Payitaht Abdülhamid (2017–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - Episode #1.4 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
What's happening in here?

I said what's happening in here!?

His majesty was poisoned. He is in his room.

What? His majesty was poisoned and what do you do!?

They put poison to his majesty's meal and you just watch

What do you do!? Why don't you check what his Majesty eats! Isn't there any method in this palace!?

We were given the order that noone will enter the room.

What's my brother's condition? / Unfortunately, his majesty was exposed to an effective poison

There are spots on his face, vomiting, inappetency, fever..

All the things are possible. Hhe is sleeping now. We are scared because of brainstem stroke.

Tell me the condition. Don't tell me the medicine words.

Sultan's condition is bad but while there is life, there is hope.

Doctors are doing their best. We need to pray.

Get out of my way, I will see my brother / Sultana, please. His majesty's last order was noone can enter.

You shouldn't enter the room for his health.


While my father was giving this dagger to me, he said that you can kill the one who betrays his government.

Sister, I'm innocent. I swear.

I didn't do anything to deserve these things.

Shut up Mehmet, don't lie to me.

Sister, I'm your brother. / Yes, you are my brother.

And you betrayed your government!


My uncle is innocent. If there is a guilty, it's me.

What are you doing here? / We were talking about your father

Let's go out with you. We need to talk. / I will go, you can talk comfortably.

The things I will tell you are not finished yet.

Mother cannot stand sleeplessness

What do you think you are doing!?

Calm down friend, I just wanted to make your mother happy.

Poor woman thinks that her husband died.

Look Karasu, you came my house and threaten me with disqueting.

I don't threaten you, I just want you to propose me.

What will I propose to you? / Proposing to introduce me with the person who made you Jew's leader

I became Jew's leader with my own power. / Oh come on!

I know how you threatened rabbis to win the elections.

Tthe ones who told you about rabbis' sins made you Jew's leader.

Look I care about neither you nor your father.

Even, I don't care about your father's notebook which he stole the ideas he doesn't believe.

Tell me who is behind you Teo and shake my hand

Come on, we are old friends. Our methods are different but both of us want to destroy Ottoman Sultan and make Jews dominant over Middle East.

Tell me

Alexander Israel Parvos

Who is this man? I have never heard this name before.

Global Monarchy's Vizier.

When will you introduce me with him?

I haven't been met him yet. So I cannot introduce you too

Even I cannot introduce you to the person who will introduce you to him, Karasu

Why? / Because you will get mad.

You will find yourself as tied to the rails in front of a train who comes towards you fast.

I will never be that miserable in front of anyone Teo.

Come on, who is this man to take me to Parvus

Not a man. / What? Are you working with croppers now? / Have a seat.

I'm bored. Will you tell me who is it?

The one who will take you to Parvus is Sarai Dea

Won't you tell me how you poisoned sultan?

I heard that they brought a girl to the palace. / That girl's name is Melike.

Samir's sister. / Lost sister? / She was not lost.

I made her enter the palace. She posioned Abdülhamit.

How did you arrange all of these? / Not me, Melike arranged them.

Sara, this should be our secret.

I don't want you to be written in the history books as Abdülhamit was killed by a girl whom he has mercy

Abdülhamit should be known as red Sultan.

I will tell everything. / Son, didn't you tell me everything?

Didn't you say to your father that your uncle stabbed treasurer girl and change the maps' places.

Abdülkadir, is this correct? / Unfortunately, dad. / Were they looking for me because of you?

Does my sister say to me that I betrayed to homeland?

Did you do these to me Abdülkadir!? / Uncle..

I called you to German Embassy because I don't want you to be damaged.

Abdülkadir, why son?

I want you to tell everything to our Sultan. / I can't.

I cannot because Mahmut Paşa threatened me

With what? / We entered palace with Mahmut Paşa on that night

The one who killed the girl and changed the maps is Mahmut Paşa.

Abdülkadir don't make me crazy.

How could you say that my uncle did it?

I was going to say that the one who killed the girl is Mahmut Paşa. But he confronted me

He put the knife which he killed the girl in my safe.

He has the keys. He wanted me to say that we entered there with my uncle

Or, all the blame will be mine

Oh God, how will we win this battle?

There is only one solution

We're leaving.

His majesty's condition is not good

What about calling the special doctor Tahsin Paşa?

Tthe best doctors in capital are inside.

Saffet Kalfa and Zühre Hatun, you will come with me

We will make a research in the palace. We will search a trace about the person who poisoned his majesty.


Don't be sad Semiha, he will get over this too

I'm not sad, I'm grieved. And I'm ambitious about oppressing the ones who did this to us

Come with me

We have just one from this picture and you are lucky because Sara is here.

This is she. But she changed a lot

There is a secret tyranny in love, Karasu

We want the one whom we love stay like we love her but it's impossible.

I loved her so much

Then, she got lost suddenly.

Neither a news nor a trace behind her..

She disappeared. / I know, my friend. / University years..

We were young, pure and full of hope.

I didn't have big dreams. I just wanted to be with Sara and get older with her

But these things are not enough for Sara. / Yes. Her passion for power precluded her belief to our love.

But she will beg me to be under my wings.

But now, you will beg her to introduce you to Parvus

What's happening Semiha Sultana?

We should ask you. What's happening?

Nothing, you see the situation.

Abdülhamit has many enemies. There are many enemies around us.

But don't worry Sultana, our government will ask for account.

Whom will ask for account from you? / What do you mean?

Don't say anything to me. I know everything. I found the knife which that girl was killed in your safe.

Not me. Şehzade Abdülkadir killed her

Oh yeah? He came to me and told everything!

You threatened him by saying you will lay the blame at his door!

I know everything Mahmut

How could you do this!? How could you betray to our government?!

If I betrayed to your government, you betrayed too. / What do you say?

Remember, 18 years ago, 2. year of Abdülhamid's getting the throne.

Didn't we decide together? Didn't we help the committee which will dethrone Abdülhamit?

Remember, you convinced your brother Murat to be a Sultan

We would make revolution

But then everything appeared. Do you think that Abdülhamit doesn't know we helped them?

Of course he knows

Why did he forgive us then?

Because he loves you so much, he forgave us

But you loved your brother Murat more than everyone

You thought that he can manage the government better.

So you attended the revolution. Remember.

Mahmut shut up! / Bygone won't shut up Semiha Sultana

You might not remember those days but I remember everything.

Also, I have the same idea today. We can make this government to live by committing it to west.

That's right, I may betrayed to Abdülhamit because of this idea.

But I never betrayed to our government

I will tell to grand vizier that make you arrested!

Leave me! / Calm down Semiha!

Abdülhamid is dying.

Mahmut, please tell me the truth. Did you do it?

I swear I don't know who did it.

But it's an opportunity for us

We can make Murat to get the throne. / He won't be persuaded.

You can persuade him.

I won't do this. I won't betray to Abdülhamid.

You cannot betray a dead man. He is dying. But our government is alive.

Semiha Sultana, you will say that your brother Murat will get the throne.

What about that innocent girl?

Do you think that the truth will not reveal?

It was an accident

I have never heard the dead can talk.

How's her condition? / Better. / Okay, you can get out

Who is this sister? / Makbule Kalfa.

The girl whom Mahmut Paşa tried to kill

If she is alive, we will get rid of him.


We raised a good son. He knows western civilization and he knows politics very well

I raised Sabahattin if something happens to dynasty, he can get the throne

No way Mahmut, don't talk as if you don't know the tradition

Why? Was Mithat Paşa unfair while saying Ali Osman is okay so why not Ali Mithat?

Is our family less from Mithat Paşa's?

Also Sebahattin carries dynasty blood

Are you aware of what you are talking about? Don't be a dreamer

Semiha Sultana, I thought about everything.

Just convince your brother Murat to be a sultan

Then? / Then, I will be grand vizier.

Your brother Murat is old. I will rule the government

Then, if Sultan Murat dies, our son Sebahattin will get the throne

Just convince your brother to be a sultan. I thought about everything.

I can't Mahmut

You should do this for our government

You should do this for our son Sebahattin.

You were right while saying the women like Bidar Kadın don't deserve the palace.

I can't

But his daughters can convince Murat

Semiha Sultana, you will be the mother Sultana

What happened Tahsin Paşa?

We found this mirror in the research.

Iı think this is the dust which posioned his majesty.

Whose mirror is this?

Come on, play properly

Selamun aleykum, have a good night. / Aleykum selam. Okay I will throw it.

Is your button broken?

Take it, you will make this a button.

Ömer, he loads the dice

Can we play without loading? / Ömer!

Hınçak raided the public house. They are destroying the stores

Stay here and give this to me

Tthey can come here, let's go!

Ömer! Wait for me!

Look at me, tell the ones whose stores are closed that noone will open the stores anymore

You will close everything. Even you give money for us to open bazaar, we won't accept it.

Abdülhamid will die, you should go from here without being late. / Or..

.. you will go to hell after Abdülhamit!

Where are you sending us? / To your Sultan!

Don't talk!

Ömer, he has a knife

They should say young fella instead of bloody minded.

Don't run away!

Come here!

Thank you Ömer

Why didn't you wait for me?

Yusuf, are you wounded?

What do they say? / Don't you hear? His majesty is sick.

It's a rumour

Let's collect here. / Come on.

When I heard that she was found, I ran to the cellar

There was no trace that she was alive.

How did you understand that she was alive? / For her death report, the doctor was called

Her finger was moved while the doctor was examining her.

They told me immediately. And I brought her here secretly

If I had told, the one who wanted to kill the girl would have tried again.

How will we get rid of this? / There is just one solution.

She will wake up and tell us who stabbed her

Abdülkadir! Call the doctor!

Come on!

What's the condition Tahsin Paşa? / We found the poison

I'm taking it to doctor, he will look. / Where did you find it Paşam?

There was a girl whom his majesty hit during the assasination. We found it in her room.

Let me interrogate her with military methods.

Paşam it's a sensitive matter.

Excuse me


Don't cry my girl

Mrs Sara

I will give you some information

As you see, we keep struggling.

Tell your friends who writes their newspapers "Dead Sultan". He's done

Did you do it? / Iı don't have to do everything.

We made a girl who lost her memory enter the palace. / Mahmut Paşa

Her name is Melike

And she didn't lose her memory. She is pretending so

Where do you know this? / I sent her to the palace.

You or me.. Doesn't matter. Sultan is dying.

All of us did our missions

You didn't do your mission Paşam, Mmelike is not a girl whom I give up on her.

If it is necessary, I will burn the palace but I won't leave her there.

I just want you to bring Melike to us.

Our girl Asel find this poison in her room

She brought it to us without knowing what it is. / Who is this girl dad?

We don't know but as we understand she was sent to the palace to poison me

We wanted a mixture which shows intoxication indications from the doctor

We wanted everyone to think that his majesty was poisoned. / Why? / Because one of our Paşa is betraying us

We had no other solution to reveal this.

What will happen now?

You will be tight-lipped. You won't say anything to anyone.

I learnt that you are okay.. I can shut my mouth up..

May God let you live long

My girl..

Her condition is a little bit better Sultana but she still fights with death.

Okay you can go.

Let's go back to palace Abdülkadir. / What about me?

If I want you to stay here, will it be too much?

You know the situation. / You're right, it's correct for me to be here.

But I promised to German embassy that I will go to the palace

Stay here

Uncle, be on guard. If Mahmut Paşa learns about the girl, we cannot stop him

He will do his best to kill her. / Don't worry, I'm here.

When she heals, noone can take him from us.

You were a poor kalfa until yesterday, you were stabbed and thrown out like rubbish

But now, for you to open your eyes, Sultana, Şehzade and Paşa are praying.

We cannot wait for Sultan's death. Everybody started to talk about the person who will get the throne.

Even I can twist Ottoman Empire around my finger if Abdülhamit dies.

Noone is important Mahmut Paşa. When he has gone, just we will be here.

Even the idea is exciting. A capital city without Abdülhamit

But my father is right. It's time to move. / What will we do?

You will send a message to Herzel. He will come to İstanbul with his money

I still have the patronage of the money which were collected for railways.

When I lost money to Herzel from the stock market, it will just be seen as a financial fail.

I say Ottoman, you say money.

Mrs Sara, A sultan is going and a new one will come.

It means a new order. And a new order is provided with more people

And more people will be gathered with money. / Iı will send a message and Herzel will come

We can gain money but you should get Melike out of the palace immediately.

It's impossible to get a bird out of the palace now.

And you know that we are talking about someone who poisoned the sultan.

Mahmut Paşa, Melike has to get out of that palace.

Okay I will try to do something.

Melike wanted our partner's name as a deposit before she entered the palace.

I told your name. You have to save her.

Or she will talk

We won't turn our back to someone who poisoned sultan for us.

Of course, I will do my best

See you

Iı think you will sit here Sara

We cannot meet / Spend me sometime

As soon as possible. Don't make Sara wait. She has some news for you.

Who is this guy? / An opponent journalist / How much opponent?

Until the end. If you get the throne, he will be an opponent to you too.

You don't know me Sebahattin. If I were a sultan, I wouldn't be that patient like Abdülhamit.

Tahsin Paşa / Yes, your majesty. / Does everyone know Ahsen ?

Like you ordered, all the people know that the girl poisoned you.

Now we will wait for that traitor to save the girl.

Your majesty, when Rıza Paşa heard the girl, he wanted to interrogate her.

I'm worried because one of our Paşas can hurt her.

Send everyone in the salon, and take the girl here.

As you ordered, your majesty. / Tahsin Paşa / Yes your majesty..

Someone was singing a song a few minutes ago. Who is it? / One of our soldiers.

He was sad but we warned him your majesty.

You don't need to warn him Paşam.

Call me here sometime / Okay

Paşam, how's the condition?

The same. We want you to go from here.

You can disturb his majesty. Also, everyone should do his/her own job.

Pray for him, come on.

Paşam, from Paris. Fatma Pesent sent this.

Good news, Mrs Fatma Pesent and her child are okay.

Tahsin Paşam, let me read this to his majesty

Maybe he will hear and be happy.

You don't understand the seriousness of the illness

His majesty cannot hear you.

I want to give a birth for our sultan healthily.

I hope it will be a boy.

Maybe he will be lucky like Abdülkadir and we will make him marry a beautiful girl like you.

Sultana, you make me ashamed. / Don't you miss him?

Your cheeks became red.

Is it nice?

Great, Abdülkadir Efendi will love it.

What is it Sultana? / I bought a gift for my lover too.

I love him and show my love to him.

To my majesty..

Look at this

I wish we can go there with his majesty.

I find you in the vault wherever I sent you.

Mahmut Paşa became the grand vizier and you don't know this.

Wake up!

What's happening Paşa? / Abdülhamit is dying.

Azrael is working for us, and you are sleeping here

What happened? Did you get bored to shoot yourself and shoot sultan?

Don't be spoony!

This time, not a bullet but poison. / Did you poison the sultan?

Not me / Who? / A girl who is named Melike.

Stand up.

Come closer.

I couldn't get the throne yet, but I want to give you a medal.


I hope it will be good for our homeland and our people

Now I give your first mission Hiram Efendi.

Tell me what I will do.


You will go to Lebon Cafe.

There is a young person who is sitting across Mrs Sara

His name is Samir. Journalist.

You will follow him and when he went from Mrs Sara, you will take him with you

Tell him that you are Abdülhamid's spy.

You will threaten him.You will say that if he goes on writing as an opponent to Abdülhamid, you will kill him

You made me a gunman

I don't kill peple without a reason. Tell me what you think so that I can kill him easily.

As Sebahattin says, he will be an opponent to us even if we come to power.

It's nice. Real anarchist. / Yes.

A real anarchist.

So, he won't be afraid of your threatenings.

He will write worse things for Abdülhamid

You forgot that if I threaten him, I will kill him.

Good, I want this.

When he finishes his writings, you will kill him

After his death, oppenent people will come to street.

There will be a chaos. Abdülhamid will die and Murat will be the sultan.

One sultan died and another came.

I will send the people who make chaos to their home and Murat will appreciate me.

He will make me grand vizier and then I will take control of the government.

Let's go

Are you okay my girl? / I'm restless your majesty.

There is no need for you to be restless. Come in.

Your majesty, my mind, my past.. Everything is dark

Who am I? Why did I find a poison on that mirror?

What kind of a person I was and Iı accepted to poison you?

You're being sad in vain. If making bad things were in your faith, you would do bad things when you lost your mind.

Naime is right my girl. / But your majesty my past incarcerates my future.

I was wondering whom I am until yesterday but now I don't want to know it.

What if I wanted to kill you when I learn who I am

I'm afraid of myself.

It's not important what kind of a person you were in the past.

The important thing is the person you are now. If you hadn't told me about the poison, we couldn't have caught the betrayers.

But now we have a possibility.

Please, I beg you be more clear. You say that you found Melike.

Where? How? I wonder. / Trust me and wait.

Don't do this Sara. Don't you see how I worry about Melike?

If you don't trust me, leave my table.

Government is cruel, life is stranger..

And you are hiding my sister who is my freedom

Come on Samir, you left your sister in monastery and came here to struggle for freedom

Now, don't pretend as if you wonder her. Please.

If my father hadn't been killed with that sultan's order, I wouldn't have come here.

And Melike wouldn't have stayed alone

We would live happily in our village. / Yes, you would.

But you couldn't be a writer.

While walking in a road which bad things see off us, I'm always thinking my father's death.

While writing, my only aim is to take my father's revenge.

The thing you are wrong. You can take revenge of a murder with a murder.

Not by writing.

If I kill, what will be my difference from the sultan?

Come on boy! / Everybody's horse is going.

Don't play with your wound. Why are you so relax?

How long will it stay here? / I don't know Yusuf. I wonder if its load is heavy.

It doesn't go too while it's not heavy. They are waiting for these things. What will we do? / It fell to lot.

Oh God! / Don't make cmplaint Yusuf, thank god.

This is my horse, he could make us carry him.

We carried these and you came after us!

I will open the store.

I'm coming.

What happened son? / The girl in the palace..

There was a photo which she dropped. / So? / There was a young man next to her in the photo

I saw him. / So? / She lost her memory.

She doesn't remember anything. If I could catch that man, I would help her.

Bro, what if this man was her husband? Do you want to find then?

Gentlemen / We are coming.

Have a good night Samit Efendi / Do I know you?

You don't know me but I know you well

We know that you are a journalist and you write bad thing abour our sultan.

So, you are following me huh?

Does your sultan think that he can scare me?

My pen is from steel, it won't be broken

The pen won't be broken but I can break these fingers.

You won't even write our sultan's name again!

Well done

Tahsin Paşa, are the things we heard true? / Unfortunately.

Mom, come here. How did it happen Paşam?

The girl Ahsen whom our Sultan had mercy and took the palace. She did it.

She poisoned our sultan Abdülkadir. / We found the poison in her room.

No, she cannot do this.

She prayed for a pigeon to live!

She deceived all of us!

She saved a pigeon's life and chased our Şehzade. / Aunt..

Semiha Sultana, we cannot take on you right now.

Please get out. / You cannot enter.


His majesty's last order was don't take anyone in.

Semiha Sultana is right.

I think this is not important for you. It has been hours.

You have just learnt this disaster. / That's enough!

My dad is agonizing inside!

You love that girl. / Because I helped her, you say that I love her.

You're my childhood friend. You are afraid of learning that man is her husband.

No matter what we should find him. / Okay but we cannot do this by wandering street by street.

He will come to Lebon again. We will come and look again.

Pull yourself Abdülkadir!

My dad is dying!

No he is not dying. If something bad happened to him, I would feel it.

I don't know what's happening inside but he will heal!

How will my father be okay while he has a son like me?

You are being unfair to yourself. You are big hearted.

We need to be powerful

Even if your father is okay, the ones who attack us won't stop

So you need to pull yourself together! / Mom, what will we do!?

What will we do to the ones who poisoned my father?

What will we do to the ones who threatening us?

We will struggle too!



If she doesn't wake up, the knife which Mahmut Paşa put in your safe will put you in jail.

He cannot tell that he didn't kill that girl to anyone. You need to talk to Sebahattin

I don't think that Sebahattin is in this mom.

Oh my poor child. How did they deceive you?

Where did the all story begin Abdülkadir?

In the local. / Yes.

You will deceive him in the local

Talk to him and say that I'm bothered I need to let myself go

Call him to the local but this time you will confuse him.

Abdülkadir you need to learn where the keys which Mahmut Paşa took from you.

It's a burden for you Tahsin Paşa / It's a pleasure for me your majesty.

Doctors said that he is hungry, so the people who are in the kitchen prepared these.

Thank you. It will make 10 people full.

Your majesty, you were careful about your health. You don't eat at night.

This is not eating at night. This is sahur

I will fast tomorrow to thank God because I wasn't poisoned.

May Allah accept / Amin. / Come on Tahsin Paşa

Come on Paşa. Hz İsa fasted too.

Şehzadem, brother.. Are you okay?

I haven't slept all night.

You should drink camomile tea. It will make you sleep

No. / Bro, if you are sad about your dad, you are being sad in vain.

This is not the first nor the last that his majesty is challenging death.

My dad is strong Sebahattin, don't worry. But I'm not

What do you mean? / I'm in pain.

A heart's burden which can say freedom is heavy.

I don't care about the freedom

If I can find the pain's place, I will dig it out

And then I will make the dogs eat it.

You should pull yourself together Şehzadem

I don't need to pull myself together but I need to let myself go

It's easy. I can make a table prepared at the local tonight.

For you. / tonight. / Wanting is your freedom

And it's my mission to serve your freedom

Will you go out without telling anyone?

Noone will understand that I went out. / Okay

Finally, you have come to your new house my girls.

Welcome / Auntie..

Welcome Hatice. / What's this silence in the palace?

My girls, your uncle's condition is too bad.

What happened?

Someone poisoned your uncle. Go to your room, I will talk to you about something.

Come on

Come in

From Sara

I want to know this Herzel

Please. / Calm down, this is not a love letter, just work.

Look Herzel let's continue our friendship from where we stay

Because both of us know what we want

Wasn't that you who threatened me with my secrets?

I threaten my friends with their secret but I never reveal them

Or I would say the truths to your mom

Come on, tell me what she wrote

Sultan Abdülhamit was poisoned, he is about to die

She invited me to İstanbul. Mahmut Paşa has a gift for us for Jews bank.

Okay then. I will come with you too

I will wipe out an old score with Sara

Your majesty, there is a telegram from your spy in Vienna.

I think it's too important

Let's go to Sur room.

Sister, what about not replacing all the clothes? / Why not?

If uncle dies, my father won't come here. He will stay in Çırağan Palace again.

So? / I mean he will manage the government from there

And we will go back. / Fehime, you shouldn't talk about these things everwhere.

Shut your mouth

Girls, go out, you will help later.

My girls, your uncle's situation is bad. Doctors have no hope.

We bring disasters to the place we come. I'm afraid of handling harder issues if something bad happens to him.

I wanted to talk about this. You know that similar things happened before.

Even it has been said that our grandpa Fatih was poisoned.

But even if sultans die, our government goes on living.

What are you tring to say auntie? / I mean, we should think about the bad thing.

If my brother accepts being the sultan, the throne will not be empty.

What can we do about it? / Many things Hatice.

You can convince your father to get the throne again, for example.

Haticem, just you can convince your father

Write a letter and tell him the situation. / Why don't you do this?

Because my brother Murat trusts you.

If I write a letter, he will think that I test him to see if he want the throne again.

But he will believe youi my beautiful girl.

I don't think that it's easy as you think. Abdülkadir Efendi may want to get the throne

Don't think about that. Both your uncle and me will try your father to get the throne

You just need to write a letter and convince your father.

Will you do it?

European Jews came together with a secret congress

A journalist which is named Theodor Herzel became their leader.

And he said that jew government will be founded in 5 years.

A aid campaign was started to found a bank

The money which was collected is not enough but it's said that they will collect more with market games.

Your majesty forgive me but I think this is nonsense.

What is bothering you, your majesty?

If they just drew zionist star, we wouldn't care

But these two lines which is at the top and down

One of them is Nil and the other one is Fırat river.

I mean the Israel which they want to found in our homeland.

This is the new world which is called as "global monarchy" by English

Their aim is to destroy Ottoman and found a new world order.

This is the new world's new castle.

This Jew governtment is global monarchy's castle.

Your majesty, who will hinder this?

As long as my God let me live long, me and my people will hinder this.

Who is the leader of this new world's order?

English queen.

Who is her vizier? / It's more important than the queen.

We will find. / What about the pawns?

We did the poison game for this.

To find the betrayer among us.

Listen, Hiram Efendi

Sultan Abdülhamid made me followed by his spies.

He threatened me about not writing his name again.

Obviously, the things I wrote scared his majesty.

Hey Red Sultan, know that we won't be quiet.

Freedom sun will rise in this country one day. Abdülhamid, I write your name and I scream

Scare from the young. Even you made me shut up, they will hit the streets

Your spies will throw themselves at the feet of the young.

Scare from us Abdülhamid!

This is the news.

Obviously, he didn't scare from you.

Well done to him, he is a brave boy. / Yes

But brave people don't live long

I will say that Samir is a freedom hero

I will say that look how brave he is!

And you will kill him tonight.

Sultana, get well soon.

Thank you. I couldn't take care of you in this chaos.

I hope you're comfortable. / We have everything Naime.

To whom is this? / I mentioned you before.

To that handsome man? / I decided to tell him my feelings.

Won't you tell me who he is? / First he should accept me

Then you will learn. / Okay Paşam

I will leave you alone to write your letter.

What happened? / I will teach the young

I need to refresh my knowledge.

Look what Moscow Gavunin said:


When the empires are destroyed, freedom appears for the anarchists.

The young should learn from ys

Your knowledge or Moscow's knowledge? Look the same man wrote this too:

Take the most fanatic anarchisht and give him the power,

he will be more cruel than the crulest emperor in a year.

What if you would be the same with Red Sultan when you get the power?

Tell these to the young too

No need to tell all the book

I went near our Şehzade today. / Oh!


Do you know who demands my mercy?



Şehzade Abdülkadir will be an orphan soon

So don't make pressure on him

Okay? / I think, don't feel for him because he is an orphan

He is chasing this matter.

Oh yeah? What did he do? / He invited me to the local

He is bothered. / He will play a game with me by using you

Yes but what can he want from me?

This. He will want this key from you tonight.

But if I give this key..

If you give this key, you will gain his trust.

I don't need it anymore. / Why? / Because, your mother found the knife and sent it to Abdülhamid.

How could it be? Paşam, did you hide the knife in your safe?

Of course I needed to put it Abdülkadir's safe but I was lazy.

We made a mistake. But your mother is wise. She wrote a note that it shouldn't be researched.

Poor Abdülhamid has no time for this. Poison is spreading all his body.

He cannot search it. Look Sebahattin,

This key in your hand is the key of your trust between Şehzade Abdülkadir and you.

Look after it. / Don't worry Paşam


Are you writing love letter too? / What love? I'm writing the letter my aunt wanted.

I will send it to my father

Daddy, this letter will make you gain the throne again.

What did you do? / I saved our heads.

But we said our aunt that we will write it. Also, don't you want our father to get the throne?

Abdülhamid won't die Fehime. / Did he heal?

I think he is not ill. / Where did you understand?

Naime was writing love letters to her lover.

So what? What's connection with Abdülhamid's illness?

Don't intervene game of thrones with your mind okay?

Do you think a girl whose father will die write letters to her lover?

Naime knows that her father is okay and she is taking care of her issues.

Abdülhamid is playing with everyone. If we sent this letter, we would be the victims.

What do you think Ömer Efendi?

Nothing. / Obviously.. / Ömer is in love with someone, master.

I understood from his looks

I fell in love sometimes. Her name is umm.. Ayşe, yes Ayşe.

I was 5 years old then. The worst thing was they made me sit down on Ayşe's hope chest.

Because I am fat, they thought that they will give more money.

The groom didn't give money and he took Ayşe.

Toroman, go and tidy up the garden, I will beat you. Go!

He fell in love!

What happened? / Nothing master Asım. It's about work.

About work huh? What happened?

Did you lose in the market?

About work!

They talk as if they have a proper job.

Selamun aleykum father. / Aleykum Selam

Aleykum Selam Celal!

What are you doing? / Fine. / Celal Ağa, are the things we heard true?

No. Keep your mouth close. They are lying.

Sultan wasn't poisoned huh?

They tried but our sultan's intelligence hindered it. / Who tried to do it?

The posion was found in the room of the girl whom Sultan hit with his car.

But she is innocent. She lost her memory. She doesn't remember anything.

Now, solve the matter Ömer Efendi

What happened? / There is a young man who knows that girl.

Ömer saw him yesterday and he followed him but he couldn't find him.

A photo fell from her in the accident.

There was a young man next to her. I saw that man last night.

She knows her I think. / Where did he go? / I don't know what happened to that man

But we need to find him Celal

What happened? They beat you badly. / Not important

Hınçak people. They heard that our sultan was poisoned

You fought. / Yes. / Good

It suits. / Thanks

Your majesty the journal about Theodor Herzel was completed.

We shouldn't make it wait. Have a seat Tahsin Paşa

Theodor Herzel is a Jew who lives in Vienna

He took his religious nurture from his grandpa

He cannot get on well with his father and his father is lost more than 1 year.

He has a journal

He was chosen as a leader in the congress.

But because the congress is not legal, we don't have any exact information about it.

Congress' hall was hired for the journal

He collected 57.000 golds from Jew workers and he aims to found a bank by qualifying this monet in capital's market.

Jerusalem, Cairo, Damascus, Bagdad..

Diyarbakır, Urfa, Antep and more..

Why this geography and this map?

To make Jews believe to the lands which was pledged.

Can they realize this dream? / I will make their dream a nightmare.

But if world of islam sleeps long, it will be the muslim's nightmare.

Let's say that they found the Jew government as they want.

What do they expect? / The only result of the ones who make the Jews believe this dream is dagger.

What dagger your majesty? / The ones who look at well to the map from Jerusalem to Diyarbakır

... will see that it has a shape like a dagger.

It's a dagger which is sticked to muslim's heart secretly.

With war and unrest, with hunger and famine..

I will be sticked with freedom story and it will stick into the heart.

God forbid.

I see the innocent boy whom I know years ago

I'm in the past with all my heart.

My life was a sun. My room, my heart, even my night was a sun

Then she came to me and said goodbye to me.

Yes, you got old in a day. / When your darling leaves you, half of your heart becomes ash and the other half becomes hate.

You stay alive with hate.

It has no solution.

Do you love your wife Teo?

I'm afraid of my wife so I cannot love another woman.

I'm sorry about what you lived with your father.

You think that I stole his book right?

Father's and son's ideas or lives have to resemble each other.

If I didn't take you to palace, you would talk differently.

I don't agree with you friend.

Our desires are the same but our methods are different.

You will see that I'm right.

If you have to choose Sara or Jew government, I know what you will choose.

You want that government so much but I think you don't know why you want it.

Don't search excuses to your disbelief by using me

Let's convince me. Why do I need to believe a jew government!?

Please don't behave nonsense. Come and sit we will talk. / There is a tunnel ahead

It will take my head from my body in a few minutes

Everybody will think that you killed me!

Everybody will be suspicious about you. Save me Teo! / You are behaving nonsense Emanuel, sit down and talk with me

Why a jew government!?

Because it's our homeland. The lands which were offered to us.

God can want a war for human's belief not for the land!

Jews children will be happy. / Is the children's blood in Palestine the condition of this happiness!? / Shut up!

All the world was created to serve us! The other nations are not important!

The zioists who say that all the world was created to serve you, this war is your war with God!

For Sara, yes. I want Jewish government for Sara and her children!

This is the truth!

How did you come? / I fleed. / From Kuleli?

You will be beaten by the commander when you go back

You came from Salonica

I'm here, this is Paşa's last lesson, I might not cannot miss it.

He is here

Paşa will come in a few minutes

Before he comes, let's make our heart hear the word our mind says.

Are you suffering from the power which gnawing people's structure for 20 years!?


Do you witness that there is no boundary but brotherhood between us, the matter is the independence of the empire

and we will be troubled a thousand times for this

and that we won't give our brothers in even if they threaten to kill us?

Yes, we do

Mahmut Paşa!

Don't make our Şehzade wait any more

Sit down boys.

The book which you see in my hand is Bakunin Efendi's book, the creator of anarchism

I suggest you to read it.

What does he say? He says this:

When the empires are destroyed, the freedom will reveal

You should read Bakunin Efendi

I mean he is a valuable author, you should read.

We couldn't meet with you for a long time.

I missed you so much. I missed you one by one.

But the lesson I will teach you a few minutes later will be our last lesson

But this last lesson will be your graduation lesson

I will read you a writing.

This writing.

This writing which was written by a young writer, will be your graduation.

So, I want you to listen to carefully. Sultan Abdülhamid..

made me followed by his spies.

He threatened me about now writing his name again.

Obviously, the things I wrote scared his majesty.

Hey Red Sultan! Know that we won't shut up.

One day freedom sun will rise in this homeland.

Sultan Abdülhamid, I write your name and I scream!

Scare from the young! He means you, boys.

Scare from the young! Scare from the young Ottoman boys!

Even you make me shut up, they will hit the streets.

Your spies will throw themselves at the feet of the young!

Scare Abdülhamit scare!

Yes gentlemen, the day when you are brave like this young writer is the day you are a lover of freedom

From now on, this young writer is deposit to you.

And I know that you won't betray it!

And I know that you will never scare.

And I know that you will never shut up!

Dear gentlemen, I salute you with love and call you to duty.




A little bit rose leaf and some kiwi flowe.

What are you doing sister? / Don't you see?

Don't you exaggerate?

Is it easy to be liked?

Also, Paşam saw me in bad condition before.

I understand now. What will you do when you get married?

Will you always use this?

I wish we got married and I always use this.

That Paşa / Kemalettin

Is in the garden

I need to find an opportunity and go there

Let's go, come with me

Sultana, why are you in a hurry?

Where are you going? / I would take some fresh air.

If you want to come.. / Of course Sultana

We should be with you in your sad times..

My father..

Paşam.. / Sultana..

Let me introduce you. My uncle Murat's daughter Fehime and Hatice Sultanas.

And this is Kemalettin Paşa

Nice to meet you. / Me too / What are you reading?

Hiss-i İnkılap / It tells your father's getting the throne

Süleyman Paşa's, do you know him?

I'm not interested in politics.

Let's walk girls.

Paşam, I'm aspire to increase your happiness

From the moment I saw you first, I'm afraid of my heart's bird to fly.

Excuse my courage but if I didn't tell you this, I would die.

Signature, Sultan's daughter.


Paşam, she opened her eyes!

Call the doctor!

My girl, are you okay? Can you hear me?

Who did this to you? Did you see? Tell me, was it Mahmut Paşa? Answer!

Answer! / Paşam let us. Did she wake up while you are giving an injection? /Yes.

Send this to Bidar Sultana immediately.

Paşalar, let's start our work before his majesty heals and asks us what we did.

You're right sir. In the sensitive matters like this, if there is a delay in the government's work, people become suspicious.

You're right Mahmut Paşa, we need to speed up state works to hinder the rumours about his majesty.

Yes, sir. My aim is to qualify the railway money.

I'm sure that mobility in the fund will reflect to the market positively

I think it's suitable. / Good.

Paşam? / I don't know economy

But shall we wait for his majesty to heal? / Paşam..

You know that this mission was given to me by his majesty.

I'm late, excuse me

No problem. /I would want something from courhouse minister.

The girl who poisoned his majesty will be sent to jail tonight.

If you follow what's happening and give information to us, we will be happy.

Okay Paşam, don't worry. / Mahmut Paşa was telling us how to wualify the money which was collected by railway.

Oh yeah?

I will be happy if I listen to your ideas too

Of course Tahsin Paşam..

May Allah accept Sultana

I'm sorry for disturbing you but they are calling you from his majesty's room

His condition? /I don't know Sultana

Abdülkadir, why don't you answer?

I'm not here

I'm busy, I'm away, I cannot hear.

Abdülkadir / What's happening?

Tell me what you want to say and go /You are not okay.

You are angry and impatient. What's happening?

That's enough. Everyone diagnoses me. Leave me alone

Come on Naime

I'm not everyone. It's my right to know what happened

My dad was poisoned. Hyenas are waiting for eating our dead bodies.

And I don't know what to do. I don'T know how to protect my mother and you.

I'm in pain.

Is that enough?

Brother calm down. Let's sit down. I will tell you something.

Can you keep a secret?

I will be destroyed in the smallest burden.

You will be relaxed. My father is okay.

Don't be sorry anymore

God don't make me live with my husband's pain. Don't make me sad..

What are you doing here!?

Who let this girl to come in!?

I let her

Your majesty!

If you died, I would feel it!

If something happened to you, I would feel so bad! I knew it!

I knew that you are okay!

Thank God I'm okay!

But why? Why did you make us worried?

I wanted so. Ahsen found poison in her room

She brought me. Someone wanted to poison me

Who? / We will learn it tonight.

I did this to catch that traitor

I want you not to tell anything to anyone. Don't make me regret because I called you here.

You study well

We don't have the chance to make mistakes Sara

I will buy Rumelia rail company's percents with the money which was collected.

Why? / Because this company announced that they will buy new machines.

Because everyone will think that their percent will gain value, they will give their money to them

And I will give our sultan's money to there

Where will Mr Herzel give his money?

For example to a vessel company.

If there will be a decrease in railway companies percents, vessel companies will gain value.

Of course / How will we provide Rumelia railway's percents to go down?

Mr Herzel will think about it. But when my money is sent to Mr Herzel's account, I will want a little warrant from you

What's it? / When Mr Herzel opens a bank, I will keep Melike in a place which only I know.

No, I cannot accept this. / Of course you cannot accept it Mrs Sara

So she is the warrant

Look, if the things happen as we calculated, there's nothing for you to be scared.

See you Mrs Sara

Doctor looked at the last reports, we can go now Sultana

A long journey waits for us

Finally I will meet Abdülkadir so it doesn't matter

When you return, you will marry too

From where? / From a hospital

Okay go out

She opened her eyes, she is about to be conscious

Thank God

Bidar Sultana, is these times suitable for thanking God?

My brother is dying. / We always thank God

But we cannot thank for your absence

We are aware that you were not in the palace when his majesty was poisoned

Where were you?

Will I give account to you? / I'm not asking account. I'm just asking questions.

Harem's management is still my mission

If you go out at night from the palace, I need to give a guard

For your wellness. / Mind your own business Semiha Sultana

Look Bidar Sultana, these were not my works, but you couldn't manage harem

That girl didn't bring poison herself. I'm sure that someone gave it to her when she came to palace.

Whomever brought that poison to palace did it while you were managing harem

I gave the poison to the girl Semiha Sultana, do you want to say this!?

What are you trying to do? / To reveal the truth. / To reveal the truth huh?

Then come with me outside tonight and I will introduce you with the truth.

All of them? / I want to take percentage of Rumelia Railway company.

Sir, you shouldn't give too much money to only one company.

Buying different percentages lower the risk but it's effective.

Think before buying.

Let's have dinner sometime. I will take advise you.

Forgive me sir.

Thank God who gives us food and made us muslim

My forgiving God. Protect me and my family.

Don't spare your mercy from us

Give patience to us in every condition. You are powerful for everything.

Don't test we with ourselves. Forgive us.

You are so big. Amin.

In the name of God.

Why don't you eat my girl? / I'm ashamed your majesty

Being ashamed is nice.

But you cannot be sentenced to it. Don't make yourself sad.

If I came to this palace to kill you, my faith was sentenced me already.

Look around you, are you in the dungeon?

Faith sent you to our table. And thanks to you, we will find the betrayer among us

Bon appetite

Drink properly. / Why don't you eat? Look at this

Look at the meat. So nice.

You came to drink but you eat too much

I'm happy, I'm happiness drunk

You need to drink 2 bottles to be like me. / You don't say freedom

You don't drink. There's a wrong with you.

Today I did something for my brother

You want to be my slave but I won't accept.

Because I'm opposed to being slave.


My.. / If my father hears I took this, he will kill me. Do whatever you will do immediately.

Okay everybody is looking at us

You are my real brother Sebahattin

You saved me from a big trouble. / I told you.

If I need to make a choice between you and my father, I will be on your side.

You made me so happy bro. I was suspicious about everyone and you.

But now, I trust you. / Be careful, if you don't get on well with my father again, I cannot help you.

Your father is a Paşa but not a man Sebahattin

But wait, my father will stop him soon

How will it happen? He was poisoned

He is agonizing.

All of these are game

My father waits for finding the traitors

From now on, I will tell all the secrets to you. But you should keep your mouth shut.

I'm on the train, I'm going to Konstantinopolis

As a banker. I hope to increase the money which I collected from jews

We will take Jerusalem back with money. I see you Israel

The world become reversed without you anymore.

Emanuel is with me too. He is tired and in love.

He is snoring. I'm angry with him but he is not a bad guy. He is just in love.

I stand up with fear a few minutes ago. I thought that I saw my father

His dream is everywhere

I don't know if I miss him or I fear from him.

If we think that a famous photographer like you who lives in Europe works for him..

He must an amazing person

You will send the photos which you will take tonight to only me okay?

You look tired Mr Herzel. You can sleep or you can eat something.

Thank you but I want nothing but seeing the sultan before dying

Abdülhamid is the most impressive person you have ever seen

Before knowing him, I didn't think so

But when he looks at you, he looks with his soul. He is so candid

Did you empty the corridors? /Yes your majesty

Noone will see you getting on the car. / Good

Your majesty, take soldiers with you.

Just Celal and Kemalettin is enough

We will catch the traitors thanks to you. / I hope so, your majesty

Your majesty, we took measures. Noone will see you getting out of the palace.

But for our game to continue, we should show the lady to get on the car.

If they try to abduct her, they will follow us when we get out of the palace.

If you take measures, let's go

Go on, I will come

I killed you too waggoner!

He was shot from his arm

I hope it worths what I stand Bidar Sultana

It will worth

Wait here

Get out

Come with me

Who is this?

The girl who was stabbed in the palace.

How can it be? / Her condition is good.

Don't think that her eyes are closed. She will wake up soon and will say that Mahmut Paşa stabbed her

This is the truth

Poor you

Be careful

Look at the risks I take for saving you

We are leaving. /Let's go Paşam

Let's go to ask for account.