The Adventures of Swiss Family Robinson (1998–…): Season 1, Episode 14 - Captives: Part 2 - full transcript

As always, through Ernst's narration and his diary we view life on the island though his eyes and realize that the Robinsons have been shipwrecked for approximately six months. The family celebrate their first harvest. All seems peaceful and idyllic, but while out hunting Joanna and Ernst discover animal spoor of a seemingly large ape like creature. David is keen to investigate, but Elizabeth is concerned for her family's safety. Christina is captured by Ben and Parsons, who take her back to their island. When Parsons sees her black pearl, he becomes convinced that the Robinsons have a treasure hoard. He persuades Ben they should go after it. Running from a wild cat in the forest Billy gets lost, and is stung by a strange insect in a swamp. Escaping a rain squall Billy hides in a small cave in the hills. When he wakes there is a large gorilla sitting in the mouth of the cave. With David and Ernst away searching for Billy, Parsons storms the tree house and demands the treasure. Emily hides her private jewels that she has kept hidden. Finding no treasure, Parsons demands that David gives himself up in exchange for Christina's safe return. Parsons takes the family's raft so they won't be able to pursue him. Looking for Billy, David slips into a swamp and is also bitten by a strange insect. Meanwhile, the gorilla has discovered Billy. At first the creature shows aggression, but sensing Billy is helpless, it quietens down. Unable to escape from the cave, Billy settles down to wait, but begins to feel very ill and discovers purple blotches on his skin. When Emily's jewels are accidentally discovered, David demands that they try to buy Parsons off with them, despite Emily's protests that they are her dowry. But how to get a message to Parsons? Despite the family's misgivings that the swim may be too far for their dog, Bruno is sent to Parsons island with a message tied to his collar. As they wait for a response, David Robinson also falls ill with purple blotches on his skin. Elizabeth's remedies cannot cure him. Billy, ill, but desperately hungry eats some leaves the gorilla has brought as food. After a while he recovers and with the gorilla away, he escapes. He returns to the tree house and finds David gravely ill. Elizabeth gleans that Billy had the same illness, and realizes that the leaves he ate must be a cure. More leaves are found and David is given an infusion. Parsons takes Christina to rendezvous with the family. Parsons is given Emily's jewels, but demands David Robinson as well. As the ailing David prepares to give himself up, Christina gives Parsons the slip and he and Ben are chased off by Ernst and Billy. David recovers and the family rejoice.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

Where you been?

I stuck it to me spear.

It looks like a black pearl.

We're going to kill Robinson

and get that treasure.

- Billy doesn't even.
- Know his alphabet.

ERNST: Billy's gone.

He's not in his bed, and

his things have gone.


It was my fault. I was

horrid to him all day.

And I scolded him

about his silly parrot.

Well there's no point

in blaming yourselves.

Nobody noticed how upset he.

He was very quiet at supper.

Has he definitely gone?

He couldn't be hiding

anywhere, could he?

He took all his

things, mother.


What was that?

Ernst, will you come with me?

Of course.

David, it's dark and

dangerous out there.

- That's why we.
- Must go find him.

They're going.

Robinson and that boy of

his... they're leaving.

What for at this

time of night?

Who cares, Ben?

They've gone and left the

tree house unprotected

- with all that treasure in.
- There and nothing but a bunch.

Of women to defend it.

I'm tired.

I shall go back to bed.

Yes, Emily.

Christine, you should go too.

No, mama.

- But there's.
- Nothing you can do.

I can't sleep.

Not until Billy's back.

Please may I stay

up until he's found?

Very well.

You get her attention

and I'll sneak in.

- Parsons, I don't.
- Want the woman hurt.

I've no quarrel with them.

What's the matter?

Still sweet on her, are you?

Parsons, I mean it.

Let them be.

Don't fret.

- It's the treasure I.
- Want, not the women.

Now get going.


Who's there?



What is it?

There's something over there.


Inside, Christina.


What is it, Joanna?

- Must be an animal.
- Of some kind.


Good evening.


Let her go, you beast.

Well that's not very

sociable, is it, to a guest

who just called 'round?

Please don't hurt her.

What do you want?

Now that's better.

Where's the other one,

the little China doll?

Hey little Ms. China?

Get yourself in here!


Don't fret, Emily.

I'm sure Mr. Parsons

means us no harm.

Quite right.

Quite right.

I wouldn't touch a hair of

your heads if you're sensible

and do as I say.

My father and my

brother will be back soon.

They have guns.

I seen them gone.

They don't look like they'd

be hurrying back to me.

Please, just say what

you want and then go.



Now you're being sensible.

The treasure...

That's what I want.

We have no treasure.

Oh, come.

Come now.

You disappoint me, and old

Parsons has come all this way.

Well I'm sorry, sir.

And I'm sorry, too.

- And this little one.
- Will be even sorrier.

Unless you stop playing game.

We have no treasure.

Open them trunks.

That's just food that

mama brought from Boston.

I'll count to three.

But sir, there really is...


We have no treasure!





Parsons, you promised.

Let the women alone.

Don't worry.

I'm just persuading them to

tell me where the treasure is.

Now you make yourself useful.

Go and scuttle their raft.

We don't want them

following us, do we?

Don't you hurt them.

And you, Little Ms. China.

You're a rich young

lady, aren't you?

I have nothing.


Then I'll take Robinson.

She comes with me

until I get her father.


Tell him!

- Tell Robinson.
- Please, I beg you!

- Take me...
- Tell him!

Her for him!



- Let her go, you.
- Devil, or I'll kill you.


Then you'll hit her first.


you won't get hurt.

- Ben!
- Parsons?

We're leaving!

Cover me from that she-devil!

Where's the treasure, Parsons?

PARSON: Stop your

squawking and cover me!







Now, you stay nice

and quiet and we'll

go on a little boat ride.

- As dawn broke,

- Father and I were.
- Unaware that Christina.

Was in such grave danger.

Our only concern was to continue

our search and find Billy.

I don't like it here anymore.

Come on, Mr. Beak, let's

get some breakfast.

I'm starving.


I feel so helpless.

If only your father were here.



What's the matter with you?

I'm stiff and my wrists hurt.

Too bad.

And I want my breakfast.

Oh do you now, madam?

And what makes you think

you're going to get it?

Because if you starve me,

I won't be of any use to you

at all.




Morning, father.

Good morning, son.

How long have I been sleeping?


About two hours.



Why didn't you wake me?

You needed the rest.


We'll push on after

you've had some food.


But where?

I hope Bruno will be

able to tell us that.


Bruno, take us to Billy.

Patience, Mr. Beak.

Soon we'll have a fire going.

Then we can have a

proper breakfast.



What are you doing?

I'm lighting a fire, ain't I?

I lost my tinderbox.

- You'll never.
- Light it like that.

Shut your mouth.

I want my breakfast

as well, you know?

I'm certainly not

eating raw fish.

I suppose you

could do it better?

In fact, I could.

But not while I'm tied up.

Well that is just the way

you're going to stay, missy.

Starve then, you stupid man.

I told you...

Parsons, maybe she can do it.

I can't.

This is some sort of trick.

The trick is to

light the fire.

Untie her.

Untie her, I said.

Thank you.

Now we need a dry log, a thin,

dry stick, and some dry grass.

Well what are you waiting for?

Go get it.



Ben, put some grass on.


Not too much.

Now, blow.





Well done.

I suppose you want me

to cook the fish as well?

Good boy, Bruno.

Have you got the scent?


DAVID: Yes, I believe he has.

It's all fallen

into our hands, Ben.

It's perfect.

- Even Robinson will.
- Have to give himself up.

To save his precious

little girl.

He'll have to give in.

One thing though, Parsons.

PARSONS: What's that?

How are they going

to let us know?

They haven't got a boat now.

Hadn't thought of that.


What is it, Bruno?

What is it?

Was he here?




Ernst, give me the musket.

Oh, good.

Thank you.


I'm not going.

- Somebody's got to go.
- And get his answer, Ben,

And I can't go with

this now can I?

- Or else I would.
- Yeah.


I'm not risking a musket ball.

Robinson might not

even be back yet.

Or an arrow in the belly.

The Joanna only just

missed me last night.

They won't harm you.

Not while I got their

little princess.

Ben, I'll write a note.

Tell them to light the

beacon when they're

ready to swap... him for her.



Oh, no!

He's lost the scent.

The rain's washed it away.

- Well what are we.
- Going to do now?

I fear he's been taken

by some wild animal.

There's no more we can do.

We're going back?

- The trail is lost,
- and I don't want.

To leave the women alone for

too long with that man Parsons


Come on, Bruno.





clearly suffering from a fever,

having been infected

by some kind of bite...

Which was unknown to all

at that point in time.

Parsons, meanwhile, was

also unexpectedly suffering

from being exposed to the

strong will and stubbornness

of my little sister, Christine.

Mr. Parsons?

Mr. Parsons?


We're all very sorry about

what happened to your brother.

You will be, girl, when I

get my hands on your father.

But he didn't kill him, really.

It was an accident.


It was, truly.

My father is a Christian.

He says it's wrong to kill.

- Well then he should.
- Practice what he preaches,

Then my poor Seth

would be alive today.

- Please...
- I don't want to hear no more.

If you'd just listen...

Shut it!

Shut it, you hear?

David, thank God you're here.

What is it, my dear?

Christina has been

kidnapped by Parsons.


They left on his boat.

I couldn't stop them.

- I would have harmed.
- Christina if I tried.

- We're going to have.
- To go rescue her.

We can't.

They've ripped the

bindings on our raft.

He said we had treasure, papa.

And when we said we didn't,

he took Christina instead.

But he wants you in exchange.

Let's repair the raft and

finish him once and for all.


Ernst, we mustn't

act rationally.

- The most important thing.
- Is Cristina's safety,

We can't risk that.

Papa, he raved like a

madman about some treasure.

He already has our treasure.

He has Christina.


Where's Parsons?

I don't know.

He went off.

Did you see my father?


There was nobody there.

Please, Ben.

These ropes hurt my wrists.


Please, Ben.

Else I shall faint.

I'm sorry about all this.

My father isn't

a murderer, really.


What are you about?


Did you give him the note?

He wasn't there.

Nobody was.

- I left it where.
- They could find it,

You yellow livered whelp.

Now what do we do?

Well, they'll see the note and

light the bacon like it said.

Joanna, let me have

the end of the rope.

Thank you.

Father, what is it?

- I'm fine, I'm.
- Just a bit dizzy.

A little chill.

You're burning up.

You have a fever.

No, really, I'm fine.

Perhaps if I just...







What do you think?

Maybe they haven't

found the note yet.

Or maybe it blew away.

Or maybe it was

eaten by chickens.

You should have given it to him.

There was nobody home.

I couldn't just go up

and knock on the door.

They'd have probably shot me

before I had time to speak.

- Might not have been.
- Such a bad thing.

It's some sort of insect bite.

- He must have been bitten.
- When we're looking for Billy.

That could be what's

making him so ill.

Joanna, my medicine box.

- Well if it is.
- A bite, we really.

Have to find an antidote.

Yes, but what?



It is not well.

My father won't

walk into your trap!

He'll trap you.

He can try.

He will.

He's clever, and you're stupid!

Parsons, I told

you no violence.

Well then shut her up!

She's driving me crazy.

Any change, mama?


I've tried everything I can.
