Rookie Blue (2010–2015): Season 3, Episode 5 - Messy Houses - full transcript

While answering a domestic disturbance call, Andy's personal life is turned inside out when the social worker on the scene turns out to be her estranged mother. While Andy is forced to deal with her issues as she works alongside her mother, Swarek, Nick, Chris and Gail track down the desperate mother in the case.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
It's dad's birthday!

- What?
- In 20 minutes, it's officially over!


Can you please turn that off?

You gotta get up.

Wh... why? What are you talking about?

We'll go to the service station.

They'll have some
cake... like things there.

Maybe even some balloons.

Andy, would you get back into bed, please?

It's my dad's birthday.

I cannot believe I forgot.
It's my job to remember.

Well, maybe he had plans, you know.

He has no plans, 'cause he only has me.

And now you.

So... let's go.


Happy birthday! Thought I forgot, huh?

- How's it goin'?
- Sam.

Hi, sweetheart.

Thanks for coming by, but,
you should have called first.

What, and ruin the surprise? Come on.

Listen. I opted out of a traditional
birthday cake and I got us some apple flips.

Why don't we just do breakfast
tomorrow or something?

Are you wearing... lipstick?

It's... it's not his lipstick.

Okay. Well, what's her name?

Her name is Amy.

I met her in the program. She's a doll.

She made me a birthday dinner, and
I was right in the middle of, uh...

saying "thank you."

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go
get... ok... okay, go. Yeah.

- Say "thank you."
- Happy birthday, Tommy.

Yeah. Nice hat. See you guys later.

You're lucky you're cute.

Wanna get some food?

No, I'm gonna go sleep in my own bed
in case you remember another birthday.

There's nobody else. Just me and my dad.

When am I gonna meet your family, anyway?

You'll meet my family when I
wanna punish or torture you.

You wanna go meet my family?


Man, that girl sleeps like a log.

Maybe she's got a hearing problem.

Don't you think she would have
mentioned that in her profile?

Another sleepover with Virginia?

This one's Christine. Funny girl.

You ever date anyone
with the same name as you?

Where do you meet these women?

You never leave the house.

Who knew, right?

I certainly didn't.

Yeah, I'm pretty good at it, you know?

Plus I get to tell the same
stories over and over again.

Nobody gets annoyed.

It's amazing. I mean, I didn't
even have to post a photo.

I mean, all that I had
to do was say I was a cop.

Chicks are all over me like flies on...

- Breakfast?
- Oh, yeah, yeah.

Do you mind throwing something
on for Christine, too?

Might as well make her breakfast.

I mean, I'm still a gentleman, right?

Good to know.

Look, you're into Sue and only Sue.

That's your thing.

I'm into cruising a catalog
of fine women, you know?

That's my thing.

Gives us crap to talk about, right?

Speaking of which, uh,
first day back on the job.

- Y... you ready?
- Yeah.

Yeah. I'm good. I'm just hoping
nobody makes a big deal out of it.

There he is.

All right.That's good.

- Wasn't the same without you.
- Yeah. You... you, too.

- We really missed you, Dov.
- Thank you.

- Welcome back, Epstein.
- Thank you.

- So, you feelin' good?
- Yeah.


Apple flip?


You look great.

- You, too.
- Yeah, he's doing okay.

You know, even though I have been,

keepin' him up late at night
entertaining various lady friends.

Don't say "lady friends."

Epstein.Good to see you, buddy.

Thank you.


And it is about time. Where you been?

- Can I, uh, ride with you today?
- Sure, yeah.

Just don't get a crush on me.

Gets a little uncomfortable.


You're in a mood. You doing okay?

I hate fighting with Dex.

It's always over what days
I get leo, and I feel...

like I don't have a leg to
stand on because I work so much.

And because of you.


I cheated on him with you.

So for the first time in his life,
he's the morally superior one.

Well... I'm glad you did.

Just don't let it happen again.

Do you feel morally superior to me?

I'm not the one who cheated.

So you do?

I'm just saying I wouldn't do that.

I'm human, all right?

I don't even know if monogamy
is natural for humans.

I think it's more of an elephant thing.


Well, you are the only one for
me, so you can call me an elephant.

- Elephant.
- Peck.

You hard at work, Jerry?

I was wondering if you wouldn't mind taking
these fingerprints down to the lab for me.

Wh... what's up, stud?

I've had an epiphany.

It is stupid to only focus on one woman.

- It's like saying I'm only gonna eat apples.
- Not really.

From now on, it's apples,
cherries, juicy melons, mangos.

Okay. What... I... are you
grossing me out on purpose?

No, no, no. I'll...

1509, attend 73 Lowney Street
for a domestic disturbance.

911 call was placed by an 11-year-old
male who resides in the house.

1509, we're on it.

See? If people stayed
out of relationships,

we'd have way more time on our hands.

Be advised, child
protection has been notified.

Watch it.

- You said... you said...
- You're not... you're not blaming me, all right?


- Relax. Relax. Relax.
- Get back. Get back.

I'm not leaving you with the kids!

Relax, relax.

Look, we got a call,
um, from a little boy.

Yeah, it's... that was, um...

that... that was just Connor. He was
just trying to get us not to fight, okay?

Rick's not supposed to be drinking, okay?

He's just screwin' it all up!

And I'm try... trying really, really hard.

I know. It's okay.

She's the psycho that flipped
her lid here, all right?

She's been crazy since the baby was born.

All right, well, where's the baby now?

Connor and the baby are in the house.

They're fine. Don't worry.

Are you Connor?


Buddy, why'd you call the cops?

What did you expect him to do?

I expect him to grow up
and not be such a wimp!

We've been here before.
We know what happens.

Well, stop fighting, and
they'll leave us alone!

Doesn't work that way, little man!

They're gonna take me away.

Give me the baby. Get in the house.

- Okay, I'll be there in a minute.
- Listen.

Do you got somewhere to crash tonight?

You know, give you two
a chance to cool off?

Yeah, well...

that wouldn't be the first time that I've
crashed on a friend's couch, that's for sure.

No, no, no, no, no, no. Come on. Please.

Just give him a couple minutes, okay?

Go in there after.

How old is this little guy?

He's, um, 6 months.

Leave us alone!

- This isn't a game. Put that thing down!
- No, Connor!

Connor, put it down.

Okay? Where'd you get the gun, baby? Rick!

- Please don't...
- Okay. Please just calm down.

Connor, listen, I cannot put
this gun down until you do.

- Please set it down.
- Put it down, baby.

Just take it easy, okay?

1509, officers need assistance.

We need backup now.

Connor, I know you're just
trying to protect your family,

but the longer you stand
here pointing that gun at me,

the more cops are gonna show up...

and the more trouble
you're gonna be in. Okay?

I don't care!

I want you to leave!

They can't leave, baby,
unless you put that gun down.

Dana, please get the
baby out of here. Please!

I know you don't want to shoot us, okay?

So just put the gun down.

- Rick! Get out here!
- Calm down!

Peck, get her into a squad car, please.

Now is there anybody else?

Yeah, there's a father. He's inside.

- Is he armed?
- I don't know.

I don't know where the gun
came from. I swear to God!

Swear to God I didn't
know there was a gun!

- All right. Diaz, you okay?
- Yeah, I... I'm fine.

- Are we going in?
- Not yet.

Let's see if we can figure out
what's going on in there first.

Take Peck, check the back
of the house and stay there.

Collins, keep your gun on that door!

- You all right?
- Yeah.

I had my gun pointed at
an 11-year-old boy's head.

He had one pointed at you.

I'm gonna go talk to the wife,
see if she can call her husband,

see what the hell's going on in there.


It's Swarek.

I need a couple of background checks.

I can barely see, but
the kitchen looks clear.

1509, just saw some movement in
an upstairs room, southwest corner.

Look, he's not answering.
Why isn't he answering?

Okay, we'll just call him again, you know?

Keep calling him until he picks up.

Perfect. Thanks.

Background check on Rick says
he's got a long list of priors...

Drugs, three years for
trafficking, nothing since.

And what about the mom?

No record. Bunch of
domestic disputes an uh...

a few issues with children's aid.

Ma'am, where you headed?

I need to know what's going on here.

Well, this is a containment scene,
and we need you to stay back.

Is Dana in there with her kids?

Ma'am, you're not listening.

No, you're not listening to me.

If Dana's kids are
here, I need to be here.

And who are you?

Child and youth services.
I'm Claire McNally.

Claire McNally? Well, we have an
11-year-old boy with a gun in here.

Oh, God.


Where's Dana?

She's in the squad car.Why
don't you join her in there?

- Okay.
- All right?

Yeah. Yeah, it's Claire.

Listen, I need a warrant for a removal.

Rick and Dana Moyer again.

Yeah. I'll call you back
when I get the details. Okay.


Oh, my God.

Why don't you get in the car, ma'am?

All right.

Ma'am, would you like to get in the car?

All right.

Calm down, cowboy.

You can stop calling me "cowboy", ma'am.

You can stop calling me "ma'am", cowboy.

She's with, uh, children's aid.


She also happens to be
your mother, I guess.


You wanna leave? We got this covered.


Any movement in there?

Well, nothing so far, except...

Except... what? Spit it out.

We get the layout of that house there,

we'll have a pretty clear
idea of the layout of this one.

Good. Excellent. Go check it out.

There's another bedroom on this side,
a bedroom and a bathroom on that side...

and this is the wall joining the house.

I hear voices.

Sometimes when I want to get a
better listen, I open this door.

- Thank you, ma'am.
- Stop it!

- What are you doing?!
- Connor...

They are right there.

Listen to me...

1520, I'm hearing an altercation
through the walls, father and son.

They're up on the second floor.

Somebody's drilling something.

Okay, we're going in.
Collins, get out here.

Peck, Diaz, you're on the back door.

We're ready.

Bedroom's to the left, top of the stairs.


Get outside now and keep your mouth shut!

Don't move!

Whoa, no! It's...

Put the gun down... now.

I... I took it off him, all right?

Put the gun down, and do not
point it at us as you do so.

All right, it's over.

- Connor, step over here, please.
- Go on, Connor.

Go. Get going.

The house is secure.
Can I get someone to...

come up here and get the boy, please?

So, uh, where did he get the gun, Rick?

It's an old gun, man.

It's been lyin' around here for years.

It was hidden, but he's a kid, right?

Okay, Connor, we need to
ask you a few questions.

Connor, come on.

What were you doing in the closet?

What does it lo like? I'm packing.


You were packing, huh?

No wonder you didn't
want to answer your phone.

Cuff him.

Turn around, please.

Talk with you for a minute?

I have to take Dana in along with the dad.

I'm assuming you're making
arrangements for the kids.

Dana wasn't aware there
were guns in the house.

Doesn't matter. Still
have to question her.

Okay. Well, I'll place them with, uh,

Dana's sister Eva, which Dana will hate.

Well, some people do find it difficult
to be away from their children.

What were you thinking?

Sorry, baby.

I screwed up, all right?

Don't even look at me.

Sh... she knew nothing
about this, all right?

Dana, I'm gonna have to bring you in.


- Child services is gonna take Finn, and...
- No.

- Yes, you'll... you'll get to see him as soon as...
- No.

- Dana, it's gonna be fine.
- No, please.

- They'll be...
- No!

Listen. Listen. I'm gonna recommend the
three of you stay with your sister...

and then when you get out,
you can all get back together.

- It's gonna...
- No.

- Come on. Come on.
- I can't do this again.

- You have to...
- I can't...

We'll sort it all out. Come on.

Give me the baby. Give me
the baby. Give him to me.

It's all right. It's all
right. It's all right.



All right, Connor.

You have to come with me.

Okay. Look at me.

It's just a teeny, tiny
bit of time away, okay?

S... so you...

you draw me a picture or something, okay?

It's just like a little
mini vacation, okay?


- You go.
- Dana, please.

Okay, come on.


It's okay.


Come in.

Place is a bit of a mess.

Make room.

Sir, we understand you want to file
a missing persons report on your wife?

I want you to help me find her.

And we have to hurry.

When... when did you last see your wife?

- We were watching her stories on tv.
- Yes?

She went to look for something in the
spare room, and I fell asleep on the couch.

She never came back.

So you didn't hear her leave?

Well, she didn't leave.

She wouldn't leave without telling me.

I... I get too anxious.

W... I'm sorry. You... you
think she went missing...

- in the house?
- I know she did.

Sammy! What do you got?

Glocks, .45s, mac 11 machine pistol.

A couple of ak 47s.

No, actually those are ak 74s.

It's an easy mistake.

There's a couple of differences,

but the quickest way to tell
them apart is by the bullets.


Who hides guns in a kid's bedroom?

He had the biggest closet.

Yeah, so what, is this
guy selling guns now?

He didn't look like an arms dealer.


And what would an arms dealer look like?

Connor's talking with
a counselor right now.

Obviously we can't charge
him with anything...

he's 11 years old...

but he really needs to understand
the seriousness of his actions.

Is he okay?

Claire, I need to know if he's okay.

He's fine. He... he's upset.
He thinks it was his fault.

Poor little guy.

Look, uh, Rick has actually taken
full responsibility for the weapons.

He says that Dana has
nothing to do with it.

Of course Dana has nothing to do with it.

I mean, she's a flake. She's not an idiot.

Which is why we're letting her go.

Okay, good. Good. That's great.

Yes, but, uh, for the moment,
any time she spends with the kids

has to be under your supervision.

You're kidding.

Dana is never gonna go for that.

Well, she has to.

Eva, if she wants a chance
of getting them back,

she has to look out for
their best interests.

Uniform suits you.

Yeah, I'm not gonna do
the small talk thing.


Wanna do the big talk thing?

Finally got you alone.

We might as well get
it all out in the open.

What are you even talking about?

Come on.

I've been trying to get in
touch with you since I left.

Yeah, I know you've, uh,
you've been trying really hard.

I called you every Sunday.

Every Sunday.

Your father wouldn't let me talk to you.

Maybe he was looking out
for my best interests, mom.

That sounds so weird, it's
like it's not even real.

"Oh, can I get a ride
to school today, mom?"

or, "Merry Christmas, mom."

- andy...
- I mean, I can say the words.

That's not the problem. It's just that
I actually have no idea what that means.

You know? It's like
a... a foreign language.

- Okay, Andrea...
- Okay.

Not as foreign as that, though.

Nobody calls me that.

It's not my name.

Yes, it is.

I named you after my best friend.

You have a best friend?

Keep in touch with her?

All right, so you're free to go.

You know what? My sister
has full custody of my kids.

Every moment that I'm gonna be with them,

she's gonna be watching me and judging me.

That sound like freedom to you?

What can you tell us about the guns?

Well, they're not mine.

I'm holding them for somebody.

Who are you holding them for?

Why would I tell you that?

Well, if you cooperate,
it might help your case.

Dana's gonna leave me.

I'm not gonna see my kids for years...

except through a glass window.

It's too late to fix it.

What kind of example do you
want to set for your kid?

I'm done talkin'.

You look into his connections,

and I'll see if they found
the serial numbers on the guns.

I mean, honestly, you need all this stuff?

Katie always says I have everything
I'll need in case of an emergency.

Except a bulldozer.

Then again, who am I to judge?

What exactly was your wife looking for?

Her pink suitcase.

Do you mind?

I have to go to...

I need... I need to get a breath.

Ye... y... yes, you go. Relax.

It's all right. We're
gonna keep looking for her.

Her pink suitcase?

This guy's lost his nut.

H... he's clearly having us on.

His wife hit her limit,
dug her way out of here.

Okay, well, can't we just give
him the benefit of the doubt?

All right, keep... keep working.


Check this out.

- Yeah?
- Rick Moyer. Two years at Kingston.

Every one of those
names on there is someone

who was there at the same time
on weapons... related charges.

That's nice work.

I mean, he could have made
friends with any one of these guys,

and now he's hiding their guns.

All right. Let's see where they
are and what they've been up to.


We just talked to forensics.

They retrieved the serial
numbers on all seven guns.

Okay. Did you get the traces?

Yes, actually.


All seven of these guns are connected
to a parkdale gang... the Dowling crew.

- Sound familiar?
- Yeah, of course.

I busted them five years
ago. It was a good case.

Jerry, you seized these guns already.

They were in police custody
and marked for disposal.


Wait. But, uh... how'd they
get back out on the street?

That's my question.

I got your signature right here, Jerry,

saying that you witnessed
the demolition of these guns,

so you want to explain to me how they
ended up in the bedroom of an 11-year-old?

Th... this doesn't make sense.

Is that your signature?

Yes, it is.

Did you witness the demolition
of these guns... yes or no?

Come on, Frank. This was a long time ago.

Because what this looks like
to any judge or jury is that

you pretended to witness
the disposal of these guns,

sold it to some gangbanger,
and pocketed the money.

You know he wouldn't do that.

Then you need to find a way to prove it.

Fix this, Jerry.

I didn't sell those guns.

Of course you didn't.

Jerry, it's gonna be fine.

No, no, it's not.

Even get a hint that I'm
messing with the evidence,

that could compromise every
single case I ever worked on.

Okay. Okay. So what happened?

You signed off on the disposal, right?


Wait. Hold on. I didn't witness it.

What? Why not?

Why not?

Well, it was Friday, and it
was a long weekend, and I...

I booked this trip to Niagara Falls,
and we, uh, checked in at 3:00.

Okay. So it was a romantic weekend
with your wife in Niagara Falls?

Niagara Falls?

Really know how to sweep
a girl off her feet, huh?

Nancy Corden.

She was working evidence.

She knew I was gonna be late.

She offered to take the guns for me.

And I let her. I trusted her.

So we should talk to Nancy.

You know what, Trace?

Let me handle it. Okay?

Twice in one day.

I'm a lucky guy.

Guess who I ran into today.

I don't know. Who?


- Come on. Give me a hint.
- Dad.

- Your mother?
- Yeah.

Where'd you see her?

My last call.

It was a domestic, and
she was the social worker.

So, what, she's back in town now?

I guess so.

Dad, she said that she...
she called every week,

you know, to try to talk to me,
but she never did that, right?

I mean, she didn't call?


She called.

Not every week.

I wouldn't let her speak to you.

I mean, you were confused.

You were a little kid, and
you needed things to be stable.

Come on, honey.

She left us for some hotshot professor.

What am I supposed to
do, let her rub it in?

Get off my car.

I gotta go back to work.

Don't wait till my next birthday to visit.

You can come and see anytime, too.

Next time you see her,
tell her to go suck an egg.

Okay, I will. Bye.

Speak of the devil.



Slow down.

Okay. Where are the kids?

Talk to Eva?

Okay. Just meet me at the
station. I'm on my way.

I can't believe she stuck
around as long as she did.

It's amazing what some
people will put up with.

That's what a marriage is, man.

You stick it out... thick and thin.

You'd know better than me.

She kicked me out.


Zoe. She asked me to move out.

When? Why?

Work too much, talk too little...

all that.

Where have you been staying?

At a... crappy motel, you know.

I... I can't stomach
looking for an apartment.

Have you told anybody?


I just keep thinking it's gonna change.

I'm... I'm really sorry. That...

you know, I'm... I'm...

So I think I'm gonna go make a couple
of those calls, in case she left.

That's a good idea. Yeah, yeah.

- Yeah, you d... do that.
- Okay.

All right. Okay. Thank you.

Okay, we've got the, uh, satellite
company on the phone right now.

Okay, we're gonna use the GPS
to try to track down your car.


So we need to go through
this one more time.

- Dana let herself in. She has a key.
- Okay.

The baby was sleeping.
Connor was watching tv.

I was upstairs on the telephone,
and then I heard my car start.

She ever done this before?

Taken off in my car?
No, this is a new one.

'Cause we were told by child protection
services that she was getting it together.

Yeah, well, she puts on
a big front for Claire.

She's terrified of losing her kids.

She and Rick have been fighting a lot.

She's drinking. Rick is drinking.

I mean, she's my sister.
What am I supposed to say?

I didn't want to get
her in trouble, but...

Dana is desperate.

And to be honest with you, I'm worried.

I'm worried what she'll do to those kids.

No. No. She loves them.

She's not gonna hurt them.

You know that for a fact?

Good. Just call us back
if they start to travel.

We're on our way.

Satellite company says the car's
parked at Lake Shore and Parkside.

What are they doing at the lake?

Okay, well, it looks empty.


Is your mom around here?


Drove here by myself.

You did? Who taught you to drive?


Connor, we're worried
about your mom and the baby.

Can you please tell us where they are?

I'm not allowed to say.

Come on, Connor. You
can talk to the police.

No, I can't.

Okay. Get out of the car.

You go with Peck. I'm gonna take
Connor back to the station, all right?

What are you, some kind of super kid?

Driving cars, shooting
guns, keeping secrets.

You wanna ride up front?

Yeah, funny.

This side.

You know, uh, Detective
Jerry Barber, right?

Of course.

And I know that you're his girl.

Do you remember some
guns that were seized,

from the Dowling crew
about five years ago?

I may have seen it all and done
it all and know it all, but...

I'm old. I don't always remember it all.

We were just... we're trying
to trace, um, some guns.

The gang members were convicted, and,
uh, the guns were seized by Jerry.

Logged as evidence,
documented, present at trial.

And the guns would
have been returned here.

We keep the guns for two years.

Department policy.

Then we mark them for disposal.

And Jerry would have gone
along to witness that, correct?


And no one could have
done that in his place?

You couldn't have gone in his place?


Anything else, Detective?

No. Thank you.

I just talked to Nancy Corden.

She is lying out her ass.

- I told you I was dealing with it.
- Yeah, but...

- Jerry, it's fine.
- Hold on.

You were away that weekend.

As long as your ex can
corroborate the story...


I wasn't with my wife.

Who were you with?

Oh, my God.

You were having an affair?

That's why your wife left you?

Well, she didn't love me. You
know? And I didn't love her.

Okay. Okay.

Well, then you better find this other
woman and make sure she can vouch for you.

Yeah, well...

You okay?

The irony of today is suffocating.

What's she doing back here, anyway?

Said she had to move back.

And she didn't call you?

Why were you in the car alone, Connor?

'Cause I wanted to find dad.

Mom wasn't making any sense.

Was she taking too much medicine?

I guess.

All right.

Time's up, Connor.

You have to tell me where she went... now.

I want to see dad.

Okay, well, maybe if you cooperate, they'll
let you talk to him for a little bit.

I'll make sure you can talk to him.

She's at grandma's old house...
the one that's getting torn up.

Connor, you did the right thing.

All units, we have information that our missing
persons are at the residence at 76 Soper.

Subject Dana Moyer and her infant
son are believed to be inside.


She's up here!

She has a pulse.

It's okay.

Bottle's empty. Looks like an overdose.

It's okay.

Things are just finishing up here,
so I'm gonna give a call to Frank.

Come here, baby.

So Eva will take them back to her place.

I'll go down to the station
and fill out the paperwork.

Hard to believe that some kids are
better off without their mothers.

Sometimes it's true.

I get it.

Black and white.

It's much easier.

Andy, if... if you don't want to
know me, you don't have to know me.

You're an adult.

You get to make that choice.

Dad, I'm sorry I used your gun.

It's not your fault, buddy. It's mine.

You told me to leave the closet alone.

I never should have had guns
there in the first place.

I thought it was Christmas presents or...

I don't know.

I'm an idiot... Connor.

I just hope I grow up before you do.

What does that mean?

It means that you are an amazing kid,

and, look, I'm gonna
help the police, okay?

Whatever they need to
know, I'm gonna tell 'em,

'cause your dad is not
one of the bad guys.

Okay, Connor.

Please. You have to move faster.

Where's your friend?

My friend, uh, is outside making
a few phone calls, Eugene...

because, uh, we need to think...
we need to start thinking about

where else your wife might have gone.

She wouldn't leave without telling me.

We've been married for 55 years. Remember?

Well, this, uh...

this can be tough on a marriage.

You might think the fact
that I collect things...

is a little strange.

You know, you're not
just a collector, pal.

You have a compulsive condition,
uh, and you need serious help,

because no one... no one
could put up with this.

But she loves me.

Sometimes love don't cut it.

Oh, my God.



This is 1503. I'm at 37
Pender. I need an ambulance.

Frank's, uh, questioning Nancy now.

That's good.


You know, she's been here 20 years.

I mean, I've... I've
known her my entire career.

Well, she was all too happy to
let you take the fall for her,

so I wouldn't feel that bad about it.

Traci, uh...

things are different.

I'm happy now.

I wouldn't cheat on you.

I would never cheat on you.

You turned me into an elephant.

I guess we're both elephants.

Gail. Can I talk to you for a sec?

Meet you out back?


I mean, now that all this
time has passed, uh, you know,

that whole thing between you and Dov...

it doesn't seem like
such a big deal anymore.

I... I should have trusted you.

I should have told you this.

We were gonna get
married... ne and Nick...

And then Nick backed
out at the last minute,

and I've... I've just, like, hated him
for it, and now he's here, and I'm...

all this time has passed, and I'm
just trying to figure things out.

Well, I hope that works out.

Have a... have a good night.


- I'm sorry.
- No, don't.

- Don't feel sorry for me.
- I don't feel... I'm not...

There are plenty of options.

You were one of them. Now you're not.

Yeah, w... we have a couch.

We don't have any extra blankets, but...

we got some big towels.

Thank you. Thank you.

I think I'd rather
shoot myself in the ass.

You sure? I mean, a
motel sounds pretty grim.

I'm going through a
breakup with my wife, dude.

Grim... is the only option.

You think Zoe's gonna
want to patch things up?

I don't know. Probably.

You know... you know women, right?

Do you?

- I don't.
- Me neither.

Wait. Don't you have a fancy date
planned with your E.T.F. girlfriend,

you know, celebrate you
being back on the job?

I wish I felt like it.

I thought going back to work
would make me feel normal, but...

I don't know.

I killed somebody. That's
all I can think about.

Do you see what we're doing here, Epstein?


Talking, sharing, bonding.


I'll forgive it once. Once.

Get thee gone.

Go on. Get outta here.

I gotta... I'm going to, uh...
I gotta finish this stuff up.

Have a good night.

You said you had to move back. Why?

Why now?

15 years ago, I wanted to take you.

I begged you to come with me.

You chose to stay.

I was 12.

It doesn't matter.

Even when you were 12, there
was no changing your mind.

Andy, I called every week.

I wanted you to live with
me, to visit, anything...

but your dad had custody,
and he called the shots.

So then why did you leave?

Your dad was good to you, but you don't
know what it was like to be married to him.


You don't get to talk about him.

Dad did the job of two people.

If there is anything I've
ever learned in my life,

it's that I was never
better off without my mother.

- I'm sorry.
- Yeah.

Can we...

can we just have dinner?

I can do coffee.

Can we... can we just sit for a minute?

I... I just... I need to sit.


You read my mind.

My full name is Andrea?


That makes sense.

Yeah, I was named after my mother's
best friend, whoever that is

well, I'm just gonna stick with
"McNally, " if that's okay with you.

Promise me something.


If things go south with us, you know, I...

and I... I don't want them to.

I... I hope they don't,
but if they do, then

don't... don't just
walk out the door, okay?

Let's promise to work at it.

You won't get rid of me without a fight.

All right.

- You want to talk about it?
- Nope.
