Political Animals (2012–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Second Time Around - full transcript

Elaine sends Bud to diffuse the Iranian hostage situation, throwing him back in the spotlight - and putting Douglas and Anne's engagement party in peril.

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Previously on
Political Animals...

Susan Berg has a story.

T.J. Hammond tried
to kill himself.

You know,
working with Anne on the

engagement party
has been a dream.

We wanted 60 people at a club,

and we're having 300 people
at the zoo

because your mother
likes elephants.

There is no article that can
explain the complexities

of a single marriage.

You don't make it easy
to love you.

It's not supposed to be easy.

Easy is Georgia.

Easy is where you can spend
the night

while I'm moving out.

The Iranian court has found
the journalists guilty.

President Hakam has set
their execution

for 24 hours from now.

I'd like to propose
to the president

that he send you to Iran.

Thought you'd never ask.

You just wanted me

to get Garcetti
to send you to Iran?

I am the best person
to get those journalists back,

and you know it.

Can you keep a secret, Clark?

I'm gonna run
for president again.

Senator, there's a vote
tomorrow on the education bill,

and a little shit-talking
bird told me

your fat ass is out of town.

Something about
the other side labeling it

affirmative action.

Now told 'em Don Strickland
may be one

of the luckiest assholes
ever to have been sworn

into congress, but that doesn't
mean he's a coward.

Hang on, I'll finish the insult
for you, Senator.

I'm a bastard. I'm a rotten
son of a bitch, right?

I suck at tennis and bowling.

Hell, there's about five things
I do well,

and one of 'em is fart.

Now this is history, and if
you're too chicken to be on

the right side of it,
then I will drag your ass,

kicking and screaming,
across the line

and you can blow me
for it later.

Now have nice evening, Don.

Give Marjorie a kiss for me.

Evening, sugar.

Can we have a moment?

What is it, baby?

Sarah Latham.

Don't bullshit me, Bud.

Sarah Latham.

Oh, the homely gal
from your advance team.

The one that you fired
for the...

Did you sleep with her?

Jesus. No.

Where'd you get that from?

She's come forward.

I swear, Elaine,

I barely met the woman
before you tossed her.

She has dates.

Specifics about
when you had sex,

what you prefer in bed...

Baby, it's a bunch a lies.

She's just trying

to save her own ass
for getting fired.

You said that last time.

I haven't done anything
since I held this office.

I've been good like we talked about.
You haven't been good.

You're just a rotten
and lying bastard!

That is 17th century
Qing dynasty!

Now, Mao gave that to Nixon...!

So you talked the Iranians

into sitting down
with us in Oman?

I guaranteed the Sultan
we'd protect him.

The location
has to be top secret.

And you want me to send
your ex-husband to negotiate?

Elaine, the former
president is a joke.

He's one sex scandal away
from Dancing with the Stars.

Sending a former U.S. President

gives Hakam the clout he needs

to get his country
to the negotiating table,

and it gives you the chance

to talk Iran off
their weapons program

without looking like we got
pushed around by terrorists.

If I could just interrupt.

Maybe it would send a stronger

message if we sent a seated
member of the administration.

I do have some experience
in these matters.

No way, Fred. Sorry.

Elaine, your husband himself

sent me to Mexico to
negotiate the release

of those American citizens.

That was Mexico

and two college students
smuggling a Volvo of pot.

This is Iran accusing innocent

American journalists
of being spies.

These negotiations won't
happen over margaritas.

Regardless of his personal

there is no one else with Bud's

international stature

or his experience negotiating
at this level.

Seems like you've got
all the angles figured out.

I'm not exactly sure
what you need me for.

Well, obviously, I need
your blessing, Mr. President.

And if I don't give it?

Barry, sit down with the
vice president and Donovan,

hammer out a statement.

Announce that we're sending
the former president

to negotiate with Hakam.

Thank you, sir.

Now, if this goes wrong--
if hostages end up dead

and Iran still wants
their nukes--

I think you're through
being America's sweetheart.

You own this one now, Elaine.

Garcetti went for it?

Yes. We have a strategy
debrief at 0800.

Your father is
wheels up in an hour.

Have I waited long enough
to ask you what the hell

you're thinking throwing
Dad back into the ring?

Maybe you should worry
about telling your fiancée

we have to push
the engagement party.

Shit. We have to
push the party.

We'll just do it at the house,

time TBD, simple.

Has T.J. called you?

I am just getting that knot
in my stomach.

You know,
I could be gone 24 hours

and no one would even notice.

Your brother is an addict,
and a hundred million people

just found out
he tried to kill himself.

Yeah, I'm working on it.

We're calling it "The Dome."

It's a restaurant
and a nightclub.

View of the Dome, exposed brick
and a killer hand-carved bar.

It's gonna be awesome.

Or it would be
if my dickhead father would

float me the cash to invest.

I figured your dad was loaded.

Seems like he could spare
a little pocket change.

You'd think so, right?

I mean, considering
he's constantly doling out

hush money
to all the women he screwed.

Don't worry. It's
just my boyfriend.

You didn't tell
me you had a boyfriend!

Levi? He won't be mad.

He sounds pretty frickin' mad.

You're on my list,
famous guys I can cheat with.

You're number two.

Who's number one?

Rob Pattinson,
but he's not gay.

Yep. He's not.

Stuff on Hakam?

Uh, check.

Stuff on the country
that shall remain nameless?


Also, Alex called.
Call him back.

Tell him I just turned in
a story no one else has.

Tell him I'm on assignment,

but the destination
is embargoed.

Tell him I already moved
my stuff out of our apartment,

and tell him he's a lying,
cheating piece of shit.

I don't, uh, really want to say
that last part.

Tell him it's in quotes.
You're just reporting the news.

Thanks for picking me up, man.

Mom is worried sick about you.

As usual.

You're not gonna tell her
the details, are you?


Look, I'm sorry

that you had to deal with
that stupid story, okay?

We tried to stop it.

It's old news.

People were gonna find out.

It's cool.

Listen, T.J.,

this is a really
important week to me

with the engagement.

And there is a lot going on.

So can you please just show up

and be there for me this time?

You know I always got
your back, little bro.

Stop smiling at me.

I was only born
three minutes after you.

But you'll still
never catch up.

Put on your seat belt.


Hey, sugar, look at us.

Just like old times.

I'm here to brief you, Bud,
and that's all.

Well, go ahead.
You're the boss.

After you land in Oman,

you'll have
a private meeting with Hakam.

Keep it short.

Then the two of you will do

a grip-and-grin photo op
for Al Jazeera.

Just smile and pretend he's not
a deceitful, treacherous rat.

I went by the hotel
and ended things with Eva.

I couldn't lead her on anymore,

now that you and I reconnected.

We have not reconnected.

That was a one-time thing.

It didn't feel like a one-time thing.
It was.

I'd had an extremely bad day
and I was, I was vulnerable.

You were insatiable.

Focus, please.
There's still some question

about what you're
authorized to offer Hakam.

Garcetti's keeping
his greasy paws clean.

That figures.

Now if that Guinea son of a
bitch gave me the tools,

I could have Hakam at the U.N.
by next week, pissing fuel rods.

Listen to yourself.
This is your sickness.

I ask you to quietly
save the lives

of three innocent people,

and instantly you think you
can save the whole world.

That's why you fell in love
with me, sugar.

What's the Bitch of the Beltway
doing here?

Finishing her feature on me.

I told her she could cover
this trip on background.

She won a Pulitzer
for hating our guts.

Turns out she doesn't hate us,
just you.

Travel safe, Bud.

Do your best.

Don't worry, sweetheart, the
hard shit I usually get right.

It's the simple shit I screw up.

Madam Secretary?

Excuse me.

I'm really grateful you're
giving me this opportunity.

Don't be grateful.
We're both just doing our jobs.

If all goes well,

this will make a hell of an end
to my story on you.

You may even want to read it.

I told you, Ms. Berg,

I stopped reading what people
wrote about me a long time ago.

Good luck.

Three or four years
ago-- I know, I know,

you may not have heard this--
this guy went on his ass

into the pond
at the White House.

I don't know what he was
drinking or what he was....

Elaine, I didn't do it.

I did not have sex
with Sarah Latham, and that is

the God's honest truth.

Now I know I've lied
in the past,

but I'm not lying this time.

Come on, baby.

Please believe me.
I'm telling the truth.

Why would she do that?

I don't know.

I don't know,
but I'm telling the truth.

Come on. Shh.


Do you know what goes

through our minds
when you disappear like that?

Your mom and I both think
you're dead.

I'm sorry.

I'm just glad that Dougie had
the sense to bring you by here

so you could recover from
whatever it was you were doing

with whatever unfortunate boy
you were doing it with,

because I need you to go
through all of this with me.

What exactly are
we looking for?

Sheet music from my Vegas days.

I'm thinking that we could do
a number together.

You know, for Dougie
and Anne's engagement party.

Have you mentioned that
to Momma?

Oh, she loves it
when I headline.

How long have these things
been in, uh, hibernation?

Since before your
mother was toilet trained.

Oh, come on, Momma was
never not toilet trained.

Well, it was fast,
I'll grant you that.

She was like a puppy.

One swat on her fanny
with a newspaper,

and that was it.

I need a screwdriver

to loosen up my pipes, and I
don't mean a Phillips head.

That's your cue to make
your grandmother a drink.

So, Berg,

how'd you end up on this?

The Hammonds hate you.

I got the Secretary's mother
calling you a bitch on record.

I was nice enough not
to print it, of course.

What can I say, Gary?

I guess this bitch
is just good at her job.

You still sleeping
with your boss?

Still cheating on your wife?
That's not funny.

She left me six weeks ago.


I'm so happy for her.

Excuse me, Ms. Berg?

President Hammond
requested that you join him.

Make sure he wears a condom.

That's funny.

You weren't asleep, were you?

No, I imagine
you were wide awake,

sharpening your pencils,
or your knives, or whatever.

Relax, have a drink.
There's a full bar.

Hell, we've even got M&M'S with
the presidential seal on them.

I like the green ones,

so hands off those.

Why did you invite me in here,
Mr. President?

It's a long flight,
and I like company.

So I've heard.

Take a load off.

I can, uh, give you
a little background

on that story
you're writing about Elaine.


Rocks, please.

There we go.

My daddy

used to say,
"There's nothing more appealing

than a lady
who likes a stiff one."

You play Words with Friends?

Uh, yeah, that and Skyping

are about all I know
how to use that thing for.

Yeah, Brokaw got me started.

He's not very good, though.

And you, do you play?

I used to.

I beat all my friends,
so no one will play against me.

You're that good, or are you
just that low on friends?

You don't seem to have a lot
of friends yourself these days.

Yeah, I get it.

You don't like me.
Mr. President,

I know you think I had some kind
of journalistic vendetta.

I-I didn't.

I write about what the country
is talking about.


Columbia just did a study
on presidential legacies.

They asked people to say
the first word

that popped into their head when
asked about former presidents.

Abraham Lincoln,
people said honesty.

Nixon, Watergate.

When they heard Bud Hammond,

you know what the majority
of people say?


How about JFK?


I'll bet you

he'd just as soon they said sex.

Come on.

Ms. Berg, put your pen down.

Let's play a couple of rounds.

I'll even let you go first.

All right.

What is it, Douglas?

As to the
whereabouts of the talks,

the vice president
had this to say.

I can neither confirm nor deny
there's any hostages talks

going on in Oman, period.

That little rat.

Elaine, now, I know
what you're going to say.

Even you are smart enough

to know that neither confirming
nor denying is the same

as confirming there's
a secret meeting in Oman.

For instance, if I said,
"I can neither confirm

"nor deny that Vice President
Collier is a pissy little shit

who just sent three people
to their deaths

because he wasn't the one picked
to rescue them,"

what would you take it to mean?

No need to get personal, Elaine.

You made

this personal, Fred,

when you were passed over
to meet with Hakam.

I won't lie
to the American people.

I'm not Bud Hammond.

You're goddamn right you're not.




that was the Vice President
of the United States.

What's going on?


Because in the last day,

you've defied the president,
threatened your resignation,

put your entire reputation

on the line, and offered Dad

the first spotlight
in two years

that didn't make him out

to be an over-sexed
political has-been,

so I'd appreciate
the truth, Mom,

and I think I've earned it
when I ask you,

"What the hell is going on?"

I'm just sick of it all,
that's what's going on.

I am sick to death
of the bullshit and the egos

and of the men.

I am sick of the men.

Just one time,

just once, I would like
to accomplish something

in this city without having
to spend all of my energy

navigating the shortsighted,

selfish, self-involved,
and oh-so-fragile

male egos that suck up all
the oxygen in this town.

It makes me so sick,

Douglas, so sick
I could puke for days.

I'm running for president.

Okay, if that...

If that was
your announcement speech,

you just lost
half your vote, okay?

Anyway, Mom,
you have at least four years...

In two years.
I'm running now,

against Garcetti.
You're the Secretary of State.

How would you even think
about doing something like that?

I don't know. You're just the
second person I've said this to.

Who was the first?

You're diplomatic security?

Yes. He thought it
was a good idea.

- Well, that's nice.
- Excuse me.

Sultan of Oman on one.

I'm gonna have to ask you to table
whatever emotional reaction

you're having,
given today's crisis.

Yes, Your Majesty?

Did you find anything?

"Tender Trap."

"Second Time Around."

"When I Fall in Love."
Wait a minute.

Go back one.

"Love is lovelier the
second time around."

I don't know. I mean,
is-is it appropriate?

They haven't even had their
first time around. Humor me.

I already know this one.

And we'll figure out
some bullshit relevance

later on.

How come you never
had a club act?

I was happy to just be
a Copa girl.

Besides, there was a trumpet
player I was crazy about.

That guy had

an embouchure to die for.


it's a horn player's
bread and butter.

His mouth, the lips,

the buzzing they made
when they blow.

We're-we're still talking
about horn-playing, right?

It's all jazz, baby.

Well, you know I'm trying
to open my own nightclub.

You and me can work up

a set of these old standards.

All I need is a little start-up
capital, and we can...

Oh, nice try, sweetie.
Nice try.

But I make a practice
at not throwing money

at guys I adore.

Excuse me.

The delivery men are here,

and they need a check
for the flowers.

Oh, right.

Elaine called.

I already got that covered.

There you go.

Thank you.

$2,000 for Flowers by Carl.

What a racket, huh?

You know, I need a-a refill.

And when I come back, I'm gonna
stop blabbering about the past.

Maybe we should
play something else.

I am crushing you.
Oh, thanks, Antoine.

You're welcome, sir.

Well, let's make
this one interesting.

How much you got on you?

About 80 bucks.

You're serious?
I play better

when the stakes are high.

You ever been this close
to the action?

Covered foreign affairs.

So no.

I guarantee when this is over,

you're gonna feel a rush
like you never felt before.

The most thrilling moment
of my first term

was, uh, taking out
those Somalian pirates

that commandeered
that oil tanker.

You remember that?

Must have felt great.

Oh, yeah, it sure did.

Sarah Latham wrote in her book

that you two started

your affair around that time.

Think there was any correlation?

Anybody ever tell you
you're a real downer, Ms. Berg?

A seven-letter bonus?

It's the part of the mosque

that indicates
the direction of Mecca.

Well, I believe I won
this round.

I have been had.

You are a Words
with Friends shark.

Come in.

Excuse me, sir, I have
the Secretary of State for you.

Oh, right.

Thank you.

Hey, sugar.

Looking beautiful as ever.

Uh, I have Ms. Berg here
with me.

Bud, there's been
a change of venue.

Oman pulled out.

Oh, so where are we going,

How did you know?

Well, we need a place
two hours away,

has to be Islamic,

so, uh, Georgia and Armenia
are out.

Syria and Iraq, gone, gone.

I'm sure Ms. Berg
is already aware

that you're
a geopolitical genius,

but we still have

no concessions to offer,
so it'll be up to you

to do what you do best,
make shit up.

Can you hold on one second?

The Turkish embassy says
they don't expect him back

for another hour or two.
We don't have another hour.

Find out where he is.

The Secretary is asking,
uh, where His Excellency

might be reached?

Oh. I see.

Um, the ambassador
is in the Hamam.

Please tell His Excellency
that I will be there

in 15 minutes.


Mom, do you know
what a Hamam is?

It's a Turkish bath.

Well, why didn't you
say something?

You speak 14 languages; I
figured you knew what it meant.

♪ Well, I wear my clothes
like this because I can ♪

♪ And I wear my hair like this
because I can ♪

♪ And I walk around
like this... ♪

Excuse us.

Coming through.

Good day.

Perhaps I steamed too long.

I must be dreaming.

Serkan, I need a favor.

I have a ticking clock
on those hostages.

I need to negotiate in Turkey
in less than an hour.

The downside being my country
steps between two loaded guns.

The upside being your country
acts as the bridge

between the U.S.
and the Middle East,

which wouldn't hurt
your bid for the EU.

Also, I happen to know your
prime minister has had his eye

on our Cobra attack helicopters.

What do you want
from me, Serkan?

I, uh, sent you some
flowers after your divorce.

You never responded.

I got them.

Uh, all four dozen
of them-- tulips.

Very thoughtful.
Perhaps then, uh,

you would agree to
dinner with me?

You would use the lives
of three Americans

to leverage me
into going out with you?

You would sacrifice their
lives to not go out with me?


Then we'll have a private tarmac
waiting for your negotiations.

And, uh... I'll have
my secretary call

to coordinate our dinner.

Would you pull this crap

on a U.S. Secretary of State
if I were a man?

Of course not. I'm
not attracted to men.

You are a scoundrel, Serkan.

But you're an honest scoundrel.

Have a good day.

You, too.

The perfect capper to my day.

Just pimped myself out
for the good of the country.

Here, ma'am.

Very humid in there.

Gallant, as usual.

Your father better deliver.

Are you sure you're not
putting too much faith in him?

I trust him.

How has that worked out
for you in the past?

You're upset.

Okay, let's talk about it.

Thank you.
That depends.

Am I finally allowed to have
my emotional reaction

to the fact that my mother
declared her intentions

to run for president
this morning?

I thought you'd be excited.

You're the one always shouting
that the wrong guys won.

I'm not Garcetti's biggest fan,
but to drag the incumbent

through primaries would split
the DNC in half at best.

And an insurgent campaign
could turn you back into...

Just say it.

Public Bitch Number One.

And did you forget what
the last run did to you? Huh?

18-hour days
with no end in sight,

doctors shooting you up
with B-12 shots.

Douglas, I can handle it.

What about the rest of us?

Anne's ready to leave me, T.J.
can barely keep it together.

Say we do all survive
two years of campaign hell;

where does that leave
our family?

Hopefully, in the White House.

And what about him?

Your private out-of-town meeting
yesterday, when you concocted

this whole rescue operation--
was that with Dad?


Did you sleep with him?
Okay, you know,

Jesus Christ, I knew it.
It was one of the hardest days of my life,

and it was a
one-time thing.

He's part of this fantasy,
isn't he?

You're still in love with him,
aren't you?

Look at you.

Look at you-- the smartest,
most powerful woman

on the planet,
and you can't even see

that he is just going to
hurt you all over again,

just like he does every time!

Sarah Latham claims to have had
an affair with your husband

that lasted for five months.

I want to start by refuting

the accusations
of this woman, uh...

Oh, Christ, that was terrible.

Um, let me start again.
All right, well, you know,

you don't really
have to do this.

President's already
denied it on all the majors.

No one expects you to make a
public statement. No, I want to.

I want the world to know.

This woman worked for me,

I-I fired her
for incompetence,

and now she makes
up these lies.

And we have too
much to accomplish

in his time left
in this office...

Okay, don't get too lawyer-y.
Skip to the family stuff.

Excuse us, will you, Barry?

All right, thank you, Barry.

Sugar, this interview's
a mistake.

Now, I don't see
what the upside is.

If the First Lady dives into
a panty-rippin' catfight,

all the press...

Is that what you think this is?

You know, I will not let
this woman tell lies.

It's not a lie.

Yes, it is.

It's not a lie, Elaine.

It is... it's
not a lie?

Five months?

In our bed?

Only once.


You are the President
of the United States.

Yeah, but that doesn't
make me a saint.


But I thought it would
make you a better man.

I need you to go.


Ladies and
gentlemen, though we've arrived

at our destination,
we kindly ask all members of

the press corps to remain
on board until further notice.

Thank you.

Ms. Berg, follow me.

You got a scarf
or a silk nighty

or something to cover
your head with?

See what you can rustle up.

Uh... yeah.

Mr. President, can I at least
ask what the plan is?

Just stand ten feet behind
me and try to look virtuous.


As-salaam alaikum, buddy!

Good to see you.

Oh, I'm hoping you feel
better than you look,

'cause you look like shit.

President Garcetti

sent his special envoy
to observe our meeting.

I have honored every agreement
made with your government.

You have honored nothing.

Your wife promised
me some concessions.

Ex-wife, Hakam.

Little different.

Look, you can take
all the photographs you want

of me and you smiling
and shaking hands.

But that's all

I can offer today.

Then the
prisoners must be executed.

You leave me no choice.

You're dying, Hakam.

Now, I'm sorry,
but Garcetti was never

coming to the table.

And to kidnap innocent people
to force his hand

was a little bat-shit crazy.

Now, you have to let me
bring these people home.

If I give into you

without some concession,

they will call me
the Coward of Iran.

President Garcetti's
special envoy has authority

to speak for the president
in certain cases.

You give me a moment

to appeal to her.

What the hell are you doing?

I'm negotiating with you.

You are hanging
on my every word.

Now shake your
head "no."

So we'll try again.

Now you're terribly torn,

because you'd like to
give me what I want,

but you don't want
to get into trouble.


Now look at me
and say "yes."


Thank you.

I enjoyed that.


you'll get your visit

from Garcetti,
when your funeral is attended

by the President
of the United States.

Now, at that time,

talks will begin in earnest--
but with your successor.

I'm sorry, pal,

it's not happening today.

But you have my word.

Now, I will tell the world
that it was your dying wish

that brought America
to the peace table.

And I'll also

attend your funeral,
pay my own respects.

To the Hero of Iran.

There you go.

Oh, my God!

Slow down.


Other way.

Are we having sex
or am I parallel parking?

I'm sorry.

I can't concentrate.

God, all I can think
about is my parents

waiting at the Marriott,
just sitting there,

trying to figure out
when our party is going to be.

I should just tell them
to watch CNN,

and if the hostages get on
the plane, call the relatives.

Are they really pissed?
Are you kidding me?

They love this.

My mom has
started blogging about

what it's like to be
this close to history.

Come on.

It's cute.

They're proud of you.


For what?

All I did was catch Washington's
Most Eligible Bachelor.


And my mother is convinced

I'm gonna screw it up
somehow and embarrass her.

You're gonna
screw it up somehow?

Who the hell is that?

It's 1:00 in
the morning.


It's me.

I'm sorry.

Anne, hey.
Were you guys sleeping?

No, T.J., we weren't sleeping.
Oh, shit.

I'm sorry.

Uh, you said I should come here.

I didn't know where else to go.

I'll be in bed.


I screwed up.

You got to help me.

You know that club
I was trying to go in on?

Mom and Dad wouldn't
write me the check,

so I clipped one from Nana.

Oh, my God. I ask you
to stay sober for two days,

and now you're stealing money
from Nana?

If it was you that was asking
them, then they would've,

they would've given it
to you in a second!

You want to know
what the best part is?

My business partners
wouldn't even take it.

They said it was fine
if I didn't have the whole nut.

All they really needed
was my name.

It's genius, right?

So what am I now?

Just some kind of Page Six joke

that they can stand
at the front door?

How did I even...

become this person?

Look, I know...

I know it's my fault.

Do you think I really
want to live like this?

Before the suicide story broke,

I went for five months
without doing blow.

I was good, Dougie!

You gotta believe me.

I just need to catch a break.

I'll give you the money.

It's not a gift, it's a loan,

and you are back in
the program tomorrow.

Whatever you say.
And do not tell Mom

or Anne that I'm doing this.

They would fight over
who killed me first,

and they'd both be right.

I love you, brother.

There's a blanket
in the closet.

I'll tell you,

there's gonna be

one hell of a hullabaloo
at Andrews.


If you, uh, want to freshen up
or catch a bit of shut-eye,

you can use my suite.
I've heard there's a shower

in there and everything.
Is that true?

Yeah, well, I don't know
about "everything,"

but, uh, I've never
had any complaints.

Let me give you the grand tour.

I can't believe I'm doing this.


what was the negotiation like?

What did, uh, Bud Hammond say?

You remember the night
of the Garcetti nomination,

when you made that pass at me,

and I said you were
a gross douche bag,

and I wouldn't sleep with you
even if you were

the last douche on the planet?

I was lying about
the "sleep with" part.

Are you still seeing your boss?

You're not gonna say
anything to him about this?

I applied a couple times
for a job at the Globe

and I wouldn't want to ruin
my chances of... Gary.

Seriously. Shut up.

We were supposed to rehearse.

You ditched me.
Don't stress.

I can play this
with my eyes closed.

"Second Time Around" though?

I don't want Dougie to get
all pissed off at me.

Well, it's a second stab at his
engagement party, so it fits.

Nice save.

You know all the lyrics?

Where's my check,
you little shit?

Did you forge my
name and cash it?

For how much?

No, I...
I couldn't...

I'm sorry.

Look, I-I can explain...

No, you don't have to explain.

Yesterday, when
you bailed on me,

I didn't tell you
the whole story

about the horn player.

That was your
grandfather, T.J.

You never said
he was a musician.

Well, he was when we met.

That was before
the booze, and...

before the heroin.

I left him right after
your mother was born.

Even I knew that
that was no environment

to bring a kid up in.

Not long after that,

he got beat up trying
to score some drugs.

They split his lip
in two places,

and knocked out
all his front teeth.

His embouchure.

After that, he was washed up.

They found him about
five years later,

in some fleabag motel.


So you don't have to
explain to me

why you stole from me, honey.

I know your story.

I know how it ends.

But if you ever
steal from me again,

I swear to God

I will never speak to you

as long as I live.

Have you got that?


We should get dressed,
we got people coming.

I want to run it once
before they get here.

I don't want to screw up later.

Please say it's delicious.

Mmm. You're delicious.



You look absolutely stunning.


Mom, could I talk to you
for a second? Sure.

Excuse us.


Look, I meant what
I said yesterday

about how difficult
this is going to be.

But if anyone can
pull it off, you can.

Way to go, Mr. President!

Great to be back home!

Oh, Anne, you are a vision.

Hey, Dougie, get over here
and give ol' pappy a hug.

And not one of your
pussy hugs, neither.

A real hug. Come on.


Hey, I am so proud

of you, son.
Thanks, Dad.



♪ There are those who bet

♪ Love comes but once

♪ And yet

♪ I'm oh so glad we met

♪ The second time around.

Come on, sugar.

Nice job yesterday.

Couldn't have done it
without you.

No. You couldn't have.

But you could've
done it without me,

which got me thinking.

When you making
the announcement?

About Garcetti.

Now, don't worry, baby.

I'm not gonna say anything.

I sent you because I knew

you would bring
those journalists home.

And maybe get my numbers
boosted a little in the process.

Come on, baby, it's me talking.

Just say it.

Mmm? Say the words.

Yes, Bud.

I am going to
run for president.

Without you.

I know you said
to give you space,

but I-I had to talk
to you, sugar.

If you want to continue this
conversation, Donald Hammond,

tell me something true.

And I mean

something that is true now,

and will still be true
in five years,

and in 15 years

and in 50.

Can you do that?

You should leave me.

I'll cheat again.

And I'll lie again,

and I'll break
your heart again.

Retain Stacy Phillips.

Uh, you have to come out
of this looking good.

You'll get no flak
from me, Elaine.

I'm not leaving.

You swore an oath

to the Chief Justice

with your hand on the Bible.

And this ring...

sat there on the Bible.

And in that moment,
I became First Wife.

I married the nation.

I will be in the
Lincoln bedroom

until further notice.

Put me on your calendar
in the morning

to figure out

how we're gonna talk to
the boys about Sarah Latham.

This reminds me of dancing
at our first inaugural.

We took lessons for a month,

and you hit on the instructor.

Come on, sugar,

do you only remember
the bad parts?

Or do you remember
the good times, too?

I remember all of it.

♪ Let 'em laugh, let 'em frown

♪ You know I'll love you
till the moon's upside down... ♪

It was a triumphant day
for the former president.

No, I don't mean
the three American lives

he negotiated for in Turkey.

Bud's most artful
act of diplomacy

took place at home
with his ex-wife.

Somehow he managed to
negotiate his way

back into her good graces.

But the day belongs to

Secretary of State
Elaine Barrish.

With the White House

the Secretary placed one of
the larger political bets

we have ever witnessed
on the table...

she bet it all on a man
who's spent a lifetime

violating her trust

and publicly humiliating her.

I've written a lot
about Elaine Barrish

in this paper over the years.

I've criticized her
for just about everything:

fom her policies,
to her marriage,

to her motives, to her hair.

I was right about the hair,
by the way.

♪ Why try to change me?

I've written a lot of
things about Elaine Barrish,

except "thank you."

I've never written that.

Until today.

Why are you telling me this?

Because if I don't kill this now,

it'll start all over again.

My parents, they have
spent their lives

putting the country
before our family.

Somebody has to
put our family first.

We can't take another run.
We won't survive it.

I can't print this without
confirmation. Find it.

My mother is
going to run again,

against Garcetti.

I'm sorry,
that's all I can tell you.