Rescue Special Ops (2009–2011): Season 1, Episode 7 - Episode #1.7 - full transcript

The team are called to a fairground where a ferris wheel has stuck with numerous people on board. Whilst investigating the problem Heidi and an engineer discover a victim of a serial rapist, who tasers his victims to subdue them. The victim is taken to hospital but later dies and Heidi is drawn to the victim's husband Karl Stevenson as she worries about his state of health. When the suspected rapist is chased by police and is injured Heidi cannot respond to help him. But have they apprehended the correct man? Elsewhere, Dean's ex-girlfriend Nicole comes back into his life after a nine-year absence.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
(ominous music)

- Help!



Please don't.

Please don't hurt me, I'll do anything

that you want me to do.


- [Guard] No, it's nothing.

Probably just kids mucking around again.

Listen, I'll do my final rounds.

(ominous music)

(dramatic music)

♪ Real dark and dirty ♪

♪ Gonna get a little dirty yeah ♪

♪ Gonna get a little ♪

♪ Dirty yeah ♪

♪ Gonna get a little dirty ♪

(children chattering)


- [Nicole] So, what do you want to do?

- That one.

- The Ferris wheel?

Okay, this is gonna be fun.

Thank you.


- This is like the fifth
questionnaire this week.

- I know, she's personally
killed half a rainforest.

- She's got Frazer riding
her, this is all preemptive.

Making sure there's no loose
ends, no excuses for him.

- Hey, how was your date with Crispy?

- Well, look, there's no deep
and meaningfuls with Crispy

but he likes me and he
loves the sweet motor.

He helped me tune the Rocket.

(chuckling) - That's a date.

- Yeah, it's a date.

The best thing about him
is I give him a beer,

send him on his way and
he doesn't complain.

That's how I like it, uncomplicated.

- Okay, morning.

Hey, I've been through your JESTs.

Job Evaluation Skills Tests.

Jordan, first question.

What equipment would help you in your job?

You answered, a pair of wings.


Come on, Jordan, you want
Frazer to disband us,

roll us in with the firies and the cops?

- I don't think Heidi would mind.

I think she's already
rolling in with the firies.


(upbeat music)

(Ferris wheel squealing)

(soft music)

- [Sam] Hey yeah, it's Sam.

I think we're stuck.

- [Nicole] I'm sure it'll
be all right, James.

Don't worry.

- We've got people stuck on a
Ferris wheel at the fun park.

No injuries yet.

- Okay, go.

I think you make an excellent brew.

- It's all in the machine, baby.

- Oh, stop it.

(sirens blaring)

- Mate, first ride of the
day, she just stopped.

Followed standard operating procedure,

wouldn't restart so I called you guys.

- [Chase] You've no idea what caused it?

- No, mate.

Call the engineer when he gets here.

- Yeah, we can't wait for him.

- [Heidi] What's the plan?

- Well, we'll start with
the people at the top

and work our way down.

Jordan, set up some vertical gear.

So let me get this straight.

- [Lara] Yeah?

- Pre-marriage counseling?

- Yes.

Supposing Hamish rates spending time

with my family a one
and I rate it a seven,

then obviously there's a problem there

that needs to be addressed.

- You're getting married.

Don't you already know all this stuff?

- We might think we do but
this is just insurance.

You know, make sure
we're on the same page.

- Right.

- Right?

- This is going to look
so cool on Facebook.

- Won't be long, madam.

We'll get you out.

- Can anyone tell me what's happening?

- We'll be with you soon, madam.

- That's okay.

Do what you have to.

- Hey, girls.

- Hi.
- How you doing?

- Good, thanks.

- Are you okay?

I'm just gonna get this set up

and then I'm gonna pop
a harness on both of you

and we'll take a slow ride down, right?

- We don't want to go down yet.

- We like it here.

- Girls, you're gonna
have to come down, okay?

- You can't make us.


- All right.

- Pretty good view up here, guys?

- Awesome.

- All right.

Have you out of this in a flash.

- Last time you said
that I was in my bikini.


- Nicole.


You look great.

- Thanks.

- So does this mean we get, like,

free tickets on the rides or something?

- So how long's it been?

- A touch over nine years.

- Nine years?

- This is James.

My nephew.

- Ah.

James, ready for a ride?

- Sure.

- All right, I'll get
you to step into this.

Get this past your legs there.

Last I heard you were, you were overseas.

- Yeah, it was fun for a while.

How's your dad?

- Never better.

The sly old dog's got
himself another girlfriend.

- You?

- Still single.

- [Heidi] That's it, mate.

Just one step at a time.

- How much longer?

- We'll be with you as soon as we can.

- No, I need to get out of here.

- It's all right.

You're perfectly safe.

- I'm calling my brother

and telling him nobody is helping me.

- Even more resources will be committed

to apprehending the Taser Rapist

who has struck four times
in the last fortnight.

Police have released
this sketch of a suspect,

a bald man of medium build
around 30 years of age.

- All right thanks, you
wouldn't believe it.

We've got a woman stuck on the ride

whose brother is the head of news.

Oh no, I gotta get down there.

See ya.

- Heidi-ho, see if the engineer's arrived

and when he can get that wheel moving.

- Get me out, now!

Can't stand it.

- You're next, okay?

- Oh my God, we're on TV.

Look, look!


- Hi, Mom!

- No!
- No, sit down.

Just sit back down, please.

- Get me out, now!

- [Chase] My name's Chase.

I'm with Rescue.

You're gonna be okay, just stay calm.


Watch that knee, watch that knee.


- It's got 100% safety record.

I checked this machine
myself three days ago.

Lots of grease.

- Grease is the word.

I love machinery.

So, the shaft drives the power

which turns the gears?

- Yes.


- Is that a sweater?

It's a funny place for strip poker.

- Yeah.

Looks like sabotage.

Some moron with nothing better to do.

Tell your people we'll give her a go.

- Righto.

All units, this is Heidi.

We're gonna see if we can
get the wheel working.


- Rescue one, that's okay with me.

- Rescue two, yeah, we're
more than ready up here.

- [Dean] Rescue three, copy.

No problems.

- Go for it.

- Ronnie, try it now.

(groaning) - Wait, wait a sec.

- [Engineer] Ronnie, stop!

- There's someone there.

(ominous music)

I'm Heidi, I'm with Rescue.

Can you tell me, miss, are you hurt?

Is there anything broken?

- Please.

- [Heidi] Miss?

All units, I've got an unconscious patient

in the motor room.

I need assistance here.

- On my way.

I'll leave you guys to your fans.

- What?

- All right, James, hang on tight.

Are you ready?

- [James] Yeah.

- I'll be back for you.

- Something else I've heard before.

- That's good.

- Got an ID right here.

Bekky Stevenson, she's 25.

- Bekky, can you hear me?

Bekky, can you hear me?

- [Jordan] Any idea what happened?

- She's got blood on the back of her head.

She could have fallen,
gotten disorientated,

it could be a bleed on the brain.

(ominous music)

Sorry, Bekky.

I'll get that back for you.

Oh, God.


I think these are from a taser.

- Okay, watch your feet.

We should be there.

You good? - Yeah, I'm good.

- Okay.


- What's the story there?

- First love.

Only woman ever to get to Dean.

Hey, Nic.

- Little Chase?

- Stick around if you can.

Chase, bring the rest of the people down.

- Yep, righto.

- Hey guys, we're gonna
have to cut her out of here.

It's too tight for a stretcher.

Might be easier to cut the back away.

- Yeah, copy that.

- Her BP's 190 over 100,

heart rate is 120, getting tachy at 130.

- Guys, you'd better hurry.

- Bekky, can you hear me?

Stay with me, Bekky.

- [Dean] Let's stay clear, Lara.

- [Lara] Here we go.


- Left pupil's not reacting.

This looks like a brain bleed.

- Fire blanket.

(muffled chatting)

- What are you doing here?

- I'm on the Taser Rape Task Force.

Which you would know if
you'd return my calls.

How's the girl?

- Touch-and-go.

- [Officer] Just stay
behind this point, please.


- She's crashed.


Preparing to shock.

Stand back.

Shocking now.


Preparing to shock.



Preparing to shock.

Shocking now.

Still nothing.

Come on, hang in there, Bekky.


She's back.

Let's get her out of here.

Hurry, guys.

- Here we go.


(ominous music)

- You're safe now, Bekky.

- She conscious?

- No.

That's a taser, all right.

Did she say anything?

- Barely a word.

- Okay, well I'll need a
statement before you go.

- Who is the woman, is she alive?

- She's in a critical condition.

My team did a great job under
difficult circumstances.

I can't say any more than that.

You'll be briefed in due course.

Okay, thank you for your understanding.

- What's going on with us?

- I think I have the right
to ask you that, don't I?

The deviled oysters,
champagne, cheap blonde?

- You never said this
was an exclusive thing.

- I didn't think I had to.

- [Chase] These are our big hydraulics.

Want to have a look? - Okay.

- Well, not the best of circumstances

but it was great to see you.

- Likewise.

- You ever think we made the
wrong decision back then?

- Nic, I think we were

probably too young to get too serious.

That's what you felt, right?

- That's what I felt you thought.

Anyway, take care, Dean.

Come on.

Thanks, Chase.

- See ya, James.
- Bye.

- No, she didn't say
anything about her attacker.

Just please.

Do you think she was raped?

- We don't know but it looks
like he tried to kill her.

This guy could be escalating.

- I'm heading back.

See you at the office.

- Actually, we're done.

- So have you got any leads or anything?

- Yeah, we're watching somebody.

Thanks, Heidi.

- Shoot.

(soft music)

- Are you with the police?

- No, I'm Heidi Wilson.

I'm with Rescue.

- Were you one of the
people who found Bekky?

I'm her husband Karl.

- Oh.

I'm sorry.

- I just came from the hospital.

- How is she?

- She hasn't regained consciousness.

I just had to see this place.

I just had to.

- This broke off when we
were trying to get her out.

I was worried someone was gonna steal it.

- I gave her this on
our second anniversary.

Police think she was a
victim of that rapist.

- Yeah, I heard.

I'm sorry.

- They spoke to you?

- Well, I found her, so.

- [Karl] She couldn't
give any description?

- No.

- If she had a chance,
she would have fought.

- That's good.

That's a will to survive,
that's really important.

Are you okay?

I mean, do you want a coffee?

I've got a thermos in the patrol.

- Thanks.

I need to get back to the hospital.

They said they'd call but...

- Well, I hope it all turns out.

- Actually.

Could I take you up on that offer?

I don't have anybody.

I could do with some company.

- Sure.

(soft music)

- So, Nicole, hey?

That's like fate knocking on your door.

- Fate'll knock on your head shortly

if you don't leave it alone.

- Very touchy about Nicole.

- Why do you care?

- Why do you?

Biggest mistake you made, dumping her.

- It was mutual.

- And you thought you'd score
a dozen more just like her.

- All right, Chase, you
just change the blade

on the partner saw.

I'm gonna clean the air shores.

Leave it that.

- Look, she turns up back in your life

and you barely move a muscle.

That's your modus operandi.

Speaking of which, Dad's tonight.

It's your turn to buy the grog.

- I don't think so.

I just replaced his radiator.

- Yeah, I bought him the TV.

- You bought him a TV, Chase,
because you live there.

And besides, Dad doesn't
need a TV, he's got Fiona.

- What's this about your old squeeze

turning up on the Ferris wheel?

- Must have been Lara.

- Two people meeting up again like that.

Mate, that's fate.


- No change still.

- Well, it's a great medical staff there.

I forgot to mention it's soy.

- Really?

I always drink soy.

Most people look like I just

asked for smoked hyena, but...

- Same.

- Bekky's the worst.

She's really...

She's a meat-and-potato girl.

- Been together long or?

- Five years, married three.

We're from Darwin.

Are you married?

I'm sorry, that's that's
none of my business.

- Oh no, that's okay.

Yeah, I'm single.

- I was the most single
single until I met Bekky.

It's funny.

I just can't imagine not being with her.

This is my fault.

- No, it's not.

- We had a row.

She's always on the phone
to her sister in Darwin

and I made a big deal about it

and Bekky up and stormed off.

- Everyone has arguments, Karl.

This is not your fault.

Look, have you got anyone,

friends or family who can stay with you?

- Just me and Sadie.

The goldfish.

- I had a Sadie once.



- It's good to have somebody to talk to.

- That's okay.

- Look.

The police won't tell me
anything about the suspect.

If you should happen to hear a name,

I'd like to pay him a visit.

Give him what he deserves.

- Look, Karl, I understand
what you're going through.

I do, but you've just got
to be there for Bekky.


(soft music)

(intense rock music)

I've done two years of
self-defense, right?

Karate, tae bo, capoeira.

It all means zip if some
dickless wonder tasers you.

You don't even stand a chance.

It's absolutely pointless.


- Look, you can't control everything.

You're doing your job, okay?

- Yeah, I'm standing there
telling Karl Stevenson

he shouldn't want revenge.

Who am I kidding?

You put me in a room with
that coward without his taser

and I'd rip his balls off.

(phone dings)

Ava, hi.

Yeah, thanks for getting back to me.

Look, I had a rescue
today, Bekky Stevenson.

Do you know how she's going?

Right, and what did the neuro reckon?


Thanks mate, bye.

That's my mate in ICU.

Bekky's still in a coma and

operating is too dangerous.

- Listen, me and a couple of mates,

we're going to the
noodle bar, grab a bite.

You want to join us?

- Thanks.

I think I'm just gonna get home.

- Well, take care, huh?

He's still out there.

- Yeah.

(eerie music)

(upbeat music)

- Whoa, hey, whoa!

That's enough of that.

Gotta eat.

- Here.

We went halves.

- Spared no expense.

- You got any beer?

- Hi.

- Hey.
- Nicole, welcome.

Come in. - Thanks.

You didn't know I was coming, did you?

- No.


- [Nicole] Hi.

- Fiona, nice to meet you.
- Chase.

- Well, I thought Chase might have

mentioned something to you.

- Must have slipped his
incredibly tiny mind.

- I've got to say, this is
what I miss most about home.

- Bad luck, mate.

You come second to a grilled chop.

- So, you and him, what's the story?

- Nicole used to race
against us in the skiffs.

- I used to win.

- [Shane] That's true.

- That's because she didn't
have Chase slowing her down.

- Hey.

- Then Dean invited me over

on the pretext of fixing his boat.

- They used to get up
to it in Dean's bedroom

and think I didn't know.

- What?
- You knew?

- What?


- So, you don't have a
boyfriend at the moment?

- Position vacant.

(elevator dings)

(soft music)

♪ Softly through the night ♪

♪ The stars shine ♪

♪ The fire flickers bright ♪

(soft music)

♪ You were a dream of mine ♪

♪ With eyes that shine in that light ♪

(soft music)

You know, some nights I'm dreaming,

and this is gonna sound
crazy, but in the dream

I'm still with you and it feels real.

- Not that crazy.

- You too?

So maybe fate's trying
to tell us something.

- Fate, huh?

- Yeah.

- You believe in all that?

- I'm still here,

as much as I like Shane's
marinated short loins.


So how about it?

Giving it a real shot.

- Jeez, Nic, it's a pretty big risk.

I mean, you and I, this,

we're just working as
friends right now, yeah?

- I want friends, I can do Facebook.

If you're anything like me,

you use what we had as an excuse

for why every other relationship fails.

- Hmm.

So, you and me, huh?

- Do you want to go through life

telling ourselves that we
let the real one get away?

- Jeez, there's no half
measures with us, is there?

Well, we run a spinnaker in a gale.

It's a risk.

- But what a ride.


(soft music)

- It seems eight boxes of
masks are unaccounted for.

- Yeah, we got plenty.

Don't worry about it.

- Hey, I've got to deal with Head Office.

- Head Office wouldn't
know if a plague hit town.

- Vince?
- You really don't

want to know about it.
- Yes, I really want

to know about it.

- [Vince] Rescue: Special Operations.

- You okay?

- Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.

- Righto, you mob.

Multiple MVA, Richmond Street.

Giddy up.

(sirens blaring) (horns beeping)

- Just hang in there, mate.

(sirens blaring)

- [Chase] Jordan, Heidi, the
guy in the blue Commodore.

We'll take the Hyundai.


- That's the rapist.

The cop served him with a warrant.

He took off, ran a red light.

- Please, I'm trapped!

I'm trapped.

- All right, mate.

We're going to get you out, okay?

Can you move your arms, your legs?

Just hang in there, buddy.

(eerie music)

Heidi, 12-gauge!

We need to decompress, Heidi.

Heidi, we need to decompress.

Bring me the 12-gauge.

(eerie music)

Heidi, we need to decompress.

Heidi, switch on.

(dramatic music)

Just breathe, mate, just breathe.

(dramatic music)

I heard you wanted to see me.

- Yeah.

I heard you and Heidi had
some set-to at the rescue.

- Set-to?

Who said that?

- It's just what I heard.

Sounded like she choked
and you guys had words.

- No.

- So you weren't shouting at her?

- No, I mean, you know what those bloody

auto three-ways are like.

- Okay, that's it.

- [Dean] You have an
incident report sheet?

- In my folder.

- On a scale of one through five,

how angry would you be that
your partner was unfaithful?

- Hey, hey, hey!

Dean, give that back to me.

- You're not supposed to be
reading his answers, are you?

- I just, I picked it up by mistake.

- And you haven't read it?

- No, of course not.

- Okay.

It's kind of weird that he

only rates infidelity at a two, but.

- Hey, you're off the hook.

I told Michelle that you couldn't hear me

through all the noise.

- Thanks.

- Listen.

We can't choose who lives and dies.

- Yeah?

You saw what that animal did to her.

He enjoyed it, Jordan.

He enjoyed it and he left her for dead.

- Even if he did, we can't make that call.

- Why can't we choose who we save?

- Because we just can't.

Look, this job, okay,

it makes us face things
that other people can't,

but we've all been through it.

You just got to put today behind you

and get on with the job.

- Well, I don't think I can.

- Well, then you're in
the wrong line of work.

(upbeat music)

- Called Nicole yet?

- Just because you've been
engaged three times this year.

- Twice.


Do you know Nicole was the first chick

I ever saw naked?

- I'm sorry, what?

- It was your room.

I was about 13.

I was hiding in the cupboard.

I was gonna jump out and water bomb you,

but instead she came in
and slipped her gear off.

- You little pervert.

(phone ringing)

- Just whack it on the pool table, mate.

- [Lara] You haven't seen our
espresso machine, have you?

- Had to return it to the firies.

- [Michelle] What?

- Well, that's the thing I
was trying to explain before.

Last year the firies
saved an electrical shop

from burning down.

The owner gave them a
bunch of coffee machines

as a thank you, but stores
never gives them enough masks,

so we made a trade.

I gave them back the coffee machine

in return for the masks.

You know, a sort of eye
for an eye kind of thing.

I'll buy you one down the street.

What are you, a mocha...

- Too much noise, hey?

- Hmm?

- The MVA.
- Oh, yeah, yep.

- Now, Heidi, I know how much this job

takes it out of you,

and I know how hard it
is when it gets personal,

but you have to remain fully focused.

So if you need some time off...
- I'm good.

I can do this, okay?

- Okay.

- Michelle?

When you're ready I've got
those driver's logs you wanted.

- [Michelle] Fantastic.

- Okay, thank you.

Ava called from ICU.

Bekky died an hour ago.

There was nothing you could do, Heidi.

- Did Ava say anything about Karl?

- She said he'd gone home.

- If he finds out what
they've done with the rapist,

I don't know what he'll do.

I'm gonna go round there.

- Heidi.

- What, Jordan?

He's got no one, okay?

He's got no friends, no
family, everyone's in Darwin.

What am I supposed to do?

I should at least have
the balls to tell him

that I helped save that son of a bitch.



I heard about Bekky.

You okay?

(ominous music)

- I got back from the hospital

and went to get a glass of water

and it slipped and smashed.

- Karl, do you have someone
who can stay with you

for a day or so?

- No.

How can I face her family?

Explain I drove her out
of the house to be...

- Karl, I think it would be really good

if you could have someone here with you.

- Can you stay?

- I can for a little while but

I think you really need professional help.

- What am I gonna do without her?

- You just sit here.

I'm gonna, I'll get us some tea.

(soft music)

- [Jordan] Heidi, how's it going?

- I'm at Karl's.

I think he tried to harm
himself, maybe worse.

He said he cut his hand on a glass,

but there's no sign of
any broken glass anywhere.

I'm gonna stay here for awhile,

but if Michelle asks,
don't say anything, okay?

- Listen, you're getting
too involved, mate.

- Jordan, I'm just asking
you to cover for me.

- Okay, fine.

I gotta go.

- Okay, bye.

(soft music)

- I really appreciate you being here.

- Did you know that the police

have a suspect in custody?

- No.

They didn't tell me anything.

- My team had to respond
to a car crash and I,

I had to help keep one
of the drivers alive.

It was him.

I'm sorry.

(soft music)

- Picking out funeral clothes.

I can't believe this is happening.

- Did she have a favorite outfit or?

- I always liked her in this.

(phone ringing)


No, I'm afraid the news is bad.

It's Bekky's mom.

- Oh, God.

I hate plunger coffee.

- Yeah, me too.

- You know, it's still not a good time.

- I can wait.

- Well, you might be waiting a long time.

- So what are you saying?

We're over?

- I'm not looking for a part-time fling.

- What if, you know,

I'm prepared to make it full-time?

- Oh, you're prepared, are you?

Like you're doing me a favor.

- Michelle...

- You might have had a win today, Ian,

but I'm still a little bit
behind the eight ball, okay?

- Actually, everything's turned to shit.

Murray Lister, the rape
suspect, is in the clear.

- What?

- He's got a cast-iron
alibi for one of the rapes.

- Some crim mate lying for him?

- While Lister was trapped in the car,

the rapist struck again.

Fortunately, the woman's
boyfriend arrived home.

- So they didn't get him?

- No.

But at least they'll have
some DNA to work with.

Rapist had to break a window to get away.

- Are you sure this Murray
Lister isn't the guy?

I mean, maybe the latest one is a copycat.

- Highly unlikely.

We never revealed it before,

but the rapist kept
trinkets from his victims.

These guys like to keep them close

to relive the excitement of the crime.

Lister's place is clean,

so the real guy's still out there.

- What sort of trinkets?

(soft music)

Heidi's not answering,

but she told me Karl had cut himself.

(eerie music)

- I gave her this on
our second anniversary.

(eerie music)

- Please.

- Well, it all would have been fine

if I hadn't kept that locket.

- Help!

- Bekky found it.

She thought it was for her.

And then she freaked,

and she wouldn't listen to reason.

She just didn't get it.


Five years together and she was gonna

throw that away and go to the cops.

You wouldn't do that, would you?


You're all the same.



Help me.

(soft music)

- Hold that on your neck.

If you take it off, you die.

(sirens blaring)

(soft music)

♪ Softly through the night ♪

♪ The stars shine ♪

♪ The fire flickers bright ♪

(soft music)

♪ You were a dream of mine ♪

♪ With eyes that shine in the light ♪

(soft music)

- Should I even be asking

what you've traded away this time?

- It's not a trade.

It's a guilt gift.

Top of the range too.

Must be a lot of guilt.

Your mate, Detective Johnson.

Came with that.

- What?

- My advice?

Don't even read it.

(phone rings)

(soft music)

- I can see you didn't wait for me.

- I don't know.

I think I've waited long enough.

Hand it over.

- You really think this is
gonna make me feel better?

- Yep, I do.

(soft music)

♪ They keep crawling ♪

♪ That face is on the ground ♪

♪ My heart keeps jumping ♪

♪ I want to stay around ♪

♪ Now they can't hit me ♪

♪ I ain't too young to die ♪

♪ But before I let you take me ♪

♪ You gotta look me in the eyes ♪

♪ Gonna get a little dirty ♪

♪ Gonna get a little dirty ♪

♪ Gonna get a little dirty, yeah ♪

♪ Gonna get a little dirty, yeah ♪

(dramatic music)

(soft jingle)