Rookie Blue (2010–2015): Season 3, Episode 6 - Coming Home - full transcript

A noise complaint leads Andy and Swarek to an illegal warehouse party, and to an injured John Doe -- a homeless squatter who's been stabbed in the warehouse. While Gail and Dov detain the partygoers for questioning, Andy and Swarek apprehend a surprising witness -- Oliver's 15-year old daughter, Izzy. And Izzy's involvement in the crime nearly pushes Oliver over the edge -- as a father and as a cop.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
One and a quarter cup
right? Has to be exact.

- Cake's on fire.
- What?


Oh, no, no, no!

It's okay. I can salvage
it. It's good, it's good.


I would have used it.

Well, that was close.

Why are you having this thing again?
You've been here... six months?

Yeah, and I never had a housewarming,

and I think now is the time
to say I am finally home.

- Put that back. It's for tomorrow.
- You want that?

- You want it?
- Yes, I do want that. Put it back!

- That is for tomorrow night!
- Want that?


What, you wanna play?

Oh, pull yourself together.

- Claire. Hi.
- Hi.

I was in the neighborhood, and
I wanted to drop something off,

but I... I... I'm interrupting, right?

No. No, it's fine.


- Are you... having a party?
- A housewarming, actually.

Haven't you been living
here for six months?

That's what I said.

I... I'm sorry I didn't invite you.

Can I help with anything?

No. I was just gonna pick up some
food and flowers after work tomorrow,

- but I've got it covered.
- Well, I... I can do that.

I... I could pick up food. I could
drop it here in the afternoon.

Uh... well, I...
- Anyway...

I, um... I thought you might like these.

They're home movies of
when you were little.

I got them transferred to DVD.

- Are you serious about the food?
- Of course. I would be happy to.

Um, is there someone here to let me in?

I'm gonna get you the spare key.

Here you go.

Don't worry about anything.

I've thrown dozens of parties.
I know exactly what to get.

Thank you.

It's nice to see you, Sam.

- Bye.
- Okay.

Well, that was very helpful of her.

- How long has she been back in your life?
- Mmm... four weeks.

Oh, good. I thought you
barely knew each other.

- =http://ytet.Org=- sync:????????


Uh, correct patient positioning.

Uh, depression of the pharyngeal reflex.

Immobilization of the patient.

- Well, isn't that obvious?
- So then say it.

- Immobilization of the patient.
- Very good.

- You're not a doctor.
- No, but my dad is.

Oh, you want another tutor?

Not till I pass this exam.

All right. I, uh... I gotta take off.

- I'll see you after?
- Yeah, just give me a call.

Voluntary overtime after an all-night
shift, and you decide to throw a party?

Hey, we can sleep when we're dead.

Look, I need this.
Progress is moving forward.

Andy McNally, zen master.

Not really. More avoiding.

- I wish Jerry would avoid me.
- What?

I swear, working together and
dating... it's like I'm his mini-me.

The other day I actually
answered my phone, "go for Traci!"


Looking sharp.

You know what? Can you get
me a coffee? I'm running late.

Oh. Detective Barber? I've
been looking for you everywhere.

Out of my face, Peck.

No, it's okay. Leave it. Leave it.

It's just Sue checking
in. I'll talk to her later.

- You guys in a fight or something?
- No, no. We're great.

She's perfect. It's just me. I'm...

Bomb chick, right? Sue?

Sorry. I just forgot my gym bag.

So E.T.F. and a uni... how's that work?

Same as any other relationship.

Complicated, huh?

Well, that's the thing about
relationships. They always get complicated.

- That's why you gotta keep things light.
- Like you and Gail keeping it light?

Just old friends who
like each other's company.

She know that's all it is?

Hey, guys. Parade's in ten.


Thanks to one brave officer
of 15, Gideon Santori...

Mr. public nudity... is
finally off the streets.

Kudos to Officer Collins,
who took down Santori alone.


- Up until now, Officer Collin has been riding with the T.O.
- He's up.

Not anymore. Stand up, Collins.

You... are cut loose, soldier.

All-night shift. The
streets will be busy.

Your job is to protect the people,
even if they don't want you to.

Let's get to it.

All right. Let's get to work.

We're riding together.

It's my first night without a
T.O. I'm looking forward to it.

It'll be fun.

Housewarming. What'd you get Andy?

My company's gift enough. You?

Fondue pot. Well, technically
it's from me and Chris,

but, problem is we already used it. We're
having trouble fitting it back in the box.

Oh, good. So she'll have nothing to
put it in after she never uses it.

- You gonna get that?
- No, it's okay.

It's just Sue... checking in.

- You're totally avoiding her.
- Ah. No, I'm not.

It's okay. You need a little
time apart, a little space.

Yeah. Well, you would know.

I mean, you're the expert on
space, right? You and Nick.

But, uh, take it from me. From experience?

Friends with benefits...
somebody usually gets hurt.

Oh, right. 'Cause I'm a woman,

so I couldn't possibly be interested
in a relationship based solely on sex.

I like the way it is.


Make sure the lid's on tight.

Hey, Sue, it's me... Gail.


No, I just thought you were someone else.

Uh, yes, I can take a message.

Okay, Crystal, do you have a last name?

Yeah. No.

I'll tell him.

You know what the best thing
about my life is right now?

- This guy.
- No.

My life is a mess.

And for the first time, I'm not
running around trying to fix it.

Remember how you said, uh,
neat and tidy's overrated?

Yeah, well, I'm puttin' my trust in that.

Neat and tidy is who you are, you know?

Don't drive your trust-mobile off a cliff.

Okay, what happened to
"don't overthink it"?

I'm just saying it's okay to be wary.

You don't owe anybody anything.

Anybody? You mean my mother?

You know, I spent 15 years
analyzing why she left.

There's no way I'm spending another
15 analyzing why she came back.

Unit 1505, call from
Matador Alarm Systems.

Silent perimeter alarm received
at 1929 King and Parliament.

1505. We're on our way.

You know the best thing
about silent alarms?

Bells are ringing, but people
don't know they're in trouble.

It's definitely a party.

It's a bunch of kids.

Look over there. Definitely woo-girls.

Oh, yeah? You're telling me
you're not a woo-girl, McNally?

Yeah, maybe. After a bottle of Tequila.

A whole bottle of Tequila,
and I'm a woo-girl.

All right.

Hey, guys! Party's over! Go home!

Excuse me there, kiddo.

All right, everybody, the party is over!

You got ten minutes before
we start calling your parents!

If you have alcohol or
anything illegal on you,

set it down right now and head out!

Oh, my God!

That's definitely not a woo-girl.

This is Swarek. I'm at 1929 King Street,

and I got a 20- to 30-year-old
male who's seriously injured.

Send a bus right away, please.

All right, lock this place down right now!

Nobody goes out. All these
kids are potential witnesses!

All right, 1509 requesting backup.

- Stop!
- Available units in the area...

Move away from the exit! Let's go!

Everybody, this is a crime scene!

I need you to stay where you are!

How's the victim?

Couple of stab wounds, and
the knife is right over here.

Guy's unconscious.

Uh, probably happened in the last hour.

- Anything on him might tell us who he is?
- No wallet, no I.D.

Just the clothes on
his back and an old bag.

Could have been homeless.
Crashed here, hard up for money.

Robbery gone sideways.

Okay, well, I'll, uh, stick with
I.D.E.N.T. and see what they come up with.

Uh, I'll talk to I.D.E.N.T.

You go tell Diaz and Collins
to stay with the victim.

And if he wakes up, I'm the first to know, yeah?
- Yes, sir.

Okay, and you two stay with the party
kids. I'm sure someone saw something.

All right.

- Hey, Jer.
- What's going on, buddy?

If John Doe wakes up, take his statement,

but whatever happens, keep me posted.

No problem.

See you there.


Can I ride with you guys?

My son didn't see anything.
Can I take him home now, please?

Like, I don't know why we're all losing
sleep over some hobo who got shanked.

Good question.

I'll be sure to explain it you when I take
your statement... after everyone else's.

All right, look at me and state your name.

You okay?

Did this stuff leak into your
brain? I'm talking to you.

- Yeah, I'm really sorry about this.
- Sorry about what?

Son of a...

- Sam.
- McNally, don't make me run after little girls!

Stop. Get a leg!

Come on. You're not going anywhere.

- Let go!
- No!

Was that so hard?

Oh, come on!

Uncle Sammy, please. My dad
can't know I was at that party.

"Uncle Sammy"?

McNally, Izzy Shaw.

- Shaw? Izzy Shaw? As in Oliver Shaw's daughter?
- Yes.

What'd you do back there?

Kicked a cop.

Oh, come on. I'm begging
you. Just let me go.

It's gonna be tough. Your dad's here.


Please? If my dad finds
out, he's gonna kill me.

If he sees me helping you,
we are both going down.

What if, uh... what if you sneak
her into one of those squad cars?

Okay? I'll distract Oliver, you go
get the keys and just take her home.

Yes, and what do we tell
the officer she assaulted?

It's Gail.

Look. Gail knows what it's like to
be a daughter of a cop. You don't.

She's gonna wear this way
longer than it's worth.

Did you see anything in there tonight?

No. Nothing. I swear.


Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!

Everything my mom says
about you is a total lie.

Just don't make us regret it, all right?

Nice work, Uncle Sammy.

Hey. Where is she? Did you get her?

Yeah, I wanna see the kid
that kicked Gail Peck's ass.

What? No. She, uh...

- Well, we wrestled her. Sam's taking her in.
- Not until I get an apology!


What kind of parent would let
their kid do that to their hair?

How's it going in here, anyway? Busy?

Got a haircut, didn't
you? Didn't even notice.

Hey, are you okay? Did you bang
your head in the alley or something?

God, I did, actually. You
wanna check it out for me?

It's just in this area.

Look at me!

- Izzy?
- No.

Izzy, what are you doing here?

- She's, um... she's... she's...
- Not you. Not you, her.

- Isabella, what are you doing here?
- I was at the party.

Yeah? Does mom know that you're here?

- What do you care? It was just a party.
- Just a party.

We'll go down to the hospital. We'll talk
to the guy who got stabbed here tonight,

and he can tell us if it was just a party.

- Take her in.
- Dad!

- Oliver...
- Did I stutter, McNally?

No, it was... on what grounds?

Parent of the year, once again.

On the grounds that that's my kid,

who is a minor who
assaulted a police officer,

and when I tell you to do
something, McNally, you do it!

Yes, sir.

So I'm not, like, seriously
under arrest, right?

No, but I think you're
seriously in trouble.

Sammy! I got that info you requested.

Oh, uh, could you hold on to that for me?

- 'Cause I got my hands full right now.
- Ah, you know what? I'll take it.

Keeping secrets, Officer Swarek?

You're looking into my mom?

You wanted me to get to know her.

Yeah, okay. Let's get to know her.

Can I sit down at least?

- No.
- No.

All right, so we got a couple
of speeding tickets here.

She's got a lead foot.

- Guess I'll be driving.
- Andy.

Credit check. Wow,
that is really thorough.

Like 90% of the population, she's in debt.

God, I am learning so much right now.

- All right, okay. Enough, please?
- No way.

Not before we get to the
big reveal... her birth date.


I need some air.

Epic fail, Uncle Sammy.

If you're not giving a statement, shut up!



What's your name?

Amber Klein.

- How'd you hear about the party?
- My friends.

- You see anything?
- No.

What about this guy? You see him?

Is he the one that got stabbed?

You mind telling me where
this blood came from?

I... I don't know.

I... I've never seen that
sweater before in my life.

You do that yourself? Looks good.

No offense, but I'm really not
in the mood for bonding right now.


Look. My dad was a cop,

so if it feels like Oliver's
being really hard on you,

it's because he's trying to keep you safe.

Look, you have to be an adult about
this. He's trying to protect you.

Like Uncle Sammy's trying to protect you?

No, 'cause it's very different.

Cool hair.


- Are you on something now?
- Hardly.

Fine. Took some oxy. Whatever.

You took some oxy?

Did you hear that, McNally?
She took some oxy. "Whatever."

Well, that's... that's...
that's no big deal.

What are you gonna do, throw me in jail?


You called mom?

I thought she was sleeping.
She must have snuck out.

It's like one day you wake up,
and you're living with a stranger.

Well, she'll find her way back, you know?

The worst thing you can do is over-protect
her. She'll just push you away.

Oh. Parenting advice from Sam Swarek.

And what have you got to say for yourself?

I love you?

Let's go.

Zoe, I'll come by the house after shift.

No, don't, okay? We'll
talk about it tomorrow.

I gotta go. The girls are in the car.

No, no, no. Hey, hey, hey.

- How long has she been like this?
- Ever since you left.

Oh. Ever... that's
good. That's a good one.

- Ever since I left?
- Yeah. I gotta get her home.

Well, hey, Zoe... Zo...

Okay, where... where did I go wrong?

- You didn't. She's just being what's natural.
- A pain in the ass.

- A teenager who thinks she's invincible.
- Happens to the best of us.

Wait a minute. Are we... we're
still talking about me here, right?

- Looking for Jerry.
- Why? What's up?

Peckstein found a bloody sweatshirt
on one of the warehouse kids.

- Suspect's been brought in.
- What... which one? What's her name?

Amber Klein.

I chipped that kid's tooth.

- You had a busy night.
- No, no, no, no, no.

Two summers ago. Badminton. Amber Klein.

That's Izzy's best friend.

She already told you. She doesn't
know where that shirt came from.

Then why did our officers
find it in her bag?

Amber, do you know who it belongs to?

We're making the assumption
that it's not yours,

- but I know that you're hiding something.
- Should I be calling my lawyer?

Detective Barber, can
I see you for a minute?

Jerry. I got this.

It's a teenage girl and her
mom. It's kind of my specialty.

Wait. Are you asking me to
step out of the interview?

I'm just trying to show
you that I can do more.

It's just these past couple of shifts
have been a lot of picking up your coffee.

I just... instead of doing my
job, I feel like I'm... I'm...

Detective in training?

I was gonna say girl Friday.

Okay, Traci, look. Y...
you're low rung on the ladder.

You're doing this stuff
because it is your job.

You know, I was doing it
when I was starting out.

But it kind of feels like you're
enjoying bossing me around a little bit.

Or maybe you expect some
special treatment. No?

Okay. Uh, why don't you start
filing the case from last week,

- and I'll get back to the interview, okay?
- Jerry...

No, no, no. You go ahead.

Oh, and you know what?

Get me can of soda when you get a sec.

I'm Officer Diaz. This is officer Collins.

We'd like to ask you some questions.

We didn't find any
I.D. on you. Got a name?

Alan Banks.


I, uh, noticed your tat.

Where were you stationed?

- Zhari.
- Panjwai.

Yeah. Anyway, um...

can you tell us what
happened tonight, Alan?

I was looking for a place to stay.

I found that warehouse. It was
decent, so I set up for the night.

Yeah? Then what happened?

Well, the kids show up ready
to party. I decide to take off.

On my way out, I see this
guy shoving around a girl.

So I decide to step in.

Suddenly they both come at me.
I was trying to protect her.

No good deed goes unpunished, right?

Yeah. You said it.

Do you know which one stabbed you?

Yeah. The guy was... average
height, dark hair, mean eyes.

He was wearing a denim
vest, long-sleeved shirt.

Probably in his 20s.

And the girl that was with
him... what'd she look like?

She was young.

I don't know. Regular,
except for the hair.

- What do you mean?
- It was bright blue.

Actually looked kinda cool.

She was up all night.

She's exhausted. Do you have to
take her back to the station now?

The victim I.D.'d her.
She is a material witness.

- Yeah, well, maybe the victim's wrong.
- I'm hoping that he is.

- Her room?
- Yeah.

She's gone.

- Where would she go?
- I don't know.

Out the window.

Sam, Izzy's gone.

What do you mean? Where are
you? I told you to wait for me.


All right. Stay put in case
she comes back, all right?

McNally and I will start looking,
all right? You stay there.

Izzy Shaw took off.

Okay. I'm gonna take another
run at the Klein girl. Come on.

Mrs. Klein, Izzy Shaw ran away,

so if Amber knows something,
she needs to tell us now.

Amber, do you know where she is?

Okay, let me help you. She
was last seen with some guy...

Average height, dark hair,
long-sleeved shirt, denim vest?

I... I don't know. I
don't know Izzy that well.

Y... you don't... you
don't know Izzy that well?

Well, that's not what Izzy's dad says.

So why don't we try this again?

The guy who was stabbed said a girl
matching Izzy's description was there.

- What do you know about that?
- You're scaring her.

I got an officer's daughter missing.
I got another guy in the hospital,

so I couldn't care less if princess here
is a little shaken up by the questions.


Trace, I need you.

Amber, I'm sorry. I know it's
been hours, but we just...

We can't figure out how this
bloody sweater ended up in your bag.

That's not her bag.

I've never seen that before in my life.


Well, if it's not yours, whose is it?

Amber, when did Izzy dye her hair?

I don't know.

About a week ago, I guess.

She just wanted to try a new look.

Why? Was she... was she
hanging around with new people?

Was she trying to fit in?

Just 'cause that's what I do.

There's a new crew, new me.

Except, uh, you can really
lose yourself that way

if you don't have good
friends looking out for you.

The thing is sometimes it's
hard to call people out.

It takes guts.

Amber, who are you protecting?

Whose bag is it?

It's Izzy's, okay?

She left it behind,
so... I just grabbed it.

I didn't know anything was in it.

I just didn't want her to get in trouble.

Well, do you know who
she might be with tonight?

She's with T.K., okay?

She kept him a secret from her parents

because... he's older.

T.K.? T.K? Wh... what
is that? Is that a name?

He's a dealer, okay?

I don't know what his real name
is. That's what everyone calls him.

Do you know where he might be?

I don't know.

But he's... he's probably with Izzy.

I'm gonna call Zoe and see
if she knows who this T.K. is.

I never heard of the guy.
- Well, he's the best chance we got at finding Izzy right now.

Yeah, well, what if we don't? She
could be halfway to who-knows-where.

You need to calm down.
Can you do that for me?

Don't "good cop" me right now, okay?

I'm not some hysterical mother who just
walked into your division. I'm your wife.

Yeah, that's the reason I've been
sleeping in a motel the last four months.

Got it.

- Hey, I'm coming with you.
- No, no, no, no, no.

Hey, Zoe, you have to stay here, okay?

We gotta work as a team.
In case Izzy comes back.

I'm gonna find this T.K. guy
and I'm gonna see what he knows.

Don't let anything happen to her.

Oh, honey, this is our girl.
This is our girl out there.

If anything happens, anything...

I promise I'm gonna find her
and I'm gonna bring her home.

Okay. Well, I think I got everything
I need. The witness saw nothing.

Thank you very much for
your time. Have a good day.

You done abusing your meager power?

Two paths diverge in the woods,
Gail. He chose the wrong one.

Next time he'll make a better choice.

Right. Yeah. Better choices.

Such a hypocrite.

Once again, I have no idea
what you're talking about.

Crystal Markes.

Well, you left your phone
in the squad earlier.

Dov, please tell me that's not
the girl whose brother you shot.

- You had no right to answer my phone.
- What are you doing with her?

I drive her around every once in a
while... to class, to work... that's it.

Because of me, her
brother's never coming back.

Dov, so, what, you're... you're hanging
around her to remind her of that?

No, to remind me.

So I never forget.

Okay. I... I know you killed somebody,

and I'm not gonna pretend to
understand what that feels like,

- 'cause I don't...
- You're right. You don't.

So mind your own business.

We got a lead on your case.

Once we get confirmation,
we can have you I.D. them.

Yeah, well, you know where to find me.

Until you get better. Then what?

You're wearing a wedding ring.
Is this anyone we should call?

No. I messed that up a while ago.

Ring's the only thing I have left.

Patch of bad luck.


Hey, we're not going just yet.

Oliver's daughter is out there
somewhere. I'd like to find her.

Look, guy served, all right?
We're part of the same family.

- And you're not part of 15's?
- Not according to you, I'm not.

Just a few phone calls.
That's all I'm asking for.

Just let me find someone
who cares about this guy.

So we ran a search on the initials
"T. K." We got a few matches.

Amber I.D.'d Taylor K. Hickman as our boy.

25, couple of drug
charges, assault, stat rape.

Nice. Got an address?

Yeah, 1211 Straithwaite
Drive, apartment 203.

We gotta keep Oliver away from this, okay?

So just make sure he stays in the
house. I don't want him involved.

Yes, I know. We're heading over there now.


- Who is it?
- T.K., it's just me.

You gotta be 25.

What do you want? Izzy Shaw. Izzy Shaw?!

- Is she here?
- No.

No? Open the door and let me see.

I don't think you can come
in here without a warrant.

No. I got a warrant.

Wait... okay...


That's Oliver's squad.

Let's get in there.

Izzy Shaw... where is she? Where is she?!
- I don't know. I don't know.

- You seen her? Tell me where she is.
- No. I don't know!

What are you doing here?

Oh, Izzy.

Get over here! Did you do that to my
daughter?! Did you do that to my kid?! Huh?!

- Dad! Dad! It's not that bad!
- Did you do that to her face?!

- Your dad's a cop?!
- Dad, just stop it!

You the one feeding drugs to my daughter?

I'm not telling you anything,
okay? I know my rights.

You want to take me in? Take me in.

You're not going anywhere.


Oh, Uncle Sammy... my dad.
I... he locked the door.

It's okay, Izzy.

- You okay?
- Yeah.


Oliver, open up the door!

Got it covered, got it covered, McNally.

Oliver, open the door!

This psycho's got a gun on me!

I asked you a question.


What are you doing, man?

Is this you? This isn't you.

It is today.

- So are you gonna shoot him?
- Thinking about it.

You see his rap sheet?

It's justifiable. I'm gonna get a medal.

You back me up?



Yeah. Whatever you need.

This isn't happening.

Oh, I screwed up. I just so
screwed up. I'm never home.

I made this mess, now
I'm gonna clean it up.

- You can't shoot me. I'm unarmed!
- Why? Isn't this how you do it?

Huh? Preying on the weak!

- Little girls that can't defend themselves.
- I'll stop. I swear.

I... I... I'll stop. I'll stop. Please.

Oliver. No matter what happens,

we're gonna walk out
of here together today.

That's a fact.

So, whatever happens...

we'll just have to live with it.

Daddy, please don't do
this. Please don't do this!

Please. Please. Please.

She just saved your life.

It's okay, baby. It's okay. It's okay.

I just... I got a little
bit lost for a moment.

It's okay!

Don't think I'm not reporting this!

Every single thing.

I don't think anyone's gonna care.

I gotta get her home.
Zoe's gonna be worried.


You're... you're a good dad.

Yeah, right.

What happened?

Oh, Banks went in for surgery.

They found Izzy.

Andy sent a photo over
for Banks to identify.

Taylor K. Hickman.

Guy looks like a real winner.

So did you find his wife?


She wants nothing to do with him.

No next of kin. Guy's got nobody.

It's probably why he signed
up in the first place.

Why'd you?

Sign up, I mean.

I liked the commercials.

I don't know.

Always liked helping people. Looking
for somewhere to belong, I guess.

My parents died when I was a kid, so...

we should get Banks to I.D. that photo.

Uh, there... there are
some outreach programs.

I know a couple people.
I could make a few calls.

No man left behind, right?

All right, disco nap.

I'm gonna call you at 6:00, and
then we'll head over to Andy's.


I don't know what I'm doing.

- With what?
- Crystal.

I'm... I'm picking her
up. I'm dropping her off.

I'm buying her groceries. I'm
helping her with her homework.

It's like I'm her boyfriend,
except she hates me.

Yeah, well, you can't
punish yourself forever.

That's my job.

I can't keep doing this.

I'm gonna end it.

I'm gonna call her and I'm...
I'm just gonna end it. So...

Thank you.

I messed up. I know. Sorry.

Hey. Look.

This face makes my whole world,
my whole life, worth living.

Every inch, every inch.

You got the whole world
at your fingertips.

I just... I gotta make
sure you don't screw it up.

I miss you.

I... I miss you, too.

I'm so sorry. It's okay.

It's okay. She's okay.
You... you know. It's okay.

She's fine. She's fine.

Oh, my God.

Look at you.

Hey. Do you want to come in?


Party time.

Uh, technically, she's a capricorn
on the cusp of sagittarius.

But it's a common mistake.
Don't let it get you down.

How'd you know I wasn't gonna shoot?

Uh, I didn't.

But that's my brother out there.

Right or wrong, no matter
what, I'm gonna back him up.

Yeah, well, what happens when you can't?

It's never come up.

So is that... what this was?

You were just backing me up?

Yes, as a matter of fact.

- I didn't find anything.
- That's not the point!

I can't even believe you
did that. Behind my back.

Over something that
really doesn't concern you.

Mm. She finds herself back
in your life... by accident...

and, uh, now she wants
to be a part of your life?

I'd hate to see her
break your heart again.

You know, I don't need you
weighing in on everything.


you said you liked messy.

Well, this is me messy, okay?

I made a mistake.

I went about it the wrong way.

I'd like to give you a ride home.

Well, I guess it beats
taking the trust-mobile.

Hey. Sorry I'm late.

That's okay. The early bird gets the worm.

You are now the proud owner
of the kitchen creative SX-300.

Thank you very much.

Look, this is seriously
amazing. Who... who did this?

Dov and I chipped in.

She's talking about the decorations.

Excuse me.

Mom, I...

Thank you.

No. I missed so many
chances to throw you a party.

I didn't want to miss this one.

What do you want to drink?

- Whiskey.
- Oh, good choice.

Everything's great but her face.

Okay, look, about today... I just want to s...
- Let... let me start.

You were just treating me like a
detective in training, which is what I am.

You're my senior officer,
and I need to respect that.

So, please, no more work talk.

- It's a party!
- All right.

Well, in that case, let's
talk about how I am going to

destroy you on the dance floor tonight.

There's no dance floor.

Not yet, there isn't.

So you having a good time?

Where is, uh, Nick?

Oh, he, uh... he ran into someone tonight.

I think he's still catching up.

Is she pretty?

I guess so. I mean, you
know, if you're into beards.

80 questions, multiple choice.

I think I only passed because of you.

Thank you so much... for everything.

Glad I could help.

Uh, so where'd you park your
car? We should get going.

- Uh, it's just...
- Right.

Uh, Crystal.


I, uh...

- I gotta leave you alone.
- Are you kidding me?

I'm... I'm... I'm trying
to do the right thing here.

- Oh. The right thing for who?
- For both of us.

I didn't know how to do it before, but...

- But you figured it out, huh?
- Yeah. I did.

- Being around you, it made me feel better, but...
- Oh! You forced yourself into my life!

- You didn't give me a choice!
- I... I know.

I didn't want this! You can't walk away
from us after everything you've done.

- I know. It was wrong.
- You killed my brother! You killed my brother!

- You can't do this to me.
- I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry.

I was wrong.

I'm sorry.

Don't go.