they done to you?

Bruno, you're still alive.


Thank you.

About time.

What's going on?

Well, what happened?

Did you give them the message?



- They said they'd.
- Think about it.

You lying, young swab,

you've never seen him at all.

Look at this.

What is it?

A note, from them,

the dog brought it.


They have got treasure,

just like I told you,

and they wants to exchange

it for this wretch.



Right now, we're going back.

Parsons, I'm worn out.

And I'm worn out,

too, with your whinging.

Bring the girl.





- ERNST: The dear Lord.
- Had answered our prayers.

With Father making a recovery.

Now all we had to do was ensure

that Christina was returned

safely to us, and I

searched the horizon

for any sign of Parsons.

Are you sure it was Parsons?

Yes, with Christina and Ben.

And he will be here shortly.

Come, my dear.

Help me get up.

Help you get up?

Well, I'm certainly not going

to meet him in my nightshirt.

- But you... you.
- Can't go anywhere.

You're too ill.

I will be well

enough, my dear.

But if you go, he

will want to take you.

He will not be satisfied

with the treasure.

With God's help, he

may not get either.

Now come, Elizabeth.

Help me out of bed.



All night long, I

have prayed to the Lord

not to take you away from me.

But now when my prayers

have been answered,

- I'm frightened I'm.
- Going to lose you.

Not if I have anything

to say about it.

- This could be.
- Some kind of trick.

- Go find out what's.
- Keeping them, Ben.


At last, put down

your weapons, Robinson.

We carry none.


Keep [INAUDIBLE], Ben.

Here we are, David

Robinson, face to face.

A face not much

favored by God, I fear.

Mine or yours?


The treasure, in

exchange for my daughter.

Ben, hold her there.


You can keep your

treasure, Robinson.

It's you I want.

No, David, don't go.

Elizabeth, I'm afraid

he leaves me no choice.

Get in the boat.

Take the treasure now,

and leave my family alone.

The devil be praised.


Oh, yes, I'm certainly...


Christina, come to me.



ERNST: With the love and

support of my family,

the full recovery of Father,

and the safe return of Billy

and Christina, this is

one birthday and adventure

I'm sure I will never forget,

along with the bravery

of Bruno, of course.

And did you see

him splashing away?

I nearly died laughing.

ERNST: And I'm sure that Billy

will never forget his alphabet.


BILLY: Really?


A for A.

Well done, Billy.

DAVID: Good lad.

Do you know something?

What, dear?

Yesterday was my birthday.

Oh, Ernst, I'm sorry.

Oh, no, no, it's...

It's all right.

Um, I just wanted to

say that having us

all together again is the best

present I could ever have.

Amen to that.

I'll give you a toast...

- To all the Robinson.
- Family, and that includes

Billy and Emily as well.

And Bruno.

And Mr. Beak.

Yes, and Bruno and Mr.

Beak, to all the Robinsons.

ALL: To all the Robinsons.