Political Animals (2012–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - The Woman Problem - full transcript

Threatened by Elaine's skyrocketing popularity, Garcetti (ADRIAN PASDAR) hatches a plan that finds Elaine at odds with her longtime mentor - a Supreme Court justice.

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Previously on
Political Animals...

T.J.: Before the suicide story
broke, I went for five months

without doing blow--
I was good, Dougie!

I'll give you the money.

DOUG: You're still in love
with him, aren't you?

Look at you-- the smartest,

most powerful woman
on the planet,

and you can't even see

that he is just gonna
hurt you all over again.

BUD: Come on, baby,
it's me talking.

Just say it--
say the words.

Yes, Bud.

I am gonna run for president.

Without you.

DOUG: My parents,
they have spent their lives

putting this country

before our family.

Somebody has to put
our family first.

I can't print this
without confirmation.

Find it.

My mother is going to run
again, against Garcetti.

I'm sorry, that's all
I can tell you.

INTERVIEWER: After winning
several early contests,

your wife's poll numbers
have been slipping,

particularly with women.

People are starting to wonder
whether Mrs. Hammond's

so-called "woman problem"--


Elaine Hammond
has done more for women

than any candidate
in the primary.

She's championed women's
health issues for 30 years,

she rallied for Justice
Nash's appointment

to the Supreme Court,

and she's been speaking out

on domestic abuse
since law school.

And that's not to mention
her work in Illinois,

where, by the way, she's the
governor, Mike, not "Mrs."

Now, let me ask you
a question: Why is it,

when most people ask about my
wife's "woman problem,"

they don't tend
to have a vagina?

"Vagina." The former President
of the United States

just said "vagina."

Big deal, Barry.

50% of the population has one.

Yeah, well, I don't need
to run a poll

to confirm that it makes voters
a little uncomfortable

when a president says--

Please don't say
"vagina" again.

That word--
especially this president.

My husband has been busting his
ass on the trail for weeks now.

Bud is melting down.

The thought that Garcetti
could, in any way,

eclipse his own legacy
is driving him nuts.

Now California is a jump ball
and he is killing us.

I'll talk to him.

All right, everybody,
it's been a long day.

We have three states
to visit tomorrow.

Thank you so much.

Get some rest.

Good night.

I need you to wrangle
your father.

Me and what army of

He'll listen to you.

Just keep him on script.

Settle him down.

Your father wants me to win
this more than anyone.

You know what I mean.

He's not out to sabotage me.

He wants to help, and he can.

Douglas, you are the only one
I can trust with this.

I'm happy to present
the Council of Women

Lifetime Achievement Award
to Justice Diane Nash.

As you know,
I was privileged to be a student

of Professor Nash's
in law school,

though, truth be told,

she gave me some of the lowest
grades I have ever received.


Though Bud's were worse.


It was a great day for this
country when President Hammond

appointed Diane Nash
to the Supreme Court.


As the first
openly gay person nominated

to the highest court
of the land,

the world expected her
confirmation to be brutal.

It was.

What they didn't expect was that
Judge Nash would respond

with such grace, wit
and intelligence

that her hearings turned
public opinion her way,

and made her confirmation

Diane would be
the first to tell you

that a gulf still remains
between the promise

of equality for women

and the reality for women
around the globe.

It's 2012.

We will not let cynical

roll back
the reproductive rights

we have fought so hard to gain.

Why do you still give Bud
all the credit?


It was you who forced my
nomination down his throat.

It was Bud's appointment.

But you strong-armed him.

Like you
strong-armed Garcetti

into sending Bud to Iran
a few weeks ago.

And that speech just now--

you running for
something, lady?

I thought our deal was that
we don't talk politics.

Allow me to amend it.

President Garcetti's not
a novice at this.

I can handle the president.

How is Corinne?

I saw her for a
split second yesterday.

She didn't recognize me.

That day is coming

and that is the day
I just dread.

I'm so sorry, Diane.

Watch out for Garcetti.

He's watching you.

He's getting ready to strike.

Barrish is running
for president.

Says who?

Everyone in DC.

After the whole Iran incident?

Her numbers are even
higher than before.

Susan, you and Barrish
are buds these days.

What do you think?

That it's cocktail chatter.

It's a lot of chatter.

As long as Elaine Barrish
is alive and popular,

people are gonna be afraid
she's gonna run for president.

Doesn't mean it's true.

What is true it that
Garcetti's team

is so afraid of
what she might do,

they're preparing
a preemptive strike.

That's the story,
and I'm working on it.

All right.
Sounds good.

Let's, uh, let's
move on to sports.

Um, NFC East Special.


I'd like to pitch something.

I was shopping in Georgetown

and noticed there are
two bus systems

servicing the area--
the regular Metro buses

and the Georgetown
local circulator--

which I believe is better
maintained because

only white people use them.

You don't do
investigative pieces, Georgia.

T.J. Hammond is
opening a nightclub.

There's gotta be something
in there for the blog.

Um, let's get back to sports.

I like your two-parter

on injured Redskins, uh,

in the class-action
against the NFL, okay?

What do you got on baseball
trades after the season?

I'm sorry that Anne can't
be here tonight, Douglas.

We're having dinner.

I'm coordinating
with Singapore's

economic minister
on your behalf.

Join us.

Sorry... I had vendors
coming out of my ass.

I gotta go back to the club.

What's up?

I thought that fell through.

Oh, no.
It's happening.

Wow. Mineral water.

You're gonna bore me
off the wagon.

Where'd you get
the money, sonny?

Turns out my celebrity's
worth millions,

and I'm devastatingly handsome
in low lighting.

Uh, Mom, not to
rush you, but...

Right. Okay.

I am considering running
for president again.

Well, I hate to be the one
to burst your bubble, babe,

but that ain't news.

Against Garcetti.

Ethically, I will have to
resign from the Cabinet,

so it's crucial nothing
leaks out before we're ready.

Is this the point where you ask
us what we think,

and then you ignore what we say,
and do whatever you want?

Because I, for one, prefer not
to have the New York Post

going through our garbage cans,

counting our
liquor bottles again.

And I know the boys don't want

to go through the hell
we all barely survived

two years ago,
so you can be Queen Shit

of the United States
of Elaineland.

Well, I'll take that
as a "nay."

Douglas has agreed to be
my campaign manager.

Well, don't hate me, Nana,

but I think Mama would be
the best president

we've ever had in this family.

Okay. I'm out-voted.

Well, you're all adults, so,
go ahead, ruin your lives.

I don't care.


It's hot as a goat's ass
out there tonight.

I was playing poker
at Senator Byron's.

Thought I'd swing by.



Weird seeing them together, huh?

I'm going to go get
some more wine.

Get me one of those shitty
mineral waters while you're up.

You know...
you have a housekeeper.

And you know
I like doing dishes.

It calms me.

I let you boys grow up soft.

Running around the
governor's mansion

like a couple of princes.

Speaking, of, sugar,

I'm heading
down that way tomorrow

to run a little
reconnaissance mission

before the campaign.

You're not on the campaign.

I found Jubal Jacobs.

There's no sense
in staging a DNC coup,

unless you know
you can pull it off,

and Jubal's the only pollster

who can read
the tea leaves this far out.

I thought he wasn't talking
to you after what you did.

Well, that was a pack of lies.

Now me and Jubal
are on excellent terms.

Come on, Elaine...

now I know you want to hear

what that crazy old
bastard has to say.


Then Douglas is going with you.

I can't.

It's less than a week before
the East Asia Economic Summit.

The last thing I have time for

is some wild goose chase.

Thanks for the water, asshole.

It's largemouth season.

That could be your cover,
in case anybody asks

what we're doing down there.

I love fishing.

Too bad I'm busy.

If I am going, you are going.

No way.

ELAINE: It'll be good
for you guys

to have a little
father-son time.

Yeah, and I still got
the old tackle on mothballs.

It's gonna be like old times.

Hey, T.J.

Come with me.

Come on, son.

I thought we were
leaving him out of this.

Your father is right--

we need a pollster
and Jubal is, well...

under the radar.

Garcetti is already
starting to suspect.

Besides... you owe me
after what you did.

You gave T.J. the money for that
nightclub, didn't you?

He's an addict, Douglas.

He should never be anywhere
near a nightclub.

I thought...

I don't know--

that maybe if
he had something in his life--

something that
he was proud of--

that he could
stay clean this time.

All right...

ANNE: She's running
for president?

And you're going to be
her campaign manger?!

how long have you known?

None of it means anything.

Dad is convinced
that his redneck savant

is going to pull some
jackrabbit out of a hat.

It's not gonna happen.

You don't think she can win.

No one has run against
their incumbent and won--

not Reagan against Ford,
not Kennedy against Carter.

And worse?

This country is just going to
hate her all over again.

They'll only see her ambition,
not how much she cares.

If she could just wait out
Garcetti's second term...

Well, baby, why don't you tell her?
I tried.

It's useless.

Annie, we'll just be
gone a couple of days.


I love it when
you call me Annie.

I know.

You know, during

the last year of
my father's life,

he forgot he even had kids.

He kept thinking
I was his brother Tommy,

who was killed in Guadalcanal.

It was tempting
to play along with him.

To pretend I was this uncle
that I'd never met...

How's Corin?

Her name is Corinne.

And you and I have
exchanged maybe 100 words

before this sudden sympathy.

You must want to spend more
time with her, before you...


My retirement

is not a conversation you're
entitled to, Mr. President,

neither personally
nor constitutionally.

And if I said I was considering
Elaine Barrish to replace you?

She's your protégé, Diane.

It would be like having you on
the bench for another 30 years.

Which is why Senate Republicans
would block her confirmation.

Zelkovic would start a circus.

But Pike's re-election hinges on

Elaine's core constituency.

Shaw uses Pike as a fig leaf,

she gets out of committee
11 to seven.

We predict 85 votes
on the floor--

if we act quickly.


It's either Elaine now,

or someone more acceptable
to the conservatives later.

I'm talking about
your legacy, Diane.

About our legacy.

(light knock at door
door opens)

I said no interruptions.

He must be in the bathroom.

How can I help you, boss?

A very reliable source
just leaked something

that's gonna help your story.

On Garcetti's
pre-emptive strike?

Why don't you
give it to Georgia?

You're still
screwing her, right?

You really want to know?
Most people show

preferential treatment to
the people they screw.

You do the opposite.
I find that upsetting.

Garcetti's supposedly
squeezing Justice Nash

off the high bench...

Well, maybe Nash wants out.

She's in her 70s,

and her partner was just
placed in assisted care.

According to the source,

he wants to nominate
Elaine Barrish.

Who... who's the source?

High-level White House.

Five hundred words by lunch.

No. Wait.

Let me at least get some

legal scholar reaction...

The White House is going to
leak to the Post

or the Times and we lose it.

Give me six hours.
You have three.

That kills our story,
because if she takes the gig,

then she can't run.
No shit, Russ.

Well, you know, breaking
a Supreme Court nod...

that's not such a bad story.

No. It's not the story.

Get Elaine Barrish's
office on the line.

And then we need
a sub for Douglas

for the Central American Trade
meeting this afternoon

at 3:00...

Alice, I will call you back.

Thank you.

You know, I should be
used to it by now,

but frankly
I was a little shocked

by how negative
you were last night.

What you were shocked about

was that someone in this family

dared to tell you the truth.

Dougie doesn't have
a job without you.

T.J. wants to stay
on your good side,

in case he needs
a loan, or bail.

And poor Anne...

"Poor Anne..." what?

Never mind.

You know, you are so cynical.

My children are actually proud
and supportive of me,

as I am of them.

I have been supportive of you
since the day you were born!

Oh, really?

Like when you made me
wear a padded bra

starting in sixth grade?

But those trashy Perdue twins
were maturing early.

I didn't want you
to feel inferior.

Well, I didn't feel inferior
until you told me I was.

I never said you were inferior.

You told me I was "gawky,"

and that I should just
drop out of dance class

because of how I
looked in a leotard.

Sitting on a hard chair all day
watching you pirouette

was not my idea of fun.

Somehow the other mothers
managed to get through it

without sucking on a flask
in front of everybody.

You've never said "thank you,"
you know that?

Not even once.

Not even when I did
all that campaigning

for you when you ran.
I have said "thank you"

so many times, and...

I asked you to hold
the Bible for me

when I was sworn in
as Secretary of State!

Yeah, and then you
criticized my dress.

It was a sequined
cocktail gown,

in the middle of the afternoon.
That Bob Mackey designed!

It was supposed to
be my moment, Mother.

You know, this conversation
ceased to be relevant

as soon as it began.

You stopped me.

I was innocently
getting a refill.

My mistake.

(phone ringing)


All right.

Uh... ask her to meet me
at the office.

(Douglas sighs)

Please tell me
this isn't the place.

Why are all of Dad's friends
such ugly cultural stereotypes?

Shake a leg, boys.

Soon as we're done here,
we'll hit the bait store.

One with a Wi-Fi hotspot, Dad?

How am I supposed to coordinate

the Pan-Asian economic summit...

Hey, Jubal...

Get on out here,
you old son of a bitch...

Aw. Is that any way
to greet a friend?

That's what you call it?

Oh, shit!

Now Jubal...
Don't do nothin' dumb.

All right?
See my friend Sam back there?

He could part your hair with
that Sig-9 if he wanted.

You got some kind of gall,

showing up here on my property
after you screwed my wife!

Of course he did.
Yep. Figures.

That is a lie, right?

That is a hurtful,
slanderous accusation.

Now listen up.

I didn't come here to fight.

I came here to offer you
a ride on the Big Ticket.

Well, too bad.
You termed-out.

Not me, shithead.
My ex-wife.

Ruing for President again?

But only if you say
she can win.

All right?
So do me a favor...

crunch Elaine's polling numbers.

Huh? Tell me if we're
chasing a dog here,

or if she's got a chance at
beating Garcetti in the primary.

And you don't mind
if me and the boys

bunk up here for a while?

We're gonna do some fishing.

That's how you hook a fish.

When are you running it?


But I can't guarantee

it won't get leaked
elsewhere first.

A Supreme Court nomination
is big news,

but when it's you, it's huge.

Puts you in a tight spot.

If you say "yes," Garcetti
removes the threat of

you running against
him in the primary.

If you say "no,"
you confirm you're running...

or thinking about it.

Is this the part
where you ask me

if I'm running
for President, Ms. Berg?


Then why are you
telling me this?

I owe you.

And I don't approve of
what they're doing...

shoving one of the greatest
Justices off the bench

and using your friendship
as leverage...

Even by White House standards,
it's... gross.

And a little genius.

Thank you for telling me this.

I'll hold the story off
as long as I can, but...

when this breaks,
every reporter in the world

will want to know your answer.

Alice, get me Justice Nash.

Holy shit!

I got one, I got one! BUD: Yeah?

Ah, good boy! Good boy.

Now take it slow.

Don't rush it, T.J. Just...
Yeah, yeah.

Just reel her in, nice n' easy.

That's it.

What are you doing?

Dad, I have a job at
the State Department.

You have to learn
to unwind, Dougie.

Stress is a killer.

You know, even when
I was President,

I always took time
to smell the roses.

You remember those weekends

in Camp David?

The time that you boys caught
that big ole rainbow trout?

I remember your press aide
handing me a fish

and snapping my picture,
if that's what you mean.

That's it,
just reel her right in.

Good boy.

Dad. The Silverton
interview is tomorrow.

We need to go over
your talking points.

I don't need no baby-sitter.

Now, I know you were sent
down here by your Momma

just because of my
"female anatomy" incident.

We are at a critical juncture.
Her numbers are softening...

Well, they ain't soft,
they're liquid.

They're like diarrhea running
down this campaign's leg.

She's off 5% with
working-class women,

7% with independents...


Well, I'll tell you what...

you give me a lift to
the studio in the morning,

we can talk lady-voters
to your heart's delight.

Good night, son.

(thumping dance music playing)


What is going on here?

God, doesn't Mom ever
give you a night off?

Lose the tie. It's midnight.
Get rid of them.

Even me?

I... I thought you were...

I told my boss I was
driving up to Santa Barbara,

picking up some tile

for a client.

I can't tell if you are

happy, or...

This calls for a drink.

I was thinking
something stronger.

Anne is not the only
surprise tonight. No.

No, I'm not doing ecstasy
with you, T.J.,

and neither is Anne.

Well, it's too late.

How long's it last?

Four, maybe five hours.

♪ Booty booty booty booty

♪ Booty rockin', show-stoppin'

♪ Everybody back-poppin'

♪ Knees jerkin', girls workin'

♪ Work it till
your stomach hurtin' ♪

♪ Don't stop get it get it

♪ Break it off
till you your body sweatin' ♪

♪ Everybody rides in,
that don't mean we stoppin' ♪

♪ Let them know you work it

♪ Dust it off and jerk it

You were right.

I can't believe
how wound up I was.

Your skin... feels like water.


...will you
marry me?

♪ Dust it off and jerk it,
jerk it ♪

Yes, yes.



Hey, I got one! Okay.
(phone rings)

Oh, shit.
Hey, can you grab it for me?


Please put him through.

Forget the damn phone.

Can you hear me, Mr. Ong?

I'm sorry, I seem to lost you.

Did you say you can make it?

You're gonna lose it, son.
You're gonna...

Goddamn son of a bitch!

Son, let me show you how
to tie a blood knot.

I got it, okay? Just back off.

You know what?
Just forget it the whole thing.

I got to get a new phone.

Oh, Dougie.
Sorry, man.

Why didn't you tell me

Garcetti had offered you
a golden parachute,

and that I was the parachute?

I didn't want
to get your hopes up.

A seat on the Supreme Court,

I thought you'd jump at it.

Can't you see he's playing us
against each another?

Of course I can.

But forget about the politics
for a moment

and think, consider
what you could accomplish.

Why aren't we talking about what
I could accomplish as president?

Oh, so it's true?

I'm considering it, yes.

You'll be a pariah.

You remember your last campaign?

They branded you
as an ambitious bitch.

If I hadn't known you...

I would've believed them.

Do you want a president

who would force a justice
like you off the bench?

It's ruthless.

these last two years have
been good for you.

Garcetti may be a bastard,
but he let you do your thing;

let the world see

the heart of that brilliant
22-year-old girl

who walked into my law class

determined to make
this country a better place.

If you challenge
the sitting President,

voters will see your motives
as selfish.

I know, it's not fair,

but ambition looks better
on men.

I don't care how it looks.

I'm doing it
because it's right.

I learned it from you.

Then take my seat.

This isn't Garcetti,
Elaine, it's me.

Your friend.

I'm offering you
the chance to spend

the rest of your life
telling Presidents

what they can and can't do.

Nothing in my inbox and nothing
in your hands.

Where's my story?

I didn't write it.

I need to talk to you.

I told Barrish about the leak.

You what?

I needed to warn her.
Warn her?

Jesus. Why,
Just, just hear me out, Alex.

So you can justify meddling in
the story

that you're supposed
to be covering?

I mean, I should fire you...

I needed to give her time
to outmaneuver Garcetti.

Listen to me.
The Secretary is gonna try

to unseat Garcetti in
the primary.

Says who?

If you say "high level" source,

you can just, you can pack
your stuff right now.


inside the Hammond family.

This is real, Alex.

Holy shit.

I haven't been able
to get confirmation,

but this was
the perfect opening.

Tipping her off builds trust,

puts me deeper in
the inner circle,

and gives me a front seat to the
political story of the decade.

Unless she takes
the spot on the court.

Which... she won't.


Because you're just like her.

This explains why you haven't
filed in two weeks,

and why you like you've been
sleeping in a ditch.

What is, what is this?

Chocolate pudding, I hope.

I'm crashing on my sister's
couch since we split.

(laughs) You must love that.

Mm. I tripped over
a Big Wheel on my way

to the bathroom last night.

Why don't you come over tonight,
let me cook you dinner?


I miss you, Susan.


shut up.

How about a little
"Words With Friends?"

I'd love to, but my phone
went for a swim in the river.

Where's T.J.?

He's out cleaning
the fish, I think.


Oh, shit.

Baby, what's wrong?

Oh, no. No, no.


Excuse me.

President Hammond,

although you have denied
your wife's difficulty

with women voters, do you think
this controversy

might have to do with you?

Is it possible that many women
don't respect your wife

because you haven't respected

Rachel, I admit I was wrong.

Elaine does have
a "woman problem".

I think some girls feel
threatened by a woman

as intelligent, as accomplished
and hell, yeah,

as beautiful as my wife.

And that's why they feel
more comfortable voting

for her rival, who's inferior in
every single way...

just because he has a
pretty head of hair and a penis.

(remote control drops)

Yeah, you heard me right.

I said "penis."

Sorry, man.

Great. You know what?

You just cost us California!

There isn't a chance
in hell now

that anyone with an ounce of
estrogen is gonna vote for Mom.

Oh, now you weigh in,
my no-show handler?

Why didn't you tell me
she was lesbian?

She isn't.

But she sure seemed
like one to me.

You know what?
You can't stand

that Garcetti might replace
you as the face of this party,

so you and your massive ego
are destroying this campaign!

I never needed you
to look after me, Douglas,

but it'd be nice
if you'd been man enough

to save your mother
from this train wreck!

She deserved a bold, earth-shaking,
barnstorming campaign

that redefined politics and
galvanized the nation!

And what did she get?

A reheated, poll-tested
shit sandwich served up

by the likes of Barry Harris.

And you stood right
by and let him.

Go ahead, blame me.

Blame me for everything
like you always do.

I'm gonna go find T.J.

I'm sure he's fine.

You don't need to babysit him.

You're smoking.


What country isn't going
to exist by morning?

Or are you celebrating your
Supreme Court offer?

Feel free to come
to the State Department

and eavesdrop there as well.

You know, you keep talking
about Diane Nast this

and Diane Nash that.

I don't know.
She seems like a real downer to me.

Her partner is dying, Mother.

No, I was talking about
the way she dumped

all over your plans
for becoming President.

Didn't you dump on them first?

A campaign would just
turn everything

all upside down around here.

That's why I said what I did.

But you're never
satisfied, sweetie.

And even though you hate all

that campaign bullshit
as much as I do,

you'd be miserable if
you didn't go for it.

And when you're miserable,
we're all miserable.

So I think we should
just bite the bullet

and you should go for it.

Besides, you look shitty
in all black.


I love your pep talks.

Yeah, well.



Cleaning fish, huh?

We had a deal.
We had a deal.

You can't even go one day

Without getting high?

Hold on, hold on. It's Dad
and this fricking place.

I-I should be home working
on the club opening,

but I came
because you wanted me to.

I just, I needed something
to take the edge off.

Okay? I'm sorry.
I know I messed up.

Don't pull that shit
with me. Not today.

Drop the goddamn act.

Just don't tell Mom and Dad,

You're worried about them?

Why about me?
I gave you the money.



Get out of here.

We'll discuss my investment
when you're sober.


Told ya he was fine.

Sure, yeah, he's great.

And you didn't
screw Jubal's wife.

How many times I have
to say it?

I did not touch that woman.

I know, Dad.
That's your genius.

It's not a lie
if you believe it.

Well, if you want
to convince yourself

that you're not a cheater, hmm?

That Mom can upset Garcetti,
that T.J.

is just fine,
well, you go right ahead.

You know what
your problem is, Dougie?

You don't have
any faith in people.

I don't need to take character
advice from you.

What's this really about, son?

Now what's your beef with me?!

Come on.
Spit it out.

It's not my fault!

It is not my fault
that she lost!

Yeah, I know. I know, son.

I did everything.

I wanted her to win so bad!

I did everything I could!

I know you did, son,
and she knows it, too.

You, you lost it
for her, not me!

Yeah... I know.

I know I did.


I should, uh...

Hey, slow down. Slow down.

We can have dinner here,
and then, um,

if you feel like it,
you can stay here tonight.

No big wheels to trip over.


There's plenty here
to trip over.


I'll get out in time
for you to call Georgia.

That was meant to be a joke.

You're not saying that you'll

get back with me
if I split with her.


Definitely not saying that.

Why Georgia?

Was it to hurt me?


By the time I slept with her,

you and I had, uh, faded.

You remember
our first night in Monterey?


The night Garcetti
named his transition team.


You see, you remember
the politics,

and I remember
how beautiful you looked.

Even with your nose
buried in your BlackBerry.

I'm not blaming you.

I'm trying
to answer your question.


It's who you are--
the way you chase a story.

I mean, that's...
you live for it.

You don't need love
the way you need your work.

At least you didn't need mine.

Do you remember my first
moot court competition?

I was the only first-year
you chose.

I thought I was pretty hot shit.

And then you proceeded
to eviscerate

my argument word by word.

I had so much flop sweat,

I... I thought
I was going to float away.

I was extra hard on you.

I wanted you to learn
to be rigorous and brave

and not to give up.

It was a good lesson.

I came back the next year,
and we beat Harvard and Yale.


Diane, I don't want to be
on the Supreme Court.

I want to run
for president again.

All right, counselor.

Convince me
that you're not doing this

because this is still
a competition to you

and you didn't come in first.

It's different this time.

I can't turn away
'cause it's hard.

I can't turn away
because it'll piss people off.

I do have deep convictions

about what's right
and what's true.

And, unfortunately,
Paul Garcetti

did not have you for a teacher,

and he didn't learn
to be rigous or brave

or to stand up
for his convictions.

So I have to run again.

And yes, I have to win.

In two years,
when I become president,

I will name your replacement.

Corinne will be gone
in two years.

You better win, Elaine.

Elaine can win.

She can win.

Your mother's lead

is beyond the margin
most everywhere.

The whole ticket comes down
to just three states:

Ohio, Colorado
and right here, Virginia.

And Virginia,
like the other two,

hinges on just a few
battleground counties.

Prince William,
Fairfax, Madison.

That's my backyard.

I'll tie this state up
in a nice, pretty bow.

But Ohio is going to be tough.

Now, the whole family
have to press the flesh

in the old Buckeye State.

Uh, not the whole family, Bud.

Uh, voters only
like her without you.

It's not that they
don't like you.

It's just that they think
you make her look weak.


well, any way you slice it,
this is great news.

I'm going to get me
a beer on the porch.

This calls for a toast.

(sighs) Jesus.

Did you see his face?

Don't fall for it, T.J.
He brought this on himself.

Your father would crawl
through glass for your mother.

My father is a liability--

in case you forgot
the last election.

You mean California?

A week before the primary,
it wasn't even close.

Those debates
killed your mother.

If she sat on her hands,
she came off timid.

If she punched back,
she came off like a bitch.

That's the reason Bud called

and said to end things
before they got ugly.

Your father threw himself
on the tracks.

Yeah, he knew,

if he took the heat
for her losing,

he might give her the chance
to run again someday.

Why didn't you tell me

about the
Rachel Silverton interview?

You did all of it on purpose.

You let the country blame you.

You let me blame you.

Jubal said...

Well, Jubal doesn't know shit,

except when it
comes to polling.

And if he says I can't be
on your mother's campaign,

that means you're
going to quarterback.

Now, the first thing
you got to do...

We need to put together
a war chest.

On the sly, all right?

We need donors we can trust.

That's right, and you be sure

to get in touch with
Hal Linderson in Colorado.

Now, you tell him
you want a sit-down,

but you don't say why.

What about Virginia?

We'll need you to max out

contributions to Bertoldo's
campaign in the fifth.


Use our own Italian wunderkind

to upset Garcetti's hold
on the Catholics.

First rule of being
a female journalist.

Don't sleep with your boss?

Look, I get it, okay?

No. If you shit where you eat,
don't cry about it.

Like I can help it.
Learn to.

Nobody takes me seriously.

You want to be taken seriously?

Take yourself seriously.

Your bus story-- it's good.

Go fight for it, get it back,

then write the hell out of it.

Don't let anyone
take away your story.

Especially if you're
blowing him.

Thank you.

After everything
I've done to you...

I can't believe
you're still so nice to me.

I'm not so nice, Georgia.

NEWSCASTER (over TV): Justice
Diane Nash dismissed rumors

of her retirement today,
releasing a statement

that she "fully intends

to continue serving
on the Supreme Court."

Hi. Um, I have Secretary
Barrish on your phone,

so it's probably a prank,
but then maybe it's not,

so I don't really
know what to do.

I don't know if I should
tell her to come up

or give her water
or something like that.


Brought you something.

Thank you.

I just wanted to
thank you in person.

You stuck your neck out for me,

and that is a rare
gesture in this town.

You know, it's, um...

it's hard to make new
acquaintances in Washington.

You know, to meet
people you can trust.

And for some reason,
it's even harder

with other women, although
it always seemed to me

it should be the
opposite, right?


I wondered if you'd like to
join me for a walk tomorrow.

Like, one of your
famous power walks?

Well, it's just a walk really,

but, um...
is that a yes?



That'll give us a
chance to catch up

before I go to Harbin.
Where's Harbin?

It's in this lovely, remote
province in northern China,

where they have this large
population of Siberian tigers.

He's literally sending
you to Siberia. He is.

And to Indonesia, Japan,
Argentina and New Zealand.

That is so...


I think, is the word
you're looking for.

Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow.

Madam Secretary.


Far too cumbersome.


Just so we're clear...

if my acquaintance
were running for president

and I didn't write
about it first,

no one in this building

will ever take me
seriously again.

I am not running for president.

But I am looking forward to
spending more time together.

So am I... Elaine.

(cell phone buzzing)

We keep meeting like this,
people are going to talk.

You can't print the story.

I thought you wanted
to put a bullet

in your mother's campaign.

Things have changed.

Look, you have to drop it.

I'll owe you big-time, I know.


I was planning on holding it.

Till the day she announces.

Then I give the whole story.

Every step.

Every move she made

while she was the sitting
secretary of state

to plot her run in the primary

against her boss
and former ally,

the president
of the United States.

This is how it works, Douglas.

I help you by sitting
on the story.

You help me by giving me
everything I need to know

about your mother's plan:

Strategy, money,
allies, everything.

You came to me, Douglas.


I'm happy to keep your name
out of my reporting,

but I own you now.

We'll be in touch.