Rooftop Prince (2012): Season 1, Episode 5 - Episode #1.5 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Brought to you by WITH S2
Written In The Heavens Subbing Squad


It's me, Tae Yong.

What are you saying?

Who are you?

From the very beginning, you have planned...

Stop it.

Stop it.

Take them away and stay outside.

You just... said you were Tae Yong, didn't you?

My grandson... Tae Yong..., right?

Yes, Grandmother.

That's right!
There's no way I could have mistaken you!

How could I not recognize you?

Tae Yong!

Tae Yong!

My child...

I need to talk to you.

Bak Ha, what's with you?

Are you going to America or not?

Unni, this is not the time or place
to talk about that.

What happened?

I came here hearing that
that man lost consciousness.

That's not the issue here.

The one who came as his guardian was you!

Why do we have to keep running into each other?

Why do you keep appearing in front of me?

Is my appearing in front of you
causing that much trouble?

You know, right?

The person I'm dating right now.

The man in that room.

I lied to him.

And I lied to the president as well.

Everything I've told them about my family
is a lie.

I don't have a mom who sells fish at the market,

nor do I have a younger sister like you
with a different surname.

My mom's a professor at a university in England.

And I grew up in a well-to-do home
and lived a normal life.

I'm going to marry that man.

You know what I'm saying, right?

So please, stop appearing in front of me!

That's why... you told me to go to America?

You accepted my money.

Didn't you?

You don't need my money?

That's not it.

Leave as quickly as you can.

Keep your promise.

Why are you so surprised?

Oh, it's nothing.

Why are you here?

Grandma is looking for his guardian.

She just left, saying she had to
bring a few things.


Grandma says she's going to
take that man to Dae Gu right now.

That's why.

I'll tell her.

Is he checking out now?

Let's hurry and go.

Song Man Bo. Your hair keeps getting
more beautiful. I'm envious.

That thing called shampoo lathers up
and gets rid of all the dirt.

So it is no surprise.

That is true.

You take just one look at something
and realize ten things, you're so intelligent.

Shall I help you with your hair?


Why have you come alone?

Becky said you went out to
bring the crown prince back.

He went off to a good home,
so worry about yourselves instead.

The three of you need to
get your act together now.

Just look at that hair of yours.

The first floor keeps complaining
that their pipes are getting clogged.

And everyone looks down on you
for being strange.

What point is there in keeping that hair?

When you get up tomorrow, we're going to
get all your hair cut, so that's that.

What nonsense do you speak?

My goodness...

I will not forgive you!

You dare speak of cutting our hair?

Even if it is coming from you,
I will not stand for it!

If you want to cut my hair,
you will have to slit my throat first!

I've made all the preparations for his rest.

You've prepared pajamas
and clothes for him to wear tomorrow,

and cleaned his bathroom as well, right?

Yes, I've done everything you asked.

Good job, go in and rest.

President, have a good night.

Good night.

Tae Yong, we can take our time
and discuss things tomorrow.

But for today, go in and get plenty of rest.

Go in and get a good night's sleep.

Go ahead.

Yes, Grandma.

My goodness...

Yong Tae Yong.

I am positive you are my reincarnation.

But why did your body vanish,
and how did I get from Joseon to here?

Are you, by any chance, dead?

Are you the one who brought me here?

You want me to buy you a rooftop apartment?

I will repay you, Grandma.

That's disappointing.

Is it too expensive?

Buying you a rooftop apartment isn't difficult.

But saying you want to continue living
in that rooftop apartment,

until your memory returns, makes me sad.

I will surely repay you for this favor.

Don't speak of favors to your grandmother...


Even I understand why you would want to stay
in a rooftop apartment.

However, I have a condition if you want me
to buy you that apartment.

That seaweed-like hair of yours.
Cut it all off.

I will never cut my hair!

Not the hair, Grandma!

If you cut that hair of yours,
then I'll buy you that rooftop apartment.

This discussion is over.

This is a problem.

Bak Ha! When's the earliest you can move out?

I can move out tomorrow if you want.

You heard her, right?
Let's talk this over downstairs.

Bak Ha, I'm going down.

Good bye.

Your Highness! We have a great problem!

Bak Ha is leaving this rooftop apartment!

It looks like we're going to be
thrown out on to the streets!

This is your residence. We must protect it!

Bak Ha! Bak Ha!

Come out at once!

His Highness the crown prince
must speak with you!

I've picked up your clothes from the laundromat.

They've all been washed.

We have not repaid you for your troubles.

But you're returning our attire to us?

Forget it. Just take these clothes.

Woo Yong Sul. This is dangerous,
so don't carry it around outside.

Why are you suddenly leaving like this
without warning?

Leave us.

Yes, Your Highness.

What I said on that rainy day, was said
in ignorance of your circumstances.

You lowly peasant.

Since you are someone who breaks promises,

even if you start a business,
it will never prosper!

Your business will undoubtedly fail!

You must be happy that my business is ruined.

Tell the landlord immediately that you're
not moving out of this rooftop apartment.

Screw that.

But are you really the president's grandson?

Yes, I am.

Damn, I'm going crazy...

Why do I trust people so easily?



Fine, let's say that it's actually true.

It doesn't matter either way.

Call your friends and take your things.
I'm going to pack my things as well.



The guy at the laundromat said that
it came out of Your Highness's clothes.

So that was where the embroidery was!


How can this be?

There be a butterfly on this embroidery again!


I saw the butterfly disappear.

But it has appeared again!

This is truly a strange event.

The butterfly has appeared again.

Bak Ha unni!

I heard she's moving out! Is it true?

What happened?

What is this I'm suddenly hearing?

Look at all the chaos you're causing.

Calm down.

It's pissing me off!

Don't leave.

How can you leave us?

Why are you suddenly leaving?

Yeah, why are you?

That's just how it is.

Did we do something wrong?

Your Highness, did I hear you right?

Did you just say we have to cut our hair?

A hair cut?

That is outrageous!

Your Highness. That is impossible!

I would rather you cut my head off!

There are two problems we face.

One is adapting to life in this world.

The second is protecting this rooftop apartment.

In order to solve these two problems,

we must cut our hair.

Your Highness, please come back to your senses!

If we cut our hair and go back to Joseon,
we will die of shame!

Rather than living in shame with our hair cut,

it is better for us to take our own lives.

I will retrieve my sword.

What are you doing?

Think of what you are doing!

Let me go!

Looks like those oppas have completely lost it,
hearing that she's moving out.

What a joke.

What is this?

It's Lee Gak oppa.

I brought the wrong one from the apartment.

He looks better with his hair cut.


The guy who fell into the water
slept last night at your grandmother's house?

Yes, Father.

What is this?

Maybe that kid really is Tae Yong.

Father, there's no way that bastard
can be Tae Yong!

He's definitely not him.

He's a complete fraud.

He's been planning from the very beginning to
assume Tae Yong's position.

That bastard...

We'll have to report him to the police
and put him away.

Not the police.

No good will come out of
this getting out to the public.

Then what are you thinking of doing?

Please get the whole family together.

A DNA test?

It's not as if he's a stranger.
Must I do this?


I chose this method because I want to trust
that this person really is Tae Yong.

So please understand.

Mother, rather than being uncertain
for the rest of our lives, doing this...

When can we know the results?

They'll be out in a day.

You can start.

I'll collect some cells from the grandson first,

and then from the grandmother.

Please open your mouth a bit.

I will collect the cells
on the inside of your cheek.

All right.

What are you doing?

It'll be over soon, so just open your mouth.

Say "ah", it'll only take a moment.

It'll only take a moment, please say "ah."


Oh my goodness, Unni!


This is a picture of you and Tae Yong!

Look at this!

It's Unni and Tae Yong!

My goodness. You're right, you're right!

I called so many times
and his phone was always off!

My goodness.

Tae Moo, call Tae Yong right now.


[Yong Tae Yong]

[Tae Moo hyung]

Tae Yong!

It went through!

Tae Yong!

It really is you!

Where have you been all this time?

When Tae Moo went to New York two years ago
to meet Tae Yong,

if he had just met Tae Yong,
if he had just met him,

he could've been able to bring back Tae Yong.

Our Tae Moo has suffered so much
because of that, Mother.

Now you must feel relieved, Tae Moo.



Now there's no reason for us to
misunderstand or doubt each other.

You two only have each other to call brother.

So like before, you should get on well.

Yes, Grandmother.

Tae Yong, you too.

Yes, Grandmother.

Tae Yong, do you remember me?

Oh! Wait...

Tae Yong disappeared two years ago.

He still has the same phone he had back then.

If we check his messages and pictures
in the phone,

we should be able to figure out
what he's been doing.

Right, Se Na?

Yes, that's true.


All right, then someone young
should look through it.

A password is needed. It won't open.

Tae Yong, you remember your password, right?

I don't remember.

You should be able to figure it out
at the service center.

If the owner goes himself, that is.

That's right.

Then we may be able to figure out
what happened to Tae Yong in America.

Tae Moo, go there immediately with Tae Yong.

Right now?


Tae Yong's identification is all in his room.

We need to check it immediately!

Take his phone and go with him to the center.

I'll be back after parking so wait here.

I'll be back soon.

[Power Off]

We're trying to undo the password lock
on his phone.

May I see the user's identification
and his phone?

You have the driver's license
you got from Grandma, right?

And your phone too.

Wait, where did my phone go?

You don't have it?

Why are you at my officetel?
And how did you know where it is?

What do you mean, how did I know?
I asked Bak Ha.


She said she came here once.

Hey, you know the 40 million won check that Bak Ha lost...

I'll try to scrounge up 20 million,
so try to come up with the other half.

Why should I do that?

She said she'd be able to pay it back in
4 or 5 months when the bank credits it back.

Because of that money, the business she's been
saving up for over two years has been ruined.

And now she's saying she's going
back to America. I feel bad for her.

She and I are no different from strangers.

But she's still your younger sister.

What do you mean sister?

I've never considered her that,
so don't say that.

[Tae Moo]


Have you arrived at the officetel?

No, not yet.

Where are you?

The intersection in front of your officetel.

I'll be there in five minutes.
I'll see you there.

All right.

Mom, let's talk about that later,
let's go out.

Hey, I haven't even looked around yet!

Something urgent came up, let's go!

You're here?


Oh, I heard that your cousin lost his phone.

Yeah, somehow it happened.

The president was so disappointed.

Yeah, she probably was.

Why don't we go out and get some noodles?

Shall we?


What is it?

I was supposed to give my coworker some
contact information but I completely forgot.

The note is upstairs.

Why don't you go on ahead and order?
I'll be there soon.

Yeah, all right.

You kicked me out in such a hurry
that I left this behind!

I'm going.

Don't even think of bringing up
lending money to Bak Ha.

All right, fine.

And next time, call before you come.
Don't just barge in like this.

Here, take a taxi home.

Just know that Bak Ha thinks of you!

Are you hungry?

Maybe we should have just gone for noodles.

What are you looking for?


Wasn't there a paper bag here before?

I just threw that out.

Why do you ask?

Oh... I threw away a business card in there.

Then we'll have to go out and look for it.

No, there's no need.

I can find out tomorrow at the office.



Tae Moo, some wine.

All right.

Stop, Ahjussi! Wait!

Ahjussi! Ahjussi!

Ahjussi, I'm sorry.

There's something I need to find.

It'll just take a moment.

Tae Yong.

Are your friends also all... that, that...

Are they all artists?

How long have you grown that hair?

From the moment I was born.

Oh my goodness!

How gross...

I've prepared some steak that my Tae Yong likes.

I'm not sure if you all like steak or not.

I like it.

I like it.

I like it.

All right, then let's eat.

Tae Yong, eat.

Woo Yong Sul is very good with knives.

Will it be all right if I use a knife?

Of course.

Of course you need a knife when eating steak.

Bring it over.

Bring it over.

Is that not Your Highness?

Your Highness, who is that?

Now, you must pay close heed to what I say.

From now on, do not call me Your Highness.

I am no longer the crown prince.

That cannot be.

How could you say such a thing, Your Highness?

I told you not to call me Your Highness.

Your Highness, how can...?

I said, not to call me Your Highness.

Please give us an explanation
so that we can understand.

Now I am no longer the crown prince.

I am Yong Tae Yong.

In a short while,
you will also see the crown princess.

Has she been reincarnated?

Do you know where the princess'
reincarnation is right now?

I have decided to become Yong Tae Yong
because I know that.

Then, is this Yong Tae Yong your reincarnation?

Thank you, heavenly deities!

Your Highness.

Yong Tae Yong is probably dead somewhere.

Otherwise, there is no way I could have
come here from Joseon.

Your Highness is very wise.

You are saying that two incarnations
cannot exist at the same time.

That is right.

That is what I have concluded.

I must find out why Yong Tae Yong disappeared,

and what connection it has
with the princess's death.

The moment we find that out,
we shall be able to go back to Joseon.

Be sure you remember that I am
not the crown prince, but Yong Tae Yong.

We will.

You cannot! You must not die!

You have to live!

What are you doing?

Promise me you will not jump!

I can't breathe!

All right! All right!

What are you doing?

I wasn't going to jump anywhere.

I really hate you.

If not, what were you doing here?

In such a strange position!

A little more...

More, more, more.

Your actions are so lowly.

What brings you here?

I have come here to repay you
for the last time we drank.

Even though we're in such an unfamiliar place,

we should still hold
the memorial for your mother.

We'll take care of the food,

so you can prepare the incantation amulets.

Thank you, Woo Yong Sul, Do Chi San.

My mother will be happy in the afterlife.

Right. When night falls,
let us perform the rites.

I do so like this sweet taste.

Quickly, spray the sweet thing in your mouth.

I think it'll be dangerous if it's sweet today.

I'll just go with the bitterness.

What are you talking about?

You don't need to know.

But you!

You have been speaking to me informally.

Why do you not speak to me respectfully?

You're really that rich grandma's grandson,
aren't you?

So you're not 300 years older than me.

I only spoke formally because,

I thought you were a grandpa
300 years older than me.

Shall we make it clear who the noona or oppa is?

How old are you?

I do not remember.


Let us drink.


I don't remember either.

This is what you put on top of that omurice!

Who left the refrigerator door open?

What do I do?

I don't remember anything
from before I was nine.

I was badly injured in a car accident.

Since I was born, that must mean that
I once had a mother and a father.

But when I was nine, I found myself alone.

At nine, I didn't have a mom or dad.

Up until now, I haven't had any good memories.

When I was having a hard time
working and making money,

I'd imagine I was on a trip to a tropical island,

resting under a palm tree.

While looking at this.

I've never been to a place like this.

But when I imagine it, I feel better.

These are seeds from
trees on those tropical beaches.

If you tie the hands behind like this,
it'll earn you money.

If you tie their legs, you'll find your love.

And if you tie their hands, it means
you're wishing for good health.

So you've been wishing for money all this time
and yet you're still living like this?

Then why don't you wish for something?

Just watch.

Where is the alcohol?

Let's go together.


It's not time for me to go yet!

I can't go!

Don't take me!

I won't die! I won't die!

What's wrong with you?

What are you doing?

Are you going to America tomorrow?

I have to.

I've even bought a plane ticket
and figured out where I'm staying.

Even if I stay here, you will still go?

It's all been decided.

I have to go.

Just stay in this house.


My goodness, what is this?

Oh my... oh my!

Kid! Kid!

Get in the back.


Young Master!

Over there, over there, do you see her?

With the blue top and pink skirt.

The one who just stopped walking?

That's right.

That woman is the crown princess.

I was really worried.


Who will go first?

Your Highness, I will go in
and bring the crown princess back.

Let go of me!

Don't let anyone in with long hair
unless they're a woman.

Who is the person in charge here?

I have business with him, so lead the way.

This kid has long hair too.

Get out of here!

Your Highness, they said I cannot go in.

This is the reality of our situation.

Looking the way we do now,

we cannot even pass through those doors!

How can we get anything accomplished like this?

Since we are here, we must
follow the rules and customs of this place.

There is only one way.

Your Highness.

We must cut our hair.

Your Highness!

I'll go, I won't go.

I'll go.

I'll go, I won't go.

I'll go.


I'll go, I won't go.

I won't go.

If he holds me back, should I just stay here?

What are you all doing here?

This won't be your home soon.

I heard there is such a thing as a
commemorative picture.

We have come to take a
commemorative picture for the last time.

A last commemorative picture?

That is right.

Hurry and get the machine.

Move the table and prepare to make the picture.

Yes, Your Highness!

This way, this way.

Stop moving!

Woo Yong Sul, are you angry about something?

Smile a bit.

Cheese, cheese.


Do Chi San, don't lift your chin.

Song Man Bo, why do you have your arms crossed?

Put them down.

Stay still.

Lee Gak, are you taking the picture alone?

You need to make some room for me!

All right, stay just like that.

Let us begin.

I won't do it, I won't do it!

Do Chi San, come here.

It is not too late.

It would be better to
give up the rooftop apartment!

Cut my hair first.

Your Highness! Your Highness, no!

Oh, heavenly deities!

Bak Ha!

Bak Ha! Stop!

Bak Ha!

What a relief!

Look down the street before you cross it!

Are you okay?

Are you not hurt?

Can you walk?

Let's go to the hospital.

I'm fine.

More importantly,

I need to follow that bus.

You can't, let's go to the hospital first.

That is it!

Sell that picture to me!

I can't, I'm in the process of delivering it.

I will double what they're asking for it.

This is that black card I've heard of!

Sell that picture to me.

Bak Ha!

Bak Ha!

Bak Ha!

He must be crazy.



Where do you think you are going
without my permission?!

You told me it was a
last commemorative picture!

Weren't you saying good bye?

You are so foolish!

We cut our hair. That is why we
took the commemorative picture!

Now you have your tropical beach.
You do not have to go far away.

Let us leave.

From now on, you are going to
make good memories.

Brought to you by WITH S2
Written In The Heavens Subbing Squad

Main Translator: csnrain

Timer: geegee

Editor/QC: hippolyte

Coordinators: ay_link, mily2