Red Shoe Diaries (1992–1999): Season 4, Episode 4 - Caged Bird - full transcript

While jailed and in solitary confinement Dakota meets a guard, Charlie, she tries everything to seduce him but Charlie is different from the other men she's known, he teaches her that sometimes being in prison has nothing to do wi...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- "Sometimes who you
are and sometimes

"you are who you pretend to be."

And sometimes, if
you meet the right person,

the two become one, who you
are and who you pretend to be.

In other words, you
stop lying to yourself.

Girl you're
gonna like it in here.

- Nobody touches me
without my permission.

Are you kidding?

Who are you?

Get her out of here.

Let me go.

Let's go.

How are you, Dakota?

I can't believe you
let him get away with it.

Kick a guy in the balls
and turn a one-week stay

into an automatic three months.

- Just where do you
think I'm going?

- It's regulations, ma'am.

- Ma'am?

We got ourselves a
Boy Scout, huh, Patsy?

- I took the rap for him.

He said, "Baby, I can't
go back to prison.

It's easier for women.

I'll work, save money
while you're in,

buy you a house.

He bought a lot of crap.

Last I heard, he had
our marriage annulled

because I'm an unfit wife
serving time in jail.

Now, I'm in isolation.

And, I'm glad I finally
have someone to talk to.

- Hey you, Boy Scout,
you back there?

- Yes ma'am.

- Why are you hiding?

Don't you like girls?

Come on out, let me
get a look at you.

He never shows
his face in the showers.

I think he's shy.

- Is that true, are
you shy, Boy Scout?

No ma'am, I just know my place.

- What's your name?


- Charlie what?

- Parker, Charlie Parker.

Isn't that some
famous guy's name?

- Yes ma'am, jazz musician,

played alto sax,

my mother's favorite.

He's a mama's boy.

Hey Charlie, Carmen
says you're a mama's boy.

Is that true?

- I don't know, what
is a mama's boy?

A man who loves his mama

more than any other woman.

Is that you, Charlie?

- I love my mother, respect her.

It's a different kinda love
though, with other women.

- You know what I think?

I think a mama's boy
is a man not standing

five feet away from two
beautiful, naked women

and he don't even have
the courage to peek.

- Yeah, well where I'm from,
that means I'm a gentleman.

- You hurt Carmen's feelings.

That's not very
gentlemanly, is it?

- I didn't mean to
hurt anyone's feelings.

- Well, you have.

You won't look at
her, won't look at me.

What are we supposed to think?

You must think we're just
plain Janes, nothing special.

- Come on now, I
didn't say that.

- Well, it's men like
you that drive women

into each other's arms.

What choice do we have?

Paw us when we don't
wanna be pawed.

And, you won't even take a peek.

You know what we want, more
than anything in the world?

Just to feel sexy
just for a moment.

Yes, Charlie, it's men like
you that women like us,


Women have urges,
Charlie, deep urges.

Don't you just wish your
tongue was a bar of soap

wet, sleek, bubbling

and rubbing and stroking

every tiny inch of my body?

Charlie, are you still there?

- Yes ma'am.

- If only you could
see what I see.

Patsy licks Carmen's
nipples nice and slow

just enough to make 'em hard.

I slide my tongue
down Carmen's spine

further and further down,

across her wet, warm ass.

Carmen moans as I slip
my hand inside of her.

She's so warm, like gravy
on Mama's homemade biscuits.

Can't you just taste it?

So, Carmen's so hot,

she pulls Patsy's
lips between her legs

as I move inside
of her from behind.

Are you listening, Charlie?

If only you knew what
it was like to watch

three naked women making love,

taking the turns,

kissing, biting,

sucking, over and over.

Can you see it, Charlie?

Answer me, Charlie.

Hear Carmen's sweet moans
mingling with the.

- Yes.

Can you hear her breath
quaking, heart racing?

Can you feel it, Charlie?

How her nipples swell?

And, she's so wet.

She wants a man, any man who's
willing to break the rules.

Come on, Charlie,
break the rules.

- I'm sorry, I can't, I can't.

- Is it in the rules that a
mean-eyed, creepy-fingered guard

gets to grab my pussy?

Is that part of
the rules, Charlie?

Does he get to slide
his greasy hands

all over Carmen's tits?

Is that in the rules, Charlie?

- No ma'am, but I can't do this.

- You're goddamn right it isn't.

Fuck your rules, Charlie.

I almost had you, didn't I?

You're no different.

Go ahead, Charlie, ignore me.

You can pretend I don't exist.

All the men in my
life could care less

whether I was breathing
starting with my father

and every weak man since.

But, as far as I'm concerned
Charlie, I don't need

your eyes upon me in
order for me to know

that I'm sexy, beautiful,

strong, and smart.

You understand what I'm saying?

Cat got our tongue or
haven't you ever heard

a naked woman tell
the truth before?

I bet you haven't.

I bet you date the kinda
woman that smiles at you

all the time while
she fetches your beer.

The kinda woman that
laughs at all your

stupid, pathetic little jokes.

And, when you fuck her,
Charlie, she moans and screams

as if you, and you
alone, are the only man

that can make her come.

Isn't that so, Charlie?

- Ma'am, you don't
know anything about me.

- You're right, I don't
know anything about you

and you don't know
anything about me

except I'm in jail
and so are you.

I work here.

- Same difference.

You need them to put three
square meals on your table

and so do I.

You're as trapped as I am.

'Cept in three months,
I'm a free bird

and you're still stuck.

- That's enough.

Get dressed, Dakota, time's up.

You know, Dakota, being
stuck is in the mind.

It's the same as being bored.

Now, this may be the
only job I could find,

but it doesn't mean I'm trapped.

I have a feeling, Dakota, and
I don't mean to insult you,

but I have a feeling even
when you're not locked up,

you still act like a caged bird,

restless, uptight, angry.

You're dreaming about
the wide open blue sky,

pissed off at everybody else

because you can't spread
your wings and fly.

It's all in the mind, Dakota.

See, up here, I'm free,

free as a bird.

I will say one thing for you,

you sure do have
a way with words.

You still awake?

- Sure am.

He's not like the
other guards, is he?

- Charlie?

He's different, all right.

- He didn't get angry.

I don't understand that.

I was trying to piss him off.

- He's a real gentleman.

- Oh my mama used to
say that only a dead man

was a gentleman.

- Your mama's half right.

Half the men in
the world are pigs.

The other half are
pigs that mean well.

- And, which category
do you belong in?

Well, I hope the second.

- No hard feelings?

No hard feelings.

You were right about
one thing though.

- What's that?

- I've never had a naked
woman tell me the truth.

Did you come
back for a second look?

- No, I'm on a double shift.

Keeping an eye on the bad girls?

Tell me, Charlie, do you have

one of those Messiah complexes,

here to save the downtrodden,
sinners, prostitutes?

- No, nothing like that.

After college, I needed a
job and I couldn't find one

in my chosen career.

- Which is?

- Literature, I'm a writer.

Sort of.

I haven't published
anything yet,

but I keep trying.

- Well, what do you write about?

My life, growing up, and
what I see, what I hear.

Like saying that
I'm a caged bird?

- Sort of.

Patsy around?

- No.

- I'm feeling lonesome.

Can't sleep.

How 'bout you tell
us a bedtime story?

Will you do that
for us, Charlie?

- I don't know.

- Oh come and, Charlie,
you're a writer.

Tell us a story.

- I can't, I don't know.

- Come here.

I've never had anyone tell
me a bedtime story before.

Is it against the rules?

- I don't think so.

Make it sexy, Charlie.

Yeah, make it romantic.

- Make it a true story, Charlie.

I haven't got the patience
for shit that's made up.

- I can't.

- It's all in the mind, Charlie.

Tell me about the first
time you made love.

- All right.

I was 16 years old.

It was August.

I was staying at my
grandmother's house

in Brunswick, Georgia.

It was a hot, hot night.

It was so hot that
my sweat felt like

an extra layer of skin.

You know that thick heat
that won't let you go?

I was laying in my bed

naked as the day I was born.

And, I didn't move a muscle.

My sheets were damp.

I was waiting.

- For her?

- No, for a breeze.

You know that breeze that comes
about four in the morning?

I was wondering where does
that breeze come from?

Does God finally decide
to show us a little mercy?

And, just at that moment
when the curtains flutter

and the leaves twist and turn
rustling outside my window,

the scent of jasmine comes
in and slides across my skin

and clings like a baby
to his mother's breast.

She walks in.

- What was her name?

- It was Magnolia.


She was pretty like you.

- Like me?

- So pretty.

- What happened next?

- Well, she took my
hand and we sneaked out

of my grandmother's
house into the woods.

Crickets and cicadas
were singing just for us.

- Then what?

- We, we laid down

in the grass.

- What was she wearing?

- A yellow summer dress.

Shade of a buttercup.

She wasn't wearing any panties.

I don't think it
was her first time.

She got on top of me and

shifted her hips, helped
guide me inside of her.

She was so warm.

I thought I'd stop breathing.

It was the same moment
I laid eyes on you.

- Make love to me.

Please Charlie.

- I can't.

I want to but I can't.

- Unlock the door, Charlie.

- Not here, Dakota,
it's not right.

Fucking unlock
the door, Charlie.

Give her a break.

- No, Carmen, he's right.

When you get right down to it,

I'm on one side of the
bars, he's on the other.

He has the keys and we don't.

He's in charge.

He's the big man.

- Dakota.


Paws off of me.

- Don't touch her,
don't ever touch her.

- I'm still awake.

What happened to your uniform?

- I got fired.

- Fired?

- Patsy's the only one
that knows I'm here.

- They fired you?

You were just trying
to protect me.

- I broke a rule.

I hit a fellow guard.

I'm sorry, Charlie.

This is all my fault.

- No it's not.

I made a choice.

I can live with that.

- But, I won't see you.

- Yes you will.

I'll visit you.

You mean that?

- Every week.

- But, I thought...

- I didn't get to
finish the rest of my...

So, Magnolia and I made love.

And pretty soon, a cool soft
breeze swept through the woods.

And, I remember thinking
it wasn't God at all

who made that wind.

It was me and Magnolia.

Our bodies made the
leaves twist and turn,

the trees sway, the moon dance.

Love behind bars.

I guess it doesn't
matter where you find it

as long as you find it.

- "All I know is when I
think back on those few hours

"I spent with him, I
realized that he was it,

"the brass ring,
possibly my last chance

"at what some people
might call true romance."