Queen of the South (2016–…): Season 2, Episode 1 - El Cuerpo de Cristo - full transcript

Teresa makes a deal with an eccentric smuggler. Camila tries to rebuild her business. Epifanio has a new partner but he probably can't control him.

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CAMILA: Previously on
Queen of the South...

If I'm dead,
you take this notebook

and you trade it
for your life, all right?

What's in it
can destroy Epifanio.

MAN: Get out of the house, now.

-We have to go.

Where do I know you from?

I was Guero's girlfriend.
He's dead.

CAMILA: You have proven you can
be relied upon

to do what I need.


Come on!

I shot him.

That's not who I am.

That's not who I want
to become.

What is this?
This doesn't make any sense.

TERESA: We need to figure out
what it means.

It's coordinates.

I'm gonna have to
go back to Mexico.


TERESA: They killed her.

CAMILA: The only thing
my husband cannot afford

is to fight a war.

So while he's distracted,
I'm gonna take over.

He'd rather destroy it all

before losing it to you.

Guero, who is this?

It's Teresa Mendoza.

We need to negotiate terms.

I don't work for you.

(light pop music)

THE QUEEN: There's an old saying
about success.

That it's lonely at the top.

I'm here to tell you
that's bullshit.

I run an international
drug empire

and I have everyone
and everything that I need.


Buenas tarde.

THE QUEEN: On the way up,
even your worst enemies

can become your best friends.

And your best friends,
collateral damage.

And the five-star hotels
I stay in now,

they're a hell of a lot better

than the filthy bed I slept on
as a drug mule.

And couture feels better
than flannel.

But if there's one thing
I've learned in this business,

it's that
no se puede tener todo...

You can't have it all.


And if you want to succeed
in this business,

someday you will have to
choose between survival

and your heart.


(silenced gunshot)

I didn't make these rules.

I was taught them.

You think it would get easier.

And the scary part, it does.

ANNOUNCER: Earlier today,
Epifanio Vargas,

the newly elected governor
of Sinaloa,

held a press conference
to discuss yesterday's raids

by the Mexican military
on suspected cartel members.

EPIFANIO: The seeds of
corruption and violence

brought on by the Vargas
cartel--who for too long,

had ruled over this great state
through fear--

needs to stop.
(gun cocks)

Now they will know
what it is to be afraid.

Epifanio sicced the Federales
on my lieutenants

like a pack of wild dogs.

He'll take me if he can.

I know a place in Juarez
we can lay low.

It's too risky
to stay too long here

on this side of the border.

We're going back to Dallas.

We'll need papers
for Teresa and Pote.

Epifanio controls
all the mule routes.

He doesn't control me.

(phone dialing out)


That truck is following us.

It's been behind us
since El Limpiador's place.

(hip-hop music)
(gun cocks)


Lose them.


If they get too close,
take 'em out.

(gun cocks)

(speaks Spanish)

Just pull the trigger.

JAMES: They're gaining on us.

Let's go, Teresa.


(tires screeching)

(intense music)


Let's go.


Radar'll pick 'em up
as they cross the border.

Not below 2,000 feet.

He stays low enough,
we lose him for good.


I hate Mexico.

(dramatic music)


(light music)


What is this place?

Someplace Epifanio
doesn't know about.

Camila got it on the cheap
from a dealer

who went to prison.

So this is where
we're hiding out?

You didn't think Camila Vargas

would lay low in a dump,
did you?

Get settled.

We could be here a while.

It's 500k, cash.

Weapons. We've kept as much
manpower as we can afford.

It's enough till we're back
on our feet.

It wasn't him.

El Limpiador worked
for Epifanio.

He must've been watching the
place and had us followed.

Epifanio's men wouldn't have
let us get away.

There's only one organization
I can think of

that would like
to take us alive.

We've done everything we can
to stay off the Feds' radar.

They've got nothing--
not on you, not on me,

not on any part
of this operation.

Well, you better hope
you're right.

(Spanish radio chatter)

ALONZO: We kept you safe
from Epifanio.

If it wasn't for us, you'd
end up like your boy Chino.

Look, man, I've been
giving you people--

Guppies, Guero.

My boss is done with all that.

No, no, we had a deal.
No time if I talk.

And that was all fine and good
until your girlfriend showed up

in the belly of the beast.

That's a game changer.

Gimme me something real, Guero.

You mean this shithole motel
ain't real enough for you?

Yeah. You try staying
in this dump.

How you doing?

This is it, Mr. Davila.

This is your moment.

You give me
actionable intelligence

on the Vargas cartel,

or I put you on the mainline
in a snitch jacket.

You know how that'll play.

Bad cop again?

Yeah, you really gotta start
watching more cop shows, man.

Camila's on the run.

And she's on the run
with your girl.

We believe they're
in the States.

Where's she hiding?

I don't know.
I'm just a pilot.

Last chance.

Where's Camila's safe house?

I flew Camila out here once
on business.

I might know a place.

How many have we lost?

All of 'em.

Every last dealer
is bailing on us.

We've got no source.
We've got no distro.

We've got
someone on our ass

and we don't even know
who it is.

I'd like to talk to Camila.

Alone, please.

You're lucky to have
such a loyal man.

He's lucky to have me.

Well, whatever
he's done for you,

I can do, too.

Every child in Siete Gotas
is born with a gun in his hand

instead of a rattle.

I have all the muscle I need.

I'm not offering protection.

I'm good with numbers.

I was a money changer
when I was 15.

By 16, I ran my own block--

And then you got
swept off your feet by Guero

and became his morra.

And you spent years worrying
about your pedicure

and about how good your ass
looked in those tight jeans.

Am I wrong?

Nothing wrong with beauty
when there's brains beneath it.

What do you want from me?

I want to be part
of the business.

I can be useful.

You'll end up in prison.

Or dead, like every other
narco in Culiacán.

I know the risks.

I just lost my best friend.

She's dead because of Epifanio.

You've made it.

You're still here.

It took more than
20 years of blood and sweat

to build what I have.

What does a girl like you
have to offer me?

The book your husband's
been after.

(dramatic music)


You know, these names...

It could be useful.
Look at this.

It's a code
for a smuggler's name.

George Megalos.

Yeah. King George.

I've heard his name.

So you know he works
on the Texas coast,

making smuggling runs
to and from South America.

Guero kept track of all the
kilos he was flying for him.

Look at this.

You need a new route
to bring in product.

Maybe he can help you.

One name?
That's all you're offering.

And my loyalty.

Whatever you need.

Would you die for me?

No, I'll do better.

I'll survive for you.

Which do you prefer?
The red or the striped?

The red one.

It'll look good with my dress.

Your mother
prefers the red, too,

like an angry bull.

You'll be at my side
at the press conference?

Yes, Papi. I told you
I'd be there.

-Ciao, Mija.

Colonel Cortez.


You asked for this meeting.

What is it you want?

(speaking Spanish)

(speaking Spanish)

You raided the cartel members

and you shut down
their operations.

In the name of the state of
Culiacán, I thank you.

Cartel members that betrayed you
to work for your wife.

Your orders were impressively

It's not often that civic duty
and personal ambition

is so perfectly aligned.

I'm the Governor of this state.

You are under my command.

Of course, Governor.

Clearly, you are in charge.

And clearly,
you don't know better

than to bite the hand
that feeds you.

What is it that you want?

Since your separation
from Camila,

your business
isn't faring too well.

The loss of your lieutenants
laid waste to 37%

of your distribution.

With your wife gone,
you will need assistance.

Your political power,
my military strength.

We will be unstoppable.

We're here to see
George Megalos.

No Megalos here.

King George.

Gun in box.

Come on.


Give it to me.

Guns and knife in box.

Go. Go!

(gunshots, glass shattering)


Royal target practice.

Nothing but the best!


What the hell are y'all wearing?

It's a boat,
not a Morrissey concert.

Hey, will someone get this lady

a proper King George bikini,

-Not you, baby Chapo.

Unless you wanna rock
one of these.

Aerodynamic as shit.

It'll make you feel alive.
Trust. (laughs)

Hey. Gold one for her.

-I'm good, thank you.
-Are you sure?

'Cause I just got 'em brand-new.

They're a bunch
of different colors.

They got little--little crowns
on the ooh--ooh.

Camila Vargas sent us.

Camila Vargas, huh?

No. Don't believe you.

She sent us to make
a deal with you.

Then where's my offering? Hm?

Now, Camila Vargas knows
you don't approach a king

without an offering.

That would be rude.

And being rude to a king,

oh, that's just
universally unwise.

Unless you're the offering.

You the offering?

Come on now, tell me
you're the offering.

That'll be so cool.


What the shit, Bilal?

I'm right in the middle
of extorting sex.

God damn, give me a chance.

These little Fuddruckers tried
to Captain Phillip me

off the coast of Somalia.

Not their best day.

Now I think of 'em like sons.

Who's the captain now, bitches?

They love that.

We don't deal with lunatics.

And I don't deal
with polliwogs.

Let's go.

No, no, no, no, no.

See, you leave
when the King says so.



Do I have your attention now?

I'm all ears.

We need to ship cocaine
up the coast.

You're going to help us.

And why would I do that?

Because it's gonna be dangerous.

A man who puts holes
in his own boat

isn't in this business
for the money.

He's in for the thrill.


Well, how about this,
baby girl?

I like the money, too.

Good. Because you're about
to make a lot of it.

(speaking Spanish)

(speaking Spanish)

(both speaking Spanish)


(speaking Spanish)

(speaking Spanish)



(speaks Spanish)

(speaks Spanish)

A trawler company.

What do I need
Camila's boats for?

I got my own.

It's a legit company on paper.

Take the heat off you
using your own.

And I'll hook you up
with some product.



That's earthy,
yet tart.

Mid-palate gap,
not bad.


Ooh, ooh, hoo, hoo!

Oh. Ohh.

I like your style,
Ken Kardashian.

Our supplier's the best
in Mexico.

Mm, and if I weren't making
more money than God

selling guns and ganja,
I would be all over that.

But truth of the matter is,

no, I don't need
your boats.

And I don't need your blow.

(door opens)

The princesses have arrived.

Hi, honey.



Head on down
to the chamber.

Bilal, prepare the royal bath.

Excuse me.

Top speed of 30 knots.

20% faster,
with a third more cargo space.

Move our product,
your margins are higher.

10% more profit
with 25% less risk.

You can guarantee those numbers?

Do one run with our trawlers.

No charge.

If we don't deliver, you're out.



Brains, balls, and booty!

(laughs) If Rico Suave here
didn't already have dibs,

I might just make you my queen.

All right.

I accept your offer
on one condition.

I need a little favor.

What kind of favor?

Well, I had a falling out with
a business associate in Houston.

He owes me some money.

We're not gonna kill for you.

We're not gonna-- (laughs)

No, no, no.
Come on, now.

Nothing like that.
No, I just--

I wanna have
a conversation with him.

You know, clear the air.

Kinda, King-to-subject
kind of thing.

Only thing is,
he's making it difficult

by refusing to meet.

So it's a kidnap job.

Oh, you call it what you will.

But you want a piece
of this sweet ass, mm?

Well, baby girl,
now that's my dowry.


-Baby dolls!
WOMEN: Yes, King George?

The guy George wants
is called Rolando Rios.

He's a three-time violent felon.

Those tats on his neck are from
the gnarliest gang in Houston.

Southwest Raza.

Yeah, a guy this hard
won't go down easy.

No one does.

How would you know?

I've been kidnapped.
How about you?

(Mexican music playing on radio)

(speaking Spanish)

I like a man
who knows his place.

What do you think
of my new home?

Not bad.

I've seen better.

Never one to kiss ass.


Listen, I want you
to arrange a meeting

between me and my husband.

Tell him you have the book.

And this meeting,

is it gonna be a peaceful one?

No marriage is ever
truly peaceful. No?

If you wanna work for me
instead of my husband,

you'll do as I say.

No questions asked.

(both speaking Spanish)


(indistinct crowd chatter)

Muchas gracias.

Pote, where the hell are you?

You say you are with Camila now?

Can you deliver her to me?

* It's been a long time, uh

* Since I've been me,
not a human, a monster *

* Uh, I'm a lost soul,
I'm a freak *

* I'm whatever you made me

* I got a craving
I want your blood on my teeth *

All right.

Let's see if Guero's lead
on Camila was right.

* Show me what's up, then

* Are we ready to bust in?

* Take every day
leave 'em with nothing *

* Ain't gonna be no discussion

* We ain't talking no more

* We about to rush in
never gon' see me coming *

* Take every day
leave 'em with nothing *

* Leave 'em with nothing


Go, go, go, go, go!

Looks like they tucked tail
and ran.

Stay alert.

* You late with the coming

* And I'm here
to collect your debt *

* I'm a loaded revolver


TERESA: Are you sure
this is the place?

JAMES: It's the address
George gave us.

It's a church.
You said he was a gangster.

JAMES: A lot of guys who do time
are born again.

Jailhouse conversions.

Trust me, they don't stick.

All right, he's alone.
It's time.

(door rattles)

Shh, shh, shh. Come on.
Come on, move.

George sent you, right?

You don't need to do this.

Man of God, huh?

All right, get in.

Keep an eye on him till we get
back to the coast.

FINNERMAN: Three dead agents.

Jackson, Sanchez, Lee.

Murdered by Camila's gang,
breaking Boaz Jimenez

out of our safe house.

She'll get word soon--
if she hasn't already--

that we're here.

This place belongs to us.

And now we come for whatever
she's got left.

(light ambient music)



My mom was a nurse
before I was born.

She used to say,
"A bed is only as clean

as its corners."

We're just gonna
mess it up again.

Oh, yeah? Really?


(moans, laughs)

ALONZO: She was here.

She survived this place.

But Teresa isn't just alive.

She's rolling
with Camila Vargas.

You know how that story ends.

Teresa was a money changer, man.

That's all she ever did.

Till she met you.

You got a chance
to make it right.

Not many people get that.

Help us take down Camila.

Help us pull Teresa out of

whatever mess she's gotten
herself into.

Hey, man. You don't give
a shit about Teresa.

No. That's your job.

And you running
out of time, my man.

(cell phone rings)


The DEA? When?

It isn't enough.

What George is paying you.

It's not worth it.

I'm not who you think I am.

My journey
to this moment was...


I was gulping for air
that never came.

You know, graceless.

Until I let go.

But I'm not talking
about me right now.

I'm talking about you.

You know nothing about me.

I know that you suffer.

I can see it in your eyes.

You've lost a lot.

But there's still light in you.

There's goodness in your heart.

But there's only so many stones
that you can hold.

And this-- (exhales)

Yeah, this'll be a big one.

You don't know what
you're talking about.

Yeah, you're wrong.

I know because I've done
the things that you are doing.

And then more.

And I can tell you that it--
it doesn't get any easier.

The pain and the sorrow.

It doesn't ever go away.

Because for everything
that we do in this life...

well, there's a price.

Do you believe in God?

I do.

ROLANDO: Then you know that
what you're about to do

has eternal consequences.

I'm ready to meet my maker.

Because I--

I know where my soul is headed.

Do you?

Hey, come on.


He give you his born again,
ex-con bullshit?

We made a deal with King George.

You back out of this job,

Camila won't give you
another one.

This is your shot.

All right, let's go.

(cell phone rings)

Camila, yeah, we're all good
with King George.

JAMES: But the DEA just raided
our warehouse in Dallas.

How did they find it?
Did one of the mules escape?

No, we took care of the mules.

Well, there's a leak somewhere.

I can have our guy
on the inside look into it,

but it's gonna take time.

Tell him we don't have time.

(door closes)

(upbeat music)


How is Isabela?


In our home,
as she should be.

You look lovely, as always.

I didn't come here
to be flattered.

It's a statement of fact,
nothing more.

I'm here to discuss the book.

I know, Pote told me.
How many of my men

are you going to steal
like a petty little thief?

You can't steal
what's already yours.

Everything I have, I earned.

You turned
my lieutenants against me

with bribes and threats.

They were grown men.

They made their choices.

There's more foot soldiers
where those came from.

Oh, you are a fool
if you think that

trustworthy men
are easy to find.

I don't.

Here. Pages from the book.

It's now in my possession.

If you insist
in coming after me,

I will use it against you.

You are in the wilderness
with nothing,

and still you refuse
to come home.

To play Governor's wife

while you run the business
I built.

Ashes do not scare me,
my love,

no matter how many times
you try to burn me down.

Well, if you insist
on breaking up your family,

we should make it official.

Divorce papers?

A peace treaty.

You sign this,
you stay out of my business,

I'll leave you in peace.

You want to end our marriage.

I never asked you to leave.

And I've always loved you.

But if you don't back down
on the foolish demands

regarding my business,
you leave me no other option.

You think I don't have
the nerve to sign this.

Oh, mi amora,
you have bigger balls

than any man I've ever known.

One thing I never doubted
was your nerve.

Divorce or war.

The choice is yours.

Then war it is.

ANNOUNCER: Police are
investigating the death

of ex-con turned activist
Rolando Rios.

Since being released from
federal prison five years prior,

Rios had been serving
as Pastor of East Houston's

Light of Grace Chapel.

Rios's death serving
as a rallying point

for legalizing marijuana--

The deal with King George
went through.

I'm proud of you.

Thank you.

I'm still not certain you're cut
out for this kind of work.

What's this?

Passport with a fake name.

And enough money
for you to flee.

Epifanio's gonna come after me.

If he finds us together,
he's gonna kill us both.

You're free to leave
if you choose.

When I was a girl,
narcos killed my mother.

I ran from them.

Like I ran from Epifanio
when Guero died.

I'll fight till I die.

But I'm not running anymore.

We can defeat Epifanio.
Are you with me?

I'm with you.

Good decision, Teresa.

I let Teresa inside.

That doesn't mean
she's earned my trust.

She's hiding something.

Find out what it is.

THE QUEEN: Little late
for mercy, don't you think?

It had to be done.
You did well.

(speaking Spanish)

Everything in life has a price.

Brenda was my best friend.

She's never coming back.

It hurts so much.



(speaking Spanish)

Where's Isabela?

(speaking Spanish)

Fresh off the bone.

Where's my daughter?

And what have you done
with my guards?

My men will provide
all the security you need.

My men have worked very hard

to prepare this
special meal for you.

Please, join us.

Did you know Batman
came to see me today?

We talked.

Well, Batman
did most of the talking.

More like squealed, actually.

Like a pig.

Like a filthy swine.

Sweating and roasting
in his own juices.

You tried to have me killed.

But I'm gonna let you live, Epi.

Retain your position
in the cartel,

right alongside me.

Just like my Conquistador

first offered Moctezuma.

(speaking Spanish)

(speaking Spanish)