Pørni (2021–…): Season 2, Episode 6 - Episode #2.6 - full transcript

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-Will they practice some more?
-I hope so.

Thank you so much for arranging
the Midsummer party for us.

That's awesome, since we're in
the middle of the union dissolution.

It's my pleasure.

And I'll get to meet Sigrid's dad.
I haven't met him yet.

-I heard he broke some ribs.
-Yes, so he probably won't come.

-I heard you've been on sick leave?
-That's right.

I walked into a wall.

I got the nickname "Clammy Petter"
after a few accidents.

You just have
to take ownership of it.

That's a sign of the times.
Owning your own story.

Yes, it is.

-But such is life.
-Let's go.

-Okay. I'll be back with Sigrid.
-Great. We have to practice.


And we'll have sm?rg?st?rta.

You'll get well in time
for the party?

Yeah, of course.
I'm stuffing myself with painkillers.

And you'll be the DJ. DJ Dad.

That's a great DJ name.
It's lovely.

Sigrid, could you find a vase
for the flowers

and go buy a soda?

I haven't told the girls
that you were drunk when you fell.

-Thank you.
-You're welcome.

Mom's cocktail cabinet
was just there.

I was really shaken
by what you told me at Nadina's.


It crushed me to hear you make fun
of Father Falls like that.

You said that Father
could drop dead for all you cared.

That was really hard to hear.

I'll make this quick
before Sigrid gets back.

I usually have to beg you
to be there for the girls,

but now you should do
what you always do.

Make up an excuse
not to come to Sigrid's party.

Your ribs, for example.

Can't I come
and keep building trust with Sigrid?

Feel free to build trust
with Sigrid, but not in my home.

I only want the two of us
to talk in therapy.

-Okay, but what might be good...

I don't want to talk to you.
We can talk at Nadina's. Okay?

Why are you sitting?
Aren't you in pain?

No, I can be discharged,
but Iben went to Copenhagen.

And the nurses here are lovely.

This was a short visit,
but you have to say bye to Dad.

You have to get back to school.

-Bye, honey.

Goodbye, honey.
Thank you for the lovely flowers.

-See you at the party.

Michaela and I are making a cap
for Dad that says "DJ Dad."

Anyway, it's going to be
the world's greatest summer party.

You'll have a chocolate fountain,
a maypole,

"Diggi-loo diggi-ley,"
and Leo is coming to Oslo.

He's promised to make
a Swedish playlist.

There's no need,
since Dad will be the DJ.

I've told everyone
that DJ Dad is coming.

It'll be awesome.



-You're coming to the party, right?
-Yes, of course.

Want to see what I'm wearing?
I have a Swedish national costume.


And Dad will be the DJ.

Thank you
for letting Emma stay here.

It's my pleasure. It's great that
Grethe is well enough to take a trip.

It's lovely. She wanted to see
the J?r Beaches again.

-Is she strong enough to say hi?
-Of course. She's in great shape.

I'll go in with these.

-Hi, P?rni.

It's nice that you're going
on a couple's trip.

Tor hates long drives,
but I played the cancer card.

And I love J?ren.

Won't the long drive make you sick?

No, I'm in quite good shape.

Thanks for Emma.

It's my pleasure.

I mean generally.

You've been more of a mother to her
the last three years than I have.

And you've been more of a mother
to Hanna the last 12 years.

Emma is settled down
with her four-kilo toilet-case.

You're sure you'll manage?

Of course. It's my pleasure, always.

-Have fun.
-You too.

Come to the party,
if you're up for it.


The bucket hat season isn't over yet?

-What are you reading?
-Financial stuff.

I'm going to begin investing.

Stephen knows a lot about it,

and he says that cryptocurrency
is the thing right now.

Don't you want to get a normal hobby?

Golf or something like that?

Life is too short to play golf.
I'm going to the stock exchange.

You're so fucking exhausting, Dad.

Did Leo get a hold of you?

Yeah, I'll pick him up.

It's so nice that he's coming here
for a few days.

Is Ur?rt a big deal?
I've never heard of it.

It's quite big.

But it's on P3, so you're not really
the target audience.

It's nice to see you
eating proper food.

I love you, but you're insane.

-Are you eating with us?
-Yes, if you insist.

But hey... you have to tell Sigrid
that Finn's not coming.

She acts like she's having
this party for his sake.

He can tell her himself.

She's managed without him
for a long time. She can take it.

The most important thing
is to be curious

and ask the children questions.

And you should always ask us
if you're uncertain about something.

Thank you.


That's very kind. Thank you.


Do you want to ask me something
you didn't want to say aloud?

Yes, if you have time.

Yeah, I have ten minutes.

I have to pop by The Balloon Company
and pick up my nephew.


Of course, if you suspect domestic
violence, you should report it.

What's up, teacher?

What's up, bro? Get to class.

I think that...

the reason you asked
for my opinion is that

you want to know, or you want me
to tell you not to do anything.

-But that's not what I think.
-I think it's a big dilemma.

Her biggest fear is that I tell
someone, and she's really scared.

Sure, but you're just doing your job.

-You're obligated to report it.
-Sure, but...

I have an obligation
to my students, too. They trust me.

If she can't trust me,
who can she trust?

Do you want to be
a buddy or an adult?

That's the question.

-Be a little social, Hanna.

Be a little social.

"I don't want to live,
but I don't want to die."


What are you saying?
Are you still heartbroken?

I thought you asked
what I'm listening to. It's TIX.

Okay. Are you still thinking
about Jan Fuentes?

Are you retarded?

You're listening
to that party song guy

and saying
you don't want to live or die.

I have to ask how you're doing.
Otherwise, I'd be a bad mom.

TIX isn't a party song guy.

I like listening to him
before I make big decisions.

Okay? What big decisions
are you making?

You shouldn't remind Hanna
about Jan Fuentes.

P?rni, I was young and vulnerable.

If you cared about me,
you'd take me to a shrink

so I could process the violation.

Okay. I thought you were
in love with him,

but if you need a shrink,
you can get one.

I don't need a shrink.

I just have to stand up
for myself more.

-There's Leo!
-Oh my God! Look at him!

Now that you're a pop star,
can I get tickets to P3 Gull ?

-It's called Ur?rt , nerd.
-But you know those guys, right?

Great to see you.

-I'll take this.
-Please do.

-Hey, you.

-How are your exams going?
-It's fine.

You should be more like TIX.
Give people something they need,

and then you can start mattering,
after you've made money.

Are you serious? TIX is shit.
We make music that we like.

Yeah, because who wants an audience?

-Know why it's called Ur?rt ?

Because it's music
nobody wants to touch.


-It's basically sandwiches.
-No, it's a cake.

Made of sandwiches. Sm?rg?st?rta .

But it's basically
white bread and a Skagen salad.

I'll send you a recipe.

And Anders and I can give you a hand.

I heard that Sigrid's dad is DJ'ing?

No, he broke his ribs,
so he's not coming.

That's too bad for Sigrid.

-She has talked so much about it.
-Has she? In what way?

Just about how cool it is
that you're friends.

And that he'll finally get
to meet her class.

Right. Well, life is full
of disappointments.

Look at that.
There are the future champions.

-Did you have fun?
-Yeah, lots.

That's good.

Lena has given me a recipe.

Isn't it fun
to have a generational party?

It's just not normal to have parents
at a class party.


Did you make that?

Is it nice? Or is it dumb?

Should it say "DJ Farsan" instead,
since it's a Swedish theme?

I think we have to talk
about Dad and that party.

You know he's in a lot of pain,
so he probably can't come.

Why not?
He can just take painkillers.

It's not that simple.

-Then we can drop it.
-Because Dad's not coming?

-You don't understand anything.
-Aren't you a little melodramatic?

No, I'm not.
My classmates don't think he exists.

They think that you got
artificially inseminated

because they've never met my dad.

-Won't the party be nice anyway?
-No, it won't!

Everything just turns to shit,
all the time!

Nothing turns out
the way I want! Nothing!



Please, can't I come in?

Sigrid, please. Can't you come out?

What's up with the yelling?
Emma's trying to study.

Sorry. Sigrid won't let me in,

and we're canceling the party
because Dad can't come.

No wonder. Have you seen
the crazy invite she made?

Right. That's quite crazy.

Can you and I have
a serious talk, by the way?

Sure, I just need
to sort this out with Sigrid.

I didn't mean now. I have to prepare.

I don't like being unprepared
when it's important.


To Finn: Don't forget therapy
tomorrow, 1 p.m., sharp!

Yeah, I'll be right there. Bye.


Can you join me for an irregular
visit to the urgent care center?

I have to go to the shrink.

What do you mean, irregular?

A teacher's duty of confidentiality
exploded in her face.

I'm in a hurry. I'll talk to her,
and you follow it up, okay?


Sorry for calling.
I didn't know what to do.

That's fine.

We came straight here.

I suddenly saw that she had
burn marks all over her body.

Okay. What happened?

We were out swimming
with the class.

I yelled at her
in the locker room

because she was so slow.

And then she removed her shirt.

It's horrible.

It looked like cigarette burns
or something like that.


That guy over there is Madjid.
He's my colleague.

I have another appointment,
so he'll take it from here.

It's good that you called.


Can you find out who the doctor is?
Talk to him.

I'm glad I have
another appointment.

I have no tolerance
for cowardly adults.

Sometimes, you demand
too much of people.

We could have avoided this trip
if she had been more proactive.

You're too hard on her.
Most of them try their best.

Good luck.

"Here he is, finally in Oslo."

-That's funny.
-"One night only. DJ Dad."

I just think this invite
is so touching.

Do you think so? I think it's sad.

My kid is completely obsessed
with her dad.

She wants him to be present
in her life and at the class party,

and I can't give her that.

I think I should be allowed
to keep some dignity.

Instead of being here,
keeping your appointments,

showing interest in the girls,

you sit in Copenhagen
and write a book

that's like a fist up the anus
for me and the kids.

I can't have that party
with you there

and pretend everything
is hunky-dory between us,

and I can't tell Sigrid
the real reason you can't come.

So my hands are tied.

Can't you look at it
from my perspective?

I have felt completely at a loss.

It was completely necessary
for me to write that book.

Does it make an impression on you
when Finn says

that he felt at a loss?

No. I don't get that need
to own your own story in public

and publish it in a book.
Can't you just go to a shrink?

Do you have to write it
in a book and impose it on others?

Aren't there
any psychologists in Copenhagen?

I have to say
that the reason we're living there

is that Iben has a daughter there
with a Danish man.

That's why we have to live there.

Yeah, and she's 34.

Let's just try,

and this is a challenge to you,

to focus on what's best for Sigrid.

What can you do together
to solve this?

-I don't know.

I don't have a solution.

I feel at a loss myself.

I don't know.

I don't have any suggestions.

Are you completely sure
you want to cancel the party?

Yes, I'm sure!

You're allowed to change your mind.

-I won't.

Hi, everyone!

The class party tomorrow will
unfortunately have to be

Can we have that talk now?

Yes. Of course.

Okay. I'll just get right to it.

I don't want to go to Argentina.

Hanna, I love you,

but you have to get
out of this house.

You and I are on borrowed time
when it comes to living arrangements.

But Mom, Emma needs me.
What if Grethe dies while I'm gone?

That's nice of you,
but you have to think of yourself.

You have to think about
your future and stick to your plan.

That's just it!
It's not my plan! It's yours!


You have said for three years

that you don't want to study right
away but want to go to Argentina.

Yes, because you said
I had to have a plan,

and I didn't have one,
and I had just seen Evita ,

so I said something about Argentina,
but I'm not interested in tango.

You're the one
who loves Latin America.

It's your plan, and now I have
painted myself into a corner.

Okay. What do you want to do, then?

I just want to keep working
at Elkj?p.

I'm awesome at selling appliances
and electric toothbrushes.

I just want to...

work to live, not live to work.

I just think that it's nice
to be passionate about something.

And I thought you were passionate
about Latin America.

I'm not.

That's something you imagined
because you never went there.

I'm not really passionate
about anything.

Okay. So what do you want
to do with your life?

You have great grades.
What do you want to do with them?

I don't know if I feel the need
to do anything with them.

Well, that's...

It's terrible if you think

you have to lie to please me.
That means I've failed as a mom.

I can't give Sigrid
what she needs either.

I have only wanted for you
to become safe and happy adults.

That's the dumbest thing you've said,
and you've said lots of dumb things.

That's exactly what I'm saying.

I am happy and safe and content here.

Don't moan
and feel sorry for yourself.

-You're not a failure.

I'll cancel that trip, then.

No, don't do that.
What if I change my mind?

I'm sorry. Do you want to go
to Argentina, or don't you?

Not really, but I got 100/100
on my Spanish exam last week.

I can't pretend to be stupid.

I guess I have a ridiculously
good ear for languages.

Maybe I should go to Argentina
just to get some practice.

I'm a little confused by you.

You just said
that Latin America was my plan,

but you still want to go?

I don't know!

I'm just trying to say that
I have to decide that for myself,

in my own time.


But I'm really smart,
so I'll figure it out anyway.

-Good night.
-Good night.

Good talk.

Hi, everyone!

The class party tomorrow will
unfortunately have to be canceled

due to personal reasons.
We're trying to find

Hi. Can we talk?

Can't you respect
that I don't want to talk to you

other than at Nadina's?

I respect that, and you.

But please.

Father Falls was supposed to be
a reckoning with myself.

A sort of apology.

I don't want to hear
about how important that book is.

I've decided to pull the book.

I've talked to Geir,
and we won't publish it.

It's the right thing to do.

I've done a lot of dumb things.
Made a lot of mistakes.

I just have to try
to do something right.

Is that even possible?

Isn't it too late?
Isn't it already printed?

It's printed, but not sent out,
so we won't publish it.


Geir was worried
about the legalities,

but that's not why I'm doing it.
I just wanted to try to...

explain to the girls what happened.

Thank you.


very surprised,
but more than anything,

I'm very relieved.

Thank you.

I'm going to stop fucking up.

Don't make promises you can't keep.


Thank you for the book.
Thank you so much.

That's all right.

Important message to all Middelthons,
Storlis and other residents.

There will be
a Midsummer party after all.

We have little time,
but we can do it.

And to the ones
who are still skeptical,

Finn ?ye has said
he's putting on his DJ Dad cap,

and he's coming!

That's more like it, motherfuckers!



This is a great party.

And the national costume
fits Sigrid perfectly.

You'd never let me arrange
such an over-the-top party, Lena.

-She's so stingy.

She won't even let me buy peanuts.
I have to go to Nordby.

-Yes, it's true.

I'm quite financially conscious.

That was great.

-I'm so proud.


Excuse me.
Hi! Did you have a nice trip?

-It was lovely.
-Great. Do you want to stick around?

We have cinnamon buns and
raspberry juice, and Finn is here.

Go and talk to Finn
while I eat a cinnamon bun.

I'll grab you a chair.

How's your health, Grethe?


Not as good as Tor thinks.

Promise me you'll keep an eye
on him when I'm gone.

He won't deal with it at all.


Hey, everyone.


What a lovely Midsummer's Eve.

We are Efraim and the Longstrumps.

He's really psyched.

Two, three, four!

DJ Dad is in the house!

Hey, you can just go to bed.
Stephen and I will take care of this.

-You're so nice.

You have to have the energy
to go to Ur?rt with Leo tomorrow.

And I'm staying up until
the New York Stock Exchange opens.

I have to check
how Dow Jones is doing.

Eat some carbohydrates
if you're staying up all night.


There it is.
This isn't what it looks like.

No, it usually isn't. I was just...

Sorry. I just need this.

I'm sorry.

We have time for a little more.

Is something wrong?
Why aren't you at the party?

I just wanted to watch a little.
Everyone's having so much fun.

And Dad is a great DJ.
Everyone says I have cool parents.

You do have cool parents.

Dala horses aren't everything.
Cool is good, too.


Go and join the party.

-"You and me, Alfred."
-You and me.

Go. Go, go, go!

Hi, sis.

I'm sleeping in the car now.

I'm moving in here.


Jesus Christ.
There's been so much drama here,

from the highest peaks
to the deepest valley,

for the whole fucking gang.

Every family has something.

What's a "normal" family, really?

It's so weird with the kids.

They're so conservative.

They just want to have
what everyone else has.

I did, too.
I remember that from when Mom died.

I tried to make
a nuclear family, too.

But now, I think
it's not that important.

The kids should only know
how many bitter pills I've swallowed

for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

It's good that they don't know.

We're a great gang.

We're just missing you.

We're always missing you,
but the ones who are left...

I love them so much.