Red Shoe Diaries (1992–1999): Season 4, Episode 3 - Cowboy, Cowboy - full transcript

When a divorcing woman returns to her small town home where she meets a cowboy she realizes is the wild boy she loved in high school though they didn't connect then now they see they are truly meant for each other.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- Wanna stop here?

Okay, it's a good place.

Good a place as any.

Dear Red Shoes,

- I have one question for you,

can you ever really, I
mean really, go home again?

Is it possible to rekindle
that one grand, giant flame

you left behind?

I guess you can say my
story is about that.

Hi Mom!

You look beautiful.

How was your trip?

How's Chicago?

- Hot, moggy, lonely.

- You know who that is?

He blew into town Tuesday.

Rodeo season is over.

He's moving back on to the
ranch for the in between.

Sweetheart, I wish you'd eat.

- Sorry Momma, guess I don't
have much of an appetite.

I guess five years is
the most you can expect

from some marriages.

How'd you and Daddy do it?

- Your Daddy used to say
the reason it lasted so long

is because we never
went to bed pissed.

- That wasn't the only
thing Daddy was right about.

I tried living with a city boy.

- Go on, say it out loud,

what else was your
Daddy right about?

- Cowboys, Momma.

How I shoulda married a cowboy.

- You almost did.

I saw the look on your face
when you saw Johnnie today.

- Give it up, Momma.

There's nothing ever gonna
happen between Johnnie and me.

- Still...

- He doesn't even know I exist.

You must have cried about a week

when he didn't ask
you to the prom.

- Yeah.

I guess we like the wild ones,

even though they
scare us to death.

I can't imagine nothing
scaring you, honey.

- I wish you were right.

♪ Well the lights are going
home up and down the street

♪ And the cool evening
air so still and sweet

♪ Just one, one more
hour and I'll be alright

♪ If I get through the twilight

♪ If I can get through the night

- Susan Fenton, I'll be damned.

- I'm sorry, I
didn't mean to spy,

I just happened
to be passing by.

- No need to apologize.

- So how you been?

- As good as can be expected
except for this damn drought.

She's pissed, she's jealous.

No need explaining, a gal
sees a pretty gal like you

and it's the same ole story.

Enough about me,

tell me, what you been doing?

- I moved to Chicago
after college.

I work in advertising.

Got married, got
divorced, same old story.

- Look prettier than I
remember, you know that?

Not that you weren't
always pretty,

it's just that you've
gotten prettier that's all.

I saw you last night in
the parking lot watching.

I should have said something,

or maybe put
the gal in the pick up

but knowing somebody was
watching made it better for me.

Not that I like people
watching, I should say,

but sometimes things
get old in a small town.

I miss seeing your Daddy around.

He was a good man.

I like your Mom
too, always have.

What I said about you being
prettier than I remember,

I meant it.

Come on.

- Prettier even than I remember.

Bullshit, he never
even knew you existed.

All a cowboy wants to
do is fuck you, darling.

What's wrong with that?

Small town, honey, people talk.

Who gives a shit?

One night he's with
a little cowgirl,

next night he's with you?

Not too good for the old
self respect, right Susan?

Fuck self respect.

You know what you feel.

And what would that
be little lady?


That's not good enough.

You've always had a thing
for the son of a bitch,

just admit it.

- If you will, I will.

Sorry to startle you.

I knocked but no one answered,

I took the liberty
of letting myself in.

It's a small town, nobody
ever locks their doors.

- How long have you
been standing there?

- Just long enough
to hear the last part

of your conversation.

- I don't know whether
to laugh or cry.

- No need to cry.

Question is, if I
hadn't interrupted you,

which half of you would
have won the argument?

- What are you looking for?

- Companionship, enjoyment,

love in all the wrong
places, same old story.

Where's your Momma?

- In Silver City.

- So what you're telling me is

we're alone and will be
for the next couple hours.

I parked my pickup
down by the main street

so no one would know I was here.

At nightfall, I'll be gone.

Understand what I'm saying?

- What if I don't want you here?

- I don't know what it is.

But I've dreamed about us
being together more than once.

If you had ever
looked out your window

in the middle of the
night during high school,

you would have understood just
how much I thought about you.

Your Daddy caught me
once or twice driving by,

but he never said a thing.

- You never looked at me,
you never even said anything.

Reason was is I thought that

you probably didn't think
I was good enough for you,

you being who you were.

Smart, pretty.

And me, just a cowboy, knowing
I'd always be just a cowboy.

You were going off to
college, had your dreams.

That never stopped my heart.

What I'm gonna do is turn you
around now if that's okay.

I'm gonna open your
robe just a little bit.

- I don't know.

- Shh, what can it hurt
catching up on something

maybe we both dreamed about?

How many people get
a second chance?

And what if we pass
it up this time?

Then what?

- Please, not in
front of the mirror.

I can't stop, I
don't wanna stop.

I love looking at
you, beautiful eyes,

your hair, your skin.

- I've never had
the courage to stand

in front of a man
like this before.

- Please don't close your eyes.

I'll keep mine open too.

Don't close your eyes, I wanna
memorize every inch of you.

- Hello Johnnie.

- How are you Mrs Fenton?

- Good Johnnie, how are you?

- Hanging in there.

- Johnnie was just driving by

so I invited him in for a beer.

- As long as you're here why
don't you stay for dinner?

Would you like that?

- I reckon I would if
it's okay with Susan?

- Well I reckon why not?

Got a lot of gossip I
need to catch up on.

- You sure I can't help?

- No, no, it's all prepared.

You just sit down and
we'll bring it right out.

- I told Momma about us.

I never could keep a secret,
I hope you don't mind.

- I hope the news
didn't upset you ma'am.

- I've always liked you Johnnie.

You've got a wild streak,
everybody knows that.

But that's alright with me.

- Yes Ma'am.

- Thank you Lord for this food
and for giving me a daughter

who I can share my life with
and who brings me so much joy.

And bless this young man who's

graced our table
with his presence.


- Amen.
- Amen.

- If you don't mind
me asking you, Ma'am,

how does someone
become like you?

My Momma probably
woulda tweaked my ears

if I told her any of my secrets.

- Children grow up,
Johnnie, even you.

A Momma has to accept that,
or she'll lose her baby.

Acceptance, I
think that's the lesson

Johnnie and I learned.

Acceptance of who we are and
how we feel about each other.

Even if years have gone by

and we've both done our
separate searchings.

In the end we knew that some
things were meant to be.

- That takes us out
of here, Stella.

Let's go.
