Royal Pains (2009–2016): Season 3, Episode 15 - Hank and the Deep Blue Sea - full transcript

Luke's observance enables Hank to diagnose and timely treat his employer, surf instructor Qincy. Evan overhears Rajan discuss Divya's payments, finds out it's her debt to his parents for canceling their wedding and finds an elegant way to advance it without sacrificing her idle pride. Boris mistrusts French-Swiss cousin Claudette's self-invited appearance at his son's christening, having asked Hank as godfather, but her gift trough Evan convinces Borus' she's not on the family's bad side, unlike traitor Dieter. Jack spends the day sea fishing with Jill, but pays an unexpectedly high price for thus ignoring doctor's advice.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Royal Pains...

I got your blood results back.


The anti-DNA test
came back positive for lupus.

In your profession,
"positive" is a negative thing.

Jack, we can fight this together.

Okay, well, fight it together later?

I've got a lesson.

His lupus is more advanced
than we thought.

It's attacking his kidneys.

I will have another check
with your parents very soon.

I would never have had the
courage to end our arrangement.

You gave me the chance to move on.

You said you wanted to be my friend.

Be my friend.

You know how to be a friend,
don't you doc?


I assumed you knew.

- Let's go fishing.
- Yes.

He never came in for the procedure.

Maybe I can find him.

You're going to drag him in here,

- kicking and screaming?
- If I have to.

No luck.

Jack's not at any of the fishing
spots Jim knew about.

All my calls are still
going to voice email.

He must have gone further out.

He's not answering his radio.

If he's out there alone and gets weak,

he may not be able to get himself back.

Let's hope he's smart enough
to take care of himself.

Yeah, well...

I'll let everyone know
to keep their eyes peeled.

You okay?

Oh, yeah. Fine.

Yeah? Gonna blame that
on the sun in your eyes too?


You've been wincing all morning.

Every time I ask you about it,
you blame it on the sun.

So I have a headache. Big deal.

Let me see this.

Hey. Hey.

This isn't because of my hep C, is it?

I haven't had any problems since
I finished the interferon.

It's a simple and common inflammation.

Inflamed supraorbital nerve?


Here we go.

I've never seen such an advanced form

of treatment before.


That's better.

I'm cured.

Yeah, it's not that easy.

The ice is temporary relief.

I'll give you a local anesthetic
and an injection of solu-medrol

to resolve the inflammation completely.

Usual payment okay, doc?

Usual's perfect.

I have never seen a doctor
paid so promptly.

And no paperwork.

You ever get paid in pedicures?

If you could see my toes,
you'd know the answer to that.

We'll find him.

Yeah, I know.

I'm sure he's fine, medically.

He just has a tendency
to take bad news badly.

I'm worried this fast
progression hit him hard.

You guys have become really good friends.

Yeah. I guess we have.

Can you think of any other friends

who might know where he is?

I can think of one.


Jack, I got a year's worth
of Sushi on the line!

A little help!

Hang on, hang on.

Dashing knight in shining armor
coming through.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay.

Come on, buddy, just give it up.

Oh, my gosh.





These fish hate us.

Something we said?


Everything okay with Jim?

He's fine. Grouchy as ever.

You guys find Jack?

I called Jill to see if she
heard anything, got her office,

and it turns out she went fishing.

With Jack?



Like, fishing fishing?

As opposed to what?

Absolutely nothing.

I'm sure that's exactly
what they're doing.

Are you okay with that?

Honestly, I'm just glad
he's not out there alone.

And she'll make sure he gets
back for dialysis prep.

You got the gift, right?

The christening's in a few hours,

and you remind me of this now?

You didn't get it?

You got it.

It's a good thing I was in
charge of it too.

You, you would have been
scrambling around...

Monogram's wrong.

No, it's not. What?

You're missing a "V" for Von.

Carlos Casseras Kuester Von
Jurgens Ratenicz.

Yeah, it's C.C.K.J.R.
You don't put the "V".

- Yeah, you do.
- It's not a full last name.

It's part of a name.

Then it should be part of the monogram.

It's not a...

look, the monogram's the least
of this kid's problems.

His name sounds like
a game of drunken scrabble.

Can you fix it?

I gotta meet Boris.

Oh, sure, yeah. I'll... I'll fix it.

I'll just go grab a needlepoint
kit from my hope chest.

That would be a lot funnier
if you didn't have a hope chest.

Okay, here we go.

I'm back for less than a day,
and already you have me

in your Frankenstein's laboratory.






I know it seems excessive,
but thallium poisoning

can cause muscle contractures.

The... the metal builds up
in soft tissue and weakens it.

I thought your range of motion
tests were inconclusive,

so this electromyogram will tell
me if your muscles are healthy.

Oh, that does not sound good.

It is.

I want an E.M.G. tech to analyze
the results to be sure,

but you seem to be free
and clear of any symptoms...

genetic or otherwise.

I've been investigating your theory

that our history of illness
may have been the result

of, shall we say, family politics?

You do have a genetic mutation.

Whether that means you'll
eventually become symptomatic

is... a question.

Suddenly my future is unwritten.

Thank you, Hank.

Any news on the investigation?

Our friend, Dieter, is still at large.

He had been in my employ,
in my home for nearly 20 years.

I trusted him with everything.

You'll be attending
the christening today?

Yeah, of course. I can't wait.

Thank you for inviting us.

I must admit, Marisa and I
have an ulterior motive.

Oh, really?

We have discussed the matter,

and we'd like to ask
a great favor of you.

Would you be our son's godfather?

It would be my honor.



That fish gave me a workout.

It's good, I can skip the gym this week.

Yeah, Jack.

How are you feeling?

Well, you know those drug commercials

where a reassuring voice comes
on at the end

and talks about possible side effects?

Well, it turns out these side
effects are very possible.

In fact, they're probable even,

because I feel like I've got
every last one of them.

Did you talk to Dr. Greene?

Maybe she can give you something.

Yeah, yeah.

Something with more side effects.

I'll talk to her.

When we go back in.

But we're not going back in empty-handed.

I don't know, the fish are too
smart or they're too full.

Maybe we should call it?

Aw, not you too. Casey, come on.

Look, the only reason I came all
the way out here

was to get away from people
feeling sorry for me.

I feel sorry for me.
I could use a shower.


Maybe that's why the fish hate us.

Okay, so... home?

Not yet, "Jilligan." I'm feeling lucky.

Royal Pains 3x15 - Hank And The Deep Blue Sea
Original air date February 15, 2012


I'm sorry. It's a little less
than previous payments.

My parents won't like this.

Please tell them that it is temporary.

I've hit a bit of a financial speed bump.

I tried again to talk them out of it.

I understand it's not your fault.

I've got to get to work.

Don't move.

Oh, my God. Is it a bee?

No. Of course not.

You know I'm petrified of bees.

I know, your father's deathly allergic.

But it's not a bee.

Hold still for a moment.


It was a bee.


Hey, why are you here?

This is a clinic patient,
not a potential retainer.

I know. I'm here to see you.

I am.

We never just hang out
and talk anymore, Divya.

Well, you talk plenty.

Besides, shouldn't you be
spending time with Paige

before she leaves
for the rest of the summer?

No, she's with her family today.

You have me all to yourself.


um, anything you want to share?

Not that I can think of.

Really? How about your love life?

How's that going?


All right, I saw you and Raj earlier.

Are you guys back together?

Is it because of your family?

Or is it Raj?

Is he pressuring you?

That is nothing for you to worry about.

Hey, guys. Sorry I'm late.

- Hi.
- How's Boris?


And he asked me to be godfather.

Evan, so help me,
if you do a Brando impression,

we're dissolving the business.

I wasn't going to do that.


Uh, you said no, right?

Why would I say no?

Yeah, it's the sweetest thing
that I've ever heard.

What? Guys!

This is Boris.

He's got a crazy family.

He's got a crazy, murderous family.

Henry, if you become godfather,

you instantly become an honorary
member of that family.

Hank, Divya!

- Hey, Luke.
- Hello.

Good to see you, Bud.

Jill's nephew.

Oh, wow.

Hey, Luke. Evan R. Lawson.

- CFO, right.
- Yeah.

We don't need a CFO. Just doctors.

It's my boss.
I'm really worried about her.

What is it?

You should see for yourself.

Come on. I'll take you to her.

Quincy's her name. She's super rad.

That's surf lingo I've been
trying to learn.

Wait till you meet her.

Oh, that's her.

Quincy! Quincy!

Okay, you can't hear me.

Hey, Luke. What is that?

This? It's only vitamins.

No caffeine.

It's just how I am all the time.

Where was I?

- Quincy.
- Oh.

Did I tell you she got a spot
on the junior surf team

when she was only 13?

Oh. Wow.

- Yeah.
- That's her.


- Hi.
- Hi.

That doesn't look so tough.

How come I always see people falling?

It's not tough at all
with a few short lessons.

Can I interest you?

Uh, no, they're from
my aunt Jill's clinic.

Yeah, we're here to help you.

With what?

Look at that sunburn.
It can give her skin cancer.

Yeah, we can take a look at that.

Any other symptoms?

She's also been feeling sick.

Luke, why don't you give us
a few moments of privacy?

- Yeah. Mm-hmm. Sure.
- Bye.

Uh, Quincy,

is it just on your face and legs?

Uh, some on my shoulders.

It itches a little, but it won't kill me.


Luke mentioned you were feeling sick.

A teeny bit of nausea.

Have you eaten anything unusual today?

Could you be pregnant?

No, no, no.

Her boyfriend's been
gone on the world surf tour.

He's only ranked ninth.

Stop eavesdropping, Luke.

Go welcome the next group
of paddleboarders

for their lesson.

On it, Quincy. Don't worry.

He's a smart, obviously energetic kid,

so I gave him a summer job.

He means well.

I just try to keep him away from anything

he can break, tear, or destroy.

Wow, you want I should
go keep an eye on him?


Don't you break, tear,
or destroy anything either.

So, back to the pregnancy question...

Yeah, Luke... Luke's right.

My boyfriend's been away
for a few months.

Um, we take turns competing.

So with him gone, I've just
been working triple time.

You know, it's probably
why I'm not feeling well.

Or your nausea could be caused
by the dehydration

due to the burn.

Yeah, you got to wear
sunscreen every day.

Especially since you're outside so much.

Oh, yeah, I do. I... I know the drill.

How old is your sunscreen?

It loses effectiveness over time.

You think it maybe went bad?


We can give you something for the nausea,

but I think Divya is right.

What you really need is to hydrate.

I will. I promise.

Guess it's a good thing Luke
called you guys after all.

We won't tell him.

Okay, Jack. It's time to go.

No, I told you. I'm... I'm feeling lucky.

Yeah, well, you don't look lucky.


please stop treating me
like a sick person.

Problem is...

you kind of look like a sick person.

Well, that's just mean.


So you can drive this thing
back to land, or I can.

What's it going to be?

You got a license?

I don't need one.

Which way's the stern?

Right there.

- You're hired.
- Thank you.

Take a little break.


no one's here.

Need I point out that we are
in fact here?

Seriously, where is everybody else?

Hankmed can't be the only people
Boris and Marisa know.

Marisa's family's in Cuba,
Boris' family...

Greedy murderers.

If you were him,
you'd err on the safe side too.



Padrino, please, we are ready.

Godfather coming through.


Thank you both for being here
on this joyous day.

I'm sorry for interrupting.

It's safe to assume this side is family.

I did not invite you here.

I wanted to...

Undoubtedly, you want something,

but you won't find it here.

Let's continue, shall we?

Hello, everyone.

Such a small group,
it will be easy to mingle.

Uh, it seemed like Boris
didn't really want you here.

We have a complicated family.

Claudette Von Jurgens, his cousin.

Nice to meet you.

A distant cousin, probably, right?

Since you sound French and Boris is...

What is he?

I am French-Swiss.

You must be very close to Boris.

And trusted.

I hope so.

Well, he made you godfather to his son.

That position is usually
reserved for family.

Especially in our family.

Excuse me.

You must be Marisa.

I'm so pleased to finally meet you.

Of course, Claudette.
Boris has mentioned you.

You would spend your vacation
together as children.

Your parents would
send you to Shadow Pond.

That's right.

I'm touched you hold the memory
as close to your heart as I do.

It's obvious I purposefully
kept the family away

from this event, Claudette.

So what are you doing here?


It's a perfectly reasonable question.

The Kuesters and the Rateniczes
have always been at odds.

While we, Von Jurgens remain
rather neutral.

Yeah, we don't need
a family history lesson.

The Rateniczes thought that a christening

was the ideal place
to extend an olive branch.

And they asked me to come,

thinking me the least
threatening messenger.

We do not need any messages
from the Rateniczes.

They aren't bad people. All of them.

Some rogue and off-balance family members

may have tried to hurt Boris...


I'm not sure what you want.

I don't know if you're lying

or if you're terribly naive,

but my son's christening
is hardly the time,

wouldn't you say?

Of course. I completely understand.

I'm sure you do.


Uh, oh, no, thank you.
I won't be staying long.

Thank you for meeting me.

Of course.

After talking to Divya
about her... situation with you,

I decided that I should probably
get your side of things too.

You're worried about her?

Yeah, I am.

I must admit I am too,

but we have an arrangement
agreeable for now.

She sees me. She gives me what she can.

She gives you... what's that?

A purely financial transaction.

We've tried to keep emotion out of it.

I thought you were a decent guy, Raj.

My parents insist it.

Oh, your parents insist it.

Okay, um,

what kind of screwed-up family
are you in, man?

We are talking about Divya's
debt to my parents

for the wedding?

Uh, yes, exactly.

That's what we're talking about.


I got your message.

Your nausea's worse?


I'm dizzy, and my heart's racing

like I just took
a ten wave set to the head.

Well, I think you better sit down.

Can't, I've got a group coming in.

If I cancel on clients, I lose clients.

I understand.

I was working two jobs recently.

I pushed myself so hard

that I couldn't be my best at either.

I'm just so tired.

I'm doing my best, but I feel
I'm always catching up.

Your eyes... they're slightly yellow.

What does that mean?

It's the beginning of jaundice.

It's an indicator of liver infection.


Have you been vaccinated for hepatitis A?


Um, no, I've heard of hep A in the ocean,

but there haven't been any advisories

anywhere even near here.

With hep A in the water,
they would warn people.

A beach closure would completely
destroy my business.

No one is talking about closures.

Divya, I'm a longboarder.

There are barely any sponsors
for women surfers.

So this shop...

right now is all I have.

There's no retirement plan in surfing.

Well, I'm going to make sure
that you're healthy enough,

that you can retire when you choose.

So let's take this one step at a time.

First, a full blood panel.



I've been trying to reach you guys.

How's Jack?

Not so hot.

I had him rest while we head
back to shore.

How far away are you?

Probably about an hour out
from north shore dock

where we rented the boat.

Wait, listen, Hank.

Jack says that these are the side effects

of his medication, but... I'm worried.

Yeah, so am I.

Nina, hey.

Found Jack.

Jill says he's sweaty,

and he's been asleep all morning.

Before that, he was weak and had
trouble catching his breath.

Well, considering his
creatinine and B.U.N. numbers,

I'd expect him to be fatigued
and fluid over-load.

He's been surprising energetic
up until now.

Yeah, I thought so.

I just wanted to confirm before I go.

Go where?

I'm going to meet the boat at the dock,

then I'm going to drag his ass
over to your office

for dialysis prep.

Great, I just got off work.

I'll go with you.

No, no, no. Don't.

I'm sure he's fine.

I don't want you to waste
the rest of your day

on my nagging feeling.

I'll pick you up in ten.

Make it five.

Wow, it is beautiful out here.

Not a big fisherman... woman, person?


The closest thing I ever got to
fishing was eating fish sticks.

But I do love it out here.

Hank, I have not been outside
of the hospital this much since

I started working in a hospital.

Welcome to concierge medicine.

I gotta say, it's not bad.


Except when you're chasing a patient

who isn't ready to be helped.

You know what? Um...

sell off the JP Morgan
high yield "A" bond, then.

Yeah, and transfer the funds
to my personal checking account.


When will that be available?

Tomorrow's perfect. That's perfect.

Great, give me a call
if there's any problem.

All right, bye.


You must be lost.

Uh, Boris' house is the gigantic
castle next door.

Is Hank home by any chance?

I have a favor to ask.

No, he's not.


Why do you want Hank?

Unless it's a medical question.

It's not.

Maybe you can help?

Sure, come in.

Boris dismissed my terms to negotiate

a detente in our family.

I understand he's upset,
and I understand why.

Oh, you mean because people in his family

ran his car off the road because
they thought Marisa was in it?

Actually, our friend, Jill,
happened to be in it.

Which is beside the point,

because then they tried to poison him.

Yes, and they turned his most
trusted employee against him.

Yeah, Dieter.

I still can't believe it was him.

Was he working for them all along?

Is that whole quiet sidekick
thing just an act?

Were those glasses even real?

You know what? Never mind.

I find it's best to know
as little about Boris

and his personal life as possible.

I want to talk to Boris.

I tried to, but it seems he's too busy.

We used to be very close.

And what's happened is inexcusable

and unacceptable.

But we are family.

And that's the most important thing.


why are you here?

I was hoping Hank will be
willing to give this to Boris.

Boris trusts Hank.

As well he should.

Hank would never betray him.

Nor would I ever ask him to.

We're all on the same side.

Hank, me, you.

If you could ask Hank
to deliver this package

to Boris today, after 5:00 P.M.

5:00 P.M.


This isn't suspicious at all.

Tell him it's a gift from me.

It's a gift.

Huh, uh, tell me.

What does one get
the man who has everything?

Proof that I want
to bring the family together,

proof that I'm empowered
to speak on their behalf,

and proof that I can be trusted.

So, uh, I have no idea what's in there,

I have no interest in finding out,

Claudette Von Jurgens gave it to me,

said it was for Boris.

A gift.

Yeah, sounded suspicious to me too.

Your hep A screen came back negative...

Oh, thank God.

But your liver enzymes
are highly elevated.

I didn't even know I had liver enzymes.

Your liver is not functioning correctly.

I want to take you to Hamptons
Heritage for a CT scan,

rule everything out.

- Everything.
- Mm-hmm.

Can we go tonight after I close up?

I'd rather not.

So it's a serious "everything."

We will not be gone for very
long, I promise.

Did, uh, Luke get you those bottles?

No, he gets them from me.

May I?

He eats what I eat,
he drinks what I drink.

The kid looks up to me.
I'm not really sure why.

Why are you taking two bottles?

Well, you don't need this much energy.

Oh, yes, I do.


how many are you taking in a day?

Oh, um, six, eight? Maybe ten.

So in a day, you're averaging
50 hours worth of energy?

I've never thought about it like that.

I think I know what's wrong with you.

Your body may have overdosed on niacin.

Otherwise known as vitamin B3.

It's one of the ingredients
in this drink,

and too much of it can cause a flush

that can look like a sunburn
and compromise liver function.

Wait, so did my diagnosis
just get better or worse?


If you stop drinking these immediately,

usually your liver heals itself.

That's amazing news.

So then I don't have to close up shop.

Nope. I'm afraid not.

You still need supportive treatment.

You need IV hydration

and monitoring of your
liver function and healing.

It can't wait till tomorrow?

I'm sorry.

Oh, wait.

If I'm overdosing on niacin,
Luke is drinking this too.

- We should go find him.
- Yeah.

Guys, I'm fine.

I sip it, don't really like it very much.

I was closing down the... wet suits,

and couldn't help but overhearing your...

You mean eavesdropping?

Anyway, my aunt Jill is pretty awesome.

Runs the hospital.

I'll make a few calls, pull some strings,

and I know you're worried about the shop,

but I promise you, Quincy,

I'll take really good care of it.

I'll be a great salesman,
a trusted cashier,

and I won't break anything.

I swear.


Hey, Jack.


Hey, bud.

They say the best way
to a fisherman's heart

is through his fly.

Jack, we need to get you off this boat.

Yeah, Jill didn't care
for that one, either.

I'm fine.

Jack, we need to get you to a hospital.

The nearest level one
is Greenport Medical,

about an hour away.

That's too far.

I'll get them here as fast as I can.


Whoa, whoa, whoa.


He's very tachypneic
and cyanotic looking.

I hear rhonchi.

His heart sounds are muffled.

Is there a pulsus paradoxus?

No, radial pulse. Yeah, probably is.

He has jugular venous distention.

It's all the signs
of a cardiac tamponade.

If we don't get the fluid building up

around his heart drained,
he's going to arrest.

I'll start the IV line.

Ambulance will be here in less than 20.

He doesn't have that much time.

We gotta drain the fluid here.

You're going to do a pericardiocentesis

right here on the dock?

Yeah. We don't have a choice.

Okay, here it is.

Ah, okay.

Oh, Panky...

is the whole stabbing in the chest thing

really necessary?

I thought we were friends.

I'm going with Jack. I'll call you later.

How you doing?

Can't complain.

Hey, doc, let me ask you something.

On a scale of one to two, how bad?

It's better now. Not good yet.

You should have gotten the treatment.

Dr. Greene told you you needed.

Maybe I messed up a little.

Can I ask you something else?


Go to the dock to meet me,

or was I just some excuse

to get some quality dockside
time with Dr. Nina Greene?

Believe it or not, it was to see you,

and for some reason,
Nina insisted on joining me.

I mean, you ruined a perfectly
good day for both of us.

Yeah, I have that effect on people.

Now might be a good time to stand.

You're falling.


This is nowhere near as easy
as Quincy made it sound.

Evan, this was your idea.

I know. It's not natural.

Unless you're a gondolier,
it's just showing off.

Who cares? Who cares?

Then why did you insist on Quincy

paying Hankmed back
with paddleboat lessons?

And why didn't you want to wait
for her to get out

of the hospital tomorrow

so that she could teach us herself?

Because I didn't want to cut
into her paying customers' time.

She seemed pretty concerned with
keeping her business afloat.

So to speak.

You know,

financial pressure can be pretty
overwhelming at times.

- Evan.
- What?

Oh, you mean, kind of like
your deal with Raj's parents?

Just what... do not walk away.

Yes, you have conveniently
made that impossible,

haven't you?

Now I understand why we're here.


here's what I've been thinking.

Five truly terrifying words.

I've given this a lot of thought.

So as you know, Hankmed
is a family business,

founded by two brothers and a Divya.

Yes, I remember.

In all this time, you have become

not only one of my closest friends,

but also a part of my family.

And when you broke off
your marriage with Raj,

it was one of the most courageous things

I've ever seen.

And what did it get you?

Your parents cut you off,

and his parents stuck you
with the wedding bill.

It's not right.

Thank you, Evan. Truly.

But friends lending friends
money never ends well.

How about family lending family money?


I knew you'd say that,

and I'm nothing if not prepared.

So here's my pitch.

I buy your 1/3 stake in Hankmed.


It's not a loan.

That is very generous,

but I brought up selling
my shares to Hank,

and he said that I should keep them.

And I totally agree.

The moment you can buy them
back, they're yours again.

In the meantime, I promise
to take very good care of them.

Just think about it.

You have two minutes.

Thank you for all your help, Dr. Lawson.

We received the report from dispatch.

I'll let you know
as soon as he's in recovery.


Oh, so you got it. I'm so glad.

That's great.

Yeah, I wasn't really sure
of the best means

to get something to you,

so I was going to call your cell phone,

but then I realized I don't even
have your cell phone number,

which is actually kind of funny
if you think about it...

My cousin gave you this?

She did, and she said to give it to you,

which is... which is what I did.

Did you look inside?

I would never. No.

I brought it right to your
security apparatus.

You know, the big scary dudes...

look like they kill people for kicks.


it's not a device, is it?

I mean, it's obviously a device,
but not one that explodes?


The newspaper.

So German's actually
one of the many languages

I don't speak.

Mr. Lawson, I have read
that front to back

and have found nothing
that in anyway concerns me.

What exactly did Ms. Von Jurgens
say about its significance?

Nothing, she seemed frustrated

that you didn't take her offer seriously,

and was very intent on me delivering it

to you today after 5:00 P.M.

5:00 P.M.?

Sounded suspicious to me too.

The evening update.


Oh, my God, that's Dieter...

in cuffs.

And he's still wearing his glasses.

Wait a minute. What does this mean?

It means cousin Claudette
is invited to dinner.



So I just spoke with your doctors.

They're encouraged by the results.

They want to monitor you overnight,

but they hope to release you tomorrow.

It's good news.

But Jack,

it's time to get serious about
dialysis, okay?

This was way too close a call.

Dr. Greene is setting up
your dialysis prep surgery

at Hamptons Heritage.


What do you say...

after the surgery, I take you fishing?

Yeah, I'd like that.



You're still here?

Sorry, you're not getting
rid of me so easy.


I'm sure...

I'm sure there are more than
enough medical professionals

to keep an eye on me overnight.

I'm sure there are.

I'm not staying as your doctor.

I'm staying as your friend.

Hank, Hank.

Yeah. What's up?

They say that...

if you give a man a fish,
he will eat for day,

but if you...

if you teach a man to fish,

he will sit on a boat
and drink beer all summer.

Is that what they say?

True story.

Thanks for being at the dock.

Thank you for coming.

To say I was surprised by your message

would be an understatement.

It's everything. All of it.

Divya, I know the financial
position you're in.

You don't have to...

I want to. I need to.

I understand.

Thank you for understanding.

And for doing everything you
could to help me with this.

You didn't have to. It means so much.

I wish I could have done more.

Oh, and Raj,


give your parents my regards.

I will.

Hopefully, Hank is finishing
the paperwork,

and we can take Jack
back to Hamptons Heritage.

Let's make sure he gets
the best room in the house.

Every room's the best room.

It's because of you.

Whoever replaces you
has big shoes to fill.

There he is.

- Hank.
- Hey there.

How's Jack?

It happened so fast.

He went septic.

We couldn't get to him.

We lost him.

Jack's dead.