Queen of the South (2016–…): Season 2, Episode 2 - Dios y el Abogado - full transcript

Old enemies and old flame threaten to tear everything apart for Teresa as she plans a high stake narco horse race.

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CAMILA: Previously on
Queen of the South...

MAN: You don't know me, Teresa.
Guero's dead.

We had a deal.
No time if I talk.

My boss is done with all that.

Help us take down Camila.

Do you have any idea
what you're asking me to do?

I told you
I didn't want my hands dirty.

Aurelio Casillas.

The book your boyfriend,
Guero, gave him

is causing his cartel grief.

There are a lot of stories
about me in that book.

You have a top lieutenant
in prison.


CAMILA: I can take him
out of there for you.

And if you do, Camila,
we will be friends.

(distant horses neighing)

(speaking Spanish)

(door closes)

What, you don't sit down
to eat in Dallas?


You know how to make
a guy feel welcome, Jimenez.

Want me to light some candles,

or are you here
to pet the horses?

No, I'm here on business.
Maybe show some respect.

So you want a statue because
you jumped from the kid's table

to the table with men?



Finally, the man I've heard
so much about shows up.

(speaking Spanish)

(tense music)


(gentle piano music)



Executive consultant.

Titles and appearances are
very important for these people.

Especially for you and I.

I gave you that dress
and those shoes for a reason.

I hope they look good
because they feel horrible.

We're here on business.

One drink. Top shelf only.

Never finish the glass.

Now, tell me,
are you gonna wear that dress,

or are you gonna continue
to let it wear you?

That's Cole Van Awken.

He's the owner of the law firm
that brokered the purchase.

Teo Aljarafe's boss.

Must be around somewhere.

Camila needs product.

Can you get it for us or not?

I don't see any money.

It's on Camila's word.
The money will come.

She's working on it now.

We got your brother out.
Seems like you owe us.

Come here.
Let me show you something.

(speaking Spanish)

(clicks tongue)

I'm hosting
the cartel race this year.

And this horse--
this horse was a lock.

I invested millions,

and now the only money
I'll make back is from his dick.

That's a shame.

But what's your point?

Just because something
was once valuable

doesn't mean it still is.

Given the current climate,

most would be fearful
to do business with Camila.

But if you want any product,

you're gonna
have to pay in cash.

(speaking Spanish)

-I'll see you later.

(overlapping chatter)

-Mrs. Vargas.

-Lovely to see you.
-This is Teresa.

-Nice to meet you.

So your shipping business
really seems to be taking off?

-All thanks to your firm.

Teo did a very good job
with the purchase.

Great lawyer.
His timing not so much.

KELLY ANNE: Hey, sweetie.

Camila, Teresa,
this is my wife, Kelly Anne.

Or as I like to call her,
my highest paid employee.


Your house is beautiful,
Mrs. Van Awken.

I picked out
every piece in this place.

The last name just came with it.

-Call me Kelly Anne.

I'm an executive consultant
with Camila's company.


Isn't that impressive?
You hear that, honey?


-Beautiful dress.
-Thank you.

Nice meeting you.
If you'll excuse me.


-Excuse me.
-Nice to meet you.

Are we in business?

Jimenez agreed to sell,
but it's cash only.

Our credit's gone.

How easily men forget.

His brother would be rotting
in jail if it wasn't for us.

King George said
he'd ship for us,

but I don't think
he can wait long,

so we need that cash fast.

I think Teo
can help us with that.

Excuse me.

(tense music)



Come on.


What's all this?


I need to access
$3 million from my account.

Epifanio still has
your accounts frozen.

And honestly, now's not the time
for any big moves.

Is that so?

Yeah. There's a lot
of heat out there.

No harm in caution, right?


Take your shirt off.

Are you kidding?

You think I'm wearing a wire?

Come on, Camila.




Nothing to hide.
I've always been loyal.


Your loyalty.

When did you talk to the DEA?

I didn't.

Don't bullshit us.
Answer the question.


They approached me before
the party, but like I said,

I didn't say anything to them.

How'd you know?

You just told us.

We're good.


DEA could be
all over this party.

Yeah. We cannot afford that.

Let's get out of here.


I don't care what Cole says.

My wine club is not a hobby.

I'm a businesswoman.
An executive.

Isn't that right?

What's your drink of choice?

Oh, don't tell me.
You're a cerveza girl.

Was that racist of me?

Asking a Mexican
if they like cerveza?


I was a kept woman once.

See, now
we're getting somewhere.

But a cartel came,

killed everyone I love,

and sent me running for my life.

Never looked back since.

Oh, shit, girl.

You had me going there.

we have to exchange numbers.

I'ma turn you into a wino
like the rest of us.


(speaking Spanish)

Thank you.


(overlapping chatter)


Hey, beautiful.



(gentle guitar music)


I'm here.

Oh, my God.


I don't understand.




Oh, my God.



I thought I'd never see you.

I'm here.

I'm right here.



Did Jimenez mention
the Cartel Horse Race?

Multiple times.

Lots of cash changing hands.


Which is exactly what we need.

We'll have to be
smart about it.

We will be,
but we have no other choice.

We need cash now.

Find Teresa and meet me
at the house.

Had a little bit of trouble
with Epifanio.

I had to get out of Culiacán.

You left me.

It wasn't up to me.

You left.

Teresa, please.

Please what?

I had to run from our life...

because you were dead.

Look, Epifanio, he was--
he was on his way to kill me.

(softly gasps)

All right, they had
to do something, okay?

-If I could go back--
-Who's they?

The DEA.

(tense music)

You're a rat?

They saved my life.

What was I supposed to do?
I-I had to play along.


You gave up
Camila's warehouse?

Yeah, only after I knew
you were out of there.

That's bullshit.

Babe, I've just--I've just
been feeding these guys bullshit

until I could find
my way back to you.

You're a liar.


-You're a liar.
-Teresa, listen.

I did what I had to do...

but nothing's changed.


I told you.
I'd give my life for you.

(phone buzzing)

You need to leave.

Camila finds out about the DEA,

she'll kill you.

She will kill me.

You need to go,
and never see me again.



Meet me here.

Just go.



(door closes)


What are you doing in here?

Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine. Just needed
to go to the restroom.

We gotta go.
Ride back with me, okay?

Okay. I'll be right out.


(crickets chirping)

-(shrieks and gasps)
-Where's your gun, huh?

¿Dónde está tu pistola?

In the closet.

Living in a safe house
doesn't mean you're safe.



And a gun in the closet...

can't save you.

All this...

means nothing
if you die wearing it.

Camila knows this very well.

She thinks that
she knows the truth

about poor girls
from Culiacán.

What truth?

That nothing distracts
like glitter.

Camila will surround you
with distractions.

Don't get comfortable, Teresita.


Camila needs to see you.

(door closes)

(suspenseful music)


The Cartel races are run
by La Mano Poderosa.

That is the five most powerful
families in our business.

Every year,

each race is hosted
by a different one.

Millions exchange hands.

We need cash for product,

and we're gonna steal it
from them.

This year, the honor goes to our
good friend Manuel Jimenez.

And out of
the four other bosses,

I don't have to tell you about
Aurelio Casillas.

I doubt
he's forgotten you, Teresa.

He may still want you alive.


A million dollars minimum
lets you in the race.

Then the money moves from
our hands to a holding cell.

Then the man inside,
"El Contador,"

he verifies the amount
by weighing it.

Then the money moves
to counting machines

just to make sure it's real.

POTE: Tons of cash,

but the place is a vault.

Every safe can be cracked.

Maybe we don't
have to steal it.

If we pick the right horse,

just give us the money,

and the odds will pay us
whatever we need.

That's if we had
a million cash to get in.

We don't need it.

Just need to make them
think it's a million.


What I don't know is
how to pick the right horse.

We'll pick the winner,

and Pote can take care
of the horses.

I will cook something
to slow their motivation.

(upbeat Latin pop music)


JAMES: What if our horse
doesn't win?

Or if they find
our bullshit money bags?

Then we're all dead.


(man speaking Spanish over PA)


You didn't tell me
you were coming by.

Didn't know
I needed an invitation.

-New wardrobe?
-Yeah, not on what

you cheap asses are paying me.

Why don't you come in?
I think I got something for you.

(door opens and closes)

-(speaking Spanish)
-I'm good.


-You remember that--

that picture you showed me?

The lawyer guy
with the nice teeth?


-That's Camila's attorney.

You said
you didn't recognize him.

I hadn't,
and then I remembered

this one time in Phoenix.

A distributor
that Epifanio worked with.

The lawyer dude--
that guy made the deal.

This guy?

-Is this him?
-Yeah. Yeah.

We've been talking to him.

Last name's Aljarafe, right?

I remember 'cause it's weird.
It's, like--

Como que no suena Mexicano.

It's, like,
Middle Eastern or something.

His dealer in Phoenix,
you got a line on him?

I got the street he lives on.

That could be worth something.

I'll take what you got.

(tense music)

I'll check the odds.

I'll check the horses.

Vamos, Teresa.

(overlapping chatter in Spanish)

Each family sends a little girl
to bless the horses

before the race.

-It's tradition.
-(horses nickering)

You mean opportunity?

-(horses whinnying)

(overlapping chatter)


Glad you could make it.

About the credit--
it's not personal.

Business never is.

By the way, you're betting
on the wrong horse.

In more ways than one.

(phone buzzing)

Excuse me.

-It's Blanco de Invierno.

He's the best odds--
it's 12 to one.

CAMILA: Make sure he wins.

Place the bet.


We picked our pony.

It's Blanco de Invierno.


Our money's on the white horse.

Blanco de Invierno.

I'll tell the little girls.

No, no, no. I better do that.



You girls look so beautiful.


-Are you gonna feed the horses?

That sounds fun.

So whatever you do, don't feed
the white horse, okay?

-He's very mean.

Blanco will bite your hand off.

Probably your whole arm.

So be careful.


Go, princesses, go.




(horses whinnying)

(suspenseful music)


(horse neighs)

(speaking Spanish)

I think you got me confused
with someone else.

Not so fast, Teresa Mendoza.

I was thinking
we could watch the race.

You and I together.

I'm okay.

(clears throat)

I wasn't asking.

So let's go.


Keep it moving.

(speaking Spanish)



(horses whinnying)

Like I said...

the best seat in the house.

Look at this.

You really have a way
with women.


most men don't appreciate
a strong woman.

(speaking Spanish)


She's with me now.

She's not the same girl you met.


End this...

so we can enjoy the race.


(speaking Spanish)


(horses neighing)

MAN: Two minutes to post time.


Placing a bet for Camila Vargas.

Got a million.
Blanco de Invierno.

-Blanco Invierno?
-Yes, sir.


(horses neighing)


Where's Teresa?
Thought she was with you.

We have bigger problems
than that.

One of the horses
did not take his medicine.

We got ourselves a wild card.


Don Epifanio.

(speaking Spanish)


He's gonna make a move.
I know it.

He's going to try to kill me.

Then you better get
a head start.


(dramatic music)


Hey, where's the girl?

Teresa Mendoza.
Where is she?

No sé. No sé.

Well, go and find her.

-Come on.

-(tense music)

MAN: The horses are approaching
the starting gate.


They're all in line...

-And they're off!


(indistinct announcing)

...but it's Blanco de Invierno

who rushes
and takes the early lead.

Blanco de Invierno leads them
into the Clubhouse turn.

(indistinct announcing)

And it's still
Blanco de Invierno

who takes them out
to the back stretch.

He leads it by two
to Campeón Charlie

who is on a side pole in second.

50 Grand is on his outside.

(indistinct announcing)

And down the back stretch
they go.

Blanco de Invierno
means business.

Campeón Charlie
right there in second.

Further back is 50 Grand,

and Arm Candy losing touch
with his heels.

And it's become
a match race between

Blanco de Invierno
and Campeón Charlie.

And the rest of the pack
has fallen back.


Casillas' men,
they're after you.

I know.

Where's James?

MAN: It's Blanco de Invierno
leading it by a length

to again, Campeón Charlie.

Then it's five lengths
to Panamanian Reverse...

(announcer continues

And as they pass the eight pole,

Campeón Charlie
strides up alongside

to be nose and nose
with Blanco de Invierno.

And Campeón Charlie
now gets the lead, but oh!

He takes a bad step
and shifts down.

And at the finish, it's
Blanco de Invierno in front!

(announcer speaking Spanish)

El ganador del
Poderosa Invitational,

Blanco de Invierno.


Collecting on behalf
of Camila Vargas.

Blanco de Invierno.

-Large bills will be fine.
-And pick up the pace.

You should be in a better mood

considering you just turned
a million dollars into 12.

This is me in a good mood.

-Get to work.
-Papi, Papi.

(speaking Spanish)

(tense music)


(both speaking Spanish)

(speaking Spanish)


(speaking Spanish)

You let us bet with fake money.

No matter what the truth is,
the bosses will blame you.

Do you understand
what's happening?

You're gonna die today.

Either the bosses do it,
or he does.

Your only chance to live
is to come with us.

Think about your daughter.

You touch my daughter
and I swear--

On my word.

You walk us out safely,
you get a bag of your own.

What's it gonna be?


You know, that tip
you gave me about the race

saved me a lot of coin.

You got credit
as long as you need it.

You know, sometimes it pays
to play the underdog.

It's been a pleasure,
my friend.

(dramatic music)

Go! Straight down!


-Casillas' men.
-Take the bag.


Casillas' men.

They just want you,
not the money.

Get in the truck.
Meet me down the road.

-Which one?
-That one.


(muffled gunshots)


(engine revving)

(tires screeching)


(engine revving)

(engine roaring)

(suspenseful music)


(brakes screech)

-Where's the money counter?
-He took his bag and left.

-His bag?
-I promised him

I would give him one
to keep quiet.

That wasn't yours to give.
Which way did he go?

-I gave him my word.
-Hey, we gotta go.

Meet back at the house.

We won the race.

-We have enough money to buy.
-Never leave loose ends.



(motor sputtering)

Chomping at the bit.
What's going on?

We need 24-hour watch
on Guero, and we need it now.


For more bullshit
about Phoenix

and Middle Easterns?

You don't buy a shirt unless

there's a girl around
to take it off.

Oh, brother.

He knows where
Teresa Mendoza is.

And wherever Teresa is,
so is Camila.

I get it, Loya.

You're a retriever.

You want to bring daddy
back the bone.

Prove to me you didn't spend
the last six weeks

sidling up to a worthless
piece of shit.

It wasn't a waste of time.

Guero's gonna lead us
to the mother lode.

You watch.

I dig the show of spine.

Proof of concept's on you, son.


Dallas PD pulled this
from a traffic cam.

What do we got?

Teo and his side piece.

Papa's been a bad boy.

Gets worse from there.

Agent Postak.
Like a boss.

Gonna need more than
a greaseball buying a T-shirt

to put eyes on Guero.

Teo's our boy.

I've tried
to get you to hear me.

You told Camila you wanted in.

This is part of it.

Things need to be taken care of.

You mean people?

Sometimes, yeah.

You think you can do this
your own way?

I have to.

Or what?
You'll become like me?

Is that what you're afraid of?

You're a good person, James.

(tires screech)

Listen to me.

There is no good or bad
in this business.

There is win or lose,
live or die.

Today we left a witness
who can connect us to the money.

And we're short.

Short when money means survival.

You mean, I left a witness.

We're in this together.

It's on us.

That thing you're trying
to keep alive inside you...

it's what's gonna
get you killed.

(phone buzzing)

Who is it?

Answer it.

(phone buzzing)

TONY: Teresa?

Teresa, are you there?


Hi, Tony,
is everything okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I'm at the motel,
but my mom's not here.

You're in Dallas?

My uncle brought me.

We came in the bus.

Tony, listen to me.

You wait there, okay?

I'll come by as soon as I can.

TONY: Okay.

Just hurry.

And tell my mom I love her.

I will. I love you.

Love you too.


It's Brenda's son.

I'm taking care of him now.

Camila doesn't know?

Not unless you tell her.



Come on,
I thought you liked that.

I just got a lot of stuff
going on.

-I can do other things.
-No, no, no, no.


People will be home soon.

I gotta head back
to the office.


(garage door rumbling)



Cute babysitter.

Old enough to drive.

Too young to vote.

Such a tight little window.

You did well today.

Thank you.

But we're missing one bag.

I gave it away
so we could escape.

It wasn't yours to give.

-We didn't have a cho--
-But you did.

You stole from me.

No. It was strategy.



A few weeks with me and
you're already a mastermind?

When I tell you
to do something...

just do it.

Don't forget
whose house you're in

and who built it.


how are you gonna pay me
a million dollars?

My loyalty.
I told you.

Do you even know
what that word means?

I can help you look the part.

Your instinct
will keep you alive.

But loyalty...

Loyalty cannot be taught.

You know how James
came to me?

Before the enemy was my husband,

the Castillas cartel
was fighting us over territory.

So to send a message
to Epifanio,

they put a hit on me.

CAMILA: James had just gotten
out of the Service.

He was invisible to me.

Until he wasn't.

I don't know if it was instinct

or if he was trying
to climb up the ladder,

but doesn't matter.

When the assassin came for me,

James proved his loyalty.

No weapons.

Not one word spoken.

And it was done.


That's loyalty
without question.

He's been with me ever since.

Money's a little short.

He must've taken some out
before I got to him.

But we're good now, right?

We're good.

Your mistake cost a life.

James just fixed it.

That's loyalty.


You'll be safe.

We'll be all around you.

You don't cross
Camila Vargas.

I know.

And it's a good thing
I don't have to.

-You do.

Cheer up.

You're finally working
for the good guys.

(sighs) Oh, man.


Now, from where I stand,

you got two choices.

You go order
that overpriced steak

and you get Camila talking,


we go tell your family
you'll be missing

the next couple years
for statutory.

(phone buzzing)

Teo, what's going on?

About those funds
you requested.

I think
I may have a workaround.

I figured you might.

We'll talk about
my cash flow over dinner.

Where are you thinking?

CAMILA: Same place.

Usual time.

You got it.


(crickets chirping)

(door opens)

(gun clicks)

Next time, I'll knock.

Is this for real?

It's to help Tony.

Get him someplace safe.

The game, it's, um...

take his mind off things.

I mean, kids love those.

This money's from
El Contador's bag.

-If Camila finds out--
-She won't.

If you don't tell her.

Why are you doing this for me?

It's like I said.

We're in this together.

Thank you.

He's gonna love it.

(door opens and closes)

(suspenseful music)


(both speaking Spanish)


Where's my mom?

Why don't you get in the car?

I need to talk to you, okay?




There's something I couldn't
tell you over the phone.

(gentle guitar music)



I'm so sorry.

I have a new job now.


As soon as I make enough money,

I'll come for you
and we'll move in together.

I'm gonna make sure you're safe.






Pain can make you strong,

or it can make you stupid.

Hope those green eyes
are worth it.


-Thank you.

I wanted to
tell you this in person.

Teo will not be working with you
from here on out.

He was setting you up.

Setting me up?

With who?

The DEA.

Had Teo been successful,

they would be investigating
me too,

and that I cannot have.

CAMILA: What exactly
are you saying?

Teo was a risk to both of us.


(dramatic music)


More than anything,
I'd like this to serve as

an example of just how dedicated
this firm is to you as a client.

How much we value you,
Mrs. Vargas.


just call me Camila.



(gentle guitar music)





(dramatic swell)

(soft dramatic music)


(typewriter clacking)


Captioned by CaptionMax