Rescue Special Ops (2009–2011): Season 1, Episode 8 - Episode #1.8 - full transcript

The team are called to an overturned vehicle but after rescuing the injured driver and passenger the team then discover a trapped man in the boot and discover the car was hi-jacked and the ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
(car tires squealing)

- Pull up, mate.

This sucks.

- Forget him.

He got what he deserved.

(car tires squealing)

- Yeah, yeah, I'll see you out
front in ah, three minutes.


Hey, have you seen my blue work?

- It's instant, we went
through the good stuff

on Tuesday night.

- Looks good on you.

All right, I have to go.

- I'll see you tonight?

- Yeah, yeah, sure, well ah, we'll see.

Work you know.

Can I?

I'll get another shirt.

See ya.

- Bye.

- Morning.

- Hey.

- Third day in a row I've
found Nicole's car here.


I can't believe she's moved in already.

- She hasn't moved in.

She's been back five minutes.

Drive the car.

(car tires squealing)

- Whoa!


Pull up, mate!

- I can't.

- Whoa!

(hawk screeching)

(siren blaring)

♪ Real dark and dirty ♪

♪ Gonna get a little dirty ♪

♪ I'm gonna get a little ♪

♪ Dirty, yeah ♪

♪ Gonna get a little dirty ♪

- Can you hear me in there?

- Yeah, I've just arrived on the scene.

Looks like we might need a
couple of tow trucks down here.


- Your people just went down.

Red sedan, just missed the curve.

It's right on the edge.

Male driver's trapped.

- Anyone reach him yet?

- One of my crazier
blokes had a quick look.

He's unconscious but still breathing.

Car's registered to a Russ Newton.

- Okay.

- Keep the punters back, alright?

- I'll be right here.

- Cheers.

- You'll need your parachutes
if you're not careful.

- How did that not go for the high jump?

- Well, I tell you,
that's his lucky ledge.

- Where's the battery-powered combi tool?

I remember packing it.

- Well, maybe you're
remembering something else.

- Like I don't know what a combi tool is.

- Well, it's not here, smartypants, is it?

- Alright, the truck
winch isn't gonna reach

that far down there.

We'll use the Tirfor
to secure the vehicle,

and we'll need the battery-powered
tools down there, yeah?

- The combi tool, it's-

- I think Vince pulled it out to check it.

- All right, use the hydraulic stuff.

Jordan, you can lug the generator

and the pump down there, yeah?

Tirfors, go.

- I packed the tool.

- You're a tool.

- Set.

- [Jordan] On?

- [Lara] Set.

- You okay, mate?

That's alright, mate.

We're gonna come down here, alright?

Can you hear me?

Driver appears to be unconscious.

Pin his head back.

- Yeah.


- The battery's sparking!

- Russ, my name is Lara.

I need you to put your head up for me.

- We have to disconnect the leads.

- Hey, Russ, can you hear me?

- No, can't get it open.

- Need a hand over here.

Need help with the door.

- All right, we'll get this guy out first.

Monitor the battery and
keep the foam at hand.

- Okay.


- Yep.

- Okay, okay, sit back for me.

Can you do that?

- I'm stuck.

- Are you in any pain?

- Right leg hurts.

- Okay, keep your head back.

- Have you out of here in no time, mate.

How'd you end up down here?

- Took the turn too quick.

- All right, we're gonna
need the spreaders.

- And a pedal-cutter.

His foot's trapped by the brake.

- Where's Felix?

- There's a passenger.

- Where'd he go?

- Yeah, I can see him.

He's not far down.

- Alright, Chase, grab the OZPOD as well.

- So, we're splitting the
resources getting the guy

out of the car and getting
his mate up over the cliff.

So far, the cables are holding.

- Mate, those Tirfor lines
are good to 1,600 kilos.

They got to be at their limit right now.

- Well, hopefully a helpful
towy will be along any minute.

- Righto, I'll get a
second ambulance along.

- We'll need a crane to get
the car back up on the road.

You get that?

- Gotta go.


Can I help you?

Special Operations Unit?

- Don't tell me, the big
wigs have finally agreed

to some office help around here.

- Which would make you Vince.

Michelle LeTourneau upstairs?

- Ah, hang on.

Who might you be?

Chantelle Gregory, but you
can call me Head Office.

- Okay, boys.

- I'm not taking the blame for
that combi tool either, mate.

I put it in the truck.

- Yeah, I believe you.


- We'll get you out of here, alright?

- Yeah.

- You right, champ?

You right?

- What happened?

- Your mate's fine, okay?

You've been in a car accident.

We're gonna check you out.

- Got leaking petrol!

- Fuel line must have ruptured.

Keep laying down the foam.

- Fuel's leaking faster!

- You got wriggle room now?

- Yeah, yeah, my leg's free.

- Come on, let's get the
Stokes litter down here.

- Okay, incoming.

- [Dean] I'm gonna head up top.

- Is that alright?


That's the way, just lean on me.

- I'm feeling good.

I can walk out of here.

- Humorous, mate.

We've already had one of you
fall over the cliff today.

- Lay back, mate, lay back.

Keep and keep your back straight.

- Easy.

- All right, let's go, go, go, go.

- The minister's asked me to have

a bit of a look at the service.

- When you say, minister,
you mean Ed Frazer.

- Yes, I answer directly to
Ed who has the minister's ear.

- Right, so it's to be more than

a bit of a look around, then.

- Performance assessments, chain
of command, areas of waste,

overly complicated or inefficient
hierarchies of management.

Just looking to improve and streamline.

- All I can say is it's
about time management

took an interest in our lack of resources.

Would you like a coffee?

- I don't do caffeine,
but I will need a desk.

- I will have one cleared for you.

- It's okay, I can take care of it.

Don't worry, it'll be
over before you know it.

- So, she's not here to do the filing?

- No.

Please tell me everything
is in order and up to date

as in incident reports,
overtime, equipment inventory.

- Isn't it always?

- Are you sure you're right for us to go?

What about the Tirfors?

- We'll leave them hooked
up until a towy comes along

and we sort out this battery situation.

And, Jordan, make sure
you find that combi tool

before Michelle finds out.

- Yeah, copy that.

Over and out.

(phone ringing)

- Dad.

Yeah, we just finished at a prang.

Look, we're gonna be
about another 15, Dad.

What's your rush?

- What were you so cranky
pants about this morning?

- What is that?

What is cranky pants?

(dull thumping)

- You hear that?

- What?
- Probably nothing.

- [Muffled Voice] Help.



- Hey.

- Help!


- Hang in there, mate, we'll get you out.

- Help!

- Oi, Chase!

I need the spreader back
over here right now.

- Look, I will come as soon as we're done.

- Might be easier access
through the back seat.

- Hello! Hello!


- Here I am.

I'm right here, I'm right here.

- Yes!
- It's alright.

I'm right here.

I'm right here.

- Hey, hey.
- Hey.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

- What's your name?
- Russ, Russ.

- You're Russ?
- Yeah.

- Alright, Russ, I'm gonna find a way of

getting you out of here, okay?

- What's the problem?

- Our friends left us a surprise.

- What, in the boot?

What's he doing in the boot?

- Where you going?

- It's okay, I'm not going anywhere.

I'm just gonna try and
open up this, alright?

- Okay.

- You wanna push from that side?

- Come on!

- Get back on the phone.

Alright, Lara!

I need you up here.

- Come on!

- You know what?

This isn't working.

I'm gonna go around the other side

- No, no!

You can't.

- It's gonna be all
right, I promise, okay?

I'm gonna be right back, alright?

I'm coming to get you.

- Come back.

Come back, come back, please!

- You are not gonna die.

We're gonna get you out of here.

Close your eyes.

- Dean, we got a problem!

Come on!

All right, we got to get it open.


- Okay, we got a real problem!

- Cover your eyes, mate, cover your eyes.

- [Russ] Get me out!

I don't wanna die!

- Come on, come on, come on!

- Don't leave me! Please!

Please, please, please, please!

- No, no, no, no, no!

- Okay, this can's dead!

- Get another one!

- Help! Get me out!

I don't want to die!

Come on!

Come on!

- Let's go, let's go, let's go!

- Okay, go, go, go.


- Are you okay?

What were you doing in the boot?

- The bastards, they car-jacked me.

- Rescue 2 to Rescue Base.


- Go ahead, Deano.

- Those two guys we just
pulled out, car-jackers.

- [Vince] Copy that, Deano.

I'll inform the police.


- It's not in the truck.

It's not here.

Bloody thing's vanished.

- Yeah, well, it couldn't
have just disappeared.

- Well, where'd it go, then?

- I don't know.

Maybe the combi tool pixies took it.

- Found that bloody thing yet?

- Ah, we're still looking.

- And where are those
re-certification forms

that were supposed to
be on my desk last week?

- In my locker.

- I got it right here.

That's um, it's half done.

- Nice.

What was the most valuable
aspect of swiftwater training?

Watching Chase fall on his arse.

- You should have seen it, hey.

It's just stupid office crap, you know.

- Good.

You saved me a search.

Jordan Zwitkowski.

- That's me.

- Oh, I'll make sure the
minister gets your feedback.

Shall I tell him you've
lost a combi tool as well?

- Who's that bossy boots?

- You're about to find out.

- [Chase] Dad's called
three times from the site.

Sounds stressed, I think
something might be going on.

- [Dean] Ah, he's probably
left his lunch at home again.

- [Chase] Yeah.

There's his car.

- Dad?
- Dad?

- [Shane] Yeah.

What kept you?

Watch your step up there.

- You right? You injured?

- My legs are a bit crook.

The bloody thing came down
before I knew what happened.

- What, are you working on your own?

- Where's your laborer?

- Why didn't you call triple 0?

- I got two sons in a rescue outfit.

Why would I call them first?

- Because that wall could have come down

and you'd be bloody well dead!

Chase, we need to get this
scaff off, get a rope to him.

- The scaff's the only
thing holding up that wall.

That whole area's unstable.

If we move that, two tons of
sand could come in on him.

- Okay, okay, okay.

- Yep, there.


He asked me to help him last week.

- Me too.

- Drop it down.

Grab another one.

Shorer looks pretty dodgy.

Any better down there?

- Yeah, not real flash.

- Put it on the edge.

Hey, hey, hey, get out.

Hey, having a good rest?

- Just get me out of here, will you?

- Yeah.

- Arggh!

- Dad, you okay?

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm alright.

- Right, that's it, that's it.

We're gonna have to get some air shores,

and some cutters and some trenching gear.


- Hey, Dean, no fuss.

Just keep it in the family, will you?

- You wanna get out of there?

(phone ringing)

(upbeat electric guitar music)

(cell phone ringing)

- Yeah, well, head office
is on our arse today.

You've gotta log it.

He's what?

Yeah, okay.

Yeah, I'm on it.

- What's going on?

- Building site accident.

Dean and Chase need backup.

- Who called it in?

- They were in the area,
got the call direct.

- Today's not the day to break protocol.

Log it.

- Shane Gallagher's in a collapsed trench.

- Alright.

- We can't wait, let's get
some of this scaff out.

I'm gonna get in with Dad.

- Dean, you could bury him alive.

- We have to make a start, Chase.

- I know you think you're always right.

- That's because I am.

- Not this time.

- You want to leave him in there?

Is that it, huh?

You called in the cavalry?

- Rest of the gear's in there.

Hey, Shane, how you doing?

- Yeah, yeah, I'm good, Vince.


How you been?

- Oh, you know, heard an old
comrade was stuck down a hole.

Needed a laugh.

- I'm here too, Mr. Gallagher.

- Oh, that's great, gang's all here.

- Forget rescue 101, did you, boys?

No involvement if it's personal.

Too dangerous.

Let's get your dad out of there.

- Police team-building weekend, June '08.

- The doughnut thief.


- I did not steal them.

- You did so.

How you doing?

- I'm good.

How are you?

- Good, I'm great.

How's the business going?

- Very well.

- Is it?
- Yeah.

Gone crazy, I have so much work.

- I was wondering if your people can ID

a couple of blokes for me.

- Okay.

- Got it.

Who dug this trench, Dad?

WorkCover's gonna have a fit.

- Arggh!

- Whoa, whoa.

- Right, enough, we need
to get the air shores in.

- Hey, boys, boys!

- How you holding up, Shane?

- I think I must have ruptured a pipe

when the scaff came down.

- It's gotta be the mains pipe.

- Chase, get the pump in there.

Heidi-Ho, find the mains tap.

Turn it off.

- I'm cutting him out.

Got no choice.

- Look, you'll bring the walls down.

- If I don't he's gonna drown.

- Listen, we've gotta shore
up those walls properly first.

Dean, if you jump down
there, you'll both die.

- Get your hands off me, alright?

- Enough!

You get the pump in there

and you keep prepping those air shores.


- What's going on?

- Have you out in a tick, Shane.

- Is this the whole team?

- Yes.

- This was this morning, just before dawn.

We think it's their
fourth attempt on an ATM.

These blokes aren't the
sharpest knives in the drawer.

They finish pumping gas into the ATM and.

- Whoa!

- So far, not a lot of
cash for their trouble.

Now, witnesses report a
red sedan speeding away.

- Our cliff job?

- Have a good look.

Are these your car-jackers?

- Why are these cameras so out of focus?

- Pity the rest of the unit isn't here

to identify these criminals.

(pensive strings music)

- Vince, what's going on?

Right, you need anything, you let me know.

- [Vince] You don't have
too much time, you blokes.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, too much pressure here.

Come on, Chase, hurry it up.

- I'm doing it.

- Right, shoot and hold.

- [Vince] Chase, watch that side.

It's only earth.

- Yep.
- [Vince] Got it?

- Okay, it's secure.

- [Heidi] There's cracks
appearing here and here.

- [Dean] Yeah, yeah, I'll do it.

- [Vince] Slowly, mate, slowly.

- Nearly there, Dean.

Okay, whoa!

- [Chase] Dad, keep your head up.

It won't be long.

- [Heidi] That rupture's gotta be coming

from further up the line.

- Call the water board.

Let's prep another air shore.
- Yep, alright.

- Nearly there, Dad.

- That pump is not working.

The water's coming in too fast.

- [Dean] We need another pump.

- [Chase] It's the only
one on the truck, mate.

- We good?
- Got it.


- [Vince] Come on, Heidi-Ho.

- [Heidi] Onto it, Vince.

- Dad, watch your head.

- Slowly, Deano.

Don't get it snagged up.

- Vince, the walls are giving way.


- The walls are gonna go, Vince.

We gotta get in there.

- No, no, keep shoring.

- It comes down and he's dead.

- [Vince] Focus, Deano, stay calm.

- Heidi, how's that harness coming?

- [Heidi] Yep, nearly there.


- Shit!

- Water's undermining the wall.

- Dean, no!


- The wall!
- Chase, no!

- Come on, Heidi, the
harness, get it going.

- [Heidi] Okay, done.

- [Vince] Hold on, Chase.

- Arggh!

- Right, feed it down.

- Got it.


- I shouldn't have brought you here.

I'm sorry, son.

- No, no, no.
- I'm sorry.

Get out.

Get out before I get us both killed.

- Arggh!

- I need a harness down here!

- Coming down.

- Dad, we gotta get this harness on you.

Gonna get the scaff off your legs

and haul you outta here, okay?

- Arggh!

- Alright, I'm gonna
lever this off your legs.

You slip out.

- Arggh!

- Come on!

Come on! Arggh!

No, no!

He's gone under!

(suspenseful music)

Come on!

Dad, grab my hand, grab my hand.

Come on!


Dad, you are not gonna drown.

Grab my hand.

Grab my hand.

Grab my hand.

Come on!


Dad, keep your head up, come on.

Scaff's clear.

Scaff's clear.

Pull him up!

- Vince, the rest is gonna go.

- [Vince] No, it's not.

Deano, get him clear.

- [Heidi] Come on, Dean.

- Dad! Come on!


- Thank you, son.

- I got you.

I got you.

- [Heidi] Hang in there, Mr. Gallagher.

- You know the drill, Shane.

They'll want to keep you
in hospital overnight.

Keep an eye on you.

You're in good hands, mate.

- Shouldn't have to work in a deathtrap.

- Could nail the developer for this.

Get WorkCover right up him.

(helicopter blades whirring)

- [Michelle] Is Shane gonna be okay?

- He's tough.

- What about you?

- I'm fine.

Why wouldn't I be?

- I pulled an ex-boyfriend
out of an MVA once.

And I hadn't seen him for 10 years

and he asked me out on a date

as I was lifting the dash off
what was left of his legs.

- I'm okay, Michelle.

It's all part of the job.

- Okay, well, you can write up
an official incident report.

And make sure you file it
correctly under, B for balls-up.

It's a crazy day.

It's not normally like this.

- I'd hope not.

- Any other day, you'd
get a clearer picture

of our operation.

- So, you do follow protocol
but only on days it suits you?

- Listen, the bottom line
is that we're a good team,

we operate well, we
function and we save lives.

Now, if there's nothing
else I can do for you,

I'm gonna head off, I think.

- Yep.

You look tired.

- See? There.

Look, that angle.

Could that be the driver
we pulled out of the car?

- What?

Oh, um, I don't know.

Didn't he have, um, didn't he
have long hair or something?

- You okay?

- Yeah.

- You want to grab a bite to eat?

- What happened to your legal eagle?

- He's doing his usual
working late Wednesday thing.

- Ah, yeah, yeah, of course, I forgot.

- Come on, it's been a tough day.

Pizza, bevie or two.

- Are you buyin'?

- Yeah, sure.

(phone ringing)

- That's a nice change.
- Whatever.

- Hey, how you doing?

Yeah, yeah.

- Hey, say hi to Nicole for me.

- Sure.

Yeah, Dad's in hospital overnight.

No, he's okay.

I'm fine.

I'm fine.

(reflective keyboard music)

- I believe there's a cheeky little

sauv blanc in the fridge.

- Consumption of alcohol
on Rescue premises?

I'd love a beer.

Guess things have changed
a lot in your 23 years?

- You've done your homework.

- Yeah, well, I have to.

- There was a time when Rescue

used to be valued and cashed-up.

Saving a life was more important
than balancing a budget.

- So, what changed?

- Ed Frazer, he used to be one of us.

- Well, I guess every
organization has their dinosaurs.

Just have to find ways
to work around them.

- We do what we have to.

- Bet you've got a few
tricks up your sleeve.

- A few.

Off-book trades for extra equipment,

shuffling budget allocations,

keeping quiet about issues
we're supposed to report.

- Pretty quiet here without Dad, hey?

- Out there today, did you,

did you think you were gonna lose him?

He said that he was gonna be buried

but he that you didn't give up.

- No, well, Dean was there as well.

Vince and Heidi, they're the best.


It's all right, this is just the shock.

You'll be better in the morning.

Um, okay, look, better finish up.

(pensive electronic music)

- And I see it every day.

It's just dumb luck.

Some guy just traveling along the motorway

and the next minute, under a truck.

- Sure, it happens.

- I nearly lost my dad today.

And it got me to
thinking, time's moving on

and if I was to lose you, I'd.

You and me, I mean, this
could be as good as it gets,

so I, I think maybe we
should do something about it.

- Are you proposing or are
you cutting your losses?

- Um, I, I'm sorry.

- Something's happened.

Oh, hey, Nic, sorry.

- Um, can I get a word?

- Yeah, excuse me.

- Okay, so, Fiona was really
upset about Dad's accident

and everything and she was crying.

- And?

- And I put my arm around
her and, you know, said,

it's probably just the
shock, blah, blah, blah.

And she said thanks
and then, um, it moved.

- Oh, Chase, jeez.

- And then I think she kind of noticed

and then it got a bit awkward after that.

- Oh really? It got awkward?

You just hit on Dad's girlfriend.

- No, I was comforting her.

There were tears.

- Doesn't matter, doesn't matter.

You don't go anywhere near that.

What were you thinking?

- I can't go home.

I'm gonna have to stay here.

- Whoa, hold on, you can't stay here.

Nicole's here.

- But you have a spare room.

- Yeah, that's right, Chase, it's spare.

It's empty.

- Come on, I thought
you'd be more supportive.

- I thought you'd be less of an idiot.

- Hey, sorry.

If you're okay, I'm gonna
I'm gonna make my yoga class.

- No, it's okay, Chase is going.

- No, it's okay, I'm gonna go.

- So, can I stay?

- No.

(pensive percussive music)

- Yeah, thanks.

Developer's not in till 9:00.

He's gonna call me back.

- This second-hand corrugated iron.

Look at that, it's rusted out.

That's no way to line a trench.

- All this scaffolding was
stuck up on the cave-in zone.

- Do you reckon she'll be alright?


- Dad'll be back today.

She'll cheer up.

- No, I meant about the
other thing, you know.

- How old are you, Chase?

- What? I thought I should say something.

(phone ringing)

- Yeah, that's a great idea.

That'll fix everything, won't it?

Yeah, hello, Vince.

Yep, sorry.

On our way.

Chase, come on.

Missing another briefing.

- Great, Ian, that's really classy.

- Oh, come on, she's a
passing acquaintance.

- Save it.

It's the last thing I need
to be dealing with right now.

- Dinner, tonight and I pick
you up at 7:00, no argument.

- Still not forgiven.

- We've had a tip the ATM bam-raiders

are gonna strike again.

Tactical operations are gearing
up for the stake-out now.

We need Rescue to provide medical back-up

in case anything goes wrong.

- Okay, two teams.

Dean, Lara, Alpha.

Jordan, Chase, Delta.

Get your ballistic vests on
and remember your training.

- Let's go.

Yeah, we are in position
south-west across the road.

Got a clear line of sight to the ATM.

- [Heidi] Copy that, Rescue Alpha.

Hold position until directed.

Target van is a silver kombi.

Plates Tango, Foxtrot, Delta, 9-1-8.

- So, Nicole still at your place?

- No, not last night.

- Did you scare her away?

I think so.

I, I told her that we should
go for it, you know, long-term.

- Is that what you said, let's go for it?

Of course I didn't say, let's go for it.

I was talking about how we
should probably stick together

just in case we peaked early.

- (chuckling) Smooth, mate.

And what happened then?

She didn't run to bed with you?

- No, I haven't heard from her since.

- I can't think why.

I mean, as far as
romantic declarations go,

you've just set a whole
new benchmark there.

Just grab that girl and tell
her what she needs to hear.

You know she's the one.

Just, just do it.

- Man, why'd you have to tell me that?

Now I've got you in my mind
with your dad's girlfriend

on your dad's couch.

That's not cool.

- Hey, come on!

It happens!

He's got a mind of his own.

- Dude, there are a list of
women you don't get near, okay?

Your dad's squeeze is up
there with your aunties,

and your school teachers, hot or not.

It's just sick.

Just leave it at that.

Maybe school teachers, alright.

Depends how hot they are.

- Elderberry flower and
ginseng, hot, not-boiling water.

- Thank you.

- Oi.

Not you too?

- What?

- Flirting with the enemy.

- Chantelle?
- Yes.

- She's pretty nice.

We had a drink last night.

- Oh, you had a drink, did you?

- Yeah.

- She's gonna shut us down

and you're thinking with your dick.

- I don't know.

I get the feeling she's maybe.

- Oh, Vince, if she is talking to you,

it's not because you're irresistible.

Tell me you didn't give away
anything that could damage us.

- Of course not.

- Go away.

(phone ringing)

- This is Dean Gallagher.

- [Bob] This is Bob.

You wanted to speak to me?

- Yeah, as a matter of fact,
I do wanna talk to you, mate,

about my father's accident.

- [Bob] What about it?

- I've got photographic proof
that the trench was unsafe.

- Hey?

He was the one that did the
dodgy shoring on the sides.

- You what?

- [Heidi] Target van is on the move.

Silver kombi, plates Tango,
Foxtrot, Delta, 9-1-8.

- [Bob] Shane put that
shoring on the sides

and he chose to work in there.

Okay, mate?

- [Heidi] Van and suspects have
passed the teller machines.

Van is southbound on Station Street.

- They've spotted a cop.

We're gonna lose them.

- [Heidi] All police units, that's a go.

Rescue units, hold position.

- That's not us.

That's not us.

- What's he doing?

Is he okay? - What the hell's?

- Dean, pull back.

Pull back!

- Hang on.

(tires squealing)
(sirens blaring)

- Sir, step out of the vehicle.

- Out of the car!

- Hands where we can see them!

- Out of the car!

Come on out! Now!

Against the car!

Stand down, stand down.

It's the wrong van.

They're florists.

(pensive music)

- Leave it to us next time, okay?

- Understood.

- Try to enjoy the rest of your day, yeah?

- Yeah.

- Brain explosion, mate.

What happened?

- Come on, Chase.

Gotta pick Dad up from the hospital.

- Ah, can you?

I wanted to talk to Fiona first.

- I'll be back in a sec.

Hey, Russ, didn't I pull
you from a boot yesterday?

- Hey, Rescue.

What's up?

- Not much.

How's the head?

- Yeah, it's better.

Hey, thanks again for.

I'd better be, I'm meant
to be meeting a mate.


(car locks beeping)

- Well, I appreciate your
cooperation, Michelle.

- No sneak peek at the report?

- You'll be informed of
the outcome in due course.

- 10 bucks says the next phone call we get

is gonna be Ed Frazer shutting us down.

What's that?

- Chantelle's card.

She gave it to me.

I think she might have.

- She's asked you out, hasn't she?

- Yeah.

(phone ringing)

- Oh, you're home early.

- Um, yeah, I just wanted
to talk before Dad got home.

- Is everything okay?

- Yeah, just yesterday
when I, I mean, when we,

I'm really sorry.

When we were on the couch.

- Chase, it's.

- Ah a welcome home committee.

Hope you brought your own beer, son.

- Oh, I'm so glad you're
out of the hospital.

- How you doing, Dad?

- Yeah, right as rain.

- Right as rain, huh?

- Look, I've said it to Fiona
and I'll say it to you boys.

I'm sorry I put you through that.

- Don't apologize.

We need to bring WorkCover in.

You can sue that builder for sure.

Maybe the developer.

- Nobody's suing anybody, son.

- You can't let them get away with it.

You could have died!

- Yeah, but I didn't, so let's
just drop it and have a beer.

- You're not gonna tell him the truth?

- What truth?

- It was him.

He shored the walls.

You caused the accident, didn't you?

Didn't you?

Work's tight, son.

There's a lot of hungry
young blokes out there.

It's very competitive.

- You could've killed yourself.

You know what?

You could've killed us!

What were you thinking?

- I'm sorry.

(phone ringing)

- [Vince] Yeah, Deano, get your skates on.

We've got an explosion at
an ATM, corner of McEvoy

and Prospect, Bairnsdale.

So far, Central Ops has two patients

unconscious at the scene, maybe more.

C Con says the ram raid
may have been carried out

by your car-jackers, so
keep emotions under control.

- Yeah, on my way.

- Chase Gallagher speaking.

(sirens blaring)

- Yeah, just lay him down there, thanks.

- It's the car-jackers from yesterday.

It's gotta be.

- Overdid the gas, by the looks of it.

- Can we get this area cordoned off?

- Okay, got it.

- Gonna take your balaclava off now.

- Are you in pain, mate?

- Cheers.

Tell me where it hurts, mate.

Is there anything broken?

- I'm gonna take your balaclava off, mate.

Right? Big breath.

- Johnson picked it, alright.

The ones we rescued yesterday.

- Okay, sir, can you tell me your name?

And don't tell me it's Russ.

- Hello again.

- Looks like we've got a
spiral fracture in the femur.

I need a splint and some wound dressings.

- I'm on it.

- Alright, get a line in and
get some fluids into him.

Lara, keep checking him
for internal damage.

He's bleeding somewhere.

- There'll be a third in there.

I think I know who it is.

- Jordan, you're with me?

You right?

Yeah, Jordan, here, here!

Watch your step.

Right, impalement to the chest.

Looks like shrapnel from the ATM.

You are an idiot.

- That's pretty close to his heart.

Could've pierced his aorta.

- Alright, the slightest bump
and this guy could bleed out.

Get a spine board in here!

- Coming!

- Mate, stay as still as you can.

Don't move an inch.

- On three, okay?

One, two, three.

Gently, gently.

That's it, that's it.

Strap him in, put the bag over here.

(reflective guitar music)


- What's the big joke?

- Chantelle Gregory's
finished her evaluation.

Made her recommendations.

- And?

- She's recommending we
get a minor funding boost.

And Ed Frazer's got the chop.

- She shafted Ed?

- Mmm hmm.

- How do you know that?

- Friends in high places.

- I got her completely wrong.

- Wrongish, maybe.

- I can't believe it.

I'll have to take her
to dinner and apologize.

- There's some stuff you should know.

- What?

Guess who got Ed's job
after she shafted him?

- Chantelle's our new boss?

- Bingo.

- She is good.

Vince, I did not see that coming.

- So, Russ was in it all along?

- Yeah, their explosives expert.

Didn't use enough gas the first time

so they chucked him in the boot.

- Yeah, so, then he has another go

and brings a whole wall down.

- There's a class-A,
top-of-the-line dodo, right there.

- Yeah, definite dodo bird.

- What?


- Yeah? No way.

I checked under there yesterday.

It wasn't there.

- Yeah, well, I didn't touch it, mate.

It was just there when I
lifted the towel off and ta-da.

- Well, this isn't right.

Somebody's messing with me.

- You found it?

Lucky for you.

- Yeah, lucky.

(phone ringing)

- Righto, everyone, we've got some news

about our recent visitor
Chantelle's review.

Seems our spring cleaning
job might have worked.

- Nicole.

- Right here.

I just want to say that I'm sorry

for running out the other night.

- No, no, look, that's, that was my fault.

Let's get out of here.

(cheering and applauding
from inside the building)

What's all that about?

♪ See them crawling, their
faces on the ground ♪

♪ My heart keeps jumping
I wanna stay around ♪

♪ Now they cant hear me I
ain't too young to die ♪

♪ But before I let you take me
you gotta look me in the eyes ♪

♪ I'm gonna get a little dirty ♪

♪ Gonna get a little dirty ♪

♪ Gonna get a little dirty, yeah ♪

♪ I'm gonna get a little dirty, yeah ♪

(guitar jingle)

(orchestra chord)