Tamara Falcó: La Marquesa (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - París y una historia de amor - full transcript

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Buying my own apartment

marked a milestone.

I've always lived in nice homes,
but they were owned by my parents.

New apartment, new life.

I was amazed when I went in
because it's much nicer

than I could have imagined,

and it's just really so exciting.

- How are you, my love?
- Great, my love.

You can't imagine
how nice my new apartment is.

When they started building it,
I remember going to the website

and taking a look at it,
but it was unthinkable

that I'd be able to afford
one of these homes.

The apartment, you know, is...

I've worked so hard for this, my love.

You don't know what it's like
to walk in and think that it's mine.

You've finally got your apartment
after so much work.


And it's next to my mom's house.

By the way, we got here in no time.

It took us just nine minutes.

Much closer than La Moraleja.

It's almost in the center.

Absolutely. Almost the center.

Can you see your mom's house
from the terrace?

Yes, I can.

- You can see Miraflores.
- Great.

We have to set up a zip line,
or something like that,

between the two fridges
so she can send food over.


I bought that house
as it's close to my mom's,

and she laughed because,

I said to her, "Mom, don't worry
because when you retire

you can move into my place,
because it's smaller."

And she asked,
"How many rooms does it have?"

And my mom said, "Tamara,
how much closet space will I have?"

And I said, "Mom, a built-in closet,
like everyone else."

Have you finished viewing it?

I'm going to check out the spa,
and the gym area.

You know that the fitness features
are important for me.

That's very important.

- That could be decisive.
- Exactly.

The spa and fitness features
are key for you.

Well, yes, the spa for sure.

You never know.


How do I see myself in a few years?

Well, married to Íñigo, with a family.

With work that allows me
to spend time with that family.

So that's it, my love, I love it.

Congratulations, my love.

Thank you so much.

- So proud.
- I love you.

- Ciao. Kisses.
- Ciao.

Here so soon?


- Carolina!
- Hi, my love!

- How are you?
- Fine.

Look, your cousins have arrived.

How are you? Hello, my love.

How did yesterday go?

I think it went well.
I think they're all happy.

- They're waiting for you.
- Really?

- Yes.
- Great.

- It's a pity to be the last.
- They can't wait to see you.

My friends are the family I choose.

Life is hard, and having good friends
by your side makes it much better.

Don't mistake this for a cushion.

- Rumbón's here.
- Yeah, I thought it was...

Ego fight.

Ego fight.

Isn't Julito behaving well today?


- It's because he likes you.
- Look, he must like me.

- Careful.
- Did he shit on your finger?

Yes, he sure did.

No way! That's a lie.

What a bird.

Julito, behave!

Your parrot's quite aggressive.

Julito is a hideous parrot.

Swap places.

Thank you.

Look at it staring at me.

He's green and looks friendly,
like Jack Sparrow's, but no.

Íñigo and Tammy celebrated
their first anniversary the other day...


...and we said, "Tammy,
my condolences for being the one

who introduced you to Íñigo."

"I don't know
whether to congratulate you or apologize."

Apologize every day.

When we started dating, well, not dating,
but when we started flirting...

I actually thought
we were dating, but he didn't. So...

When I organized my birthday weekend,

I thought, "No way will Tammy come."
You know what she's like.

- But she came.
- It was in my diary.

- All I need is some notice.
- It was her fate to be here.

That sounded lovely.

- Olé.
- That's it.

The thing is, before I met Íñigo,

the girls and I prayed to San Antonio
for a boyfriend.

And at one point I said, "I don't want
another boyfriend, I want the one."

And then Íñigo arrived.

If Íñigo hadn't left his door open,
he would have fallen asleep.

A friend brought him breakfast
at five in the morning, after a night out,

and he was able to get in, wake him up,

and bring him to the country.

It wasn't a coincidence.

It just was meant to be.

Tammy suddenly disappeared from the games,

which she loves, so that was odd.

Totally glam, she shows up in a skirt...

I'd been awake since six in the morning,
we'd all already been to the river.

It was drizzling,
my hair was a mess, I was freezing.

And Íñigo thought
I got dressed up for him.

- It was for him!
- It was for him.

No, it wasn't.

When I saw you all dressed up,
I said, "Who does she like?"

Really. It was hygiene.

He's got a vivid imagination.
I asked him, "Are you serious?"

And he says, "Half-serious."

Tamara was on the sofa in front of me,

and sometimes she'd do this...

- Her smile.
- All in his head.

- And suddenly...
- All in his head. That never happened.

And suddenly she decides,
at 6:00 p.m. in the country,

where everyone's dressed

in rubber boots and whatever,
she decides to get dressed up.

She turns up at 6:00 p.m.

- in an outfit, a dress...
- No, it was a shirt and skirt.

- A sparkly skirt, for a night in Madrid.
- It was an angora sweater,

with a skirt and boots.

Met Gala in the middle of the country.

I saw her and thought,
"She likes someone, but she's not saying."

When I saw him in MyLu's photos
on Instagram, I said,

"Come on, he's so annoying."

You know? Always showing off and so on.

You know?

But when I met him,

he had a very deep side,

and, above all, a very affectionate side.

So, little by little,

I got to know another side of him,

one that he didn't share much.

Suddenly, I started seeing
them getting closer and said, "Oh!"

You figured it out.

- Just like that.
- Just like that.

- And since then... I apologize.
- No worries. I forgive you.

You should apologize every day.

I want to tell my friends about my project
because they won't make a big deal.

Everything always seems fine to them,

they'll say it's fun and so on.

I think it's so important to have someone

who, as well as telling you
what could go wrong, which is important,

is thrilled and excited.

I've been thinking

about opening a small restaurant.

It's a pop-up restaurant.

- What are you waiting for?
- Amazing idea.

- Amazing idea.
- Surprise!

Can you help me come up with a name?

Something Downton Abbey-ish,

but more cutting-edge.

Downton Tammy.

- Downton Tammy.
- Quick with the wordplay, Íñigo.

The Marchioness's Corner.

A bit too long?

Perhaps a bit too long?

- A bit too much.
- A bit too much.

We'll save that in "names not to be used."



I don't want to be
a copy of Downton Abbey.

I've already got a Netflix show
called Lady Tamara.

I don't need my restaurant
to be called that.

We'll have to come up with something else.

I'm in Paris for some work commitments,

and also to find inspiration
for my restaurant.

I asked Juan to come with me

because we need to get inspired quickly.

- Bonjour.
- Hello.

- How are you?
- Fabulous.

- So happy to be here.
- You look happy.

- With that total look.
- All color.

- Okay.
- What's this?

I've some possible outfits for tomorrow.

Spoiler. I love this one.

- Cute, right?
- It's stunning.

- Very cool.
- I might wear that.

- This one's amazing for tomorrow.
- With jeans.

Either that shirt or this one.

- I love this.
- This combination looks nice with boots.

And then, with this.

No, it actually overlaps.

I'm always thinking about fashion,


makeup... It's part of my job, so...

Many people say, "Lucky you,
you're getting a manicure,"

but I say, "Yes, but it's my job,"
though it may not seem to be.

It sounds silly,
but if you're at a photoshoot,

and your hands aren't done,
you get dirty looks.

Do you have a view here?

I'm not sure. There's a curtain.

Let me see. Lots of curtains here.

- I told you.
- Lots of curtains here.

- I want to go outside. It looks amazing.
- Yes.

You might get lost in there.


Let's see.

- This way.
- Great, let's go.

Come on.

- We're taking the room apart.
- That way, curtains are disgusting.

Yeah, we're getting covered
in mites right now.

- You can't see anything!
- I say!

- Epic fail.
- You can't see the Eiffel Tower.

- What a fail.
- Let's go to the other side.

- This is better. Here we go.
- Here we go.

It's so pretty, right?

It has a...

Every city has something,
and this light is...

Do you know it's there by mistake?

The Eiffel Tower?

It was brought for a temporary exhibition,

just like my restaurant.

- And it will stay!
- Then they decided to...

And the mayor, or whoever,
decided it had to stay.

At first, many Parisians complained.

- It didn't fit in with the architecture.
- That it was awful. Exactly.

- But it has become the...
- The symbol.

- Yes, a Paris icon.
- An icon, a symbol.

You'll be an icon of El Rincón.

I'm a brand ambassador for Sisley,

and I've got a meeting with Christine.

We're looking at the product line

and the communication strategy
for next year.

How do we even greet now?

- Like this.
- Perfect.

- How are you?
- Great.

I'm happy to have you here in Paris.

- What a stunning view.
- It's a beautiful day.

It's a gorgeous day.

I've lived in Paris,
and even the bad days were lovely.

It's a city with so much light.

- You can see everything from here.
- What a stunning view.

- You can see the Eiffel Tower.
- Yes.

- There's Les Invalides.
- Yes.

And there's Notre-Dame.

- Can you see the two towers?
- Yes.

- I'd stay here.
- Yes, it's so lovely.

We need some chairs and a beer.


That's not French.
It has to be a glass of wine.

A white wine.

A glass of white wine.

All the products they make

are very luxurious,
and they always get it right.

I'll show you our new range.

- Okay.
- So...

First, we have All Day, All Year.

This product has been designed
to protect our skin all year round.

It also has SPF 15. It smells amazing.

- Smells botanical, right?
- Yes.

It has marjoram
and different essential oils.

Christine, hand it over.

- What else?
- Lipstick.

- This is lovely.
- Yes.

- For the weekend.
- My mom would love this.

When they first approached me,

I was in Miami with Chabeli.

Chabeli was the first one who gave me

an anti-wrinkle eye cream when I was 16.

So when I told her,

"Sisley approached me."
She said, "Say yes."

These are the ones
for the launch of the new ad

- for Instagram, yes.
- You're doing the video?

It'll be amazing.

It's the new Tamara, guys.

Sexy Tamara, let's go!

On your way to a date.

I felt great on the bike.

I was going like this, turning...

Where's Íñigo? Why isn't he here?

He'd literally eat you up right now.


Men love a Triumph, right? They all do.

On top of that, a hottie...

- Leather jumpsuit.
- ...leather jumpsuit, red lips...

I mean, hello?

Tamara, what do you think of this double?

He looks just like Íñigo.

Does he look like him?

- A lot.
- He looks a lot like him, right?

Lots of castings, I can tell.

I did a casting and said,
"Who looks like Íñigo Onieva?"

Well, this hottie.

- How are you, love?
- Fine.

What's with the car? Where's the bike?

Did you see my photos?

I did. They're amazing.

You have to keep that outfit,
it's amazing.

Right. So you liked the outfit?

I thought it was amazing.

Were you nervous though?

But I was...

I mean, I wasn't riding it.

I saw that.

- You saw it?
- I did.

They'll know from the video

you're not riding it,
because you're not leaning on the turn.

How will they know? The bike was turning.

The bike has to lean on the turn.

- Well...
- But it was an amazing production.


I used the face you have
when we're on a bike

and you look behind to see
if someone's coming. I did that.

Bye, my love.

How did the meeting go, Tammy?

- Great.
- Mine was great too!

- Right?
- This is so lovely.

I need you to lower your voice a little.

I find that hard.

Really hard.

Sophie, could we please close that door?

Hey, I understood that!

I'm kidding.

I understood perfectly well.

- I can't believe it.
- I'll tell you something.

This is so lovely.

- You're so right.
- Is your bed warm?

Yes, of course.

Juan, I can't believe it, I have to go.


Just five more minutes.

- Really?
- Really.

I'll be quiet too so you can relax.

I'm going to meet the woman
who wanted me to join Sisley.

Her name is Isabelle d'Ornano,
a friend of my father's.

The truth is, for me,
she's a role model of elegance.

I hadn't had the chance
to meet her until now.

I'm looking forward to meeting
this extraordinary woman.

- Tamara.
- Isabelle, how are you?

- Nice to meet you.
- Likewise.

- Let's greet from a distance.
- Right.

You have such a lovely home.
It's wonderful.

So Tamara, you're a marchioness now?

- Yes.
- Recently, right?

Yes, I'm a marchioness.

It was a beautiful gift from my dad.

When we opened up the will,

I couldn't believe it.

I mean, I was...

Suddenly, everyone turns and looks at me.

- I couldn't believe it.
- What a lovely gesture from him.

Yes, a lovely surprise.

You're very lucky. Very lucky indeed.

Yes, so lucky.

I remember it like it was today.

I said it to Artiach,
when he was heading back to Spain

after the meeting here,
with so much on his mind.

I said to him downstairs,
"There's a girl I really like."

"Do you think
you could you get her to follow Sisley?"

"Her name's Tamara Falcó."

He said, "Right away."

Sorry for taking so long,

but I'm enjoying it so much.

So you're working
on something at El Rincón?

Yes, we are.

- A...
- I want to open a pop-up restaurant.

It's like a temporary restaurant.

Who's going to run it?
You have so much on your plate.

- Will you use your recipes?
- No.

Restaurants need a soul.

I have to be there. It's a unique place.

When my dad moved to El Rincón

with his wife, Fátima,
they started to decorate and so on.

And after a month,
a part of the roof came down.


- Maybe start...
- Usually...

You usually start a house
with good foundations,

but in old houses,
you have to start with the roof.

- You start with the roof.
- It falls in.

The d'Ornano family
have a spectacular home.

Seeing these houses in Paris
is a luxury. They're treasures.

I'd love to capture that
for my El Rincón project.

In fact, that's what I'm going for.

Right now, I'm focusing on
what I'm going to serve at El Rincón.

I found a menu from Aunt Paloma's wedding,

with many French dishes.
The dessert caught my attention.

It's called fraise Melba.

Fraise Melba, yes...

It's pêche Melba,
but yours is fraise Melba.

- Fraise Melba.
- Yes.

With ice cream?

I'm not sure. I haven't found the recipe.

But it seemed like a good starting point.

I suppose I can adapt it.

- Yes.
- Do you like strawberries?

- I love strawberries.
- Me too.

- Especially garden strawberries.
- Of course.

It has a different taste.

Pêche Melba has cream in it...

Cream and alcohol, right?

A bit of alcohol.

I'll investigate further.

Obviously, they know about good food here,

and they hadn't heard of fraise Melba.

So, I'm starting to think that

my great-aunt made it up.

This looks like an amazing spot
for thinking about the dessert.

Good morning!

A chocolate crêpe for me, please.

To be honest,

the crêpe guy looked like
he came out of a casting.

Yes, a total hottie.

Do you know what fraise Melba is?

- "Fraise Melba"?
- Yes, it's a dessert.

- Here you are.
- Thank you.

- It's from here? It's French?
- Yes, it's French but...

Do you know any...

How do you say cake shop?
Boulangerie? Gourmandise?

- Pâtisserie.
- Pâtisserie.

You could try Pierre Hermé.

- That way?
- Pierre Hermé is that way.

Ladurée is back there.

Thank you.

- Are you treating me?
- My treat.

- Thanks.
- Thanks. Bye.

I suppose it'll inspire you
for the dessert?

A dessert you don't eat with your hands.

One that doesn't make a mess.
But it's more fun.

We have to go to Ladurée,
we'll get inspired there.

We won't find
such a typical dessert in Ladurée.

No, but I think it's good
to get inspiration for the arrangement...

- That's true.
- ...or how to present it.

The idea is to make our own fraise Melba.

Absolutely. Something special.

- This way.
- This way?

This goes right into... Thanks.
This is the pâtisserie.

Not being able to find
fraise Melba in Paris

means we have to create it from scratch.

It means

the only reference
we have is the pêche Melba.

Let's see how it turns out.

Let's do it.


- How was your trip to Paris?
- Really wonderful.

I adore Paris,
and I find it really inspiring.

- So, I loved it.
- Great.

I hope it will help us
to create our menu now.

- Shall we start with El Rincón?
- Yes, let's do it.

- Great.
- Okay.

Luis is my tutor.

He studied and got his Grand Diplôme,

and then he was a professional chef.

Luis is also a great colleague,

and we often work together.

No one in Paris
knows what fraise Melba is.

- Really?
- Yes, so...

- It's important to create something cool.
- Of course.

I've brought some photos
of lots of different recipes.

Let's see if any of them
inspire you as a starting point.

Have a look, there are 200 versions.

I would like it to have

- caramelized pecans.
- Okay.

- I want nitrogen raspberries...
- Yes.

...and add whole strawberries.

- And ice cream.
- These strawberries?

- Wild strawberries would be ideal.
- It's not the season.

- I know, but these have...
- Texture.

...more texture and
Aranjuez strawberries are so good.

Okay, I don't have exactly
what you want, but it might work.

Is it a pistachio crumble?

- Yes, pistachio crumble.
- Great.

What goes next? Raspberries, right?

Whatever you want, you could even
use the raspberries to decorate on top.

No, we'll use nitrogen raspberries on top.

Will we add in the coulis now?

Coulis... Sure, it can go in now.

- Shall I add a little?
- Yes, a bit.

- It's quite a thick coulis.
- That's not "a bit."

Just a tiny bit.

- Enough?
- Okay. Yes, that's it.

I like the dessert, the flavors,
but, obviously, I'm not convinced.

We have to work on it, yes.

Luis can't stand cutesy things,

and when it comes to baking,

I'm more of a perfectionist.

So this dessert needs fine-tuning.

- Hello, my love.
- Hey.

How are you?

- Fine.
- I want to show you something.

Since you're opening a restaurant,
I'll show you our latest one.

How are you?

To give you input to help you with yours.

You're on top of the culinary side,
and you're getting excellent advice,

but operational experience
and other aspects of the restaurant...

- Yes.
- ...you don't have that nailed down yet.

So let's take advantage of
your boyfriend being in the business

- to make sure everything's perfect.
- Lucky me.

I've seen the entire
creative process of Totó,

from the choice of lighting,

to the paint, the pictures on the wall,

to the search for the perfect chef.

So you learn all of this

when you create a space,
or recreate a space, such as El Rincón.

- How are you?
- Great.

Stunning as always.

- You too, always flawless.
- Not at all.

Excellence in terms of service,
Michelin star, etc.

There's no more room for medals.

He's mentioned
all the progress you've made.

The hard part is done,
now for the easy part.

- How many courses are you serving?
- Four.

- Four, and the three appetizers.
- And the three appetizers.

- And then the dessert.
- Great.

- How many desserts?
- One, and it's killing me.

You can't have great cuisine
without great service.

I'd like there to be,
like in great restaurants...

If there are 12 diners,
there should be 12 waiters.

- To all serve at once. No problem.
- Yes!

- Is that possible?
- Yes.

And everything has to have
a meaning and an essence.

Meaning, going back to the past,

reinterpreting things
that have happened in El Rincón.

I also have all the reference pictures

of the gala dinners,
when Empress Victoria Eugénie visited.

I want to recreate that.

As a waiter,
I ask for the starters at that table.

The food runner brings them to me,
but I stay at my station.

I don't leave my customers alone.

- A mistake...
- I'm getting stressed out.

- The kitchen is so far away.
- Not a problem.

We'll need a marathon runner.

Do you know how you run in a restaurant?
Always in your head.

We place the highest demands on ourselves.

True. Well, I don't know, ask my mom.

Are you sure?

- Am I right?
- Your mother's a great...

- She's a great front-of-house manager.
- She's a customer...

You'll see.

It's vital that the customer's happy,

and, in this case, the customer's my mom.

I know you told me from the start
you were going to help me,

but I'm starting to see it now.

Sure, you hadn't left the kitchen.

- I know.
- You have to leave it now.

That's where we come in.

Journey to El Rincón.

Good, my love.

You're in the kitchen,

Jorge's in the dining room,
and I'll give you a hand with the concept.

Open this.

Okay. I love unwrapping gifts.

Tamara, give him his sister's one.

Yes, Mom.

Here. It's for you.

Hey, I brought presents for you all.

Tamara, where's my present?

I brought presents
from the Three Wise Men.

- Are you going to open it?
- Great.

Enrique, open your envelope, yeah?

Is it a...? I'm not sure
if a blanket fits in here.

- Nicely wrapped, my love.
- Let's see.

"Chez Tami."

I've created Chez Tami,

your gastronomic concept
to transmit to the public

beyond what happens at El Rincón.

"Love, there aren't enough cards

where I can write everything
I want to say to you,

and how lucky I am
to have you in my life."

Enough reading.

This is Chez Tami's chef's coat.

And when you roll up your sleeves,

let the G of Griñón be seen.

- Chefs always roll up...
- You designed this?

- I designed it.
- Thanks, my love.

It's amazing that one of our passions
is our work and we share that, isn't it?

That's true.

Chez Tami is a statement of intent,
but it's also "Tammy's home."

It's really El Rincón's soul.

I mean, I don't want it to stop being
a place where people feel at home.

- The pinkie shot.
- Pinkie finger. Okay.

No chance I'm using my pinkie.

No chance, okay?


This will be trimmed
and there'll be no pot,

it's nice, isn't it?

Or not so much?


Careful, Tamara, that goes on its own.


Josepas! The robot is chasing me.

Pope Francis is on Instagram?

Well, if Clara doesn't burn it first!

I couldn't understand
seeing the Pope angry.

I couldn't get my head around it.

Oh my, it's like a Masonic thing.

- It's like that movie...
- Freemasons?

It all makes sense now.