Royal Pains (2009–2016): Season 2, Episode 17 - Fight or Flight - full transcript

Evan and Paige prove the perfect guests at Divvya's engagement party, but her father's crisis-motivated expectations on groom Raj compromise the bride's resolve to go trough with her London wedding, mainly a show for business relations. Jess Walsh, whose boyfriend Hank couldn't save from cardiac arrest while hey worked on Wall Street, has started a pilot training school in the Hamptons for a quiet life, but calls him as unprecedented stress seems killing her worse then ever. Boris is displeased with Marissa's pregnancy, Henk's silence and the very idea not to let his congenital disease die with him. The brothers are moved out of his castle.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
ls this an arranged marriage?
EVAN: What if she gets engaged
and moves to London? What are we going to do?
Does it feel right to you?
We have to stop being emotional about logical decisions.
When we kissed, l felt nothing.
Except regret.
You. Me.
You shouldn't fake date for money.
lt started out that way.
But then, l realized that l actually liked her. A lot.
This thing you have, it's genetic.
And quite fatal.
How are you feeling? Tired.
Nauseated. Pregnant.
Keeping something like this from him can be stressful to you and maybe...
l will take care of my relationship with Boris.
ls she going to be all right, or...
You have to talk to Marisa.
Screw emerging markets. l'll bet you would.
l've seen some of your dates.
You just can't live with the fact that
your best friend out-earned you last quarter. Let it go.
l still say it was a typo that stumbled you into that company
two days before it split.
Well, you'll never know, will you?
Hey. lf the L train cooperates,
we can be at Brooklyn in 16 minutes and be back online.
Perfect. Motorcade Communications just hit the tape.
Great. So, how do you want to do this?
Player's choice. Player's choice.
The usual? Commuter bet?
Already ahead of you.
lf you lose, you're buying dinner.
lf you lose, you're buying dinner and wearing lipstick.
l'm not going to lose.
l wonder what shade lipstick you'll look better in.
NASDAQ or Big Board? Harry, you're going to look so pretty.
Dude, even your lipsticks are work-related?
You need to get off the floor and up in the air fast.
Me? When are you ever not trading?
l've got my whole life ahead of me. l can relax when l'm...
Oh, no. You are not getting out of our bet that easy.
...Tokyo opens soon, so l need help covering his accounts.
Exhaustion or something.
l know. lt's totally weird. He just went down.
Yeah, l'll call you after they let me see him.
Overnight Trade Desk, please.
Miss Walsh?
Hang on, Bobby. lt's Harry's doctor. What was your name again?
Dr. Lawson. Hank. May l speak with you in private?
Well, anything you need to tell me,
you can just tell me right here.
l'll call you right back.
Your friend suffered an aneurysm.
So, how is he?
Well, we did everything we could.
l don't understand. He's going to be okay, right?
Miss Walsh,
your friend is dead.
Hello? Anyone?
Well, well, well.
This is a surprise.
l thought you were at JFK, picking Raj up.
He had to delay. But he'll be here tomorrow, in time for the sangeet.
Otherwise known as the party for my friends in New York
who are unable to attend the wedding in London.
Yeah, l'll stick with sangeet. A little more succinct.
You must have a million things to do before you leave for London next week.
Yeah. l do.
Fortunately, my mother is taking care of them.
Oh, good.
l could use your opinion, though.
My wedding gift to Raj.
What do you think?
Oh, my God. l think he'll love it.
Yeah? Yeah. lt's beautiful.
Yeah, l just wonder if it's personal enough.
You know, when my parents got married,
my mom gave my father a tandem bicycle.
l have such fond memories of watching them ride it around together.
That's nice.
Yeah. Yeah, it was.
ln any case, l am ready to work.
l am not sure that will happen here.
The patient doesn't seem to be home, and no one else is around.
Maybe we should...
Sorry. l hope l didn't keep you waiting long.
HankMed, right?
Yes. l'm Hank Lawson. This is Divya Katdare.
Jess Walsh.
Hi. Pleased to meet you.
Oh. So proper. Pleased to meet you, too.
l looked up ''concierge medicine in the Hamptons''
and l recognized your picture.
But you probably don't remember me.
Your face is familiar. But...
Right. l probably don't look so familiar without my Blackberry.
Yeah. Brooklyn. Last winter.
You worked on my friend, Harry. lnvestment banker.
Yeah. l remember now.
How can we help you?
Well, let's just say l called because l want to make sure
what happened to Harry doesn't happen to me.
Only, l'm afraid l'm too late.
So, you felt nauseous, anxious, dizzy.
Mmm-hmm. l've had trouble sleeping, too.
How long has this been going on?
A few weeks. Since l left Manhattan for good.
Sounds like Harry's death was sort of a wake-up call for you.
After Harry collapsed and died, l had to change or l'd be next.
lt took a while, but l finally did it.
l quit my job, cashed out, and spent everything on a flight school.
(CHUCKLES) Yes, you did.
But you wanted to try to calm things down,
lead a less stressful life.
Yeah. And here l am, full of anxiety and unable to sleep.
Her blood pressure is high. 190 over 1 10.
lt was lower when l was jacked up
on caffeine and adrenaline 24-7.
l don't get it.
l've done everything l could to make a fresh start,
and yet, l've never felt worse.
Are you on any medications?
Uh-uh. Not anymore.
Well, what were you taking?
ln addition to my blood pressure meds? The same as everyone else.
Ambien to go to sleep, caffeine to wake up,
Paxil to make it through the day.
But not since l moved here. Not even the Lasix.
Okay. Do your hands and arms ever tingle?
Does your vision get blurry?
Sounds like FlNlSH syndrome.
Yeah. Let's get a chem panel,
including LFT's, as well as a CBC.
Wait, wait. What's FlNlSH syndrome?
lt's what happens when you go cold turkey
off certain anti-depressants.
You experience flu, nausea, bouts of imbalance and sensory disturbance.
What you're going through now is called SSRl withdrawal.
Jess, didn't your doctor tell you to
gradually wean off of those meds?
Doctor? We self-prescribed.
Traded that stuff like stocks and bonds. And then, once Harry...
l pretty much avoided all hospitals and doctors.
We're going to run some labs. But in the meantime,
l'm putting you back on Paxil, which we'll decrease gradually.
l'll also prescribe an anti-hypertensive.
You should feel better in a few days.
Then, l'll be okay.
We'll make sure of it.
And if you have any further dizziness or nausea, please give me a call.
Are these your planes, as well?
Yeah. And there are a couple more by the runway.
Mmm-hmm. The one in my backyard.
That's quite a backyard.
Well, the plane's got to have a place to take off and land.
Yeah. No, of course they do.
Raj, my fianc?, he has always wanted to learn how to fly.
l could give you both lessons.
We could use a hobby to do together.
Stop by tomorrow. l'll give you a birds-eye view of the Hamptons.
lt's magical. How about noon?
Well, let's see if you're feeling better and if your blood pressure is normal.
Okay. So, be here by 1 1 :45.
And Hank, would you care to join us?
Yeah, no, thank you. l'm... l'm good.
Don't tell me you're afraid of flying in small planes.
No. l'm not afraid of flying in small planes.
l'm afraid of crashing in small planes.
But thank you.
Boris still doesn't know. You need to tell him.
l have tried. Many times. But l just get so nervous,
l change my mind and say nothing.
Look. lf you're waiting for the perfect moment...
There is no perfect moment. That's right.
And of course, the more l delay, the more anxious l get.
This is not just about Boris.
Something else is going on.
l've always wanted a child.
But to have a child with the love of my life,
it was little more than a dream.
And now that it's real,
l just want Boris to be as happy as l am about the baby.
But we both know that
that possibility only completely exists for as long as he doesn't know.
But that doesn't mean he doesn't have the right to know.
l guess l'll just have to face the music.
Yes. But you won't have to face it alone.
l'm sorry. What did you say?
l'm pregnant. You're going to be a father.
l see.
Well, l'm relieved to know what Hank has been treating you for.
No, Marisa is completely healthy.
l should go. l'm sure the two of you...
No. Stay.
Unfortunately, the timing for this announcement is not ideal.
l have a meeting in Manhattan.
So. Arranged marriage.
People still do that?
Yeah. lt's tradition.
Divya and Raj's families are crazy traditional.
But you know, maybe it would be just as weird for them
to go on a date to the ice cream parlor.
l love that you call it a parlor.
What else is it called? lt's an ice cream parlor.
You know what else is kind of weird?
That l like strawberry and mint chip combined?
No, that's adorable.
lt's kind of weird that we've never spent the whole night together.
Don't you think?
You think l'm a blanket hog, don't you?
Or you're just worried that we both like the same side of the bed.
Because l'll cook breakfast.
Strawberry and mint chip pancakes? That's my specialty.
Evan... Yeah?
There's something l have to tell you.
Okay. Tell me.
You snore. That's it?
That's why you haven't spent the night?
Well, yeah, but you can't tell anyone.
lt's really embarrassing.
Oh, Paige. Oh, my God.
You're staying the night.
Come on. You snore. How bad could it possibly be?
Hey, Paige.
Paige. Paige, you're...
Hey, Boris. lt's me again.
Listen, l understand you're still in Manhattan.
But when you get a chance, l'd really like to talk. Thanks.
Hey, you're up early.
Yeah, that would assume l'd been to sleep.
Nice. Coffee. That was so thoughtful.
No, that's mine. That... l'm good. l'm good.
So, seriously, dude.
Did you hear anything last night?
Like, anything at all?
Hear what? l'm a deep sleeper.
Of course you are. l forgot. Never mind.
You're a lucky bastard. That's what you are.
Okay. (SHUSHlNG) l didn't say anything.
Good. Don't.
Sure. What am l not saying anything about?
Good morning. Good morning.
Hi. Hi. Hi, Hank.
Hey Paige. What's up?
So? How did you sleep?
Really good. Really good.
Coffee? No. Thank you.
Keeps me up at night.
Me, too.
l could stay up here for hours.
lt's nice to escape and leave your problems on land.
How long have you been flying?
Since before l could walk.
My dad was a crop duster in Kansas.
So, after being conceived in a plane,
l pretty much grew up in one.
l always thought it was amazing that you could be going
1 20 miles per hour, and you look out the window,
and it seems like you're barely moving.
lt's the only place l can relax.
Harry hated flying.
You two were clearly very close.
Harry was a pain in the ass. He drove me crazy.
But you would have liked him.
Everybody did.
Jess? Jess.
Jess, are you okay? (ALARM BEEPlNG)
Jess. Jess. Can you hear me? Jess.
What... Can you land this plane?
Of course. Okay. Then, do it.
l'm... Now.
Okay, Jess. We're going to do
a neurological exam called the Romberg test.
Just take a few steps. First, heel to toe.
That's it. Perfect.
Keep your fingers spread out wide.
Touch your nose with this finger.
Tap this hand. Tap this hand. Play the piano.
Okay. Play Fur Elise.
She does not have orthostatic hypotension.
And there is less than a 20 over 10 point gap
between her three blood pressure readings.
Well, that rules out dehydration.
lt probably also rules out any reaction to the blood pressure
or anxiety meds we prescribed.
So, l got dazed and sweaty for a minute.
Big deal. l get that way at Viggo Mortensen movies, too.
l know you checked her blood pressure before the flight.
Did you check it when you landed?
lmmediately. And it was low. 100 over 60.
So, adjust my meds.
lt's not that simple.
Low blood pressure can cause a syncopal episode. A loss of consciousness.
Or you could have some sort of seizure disorder.
Either way, you're going to need some tests.
Yeah. ln addition to a head CT,
let's do an EEG and run some blood tests
to rule out electrolyte abnormalities.
We should do that today.
Oh, l can't. l'm giving a lesson.
Jess. l'm afraid due to what happened, we have to ground you.
But you don't know what happened.
Yeah. But if you did have a seizure, you can't fly.
l mean, the FAA could permanently ground you.
You need to be cleared by a neurologist.
l'm trying to start a business.
My life out here depends on it.
Your life depends on your health.
So, if l can't fly, what am l going to do?
Go back to my old job and work 24-7
until l collapse on the pavement like Harry did?
l can't let that happen, Hank. He'd kill me.
Okay. Then, let's rule out a seizure.
We can have the results back tomorrow.
Hopefully, you can get back in your plane.
ls it tradition for an lndian groom not to attend his own sangeet?
No, Raj will be here. He has to be here. Right?
MAN: Hello. Hi.
Hi. l feel like we're being filmed.
l think so, too.
Do you want to send Raj and Divya any wedding wishes?
Yes. Yes.
Right this way. Let's go.
Divya said Raj's flight was delayed.
lnteresting. She told me the same.
l'm sure everything's fine.
People only say that when things aren't, you know.
l know. But you still have to say it.
Yeah. Hey, did Divya ever mention a guy?
You know what? Not important.
lt doesn't matter. A patient. Adam.
You do know.
l know it's complicated.
Yes, it is. And not really our business.
No, it isn't.
And we probably shouldn't be discussing it.
But we are.
lt's Raj.
Hey. Hi.
Where are you? Have you landed?
lf you want my advice, l would tell him how angry you are.
How devastated you are. Possibly both. Maybe cry.
The point is, you'll have a bargaining chip that you can use later.
Okay. l don't want your advice.
Then, why did you let me go on like that?
You know how these planes can be.
Okay. Okay. Listen. Just tell me.
Will there be any more delays?
Well, then, where are you?
Turn around.
l am so sorry.
Don't be.
You're here now.
Let's get the sangeet started.
Thank you all for coming.
lt means the world to us.
ALL: Cheers!
Hey. Which one is ours?
l don't know which one.
Evan. We discussed the gift this morning. You said you'd get it.
l did?
Tell me you at least brought a card.
No, l did not.
Okay. Great.
l need coffee.
Hey, check your right hand.
Oh. Yeah, there it is.
You first. You first.
Well, do you like it?
l do. Open yours.
Do you like it?
lt's beautiful.
l'm so relieved. l was afraid you'd think it wasn't personal enough.
lt is perfect.
And very timely.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Music? Candles? And a humidifier.
lt's romantic and good for the skin.
Humidifiers also promote restful sleep.
But there's more.
Yay for presents. What's in here?
Open it. Okay.
Whoa, you're like a tigress.
La Perla?
La Perla.
What... What... What did you do to this beautiful piece of lingerie?
Well, sleeping on your back
it makes snoring worse, l read.
So, the tennis ball just prevents it.
Oh, no. You hate it.
That you ruined ltalian lingerie? Yeah.
That you sewed for me? No.
Just come out right now. Now! Now, now, now!
l'm coming, l'm coming, l'm coming, l'm coming.
Calm down. What's going on?
We've got a medical emergency.
Why didn't you say that when you called? What's going on?
You wouldn't have been able to hear me.
Wow. Yeah.
Dude, that is...
Like a band of gorillas attempting to crank up a Model T?
Yeah. l know. lt is. l know. l know.
Which is why l need your help.
You're not staying with me. You're not.
You think this is funny? A little. Yeah.
Dude, l haven't slept in two days.
Two days. She sounds like a tauntaun
from Empire Strikes Back. You know them? (lMlTATES)
With a snoring problem. Like... (lMlTATlNG)
And it's Paige we're talking about.
You know, it's adorable, sweet, amazing,
funny Paige, who makes me feel like...
She makes me feel like nothing l've ever felt before.
l've never seen you like this.
l know.
l know. l've never been like this. l'm exhausted and spent.
l'm seeing things. Look at me, l'm a wreck.
l can't spend my whole life like this.
Your whole life? Yeah well..
Your whole life? Evan. Wow.
l mean, you really care about this girl.
What? That's not what we're talking about. Look, look, look.
We have a medical...
Emergency. l know that's what you think.
So, have you told her? l...
Stop. Look. Stop it. Stop. l'm fine. Never mind. Okay?
Come on.
Thank you for meeting me.
Well, Hank, what is so important?
Look, l know there's a lot going on with this for you.
But l just think it's important that you see the big picture.
Those children, Hank. You see them?
They are happy. Completely without guile.
Now, imagine them
having to watch their father wither away and die.
Only to then realize that the same fate
will be their own.
That is my big picture, Hank.
No, Boris, there's a chance that a cure will be found.
And if not for you, then for your child.
l mean, that's the picture you should be looking...
You don't understand. You don't understand anything, Hank.
l understand there's a woman who needs you
and a baby who's going to need a father.
You're not listening.
l promised myself that this disease
would die with me.
Sometimes, promises have to be broken.
Jess. Jess, are you having chest pains?
No. Hank, l can't breathe.
l can't... l can't get a breath.
Just try to relax. Just try to relax.
Everything's closing in. There are just so many people.
l think you're having an anxiety attack.
That's what's going on. Okay?
So, we just have to calm down.
Don't make me go to the hospital.
l'm not going to go there. That's where Harry went.
l am... l am not taking you to the hospital. Okay?
But l am going to get you out of here. Just first, look at me.
Jess, look at me. Take slow, even breaths.
That's it. That's it. l am here with you. l am right here.
You're okay. Jess, you're okay.
l'm okay.
Hi. To Divya. And Raj.
This is the best sangeet I have ever been to.
This is the only sangeet either of us have ever been to.
Okay, well, it's still the best.
It's still the best. It's amazing.
And thank you very much for inviting both of us. And one, two, three.
Which hopefully means ''Have a great wedding''.
Yeah. Or wejust said something really offensive and we apologize.
But either way...
We love you. Love you.
How was that? Awesome.
How long have they been a couple?
Well, not long at all.
Everything okay?
Looks like l'll be going back to London tomorrow.
Well, you just got here.
There's something l haven't been completely up front about.
There is?
Katdare Properties.
The economy has taken its toll.
Revenue has dropped significantly.
Your father needs this wedding to show the world that all is well.
That's why the guest list just shot up.
And why we need to have an elephant at the wedding.
Go to London.
l'll cancel the dance lessons and the flying lessons.
lt will be fine.
l'll explain to your father that l must stay here.
Work will go up and down, but you will only be married once.
Yes. So.
They say that the most complicated problems
often have the simplest of answers.
Who says that?
(STUTTERlNG) The instruction booklet.
So... And... Tada.
That does not look simple.
Well, it's not the most graceful of instruments, really,
but the success ratio is much higher than you'd expect.
l expect nothing.
So, yeah. You just, uh...
l'm supposed to wear that?
Yeah. Look. lt's so comfortable.
Put it on. This holds it in place.
No snoring. You just wear it at night, right?
So... So, yeah, just give it a...
This is really humiliating.
Paige. No, no, no.
Everyone has their weak spot. You know?
Everyone has something that haunts them.
Like Superman. He's got kryptonite.
And l hate giant spiders.
Hate them.
And you? You snore.
Like a demon.
Maybe l should look into surgery.
l know a great doctor.
DlVYA: So, l called, and Jess should be waiting for us.
HANK: l added a fraction of plasma-free metanephrine level
on the labs we ordered for her,
and the numbers were moderately elevated.
Jess' continuous BP monitor results
showed a pattern of spikes in her blood pressure.
That, combined with her chronic hypertension,
palpitations, anxiety, syncope...
Okay. So, what are you thinking?
lt could be a pheo on her adrenal gland causing a leak.
So then, Jess isn't just an adrenaline junkie.
She's literally drowning in adrenaline.
Jess. Jess, where are you going?
Where do you think? New York.
l have to hurry. He's waiting for me.
Who's waiting for you?
Harry. Wait. Who are you?
l'm sorry. You're not getting on that plane. Yes, l am.
No, you're not. You... You can't. You can't. Yes.
No. l'm sorry. Come here.
Just relax. Just relax. lt's okay. lt's okay.
You're fine. You're fine. ls she tachycardic?
Yeah. Her heart's racing.
Hand me the nitroglycerin paste, and call 91 1 .
Okay. lt's okay, Jess. lt's okay. All right. Just breathe. Just relax.
That's it. That's it. (SHUSHlNG)
That should calm you down.
Okay. Hey, it's okay.
HANK: Thirty-five year-old female in hypertensive crisis.
BP is 260 over 140. She is encephalopathic.
Any clue as to why she would be in a hypertensive crisis?
Well, she was thought to be manifesting symptoms of anxiety syndrome,
and at the time was noted to have underlying hypertension.
She's had intermittent complaints of cephalgia, palpitations, and diaphoresis.
Let's get her into the bed. One, two, three.
Yeah? What's happening to me?
Well, l think the reason for the anxiety and hypertension
is that your body is producing too much adrenaline.
DlVYA: lt's called Pheochromocytoma.
A pheo is a mass of chromaffin cells in the adrenal gland.
And you've probably had it for months.
Jess, l think the life you were leading
mirrored the starting symptoms of the pheo,
and then the pheo got worse.
But to treat it, we have to prove it.
Can you set up an MRl of her abdomen
as soon as you can get her blood pressure under control?
Ms. Casey, we need priority on the MRl.
l'll call radiology and make sure there's a table waiting.
l'll start the Phentolamine drip to stabilize her.
Great. Will l be all right?
You'll be fine, Jess.
And if it's all right with the ER, l'll stay with you all the way.
Of course. Thank you.
You're going to be fine. Okay?
Okay. Open? And say ''Ah''.
A little hard to tell with you on top of me.
Okay. Okay. Again.
So, diagnosis? Anything?
What do you see in there, Henry?
Well, what l don't see are inflamed tonsils or polyps.
That's good, right? That's great. That's good. How are her adenoids?
l've been doing a lot of late night reading. Late night reading.
Okay. Can you help me, Hank?
Paige, you're fine. But your uvula is a little long.
So, l can refer you to an ENT for a more thorough examination.
But my guess is that your uvula is vibrating, causing you to snore.
Come here for a second. Okay. Right.
How can you see her uvula from there?
What's a uvula?
lt's the conic projection
coming off the posterior... No, no.
lt's the thing that hangs down in the back of the throat. lt goes...
Oh, my God. The uvula. Uvula.
Yeah. Okay. All right. Great.
Okay. Hey, buddy. You might want to lay off the sugar.
You're a little jumpy.
No, l'm not. l'm not jumpy.
l've been... l've been... Why? Do l... Do l seem jumpy?
A touch. A touch.
lce cream is our nightly ritual.
Oh, that's nice.
Yeah. Every night. lt relaxes us.
Clearly. You seem really relaxed.
Do you want a bowl?
No, thank you. But it could be that...
l mean, just so you know, dairy products can make snoring louder.
But l'll make an appointment for you
with an ear, nose and throat specialist. Just in case.
Okay. Okay. Great. Great.
ls it a problem someone else will be piloting the plane?
l'll try not to be a backseat pilot, but l'm not making any promises.
Okay. And he's a friend doing a favor.
So l have to behave. And he's kind of cute.
Kind of?
Yes. And that's all l'm saying.
Thank you for helping me find a specialist, Hank.
Oh, yeah, Dr. Schwartz is an excellent surgeon. He'll remove the pheo
and then your blood pressure should come back to normal.
And don't worry.
You should be able to resume flying in about six weeks.
Yeah, if l have any customers.
You're looking at one.
What about your fear of crashing?
Having someone l trust behind the wheel makes all the difference.
Thanks, Hank.
Well, let's wait until l actually get in the plane to thank me.
No, really. l look at you.
You were like me, a New York adrenaline junkie.
But you escaped. New career. New life.
And it seems like you're really happy with where you are, who you are.
l guess l'm jealous.
You know, last winter when l told you Harry died?
That was the third time that shift that l'd given that speech. l was just...
l don't know. l was fried.
l remember watching you walk away and thinking.
Oh, okay.
Maybe this is what they mean by ER burnout.
You made me feel better.
l didn't know it at the time,
but l needed to change my life.
We both got wake-up calls that night. But you listened to yours.
So, you've got nothing to be jealous about. You're doing it.
You did it. Know that.
For the record.
lf l were piloting, that plane wouldn't have been late.
(CHUCKLES) l'm sure.
You're not asleep.
No, l'm not.
l'm still keeping you up.
No. No. lt's not you.
lt's all the caffeine l mainlined.
lf you cut me, l'd bleed French Roast.
So it wasn't my snoring?
You still snore.
But it's...
lt's like a soft snore now.
lt's a good snore. lt is.
You sound like a little kitten purring. lt's adorable, actually.
Yeah. You're crazy.
l don't know if it's the coffee
that's pulsing through my veins or what,
but l can't stop thinking.
l can't stop thinking about you.
First, we couldn't spend the night together.
Then, we could, and it was loud.
But still, it was really great.
And now, it's just perfect.
You're perfect.
Not literally perfect, you know. Right.
Just, like, your imperfections are so cute.
They make you...
They make you perfect.
l love you.
Big time.
l love you, too.
(SlGHlNG) Thank God.
RAJ: Let me handle the seating.
You don't even know who's coming.
l'm sure your mother will educate me.
And it's one less thing you'll have to do.
You know, l think that it is time that we talked
about the elephant in the room.
The actual elephant, Raj.
l don't want it.
Your father insisted.
l know. But it's our wedding.
Look, why don't we tell him together?
l'll talk to him. He owes me one.
He does? Mmm.
He needs me to return to work immediately following our wedding.
You mean after our honeymoon.
What, we're going to postpone our honeymoon?
Only until things improve. Spring? Next summer?
Next summer?
Raj, what...
What if l want to come back here next summer?
Then, autumn. We'll honeymoon in autumn.
You want us to honeymoon after our first anniversary.
We talked about how crazy this time is.
Yeah, we did.
But who's to say that next autumn will be any less crazy?
l am sorry Divya, but we can't keep...
You know what? Maybe after the wedding, l shouldn't stay in London.
No, maybe l should just come back here. Because you know what?
Who knows? You know, maybe l could kiss another patient.
l'm sorry. What did you say?
This is the greatest wedding gift ever. Ever.
They're going to love it. But let's not pat ourselves on the back too much.
ln this case, that's not even possible.
Look at this thing. This is the best ever. All time.
You want some help with that? No. Yes.
Oh, my God. lt's awesome.
What's happening?
ls Boris giving Dieter the boot?
lf he is, we should hire him.
l've always wanted my own manservant.
No, l think it may be Marisa who's going.
What? He's kicking her out? Why?
She may be leaving for her own reasons.
Why would she leave all this?
Okay. Let's go. No, no. Hank. Why?
Just go.
Oh, you can't tell me. Right?
Right. Because of doctor-patient
BOTH: Blah blah blah blah blah.
Exactly. l never get to know the good stuff. Ever.
Hop on. No.
For two seconds. Not a chance.
Come on. No.
What if l let you ride in front?
Will you be in back?
Yes. Then, no.
Dude, it's a tandem bike. We have... l don't care.
What the...
Marisa's not moving out.